The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 18, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    THK NORKULICJs'KWSj ' FRIDAY , ( Mfl'OBKll 18 , lUOi
, Vi\\tn tlic urn turj morning looU down on ( \ \
will ,
i lie In uniting , iniuli 11 to myt
"If jretmlny fitllril JTIII In cntndirl mnl tnltlli ,
You rnti itirt In lunml new wllli Imlujr.
Tor Ui < - night * , HVc thick uirulin , l'\o Ining la
Tlif | vi l from ( lip wrurjr mnl wrnks
So ( irlllit-r I'f ilfllnit nor lln rr to drum )
O'rr tin ) ItoutilM that lini | | > cnn ! Uit w > V.
"Ilirro tc | "K'ri ol pillion ami | tgn " ' rlirrr
To \ < f trail In mill * tory of IKo.
\\VI1 i Into ( bo clil clmplrm ami Mill | > rmeur
Ttirnugli lue ( or peed fortune or ttlfi- .
Tlioucli | 'tc fiil ctrtift mi ) | irtm > k * our illMin/ ,
A wilsri1 'lit may to n-cki
Let the liiuiri drill i iy ; jou "III teen nml Hint
Arc lint liunlilri Ilia I lupprnnl U t wprk. "
St. l.ouli Itrpulillr.
A Tnlo of tlyi Frunoh
.J..I..J..J..J.-H..J..J. -1 I !
Tlii'iv nrt' IVw who hiivc not lirnrd or
rent ! of the rcnt I'roncli revolution of
tlu < last ciMitnry , when cruel men m'l
cd on the Kovernmeiit of France , wlien
huniiui life WIIH of no nccounl mnl
wlion , us If wenrletl with Its wicked-
IIOSH , led ! Hci'ined to Imvo hid liln face
from the ulnful land.
No one may count tip the team that
were shed , the inoaiiH that weru made ,
the hearts that were broken In UIOHO
dreadful tlnien , hut here and there out
of the Rront IIIIIKH of hiiinan mlHery his
tory has iiraturvcd a record of ( lie trials
nnd sufferliiKS of mime hapless one * ,
reading which we shudder and thank
God that we live In happier days.
Some few years after the reljn of
terror ns this onthurst of sin and
madness was well named a man of
middle ngo entered a small Inn In Ger
many and called for refreshments. His
manners were timid and shrinking , and
ho looked as If he ml ht Just have re
covered from some terrible Illness he
was BO strangely , ghastly pale.
The landlord supplied his wants , nnd ,
half curious , half In kindness , he made
Borne remark as to the BtraiiKer's ap
pearance , coupling It with the ques
tion , "Do you want might else for your
comfort ? "
"Nay , nothing , " said the pale man
hastily. " 1 have food and light and
nlr. What could I want moreV" And
he sighed deeply.
"My friend , " said the landlord , seatIng -
Ing himself , "yon speak as If you had
known the want of these things. Have
I guessed aright ? "
Ills guest looked up.
"Would you hear my tale ? " he ask
ed. "For years 1 have kept silence , but
today It Bcems as If It would lighten
my heart to speak. Listen and believe
It If .you can. Less than seven years
ago I was a gay , light hearted youth In
this our ( inlet fatherland. Having no
near relations , I wns led to visit some
distant ones who had lived for many
years In a small town In France.
"My uncle , as I called him out of
friendliness , was a kind , good fellow ,
well known and respected In the place ,
where ho carried on the craft of a
watchmaker , and he proposed that I
should become his apprentice and part
ner. 1 liked Hie little town , I liked my
uncle , I liked my aunt , and 1 soon gave
my consent. They hail no children I
thank ( ! od for tlmt now but my aunt's
kindly soul could not be content with
out young people around her , so she
kept and clothed two house maidens ,
children of some poor neighbors. Trim
nnd neat they looked , too. wearing the
costume of that part of Germany from
whence my aunt came , a pretty fancy
of her own. It seemed quaint enough
In a strange land.
"It was a happy household. No won
der 1 was glnd to belong to It. Hut ,
alas , It was soon to be swept away by
terrible allllctlon ! For some time we
had heard of strange troubles going on
In Paris and the large towns , but our
little place was still quiet. Ono mornIng -
Ing , however , we woke to llnd , every
thing In confusion. Our'mayor had
been ordered to resign , and his place
was to be tilled by some one sent , from
"Still , we never dreamed of what
fearful misery this was the forerunner.
We had no time to dream , either , the
blow fell so suddenly. There had been
a stir going on In the market place for
the two days following the arrival of
the new olllclal , but my uncle and 1
were busy over a 'discovery 'which he
bad made In our trade , and we were
less than usual In the streets.
"At noon on the third day. however ,
he went out for a stroll to rest his eyes
and look about him for a few moments.
My aunt and her maidens arranged , as
usual , the midday meal , and we were
nil ready to sit down , only my uncle
was missing , lie was usually so punc
tual that we wondered and waited , and
at last we dined without him. At the
close of the meal 1 stepped out to look
for him.
"I had not got a dozen yards from
our house when I met our baker's wife ,
her eyes staring out of her head.
"Go back'she ! said.Go back ! It
Is too late. The monster , the wretch !
He has executed the honest man , with
out even the farce of a trial , on the ac
cursed guillotine yonder ! '
"I was petrllled with liorrpr. Could
she be speaking of my uncle , so re
spected , BO quiet as he was ? It was
too true. The wretch In otlice had lost
no time , but had begun bis work of
bloodshed at once , and my uncle was
his first victim , his only crime being
that he was of foreign birth and had
sheltered under his roof some months
since a poor Swiss. I retraced my steps
to the house. My aunt's anxious face
met my troubled gaze. She had begun
to suspect evil. The two girls waited
fearfully in the background , I tried to
epcnk , but I turned away and burst In
to tears. I was young then'Muster
Landlord , and had tears to shed. Sfj
mint piH rd me by and rushed Into the
Mrri'l straight ( o the market place. I
could not follow. What happened I hero
wa told me later.
"Wild with agony at her husband's
fate , my getiilc. loving aunt had burst
nto a Mood of icproach of his murder.
In those days ( his was crime enough
for the heaviest punishment , and be
fore evening she had fared HID same
fate as my uncle.
"Tho reign of terror had Indeed be
gun wllh UN. The girls had lied , lerrl-
led at the fate which had befallen
their protectors , and I was meditating
n a half stupelled way the same menu-
ire when a knock came at the door ,
mil two men , who bail often eaten and
Irunk at my uncle's table , came In and
nude me a prisoner , conllHcatlng all
he possessions of the family to the
"In those days a man's foes were of-
en they of his own household. I of-
Vred no resistance. The shock of the
lay had completely unmanned me. 1
nude certain that I , too , should dlo
hat night. Hut my time was not yet
"In consequence of llio lateness of
he hour I was taken to the town prls-
in , a dismal building , which 1 had MOV-
> r known to be occupied. There I was
lirust Into a deep dungeon and left In
otal darkness till the morning , when I
loubted not I should be conducted to
he same cruel fate as my poor rela-
IVCH had met. Hut morning came , as I
mil guessed by the sound without , and
till no numinous. Worn out with HUH-
tense nnd waiting , I fell asleep. When
awoke , hunger and thirst oppressed
no. Happily I had stored some bread
mil meat and a small bottle of wine In
mo of the pockets of my coat prepara-
ory to my Intended ( light. Of this I
low ate and drank. No one came nigh
ne , and yet I could hear sounds as If
vrutehed prisoners were being led forth
nit of neighboring cells , doubtless to
leath , for they wept and pleaded vain-
y as It seemed to me.
"Hut the third day a great stillness
'ell ' on the prison , I could not under
stand It. My senses were enfeebled for
vnnt of food , for my small stock had
eng been exhausted , and 1 almost laclc-
> d strength to wonder why I was left
o live so long. Presently arose nn aw
ful terror lest this should be my son-
once to perish miserably for want of
'ood In this damp dungeon. Death on
he scaffold appeared light by compari
son. I clamored at my prison door. 1
Hliuuted as loudly as 1 could , all to no
mrpose. 'Ijhon I burst Into an agony
if tears. My fate was too dreadful to
tear. With the soft nature of my
youth I pitied and bemoaned myself
sorely. All at once words came Into
ny mind that I had learned years ago
is a text In the school , 'Fear thoti not ,
for 1 am with thce ; be not dismayed ,
for 1 am thy God. '
"They came like a ray of light Into
ny prison , and I clung to the promise
is If It had tlmt moment been made to
ne by a pitying God. I felt soothed
and hopeful , nnd In this condition 1
sank back In a do/.e or swoon.
"How time passed I could not tell ;
lay and night to me were alike In my
cell. 1 woke up to tlnd light and
warmth and kindly faces about me.
Slowly I regained consciousness enough
o understand what they told me. I
tad lain live days forgotten. The still-
less 1 had noted the third day was ac
counted for by the fact that the news
md Just reached our town of the death
if one of the greatest leaders of the
evolution and the consequent decline
if the party. In fear of his life , our
terrorist mayor had ( led. and the old
uayor. resuming power , had ordered
the prison doors to be set open. 1 In
uy solitary cell had been forgotten , and
tut that some one had been sent to ox-
unlne all the cells and collect the fet
ters used therein I might have perished
most miserably. As It was. I was car
ried out perfectly senseless and brought
to life with some dltllculty.
( < I am safe now , as you see , com
rades. In my own country , but the an
guish of those few days will never be
forgotten. I bear about with me In my
face the remembrance of It. Dally I
thank God for light nnd air and food ,
and yet these good gifts of his fall to
make my heart rejoice. Still those
dreadful days In the dungeon have giv
en me a linn reliance on his mercy ,
and I know that I shall one day be
joyful again In the city of which the
sates are never shut and where there
Is no darkness. "
( JiilHl Old ThlilHH ,
Certain things are good f9r nothing
until they have been kept for along
while , and some are good for nothing
until they have been kept long and
used. Of the ( Irst wine Is the"lllus-
trlous and Immortal example. Of'those
that must be kept and used I will name
three meerschaum pipes , violins and
poems. The meerschaum Is but a poor
affair until It has burned a thousand
offerings to the cloud compelling del-
Violins , too the sweet old Amatl-- !
the divine Stradlvarlus ! Stained , like
the meerschaum , through nnd through
with the concentrated hue nud sweet
ness of nil the harmonies which have
kindled nnd faded on Its strings.
Now , 1 tell you , a poem must be kept
nnd used like n meerschaum or violin.
A poem Is just ns porous as the meer
schaum ; the more porous It Is the bet
ter. I jnean to say that n genuine
poem Is capable of nbsorblng nn Indell-
nlte amount of the essence of our own
humanity , Its tenderness , Its heroism ,
Its regrets , Its nsiMrntlons , so ns to
be gradually stained through with a
divine secondary color derived from
ourselves. Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Of Two UvlU.
"All those stories the papers are
printing about you are lies , " said the
politician's friend. "Why don't you
make thorn stop It ? "
"I would. " replied the politician ,
"but I'm afraid they'd begin printing
the truth theu. " Philadelphia tress.
Features of the Cay's Trading anc
Closing Cuotntlorc ,
rllll'IIK" . Ol'l. 1" UlllllNll NtllllHtlCM mill
'nnilKii III-UK Icnl nn liili'imill.-in iii'tlvlty
ii mi nllii'iuUi' ilull wlii'iii iniiilii't liiiliiy ,
Itlll HiTrllllilT d'MiM ' % i liljtnw. Drci'lillicf
mil n Hlindc liljjlicr mnl Ih'i'i'mlicr mils Vfcv
itltiinrril. | 'III\NIIIIH | | cltmril " /lIUo ( to
rj'/4r ' higher. t'litNlliK pilct'M.
win-Hi dec. , 7oi(1Mn > . 7ivne. :
Coin-Ili-i- . , ( MIXAIIIV , ! ; , fiSV1. , !
( InlH HIM- . , : L'i'r ' , MII.V. IIT c.
JerK .inn. , $ ir'jVj ; MMV , $ ir.i3. :
Ulim Jim. , * 7.ii7to ! Miiy , fS.o.l. .Inn , , $ ll.lj. Mny , f' , .
( 'IINI ) iliiilntlmiH | No ' . ' icil w In-lit , 71ffJ
7iiNIL ! ; II li-il ulicnt , Illlif'OiV , Nil. ' !
Hiiliiu | wl I , nlil , ltt ! < j < 70 < : No. 'j Imcil
win-ill , ll'.i'VU'O'Xji' ' ' ' : No. ! l limil In-lit , ( W (
"llr ; No. ' . ' niMli roril , IMI'No. . 'l yellow
rein , rillViffi ? ) ' ! No. i ! ciiHli iinlH , 'l."ii//tfi : ! ( )
No. - \ \ lillionlH , 'ISe.
Chicago Live Stock.
CliU-iiKO , ( lot. 17.- Cuttleltin > liti | , 8-
KM ) , Ini'liiilltiK I'M ' ) TI-XIIIIH mnl L'x ( o wi-Nt
-HIM ; nlow , lint Htniily. KOIH | In | irlliiiMlrcm ,
HI fimr.v lii-li- . fll lO'dd hi ) , pool to MinlllllM ,
; i.7.VMHHi ; Hloi'Ki-rN nml tYiilitnJ.V / (
. 'JO ; CHUM nml lii-ltYrH , $ | .OOtri.o ( < > , cmiiu-fN ,
; | IMKKlMKi ; lillllH. $ I.7.VI . ( | ( ID ; i-iilvcH , $ ! ! .OD
fi/ll.'tO , Tl-XIIN HtCI-IH , S'J tX 1 < ; t Ml ; WL-Htl-lll
Nlt'i-ix. f17.Vf'iO. lliij- Iti-ci-lplN , toilny ,
IH.lHNi. Irft over , 't.OOO , mlvi'il mnl PIII-III-I-H
KlilKlier ; Nlilppi-rM Mli-mly , mixed unit
illtrlliTH , $ ll.llKu < UI. > ; Kooil to illolnliinvy ,
; ii.ioini.7'J'Xi : ( ' : IIHIKH lu-nvy. jrt.MMid.'s , HKIU ,
IIIKI'III.III : ; imik of NIII-H | , fiiiNKid. in. Hiu-i-p
Iti-ci-lptH , ITi.OOO ; Hti-iuly , K I | o cliolrc
vi-tlii-iH , ftt.CiWiM.'jri ; fullto choice mlxi-il ,
UltNK/M.hO ; nntlviImnliH , $ : i.Xrt.oo ( ) ( ( ; went-
t-iti limiliN , l.'l.-J.Vfl l.tlTi.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnxnx C'lly. Oct. 17.-Citltlo--Itt-cclptH ,
1,71X1 ; Ki-iii'iiiHy xtciiily ; cloHcdvinktr ;
cliolci- export nml ilu-nxi-il lnf HU-i-rx ,
; . - > .NMtll.'IO ; fiilr to Kooil , $ l.rar ( > .7 * > ; Hloc-U-
urn nml fi-t-ilciM , ip.OOJH. ! . * > : western foil
Hti'i-iM , fl.7.VMl.'J | < ) ; xvt-Htcrii rntiKi ) Htt-erji ,
it.i.Viif. : : . < x > ; TCXIIMH nml Imllmix , .Tnfii.i.TO ;
IVXIIH OIIWH , $ lM < Vjr..7i [ ; nntlve OOWH , JJ.IJO , iieifeiH , fi.XKuri.'j-i : ( , cmim-i-H , ji.rx )
n'-.M ) ; lillllH , fJ.4V ( < iirpO : ; ciilvi-H. $ : i.XHi.r ( ) > 0.
IOKH Itcc.elptH , 11.000 ; | nK , Millie higher ;
IKN ! I.VirJ.V hlKlicr ; lop , JfU.IK ) ; hullt , $0.10
ill I. , henvy , if.r.01i ! ! < t.0 ( ; ; mixed pnckorn ,
fUil ) . Hlli'rp-Ili'ccllitx , KHMI ( ; Mtcmly ; wi-Ht-
crn In whs , $ UXKi-l.7fi ! m-Htcrti wotliors ,
fil.'J.'ftiil.iiO ; I'wt'M , $ ,7.Va. ( 10 , foi-ilerH , $ ' . ' .r > o
5i. ( ; ' . ' , " > ; HtockcrA , Jl.WKi'.T. .
South Omaha Live Stock.
Houtli Oinnlin , Oct. IT.CuttloItcoclptH ,
1UM ! : ) , iictho , xti'iiily to HtioiiKcr ; tiiitl\u
lll't'f 'Hlfl'rH , J 1.7'iailt.- . ' ; WCHtOI-ll Htl'l'ffl ,
$ : ! .7."C.ri. ( : ; . " > ; TOXII.S HlocrM , $ : i.CM.-IO ( ) ( ; CIMVH
uiul lii'lfcrH , xtroiiKi'r , $ 'J.KKil.r > 0 ; OIHIIHTS ,
$ l.HVirL . ( ir ; Htui'kurH nml fccdcrH , ilrinpr ,
$ . . 'IVi < l.i. : ; cnlVCH , $ ; ! . < MK < i-.r,0 , ; litilU. Htii .H ,
clc , f'J.OOIH.'jri. HDKMHcri'lltH | , -IMM ( ) ; T
lilulicr ; hi'tivy , fil.l7V/nl. ! ( III ! inlxi'd ,
1.00. Inilk of Hiih-H , $ ll.'J7U/' : > . Khi-op He-
CIH. | | | ; i,0K ( ) , Kteiiily hi MtroiiKur ; wuthiTH ,
i.'l. r/ii.'l.ll.'i ; ewe.s , $ ' _ ' .7 , " > ' ( i ; ! . " . " > ; ciiiiiinon unit
Ktocl Mhft-p. $ 'J.7y ( ) 'l.tO ! liiiiiln. .til.504t4.tio.
Tretty Knlr Mhun.
In an English paper there appeared
recently the vernctuus story of two
brother who lived In the Hocky moun
tains. They bad two rllles , one bullet
nnd a keg of powder. With this outllt
they managed to kill on nn nvorage.
twenty-seven head of buffnlo a day.
The way they mnnnged wns this : Broth
er No. 1 would stand on one side of a
buffalo nnd shoot through It , the bullet
going Into the * barrel of the rllle of
llrother No. 2 , who stood on the other
side. Then Brother No. 2 would fire
through the next buffnlo Into the rifle ,
of Brother No. 1 , nnd so on until the
day's sport was over.
Some one who saw this story has
written to say tlmt ho Is acquainted
with a man , a cousin , be thinks , of the
two mentioned , who also lived In the
Koeky mountains at one time. lie had
one rllle , one bullet and a keg of pow
der , yet he managed to kill thirty head
of buffalo a day buffaloes were plenty
then and the way he did It was this :
He was not only a champion shot , but
a champion runner , and when he tired
through a buffalo he would run around
and catch the bullet again to reload
with , and so on until he exhausted his
HCMV ( o Cntch the Polnr Denr.
I listened attentively the other night
to a gentleman who gave mo n great
deal of valuable Information concern-
Ing'these Interesting regions. He knew
I was n tenderfoot nnd n newspaper
reporter nnd felt at liberty , therefore , to
talk freely , so I got n lot of yarns about
polar bears and walruses and other
creatures , large nnd smnll , which nre
not related In natural histories. I be
lieve It wns one of the ndvlsers of
"Alice In Wonderland" who suggested
tlmt the best way to catch a rabbit Is
to get behind a stump and make , n
noise like n Carrot , nnd I lenrned with
great satisfaction that the easiest way
to catch a polar bear Is to hide behind
an Iceberg and make n noise like the
anro.a bore-alls. I'olnr bears are very
tame and. ( ike newspaper reporters and
some other people , arc gifted with in
quiring minds. When a stranger comes
out on the Ice , they greet him cordially
and show a Justltlable curiosity as to
his business and Intentions , which
causes them to fall nn easy prey to the
parlor rug truft. Norwny Letter In
Chicago Herald.
1 I'llrn Uen of the
In speaking of the minute parasites
which are found In the hairy part of a
tiger's foot n scientist says : "They con
stitute one of the most wonderful cu
riosities I know of In the animal world.
The parasites are so small as to be al
most Invisible to the naked eye , nud
yet each Is a perfect counterpart of the
tiger head , ears , jaw , legs , claws ,
body , tall , all arc there.
A Liquid GIne.
All excellent liquid glue that Is very
tenacious nnd almost dnmpproof cnn
be mndc by dissolving glue In nitric
ether and adding n few pieces of caout
chouc. The solution must be allowed
to stand a few days and frequently
stirred. As the ether will only dissolve
n certain amount of glue there Is no
danger of getting it too thick.
Mi-ut \or\viiy. .
You don't sin. fresh meat In Norway
any more frequently than In Japan.
There Is an abundance of ham , bacon
and other cured meats and odd things
like reindeers' tongues and haunches
from polar bears sent down from the
arctics , but very little beefsteak , roast
beef or mutton. Chicago Ueruld.
Tot Causes Night Alarm
"Ono nlght'iny brother's baby wna
talutn with croup"wrltc MIH .J , 0
Snider , ot Crittoiiiinn , Ky , "It scomod
It would Htranglu before wo could got ft
doctor , RO wo KIIVO It Dr. King's Now
Discovery , wliioli KIIVO quick rollof nnd
[ Mirinanontly cured It. Wo nlways keep
It in the houbu to protect our children
from croup and whooping cough.
It cured mo of u chronic bronohlnl
trnublo that no ether would rullovo "
infulliblu for cotiKh , colds , throat tuul
lung troubles , f 0o nnd $1.00 Trial
bottles free nt A , H. Klosnu'n.
S. A. IngallH , Grown Point , N Y. ,
writps : "My wlfo suffered from kldnoy
trouble for years. She was Induced to
try Foloy's Kidney Curonnd in IOHS than
u week after she began using it , HIO wns
greatly improved and three bottles
cured liur. "
Driving Out the Enemy
These arc the days of colds , sharp nnd
hudden , attacking throat and lungs , and
loading to consequences ouo does not like
to think about. Avoid further exposure
and light thu unoiny of health nnd com
fort witli Perry D vis' Painkiller , the
family stand-by for sixty years. It con-
quros n cold in n day. See that you got
the right arllclo. There is but one
Painkiller , Perry Davis.
A report from Supt. J. O. Ohio , reform
school , Prunytown , W. Vu. , Oct. 18 ,
11)01) ) : "After trying all other advertised
oouih medicines I decided to use Foloy's
Honey and Tnr exclusively in the West
Vii. reform school. I llud it the most ef
fective and absolutely harmless. "
Stopped Into Live Coals
"When a child I turned my foot
frightfully , " writes W. H. Eads , of
Jouosville , Va , "which caused horrible
log sores for HO years , but Bucklou's
Arnica Salvo wholly cured mo after
everything else failed. " Infallible for
bnrus.soalds.outs , soros.bruiBosaud piles.
Sold by A. II. Kicflnu. l
Mrs. T. Briddleman of Piirshallvillo ,
Mich. , was troubled with salt rheum
for thirteen years and had tried n num
ber of doctors without relief. After two
applications of Btiuuer Salvo , her hands
became better nud in a short time she
was eutirley cured. Bowixro of substi
Genuine Rocky MnuututuToaia never
sold in bulk by peddlers or less than ! )5o )
Don't bo fooled , got the tea made fam
ous by the Madison Medioiuo Co. Ask
your drugRist.
Bncknoho should never bo neglentod
It moans kidney disorder which , if al-
lewd to run too long , may result in
Bright's disease , dinbetes or ther serious
and often fatal complaints Foloy's
Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well.
A Fiendish Attack
An attack was lately made on O. F.
Collier of Cherokee , Iowa , that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid
neys. His back got so lame he could not
stoop without great , pniu , nor sit in a
chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until he tried Elec
tric Bitters which effected such n wonderful -
dorful change that he writes he feels
like a now man. This marvelous1 med-
ioine cures bnckaoh'e nnd kidney trouble ,
pnriflos the blood and builds up yonr
health. Only fiOo nt A. H. Kiesau's.
After exposure or when you feel a cold
coming on , take a dose of Foloy's Honey
and Tar. It never fails to fctop a cold if
taken iu time.
What's Your Face Worth ? TT
Sometimes a tortuuo , but never , if
yon have a shallow complexion , a juuu-
diced look , moth patches and blotches
on the skin all signs of liver trouble
But Dr King's New Life Pills give clear
skin , rosy cheeks , rich complexion
Only 23 cents at A. II. Kiesau's.
Write This Down
in the book or memory : there is no such
thing ns a harmless congh. Every
cough is a warning of a confidence that
goes from bad to .worse unless it is rem
edied right away. Opium-laden med
icine ia a delusion. Allon'sLung Bal
sam cures the worst of colds. It clears
the bronchial passages , so that the lungs
got plenty of air.Vhy not get a bottle
today ?
How it is Done.
The first object iu life with the Aiuer-
can people is to "get rich ; " the second ,
how to regain good health. The first
eau be obtained by energy , honesty and
saving ; the second , ( good healthby ) us
ing Green's August Flower. Should
you bo a despondent sutt'eror from any
of the effects of dyspepsia , liver com
plaint , appendicitis , indigestion , eto ,
such ns sick headache , palpitation of the
heart , sour stomach , habitual costiveness -
ness , diz/.iness of the head , nervous
prostration , low spirits , etc , you need
not suffer another day. Two doses of
the well known August Flower will relieve
lievo you at once Go to the Kiesau
Drug Co. nnd pet a sample bottle free.
Regular size , 75 cents. Get Green's
Prize Almnnao.
I _ M _ * _ - _ _ _
Red is a danger signal on a railroad
on n fellow's nose , on a woman's face
Men and women use Rocky Mountain
Tea nud get rosy cheeks. ! )5o. ) Ask
your druggist.
' Nnsul Catarrh quickly yields to trent-
mcut by Ely's Croniu Helm , which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through llio
nostrils , cleanses nnd heals the whole fiur-
fnco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
soil the 60c. size ; Trial size by mail , 10
cents. Test it and you arc sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who ere pnrtial
to the use of atomizers iu applying liquids
iuto the nasal passages for eatarrhal trou-
blt , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm iu
liquid form , which will bo known as Ely's
LiquKl Crenm Halm. Trice including the
praying tube is 75 couts. Druggists or by
moil. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is
all rigiit , but you want something that
will relieve nnd cure the more severe
nnd dangerous results of throat nud
Inng troubles. What shnll you do ? A
warm , dry and sunny climate Is fine for
you , but by nil menus you should take
the only remedy tlmt has been intro
duced in all civilized countries with suc
cess in severe throat and lung troubles ,
"Boschee's German Syrup. " It not
only heals nnd stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germ disease , bat allays in
flammation , causes easy expectoration ,
gives a good night's rest , and cures the
Kitchen Economy ;
Mutcla Economy ,
Health Economy ,
Back Economy ,
Time Economy ,
All are combined when you uio
Compile catalogue show
over )00 premiums that
may b < secured by saving
the wrappers , ( urimhed
free upon request Send
vour name up a postal
carj and e wilt mail you
( lie catalogue
Premium Dept. ,
The Gudahy Packing Co. ,
South Omaha , Neb ,
Diamond " C" Soap for lalt bit all Oroffri
patient. Try one bottlo. Recommended
by all druggists iu the world. Sample
bottle free at Klesaa Drug Co. Got
Green's Prize Alumnae.
Dims. R. Wessmnr , Kvauston , 111. ,
writes , "M"y boy a' years old had n se
vere cold which refused to yield to any
treatmeut until wo tried Foley's Honey
and Tar. Ho was completely cured be
fore using one bottlo. " Take none
but Toley s.
When Buffering from racking cough ,
take a dose of Foloy'a Honey nud Tar.
The soreness will bo relieved nud a
warm , grateful feeling nud healing of
the parts affected will bo experienced.
Constipation neglected or badly treat
ed , loads to total dissabllity or death.
Roqky Mountain Tea absolutely cures
coustiputiou iu all its forms. ! ! 5o. Ask
your druggist.
J Odgors of Frostburg , Md. , writes :
' I had a very bad attack of kidney
complaint nud tried Foley's Kidney Cure
which gavb immediate relief , and I wns
perfectly cured after taking two bottlea. "
Bo sure nud take Fole-y's.
Road Notice.
To all Whom it may Concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the northeast cornier of
the southeast quarter of section twelve i
(13) ( ) , township twenty-one (21) ( ) , range
one (1) ) west of 6th p. in. , and running
theuce south olio-half mile on the
county Hue between Madison and Stan-
tou counties nud terminating at' the
southeast corner of said southeast quar
ter of section 12-21-1 , has reported in
favor of the' establishment thereof , with
the following exception : that at the
first bend iu the creek , going south , the
road yary from the county line east , fol
lowing the bond of said creek aronud to
whore the same again crosses the county
line , and all objections 'thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the county
clerk's office on or before noon of the
2ith ( day of November , A. D. 1901 , or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL BAUCII ,
Oouuty Clerk.
Eczema is caused by an acid humor in
the blood coming in contact with the
skin and producing great redness and in
flammation ; little pustular eruptions form
nud discharge a thiu , sticky fluid , which
dries and scales of ! ; sometimes the skin is
hard , dry and fissured. Eczema iu any
form is a tormenting , stubborn disease ,
nnd the itching and burning at times are
almost unbearable ; the acid burning
humor seems to ooze out and set the skin
on fire. Salves , washes nor other exter
nal applications do any real good , for as
long as the poison remains iu the blood
it will keep the skin irritated.
"For three years I
had Tetter on my
bands , which caused
them to swell to twice
their natural size. Part
of the time the disease
was Iu the form of run *
nlng sores , very paln
ful , and causing me
much discomfort Four
doctors said the Tetter
had progressed too far
to be cured , and they
could do nothing for
me. I took only three
bottles of S. S. S. nncl
was completely cured.
This was fifteen years
ago , and I have never
since seen nny sign of my old trouble. " MR9.
X , . D. JACKSON , 1414 JIcGee St. , Kansas City , Mo.
S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison ,
cools the blood and restores it to a healthy ,
natural state , and the rough , unhealthy
skin becomes soft , smooth and clear.
cures Tetter , Erysipelas -
sipelas , Psoriasis , Salt
Rneum and all skin
Diseases due to a poisoned -
oned condition of the
blood. Send for our book and write us
about your case. Our physicians have
made these diseases a life study , and can
help you by their advice ; we make no
charge for this service. All correspondence
is conducted in strictest confidence.
p. C. & ty. V. R. R. , is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
tation ,
fluttering or irregular pulsa
tions are an indication of weak
ness of the nerves or muscles
" of the heart. A weakness long
continued produces deformity
and organic disease. If your
heart action is weak , make it
strong. Build up the muscles
and strengthen the nerves with
the greatest of all heart'reme
dies , Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"Tho least exertion or excite
ment caused my heart to throb
nnd pound and I had smothering
spells , pain and palpitation.
Three bottlea of Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure overcame all these disturb
ances and made me well.1 '
Mus. J. A. COUTS ,
Upper Sandusky , Ohla
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cute
quiets the nervous" heart , regu
lates its pulsations and builds
up its strength as nothing else
can. Sold by druggists on a
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind.
Ely's ' Cream Balm |
Gives Relief at once.
It demises , soothes and I
lie.ils the diseased mem-
brnno. It Catarrh .
cures / i u i j ni
and drives anny a Cold UflV FF WFH
Iu the Ilcad quickly. It iin & ! !
la absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane.
Itestorea the Senses of Tnste and Smell. Full elzu
60c. ; Trial M/e inc. ; at UniRRlsts or by mall.
ELY IHtOTlIlUtS , 60 Warren Street , New York.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medl
cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no substl"
tute Ask your druzcljt.
At all drug ttort * . 25 Dost * 2Sc.
. . . .TRY. . . .
For Sale by George B. Ohrlstoph , " "