The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 11, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    Till' ) .NORFOLK IsKWS : FRIDAY , OCTOHKK 11 , 100
Transylvania at Lexington
Won by Onward Silver.
Last Heat Wno n Magnificent Dattle ,
Only a Short Neck Mensurlnu the
Victory Improbable Wlnn the Two-
Year-Old Piiturlty ( or P.iccro.
UnliiKton. Ky. Oct II. After try-
tluy Iniuk'd n TiiiiiRylvnnlii Hliiko.
Uul ; B Oiwntil Hllu'r , th oil fioin HOV-
oral faat linattt. to liln toji Hpootl. fol
lowing ono of HID inoHi m'liHullorial
tlrlH tlitoiiKli tlio Htictcli In tlio lorol
lection ofotoi ai\H \ , Iw captnu'd tlio
II ml money l Hit' ou-nt Tlio
liitU llulHli VMIH MnlllliiK , only a ulioit
ntU'U monmrilriK tliol < toiy Aflct tlio
nfth heat , all wivo Onward Sli\or and
Chain Hhot , with two hcatB oacli to
tholr c'lotllt , and Siwlo J. with one
lioat , had rot hod to Iholr Htahlen.
When tlio thiee ehaniploiiH weio
driven onto tlio dark for the llniil
tflRt. twilight was HoltllriK On\\aid
Slhoruin ntll ! favoilto at $ r > 0. Held
at $15. ! They uoio Hcnt off to a good
start on the rwroiut attdinpt , Chain
Shot leading hy half u lonnth. SiiHlo .1
took tlio lead at tlio turn , with Chain
Shot and Onwaid Silver clotuily fol
lovsliiKAt the quarter Snulo J had In-
creaHed her lead to a length and a half ,
Chain Shot two lengths ahead of On-
van ! Silver. The dlHtanco had lieon
coveted In 'II HurorrdH. Two loiiKtliH
vopaiated them at the half , I ( inched In
J:0li. : Onward Sllvor hegan to Kiiln
) Io wan thieo lenutlin to the Rood of
Chain Shot at the throoquiutartt polo ,
which WIIH imuHud In 1 40. Then bo-
ian ; the raeo homo. Chain Shot Hpuit-
ml and the upaeo hotwoen all throu do
croiiBod. Sunlo J maintained the load ,
but Onward Sllvor wan KOIIK | HllKhtl
faBtor as they priHtu'd the dlH
tnnco Hug. Then ( iiinu a furl
OIIH drlvo to the wire , all three of the
pilots whipping. Twenty yaidH fioin
the wlro Onwaid Silver waa on oven
toiniH with the loan maio and IIH ho
reached the who her ntiso was at hlH
tin oat latch Chain Shot was thieo
loriKthH hohlnd. The tlmo waH 2 13 ,
the Hamo as In the ptevloiiH heat.
The U-ycarold pacing futurity was
\\ori hy Impiohahle , a long nlrnt , MHH !
Mc-CllritocU bolng the heavily played
The Abbot nwclo an nnHiicceBHfiil at
tempt to hi oak the woild'a wagon rec
ord , covering the nillo In 2 0(5 ( 1 2.
St. Louis Club on Excursion to Jeffer
son's Tomb In West Virginia.
St. Louis , Oct. 11. The JoffoiHon
club , a local political otganizatlon ,
began an oxtraoidinary pllgrlmago to
the tomb of Thomas Jefferson , at
Charlottesvllle . Va , when Its spe
cial tialn of 11 coaches drew out of
Union station last night to the Inspir
ing stialns ot the national anthem.
The excuislonlsts nnmheied ! ! fi ( ) , all
aidunt belleveis In the .lotTeison prln-
clples of BoviMruiHMit bj the people and
they go to the old dominion to lay
tholr tributes ot devotion at the hhilno
of nomocracy- The > ( any with thorn
a monument of Missouri gianlte ,
which will ho elected at Montleello to
commemoiato the xlslt of the oiganl/a-
tlon. Among those who took passage
on the spei lal weie foimei Ooveinor
Stone , Major Wells and Lieutenant
Goveinor Leo.
Miss Anthony Defeated.
Now Yoik. Oct. 11. Only four play
ers now ieinalu of the four scoio of
women golfeis who entered for this
year's national golf championship.
The four pla > ers aio Miss Maigaiot
Curtis. Miss Lucy Hoi ion. Miss 13. A.
Manlco and Miss Oenovlovo Hcckor.
The teatnio of the day's play was the
defeat of Miss Hesslo Anthony of Chicago
cage by Miss Maigaiot Cm Us of Oak
ley , M.ihb The ) are respectively the
champions of the Wcstein and Boston
Golf ahboclatlons. It was a close
match and the plajeis had to go on
for an extra hole bofoie the game was
1 Marquis Ito III in Chicago.
Chicago , Oct. 11. Stricken hy rccnr-
lent rot i notion of the heait. a malady
to which ho has long boon subject ,
Mai ( pits Ito , formeib piomlor of Ja
pan , Is conllned to his loom at the
Audltoilum Anne\ . Ills condition Is
such that his attendants aio much
distressed conceining him. All plans
for the \lslt In Chit ago weie laid asldo
nntl no arrangements wore made for
the continuance of the jouiney. V.
Koyama. the marquis' ph > slclan , an
nounced last night that tlio nobleman's
condition was loss hopeful than during
the early part of the Journey.
Important Mining Suit Settled.
Rapid City. S. D. . Oct. 11 The Holy
Torior Mining company yesterday set
tled with P. B. McCarty of this city
for a Judgment of one-eighth Interest
In the Holy Terror and Keystone No.
4 mining claims , McCarty getting $10-
000 and the compan > 's note for ? 14.-
000. This has been the most Import
ant mining suit over tried in the IJlack
Hills. The question raised was
whether or not a man could relocate
his paitnor out of mining claims.
Green Gets Decision Over Ryan.
Kansas City , Oct. 11. George Green
of San Francisco got the decision over
Tommy Hyan In iho sixth round of a
bout at a local club last night. Ryan
was the aggiessor and had slightly the
better of the fight , which was hotly
.contested , until the sixth round , when
the refeioo gave the decision to Green ,
disqualifying Ryan for striking Green
jrhllo on bis knees.
Lowest October Average for Corn Ever
Recorded ,
\ViiHliliiKion , OH II- Follow IIIK In
the monthly lepoit of ciop < oiiilltlomi
limned hy the atallHtlcliin of the do-
pattmonl of agilcnlttiio
The monthly lepoit of the titntls-
tlclan of the dcpattmont of tgrlcnl-
tine shows Iho aveiage ( ondlllon of
coin on Oct. 1 to have been f > 20l , IIH
compaiod with Gl 70 last month. The
inpotts fiom Indiana , HllnolH , Mis-
Homl , KaiiHiis and NehuiHka aio mom
fnvoialilo by 2 polntH , those from Ohio
hy I ! pointH , and HIOHO Irom Iowa hy I
points than Cio topoits toolvod from' '
IhoHo slates last month. On the
nllii'i hand , with Iho exception of Tex
as , wheio thenIn no apptcclahlo
change of umdllloiiH. Iho otillio Honth
lepoils Homowhat lower aVeiagoH
than on Sept 1. The aveiage for the
entire country IB the lowest October
aveiago ever recorded.
The piollmlnaiy estimate of the
yield per aero of oatH Is 25.1 bushels ,
as computed vvllh SIX ! bushels on
Oct I. inon. The average for quality
Is Ml 7. against 81) ) 2 last year.
No fin ( her lepoit on wheat will bo
Issued pending the receipt of the an-
nnal returns of Individual pioducorn
and the linn I reports of the depart
ment's special agentH.
Albert Farrls Shoots Himself at Oma
ha W. N. Kenyon Ends His Life.
Omaha , Oct 11. Albeit Farrla , 2.1
years old , a bridegroom of throe days ,
attempted sulcldo at his apartments.
2i)21 ) Luri von worth stioot , by shooting
Himself through the body with a pis-
tol. The bullet entered just over the
loft nlpplo , penetrated the top of the
left lung , passed within a fiactlon of
an Inch of the heait and made Ita exit
under the left shoulder blade. The
attending physician says his patient
has tallied Irom the shock and unless
some septic condition Intervenes ho
will tecover.
It Is understood that Parrls was Im
pelled to Hiilcido by lomotso and fear
of dlsgr.ico.
Yostoiday , moinlng an
olllcor arrived from Lincoln with n
warrant for hltt anest , charging In eg-
ulailtlos In securing money on chattel
rnoitgages It wasa * few minutes
alter the document was served that
Kan Is iniido the attempt upon his llfo.
\V. N. Ken > on , n tr\ivellng man fiom
Chicago , committed sulcldo In Ilium-
com park.
To War Against Vice.
Chicago. Oct. 11 Vice will bo opposed -
posed hy a national organization as n
result of the purity convention , which
has been In session hoio tor the last
two days. The convention closed last
night after appointing a comuiltteo
with power to call another conference
at any tlmo to extend the scope and
power of the work. The committee
Is composed of the presidents of the
purity societies most prominent In the
convention Just closed. The members
aren S. § tead"woTT , LnCrosso ; Elizabeth -
both S. Grannls , Now York ; O. Ed
ward Jannoy. Baltimore , and Mrs. J ,
D. Calilwell. Chicago.
Features of the pay's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Win it Dii. ( i'ii | ( MHJ , 7J\o.
Com IM I , r > i.V . MH\ , "i7'i. (
1'i'iU Od , $1.17Jan , Sllll.'ii.
Itllis Od. , $ s J7i.j , .i , , , , , j7 K0
Lint l-Od , ; . " . ) IJ1. , J , , , , , $ mil (
rush limitations Nil J i , . , I who it. ( VH'.fTZ
id , No .t Mil whial. l ( tU | ( . N , , ; ( HpiliiK
wheat , ( i-,8i , Mijo. .No _ ' tinnl wheat , ( ! si4til
tis'ic. No. ,1 haul wheat WatlsV.e , .N ( ,
ash ooi u. rW/i"v , \ , , -j msh oats , IKM
fii.lix1 No i ; | ilti > onti , aT
I'hluiKo , ( ) ( t 10-ialns ! inioil dull nnil
nainiw on the hoaiil of tuule toilav , e\l-
( lentlv vvnllliiK foi ( he foithoomliiK KIIVIMII-
nil-ill lepoit , and Deu-mlier wheat i loseil a
NI ! ule lowei , Poeomliei loin Mm liaiiKeil and
I ) , u-mlior oats tst. hlclioi '
closed ijffi'nf depie sed C'losliif ;
Chicago Live Stock.
, Oct. 10 ratlle-lleeelpts , 0 , .
000 IniludlnK 1 IXHI Ti-Mins and 7.VI westerns -
erns , all KOOI fat steeis Ktroat ; , I'vorythhiB
else dull and lowei j-ood to prhno hteeis ,
Jll JtVini ST. , poor to medium , $ I wVijfl IK ) '
stotKeis and feedeis. $ . ' wi I jr > , < OWH and
liilfi-rs. < l J.V/r , tie , e Miners , $1 jrlT- | > " . "
linlls , < t 7V , , | 7.uh , , . , . $ J .VKiil J.Tovas
MeirWmKriT'i western steeis , J.'l tliifl
. - ' > ( ) llcv-s Itecelpts tola1SKH ( ) toinor-
low. l.'iOdi ) .
estimated left over , I.CtiXl ,
slluhlU MroiiKi-i foi wood , steiilv for imi k-
( 'is. iiiKod and hnuhei , $ u < XMirtlO. Kood
to eholie hei\\ , Jio.iiim lonsli heavv.
$ r > T.Viil ( II ) . llsht ; , $ l ! | Vjll m , Imlk of Mies
JliOO'ut ) JO Mleep-UiL-lits | , la.oon
to 10i higher coed to choli-e witlh-rs $1
( ii.MX ) fill to ehoke mld ( , $ . ' ! OOii.T Ti
west , in sheep. ? 'J 7u I ui , natlxe lambs ,
$ J.Oii'itO westim Ijimlis $ . | -V ( | | So.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas I'lrv. Oct. -Cattlp-ltocolpt *
10.71V ) tlmlii. f , . , | MI rrs Vi0 < ' lilKhi-r. otlior
< attic htoiiih cholcv iliosseii lu-i-f stt'ois ,
SriMWidM fair to eimil $10t\77- , - , ; Mock
ers am ) fWilois $ .iuinl l.'i
, \\i-stiin f ( > i ]
MtM-rs $ I " .Vn , " 7.
i'sit > rn ranci * "toors ,
$ . { 'Oil"i M l > > \aiis and Indians $ J i > (
II ii < ) 'I \as tM > \ \ s , ? J iKVii sr , , niitUo tov
$ 'J iiO'ii I "iO holfori , $ I dViil .Ml oaniicrs ,
SloOdijV ) bulls , jj _ > v/i I Ot ) ial\ps. $ .T 'iOTi
0 < UnKs Ui > n < tpN | sOtM ) , stcadtop. .
Jl ( " > , bulk of silos , $ il Utf/il homy. $ tt 4 :
( iMt. . . tnUcd pukt-rs. $ l ) lCHt ( ) 15 IlKht ,
$ , -.l Vi0 ( ! : pics. $1 ' . \Vn\-HO Shcrp-IU'
ft'lptx. LMX tl sttotiK , fie lilKhorInmhs. . $ , < 7. ,
671 ) \\ostorn otlii < rs. 5.1 l"Tii : 40 , owes ,
$ J7.vrit : 11 , foodors. JJ 75 :1-10 : , stocU-rs ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Oi t -Cattlo HeoclpK
T A ) . steadx , natlxo beef steers , $4 fiO
(1 IB , western steers , $ t 7Vfl | ( 10 Te\ai
steers. fcl.Wu-l . ,0 eows and holfon , $273
Ci 4 r.O ninnors $ l LWr. i . stockers ntn' '
feedeis. $ . ' VVi I f , ealves $ .l OOlfo 00
hulls , sings otc , $ J(1K0 ( | | < 1 Hog * He
lolptH , tM t ) ) stendv heavy $ (1 ( lP4j < l 30
mixed jmorfor. . iiKiit. $ ooiviur > .
$ " > WuttOc' ) bulk , , f sales , $ ( ) 1Vii ( l 15. SlK-pp
Iteolpts 1 1 Monc aetlvo. wotliers.
$ 'l oiK.i.t r , , s > . - ' ( Vit : in common nml
stoik sheep , $ J 7Vi.I . ' . " , , Hmbs. $ . ! " > 0/ii I10. I .
St. Joseph Live Stock ,
St Joseph , ( lit -rattlp-llccelpts. . 1. .
700 , hlron , ' to lee hluhrr , Tvxnui wonkor ;
nntt\o ) . $ „ ' ( " ; ( IU. I'OMIIIS uutl woitorns ,
rows mid liulfors. $1505510 ;
hulls and FtiiRK , f. iKViH ( ) ; jtoeKors mid
foodors. Jl.WXa ) JS , veiirllnt * and calws ,
$ l-'l"J IOO. voals , $ aO HtOno. HoKS-lt-
iclpts 7.-IOO : opened ste lily , lU'bt ami
mixed. $ it.lOfjincdtuia ( ( ; uud
piss ,
Expect Ncwa From
London Oct II T'u ( HUH niriti
pie ( oiieHpond ( > iil of tin- Tines wit
IIIK yoHtordt ! > , Ha > s "T- ( I i.n <
Hlates legation lu-ie ( oiifl'lontly e\
pectH to recolvo IIOWB of Miss Stor.e j
today. " _
Ducal Train Reaches Toronto.
Toronto , Oct. 1 1 The Dnko and
Duchess of Coinwall and Yoik i cached
Toionlo yesterday and their cutty Into
the illy wan rnaikcd by a Krcat popu-
lui demonstration of welcome.
The biittU-Hlilp Wisconsin , which M
to take Hear Admlial Cnsey to Tutiilla ,
Siiinoa , to InvesllKato tlio charKos
iiKirliiHt Captjiln Tllley , has como out
of the iJock 'at 1'iiKol Kound and Is
piiu tli-iilly In readiness lor the long
of mlsappiopilatlon of
funds of th'j Ametlian Homo Kliidlnt ;
nssoclatlon were filed aKiilriBt Uev.
Gooi e K. Hoovei. trensnier of the
asHodatlon , by the Itock Itlvor confer
Cure Too ICxpunnlvo. '
Waits are unions things. They
come and KO mysteiiously , althougli
i their KoliiK N ficiuently | marked hy
i ( MisporatliiK delays , ami theie ate ali -
i most as many Infallible elites as tboiu
aio waits , the only tumble with those
cnies boliiK that they me useless when
applied to the paitlctilar wait yon hap
pen to have. They aio only Kcod for
other people's.
"In my opinion , " Halt ! n clubman ,
who was tllscussliif , ' the subject with n
friend one day , "a wart Is merely the
outward cot roHpondonce of Home men
tal exciescence. ( Jot rid of that , and
It KOOS away.
"Let me jl > e you a bit of trry own ex-
poilonco. " be continued. "Last year I
went to Km oie. For about three years
1 had had a watt on my little linger ,
on which 1 had tried everything I could
hear of , but without effect. It only
glow larger.
"Well , Irr the excitement of prepar
ing for the trip and of the Journey It-
Hclf 1 forgot all about my wart , and
when I looked for It about HX ! weeks
later It had vanished without leaving
the slightest murk. 1 simply forgot It ,
and It had no mental condition to feed
on. 1 see 3011 have one on the back of
your hand. I'orget all about It for a
few weeks , and It will go away of It-
heir. "
"Yes , " said the other clubman , shrug
ging bis shouldeiH , "but I can't uffoid
to take a trip to Europe for the sake
of cm Ing one wart. " Youth's Compan
Her n
The habit of describing things na
"awfully Jolly" was amusingly satir
ized by a gentleman who came homo
prepared to chat on events of the day.
An acquaintance bail failed in busi
ness. Ho spoke of this Incident ns "tie-
llelously sad. " He bail ridden In an
omnibus with n frlenil whom be de
scribed as "horribly entertaining , " nrul
to crown all ho spoke of the butter
which bad been set before him at Ida
restaurant as "divinely rancid. "
"Why , dad , you aio going off your
head ! " said bis voungest and most Im
per t Incut daugbfer. - , _ . , _
"Not In the least , my dear , " ho said
pleasant I j. "I'm merely tr.vlng to fol
low the fashion. I worked out Ml-
\lnoly rancid' with a good deal ot la
bor. It seems to me rather more of-
lectlve than 'awlully sweet. ' 1 mean
to keep up with the rest of jou heie-
utter. And now , " he continued , "let
me help jmr to a piece ot this exiiul-
tough beet. " London Telegraph.
A no > otoil Mother.
Although looked upon as vermin anil
destroyed accordingly , the weasel Is
a good mother and probably treats her
joung ones more kindly tlrrn many
of her human enemies tteat theirs. A
weasel , carrying something In her
mouth , was once seen to outer a hole In
a tree. The observer , applying lighted
straw , soon smoked her out. She then
dai toil toward n otono wnll , near which
she was attacked by a terrier , which
speedily slew her. She fell an easier
victim because of the bin den she bore
In her teeth. Anxious to see what this
was , the onlooker went forward and
found It w as a baby weasel. The moth-
or'.s ru-st In a held close by hail been
plowed up , and she had been searching
for another home. As her youngster
could not run shi carried It In her
month lather than leave It to perish.
Tlio Mail rnroil frith.
One of the most singular looking
creatures that ever walked the earth or
"swam the water under the earth" Is
the vvoild famous man faced ciab of
Japan. Its body Is hardly an Inch In
length , yet the head Is tilted with a
tacevhkh Is the perfect counter part
of that of a Chinese cooly , n veritable
missing link , vvith e.ves. nose and
mouth all dearly ilellued. This curi
ous and uncanny cieatuie , besides the
gioat likeness It bears to a human be
ing In the matter of facial features , Is
provided with two legs which seem to
grow from the top of its head and bang
down over the sides of Its face. He-
sides these legs , two "feelers. " each
about an Inch In length , grow from the
"chin" of the animal , looking for all the
world like a colonel's forked beard.
These man faced crabs fairly swarm
In the Inland seas of Japan.
A Sure Thhin Sport.
A well known politician on setting
out for a daj's sport with a friend
pointed to a large spaniel which lay
apparently asleep In the hall and bet
his trlend a guinea be could not at
tract the dog's attention.
The bet was readily accepted , and
after the failure of u shrill whistle and
a blank cartridge to cause the slightest
movement the guinea was. delivered
"That's rny old dog Mnhatma I had
stuffed a few weeks ago. " laughed the
politician , "and Unit's the tenth guinea
he's brought me. " London Tit-Ulta.
Hod H n dutiKor Hlgiml on the railroad
on a fellow's 1100 and on a woniair'n
face Men and women UHO Hocky
Mountain Ten and get genuine , rony
ohcukH. : t. * > u. Goo U Uliristopli.
Mr . T. Hriddlornan of P.irhhnllvlllo ,
Miulr , was troubled with Fait rhuum
for thirteen yours nntl hud tried iv num
ber of doctors without relief. After two
applications of Banner Salve , her bunds
buciimo better and in n Hliort time sl.o
was ontirley cured Howaro of substi
Tot Causes Nlgbt Alarm
"Ono night my brother's biby wan
tnlum with croup"writcH Mis ,1. 0
Snider , of Orittondnn , Ky , "rt Heernod
it would strangle before wo could get n
doctor , HO wo gave it Dr King's Now
DiHi-ovory , which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it Wo always keep
it irr the houho to protect our children
front cioup and whooping cough.
It cured nro of a chronic bronchial
trouble that no otbor would relieve "
infuliiblo for couuhi" , colds , throat and
ting troubles ) Mo ami $1 ( X ) Trial
> ottlis free at A. H Kieuau'n.
S. A. IngnllH , Grown Point , N. Y ,
writes "My wife suffered from kidney
rouble for years. She was induced to
ry Foloy's Kidney Cure and in less than
i week after she began using it , she wns
greatly improved and three bottles
cured lior. "
Perhaps You Wonder
f the tormenting cold that rirndo Inst
vrnter one long misery will bo ns bad
hid yonr Certainly not , if you tnko
Vllon's Lnng Balsam when tickling and
rawness in the throat announce the
irosorrco of tire old ouoruy. Do not expect
; ho cold to wear itself out. Take the
igbt remedy irr time. Allen,8 Lung
3tilsarn is free from opium.
A report frornSupt. J. 0 , Glue , reform
school , Prurrytown , W. Vu , Oct 18 ,
11)00 ) : "After trying all other advertised
( nigh medicines I decided to use Foloy's
Honey and Tnr exclusively in tire West
Vn reform school. I Hud rt the most ef
fective and absolutely harmless. "
Stepped Into Live Coals
"Whonu child I curmd my foot
frightfully , " writes W. H. Eads , of
Jonesvillo , Vn , "which caused horrible
leg sores for ! ! ( ) years , but Hucklou's
Arnica Salvo wholly cured me after
ovorythrnc oho failed. " Infallible for
liurns.scalda.cuts , sorea.bruisesnud piles.
Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Backache should never bo neglected
It means kidney disorder which , if nl-
lewd to run too long , may result in
Brrght's drsoase , diabetes or ther serious
and often fatal conrplarnts Foley's
Kidney Ouro makes the kidneys well.
A Fiendish Attack
An attack was lately made on C. F
Collier of Cherokee , lovvn , thnt ueurly
proved fatal. It carne through his kid
neys. Ills back got so lame he could not
stoop without great pain , nor sit in n
chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until he tried Elec-
trio Bitters which effected such n won
derful change that he writes he feels
like a new man. Tills marvelous med
icine cures bnckaohe and kidney trouble ,
purifies the blood and builds np your
health. Only 50o nt A. H. Kiesau's.
After exposure or when you feel a cold
coming on , take n dose of Foloy's Horrey
and Tar. It never fails to fctop ) a cold if
taken in time ,
What's Your Face Worth ?
Sometimes n tortuno , but never , if
you have a shallow complexion , n j iuu-
diced look , moth patches mid blotches
on the skin .ill si > : ns of liver trouble
But Dr King's New Life Pills give clear
skin , rosy cheeks , neb complexion
Only 2. ) cents at A II Kiesau's.
People Believe In It
It 1ms been cynically said that any
thing can bo sold by advertising nowa
days. This is not so. Many liniments have
bjen advertised buc only one Perry
Davis'Painkiller has stood the test of
sixty years' use Today its popularly is
greater than ever and is based not upon
what anybody says , but upon what the
remedy does There is but one Painkiller
Perry Davis' .
How it is Done.
" " The first object in life with the Amer-
can people is to "get rich ; " the second ,
how to regain good health. The first
can bo obtained by energy , honesty and
saving ; the second , ( good honlthjby us
ing Green's August Flower. Should
you bo a despondent sufferer from any
of the effects of dyspepsia , Irver com
plaint , appendicitis , indigestion , eto ,
such as sick headache , palpitation of the
heart , sour stomach , habitual costiveness -
ness , diiue s of the bend , nervous
prostration , low spirits , etc , you need
not suffer another day. Two doses of
the well known August Flower will relieve
lievo you at ouco Go to the Kiesau
Drug Co and get a sample bottle free.
Regular si/.e , To cents Get Green's
Pmo Almanac
Genuine Hocky Mountain Tea is
| never sold in bulk by peddlers or le > s
than ! ! "KDon't bo fooled , get the ten
made famous by the Madison Medicine
Co. Geo. B Ohristoph.
Catarrh quickly j iclds to treat
ment by Illy b ( .roam JJnlm , which is mjne-
nbly nronmtic. It is received through the
nostrils , clonuses and benls the whole Bur-
fnco over vvhi.h it diffuses itsolf. Druggibts
I sell the 50c. BUO ; 'Irml size by mud , 10
couts. Test it and jou are sure to continue
the treatment.
To Rcconniiodnto those who arc partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nnsnl pftssftges for cntctrr/itil trou
bles , the proprietors prepixro Cream Italm iu
liquid form , which will bo known ns Lly's
LiquKl Crcnm Unlra. Price including the
proving tube u 1 > cents. Druggists or by
mail. 'Iho liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds IE
nil right , bnt you want something thnt
will relieve nnd cure the more severe
nnd dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles What shall yon do ? A
warm , dry and sunny climate is fine for
yon , but by all means you should take
the only remedy that has boon intro >
duced in all civrlr/wl countries with suc <
cess in bo\ ere throat and lung troubles
"Boscheo's German Syrup. " It noi
only heals nnd stimulates the tissues tc
destroy the Bonn disease , but allays in *
( lamination , causes easy expectoration
givua a good night's rest , and cures tlu
piitlont Try ono bottle He-commended
by nil druggists In the world Sumplo
1'ottlolno ' at KlcHftu Drug Co Got
Groon'H I'ri/.o Almanac.
GliiiB. H Wo Hinar , Kviuiston , 111 ,
writort , "My boy i. " , , yearsoltl bad u severe -
vero cold which rotused toylold tonny '
treatment urrtil wo tried Foley's Honey
and Tar Ho wa * completely otirod before -
fore using ouo bottlo. " Take none
but Fohy's.
TIIK NKWS keeps its job dopartinont
up-to-dato with the latest faces of typo
and does Its work in approved stylo.
When Buffering from racking cough ,
take ix doho of Foloy'n Honey and Tar.
The Horeiii'HH111 bo relieved and a
warm , grateful fooling and healing of
the parts ull'eoted will bo experienced
Const i pat Ion neglected or badly
treated , leads to total disabli'y or death
Rooky Mountain ton absolutely euros
constipation in allies forms. ! ! 5iGeo
B Gliribtoph.
J Otlgors of Frostburg , Md , writes :
1 I hail a very bud attack of kidney
complaint and tried Foley's Kidney ( Jure
which gave immediate relief , and I wa
perfectly cured after taking two bottles. "
Bo sure and take Folly's.
Road Notice.
To all Whom It may Concern : The
commissioner appoiuted to locate a roml
commencing at the northeast corner of
the southeast quarter of section twelve
(12) ( ) , township twcnty-ouo ( 21) ) . range
one (1) ( ) west of ( itli p. m , and running
thence south one-half mile on the
county line between Madison and Stanton -
ton counties and terminating at the
southeast corner of said southeast quar
ter of section 18-811 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof , with
the following exception : that at the
first bend In the creek , going south , the
road vary from the county line east , fol
lowing the bond of said erotic around to
whore the same again crosses the county
Hue , and all objectious thereto or claims
for damages must be filed iu the county
clerk's ofllce on or before noon of the
2lth ( day of November , A. D. 1001 , or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL BAUCH ,
County Clerk.
Symptoms *
"The blood may be in bad condition ,
yet with no external signs , no skin
eruption or sores to indicate it. The
symptoms in such cases being a variable
appetite , poor digestion , an indescribable
weakness and nervousness , loss of flesh
and a general run-down condition of the
system clearly showing the blood has
lost its nutritive qualities , fcas become thin
and watery. It is in just such cases that
S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and
most effective work by building up the
blood and supplying the elements lacking
to make it strong and vigorous.
" My wife used sev
eral bottles of S. S. S.
as a blood purifier and
to tone up a weak and
emaciated eystem.with
very marked effect by
way of improvement.
"We regard it a
great tonic and blood
purifier. " J. I'.Durr ,
Princeton , Mo.
is the greatest of all
tonics , and you will
find the appetite im
proves at once , strength
returns , and nervousness vanishes as new
| rich pure blood once more circulates
through all parts of the system.
S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
on blood and skin diseases and write our
physicians for any information or advice
wanted. No charge for medical advice.
Druggist CATARRH
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Relief at once.
It cleanses , soothe1) nnd
hcnls the diseased me in-
brauc. It ciircn I atnrrh - . t fn
nnd drives nun > a Cold HO V
In tlio Iltml quickly. It iin I
la absorbed. Hulls nnd Protects tlio Membrane
Restores tho' enecii of lnto and Smt.ll. Full elzu
50c. ; Trial M/e li'c ' ; at lriijKl ts or by mall.
" JJUOTIUIUS , 60 Wnrrtn iMrett , > ew York.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. WIs. II
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , .15 cents. Nevr sole
In bulk. Accept no jubsth
tute Ask jour drugc'st-
p. n. & W. V. R. R. , is the best
from the
North of Nebraska
PERStr tic. ; . -iii t A. . . .
Complete catalogue showing
over 300 premiuiis thnt may
be BCCUMH ! by saving the
vvrappets , furnished free up.
on request Scad ournnme
on a postal card , and we will
mail yon the catalogue. '
Address- .
. ,
Oiamond jC So"P for tolt by all Groctn.
is Nature's time for rest ;
and the man who does not
take sufficient tirjie to sjecp
or who cannot sleep when
he makes the effort , is
wearing out his nervqus
strength and consuming his
vital power. Dr. Miles'
Nervine brings sweet ,
soothing , refreshing sleep.
Don't let another night
pass. Get it to-day.
"I am a drusjjist , so when I was
troubled with insomnia a fewears ago
1 took Dr. Miles. " Iscrvine and found
immediate relief. I have not been
troubled with that disease since. "
II. L. HOWAKU , Madison , Wis.
Dr. Miles'
soothes the nerves , nour
ishes the brain , and re
freshes the entire organism. y
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , lud.
Al all rfmg Korea. 25 DOK * 25c.
. . .TRY. . . .
ARC Pimru *
LU.v * NO
rAttltlAF\WITH \ THt
Sale by George B. Ohristoph ,