The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 04, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    v > Till' ; NOHFULK isKVVS : Mil DAY , OCTOBER I ,
National Convention Re-Elects '
Old Officers and Adjourns.
No Action Taken on Hcnolutlon Con *
dcmiilng Use of Sulphur In Doctor *
Inu Grnlnn G. A. Stcbblns of Ned
O.ik Succeeds Clnrko nn Secretary.
lk > H MoliH'M ' , Oct. ! . 'I'hu aiuiunl
convention nl' thu National drain
Dcnh'iH' UHHoclatloii niljinirncil yo -
tonlny after ro oloctliiK UH old olIlrcrH
rot'oiniiii'iulliu ; Mom | > lilH uti the mint of
tli nuxt convent Ion and ailojitliiK FCHO-
lutloiiH im'iiiorliill/.liiK coatn'Hii to
umuiiil tin1 Intci'Htatc comnu'iru law ;
coniltMiuiliiK InicUi't nlmw | ; rcrniumi'ixl-
Iii ) ; tlio ri'orKiinl'/.uilnii of I lie ijovcrn-
ini'iit crop HiTvlt'ti ami UH coopera
tion with tin- National Hay Dcalurtt'
umKx'Intlon ; nrKliu ; tlio KUIIHIIH ( Illy
cxchangi- repeal UH rule forbidding
alllllallonvllh any elli < > r ortunl7.u- ;
tlon , and Invltlm ; II to alllllatu with
ilio National.
Jli'iijniiiln A.I.nrhwooil of | ) C > H MolnuB
wan Hccti'tl piTHldi'iil.
( > . A. SlrhhliiH of Hi'il Unit. In. , WHH
oliH'U'd secretary after former
tnry Cliark'H S. Clurku had been ro-
oloeted and ilecllncil on account of
Iirlvato uiiHlncHH InlerentH.
Aiming tin1 tllreetorH chonen are the
following : Arthur A. Hawyern , Chicago
cage ; J. A. KliiK. Nevuila , la. ; 1) .
Hunter , Hamburg , la. ; I. . Cortelyou ,
ftlnm'olnli , Kan. , and .1. ( 'union , Iowa.
A light I" the convention anil a proli-
nblo Hpllt In thu iiKHoclullon wan
averted by the rul'imal of thu commit-
( eo on ri'tiolutloiiH to Incorporate ) Into
Ittt roiiort a nmolntlon prupared hy a
conunlttou I'niin the Chit-ago hoard of
trndu rouili'miiliig the IIHO of milplmr
In doctoring gniliiH. Tliln ro.soluUoii
met mii'li Keveru opposition from HO
many of the dealorn. both from Chl-
OJIKO and clHowhoro , that a coniiroinlBt | >
wan effected by the adoption of the
InieUot Mhop roBolntlon.
The convention adopted In full the
arbitration nclionio reported by tlin
arbitration committee. It alno adopted
u now net of trade nilen , requiring pur-
ch amirs to mall continuation of carder
or wlro bids , dullnlng "Immodlato , "
"quid' " and "prompt" Hhlpmenl ; re
quiring piirclniHorn tovlru billing In-
Htnu'tloim for prompt Hhlpmenta ; re
quiring tieller to notify purchaser on
last day buforo expiration of tlmo
Rpoellli'd , If ho will bo unable to fill
the Halo ; making aollor liable to do-
imirrage charges ; requiring Hellors to
dollvor grain fully up to sample ; re
quiring Hollers to load In accordance
with rules of originating roads , sondei
to pay all tolegramu ; Htirphis Hhlp
JTiontH to bo handled according to rules
of iiiarketH to which shipped ; no grain
sold on the regular nmrl'ot terms to he
forwarded by purchaser to Interior
points without consent of seller , am
requiring shippers to mall detailed In
voice of every shipment.
A Imiuiuot was tendered the mem
bcrs of the convention by the Corea
club of this city.
Commodore Was as Composed as Any
Man Could Be.
"Washington. Oct.I. . After Uouton-
nut Poyle , formerly of Commodore
Schloy's llagship , the UrooUlyn , had
: on\nlttted \ his testimony before the
Schle.v co\irt \ of inquiry yesterday , Gap-
twin William C. Dawson of the marine
corps was called , and was followed by
Lieutenant Charles W. Dyson of the
bureau of steam engineering of the
navy department.
Captain Dawson was signal officer
on board the battleship Indiana dur
ing the naval engagement off Santiago ,
nntl ho gave an account from recollec
tion of the behavior of the various
chips of the American Hoot during
that battle. Ho said the llroooklyn
lirul gene about 2,000 yards to the
southward before joining in the pursuit -
. suit of Corvera's ships. Lieutenant
Hyson was Introduced to testify con
cerning the coal supply of the Hying
squadron , but the court adjourned for
the day before ho could bo heard to
any o.\'nt.
Lieutenant Doyle. In describing
Schloy's conduct at the Santiago bat
tle , said that he was as cool and com
posed us nny olllcer could be , that he
was always right after the enemy and
that he directed the flro of the other
Vlardln County Tragedy.
"Des Mollies , Oct. 4. Further details
of the Ilardin county farm tragedy
have como to light. Only one of the
victims of the murderous attack of
James Lane is dead , and that is his
aged wife. Lane was captured and
taken to jail to await trial. Lane's
son-in-law , John Harhlte , is Improved
and may recover. It appears that Mrs
Lane hail left homo after a quarrel
with her husband and had gene to the
homo of Uarhlte , and Lane followed
searching for her.
Represents King Oscar.
Llndsborg , Kan. . Oct. 4. President
Swenson of llethany college ( Swedish )
lias gene to Now York to meet Ut.
Rev. Bishop Knut Hennlng ( toczcllus
von Scheole , one of the 12 Lutheran
bishops of Sweden. Von Schoolo Is
ono of the most distinguished Swedes
who over came to America olllcially.
Ho will represent King Oscar as his
delegate to the 2 < > th anniversary fes
tival of the Swedish college hero
Wov. 10.
Thomas Gibson Guilty of Murder.
Noono , la. , Oct. 4. Thomas Gibson ,
ou trail In the district court for shootIng -
Ing Henry Walker at Krascr , was
found guilty of murder in the second
Femnle Aeronaut Mlnnlng.
LaSalle , lll . . Oct. I.MIH. . L. A.
HiM-lcy. an aeronaut Known aH Lillian
I.efay , made a balloon iiHcoiiHlon In
IhlH city last night about dimk and no
trace of her linn wince been found. Her
liiiKlmml. who followed the balloon ,
claims to have HOOII hlH wife maUo the
parachute leap HiieceHHfully at a point
south of the Illinois river. The para
chute and his wife , ho mild , descended
slowly behind a grove of trees. ThlH
vicinity wan thoroughly searched In
vain. The balloon WIIH found ono nillo
HOiilh of heri' . Another witness nays
I bo woman and the parachute landed
In the river. The river wan dragged
for a distance of itcvcral miles with no
Shoots Sweetheart and Self.
Murnhitll. Mo. , Oct. I. W. II. Thorn-
an , jiMilous over the attentions paid
hlH fuvootheart , MHS ! Mlnulo Hayne ,
by Arthur flex , idiot and fatally
wounded the girl at her home hero
and then killed himself. Thomas had
ailed to see Miss llayso and found
Cox ( bore , lie left alter threatening
o kill both. After Cox had departed ,
Thomas re-entered the house and shot
ho girl while nlio was alone. All llvu
n the country.
General MacArthur will bo the next
omnmndor of the Department of thu
Two Quebec Central trains collided
rhursday between Hherbrooko and
Levin and three men were killed and
wo seriously wounded.
Dr. .lobn S. Miller of Aurora. Ills. ,
lied a petition In bankruptcy Thurs-
lay. In which his debtH are placed at
( IfiO.OOO. I ( In assets are ROOD.
It Is Htatcd that 21 men were killed
mil 100 Injured during llo ) Hungarian
election riots. In various places voters
ers were coerced by threats of death
or torture.
Hear Admiral Mortimer L. Johnson
look command of Charleston navy yard
Thursday In place of Hear Admiral
William T. SampHon , relieved on ac
count of III health.
The International Salt company ,
which expects to obtain control of the
Halt mines of the entire world , has
been Incorporated In New Jersey with
a capital of JIIO.OOO.OOO.
A grand jury was empaneled In
Judge Smith's court at Helena , Mon. ,
Thursday to Investigate the lynching
of James Kdward Urady , who was
hanged by a mob Wednesday.
Twelve hundred men and boys wont
on strike at Natalie colliery , Shamo-
kin , Pa. , to forcu the Shamokln Coal
company to evict James Haloman , an
ox-foreman , from a company house at
After an existence of two years In
Ice Hoes of the Arctic regions , Dr. Hob-
orl Stern of the United States geolog
ical survey , and Samuel Warmblrth
of Iloaton have arrived at Sydney on
the Wlndward , on route homo.
Mrs. ISIlza A. How , widow of James
! ' . How , late president of the Wabash
Ua'troad company , has donated $100-
000 to Washington university , St.
Louis , to be imed In the erection of a
memorial to her faihor , the late Cap
tain James H. l ads.
The plow trust , which has just been
organized In Chicago , will have fierce
opposition from the tlmo It expects to
do business. A St. Joseph company
has siarted the opposition and western
manufacturers to the number of 20
have agreed tojoin. .
From Hot to Cold.
Dysentery is prevalent everywhere in
Htinminr and is duo to miasmatic poinona ,
and begins abruptly with inflammation
of the mucous lining of the largo bowel.
In America the disonso is common , but
pronorly treated does not result as seri-
Dimly as in the tropics Perry D.ivin'
Pain Killer is the best known remedy
and the most ufllcacious in the treat
ment of dysentery.
Self Protection
demands that yon ho ou the alert to HO
that you got Pain Killer ( Perry Davis' )
when you nak for it ; some dealers \yill
try and persuade you to take something
else , claimed to he just as good ; insist
upon getting Pain Killer , the remedy
whioh has been the world's family doc
tor for (10 ( years ; it never fails to stou
diarrhoea , griping pains in the stomacher
or bowels , dycoutory , etc. Largo bottles
S5 and PO cents.
The Finest Fabric
made by huinnu skill is coarse compared
with the lining of the boweh. When
this tender meuibr.xno is irritated wo
Imvo gripping pains , diarrhoea and
cholera morbus. Whatever bo the
canflo of the trouble , take Porrv Davis'
Pain Killer according to the directions
with each bottle. Travelers in all cli
mates carry Pain Killer in their grip
sacks. Largo bottles 25 and M ) cents.
Consumption Threatened.
O. Uugor , 212 Maple St. , Champaign ,
111. , writes : "I was troubled with n
hacking cough for n year and I thought
I htul consumption. I tried n great
many remedies and was under the care
of physicians for several mouths. I
used ono bottle of Folov's Ilonoy and
Tar. It oured uio , and I have not been
troubled since. " A. II. Iviesan.
Ohas. RoploRlo of Atwater , O. , was
unable to work on account of kidney
trouble. After using Foloy's Kidney
Oure four days he was cured. A. II.
Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea is
never sold in bulk by peddlers or loss
than ! Wo. Don't bo fooled , get the ten
made famous by the Madisou Medicine
Co. Ueo. B. Ohristoph.
Ulcers , open or obstinate sores , scalds
and piles , quickly cured by Banner
Salve , the most healing medicine in the
world. A. H. Kiesau.
No Relief for 20 Years.
"I had bronchitis for twenty years , "
said Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville ,
111. , "and never got relief until I used
Foley'a Ilonoy and Tar which is a sure
euro for throat and lung diseases. " A.
II. Kiesau.
Featurcn of the Trading nnd Closing
Corn KIT. t > \f. Alny. , , Ni' .
Wlienl KIT. . lJMiMM , ) , 7-i' ' .
( lulu KIT. . : .Vr ; \liiy , . ' 17' i
I'nik del . * ll.i.-p ; ; .Inn. , * l.'IJl/j.
KlliH Orl. , JH.r.0. .Inn. . fS.O.i.
l.iinl Oct. . $ 77''j ' ; .Inn. , Jl : ! $ .
CiiNli III | | IIIIMM | No. _ > ml whi'iit , ( WV ,
ri/iilH , ! ' , No. 'I ml ulinit. U7V/lHUr ! ; No. : t
Hprltiu uliciil , oiit , < LV < /'tllHi < , i > ; No. 2 linrit
Mill-ill. UT9i'iiilsiiNo. ' . : t linn ) wlu-iil , IITVj
fiUHr ; No. ' . ' niMll I'orn , TillUr ; No , ! | lu-w
riiril. r.lV.I.MP'No. , ; . -J I-HHI | oiilH , : i//ii.'l.'JiL- ' ;
No. M ciiNii iiniH , 'i.viciriVii- . i
Clili'iiuo , del. II. ItitllM innili- M'culi i-fTort
to coiitiol n | II < IIIHI | | iimrld't toiln.v Mini KI- .
l-l-llllHT I'llMI flOHI-ll l/ | IllKlHT , 1) . MlllIT
WillIll1l'r ' | lIl'IIITHKI'll lOlll KlTI-lllllIT
oiilH ' < , ( lilKhi-r. I'liiv | HDIIS | rliiNl-il r l-Uu
pllccm :
Chicago Live Stock.
ciiieaijo. net. : i.-runIP iiiTHptH , n.rino , '
InelnilliiK I.INUI Te\miM mnl J.IMX ) weHlenw ; I
IIPHI Mleaily , nil olliern ilull mnl lower ; KOOI !
In | irlnn > Nleei'N , .fll. I.ViiU.llO ; pimr to medium , !
$ ; i.7.Vi/.VI / ) ; NlneliiTN Mini feeileiH , $ 'J.-jr.rJ
1.00 : riiWH , JI.L'.Vii'l.l'iO ; heifers , $ 'J.X ( ) ' ( | I 7. , ;
cillllii'iM. .fI J.V.L''J.hull ; * . $ I.7.V > H IK ;
JI.IKI ; \vi > Nti > rn sleei-H. f.'l.TiVil. . ' . ' . * ! . llouHIte -
celplN litclnv. 'I.IMxt ; iniiiiirrow , 'jo.lHMt , I'H-
iniiipil : li-ft ovi'iri.Xh ( ) : Nti > inty to linn ;
mnl Inili'lii'i'H. .til.'l./iil.ii."i ( ; ciiiiil in
lii'iivv. .fil.iUiiidl.H. : rniiKli lieuvy ,
11.10 ; llulit. $ ( ! . lKi/l.V ( / | ) ; Inill ; ( if xillOH ,
$11.VK.m. \ ( \ . Sliccp ltrci > lilH. | IH.IMN ) ; Kllccp
liliiint MC'III\ | | , ; Itinilm Ntcnily to ( Or lower ;
KIIIH ) to clmlrc uTlliri'H. < : ! . 'iii'iKl.T.V fnlr in
choli > i > inlxcil. $ : i.lN' ) : : ) ; wrHti-rn nliccp ,
J' ' "ilKdll.liI ) : initliiImnlis , J'J.r > ( K.1.7rvvHl ( ; -
rni liiniliH , $ : i. liwi'l. in.
Kansas City Live Stock.
KIIIIIIIM City. Orl. it. Cuttle-Itrcplptn ,
11.SIKI. Ntciicly : clmlcc pxpiirt mnl ilrpHHpil
lici'f Nli'i'iN , $ , ' .rifiiri.ll."i ( ) ; full' to K < > il , $ I.IU )
( iin.t ! < ti HlorUci-H unil fppilpi-H. S'J.rKMcl.iiri ;
WPMtoi'li ft-il NliMM'H , $ . , ' ( > iiri.riO ; wo.itcrn
riuiKi' Mti-iTH , $ 'l..Vd i.r > . * i ; TCXUIIN mnl In-
lllilliu , f'J.riO'iiil.l'iO ; TCMIH I-IIWH , IL'-KVf,1 : ! . 10 ;
unlive CIIWN , $ llM'iO'icl.'l.'i ; lii'lfi'rs. J.'t.lNITJ
fi.lHI : riiiiucrs. $ t.'irir'J.riO ; linlln , f'J.riOfiid.Tri ;
CIllVPH. $ : i.MMtri.'J.i. ( llllKM-Ut'Cl'IplH , ll.WX ( ) ;
.VulOi' lower ; top , $ ll.H'JUj : ImlU of Hiilcs ,
$ il."i < Wiil.7. : lii-iivy. lil.T.Viiil.H'JVj ; inlxcil
paclii'i-M. $ ( l.rilMill.T'i ; IlKlit , $ fl.lXK lUUUj ;
plk'H. .fri.HOrii.IX | ) . Sheep H -Ipln , LIUK ) ;
Htpuily ; wpNtern ImiiliH , $ ! | riO'trl.'jri ; western
welliei'M , $ : t.XW,3.iriVPM. ( ; . J'J.WKii.'l.OO ; feed-
PfH , | 'J.Olii.'J.i } : ; Hllll'k .slll'cp , $1.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oliiiiliu , Ort. ! l. CultliIticelpti. .
l.r Hl ; Hleiuly to lower ; native lii-ef Ntei-r.s ,
? l.rK.MI.IO ) ; western hteern , $ : i.TIrrtri.1 ) ( ) ; Tex-
us Hteerx , $ : i."lKi-l. ( ; ! ( ) ; COWH mill lielfers , Ti'iZl '
10i- lower , $ J.70'i-l. - ' . - > ; eminerM , l.LMJC..r.O ;
HtoekerH mnl feeilerN , lii\ver , j'J.WWI.IO :
ealvi-H , 'I.IKKuri.OO ; ImllH , 4lll ; ! , ete. , $ ' _ > . < > 0f0
l.-'i. HOKHIteeelpts , II.IMII ) ; Hteiuly to
Hlinile Hlroimer ; lieuvy , fll."ilMl.ll.'i ; lul.xeil ,
0.10 ; bulk of Kiile * . $ l.ri7'X/i ! ( < l.l' l ) . .SheepUe -
eelplH. 10.r.00 . ; Hteiuly : welherx , $ n.XCi ( ) > : ( ;
( > wi > x. J'J. . " MiH : ! ( ) ; enniinon mill ntock alioe | ) ,
' . ' .SD'dll. 10 ; Imnlis(1 ! ! , ( 1.10.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. JiiMppli , Oet. it. CattleUecelptu , 2-
( Vx ) ; Ntenily ou natives ami heavy
other.i weak to Ue lower ; iiutlveH ,
fi.'JS ; Texmis mill xvesteriiM ,
cows mid heifers , $1. ) ' ( ( . " . 10 ; liulls mid
NtilKS. $ ' _ ' . ( XSM..S. ) > ; HtoekerH mid foeilers ,
Jl.WVJi-l.'J. ; ypnrlliiKM mid rnlves , $ 'J.Ofi (
: i.S.veulH . ; , $ : t. < Xi ( ! .0 < ) . HoRs-UecelptH. 0-
( XX ) ; opened Htendy to weak , closed 10t'J.1o (
lower ; IlKlit anil IlKlit nilxeil , $ iUOg < ! .7n ;
liieilluiu uuil heavy , $ U.WQO.a7Vi ) ;
| 1.7r 4O.M ) ; bulk ,
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Years of Suffering-
"I suffered for thirty years with
diarrhoea and thought I was past being
cured"says John S. IIallowayof French
Oiunp , Miss. "I had spout BO much
time and money and suffered so much
that I had given up all hopes of re-
covo'y. I was so feeble from Hie effects
of the diarrhoea that I could not oven
travel i but by accident I was permitted
to Ilnd a bottle of Obamborliiin"s Colic ,
Oh'tlora and Diarrhoea Remedy and
after taking several bottlrs I am entirely
cured of that trouble. I tun so pleased
with till ) result that I am anxious that it
bo in roach of all who suffer as I have. "
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co.
I had a running sorrt on my log for
seven years. " writes Mrs. Jus. Forest of
Ohippowa Fulla , Wis , "and spent him-
drds of dollars in trying to got it hoali'd.
Two bottles of Banner Salve entirely
cured it. " Buwaro of substitutes. A. II.
A Shocking Calamity
"Lately befell u railroad laborer , "
writes Dr. A. Kollott , of Williford ,
Ark. "His foot was badly crushed , but
Buoklou's Arnica Salve quickly cured
him. " It's simply wonderful for burns ,
boils , piles and all skin eruptions. It's
the world's champion healer. Cure
guaranteed. 25o. Sold by A. H.
Stood Death Off.
E. B. Munday , a lawyer of Henrietta ,
Tex. , once fooled a grave digger. Ho
says : "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try EUctrio Bitters , and
ho was soon much bettor , but continued
their use until ho was wholly cured. I
am sure Electric Bitters si vod his life "
This remedy expels malaria , kills
disease germs and purifies the blood ;
aids digestion , regulates liver , kidneys
and bowels , cures cinstipatiou , dys
pepsia , nervous diseases , kidney
troubles , female complaints ; gives per
fect health. Only f > 0o at A. H. Kiesau.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's Now
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength , listlessness into
energy , brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 23c per box. Sold by A.
II. Kiesau.
When you want a pleasant physic try
the now remedy , Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are
easy to take and pleasant in otYeot.
Price 25 cents. Samples free at the
Kiesau Drug Co.
Does H Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is
all right , but you want something that
will relieve and cure the more severe
and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do ? A
warm , dry and sunny climate is fine for
you , but by all means you should take
the only remedy that has been intro
duced in all civilized countries with suc
cess in severe throat and lung troubles ,
"Boscheo's ( Jerman Syrup. " It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germ disease , but allays in
flammation , causes easy expectoration ,
gives a good night's rest , and cures the
patient. Try ono bottle. Recommended
by all druggists in the world. Sample
bottle free at Kiosan Drug Co. Got
Green's Prize Almanac.
A Little Known Fact ,
That the majority of serious diseases
origiimtii in disorder of the kidney.
Folcy's Kidney Onro isguiirantowl 'Bo
Hiiro to got Foioy's. A. II. Kltnau.
Havoyou amuiHO of fullness in the
region of your Htonmch after eating ?
If HO you will 1m benefited by using
Olmmborlain'rt Stomach and Liver
TablutH. They also cure belcliing and
sour stomach. They regulate the
bowels too. Prlco U/i / cents. Sold by
the Kiesau Drug Co
Krause's Headache Capsuls
are unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica. They were llrnt proscribed by Dr.
Krause , ( tormiiny'K famous court phy <
sioiiin , long boforii antlpyrino was dis
covered , and are almost marvelous , KO
speedily do they cure the most distrosi- j
ing cases. Price We. Sold by Goo. B ,
Mr. G. A. PUllman , u merchant of I
Tampico , 111. , writes : Foluy's Kidney1
Oiuo is meeting with wonderful success
It has cured Homo eases hero that phyiif-
cians pronounced incurable I mynolf
am able to testify to its merits My j
face today is n living picture of health ,
and Foloy's Kidney Cure has made it
such. " A. II Kiesau.
II. C. Wat kins , sexton of the Metho
dist church , Springllold , Pa. , says : " My
wife has boon very bad with kidney
t rouble nnd tried several doctors with
out , benefit. After taking ouo bottle of
Foloy's Kidney Cure , was much hotter ,
and was completely onrod after taking
four bottles. " A. II. Kiesau.
A Remedy From Nature's Laboratory.
Liohty's Celery Nerve Compound is
a scientific combination of nature's
health restorers , celery , cocoa , casoara ,
Kngrada , hops , dandelion , buchu , man
drake , sarsaparilla and chamomile
Siokly children , weary women and
tired and broken down men find In this
great compound health , strength and
happiness. Sold by Goo. B. Ohristoph.
Red is a ( lunger signal on the railroad
on a fellow's nose and on a woman's
face. Men and women use Rocky
Mountain Tea and get gennine.J rosy
cheeks. 800. Goo. B Ohristoph.
Cuts and Bruises Quickly Healed.
, Ohumborlain'B Pain Balm applied to a
cut , bruise , burn , scald or like injury
, will instantly allny the pain and will
[ heal the parts in loss time than any
I other treatment. Unless the injury is
t very severe it will not leave a scar.
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism , !
sprains , swellings and lameness. For
sale by the Kiosau Drug Co.
Lichty's Celery .Nerve Compound
for all nervous diseases , neuralgia ,
( rheumatism , nervous debility , paralysis ,
i biliousness , dyspepsia , costiveuess , piles ,
liver complaint , kidney troubles and
female complaints. It goes to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily. Sold by Goo. B. Christoph.
Men Will be Boys.
In the excitement of a lively exercise
like boat-racing or ball-playing , they
will strain their muscles and go homo
limping and sore. Then they are glad
they have Perry Davis" Pain Killer ou
hand to soothe the quivering nerves ; to
penetrate the muscles with warmth and
healing power. It has relieved the pain
of two generations of Americans. Large
bottles 25 and CO cents.
Constipation neglected or badly
treated , leads to total disablRy or death.
Rocky Mountain tea absolutely cures
constipation in all its forms. ! ! 5c. Gco.
B. Christoph.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great
Favorite. |
The soothing and healing properties j '
of this remedy , its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a great favorite with thn people every
where. It is especially pri/.ed by
mothers of small children , for colds ,
croup and whooping cough , as it always
atl'ords quick relief , and as it contains
no opium or other harmful drug , it maybe
bo given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult. For sale by the Kiesau Drug
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of thn bravo General Buruham
of Maohias , Me. , when the doctors said
she would die from pneumonia before
morning , " writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln ,
who attended her that fearful night ,
"but she bogged for Dr. King's Now
Sufferers from this horrible malady
: nearly always inherit it not necessarily
' from the parents , but may be from some
remote ancestor , for Cancer often runs
| through several generations. This deadly
' poison may lay dormant in the bjood for
i years , or until you reach middle life , then
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap-
I pcarance or a swollen gland in the
| breast , or sonic other part of the body ,
1 gives the first warning.
I To cure Cancer thoroughly nnd perma-
ncntly all the poisonous virus must be
eliminated from the blood every vestage
of it driven out. This S. S. S. does , and
is the only medicine that can reach deep-
seated , obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals , nud the j
disease never returns.
Cancer begins of ten in a small way , as the I
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows :
A small pimple came on my law about nn Inch .
* ; low the ear on the left side of tuy face. It gave
me no pain or inconven-
clnce , and I should have
forKolten about It had It
not begun to inflame nnd
itch ; it would bleed a
little , then scab over , but
would not hcnl. This
continued for sometime ,
when my jaw began to
swell , becoming very
paiuful. The Cancer be
gan to cat and spread ,
unltl it was ns larce as a
halfdollar.wncnl heard
of S. S. S. nnd iletermln-
, ed to Rive it n fair trial , '
nnd it was jemarkable
what n wonderful effect
' it had from the very bcginnlnc ; the sore began to
heal and after Inking n few bottles disappeared
1 entirely. This was two years ago j thcienre still
' no signs of the Cancer , and my general licatlh
continues Rood. MRS K. SIIIKUR , Ixi Vlata , Mo.
is the greatest of nil
blood purifiers , and the
SSS ! only one guaranteed
) purely vegetable. Send
for our free book on
, Cancer , containing valuable and interest-
i iiif { information about this disease , and
j write our physicians about your case.Vc
, make no charge for medical advice.
Kitchen Economy
Muscle Economy ,
Health Economy ,
Back Economy ,
Time Economy ,
AH are combined when you use
Complete dialogue show-
over 300 premiums Hut
may k1 secured by sating
Hie wrappers , furnished
free upnn request ScnJ
yuur name on a postal
card and ue wilt mail you
the catalogue
Premium Dept. ,
The Cudahy Packing Co. ,
South Omaha , Hcb ,
Uiamnnil 'C' & > ; > far taleb < iall Orvttrt
Start Girls Right !
Many beautiful girls become Invalldi for life ,
because at the crucial period of puberty they
pay no attentloa to the laws of health' Mothers
should protect their daughters' health by giv
ing them necessary Information and proper
treatment. When the menses come on a girl
unawares In her Inexperience she Is either
frightened Into convulsions , or scared Into try
ing to check the flow. Many girls have checked \
the flow and it has never started again. And
as a result they have grown pale-faced , with
"crow-tracks" on their cheeks , and dark half *
moons under their eyes. A dose of
taken every morning after a girl Is twelve years
old will bring the menses on properly and keep
them regular. It will help her to develop Into
attractive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife and motherhood.
All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul.
The Hollywood , Asbury Part , N. J. , February 8.1900 ,
I road your advertisement in regard to Wlno of Cardul In the Baltimore )
American , anil It so favorably impressed mo that on my visit to Baltimore
during the holidays I purchased n bottle of it for my adopted daughter , who
was suffering with female troubles. Hho had been under the doctor's care
for some tlmo , and when her period ! ) would como on her guttering was some
thing terrible , I induced her to try it and the first dose brought on her
menses. She took it regularly according to the directions , and was greatly
relieved. To use her own wordi , "It saved iny life. ' J. WESLEY OEOS8.
For aiUlce ml literature , addrcil , Elflnz jmptomi , "The TjJIn' Adtliory
Department. " The Chattanooga Medicine Company , Chattanooga , Tenn.
Discovery , which had more than once
saved her life , nnd cured her of con
sumption. After taking , she slept nil
ni 'lit. Further use entirely cured her "
This marvellous medicine is gnnranteed
to cure all throat , chest and lung
diseases. Only COc and $1.00. Trial
bottles free nt A. H Kiesau.
How it is Done.
5The first object in life with the Amer-
eau people is to "get rich ; " the second ,
how to regain good health. The first
can bo obtained by energy , honesty nud
saving ; the second , ( good healthby ) us
ing Green's August Flower. Should
yon bo a despondent sufferer from nuy
of thn efl'ects of dyspepsia , liver com-
pluiut , nppondicitis , indigestion , etc. ,
such as sick headache , palpitation of the
heart , sour stomaoh , habitual costiveness -
ness , dizziness of the head , nervous
prostration , low spirits , etc , you need
not suffer another day. Two doses of
the well known August Flower will re-
HPVO you nt once. Go to the Kiesau
Drug'Co. and got a sample bottle free.
Rngnlar size , 75 cents. Got Green's
Prize Almanac.
A Pocket Cold Cure.
Krause's Gold Cure is prepared In
capsule form and will cure cold in the
head , throat , chest or any portion of the
body in 24 hours. You don't have to
stop work either. Price 23c. Sold by
Geo. B. Ghristoph.
weakens the body and de
grades the mind. It saps
the nervous strength that
is the source of all health ,
and perverts the functions
of every organ. Because
of its stubborn nature , it is
often called incurable. This
is not true. There is one
medicine that never fails to
check the nervous spasms
and give new strength to
the entire system.
"My little cirl had epilepsy so bad
that in one day she suffered seventy-
one fits. The doctors pave her up to
die , but I began C'vmp ' ner Dr. Miles'
Nervine aud now she is perfectly welL
It took five bottles to effect a cure. "
Siloara Springs , Ark.
Dr. Miles'
allays nervous irritation ,
stops spasms , restores di
gestion and mental vigor.
Sold by drucgists ° n guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind.
- .
nnc pjitrw
orau V
For Snip bv Oporge B. Ohri tnnh. "
Al II 4nig ttorca. 25 Dote * 25c.
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Made a
Well Man
Take the seiiulnc. original
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