Till' NOHFOI/K N'KVVS : KH1UAY. ( XTOI'.HI ! IS , 11)01. ) LIBERTY. m.m Is thorp no Mil lint lip ihoulJ say , "Thin siul thus only uoulil I have ( lie teat" For ulivlhir lying r lin ami bountiful , C1a | > ltiK thp earth In lo\c or throning back The unllc of lip.ncn from waves of ninctlijit , Or win I her , frriheneil by tuny winds , It bears Die trade and naxlci ot the worlj To ends of u e or item activity , Or whether , lailird by trinpritii , It RVC | xvajr To rlrincnt.nl fury , howls and roars At all ltd rocky barriers , In wild lust Of ruin drlnki the blood of HvliiR thlnRi And strews Hi wrecks o'er leagues of dctolatt chore , Always It Ii ( he wa , and men bow down Uctorc Its \ait and \arlcd majesty. Bo all In vain will tlmorotu ones cway To N't thp metes and bounds of liberty , j Kor freedom Is Its own eternal law. It makes its own conditions and In jtonn ' Or calm ullke fulfills tlio unerring will. I/ct us not then despise It when U llei Will it a deeping Hun , while u twarin < M iniallfhe ' 'Uls hovers round Its bend , Nor doubt It vvlitn In mad , disjointed tlmci It shakes the tonli of turor und Its cry Klirllls o'er the quaking eartli and In the tlam Of riot and war we see Its nvvful form HIby the smllold where the crimson BT Iv'ngs down Its grooves the Knell of shuddering kings , For alvvajs In thine eyes , O Liberty. Blilnes th.it high light whereby the world Is saved , And , though tliou slay us , wo will trust In tlicel -Jol.n Hay. ' * I 'f A STORY OF TWO CHILDREN * AND AN INDIAN. t Not every Apache can get his 1111 of blood before sun tip und his 1111 of mes cal before nnon. , Yet Coyote 'I'bat Illtes had managed to achieve both those de lightful ends , and of all the happy sav ages on the Colorado desert he was the most riotously , tmmiltuously happy. With what keen delight ho had drawn his sharp blade across the throats of Jose Sanchez and his wife after he had Btolen Into their wagon In the gray dawn , and what thrills of joy shot through his breast when be silenced the yells of their two little children with the butt end of their father's own rllle ! And then , when he had taken what gold was III' the Mexican's bag , what mescal was In bis demijohn , and had Ktrapped Jose's rather loose titling car tridge belt about his sun brown belly , with what tierce pleasure he stole away from the scene of Ids bloody work and with the Mexican's rllle on his shonl der had wandered far down the dry nrroyo , sipping from the demijohn the stupefying Juice of the agave from time to time until he felt that he was grow ing drowsy ! Then he had dragged his uncertain way along until lie bad come to the railroad track. lie stared stupidly at the bright steel rails and looked up at the humming wires in an awed sort of way. lie would like to lie there be hind the rocks , he thought , until some one should come along the track and then try a shot at him with his newly acquired weapon. The demijohn was growing light , and the rifle was grow ing heavy. Well , It was getting toward noon and rather warm even for an Apache , and he would lie down in the shade of the rocks over there and rest. The humming of the wires Is a sooth ing sound , and no sooner had his head touched the earth than sleep took a mighty bold upon him and wiped out his realizing sense of joy , as sleep has a way of doing with everybody that has anything to be joyful for. And so he lay. with the rltle by his side and his unspeakably hideous face turned up toward the blue that arched the desert. It was quiet there nnd restful no sound save tlio music of the wires. Stay ; there were other sounds , but they came some time after Coyote That Hltes had thrown himself upon the sand and gone off to the land of Nod. TJjey came faintly at llrst and mingled with the murmurlngs of the wires. Surely they were the voices of children. Had the red beast been awake he might have imagined that they were the haunting voices of the wee Mexi can childre/n whose blood be bad BO ruthlessly shed that morning , but he heard them not. They were very far from being ghostly voices anyway , those tones that now piped forth so merrily as Dubs and Gay trudged down the line. They were walking to the scoop out along the roadbed , not on the track , for that was forbidden. There were other things that were forbidden , too , and one of them was straying so far away from the station , but Dubs was "taking good care" of his three-year-old sister , nnd In the pride of his six full years he was equal to the care of half a dozen such as Gay. " 'F on'y had sum matches to build n fire wlv , " sighed Dubs , "I'd burn off vese prickles Jus * like vc Injuns does. " "O-ohl" came suddenly from under Gay's sunbonnet. "Wot a dat ? " "W'y , it's a Jug ! " And Dubs left the "toonles" nnd started toward the pile of rocka where lay the Coyote's demi john and where also lay the Coyote himself. The two trudged up the little slope , nnd Dubs grasped the handle of the demijohn , only to let It drop again nnd spring back quickly with Gay In his arms , for he had caught sight of the Coyote , and he was smitten with a sud den desire to go home. lint he saw the Indian did not move , nnd so he suddenly became very brave , lie was certainly sound asleep and no more to be feared than papa when he lay on the lounge In his midday repose. Then , too , Dubs was quite sure he was n "worky" Injun , like the Yaquls , who shoveled nnd picked on the railroad , and so his mind became wholly at case. The Coyote's cartridge belt , which had been so loosely strapped , had fal len off and lay by his side. There were a hundred very Interesting bits of brass sticking In It , nnd the children soon had these scattered all about In the wind by the snoring Coyote. In the ( scramble for her share of the Innocent toys Gay let one of them drop ou the Co.votu'o leg. Perhaps the mescal's In fluence was on the wane , for a big brown knee was thrust quickly up from the sand and a big brown hand clutch ed the Ugly knife at the Coyote's side , but the hand fell and the noble red man snored on. Dili * tried on the cartridge belt and became an Indian , all but the Indis pensable knife , and he concluded to borrow that from the sleeper , whe.se lingers had lost their grip on the buck- horn handle. "It's blgger'n mommlo's butcher knife , ain't It , Cay ? " the young snvago asked as he grasped the handle of the devilish looking blade. "Now , you 'tand over vere , and I'll get 'hind vis wools. Veil you turn along , I'll Jump out and kill you. " Gay demurred. " ( ) h. It's on'y make b'leve. Vese kind o' Injuns don't kill nobody. " And he stuck a contemptuous linger toward the Innocent Coyote. "It's on'y 'Paohcs 'at kills , an' vey's none yound here , inommle says. I'm a 'Pacho , so you better look out. " It was a dubious sport for Gay , and when It came to the killing part she screamed lustily. "You've woked him up an * 'polled It all , " said Dubs In a tone of accusation. "Now he'll want his knife. " Sure enough , the Coyote That IMtes did shake his brown legs and arms quite vigorously , but the hist two big swallows of mescal held him down. So , after turning over and burying his hatchetllke face In the sand , he lay quiet again. When lie had thus turned over , was brought Into view the rllle , which had ! i < en coticeiiled by his dirty blanket. Dubs eyed the weapon with covetous eyes. Ho could not withstand the temp tation of feeling It all over , standing It up on Its butt and trying to shoulder It , but this last feat he conld haidly I'ccompllsli. Just what it was that kept his lingers off the hammer and trigger and prevented a sound that would surely have brought the Coyote to his feet with a yell , I am sure I can not tell , but Dubs played with that fascinating weapon nearly an hour , \\hllo Gay poured sand over the car tridges , hiding nearly all of them from view , Hy this time the sun's rays were on the long slant , and the children were very hungry. Hy this time , too. the Apache was growing restless , for the mescal had nearly lost Its grip upon him. A train thundering by. or. much loss , a "swift" brushing against his black foot , a spider dropping on Ids leg. or even a big lly bir/.zmg at his car any of these would have set his demon force Into play again. Hut the children could not wait for such demonstrations as these , though why It did not occur to Dubs that tin. Coyote's ear needed tickling with a grease wood twig the Lord only knows The wind was up , and the wires were murmuring louder than ever. The wet ones had sported In the black shadows long enough had played with the fangs of the deadly serpent until they were tired and their stomachs were empty So they set off on a trot for home. Just as they turned the bond am came In sight of the low roof of tht station a "dust devil" swept by the rocks where lay the Coyote That Hltos He jumped to his feet , grasped his empty sheath , gave a mad whoop am started about In feverish rage. There was his knife , half covered by the sand , and there was his rltlo , far fron his side. Here was the cartridge bel empty , and all about him in the sam were countless little footprints. A bewildered look stole over his fact1 but It passed away when his eyes rest ed on the ojnpty demijohn. The ex presslon that replaced It was one of do monlacal ferocity , and the lust of slaughter lay heavily upon him. Hut the cartridges where were they ? lit saw Gay's mound of sand and , kicking It , gave n grunt of delight to see tht brazen capsules that were hcatturot right and left by bis foot. lie picked them all up , grunting over each one. Filling the belt and grasping his rifle , he started off In the direction In which the small footprints led. Like a bloodhound , he chased along tht track. Ills eyes scanned the plain a every turn , and his breath was hot am strong. Hut when he turned the big curve and saw the station he knew tlia he was latt too late and he gave a grunt of disgust and was off like tht wind over a side trail that led toward the sunset. In the low roofed station house the mother crooned to tired little Gay , ly ing so soft and limp in her arms. She looked out over the desert , saw the sun touching the tips of the solemn giant cacti with purple dots , saw the prickly pear shrubs holding their grotesque arms above the great sweep of sant ) that ran down to the low horizon and felt the Inspiration of the scene , as she had often foil It before , for the desert 1ms n beauty that Is all Its own. She knew that other women In the great cities and In the cool , green valleys might pity her In that desolate spot , but she felt that she needed not their pity. Dubs came and leaned his head against her arm where she sat , and lit tle Gay nestled down with a tired sigh. Yes , there was much , she thought , for which to be thankful. And In truth there was. MUM ami Wninnn. The human animal tlnds In the oppo site sex the greater part of his and hoi mental life. The arts rose out of sex. When man ceased to capture woman he cut n reed and blew a tune to win her , and It was not until he had won her that he began to take an Interest In tin1 tune for Its own sake. Physical Intimacies are but surface emotions , forgotten as soon an they tire satlsllcd. whereas spiritual Intimacies live In the heart. They are part of our eternal life and seem to reach beyond the stars. Geort'e Moore'K "Sister Te resa. " 3UATTKR AND FOUCti. ENERGY CANNOT UE CHEATED NON CAN IT DE DESTROYED. If I'tniy .Mnn fit u lit Ai < iMiiiiillili 131- tlirr of 'I'lu-Ni * liiim | llil < ' Tlilnun , lie Cinilil CIIIINC "OnWiMoli of Miil- < -r 11 ml tinCriihli of Wurliln. " If you oonltl ImtiKtiio an I'lirlliworin trying to run the Nlnpini Kli'otrli1 LlglitliiK' niul I'tiwiT TnuiHinlwsloti works , you would have soini1'aliit Idea of tlio I'npnclty of the Kivnti'st liuiiian genius that ever lived to run the visible universe. That IH probably why the wisest of us Is nut pcrmHted to un derstand the Dual secrets of nature. Here Is a jjootl example. Take a rllle Into a place milllclcnlly far from the habitations of men ; put the bull on the ground and support It so that the bar rel points straight up and pull the trig- pT. The bullet will leave the uiir//lo with a velocity of , say. Il.iiiK ) feet a sec ond. It will rise to an enormous height , come to a standstill for an In- ( Inlteslmal fraction of a second and be gin to fall back again. It will ! strike the earth with very nearly but not quite the same velocity as It left the mu//.le of the gun. It would lit * exact ly the Mime but for the rcHlstance of the air. What has happened Is this : The ex plosion of the powder has changed a solid Into a gas , and the expansive en ergy of this has driven the bullet up ward. In other words. It has for the time overcome that mysterious force by which the earth draws everything toward Us own center. Hut when the energy of the exploded powder Is exactly balanced by the pull of gravitation the bullet falls back. In the llrst second after Us turn It falln 1t ( feet. In the next Il'J , In the next ( U , In the next l'-S , mid so on till It returns with ever Increasing velocity whence It started. Nothing has been lost , nothing gain ed. The gases set free by the explo sion of the powder weigh exactly as much as the solid. Some of the energy has been used as heat , some In propel ling the bullet , ii'ravltation , overcome for awhile , has reasserted Itself. The sum of matter and force In the uni verse Is absolutely unchanged. This Is as true of the quickened beat of a girl's heart when she meets her lover as It Is of the march of the plan ets and suns through the tlelds of space. Kvery atom of matter , every unit of force , throughout the universe Is con stant , external and exactly balanced , and the whole strength and genius of humanity could not Increase or dimin ish them by the slightest fraction. Now , let us imagine what would hap pen If man could make that bullet Ktrlke the earth with greater or less force than It left the mu//.le. of the gun. Ho would cither have Increased or de creased the total of universal energy , and In either case he would have thrown llrst the solar system and then the whole universe out of gear. The earth and all the other planets would begin to revolve In dlirerent or bits. The sun , with Its family of worlds , would alter Its path round the un known center about which It revolves. Then world would be hurled against world and sun against sun , and stars and planets would be reduced to the llamlng gases from which they cooled Into solids and liquids before time be gan to be. .lust the same catastrophe would hap pen If man could either create or en tirely destroy a grain of sand on the seashore. The balance of the universe. In which swing stars and planets , whose weight is inexpressible In human figures ( this tiny world of ours weighs G,000 , < XX > ,000.000,000,0 < )0,000 ) tons ) , is In finitely more delicate than that which the chemist has to keep in an airtight case and at an even temperature lest a breath of air should throw It out < f gear. Thus the destruction or creation of a grain of sand would change the orbit of the earth round the sun. In the one case it would be drawn closer and closer to the sun , perhaps after thou sands of revolutions to be swallowed up In llery ruin. In the other case It ivonld gradually leave the sun and year by year wander farther away into re gions of space where human life would be Impossible. The result of the dislocation of such a stupendous system , which has work ed with unfailing exactitude for count- lesa ages , Is , of course , utterly beyond the Bcope of human Imagination , and yet such n Beeming trifle as the creation or destruction of a single grain of sand might , ami probably would , plunge It Into utter chaos and rulu. Pearson's. IIU Ability. "And how IB my old school friend RiniBon getting onV" said the man who had returned to uls native chy after a long absence. "Oh , he's doing first rate. " "But he was such a bright boy we al ways expected he would display espe cial ability. " "Well , I don't know that he hasn't displayed especial ability. " "I never hear him mentioned In con nection with any of your elections. " "No ; that's just the point , lie has shown ability to go ahead quietly and build up a business. He doesn't have to run for olllce. " Washington Star. CrHlenl. She You don't love mo as much as you did or you would have stayed lon ger last night. Ho Hut you Insisted on my going. "And If y < u had loved me you would not have goue. " Detroit Free 1'ress. Greatness Is to take tlio common things of life and walk truly among them. Olive Sehrelner. Kindness gives birth to kindness and love to love. Mine. Necker. Modern AilVITInlnu. A little over half a century ago It \viis uiUMldercd beneath the d.gulty of inat'y substantial concerns to adver tise beyond the Insertion In the news papers of an occasional business card. Some of the experiences of that time show how recently advertising , an we know it. hail developed. A retail hard\\are house In an east ern city once found Itself possessed of ten times the number of articles of a certain kind that It had Intended to buy. As they had been ordered espe cially for a new hotel and were of a pe culiar design , there seemed to be no way of disposing of them except at a merely nominal sum. One of the younger men connected with the concern offered to "move them" at a fair price provided he lie pcrmllled to advertise. The sugges tion encountered much opposition , bid llnally a small sum was set apart to carry II out. Tin1 advertisement was drafted In an atractive ! way , and the people soon began to buy the new arti cle , riually the house was obliged to scud to tin1 manufacturers for more. When I lie next season's I rude opened , the member of Ihe.llrm who ( mil most opposed the experiment whispered to the \oung man that he hud better write out a few notices "and put them In the papers. " From such beginnings the advertis ing practice1 IIIIM come. Thousands of dollars art1 now spent not only In ad vertising Itself , but In devising clever ciitth words , Ingenious phrases and II lustrations which will slick In Hie memory of the reader as well as new general methods. Voiith's Companion. i ( ( mill S IMV. For four plump quails provide four oysters , four lablespnonl'iils of butler three large eiipl'uls of ox tall soup or rich stock , two small glasses of port or niiiilniii. two tahlcpooiifuls of onion vinegar , the same of India relish and mushroom caichup , celery salt , white pepper and four slices of crisp , brown toast. Leave tlu1 quails whole , slmplj opening down tinbreast. . Put the but ter In a frying pan over a hot tire and when brown lay the quails In the pan. Cover and cook ten minutes. Turn and cook ten minutes more. When browned on both sides , add the soup or slock , wine , catchup and relish. When It bolls again , add celery salt and pepper to season and thicken with a table spoonful of Hour we1 ! up in cold water. .Stir It gradually until It bolls. Turn each quail on Its back and Insert an oyster. Cook live minutes and servo on slices of toast with the liquid poured over all. A Crrnl SIiinil Wnro , A great storm wave1 Is peculiar to cy clones. At the center of the disturb ance the mercury in a good barometer may be lower by three Inches than that In a similar Instrument on the verge of the cyclone. This Is owing to the diminution of atmospheric pressure consequent on the rotation of the air wheel , and as nature abhors a vacuum the sea In the vortex rises above Its usual level until equilibrium Is restor ed. This storm wave advances with the hurricane and rolls In upon the low land like a solid wall. In the "nckcr gunge cyclone of 1S7G the storm wave covered the land at the eastern end of the Cadges delta at heights varying from ten to forty-live feet , as measured by marks on the trees. One hundred thousand lives were lost on this occa sion. Chambers' Journal. Tlirj Poiiml OnPall. . During a spell of particularly hot weather a well known baronet came across three workmen engaged on a job on his estate. One of llu-m remark ed , as workmen not Infrequently do , on the dryness of the Job. Tin1 heat had perhaps extended Itself to the bar onet's temper. At any rate , lie turned away , with the reply : "If you are thirsty , you know whore the well Is. You will lind a pail there. " Thinking over his remark a little lat er , It Hashed across the baronet's mind that be had given orders for three bottles tles of champagne to be put Into the pall and lowered Into the well to cool for dinner. He hastened to the well and discovered three empty bottles ! What he said this time Is not reported. London Truth. Sin I'roiiiotem. Ilia Batanlc majesty announced that lie Intended taking a much needed va cation. Some surprise being expressed at this action , he explained : "Well , I've fixed things BO that the trolley motormen will refuse to stop for passengers when they are In a hurry , and I guess that will keep things going until I return. " Baltimore American. The War of tlio World. Ilorton You used to tlilnl : Hember was u great friend of yours. 1 notice lie never offers to help you now that you need help. Snobel No ; but , then , you must not forget how free lie was to offer me as sistance when I didn't need It. Huston Transcript. Not Anxlotii to Meet Him. "Jinks has had a burglar alarm put In his house , with a sons' In every room. " "lie wants to be sure to know about the burglars ? " "No ; lie wants the burglar to be sure to be alarmed. " Philadelphia Hecord. Some Clrln. Some girls , when asked to elope , are like Ice. At llrst they are cold and n pulse you ; then they melt and run away. Whitewater ( Kan. ) Independ ent. Tile Settlement. Joneson Did your fathtr-In-law set tle anything on you when you married his daughter ? Hanesou Yes ; the rest of the family. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Tlinl , wo iiro nmslniilly unnviiitf in Iho nH of making Kino Photos , ami our products will al ways bu foiintl to I'lnlirnro Iho IMCostA.xtie.tio Xdo 4 niitl Noui'.sl Sl\ , Irs in Cimls and Kinish. Wo also carry a line line of Moldings snilalilo for all kinds of framing. i. PLRNO MflNUFflCTURING BO. Makers of Harvesting Min'hinory. The Piano llusker and Shredder , The Jones Hay Rake , * ? > The Jones Lever B nder , The hnes Mower , .The Jones Steel Heider , The Jones Reapsr , THE IM.ANO SICKLE GHINDEH , N , r&iM/roS e : , THE PIANO HUSKER AND SHREDDER. This miichme has iinlimileil ciim | < itv. un l me i' : ; nu pmindh . uill handle nil I ) e corn ilnit enn be debven-d to M It sim iN tinlondi r perfrn Iv , hniving the cur uninjured It. linn . ' . , , ' knives mi I In- shred li-i head whirl ) pnh > - lie Hhiedding spnce ' , ' , not ) limes each minute Tin * machine will be on exhibition ul Iho Piano headquarters west of the Crcighton depot in Norfolk , Nchr , on und after Sep tember X'Uth. W. H. BLAKEmAftJ General . . , Agent , Piano Manufacturing Comparv. There is a Best in Everything. DIAMOND "C" SOAP IS THE BEST LAUNORT SOAP. Cwnjdflr catalogue HliDwmj ; over 3M ( ) pii'iniiiiiiN that may Hfciiri'il by Raving wnippi'iH , ftitnihlicil frt't ' ' . muni ri'ipii'Bt. Si'iiil your iiaiiiu on a ( Kihial cai > l , and weill mad ) on the ADDRESS : PREMIUM DEPT. , THE CUDAHY FAKING GO , , South Omaha , Nib. fliamnnil "C" Soap /or mil all Grocert SOAP CHIPS 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anynnanpndtne ankctrh nml drucrlptlnn nmr qiilcklr lururtiiln our opinion free whether mi Invention IH protmlily imtontnhln. < ' < imninnlr . lloim trlctlyemit(1ontUI. ! Handbook on Patents i n-iit Jrrn. olclent nppncy for nvrurluir milentn. Patents tiiken through Munn A to. receive 1 tprcM mllct , without charge. In tlio i Scientific American. ' A tmnilnomely IHnntrBted woeklr. I.nrcfKt rlr- dilation of nny nrlunlldc Journal. Ternm , 13 n year : four months , f 1. Bold bjrtill ne > dejier ] . MUNN &Co,36'B" ' New York lirancli Office. (26 ( K HIWashington. . U. C. THE MS FOR CARDS * * * " REVIVO W [ : # W "ESJORES [ VITALIH Made a Well Man producrg thoubovo results In 30 days. Itactl powerfully and .julckly Cures when all ithcrafall I i'oung men will regain their lost manhood , and old men will recover their youthful visor by using I ItKVIVO. It qulcklyaud Purely restores Nervous- ' OCE , Lost Vitality , Inn > otency , Nlchtly Emissions. Lost TowerFalling Memory. Waetlc * Diseasesand all meets of sotf-abuBo or MCCFSnnd Indiscretion which unfits ona for study , bnMnet-K or marriage. II not only cure * by starting at tlio wat of disease , but iaagrcat nerve tonlo ami blood Imtldrr , bring Ing back tha pink Rlniv to pnlo checks nj ro ttorln the flro < if youth , Jt warijs off Jneanltj and. Consumption. Insist on having KUVlVOinc other. It can > o carried Jn vest pocket. lly tn ll 81.00 jierrackaee.or six for 80.OO , with po l tlvo tTrttton cnaranteo to cure or refund llm nullify. HiHik nml nilvUo fn-o. Ailitrots i6 > ioi > iymuuihi > i. HOYAI MH ) CINF CO . HUlrtL , llll.DIV.inL WU. , CHICAGO , ILL. For snle Jn Norfolk , Nebrasku , b > Qeo. B. Ohrtstoph , druugiBt. MONEY Refunded. ? untco r Kay'K Kenovutor patlon , liver smil lddncn. , „ - , lilooil purlllor known for all cnromc diseases : rcnovnt.'Huml InvlKorntoH the whole yst in nj curi'H very worat cusus. ( Jrt trial tx.x . .it . once If not HiitlHIt'll ( with it notify us , wo will refum ! } " ' "j-'y. y retur " ' " 'I. ' Write your Hyinptom" We utilrufc'fism. Dr. U J , Kay , buratoeu , 'N.V Houte FROM OMAHA TO Kansas City , St. Loins AND THE FAMOUS HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS nml all Points South ami Southeast. Fiict Tinio nnd Superior Through Ser vice. KtTliniiiK Olmir Cur * ( seats iree ) . I'ullimm Hufl'ut Sleeping Oars. Fur pnmuhMs nutl full information p -rtiiiiiiup to above territory , call on or \ rite J.O. 1'IIIUiIl'PI , W.C. UAllSES , A. O. F. ami P. A. , T. I' . A Southeast Cor. 14th anil DOUGHSSte. OMAHA , NKIWASKA