II TilK NORFOLK NKWS : FRIDAY , ( KTOUKU I , 1001 OPTICIAN OCULIST Ophthalmologist OP 'IGIAN Ono who Manufact ures or Deals in Optical'Goodd. OCULIST A Physician who Pio- tend * to t'uru Eye Diseases ( ? ) . OPHTHALMOLOGIST - One who Understands tlio liuw. thnr Do- fectH iiud their Relation to lluiniui Ills. G. p. W. Ophthalmologist , Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. NEBRASKA. NORFOLK - - Good lot at Junction $ ? < ) . < House and IB acre , ! ! d St H50 ( House , bnrn , 'B acre , .Junction. l2r ! . < House , barn , & aero , -Ith St. . 1200.1 House at Junction 700.1 Loans on Real Estate Low Hates. T. E. ODIORNE. K IIAYti at all times a W complete stock of Building Material. Let Us Make You An Estimate On Your Next Bill. Chicago Lumber Co. ACOODMANY PEOPLE who have tried to find something "just as good" as . .CHASE & SANBORN'S. . COFFEE AND TEA have given it up. Our trade on these goods is better thau ever. Why dou't you try ? Sold only by PARISH. X The Weather. Conditions of the weather as recorded ( or the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to day : Maximum temperature 55 Minimum temperature i0 ! 42 Average Precipitation 00 ? Total precipitation for month 00 | Barometer 20.78 I. Forecast for Nebraska : Partly , f' cloudy tonight and Saturday , with ji , probably showers Saturday and in west portion tonight. Slowly rising temper- ature. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. The teachers of the Lincoln building will give n bowling party to the other teachers of the city schools at the Hight V bowling alley this evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Grabtree , married \ at Madison yesterday , are issuing wed ding cards announcing that they will be at home at Joplin , Missouri. J. B. Maylard has begun some ex tensive improvements to his residence K property in The Heights , among which will bo the raising of the roof and in creasing the room. F. M. Yeasel of the Fair store has purchased the Madison steam lauudry and will soon take charge , resigning his position in the Fair store. J. W. Wil liams is conducting the business for the present. The Ahlman bicycle meet is being held this afternoon on the Kdwards track north of the city. Quito a num ber of riders have entered for the event and a large number of people are out as spectators. A party of young people who went out last night to charivari Mr. acd Mrs. W. I ) . Crabtroo were uinwcceHtfnl They now claim that the bridu and groom were so small they were muib.o to locate thuin. On account of not being able to get a sulllcient number of beets , the biigar factory will not start tomorrow UH had boon anticipated , but Malinger Uundiek announces that the factory will surely start Monday morning. D. IU > OH has traded his residence property - orty for the Lovl Kdrty farm of100 acres ten miloH southeast of the city , the deal being conducted through S. L. Gardner. Mr. Hots is to have posses sion of liiti residence \ mil spring. August KiL'Biui is repairing his re cently acquiro'l rowidonco property on South Tenth street. A furnace is being placed and the house It ) being put in shape for the occupancy of ills tamily. They expect to occupy it in about two weeks. Thorc will bo a special meeting of the Woman's club , Saturday afternoon , October 5 at 4 o'clock , at Mrs. H. A. Bullock's for the puipo o of electing a president , who will bo sent as dulcgato to the htato federation at Wayno. Other important business will bo transacted. The state board of purchase and sup plies has let the following contracts for supplying the Norfolk hospital for the insane during the quarter ending De- comborltl : Raymond Bros , Lincoln , grouoiios , cotl'eo , spices and extracts ; llaydon Bros. , Omaha , clothing and shoos ; Sugar City Cereal Mills , Norfolk , Hour ; Armour & Co. , Omaha , meats ; Ivietwu Drug Co. , Norfolkdrugs ; Glon- rock Coal Co , Glonrook , Wyoming , coal Johiibon Dry Goods company , Norfolk , dry goods. The Columbus-Norfolk High school foot ball game on the grounds north of the city ttnorrow promises to bo quite an event and many Norfolk people arc making arrangements to attend. The Columbus team is expected to arrive on the morning train and will return at 1:15 , the game being called at 2t ! ( ) so that it may be completed before that tinio. The line up of the Norfolk team is : Center rush , Zutx ; right guard , Perry ; left guard , Head ; right tackle , Duigman ; loft tackle , ORden ; right end , Stafford ; left end , Bullock ; bub- itituto , Hyde. Mr. Otto Tappert has taken the con cession for the lunch counter at Bust- villo next Monday evening and can show yon the hottest thing in hot Wiener wursts. WASIKD Sni'ill furnished house or two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at Hall's barber shop. Columbus-Norfolk foot ball game to morrow. W. W. Roberts has twelve millionaire companion. Calls for dray and transfer work promptly attended to by Millard Green. A good hoino for sale cheap. W. J Gow & Buo. FOR SALE Ranch one and a half miles from Tilford , S. D. l.fiOO acres deeded laud , 2,000 leased land , plenty living water ; all fenced ; well improved ; Price $ .20,000. Would take some Nor folk property and farms to suit. G. R. SKILKIJ. Farm and city loans. TUB UUBLAND TKOBT Co. PERSONAL. M. C. Thiesou and J. R. Ryan were oity visitors yesterday from Crcighton. I. M. Leech of Marion , Ohio , is in the city looking after his property interests F. H. Thompson of Omaha , freight agent of the Union Pacific , is in the city today on business. Mrs. S. R. Haggard of Lincoln is visit ing her son , C. R. Haggard , local man ager of the American Express company. Earl Saunders , taking the business ' went to Os course in Brown's college , mend today to visit his parents over Sunday. S. G. Strickland of Omaha , superin tendent of the O. , St. P. , M , & O. , was in the city yesterday on business con nected with that line of railway. The irrepressible J. M. Kelly , who sells p. g. , type and job stock , and at the same time dispenses good nature for the Sioux City Printing Co. , was in town over night. George Harrigfeldt.who formerly lived near Hoskius but four years ago organ ized a colony of Wayne county people and went to St. Anthony , Idaho , has been visiting friends here and in Wayne county. He returned to Idaho yester day. day.G. . W. Brown , jr. , who has been looking - ing after his interest in connection with the business college , left for his homo in Sioux City this afternoon. Ho is well pleased with the prospects for a successful year , having increased the enrollment considerably with promibe of a large increase by January 1. Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop block. Telephone 147 A. Sturgeon is the piano man. WAXTT.D Men to learn barber trade. Only eight weeks required , tools pre sented , board included , wages Satur days , positions guaranteed. Graduate ; ' wanted for trains , hospitals , country and city shops. Catalogue mailed free , Moler Barber College , Omaha , Neb. A Comedy Full of Laughable Incidents. COMPANY DRAWS A FULL HOUSE The Livingstones arc Complimented with the Spirit Shown by Norfolk People , Who nro Given an Enjoyable Evening. Norfolk theatro-gooiH did well by the Living * tones and thtiir company last ovonlng when they pn-scnted ' Which is Who' at the Auditorium. The house was well tilled and there tMithusiaHtn Holdout was a dt'groo of audience. The shown > jy a Norfolk most satisfactory piirt of the entire evening was that them worn no disap pointments. The entertainment wax ijood and every promise of the campany was carried out. The patrons were as sured of an evening of laughter and pleas ure and they received it to their entire satisfaction. The statement that it is the comedy success of the season is no ongor considered as mere talk by Nor folk people who now roab/.o that it is entitled - titled to all the credit glvon it , and inont the company deserves a packed house wherever it goes It not only has a strong cast but an honoHt etl'ort is made to please that ciinnot help but win a substantial reputation. The comedy is not of the kind with a scant excuse for a plot just to work in specialties but the plot is prominent , and the feature of the performance. The specialties between acts are ( imply given for good measuio the entertain- mtiiitvould be complete and worth the price of admission without them. The story is of that amubing kind after the style of Shiikespearo's "Comedy of Errors" in which a plot of misunderstandings - standings , mistaken identity , and similarities brings each player in exact opposition with every other play or and each with an abundance of troubles of thickens and increases his own. The trouble creases rapidly until the iinal act when , down eacl , ro- just as the curtain goes , coivcs a satisfactory explanation of his dilllculties. Thn real causes of all his troubled , a real live baby and a frisky dog , make their appearance in this final scene and the exclamations of surprise and delight on the part of the audience attests the success of the scheme. The cast of characters WUH exception ally strong and i-ven , each performer taking his or her part with grace and olovernes0. It would bo diflicult to pick the star and it may bo local pride that would choose F. II. Livingstone , ns "Mr. Algie Which , " as such. Mrs. H S Livingstone as "Rose Who" was like wise exceedingly popular in her rolo. The singing and dancing of Mile. Trojan , the monologues and songs of Harry Oliver and the act of Do Anne , "tho Human Fly" wore excc-lleut specialties , especially the latter , aston ishing feats being performed on the trapeso. While Mr. Livingstone was hem last summer ho assisted Trinity Social guild in preparing for an entertainment and last evening members of the society to the number of SI occupied front seals in the balcony and after ascertaining which WHK who presented him with a beautiful ( loral favor , which was duly appreciated. The "Which is Who" company left today for Pierce , where they are billed to appear tonight. Attend the foot ball game tomorrow and enjoy some rare sport. Children under the ago of 12 will be admitted to the ball game Saturday for 15 cents. Foil SALE 80,000 acres in North Da kota. For sale on crop payment plan. G. R. SEILKII. The Columbus-Norfolk foot ball game tomorrow will be called at 2:30 : , sharp. FOK SALE Well improved farm on bottom land two miles from Norfolk , $ -10.00 per aero. G. R. SEILKU. Foil RENT After October 15 , my property about a mile south of Norfolk. A. D. PKATT. CITY BUSINESS. Council Allows Some Bills and Trans acts Other Business. The city council met in regular ses sion last evening , when there were pres ent Mayor Keen < gEtein , Councilmen Brummund , Deguer , Gow , Spellman , Uhlo , Walker and Westervelt. Absent , Clements. Minutes of regular meeting of Sep tember 20 were read and approved. The auditing committee reported as correct the August report of the treas urer and clerk ; also the September re port of the police judge. The resignation of J. II. Couloy as chief of police was road , and the mayor stated that he had advanced Martin Kane to chief of police and appointed Herman Koch as night policeman. The resignation of ,7. II. Couloy was accepted by the council and the appoint ment of Kane and Kock was continued The report of the city treasurer for September was read and referred to the auditing committee. The report bhowh balances as follows : General fund $52'.i ; interest , ? 1,848.-M ; water | 293.7a ; road , $5i.23 ; sinking , fl.045 10 nro department , 51)0 ) ; Htrcet light fund , ifild M. The following bills were allowed : Martin Kane , Hoptombur salary , lump . hlinnoy and diHMwiiiK | > f > OK ( "K'1 " I0- ,1 II Oonlityi Hillary , postage , dls- > ostng of dogn , $ r > ; i 50. II , II llojt , Hillary for September , | IO. Fred Leu , wtlary and labor , sfl ? .M ) . O H Walker , llrst quaiter'H Hillary , Mi ! M. Kinil 1'ilbenow , repair to tire appar- it us , $ : i no V. W. KlcnU , hauling hook and ladler - lor truck to Sohelly tire , $1 IX ) . .1 M S.illor , two-montlm' salary an anitor at the city hall , $ r > .0 < ) . Fied KlontMroet sprinkling , $20 00 World-lleiald , advertiHing , fl ( M ) . American Contractor , advertising , yt no. A. G Kberhart , meals for piinoneiH. fll.-lO. An/elgcr , printing , IIH.7r > . W H. Lowo. surveying , $5 00. August I'liHcwulk , repairing grader ind tools , fH.ori. Owcar Uhlo , n\lo greano , M ) contn. Oscar Rltohio , work on grader with earn , $2D.iU ) . woik on grader with W. Xantrow , oam , tis .M ) . Kmil lleckman. woik on grader with earn , $111 7 > " > . salary , f Ui 00. L. Wet/el , September llarly Widanmn , HOVOII days IIH iiHHlst- int Hieman , $10 r > 0. Win Hlucher , digging up watergaten , fi.no. O--car Uhle , supplieH to watorwoilts , f 1 Wl. (3. W liriuiK'h , coal to waterwoikH , VJOO 15 Norfolk Kloctrio Light and Power C ) , wo months' street lighting , $120 00. M. H. Spaulding , oil and giiKolino , ? lS.2.'i. Bill of R M. Upton , work with team m grader , ior $22.20 , WUH allowed at flft.TiO. The claim of the Norfolk Printing , 00 for publmhing ordinance o , $11 , No. 2C.O , known as the sewer oidinanco , d for the reason that the was n .v ct ( contract between the council and Mr lish was that Mr. RiHh should pay the the ordinance and expense of publishing the published proceed- t HO uppeaied in ngs of the meeting. Ordinances No. 2ii ( : , prohibiting the litching of tennis on Norfolk avenue , was passed the second reading. Motion to suspend the rules and pans the ordi- lance on its third reading wrid lost. Ordinance No 201 , regarding water rates , was pasted on it Hist reading. Proposition of the Norfolk Foundry ind Manutacturing Co , to settle claim against the city for $15000 , wan ac cepted , and the amount allowed. The mayor stated that the residents of the block between Madison and Philip ivemirs , on the east side of Ninth Htrcot , mrt built Hidowalks and requested the city to build a croHH walk on Madison ivenuo in order to connect with other walks. On motion the utreetcommittoo was instructed to build cross walks as requested. C. Wilde appeared before the council ind complained of the F. H. stock jardH , 'or ' the reason that they are being used is feeding yards , and that they have be come a nuisanco. The chief of police was instructed to notify the station igont thatsnch nuisance must bo abated. The mayor stated that about S50 feet of walk on Third street along vacant lotH lad been destroyed some time ago , and now the residents of that part of town request that it bo rebuilt. The street committee was instructed to bui\d the walk as n quested of brick and charge sumo to property. Mr. Dcgner reported a lamp post on South Fourth street OH broken down , which should bo replaced. The matter was referred to the committee on public works. The council went into executive Hessian and discussed several nmttcrn. Tickets for the Columbus-Norfolk foot ball game Saturday arc on sale at Leonard's drug storo. FOK SALE Well improved ranch with 80 head graded cattle two mileo from Buffalo Gap , S. D.G. G. R. SEII.KII. The foot ball game tomorrow will be called promptly at 2 : ! Foil SALE Several good farms near Norfolk on easy terms , also a largo list of city property. G. R. SEILEH. We make loans on real eatate a lowest rates. Klkhorn Bnilding am Savings association. T. E. ODIOKNK See A full line of new. . . . gTREET HATS Jilht Hrcimril. J. & E. HENRY E.RYDER , Triiclinr nf PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN. Social nindolln nd ( lulUr. e , 26c. NOUKOUK , NKH Marion Retort Oak Heaters arc our specialty , because we hclievc them to he the best stove made , hut we have other stoves too. Call aiH see them. G. E. MOORE. N U Kvor.vthlng at our Morn for IIOIIHC dialling. Sapnltn , Nickel I'ollHh , Knamol ( ilosH , Aliiinliiuin I'uliit * < + > + We advertise what we have , and have what we advertise. We say to you now that we have as fine a showing of High Class Millinery as you can find anywhere. Ladies from Denver have been here ; ladies from Omaha have been here ; and they 1cll us that our designs and stylish elegance is equal to anything that they have seen , and our prices as much lower. We have a good assortment of Caps and Hals for Misses and Children. Our Camel's Hair Cap at 58 cents is a winner. < > O INSKEEP'S MILLINERY , W II IU' < HOII'roHl.loiit. . | AIIC\ANIll : ( IIICMt Vint I'rnsliltiit Norfolk 1 I \ \ / .t'Taxliim National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business. Buys a iul RellH Exchange. Interest Paid < m Tliiif DopoHlt/s- . Drafts and Money i irdors Sold on any Point In TCuropj , A Oerieral Ktoamnhlp and Foreign 1'asnage IUIHIIICHH Tr \.UKAU. K.I1 IIANljON. K. J. IIALiK , W. II . HlH'lUHjZVM 7HT u M COTTON > J A ItAINTini/T , , * * . * * * * * * * * * * . , , , * * * * ' ' * * * * rf * * , * - , , * * * : * * * * - * * * * * Our Cheap and Medium Priced Hats. New Shapes , Handsomely Trimmed , Strikinyly Effective and Uuequaled for Quality , Style and Price. Order work done promptly and satisfactorily. MISS E. J. BENDER. C. W. 8RAASCH , DEALER IN CO Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Swcetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market. Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE ( U. Get What You Ask for at UHLE'S GROCERY. ALL ORDERS arc filled promptly and with care. ; Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. ; We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- : ; ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value ' ! for Your Money. South side Main St. , between 2d and ! ld. Telephone 41. 1-H-H-H-H-H-H'I-M-I-M'M ! MRS. H. K. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TKLEI'HOSK NO. 417. Rooms on North Ninth Street For I'tombine ' , Steam Filling , I'umps , TanV > Wind Mills Am ) nil work In One linn call on ST1TT& WHITE. Bhtltfacilou Onnrnuteed , Hint door Bontii of THK DAILY NKWB Ottle * Leiue onlere Bt A , E. UnwreuceV office. WHEN YOU WANT A (5001) SHAVE or BATH < ! 0 TO W , 0 , Hall's Barber Shop , MAIN rtT . THllin DOOK KAHT OF FOURTH James Richards , M. D. OCULIST ? & And Expert Refrac- * tlonist. . . " ' " Examination of the OJCB . Olllce 1404 niul imtrnni. to patients Fnrnnin Bt. , Oinntin , opposite Pnxton Hotel.