THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOHKIM , 1901. > V. N. MUMU , . I'UUIlhliur. DAILY. i > WI. ISS7. K rr tiny oin > | it Hrmliiy. lljr rnrrlnr | > r week , 15 cnnli. lly mnll | mi ) < > iir , WIXUl.Y NKWN.i lie Newn. Mtnli Uho.l. IKHI. Thn Jotirnnl , rutalillrhnl IS77. Ktsry Frlilny. lly mull imr yi'itr , $ l.fiO , Knlcrpil nt tlin I'niitdlllrn nt NdtfolV , Noli , UK Kx-oitd clnft iiinlUT. xtihiinor : ICilllnrlnl Ddtinrtmont , No. 22 ; llui < liini > B Olllrn nnd Jolt Hooinii. No. H22 , REPUGLICAN TICKET. Slate. For .IntlRp of tlin HnpM-iun ( "i urt - H.It. HUIMIUHH York For HrKOliU ( lie Htnln t'lilvcrfllj (5. J. KIINHT Mnrnlii II. OKiillnla County. I'or ronnlv Irrnmror It. ( ' . MII.KH Pur county rlnrk I'lilt , llAfcli Knrriniiily jiulvo JriuiK M. J. Mmiiii For roiiniy miiinrltitpiiiloiit. . . .1.11 UAIINDH , jr. Kiirihnrllf J. ) t MJMKVIN For coni.ty Mirvfjor. . . \\.ll.l.o\M ! For county roroiio lii. ) I ) . II , McM.MiAN Porconuly coimnlmlonnr JAM lloniiioiuiioii : : Cohunliin IHIH won two of thu nuuw nud will utmost cortulnly win onu of thu thrco to follow. It therefore looks UK though Sir TlumuiH would bo coiiipolldd to como iiKiUn for the cup if ho wants it roul bud _ The ri'iMihlli'iuiH of the Htuto i\nd the counties thereof uro ] ) hiiiitiiiK for u oiuu- < hut will undoubtedly result in Thuro in harmony in the ranks and u disposition to follow up the IIIUK- nlllcont victory of lust fall. A Frouch professor claims to huvo discovered a niothod of mukliiK short woiuuit tall and Htntuly by InmtiutiiiK the length of tht'ir hones. Undoubtedly there will bo many ready and willing to tcflt the olllcney of hiH troatiuont. JiuucH .1. Corbi'tt , ex-champion pri/.o lighter , cluiuiH ho is bankrupt. The ImsincHH doeH not appear to bo ono to attract. No elans of nion Hhulllo out of Bi ht with Ions Kraco than the average pri/.o fighter. Thuir fame is ephemeral and their success in lifo nil. An English court has decided to Bond n prisoner to Annrun , expressing the hope that ho will reform hero. Ameri- CIUIH nhould see that the decree of the court is not carried out , There arc plenty of people already here who need reforming without undertaking Any thing of that character for Kutopeun countries. They should bo compelled to euro for tUeir own. When the Filipinos do make a ( mow ing of strength their methods are HO utterly savage that they can never hope for the sympathy of a eivili'/.ed people and they do their cause , if they have any , moro harm than good. Their lute massacre of Company O was as heathen ish , cruel and troacherou as that of the lowest savages. They can never hope to win by such methods. And now the marines have protested ngalnst the burial of C.ilgusat sea That is the honored burial place of the Bailers and they don't proporo to have the waters of the briny deep contami nated , lie might be cremated but for the fact that huc'h a course would dis solve a considerable portion of' the remains - mains in air , and everybody breathes air. It is a hard proposition to get rid of something real. The populists and democrats of Douglas county have failed to fuse and will name separate tickets. The f union ists' troubles eoutinuo to multiply with each passing year. Nebraska may bo the last to brealc loose from the scheme that won a few state and county elec tions and revert to something permanent but she gives evidence of getting there iu time. It is proving hard to drop the only winning combination but tl nt it bos quit winning is n profound argu ment for a change of tactics. Stnto Treasurer Wm.Stneffor has com plied with the demand of the recent ro publicivu state convention and has pub lished a statement showing where the etato has its funds , and also the condi tion they are in. The Btatoiiieot is very creditable to Mr. Stenfer's administra tion and shows that the Btato finances are honorably conducted. The fusionists - ists that have been so worried about the disposition of the state money can now inform themselves and sleep well for n night or two until assailed by other fears. The students of Wesleyau university at Lincoln are unanimous in their de sire that the body of C/.olgosz bo not per- mitte'd to defile American soil. They desire that the body bo carried out to sea , the hands manacled , n revolver placed in one of them and the corpse sunk a thousand fathoms deep as a warning to anarchists that that sort of trash has no place in America. Any plan to dispose of the fellow's body so that it will bo fnrthorost removed from possible contact with a patriotic people will receive the approval of all Ameri cans. Fremont people are again enthusiastic over their power canal project and the Tribune is confident that "dirt will lly next spring. " Fremont's Norfolk friends hope that she may be indulging in no pipe dream and that the desired Improvement will soon bo rcall/rd. If the bent lit expected from the canal can be rt'all/.cd it will certainly bo a big step forward in the Mule's devolopmo-it. Anything that will help the stntti along IH welcome to the loyitl Nebraska cltl- /en , icgardlcHH of what locality Is the most bonelllod Immediately. The com- plctlon of this canal means the Invest ment of moro than fJ.OOO.OOO In Nebraska - braska anil the people making the in vest incut will have an Interest not in its muif-ess but In the future develop ment of the Htato'H resources. CUP STAYS HERE. Columbia Wins Third Race , Although Shamrock First Crosses Lino. Now Voile , October , ! I-M p. m. .Special to TIIK NKWH : Columbia won tlu > third race with the Shamrock today , making three straight heats and thus re taining the cup. .Shamrock crossed the line three seconds ahead of the Colum bia but the latter won on time allow ance. A strong wind prevailed and It was a mngnilli'cnt race , BATTLE CREEK Ohas Hice of Norfolk WBH up hero Wednesday. Olms. Hrown shipped a cm load of fat cattle Sunday. W. H. Fuel st opened his now grocery store Wednesday. Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Connolly nelly , Friday , a son. John liolzcn of Kmerick was trans acting business hero Saturday , Sam Kurtgoweit of Madison visited here the fore part of the week with his sons. H. F. lleitxman moved into the old llogrofo residence north of the high school. Hon. Hurt Mapes , our county attor ney was up here Monday , on official business. Julius Cilandt and oldest son , of Buf falo Creek , were visiting hero Monday with relatives. J. J. Clements of Norfolk , our next nhorllV , was up here Wednesday to meet his many friends. J. L. O\ceo \ and Win. Halo started for > Dpyd ( xu'uity Thursday morning by Veam prospecting. Leonard Urowii of Meadow Qrovo was transacting some important busi ness here Tuesday. Win. Hutchins , a republican leader of Grove precinct , was transacting busi ness hero Monday. K. II. Luikart , cashier of the Hattlo Greek Valley Bank , was visiting with friends at Meadow Grove Sunday. . .Johnjohner was in Oreighton from .Saturday till Monday , looking after his farm interests four miles west of that placo. The directors of the German Mutual Fire Insurance company of Hattlo Creek held their quarterly meeting here Sat urday. Kd. Fuerst moved the house ho bought of Henry ( lurch , this week , onto his lot on Halo street. Ho will occupy it himself. Maas and Brechler shipped CO spring calves down here Friday from their ranch near luman. They are going to feed them about six months for the market. The ball game played here Sunday between our team and Meadow Grove was six to live in favor of Buttle Crock. Next Sunday the Tildon boys will give our boys a test. Oarl Korth of Norfolk was hero Tues day to hunt up the graves without tombstones. Wo have ordered just one stone of him to bo delivered after No vember 5th , for the democratic ticket. Little Clayton Cox was severely in jured Tuesday evening while sitting on his riding horse in front of Britisher's harness shop. The horse was frightened by n dog nud the little fellow thrown to the ground and hurt his back seriously. His condition is n little bettor nt this- writing. Work on Movllle Branch. Sioux City. Oct. 4 Track laying on the Moville extension of the North western road has begun nt Sergeant's and hundreds of men arc engaged to push it to rapid completion before bad weather sets In. The track Is be ing taken up on the old Sioux City and Pacific for a distance of 25 miles to be used on the Movlllo line and new 80-pound rails are replacing the old ones. Road Notice. To all Whom it may Concern : The commissioner appointed to locnto n road commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section twelve (12) ( ) . township twenty-one (21) ( ) , range one (1 ( > west of Gth p. in , and running thence south one-half mile on the county line between Madison and Stanton - ton counties and terminating at the southeast corner of said southeast quar ter of section 12-211 , has reported in favor of the establishment thereof , with the following exception : that at the first bend in the creek , going south , the road vary from the county line east , fol lowing the bond of said erode around to where the same again crossiKtho county line , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerk's oillco on or before noon of the 2lth ( day of November , A. D. 1001 , or such road will be established without reference thereto. PHIL BAVCH , County Clerk. County Commissioners Author ize More Highways. GENERAL ELECTION IS CALLED. Voting Places Throughout the County nre Designated by the Board Re port of the Superintendent of POOP Farm Other Business. Madison , Neb. , Oct. 1 , 11)01 ) , 1 p. m. Hoard of county commissioners met in regular session. Present , .John ,1. Hught'H and Christ Schmitt. Minutes of last meeting were rend mid approved. On motion Clans Young was allowed n warrant on SoldUrs' Relief fund for ffiO. ffiO.On On motion the following bills were allowed : Leo Arni'tt , road plow , $15. Western Wheeled Semper Co. , belt and other repairs for elevating grader , * : . Fremont Tribune , pen holders , " . " > cents. Krnm & Warren , lumber , SJ127.2S , ap plied on personal tax , * 2.r > ( ) . Win. Fraserr repairing call bells , .fl.M ) , applied on tux. ( Jeo. Brand , bridge work , $20. Ben Anderson , grading at court house , $1.50. L. M. .lohiiKon , bridge work , $ ! ! . W. H. Reynolds , printing , * 2J.W. ! ( Orowoll Lumber it ( Jrtiin Co. , lum ber , $ irto. : Kd wauls & Bradford Lumber Co. . lumber , $2111.21. F. K. Martin , printing , iJlT.oO. Hurt Mapes , salary , etc. , $" ) . L. W. Lyon and Tom Mayhow , work with elevating grader and cash paid for freight , $1115.27. Chr. Sclmvlnnd , work on judgment index. $100. McDonald Mercantile Co. , blankets for Hill family. $2. C. W. C'rum , salary and olllce ex pense , $ On motion report of Thos. J. Tavlor , BiiH | > rinUmdcnt pix > r farm , was audited and approved as follows : Battle Creek , Neb. , Sept. 7 , 11)01. ) To the Honorable Board of County Com missioners of Madison County. "Gentle men : There are now at the farm the following PCI-SOIIH : Mr. Cluula , .lake Bosnian and Anton Tyerl. During the quarter I sold 2-1 hogs for $ -(20.t ( ! ! ! , which sum was placed in Battle- Creek Valley bank. I have exchanged Id bushels wheat for flour. The following bills have been incurred since .liino 1 : Morris it Co. , drugs , etc. , $ ! J.fir > . .1. K. Martin , merchandise , $2.15. L B. Maker , coal , $ ! . ! ) ( ) . H. Miller Lumber Co. , lumber and i-oul , $ T > S. 10. F. Ihr/.ick , meat , $2. S. Hall & Meincckemerchandise , $2 < i.lo. M. L. Thompson , merchandise , $10.07. L. F. Mora , hardware , $1.-1 ( ) . Mass & Hamann , grass Kced , etc. , $111.85. P. Zimmerman & Co. , repairs to mower , etc. , $10. Gee Zimmerman , hardware , $8.85. W. .1. Htavely , merchandise , $10.10. J. Severn , merchandise , $2.50. Hob Osborn , surgical work , $1.10. Hanson it Keuvis , blacksmithing , $7 25. 25.Winter Winter & Schult/ , fly nets , etc.ll.75. ) T. .1. Taylor , salary , etc. , $ lti.50. ! ( Total , $ ! l22.f)0. We have exchanged $ (5.115 ( worth of product * for merchandise. Respectfully submitted , THUS. J. TAYI.OU. The above claim of Rob Osborn and $11 of the claim of llansen it Reavis were applied on personal tax. On motion board adjourned to 7 o'clock. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present , John J. Hughes , Christ Schmitt and H. W. Winter. On motion Ixmrd proceeded to select (50 ( names from which jurors shall be drawn.for the November term of the district court. The following named gentlemen were chosen : Norfolk precinct C. F. Winter , Henry Raasch , K. J. Rix , August Loir/ , Martin Machmuller , W. F. II. Brum- inoiul , Anton Buchol/ , August Pilger , C. F. Haasc , A. J. Johnson , James Con- loy , sr. , Julius Degnor , D. C. Harring ton , P. W. Hull , Henry Uccker , C. S. Bridge , W. H. Widanmn and Mike Kennedy. Valley precinct P. L. Bussey nnd Fred Lau. Deer Creek S. A. McKay nud John Crook , sr. Burnett B. H. Baker , Jacob White , John Brcsler and Elijah Ashcraft. Grove A. K. Beutly and E. L. Twiss. Highland C. B. Houston and Frank Wright. Battle Creek Samuel Kent , sr. , Thomas Wade , T. I ) . Preeco and Michael Halpin , jr. Wnrnorville W. II. Boyd nud Aug ust Klent/ . Union Win. Goldsmith , Dnniol Knapp and J. H. do Groot. Fain-lew Valentino Scheer nud An ton Knrelln. Schoolcrnft Simon Finuegan nnd Thos. Lcstinn. Emerick David Anderson nud Peter S. Cnrrnher. Shell Creek Lnurit/ Jacobson , S. O Simonson , J. M. Strand and Sever S Nelson. Kalumuy.oo Mat Classen , jr. , am Otto Blank. Green Garden S. S. Cheat and J. D Gnbolmnn. Madison Richard Ballard , B. M Carson , J. L. Rynearson , B. F. Ander FOU , A. L. Gates , E. T. McGcheo am MotitGross. . On motion the clerk was instructed to cnll the genernl election for Tuesday November 5 , 11)01 ) , und the several voting ing places were designated as follows Norfolk City , First ward , city hall Second ward , Anton Buchol/ ' residence Third ward , west side hose house Fourth ward , Junction hose house ; out side precinct , Adam Reiland stor building , corner Second street and Noi folk avenue. Valley precinct , Ray school house. Deer Crook precinct , Hughes schoo Burnett precinct , Kierstead hall. Grove precinct , Mutlly school house. Highland precinct , county poor house. Battle Creek precinct , ojH'ra house. Warnervillo precinct , Warner's hall. Union precinct , Snyder's blacksmith shop. Fairview precinct , red school house. Sehoolcraft precinct , Tlirockiuorton'M school house. Kmorlok precinct , Wefct limerick school house , Shell Creek precinct , engine lion be. Kalainn/.oo precinct , Jenkins school IOUHO. Green Garden precinct , Schmitt chool house , Mndlson City , city hall ; outside pro- inct , ( J. A. H. hall. On motion board adjourned to K , a. m , Jctober 2. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. The road iH'tition signed by L. L. , < > w and 711 others , aMciiig that a public oad be located and opened , commenc- ngattho northeast corner of section 21-2 and running thence south ! t miles ml terminating at the southeast corner f section 17-2-1-2 , was taken up. It vim moved by H. W. Winter and sec- mded by Christ Schmilt that the poti- ion of L. L. Iw et al be gcanted and he road opened as described in said po- ition. The motion prevailed and the oad wim declared open. On motion the following claims forests osts and damages in the above road iuii were allowed : David Whitla , viewer , $2.70. A. C1. Daniel , appraiser , jil. V. W. Richardson , appraiser , $11.25. Frank Deuol , appraiser , $ ! f. Frank Fhxid , constable , $ H > , " ) . J. H. Conloy , constable , (50 ( cents. James Walmsley , moving fence , $ I. S. T. Napper acres of land and cueing , claimed $2i.W : ( ) ) , allowed ap- iniisorH' value , $5)0. ) W. N. Huso , publishing notice , $5. The road petition signed by W. F. \hlman and N ) others , asking that a iiiblic road be located and opened , com- nencinirat the southwest corner of sec- ion 2H-2-1-I and thence north - - - running I uilo and terminating at the northwest ornor of section 25I-2-I-I , was taken up. t was moved by II. W. Winter and econdcd by Christ Schmitt that the mtition of W. F. Ahlman ot al be trail ted and the road opened nts des- Tibed in said petition and that claims 'or damages be allowed as returned bv ppraiscrs with the exception of C. F. laase , who is allowed $ l ( ) extra for noving fence. Motion prevailed and oad was de'clared opened. On motion the following claims forests osts and damages in the above road aso were allowed : Krugor and Pufahl , ono-half aero of Hid , $25. John Pufahl , one-half aero of land , 12.50. John Krugcr , one-half ncre of Inud , 12.50. C. F. Haaso , 2 acres of land , claimed IJiO , allowed $150. Jos. Martin , 2 acres of land , $50. Julius Marquardt , one-half acre of uirt , claimed $15 , allowed $12.50. C. F. Shaw , 1' ' . . acres of landclaimed (50 ( , allowed $ ; i7.50. Fred Detlorman , appraiser. $11.25. J. W. Ransom , appraiser , $ -l.-IO. D. Whitla. appraiser , $ : t. J. II. Conloy , constable. $5. F. M. Martin , constable , $1.15. W. N. Huso , publishing notice , $5. The road petition signed by II. C. s'ahrstedt and 25 others , asking that a mblie road be located and opened , com- iiencing at the northwest corner of sec- ion 18-21-1 and running thcnco east 2 idles and terminating at the southeast orner of section 17-21-1 , was taken up. t was moved by H. W. Winter and econded by Christ Schmitt that the H'titiou of H. C. Nahrstedt ot al be granted and the road opened as reported > y commissioner appointed to view the niuo. The motion prevailed and the oad was declared 0HMiod. ] On motion the following claims for Ohts and damages in above road case vere allowed : A. E. Wells , 1 acre of land , $17. K. D. Wells , 2 acres of land and mov- ng fence , $40. C. U. Harris , 2 acres of land , $ : tT , ap- died on personal tax , $15.10. W. M. Condon , 2 acres of land , Maimed $70 , allowed $115. .T. A. Jefferson , 2 acres of land , $ ! ! , " > . Chas. Wells , 1 acre of land , $17.50. Christ Zumbrun for land and fencing laimed $75 , allowed $50. Mrs. J. F. Neidig , allowed $ I0 ! per icro for land used iu passing around XJiid in creek and to avoid draw. No illowauce for land along section line , ' "or moving and building fence , allowed 35. 35.F. F. M. Martin , constable , $7.30. Geo. E. Richardson , appraiser , $2.55. Henry Clausen , appraiser , $2.55. Alfred Dover , nppmiser , $2.55. W. N. Huse , publibhing notice , $7.50. On motion board adjourned to 1 p. in. Board met pursuant to adjournment. On motion the following bills were illowed : Wm. Bates , fees in cnso Herman Krucgor , incorrigible , $ -1.1)5. ) J. P. Mueller , witness fees in same cnso , $2. ( > ( ) , npplicd on personal tax. Leo Herdnmn , clerk surrornG court , fees in case Leroy Alyen , $ SI.U5. M. H.tCollnmer , merchandise for paupers , $17 50 , applied on personal tax. Norfolk Anzoiger , printing , | 3 25. Gust Kaul , salary , $85 00. Wui. Brnmuiund. bridge work , $10 60. Phil Bauch , postage , express , etc. , 2 months , $20 40. H. W. Winter , salary , $81.10. Christ Sohmitt , salary , $106.70. John J. Hughes , salary , $71.95. II. E. King , hardware , $4.00. Electric Light Co , lights for court house , 0 mouths , $3 55. There being a balance in the precinct cinct railroad bond fund the same was on motion transferred to the several road districts belonging to the precincts from which said money was received : Road district No. 1 , $ . ' 17.15) . Road district No. 8 , $1)7 ) 19. Road district No. 84 , $37 20. Road district No. 25 , $42 29. Rend district No. ! 12 , $12.25) . Road district No 33 , $42 HO. Rend district No. 17. $11.13. Road district No. 24. $14.14. Road district No. 9. $3 01) ) . Road district No. 1(5 ( , $3 10. Road district No. 2(5 ( , $ I. < 11. Rend district No 31 , $1.W. Road district No. 18 , $107. Rend district No. 23 , $4.8. ( ! On motion cleik was instructed to notify Canton Bridge Co. to build th following bridge : Ono . ' 12.foot bridge 14-foot roadway , ! r. o. piles 22 feet long , 3 2(5 ( feet and 8 11 feet long , on west side section 5-21-1 On motion bonrd adjourned to Novem ber 12 , 1901 , at 1 p. in. Pun. . BAUCH. County Clerk. Tin : NEWS keeps its job departinen up-to-date with the latest faces of typ and does its work in approved style. NORFOLK AUDITORIUM , 1 f | . . .THURSDAY , OCT. . I U Y i A A Production that may Appropriately be Termed , "The Light of Russia" E. J. CARPENTER'S , Phenomenally Popular and Successful Melodrama FOR HER SAKE FLAWLESS PLAY FOUNDED ON TRUTH Seaming with Barbaric Romance and Realism ! Vlassivc and Masterly Reproductions ! Supremely Novel Scenic & Spectacular Effects ! The Misdeeds of the Mighty now Unmasked ! lowering Triumph of Two Continents Seats on Sale at Leonard's Drug Store. Prices 35 , 50 and 75 Cents. MADETOCHEER . MEDAU PARIS EXPOSITION . - * > I90O BABIES. . . .CRY FOR AND BREAD MADE FROM TON FL Tried You Have Them ? SUGAR GITY CEREAL MILLS gARNES & TYLER , | ' Attorneys nt Law , Norfolk , - Nebra \ o DR. H. T. HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician nnd Snrpeon Office , Citizens National Rank Building , Telephone 101. Sanitarium and Keeidence , Main and 13th 8t Telephone 9. Norfolk , . - Nebraska. J J. COLE , DENTIST. Office over Citizen's National Bank , Resident * one block north of Congregational church , Norfolk , - Nebraska JyJISB MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. Dp Blairs In Cotton block , over Ianm ! Bton First-claee work guaranteed Norfolk , Nebraska JyJRS. SADIE HART MILLER. Osteopathic Physician , lioonis over Hnyob' Jewelry Floufe , Norfolk pOWERS & HAYS , Attorneys at Law. Roome 10,11 and 12 , Mast block. Norfolk Nebraski SESSIONS & BELL , Undertakers and Enilmliiier * , Seeeiong lUk , , Norfolk Ave , Norfolk , Nebrask J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO TUNER. Offlco with J. D. Sturgeon , NORFOLK , - - NEUIUSKA. TKCE3 OF OMAHA , will remain in Norfolk daring the winter eeaeon , MUSIC FURNISHED for all occasions. A. LAGROTTA , MAN. NORFOLK , NEB.- ' DR. IN. J. HOAGLAND , Osteopathic Physician. Olllce Room * , i and a , Bishop Block. Diseases , both ncuto and chronic , Buecossful- ly treated without the ueo of drugs or knife. I will bo aEeUtcd in my ofllcelby my wife , Stella Hongland. All calls promptly anewerod at your residence or at my oflico. Office Hours : 9:00 : to 12:00 : a. m. i:3o : to 4:30 : p. m. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First , door West of Post Ofllce M. E. SPAULDINC , UEAI.EU IN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE NO. 33