rin ? vMni.vM v vir\rc. II'IMUAV Mri'mium i mm OPTICIAN OCULIST Ophthalmologist OPTICIAN One who Manufact ures or Deals in Optical Goods. OCULIST A Physician who Pro tends to Cure Eye Diseases ( ? ) . OPHTHALMOLOGIST - One who Understands the K > on. their De fects and their Relation to Human Ills. G. FW. . PRQUARDT , Ophthalmologist , Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA. Good lot ut Junction $ 70.00 House and } 6 acre , lid St 850 00 House , barn , U. acre , Junction. 036,00 HOUBO , barn , acre , -1th St. . . 1200.00 House nt Junction 700.00 Loans on Real Estate Low Kates. T. E. ODIORNE. ACOODMAMY PEOPLE who have tried to find something "just us good" as . .CHASE & SANBORN'S. . COFFEE AND TEA have given it up. Our trade on those goods is better than ever. Why don't you try ? Sold only by PARISH. The Weather. Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to. day : Maximum temperature 03 Minimum temperature 31 Average 57 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 1.C7 Barometer 29.40 Forecast for Nebraska : Generally fair tonight and Saturday. FRIDAY FACTS. Rev. M. A. Bullock of Vine street Congregational church of Lincoln will occupy the pulpit of the First Congre gational church next Sabbath , morning and evening. ) The SugarjCity Cereal Mills Co. has ob tained permission to erect a set of scales eouth of their ollico on Main street and the work of putting them in is now un der way. Conductor Henry Dingman of South Norfolk fell from n box car Wednesday night. He fell a distance of about ten feet striking on his head and shoulder. His neck and shoulder were quite se verely injured though not seriously. W. H. FmiDricK or American i < aus , Idaho , who fed cattle here last winter on the pulp of sugar beets with grat ifying results , has brought in his first shipment for this winter's feed ing. The shipment was a train load of 1500 head and was brought in from Ord. This is one of those perfect summer days characteristic of Nebraska fall weather when it is a great pleasure to bo on top of the soil. With scarcely a breath stirring nnd the sun shining brilliantly , it is a warm enough to bring i * L- luck recollections of the passing sum mer. Fremont Trlbuii" : A Norfolk con pin who were married early this morning wore aboard the Fremont passenger train when it reached this city. The back end of the car which they occu pied looked like a Ohiuo o warehouse , duo to the thought fulness of their friends in showering them with rice. Some of the boy.H at the High school have discovered n plun for making a miuiaturo boomerang with which they are finding considerable aimiBomout. They out a piece of paste board into a shape resembling an obti HO angle ; they then place it on u surface inclined upward and snap it into the air giving it a whirling motion. The bit of cardboard spiun upward into the air a distance of several yards and if it in will Itivnrlahlv return to the person who started it before it reaches the grounds. It id said to operate on the same principle as the boomerang used byj the bushmpii of Australia. The piece of cardboard from which the toy is cut should bo two to live inches hqnaro and the shape is quite similar to that of the Auhtralian boomerang. Chas. H. Marvin's company , present ing "A Wise Member , " entertained a fair si/.td ! house at the Auditorium last night. Like the ordinary farce comedy the nntnrtiiimnont is constructed with a view to working in funny situations and hpecialties.whlch was done very eU'eotu- ally in this instance , the audience lind- mg almost constant excuse for laughter. Many of the numbers received liberal applause and the entertainment was un doubtedly as satisfactory as is usual with that sort of performance. The ou'hestra feature provided by Manager Spear was heattily appreciated by the audience. The Norfolk orchestra that furnished the music has materially im proved by the addition of several pieces and through practice until the music furnished last night was of a quality seldom given a Norfolk audience. Manager Spear proposes to continue orchestra music as a feature of future en tertainments if the people will indicate that such an arrangpuient for their en tertainment is appreciated. LAIIOUUUS WASTED At the supar factory. Foil SAWS Two largo fine lots. One- third original cost. L. M. GAYLOJID. Attention Sir Knights. Damascus Gomrnaudery , No. 20 will meet in regular session at their asylum this evening. A full attendance is de sired. E. H. TRACY , Recorder. Infant Collector. Editor Buckley of the Grocery World made some very appropriate remarks a few weeks ago in regard to giving child ren a small bag of candy when in their parents' company , making a purchase or paying n bill. A few weeks ago I was iu'a central city store , when a little tot wabbled in with a long bill in one hand and twen ty dollars in the other , saying : "I want to pay the 'tore bill. " The merchant took the money , receipted the bill , then gave the little tot a bag of candy. The little fellow ran out and the merchant turned to me and said : "That little fel low's mother is the most prompt payer I have"and he explained : "A few years ago she sent over for her bill , and in re turn sent the bill I gave with the little boy. After receipting the bill , I gave him a bag of candy and from that day to this ho will not let her go one aay over her regular time , to pay the bill , eras as she says he will tease the life out of her. " Mrs. F. H. Cornell , teacher of the Prof. Morton tailor system , between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , Taylor avenue. The only direct route between Cali- fornia'and the east is the Union Pacific , "The Overland Route. " This was the first road to span the continent with bands of steel. It made friends in those early days it is making them nowj1on account of its superior service nnd superb equipment and quick trains. For full information call on or address F. W. Jnneman , Agent. FOB SALE Well improved farm on bottom land two miles from Norfolk , $40.00 per acre. G. R. SEILEU. Have You Seen It ? Corset Froncaise de Bon Tonthe most perfect fitting corset in the world , repre sents the highest degree of perfection in the art of corset manufacture. Straight front , as well as the curve front required by certain figures. Colors drab nnd white. Price only $2.50. Mas. J. BENSON , South Kith street , Omaha , Nobr. The complete service of "Tho Chic- ago-Portland Special" via union.Facino , enables passengers to reach the princi pal cities between the north and Pacific coast and Missouri river not only in the shortest possible space of time , but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner. The dining cars on this train are stocked with the best the market affords. All meals served n la carte. WANTED At once , at the New Ideal restaurant waiter girl. Good wages. A good home for sale cheap. W. J. Gow & BRO. PERSONAL. Olms. Whl.tplu of Niobrara is visiting Norfolk friends. O. A. Martin was down from Battle Crook yesterday. Sheriff H. O. Hans of 1'lerco was a city visitor yesterday. K. J. Tate of 1'lulnvlow was n city visitor yesterday. Mrs. G. II. Mason returned yesterday from visiting friends in Chadron. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Soabury of Plain- view are in the citytho guests of friends. Col. J. K. Simpson loft yesterday for i visit with his ( laughter in South Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kiolty of Tildon were doing some fall trading in Norfolk yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. ( Joldsworlhy of Meadow Grove were shopping in JSor- folk yesterday. Miss Pearl Kocchig , who has been visiting Norfolk friends , returned to Madison this morning. A. II. Kiesau is now oc-cupyng his newly acquired homo on South Tenth streetwhich had peen retminted and re paired for his occupancy. Dr. H. A. MittleMadt , dentist , Bishop block. Telephone M7 A. The finest line of now furniture that over came to Norfolk in one shipment has lust been received by Hoffman AJ Smith. Calls for dray and trannfer work promptly attended to ! > > Millard Green Gnu , WAVIII : > For general house work with small family. 10 ! ) South Eleventh Street. A funny tale it IK tint ihoy are telling on F. N limes , the bandmaster , anent his importation of Siguoni Horghi , the Italian "Carmen" who will sing with his band this winter. The contract with Borghi said she should have lirst class steamer passage over. She was to coaie via London , and the time was short enough at best , for her American debut was sot. But when she arrived in Lon don she found the only passage available was n ten days boat. The Mgiiora was aroused , and before she ceased cnblingi it cost Mr. limes 250 , for a berth in the Lucania , which a sick man on the other side was willing to sell. limes' bristling hair stsnds all the straighter now , whenever - over ho is reminded of this first experi ence with the troubles of an improssurio. Foil SALD Several good farms near Norfolk on easy terms , also a largo list of city property. G. II. SEILKK. Sturgeon is the piano man. We make loans on real estate at lowest rates. Elkhoru Buildiug and Savings association. T. E. Omoit.VB Sen. Foit SALE ao.OOO acres in North Da kota. For sale on crop payment plan. G. R. SIILIU. : : An Embarrassing Situation. A young man of Oreighton cuuie down uot long since to visit one of the fair maid ens of this city and ho spout the evening in her society very pleasantly. When it came time for him to leave and go homo ho realized thnt a heavy storm was raging. Ho had no umbrella , or rubber coat , and when the girl's father asked him to remain at the house until morning ho readily consented. He is a very bashful young man and next morn ing when invited to a seat at the tible very reluctantly accepted. Ho was very nervous and agitated. He sat opposite a mirror and disoverpd that he had for gotten to comb his hair. Then he drop ped his fork on the floor and as he stoop ed to pick it up he upset his coffee. Matters went from bad to worse until in despair the young man quit eating and pat his hands under the table. The loose end of the table cloth was lying in his lap and when he touched it he turn ed pale. He thought it was his shirt and in his nervous excitement while dressing had sorgotten to put the gar ment inside his trousers. That account ed for the smiles and stares of the fam ily and his embarrassment. There was no time to lose. He horridly stuffed the supposed shirt inside his trousers. Two minutes later when the family arose from the table there was a crash. The lav in a broken mruR on thn floor. The young man pulled three feet of the table cloth out of his pants nnd fled through the door. Plainview News. W. W. Roberts has twelve millionaire companies. Farm and city loans. THE DUULAND TRUST Co. Juvenile Dancing Class. Meets every Saturday afternoon at 2:80 : in Marqnardt hall. Prices Cut in Two. For one week only , beginning October 12 , will make 18 stamp photos for 25 cents , and other work accordingly. JOHNSON AHT STL'DIO. Foil SALE Ranch one nnd n half miles from Tilford , S. D. 1,500 acres deeded laud , 2,000 leased laud , plenty living water ; all fenced ; well improved ; Price 120,000. Would take borne Nor folk property and farms to suit. G. R. SKILER. "The Overland Limited" runs every day in the year.via the Union Pacific.tho established route across the continent. This celebrated train has perhaps the finest equipped cars in the world. There are double drawing room palace NleepotH , Wide VCHtillllll'd CHIN , hlllVot Nllioklllg and library run * , dining cars , Plntwh gas and stciuu liciit , do , None bitter in the world few UK good. good.For For full information cull on address F. W. .TuiH'iinui , ngiuit. I inn going to sell cheap nil my thor oughbred Barred Plymouth Hock fowls. \V. H. HOITMAN. DATTLE CREEK Howcll Avery of Tlldcn WHH visiting licro Sunday with relattvtu. Ed Fuernt moved into his now dwel ling on Halo street Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Ambrose of TlldcmVHH viHitiiiK IHTO Siindnyttli the Ilium family. Albert Hull of Leigh arrived here Monday for u week's visit with his brother , John. A M. Lovelai'o bnilt u new sidewalk in front of his dwelling on Herman street last week. Mr nnd Mm. S F. Heitv.mun and family went visiting with fiiendH at Norfolk Tuesday. 1 * . H. Ingoldshy IIIIH built u nout little liarn on IIHlacren ! of ground north of the railroad track. Anton HiesNo of Went Point WHH hero Monday to look after his farm interests in Deer Creek precinct. Mrs b Human of Oloarwatrr , who was visiting hero with relativcH last week , l ft Friday again for home. Monday Herman llogrofn and Tues day Ilowmd Miller were shelling corn ( ' 'has. Young was running his Hheller. Frank K. Martin of tli ICiil-'rpiw1 , celebrated his 'Sth birthday Friday II1-1 paper came out all right in duo lime. Mr. and Mrs. Curl Wolff of Hader , were visiting hero from Friday until Monday with their daughter , Mrs.V. . 15. Fuerst and family. Mr. and Mrs. FritKaufman of Fre mont and son were visiting hero from Sitnrday till Tuesday witli his muter , Airs. Sam Schneider and family. Mrs. Caemmerer of Omaha arrived hero Suturduy for u visit with parents , Mr. and Mrs Win. Schimdt , and sisters Mesdames II. Muinner and John Glass. .Tunics HosoborouL'h of Tildon , ropuli- Mean candidate in the Third commis sion district , WHS hero the fore part of the week to sco his friends across the lino. uwen UP. em came down witn two cur loads of cattle from Long Pine lust Thursday. His foreman , Kd. Warlike , came down with him to visit friends hero. Henry Eden sold his 100 aero farm near town to John Werner for ? 5,20 ( ) mid Werner Bold his farm in Schoolcruft precinct to James Sabotka for sfl.OCO last week. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Fuerst of Kewn- nee , 111. , who have been visiting hero for n few days with his brother , Fred , nnd other relatives , started for homo Wednesday. Otto II. Muas went to Omaha Sunday and returned Wednesday. Iln bought some fancy thoroughbred cattle them for the Aberdeen cattle ranch at Inmun , in which ho is interested. David CosBoirt and family of Liberty , Mo. , arrived hero Monday for an < > \ - tended visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Cossnirt is an old settler of this countv. but will co back to Missouri , as he likes it there just a little better. LAiiour.itK WASTED At the sugar factory. Two car loads of new furniture just received at Hoffman & Smith's. One Fare for the Round Trip to Rice Lake , Wis. Account laud sales at Birchwood Wis. , tho0. St. P. M. & O. railway company will sell round trip tickets October lii and M , return limit good until October 22 , 11)01. ) For further particulars call at Union depot. F. W. JUNKMAN , Agent. FOR SALE Well improved ranch with 80 head graded cattle two miles from Buffalo Gap , S. D. D.G. G. II. SEILEII. Career anil Character of Abraham Lincoln An address by Joseph Choate , Am bassador to Great Britain , on the career and character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character as developed in the later years of his life and his ad ministration , which placed his name so high on the world's roll of honor nnd fame , has been published by the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and may be had by sending six ( G ) cents in postage ago to F. A. Miller , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. OUr Winter Stock is now complete. Cull and compare qualities with city stores anywhere. J. 5 E. DURMfiD * i ; Marion Retort Oak Heaters arc our specially , because we believe them to be the best stove made , but we have other stoves too. Call air' ' see them. G. E. MOORE. I N. M Hvnrylhlng at our utoro for housecleaning. . Hapollo , Nickel J Polish , < > Knimiel ( lloHH , Aluminum Paint. < Honest effort , properly directed , with de termination to succeed , ought to win. It docs , "sometimes. " We plcdtjc ourselves , absolutely , to ( jive you fair and impartial treatment , if you yivc your selection to us. We have a wide experience , covering a number of years , and feel that we can sat isfy you if given an opportunity. bU TO MISS E , J i , BENDER S For Your MILLINERY. There yon will find the Cheapcs ! , Hcsl , mid most | ) - - ) ; ( Millinery in ilie city. Our Children's and Misses' Iliits at 49c nnd 98c cannot he equaled. Wo have a full line of Camel's I lair Tains. MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TliMil'IIONI ! No. HI. Rooms on .North Ninth Street For I'luiiibiiig ' , Steam Filling , I'umjis ' , Tank Wind Mills Anil all work In tlilu line call on STITT& WHITE. Hiitlufnctlon Gimniiitnnil , Hint door Kontii of Tins DAILY NKWH Olllro LmiM ) onlorn at A. K. Inun'tico's dlllcn. WHEN YOU \VANT A ( JOOI ) SHAVE or BATH 00 TO W , 0 , Hall's Barber Shop , MAIN rtT. . THIIII ) frOOH KAHT OF FOURTH DR. N. J. HOA6LAND , Osteopathlc Physician. Office Rootrn , i and a , Itlfhop Hlock. IUenfCi < . tMitli ncuto nnd chronic , ly trotttoil without tlio IIKJ of ilniKB or knife. 1 will I HI iittietuil In my ollico by my wife , Stalin IIoiiKlniul. J All rnlle j > romj > tly iinewcrcil nt your residence or nt my ofllce. Office Hours : 9:00 : to taoo . m. i'lo : to 4:30 p. m. " You : : Cannot ' Pus/i \ \ a Man \ \ Far ; ; Up a ' Tree. ' ' : ! You cannot drive purchasers J J to any particular store. You ; ; can win them by convincing < ' arguments. , ' ' . A convincing argument atI I ! tractively displayed in the advertising - ; ; vertising columns of this paper ; will reach the eyes of hundreds < of buyers in this community. I-OR SALE. Ilonso and throe lots on the corner of 10th St. and Philip avenue. Address , MKH. ANNA ( IKOHOK , El in wood , Ohio. James Richards , M. D < OCULIST And Expert Refrnc- Kxmnfimlloti of tlin OJ-CB vw.v. to imtli'iitH iinil imlrnne. Ofllco 1101 I''iiiiiain Hi. , Omiilm. n ; > | > otiitu I'lixtou llolul , HENRY E. RYDER , PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN. Sp'C'u' npndolln and . ( lulls' Lessons asc. NOHKOLK , - - NEHHASKA. iaii 0 ; OK OMAHA , will remnln In Norfolk daring- the wliitur easoD. MUSIC FURNISHED for all occnHlone. A. LAGROTTA , MAN. NORFOLK , NEB. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wurk FlrHt door West of Post Office CM R SEI LERy Sale and Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission , Braasch Avenue and Third St.