The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 25, 1901, Image 1

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Testifies in His Own Behalf in
Naval Court of Inquiry.
Only Demonstration Is When the Witness -
ness Repeats the Pledge He Gave
Sampson of Being Always Loyal.
Big Crowd Is Present.
Washington , Oct. 25. Admiral
Schloy yesterday took the stand In his
own behalf at the court of Imiulry
which Is Investigating his conduct as
comrnander-ln-chlot of the Hying sijuad
ron during the Santiago campaign
He was summoned a few minutes after
the court convened at 2 o'clock for
the afternoon session and when the
court adjourned at 4 o'clock ho appar
cntly had only gotten well under way
In his testimony. The admiral gave o
careful and detailed narrative of al1
the events of the campaign up to the
battle of Santiago. Ho had not reached
the stage of his testimony whoio he
will toll of the battle when the court
adjourned for the day. The audience
which listened to his recital was by
far the largest which has yet gathered
In the gunners' work shop , whore the
court sits. All the reserved seats wore
occupied , as weie the seats sot apan
for the public at large. In the roar ol
the room stood probably as many pee
pie as tound seats , se-ores of mon and
women standing upon tables , chairs
and In the wlnelows , In fact , anywhere
Irom which they could see the court
There was no appearance of dornon
stratlon of any kind during the udml
ial's recital. On the contiary , the
b. silence was almost unbroken , except
. lor the sound of the witness's own
voice. Only once was there a stir Ir
the room which Indicated any feellng
on the part of the listeners. That was
when the admlial , detailing bis con
versatfon with Admiral Sampson Ir
the cabin of the Now York at Kej
West , told how he had assured the
commander-ln-chlof of fealty to him
When the court adjourned for the daj
many of the spectators pressed for
ward and shook the admiral's hand.
Says Slgsbee Was Wrong.
Admiral Schley related the inciden
of Captain SIgbbce's coming on board
the Brooklyn from the St. Paul , saying
the visit had impressed itself vivieU :
xipon his mind. "The first thing
asked Slgsbee when he came over the
side , and I want to say belore I make
this statement , that I do not believe
Captain Slgsbee would misstate any
thing for his commission. I do no
uellevo that he is capable of statlrifc
what Is not true. I think in this in
stance , his recollection is at fault , am
not his veracity. I said to him , 'Cap
tain , have you got the Dons in here ?
He said , 'No. They arc not in here
I have been In very close. ' He sale ]
'They are not bore ! they are only re
ported hero. ' I said to him , 'Have anj
of the other vessels soon thorn , the
Yale or the Minneapolis ? ' lie said
'No , they have not ; they have assuree
me so , ' and upon that was the assui
ance to which I referred \\hen I spoke
ot the .ibsuranco of sucl' men as Wlbo
and Jewell , and Sigsheo.
"My habit of life , not only in prin
cipal command of a squadron , but alsc
in command of a ship , was to assume
the responsibility and the danger o
censure of any movement , but I wa
never willing under any ciroums
tance * to be a participant in glorlo
that I would not divide. That wa
the general principle upon which
acted In this matter. I did not call an
counsel of war. The Information
which those people gave led me t
infer that the telegraphic Information
was a ruse , similar to that which wa
telegraphed from Cadiz that the squac
ron had returned to Capo Verde. "
At this point Admiral Sehlev do
ecrlbod the movements of the squad
ron about Santiago , saying that he ha
concluded that the move eastward t
bo unwlbo. It would not have boo
wise to uncover Santiago. Ho sal
that thotr movements every momen
of the day wore ? Known In Havana.
Dilemma of Merrimac.
"Just as wo approached Santiago o
the 2Gth the collier Merrimac , whic
had boon , giving us a good deal o
trouble , broke down. I determine
that an unmanageable collier was no
a very prefer able thing to have wit
the squadron it wo met the enornj
so I first determined to send her t
Key West with the Yale. It then oc
curred to rno that If I sent her to Kc
West and she was taken wo would b
out a collier and the Spanish , If the
were outside , would be In so muc
coal. So 1 determined therefore o
this movement to the westward 1
the meantime , Inquiring as to the : oa
supply of each ot those ships. "
Continuing his discussion o' * .h
coaling situation , Admiral Schley sal
that a supply was necessary. Th
enemy wculel not come toward th
Americans , but would go in the othc
direction. Speaking of the colllo
Morrimnc'B breaking down , ho sale
this accident rendered coaling out o
the question. "I don't believe an
prudent commander would have a
tempted to send a ship alongside a
uninovablo collier to tnko coal. Th
risk would bo too groat. The rospor
elblllty was mine , and It was too grea
to take. "
With reference ) to the arrival of th
Harvard on the 27th and his confo
cnro with Can > " 'n ' Cotton. Adrnl"1
jj . reporting In posltt\
'S0 sorico of the enemy n.
Santlagt * .
" 1 novcr saw It. " lie said , with In
torn1 ? ! e'liincstness. "I ni'vor saw It , ami
I tun Bliro that Cotton never delivered
It to inn. If ho had donu BO It would
Lo among my papers and It would have
burnt Itself Into rny memory , HO that
I never could have fet gotten It. "
Admlial Schley also relerrod again
to his conversation with Captain Me-
Cnlla , saying that MeCalla did not tea
tll'y to the whole conversation , ami
then discussed his dispatch to the
navy department regarding the ells-
oheyaneo of orders. Ho said I hat us
translated this message was cm'irtlnl
ly different from the dispatch as lui
had liami'd It. Ho eontcneled that
there had been no dlsohoyance ; that
he had complied with onlera In returnIng -
Ing to Santiago and held that the
proper construction of his dispatch
would relieve him of this charge.
Mrs. Annie Edson Taylor Makes Trip
In a Barrel and Survives.
Niagara Falls , N. Y. , Oct. 25. Mrs
Annie Kelson Taylor , 50 years of ago ,
went over Niagara Falls on the Cana
ellan Hide yestciday and survived , n
teat never hotoro accomplished , and ,
In fact , never before attempted except
In suicide. She made the trip In n
barrel. Not only did she survive , bill
she escaped without a broken bone ,
her only apparent Injuries being n
bcalp wound one anel one-half Inches
long , a slight concussion of the brain
some shock to her nervous system
and bruises about the body.
Mrs. Taylor's trip covered a mile's
ride through the Canadian rapids be
lore she reached the brink of the prec
iplce. Her barrel , staunch as a ban el
could bo made , was twirled and buf
leted thiough those dclltlons watarn
but escaped berlous contact with the
locks. As It passed through tlu
smoother , swifter waters that rtishci !
over Into the abyss It rode in an al
most perpendicular position , with lit
upper end half out ol the water. Af
It passed over the brink It iode at an
angle of about 15 degrees on the outer
surface of the deluge anel descended
as gracefully as a barrel can descend
to the white , foaming waters 158 feet
below. It could not be seen as It
struck the water because of the spray
but in loss than a minute after It
struck the water it was scon on the
water below. It was can led swlttlj
down to the Maid of the Mist landing
where It Moated so close to the shore
that It was reached by means of n p6lt
and hook and drawn up on the rocks
The woman said she would never do li
again , but that she was not sorry that
she had clone it , "If It would help her
financially. "
The barrel In which Mrs. Taylor i
made the Journey Is 4 1-2 toot high i
and about 3 toot in diameter. A leather
harness and cushions inside protcctee
her body. Air was obtained througl
a rubber tube connected with a small
opening near the top of the barrel.
Mrs. Taj lor Is n school teacher and
recently came here liom 13ay City ,
Swindler Working Under Name ol
Nichols Operates in town Towns.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Oct. 25. Secretary
tary Dlnwlddio ot the State Hankers
association has received notification ol
the swindling operations of borne per
son issuing checks signed J. C. Nich
ols , drawn on the First National banl
of Sioux City. Sometimes ho slgnt
with a rubber stamp and faomctimo ;
with a pen. Ho has secured rnone >
on those chocks at Sheldon , Rock Val
ley , Spencer , Sanborn , Clear Lake ami
Waverly. All of the chocks thus tar 1
Issued by him have boon payable tc
Charles Glbhlng. The checks aie pronounced 1
nouncod worthless. There Is an epl
domic of this kind of swindling in lowe
at the piesont time. Money has boor
secured at Oskaloosa , Dos Moines
Corning and Cedar Rapids.
Hot Fight Over Color Line ,
St. Joseph , Oct. 21. Colored wonrej
are trying to gain membership In tin
Federation of Women's clubs of Mis
sourl and In ooiibcauerico there Is t
hot fight In the state- convention
which Is now being held hero. Stronf
Iceling was manifested yestcidaj
when the subject was informally dis
cussed. It will come up in regular or
der today , and It the proposition te
admit colored women carries , whole
sale desertions of members Is throat
PreliViik. .
The P.oareler I against drink
Ing any such water as this. It h posi
tively wann !
The Lady of the House Gracious ,
man ! That's not water ! That's jour
. - ofte'e !
Seven mon were Injured , two ol
them probably fatally , In a collision
of a Pittsburg and Western freight
with a work train at Kent , O.
Dr. Hham W. Thomas Thursday re
signed as pastor of the People's
church of Chicago , nn Institution with
which ho has boon / ormcctcd Ipr 21
yeai s.
Ono trainman was killed ami twc
others woio Injured soilously In n tall
end collision between a passenger
train and u helper engine near Peters
burg , N. D.
Frederick D. Sargent , proprietor ol
restaurants In St. Paul , Milwaukee ane )
Omaha and interested largely In rnln
Ing In Minnesota , dropped dead In the
Grand Opera house nt St. Paul nt
Missionaries Open Communica
tion With Stone Abductors.
Actual Negotiations for the Ransom
Not Reported Washington Pleased
With the News Officials Continue
Their Efforts.
Constantinople' . Oct. 25. The mis
Blomules who are opeiatlng fiom Sam
oUov. Mulgaila. are at last In touct
with the brigands who abducted Mlsi
lOllen Stone and her companion , Mme
Tsllku , ace-oidlng to dispatches ro
colvod hero today , though whether no
gotlatlons for the ransom have been
actually opened Is not dlsc-Iosed. The
missionaries on the spot are expected
to conclude the business with the ut
most dispatch ,
Washington , Oct. 25. The news thai
the missionaries operating horn Hill
garla are In touch with the brigands
who abducted Miss Stone Is highly
gratifying to the olllclals hoio. The >
hope the Information Is correct. Nc
news to that effect , henvovor , has be'on
received at the state department. Tlu
olllclals continue uniomlttlngly thoh
offoits to secure MHH ! Store's release
and today a dlspate-h was sent to Spoil
cor Kddv. the secretary of the United
States legation at Constantinople , nig
ing that mlssionailoH got Into com
rnunlcatlon with the bilgands so that
the ransom could bo paid and a release
lease of the missionary effected.
Banquet to Pan-American Delegates
Mexico City , Oct. 25. Senor Hal
gosa , chairman of the Mexican delegation
tion and pi o visional piesldent of tlu
pan-American congicss , sent to the
govoinmonts of Colombia and Verio
zuola the peace telegiam agreed upor
at yesterday's session. A banquet wut
tendered the pan-American delegate !
last night at the palace. Among the
speakois weie > Governor Hse-andon Oi
the le'deral district , who alluded te
Washington as the Saxon father ol
free America and to Hollvnr as the
Latin father of fiatornnl America
Mayor Algara said the figures ot Me
Klnloy and Diaz , the former draped Ir
sahlo crepe , will go down Into hlstorj
as the originators of this congress
AGrnoral Clayton , United States nmlm *
sador. spoke , piopoblng the health ol
President Diaz.
Presbyterians Meet In Montreal.
Monti oal , Oct. 25. The scmianmia
mooting of the executive committee
of the western boction of the Alliance
Reformed churches throughout the
world holding the Picsbytorian bys
torn was held hero je.sterday , dole *
gates being piesent fiom all sections
ot the United States ami Canada. At
the afternoon session General Pi line
ol Dobton announced that he had le
cehed lotteib liom mlssionaile-s in the
Philippines , stating that the govern
rnent had handed over the control ol
the educational institutions to tlu
Itoman Catholic church and that
Picsbyterlans were denied full le
llgious liberty. A committee was in
stiuctod to fully report on the matter
at the Pittsburg meeting , to bo hold Ir
April , 1902.
Unearth Plot Against Shah.
London , Oct. 25. News has boon re
cclvcd bore from TVhoran , says a ells
patch fiorn St. Petersburg to the Dallj
Mall ot the dlscoveiy ot a serious plot
against the lite ot the shah. The leaders
ors of the conspiracy wore the shah't
two brothers , the giand vl/Ior , Sadr
Assam , and his son-in-law. The twc
brotheis have boon banished for life
to Ardohll. The whole rovolutionar >
party , together with the higher
priests , wore In the plot and all \\il
bo beheaded or imprisoned for life
There Is a veritable panle among tlrr
people at Teheran.
Victory for Clergy.
Chicago , Oct. 25. Stilto hotweor
the clerical and lay representatives Ir
the American Missionary nssoclatlor
culminated last night In a victory fo ,
the cleigy. The principal struggle
arose over the proposition that there
should ho only one corresponding secretary
rotary In the association In place o
three. The plan was piesontcd by C
A. Hull , chairman of the o\ecutl\c
cornrnlttoo , who was the acknowledged
loader of the laity. The debate lasted
for several hours. Finally a hallo
was taken and by a bare majority th
clergy won.
Divorce From Dying Man.
Fort Dodge. la. , Oct. 25. While he
husband was lying at a lonely farm
house In the country at the point o
death from Internal Injuries recolvoe
in a runaway , Mrs. Chris Hayno np
pcared In court hero as a petitlono
for a divorce. Rayno was Injured b
being thown from a heavy load of lurn
her , which foil upon him. Mrs. Hnyn
secured the divorce on the grounds o
habitual druirKenncbs.
Executed by the Garrotte.
Havana , Oct. 25. Andrew IlodrlgUP
and Anle-etu 0 Fanlll. negro murderers
ors , weio executed ye'storelay by th
gnriotto. A follow prisoner acted a
executioner , recohlng nil ounce o
gold for each execution , together wit
a reduction of six years In the term fo
which ho was imprisoned. Death
wore apparently instantaneous.
i'iiiu ol' UK > Invsa Daunlitcin ot
tinAHUM Iran KcMilntlnii ( iiinc ( o
i Itico yi'vtiiriliiy with the clct'llon ol
HIOHO nllliorrt : I'toHlilt nt. MIH 1C \ ,
.InlniHloii , NVnti'i Ion , f-t''icli\i.\ ( \ Mm
WdlHliwr , Ih-H MolitKH , lilntoiltin
Men. hUliinor. AnuniiiHU.
Atklnoon & Nlobrarn River Line Soon
to De Completed na Fnr as Perry. I
Atkinson , Ne-li. 0 < t Si ! ! The AtKln.
no 11 ami Niobium Hhri rull\s.i\ \\llli
n ' capital Hloe-K ol $ ! ! . ( to tun
Atkinson , Holt conil ) > Ncl > lo Untie ,
j loyd county , Kelt , alter ItiMiiK HlioitK'
y iiKltuliMl for m-uMiil ycniH IH now
loliiK liullt. WoikIIH ln'Kun on tin )
oul : tliu Ill-fit ol tlilH \ \ eeltslieil Hu
lorlnteiiilent of Coimtim lion A ( )
'e-iiy anlvotl from tlu > east TliiM *
uc now 100 mon atoik on tlio Ki'Hlo
) y ' 'in I tuiliiHlll In > riinnliiK ovet
2S oT the III mlloH In all on a Htnnilanl
KaiiKo track , liiHteiul of u nainns KIUIKC
is wan rontomplatotl at 111 Hi to Pern
\oli Unrly no.\t wpiliiK the line will
bo comploteil to Untie , the tormlmiH
Hotel Man Makes Attempt but Fnllo
Dose Fatal to Woman.
Denver , Ot lifi-MiH Nellie Hard
for , wllo of Philip C llanlllei , a con
tiactoi of thlH city , IH dead lioin mor
ihlne polHoiihiK and William P Klair
leis. a I.VOHH ( Cole ) hotel mi n , IH li
a hospital and may die tioin the name
" \Ve ll\ed It up to die together , foi
\\o loved e'lie h other and couhl nol
he iimit | , " Hiilil KlandeiH , who IH n
nan led man , altei the woman died
ycHtciday In hl.s loom In the Mldlaiu !
lotel. Should FlandoiH letovcr he
\\1I1 be chained with minder.
Makes Principal Speech at Illinolj
Manufacturers' Banquet.
Chicago. Oct. lift Six hundied IIIIH !
ne > Hs fliniHeie lepioHented at the an
nual haiKinet of the llllnolH Manulai t
IIIOIB' asso ( lutlonhlcli \S. IH heh
liiHt o\onliiK at tlio Oiand Paclllc ho
tel Theionn but one Hot npeech or
the pioKiam lor tlio evening , and thai
\\as by John A. KIISHOII of Iowa th <
diplomat and tariff o\poit , who Hpolu
011 "lloHniOPltV " At tllr. HOHP nf Mr
Kasson'H addresH
reKolutloiiH wen
adopted favoring
prompt iiitlllcatloii o
Hiicli tioatlos aH aio now bcloio tin
United States ucnnto.
Wlnton of Cleveland Beats Fournler'i
Time for Ten Miles.
Detroit , Oct. a. . All automobile rec
ords trom one to ten miles weio broken
on at the Oiosse
Point track hero yesterday
torday by Alexaruler Wlnton of Cleve
land , who covered a mile on his blf
nit-Ing maclilno In 1:0025 : , lower tri {
Foiirnler's record two filths of a sec
ond. Wlnton coveted the ten miles ir
11.09 Hat. and three times cllppei
three filths ol a second liom Four
nler's iccoid. This mark of 1 OG 2 5
caught three dlflererrt
times by c-x
peit timoiH , Is the fastest ever made
on any tiae It by any rrrarrrrer of velrle le
Cresceus Trots Mile on Half-MII <
Track in 2:09 : 1-4.
Kansas City , Oct. -Cioscc-us
king ol trnttcMS , bioke the world's mile
record lor a hall-mile track ye-.stenlaj
at the Kansas City Driving club's park
5 the distance in 2i : U 1-1 , ellpplrif
onecimuter of a secorul off bis pie
vlous ictoid. He made the new iceorc
In his very flist trial. The time bj
quarters : 323-1 , 1.011-2 , 1 301-2
2:0 : ! ) 1-4. The track was fast and the
weather conditions perfect.
Bolt Captures First Prize.
DCS Moines , Oct. 2. . George Hoi
of nine Island , Ills. , carried off the
first pri/e. with a le-eord of 25 stialgh
birds to his cie-dlt In the annual hand
leap bbooting tournament of the Doi
Moines Gun club. Five others wt-ie
tied for see end place , with 21 blrdi
each. They were George Selbers o
Newton , la. , James Slreelry of DI-I
Moines , Goodly Hiucker of Omaha D
II. Tilpp of Newton , la. , and Mr. Nidi
ols of Nichols , la. They divided sot one
and third moneys.
China May Oppose Russia.
London , Oft. 25. An oflleial toln
gram fiom Wu Chang assoits , says the
Shanghai correspondent of tlie
Tln s , that In it-ply to the \lgorum
protests of the southern vlccio.vt
against the Mancbuilan agroe-nu-nt
Kmperor Kwang Su asks what mcnm
they would suggest to oppose Rust-la
and what Is the piospect of effettlu
British and Japanese support.
Andrew Tapper was sentenced tc
bang at Chaska , Minn. , for the rnurdui
of Kosn Mixa.
General Miles' annual report will op
pose the icpeal of the canteen law
lie declares there Is less dissipation
And drunkenness now , but more closer
Mgr. Slmrrottl. bishop of Havana rf
cehed an address trom Home to UK
etfe-ct that the pope has de-eldi-il t <
appoint him apostolic ek-Icgati- tin
Tory McGovern and YOUIIK C'orliott
of Porner have signed articles
agreement for a 2'i-round ' ehumpiun
ship contest on ThanksKhlng da > at
Hartford. Conn.
Guy llrlght shot' and killed hi :
father , Alexander Urlght. on tholt
farm the miles from I-Mitlm Mo
1. A. IjUIKAUr , U II .1011NBON , ( JANIIIKO ,
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. SurptiiH , tg ooo
Hnj nii > l Null ntnliiiHK' ) on tlilH I'onnlr ) uii'l ill [ inrln of Kuropn Kiirin Lonim
( Hrrcluri I AlllNMIH U II IOMNMO.N , S
4UANH. ( i I LllK\in I K Ml.MMINOKI ! 1. Hl'.MHIONH
< = ;
f SEE '
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
inn i
Made Rights-Aged Rigfit
With our nmilorn Nmv fmilury 11ml tmiippy tusto nml rich flavor
Iliounry wrt Imvo porfi ct fncllltlim jon llldi HO well la Bccurud Ijy
for | > rimrliiK | a lirnw llml niiruiBBU.s proimr rm-nlmr.
oinputltloii. ( luni'n | bnor IH old.
tml jiinr iiiitiinntMl iiililr * itiiil urufll mull > < HI our Mllioirruphi it
iHMtLli | ult Inic a < l M Hplmi ( of IIIIn fittiMHI lirt wt ry *
JOHN C1UNI ) UKnWINd CO. , LaCrossc , WIs.
_ 5HW-Ww-H-j ! > H.w..H..H-H
Get What You Ask for at
ALL Ol IMRS sire filled promptly and \\ifn care.
Our goods arc FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 8el and lid. Telephone 41.
Railroad and Business Directory ,
t :
( U
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Oiniiliu PiiKsfliiner b-0'mtn
IIjcpre-bB 12 JO pm
hVHF AltlllM.
C IncaK'i nxprosH , 7 30 p 111
'Uiniiliii 1'ntux.DKnr . . . . 1' 10 put
\ \ I.H i IlKl'AKT
Illnck Ililln nxpWH . . 7 'J p in
* \onlls'r > ' ' '
( I'HHMiiiKiir . 1' 10 p m
VordiKnt Accommodation . . . f ( ) H III
W PUT. A n unt
Illnck IHIU . . . U4) p 111
. . „ fl enn m
VoriliKto Accommodation . . . . 7 10 p m
Time lilcHcro unit Black Hllln Kiprciw armes
Hnd departs from Junction ilopot. Tlio Oinalm
aiicl Vonlinre trmnH hrrh and depart fnnncitj
depot. U. I' . MATUAC , Agent.
Union Pacific.
ColninljiiH AccominiMlfttion . . . 4 15 p in
OnmliH , Donvuranil 1'acitlc Coast 11 OOa m
roliimlins AcnmiinniUtlon in iCa m
Oinalm , l i > ii\t > rniiil 1'acittc coast ( f- ipin
I'oimoctp nt Niirfolk wltli F . K A. SI V uoitiK
\\cst anil uiirth , anil with thn C. Ht. P M. A. O
for i u ate north mill ca t
F \ \ JISKMVV AKi'lit
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Sioux City tnil Onmlm 1'aa-nnKor H.iOHtn :
Hloiix < Mtj I'ii8noB or lOOpin
wittr. ABnr\u
Slonx ritjI'liawnifcr 10:35 : a in
Hlocx e'lty ntid emiilM PHBHonifi'r . 7.30 pin
I'onuoctK at Norfolk with K. , K , A M V. going
t and north , ami witli tlio U I' for points
Pine Watch
Ivor Hniiin UroH blori' .
Spencer & Ouelmon
3oots and Shoes ,
Repairing Neatly Done.
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
FJour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest unit Kent.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor. Itraasch ave anil 4th St.