The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 18, 1901, Image 1

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NORFOLK , MWUASKA , 1'lllDAY , ( HTOIJKK IH , 11)01. )
Testifies He Entered Into Con
spiracy to Kill Gocbel.
Rumored He Will Do So In Hope of
Possibly Escaping His Life Sentence.
Operator Identifies Telegrams Sent
by Powers to Mountaineers.
Georgetown , Ky. , Oct. 18. In the
Caleb Powers ease Mrs. Anderson , tele
graph operator at Barbcursvlllo , Ky. ,
identified several telegrams sent by
Powers to men In the locality , Instruct
ing them how many men to bring to
The state's star witness , J. Wharton -
ton Golden , was. then placed on the
stand. Golden testified that It was
generally understood among the moun
tain men that Goobel was to be killed
and of a conversation ho had with Gov
ernor Taylor , In which Taylor said :
"What an awful thing It la to think
of taking human life , but It looks like
Goobel must die or wo will be robbed. "
Golden admitted that he entered
Into an agreement to procure the mur
der of Goebol. That ho had offered
$500 to any man who would kill him
nnd that he waa under Indictment un
der the charge of having entered Into
01 conspiracy in murder Goebel.
It Is rumored that Henry E. Youtsoy
"will bo put on the stand to tell all ho
] < news about the affair as his only
Tiope of escaping bis life sentence.
Arthur Goebel , however , says Youtsoy
will not be called by the common
Navy Department Counteracts Effect of
His Being Placed on Retired List.
Washington. Oct. IS. The presenta-
lion of Admiral Schley'a side of the
controversy was continued before the
court of Inquiry , eight witnesses be
ing examined. Of these five were en
signs and the entire eight had served
on board the Brooklyn with Schley.
The first witness of the day was
Lieutenant Charles Wlnslow. He was
followed by Lieutenant Commander T.
D. Griffin , who had charge of the pow
der division on the Brooklyn during
the fight off Santiago , and ho was
succeeded by Ensigns C. A. Abele ,
John Halllgan , Jr. , Ulysses S. Grey ,
James M. Hand and.Ralph N. Marble.
The last witness of the day was Med
ical Director Paul Fltzslmmons , who
was chief surgeon of the flying squad
ron. While Ensign Halllgan was on
the stand , Mr. Rayner sought to bring
out information as to the American
ships In sight at the beginning of the
battle of July 3 , but Judge Advocate
Lomly objected on the ground that
the question was Intended to show
the absence of the New York and the
Interrogatory was withdrawn.
Ensign Marble stated that ho had
heard Captain Slgshee tell Commodore
Schley on May 2G that the Spaniards
were not at Santiago.
There has been some Inquiry as to
Admiral Schley's standing in the navy
since ho was placed on the retired
list because of age , but It appears that
all question on this point has been
Bottled by the department having as
signed the admiral to "active duty at
the court of Inquiry" while It Is in
progress. This action was taken to
prevent any question as to the effect
the admiral's retirement would have
on the action of the court.
For Suppression of Anarchy.
Washington , Oct. 18. The board of
governors of the National Bureau of
Identification , comprising leading po
lice , chiefs and the head of the Pinkerton -
ton detectives , today adopted a recom
mendatlon to be urged on congress
for legislation looking to the suppress
Ion of anarchy. The recommendation
urges the necessity for congressional
legislation defining anarchy and au
thorizing all police officers to arrest
nnd prosecute all such offenders under
that law. The action followed a gen
eral discussion of the necessity to
guard against persons Inlmlcablo to
good government.
Wlndup for the Bankers.
Milwaukee , Oct. 18. The closing
day's session of the American Bank
ers' association convention was de
voted to a continuation of the discus
sion of practical banking questions.
After a prayer by Rev. J. Beverldge
Leo of Milwaukee , President Trow-
bridge introduced P. C. Kauffman of
Tacoma , Wash. , who spoke on "The
Financial and Commercial Future of
the Pacific Coast. "
Liberty Bell Goes to Charleston.
Philadelphia , Oct. IS. Both branches
of the city council unanimously passed
a joint resolution yesterday author
izing the council's joint committee on
Charleston exposition to take the Lib
erty boll to the southern city , where
It will bo an attratctlon In the Phil
adelphia building. Four Philadelphia
policemen will guard It day and night
wlillo it is at the exposition.
Calkins on the Ticket.
Lincoln , Nob. , Oct. IS. The Repub
llcan state central committee last
night filled the vacancy on the state
ticket by selecting as n candidate for
regent of the university Elisha C. Cal
Itlns of Kearney. The action was made
necessary by the recent withdrawn
of II. L. Goold.
, Another Is Sent After.
Cgusttiptjnpnje , ° 5t. 18. As no news
has been received lion ? from MOHHI-H
linlrd and Haskoll , the mlHHlonarlon
who have been attempting to get Into
touch with the brigands who abducted
Miss Ellen M. Stone , a missionary
1ms been sent In quest of them and the
.ondon Girl Gives Testimony of a Re
volting Character.
London. Oct. IS. The hearing of the
Mmrgos against Theodore and Laura
Jackson ( Ann Odella Piss Do Har )
vas continued yesterday. The police
'ourt was crowded , a number of wom
an being amr\K those present , while
he police found It necessary to clear
he sidewalk of those who were anx-
ous to obtain admission and hear the
nest nolsomo testimony ever given
publicity In a London court. The witless -
less examined yesterday was Dulsy
Adams , a moro child , wearing a red
Tarn O'Shantor cap and with her hair
n curls hanging down her shoulders.
She testified that she was enticed to
.ondon under the promise of being
nught music. The testimony was of
ho vilest character.
On one occasion Mrs. Jackson hold
he girl's hand while the misconduct
occurred. Mrs. Jackson Interrupted
the witness , saying ; "Did I ever give
you Immoral advice ? "
"Yes , many times , " replied the wit
Roosevelt Will Urge Ratification of
Those Brought Up Last Wlnaer.
Washington , Oct. 18. It Is under
stood that President Roosevelt , fol
lowing out the policy of the late
President McKlnloy , will urge the rati
fication of the reciprocity treaties
with Franco and the West Indian and
South American conn | 'es , which
'ailed of ratification In the senate last
year. John A. KIISBOII of Iowa , who
practically had charge of the negotia
tions of those treaties , had a confer
ence with the president yesterday
upon the subject. He says that all
the treaties have boon renewed ex
cept with Trinidad , which that Island
declined to renew upon the advice of
Great Britain. The failure to renew
this treaty Is regarded by Mr. Kasson
as unfortunate because of Its bearing
upon South American trade.
Iowa Crowd Defends Jail.
Lansing , la. , Oct. 18. An armed
guard surrounds the jail at this place ,
owing , it Is said , to threats having
been made by friends of Clarence Hast
ings , who is a prisoner , to ll'borato him
and burn the building. Hastings is
wanted in Wisconsin for an alleged
criminal assault and Is held here pond-
'ng ' the arrival of requisition papers
from the governor of Wisconsin.
Molineux Back in the Tombs.
Now York , Oct. 18. Roland B. Mol
Inoux , after spending IS months In the
death house at Sing Sing prison , Is In
his old cell In the Tombs. In charge
of Detective McNaughton , he was
brought to the city yesterday after
noon and reached the Tombs shortly
after . " > o'clock. Ho was accompanied
by General Molineux and George Gor
don Battle , one of his counsel.
Three Fatally Shot.
Welsh. W , Va. , Oct. IS As the ro
suit of one of the worst tragedies enacted
acted In this little city in years , three
mon wore fatally wounded. The shoot
Ing occurred In the Palace hotel cafe.
The fatally injured are : Robert Huf-
ford , a prominent merchant ; Dr. C. R.
McDaniol , one of the best known physl
clans In the county , and John Waldron ,
deputy sheriff.
British Buying Horses and Mules.
Kansas Clly , Oct. IS. The British
government will buy 10,000 mules , be
sides horses , In America this month.
A purchase of 1,000 mules was made
this week at the Kansas City market
and at Lath rope an inspector Is pickIng -
Ing up all the good horses not already
claimed by the United States.
Anarchist Editor in Prison.
Berlin , Oct. 18. Herr Maurer , cdl
tor of the Neiies-Leben , an anarchist
shoot , was sentenced yesterday to lour
month ? ' Imprisonment , owing to the
publication of an article approving
the assassination of President McKln
Andreen Installed as President.
Rock Island , Ills. , Oct. IS. Dr. Gus
tav Andreen was yesterday formally
Installed as president of Augustana
college and theological seminary by
President E. Norlellus of the Augus
tana synod.
President Roosevelt will put the rural
mall delivery under civil service rules
about the first of next year.
The treasurer of Rlchland county
Ohio , has sued John Sherman's cs
tate for $277,174 in back taxes.
Fire Thursday destroyed the club
house of the Detroit Boat club , burnint ,
with It a number of small yachts
Loss , $50,000.
E. Chadwlck , a freight conductor on
the Milwaukee railroad , has boon ar
rested at Sioux Falls on the charge
of blockading a street with his train
W. W. Rockhlll , United States com
mlssloner to China , arrived at Vic
torln , B. C. Ho declared recent out
breaks In China wore local InbOrroc
tions and unimportant.
The president of Mexico has noml
nated ns minister extraordinary to the
British court Alfonso Lancaster Jones
who Is a descendant of a Welsh fam
lly and familiar with the English Ian
Grand Island Couple Badly
Burned by Carbolic Fluid.
Vhen He Rouses They Dclnyc Doth
Him and His Wife Flrca Revolver
After Fleeing Thieves and One Man
Staggers as Though Hit.
C'.ranil lnlaml , Nd > . , Oct. IS. Tim
Most ( loHpcnito attempt ut nililiury
hut has boon coinmlttotl In this com-
nuiilty for .YOUTH was at the- homo of
Yank \V. Miles , a uiilroad man , ourly
osU'nliiy morning. Mr. anil Mrs.
Mlkw had I'.ttomlotl the annual hall of
ho Kratoniul Aid UHHoclatton In the
uvonlni ; nntl did not retire- until 1
o'clock. Two hours later Mr. Mllou
vtis awakened by a noise In the room.
lo rulHotl up In bed and wn Htruck
n blow on the head , which duzcd him
or n moment. Ho nmdo further at-
onintH to get up , IntomlliiK to o uftur
ils revolver , when he felt HOinotliliiB
brown in his facu. When the two
Mii'KlarH dashed out of the door Mr.
Miles , having found his revolver , fol-
owed them and tired several shots.
Phcj men ran down the alley , one of
horn yolllnt ! at his partner as they
lid BO : " \Vo will hixvo to drop It. Wo
an't make It. " I.ator It was found
hat "It" referred to a wash Hack , con-
uinliiK clothing , jewelry and silver-
varo. The sack was recovered.
Aside from this the men secured n
mckethook with $3 ; $ and some change
which was not recovered.
Mr. Miles thinks that one of bin
shota , fired In the alley , struck one of
the men. as ho Jumped In the air and
was assisted nloiiK by his companion ,
who In turn shot nt Mr. Mllefi.
Upon returning to the lionso ho
bund his wife In hysterics. When
Mr. Miles felt the liquid thrown In his
face ho paid little attention to It In
bo excitement , but upon returning ho
bund that carbolic acid had been
: hrown all over Mrs. Miles' faco. He
hen renllzpd what the prickling , burn-
ng sensation on his nock was. A decor -
or was called and It Is believed there
will bo no serious results aside from
the Intense pain. Fortunately Mrs.
Miles had not awakened until after
ler husband hart got out of bed after
the burglars and thus the acid thrown
n her face did not affect the eyes.
Millie Cooper Abandons Suicide When
She Strikes River.
Fort Dodge , la. , Ort. 18. Millie
Cooper , young assistant to the post
master of Manson , la. , attempted mil-
oide yesterday afternoon by jumping
from the middle of the Illinois Cential
railroad bridge Into the lies Moluos
river. Several persons who saw her
jump ran to her rescue. She fortunate
ly was not Injured and the contact
with the water caused her to abandon
tier Intention of suicide.
Miss Cooper's attempt was occa
sioned by disappointment In love. She
was engaged to be married yesterday ,
liit the prospective groom failed to ap-
| icar for the wedding.
Tells Story of Abduction.
Chicago , Oct. 18. Hannah Williams ,
12 years old , who Is at the Dosplaincs
street police station , tells a story of ab
duction from her home at Springfield.
Ills. , and removal to Chicago by n
masked man , who told her of a rosy
future as soon as she reached Chi
cago. The police have examined the
girl closely and believe her story true.
The Springfield authorities have been
notified of the alleged abduction and
are investigating the story. Mean
while the Chicago police are diligently
searching for the man who Is said to
huvo brought the child to Chicago.
Shot Two Innocent Men.
Nashville. Tenn. , Oct. IS. It Is
claimed here that livansvllle , Ind. , olll-
cera shot two innocent mon yesterday ,
mistaking them for the Howell safe
blowers. The two mon shot , Henry
McCarroll and William Dunn , were
from Nashville and were maUIng their
way to St. Louis. It is claimed they
fled upon the approach of the olllcers
because they feared arrest for riding
on freight trains without permission.
The remains of McCarroll , who died
last night of his wound , accompanied
by his mother and Dunn reached here.
Royal Couple at St. Johns ,
St. Johns. N. H. , Oct. 18. The city
of St. Johns was In gala attlro yes
terday on the occasion of the visit
of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
and York. The train bearing their
royal highnesses arrived shortly after
3 o'clock and the duke and duchess
were loudly cheered as they passed
through the city on the way to the ex
hibition building. The welcoming cere
mony was the finest and most satisfac
tory of any that have taken place on
the ropal tour.
Shot In Court Room.
Owenshoro. Ky. , Oct. IS. John W.
Oldham , a well known race horseman ,
was shot by Enoch Clary and his son ,
James , last night In Justice Ander
son's court room at Heed station. Old-
ham and the elder Clary were being
tried for lighting. The Jury was out
when the shooting began. Enoch Clary
used a shotgun nnd the son a Winches
ter. Oldham will dlo. llotli mon es
Threats Against King Edward.
18i Jv < Jt > Q O'Connor
Mot i In , at the openlui ; ol the Hum urn-
mini MrHHlnni'Hlenla \ , mild lie had 10-
lelved iliirumenlH iiurporllni ; In cum
nale fnim the United lil'-h kiiiim-
uiai'ltodltli a cotllu aiul i uiitiiliiliii :
'llabidlcal ' IhroatH against Klin ; I'M
Insurance Company Sets Precedent by
Securing Judgment Agalnot McN.ill
Topeka , Kan. . OH IS TinMino
pnlltau Life InuuiniK'o innipain of
New York WIIH yesterday nhcii a lu-lu
mciil against former limurami Com
miHHioner MeNall lor $1 " > | : > in Ine
Sha\\nee county dlntrlH ( Dirt In
IS'.i'.i ' the legislature panned a ln\\ lax
lug foreign Insurance rnmpanli-M 'j
PIT rent on the groMH prrmlumn re
celved on Kansas hiiHlncmi M < Nail
ruled thai the law required inmiramc
companies to pay tax for I vis The
Metropolitan Lite Insurance company
mit'il MeNall and his bomUmen for the
return of ( ho IS'.IS ' tax. M Null paid
the money Into the treasury anil If
the supreme court ulllriiiH the Judg
incut of the district court the login
Inturo will bo asked to return the
money. It Is expected that "tin r In
Riiranco companies will file other Him
liar suits.
Maine Relief Fund Exhausted.
Washington. Oct. 18. The battle
ship Maine relief fund him now been
exhausted. This fund was tunii'd over
to Captain Slgshco for dlHhurHotnoiit
when ho came ashore from lilti last
sea duty and ho has been distributing
It us last as deserving applications
were received. Yesterday his atten
tion was called to the destitution of
Mrs. Elizabeth Boyle , widow of Quar
termaster James Boyle , who was hilled
during the explosion on the Maine and
bo sent her a chock for $ li. ! ! The ro-
nialnder of the fund. $50 , has boon
sent to Mrs. Stock , widow of Private
II. 1C. Stock of the marine corps , an
other victim of the dlsiistor. Now the fund has been exhausted Cap
tain SlgHbeo has requested Secretary
Long to appoint a committee to audit
his account.
Omaha Woman Vice President.
Buffalo. Oct. 18. The national an
nual meeting of the Household Eco
nomic association ended last night
after a throe-days' convention. The
election of officers resulted as follows :
Honorary president , Mrs. Ellen M.
Henrotln , Chicago ; president. Mrs.
Linda Hull Lamed , Syracuse ; vice
president , Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh ,
Omaha ; corresponding secretary , Mrs.
Burroughs , Buffalo ; secretary-treas
urer , Mrs. John Kendall Dunn , Ja
maica , N. Y.
Hold Iowa Man Liable.
Dos Molnos , Oct. 18. The supreme
court of Iowa has reversed the holding
of the Montgomery county court In
the suit of the University of Illinois
to bold John Hayes of lied Oak as
surety on the bond of diaries W.
Spaiilding , the defaulting cashier who
was convicted of disposing of liinds
belonging to the university. By virtue
> f the opinion Hayes will have to IP-
Imbiirse I lie university for a proportionate
tionate amount of Hie loss.
Political Riot in Hungary.
Budapest , Oct. 18. At IJobieczlan ,
when It was announced that the liberal -
oral candidate had been elected to the
Hungarian parliament on the second
balloting , the Kossuthlsts began to
stone : the military and the police who
were on duty. The police wore finally
compelled to draw their swords and
charge the mob. Some 70 rioters and
many soldiers and policemen were se
verely injured in the conlllct.
Domestic Troubles Ended.
Ploasanton , Kan. . Oct. 18. J. W.
Turner , a prominent citizen and real
estate dealer of this city , committed
suicide last night by shooting him
self. Ho had lived hero about 20 years
and had always been prominent In
business and political circles. The
cause of his suicide was domestic
Kicked to Death by a Horse.
Dexter , la. , Oct. IS. Chester Hlrka
was found dead In his father's field
where ho had been plowing , yesterday
From marks on his person it Is thought
he was kicked by one of th horses.
Another Victim of Gasoline.
Cedar Falls , la. , Oct. 18. Mrs. Bro
dor AndniBon was burned to death li
a fire which destroyed her country
homo last night. A gasoline stove was
the cause.
Six Spanpish soldiers In West Af
rlca were eaten by cannibals.
H. H. Alpln ( Rep. ) was elected con
gressman In the Tenth Michigan dls
Harry Corbott has been chosen to
referee the Joffrlos-Ruhlln fight a
San Francisco Nov. 15.
E. G. Jones drove the champion
wagon pacer. Little Boy , half a mile li
one minute Hat on the Memphis trot
tlrg track Thursday. This equals th <
world's record.
Robbers who attempted to loot a
store at Howell , Ind. , were repulsed li
a battle with citizens. Threeof tin
supposed thieves wore shot , one prob
ably fatally and the town marbha
Samuel L. demons ( Mark Twain
entered the Now York political cam
palgn Thursday by addressing a part }
of Invited guests at the Waldrof-As
torln , ho having recently joined a loca
autl-Tammany organization ,
The Citizens National Bank.
Cnpltnl , $50,000. Surplus , 5,000.
liny ntnl mill mcluiiinn on llilN riiiintr ) nti'l ' ill purl * nf Kiinipn. Kami Lornm
Director ! . ( 'AIM , AHMI'H , W II JUIINHON , IMAM b HirnciK CV HIUAH < II. ( , M
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
anil brtlm mitt mow mnntli , . .
Trio liloal fuinilf lit v nV' K < - , / n
raxo ut linmn ami riioy ) HM roolinu m
froHhiiiDiit ilurlnif th nultrr Huminiir
'rhiiiiii our uifi'nt In tl > H
If Vim Miitit u iMiniitlfiil lltliiiKruiJIi houklot fron iionil t"
Get What You Ask for at
ALL OK DISKS are lillod promptly and witn care.
Our goods are KIKST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South ilrto Main St. , between ' , ' < ! and lid. Telephone .
Railroad and Business Directory.
60 n R. R. TIME TABLE. S. HAYES Fine , Watch
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley. MISS MARY SHELLY
Onmliii tt-CAnin Over Hnum Hros Store ,
CliiCHK' ) Ex | > ros
I.ArtT AllIltVK Spena p & Ovalman
CluciiKO Kxptesa 7:3i : ) Din
Omiilm UIOpm : Boots and Shoes ,
Illnck Hill * ( vxpreoH . 7.Vpni Repairing Neatly Done.
VonliRro I'anR n wr . 12:40 : p rn
Verclluro AccomirHMlatum . 9:00 : am
Illnck HIIU KxprRRa . I2VOp : ! m Contractor
and Ballder
VonHsro I'dSBnncnr . tf:05iini :
o VerdiKro Accommodation . 7 :10 : p in .
117 Fourth
The Chicago and illack Hilla Kxpreiut
o and departa from Jnnotlon < le | > ot. The Omaha
and Vonll retraiun hrnvo ami depart from city
depot. H. C. MATBAG. Agent , ,
Flour and Feed
CQo Union Pacific. 411 Norfolk Avenue.
( 'oliimtUH SOOTH Accommixlatinii . . . DEPAHT. . ( .15 pin IflSKEEP'S MILLINERY
o Omnlia , Denver and Pacific Coant . -00am
NORTH. AKBIVB Cheapeit nnd Bent.
- <
Columliiie Accommodation . 10:30nin :
Omaha , Ituuvfir and I'acillc coast . 9:00pm : Norfolk Avenue
CnmiMtF at Norfolk uitli K. . K A. M Y. goiun
CD went and north , and with the C. 8t. P. M. & O J.W.EDWARDS
for points north ami oaet
K. W JfMCMAN. A l > nt
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Slum Citj and Omaha l'a wn er. . tiJDnrn
Sioux l'itjTuKrti > ini : r . IKXJpm
Slonx fity Pasdonnor . lOiSSam
Blocx City mid OmalM PassonitiT 7 :30 : p m ALL Wonts GPAKANTLEP
( 'omiMtft at Norfolk \\itli K. . K. A M. V. noitiit
wi'nt anil north , and with thx U. P. for points Cor. Hrnusch ave ami Itli St
south K. W. JUNBVIAN , Agt > nt.
Dallj except Sunday. The Norfolk Horseshoer