The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 04, 1901, Image 1
EEKLY NEWS-JOTJMAL. NORFOLK , XM1MASKA , I'UIDAY , ( KTOIU'IK I , UMI. ) Columbia Wins Decisive Vic- i tory Over Shamrock II. FASTEST RACE IN CUP'S HISTORY. , Yankcc Bent Beats Its British Rival by Two Minutes and Fifty-Two Seconds ends Actual Time In Elghteen-Knot Breeze Over Thirty-Mile Course. Now York , Oct. \ . In a whole sail breeze , which heeled the blR cup contestimtH down until thulr Ice rails were awash In the foaming seas , Herreschoff's white wonder , the Co- lumbla , yesterday heat Watson's Ilrlt- Ish creation , the Shamrock 11 , over a triangular course of 30 miles , by two minutes and flt'ty-two seconds actual tlmo. With the 43 seconds which the Irish sloop must allow the American boat on account of her larger anil plan , the Columbia won the second race by 3 minutes 30 seconds. The fastest race ever sailed in a cup contest , it was not only a royal struggle from a spectacular point of view , but It was absolutely decisive as to the merits of the two racing machines. There Is not a yachting sharp who witnessed the race who Is not firmly convinced that the defender is the ablerwboat , blow high or blow low , beating , reachIng - Ing , or running , and that Sir Thomas and his merry British tars are doomed to return home empty handed. Again the ancient piece of silver , which was brought across the west ern ocean 50 years ago , is safe. Again American supremacy In marine architecture has been vindicated. Sir Thomas has been wishing for a breeze that would bury Shamrock's lee rail and yesterday he had It , Just as he had a similar breeze In the concluding race two years ago , when Columbia in a driving finish beat the first Sham rock over six minutes. Breeze Was Strong and True. The wind yesterday was strong and true , blowing around 18 knots out of the northwest , and at every point of Bailing , except perhaps running before the wind , In which the defender has already taken the measure of the dial- t longer , the Yankee sloop proved her- abler than the Watson model. From the tlmo she crossed the starting line , one minute and thirty-four seconds ends behind the mug hunter , until sno picked up and passed the Irish boat , three miles after rounding the second mark , Columbia's pace was faster and ehe behaved better than her rival. Reaching for the first mark , ten miles down the Long Island shore , with the wind abaft the beam , she gained 22 seconds. In the closer reach for the stake she gained 30 seconds , and In the thrash to windward on the leg home she gained exactly two min utes. Exciting All the Way. Not , perhaps , as thrilling as the re markable contest of last Saturday , yes terday's race was , nevertheless , stir ring from start to finish , and as a marine spectacle It could hardly have been surpassed. It was an ideal Octo ber day at sea. There was Just enough frostlness to clear the atmosphere and make the whole course visible from shore. The breeze from the land piled up little swells , but It was strong enough to whip the froth out of the racing waves until It whitened the face of the sea. The tall , canvas-clouded racers heeled as the wind smote them I ) until their crews could with difficulty 'ccop their footing on the slippery , slop- 'Ing decks and the spurting spray was tossed 30 feet high as they shook their lean noses free of the foaming crests. On the thrash to windward their decks were a smother of white and fountains of foam circled away from their grace ful bows. Barr's Shrewd Trick. The Yankee victory began with the etart , when the crafty Barr , by a sys tem of maneuvering , convinced his ad I ( versary that he was trying to cross i r. the line first. Captain Sycamore promptly took the bait and , rushing Ills boat Into position , sent her away almost In the spoke of the gun. Thereupon Captain Darr , having ac complished his purpose , tacked about tack of the line and held off for more than a minute. Then with a flying Etart ho went over Just before the handicap gun was fired. Some of the patriots were disappointed until the experts explained that there was no windward berth In a reach where the boats could lay their course straight for the mark and that the position astern , where Darr could keep his eye on every move of his rival , was the commanding one. Ho could watch Bycamoro llko a hawk , knowing that ptvhon the gap between them was closed the race was his. 1 For the first 13 miles no human eye could tell which ship. If either , was aining , so closely were they matched. Hut gradually It became apparent that the Columbia was overhauling the flyIng - Ing challenger. Slowly , Inch by Inch and foot by foot the white boat gained. were going at a terrific pace. Delirious Welcome to Victor. ' 'A few minutes after rounding the Bccond mark , it was apparent that the Columbia was footing faster and pointing hlKhi-r. She went through Shamrock's lee. llko a quarter horse. FTho rush of the leviathans on the final tack was magnificent. Excursion boats , black with people , gathered about the finish In a great hurseshoo. 'As the Columbia swept across the fin ish the din was soul-destroying. cor < uid steam sirem walled. dro\\n.ig : the crashes of tliu bands and the cheers of the people. The concert of sound WIIH terrllle. I'n- tll the gallant Shamrock , beaten , but not disgraced , crossed a minute and eighteen seconds later , whistles and Elrens were kept going. SAN FRANCISCO CONVENTION. Episcopal Churchmen Get Down to Work Missionary Offering , Snn Francisco , Oct. 4. In conjunc tion with the opening of the triennial convention of the Episcopal Church of America yesterday was a thanksgiving service In Grace church , at which the missionary offering of the women's auxiliary , amounting to $101lit'5 ' , was presented. It was received with heart felt expressions of thanks. The ses sions of the convention were devoted strictly to business. After the an nouncement of the standing commit tees , debate on the proposed amend ments to the constitution was begun and continued with much earnestness until evening. The result of the day's work was the addition of the first seven articles which were proposed In the "general convention of 1898. Ono of the changes made pertains to mat ters of church government. Largely attended meetings of the women's aux iliary completed the day's program. MURDER AT SOUTH OMAHA. Jacob Fisher Shoots His Son John Dead in Family Quarrel. Omaha , Oct. 4. Jacob Fisher shot and killed his son , John , during a drunken quarrel at Chllds' point , South Omaha , last evening. Iloth father and son fish for a living and have been camping out on the river bank. A day or two ago someone cut Jacob Fisher's tent and last night he accused his son of the deed. The son , presumably in a jesting mood , assorted that he had mutilated the tent. Without waiting for any further remarks , Fisher senior picked up his shotgun , which he had handy , and fired at short range at his son. The shot took effect In the left breast , causing almost In stant death. Fisher is In jail. INDIAN MASSACRE REPORTED. Five Persons Said to Have Been Killed by Apaches. Albuquerque , N. M. , Oct. 4. Word was received today that a renegade band of Apache Indians from the San Carlos reservation are In the Mogollon mountains , south of this city , and that five persons have been killed by them on Willow creek , near the old warpath rendezvous of Vlctoro and Geronimo a few years ago. Marshal Foraker Is now at Silvery , and will go to the scene of the killing before re turning here. Nebraska Day at Buffalo. Buffalo , Oct. 4. Yesterday was Ne braska day at the Pan-American expo sition. In anticipation of the event , Nebraska's governor , E. P. Savage , his full staff and a number of distin guished citizens of Nebraska arrived hero Wednesday and spent the day at the exposition. Exercises were held In the Temple of Music , vocal and in strumental features by residents of Ne braska being presented. Burlington Will Build to Salt Lake. St. Paul , Oct. 4. The Pioneer Press says : Semiofficial confirmation of the numerous reports that the Burlington will extend from Guernsey , Wy. , to Salt Lake city has been obtained from sources generally considered reliable. It became known yesterday that a sur vey of the line has been completed and official announcement that the line will bo built Is expected within a month. Richard Nominated for Judge. Boone , la. , Oct. 4. At the judicial convention yesten't y afternoon J. H. Richard of Hamilton county was nomi nated on the 14th ballot for judge of the Eleventh district. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Massachusetts Democrats nominated Joslah Quincy for governor. The Dawes commission is In session at Vinita enrolling Cherokee citizens. The total enrollment to date Is 3,586. Copenhagen newspapers revive the rumors that King Edward is In a seri ous condition from cancer of the ton gue. gue.Tho The Belgian coal strike is rapidly extending to all the coal pits on the loft bank of the Mouse and has In volved 10,000 strikers. General George W. Getty , one of the heroes of the Mexican war and the war of the rebellion , Is dead at the fam ily residence at Forest Glen , Md. The state board of valuation assess ment fixed the value of Kentucky whis ky for the purpose of taxation at ? 10 per barrel for 1901. This Is an Increase of $2 over 1900. The engineers at the Pana water works struck Thursday for an eight- hour day. The electric light company , four coal mines and all the factories In the city are affected. The National Cattle Exhibitors' asso ciation elected II. E. Gentry of So- dalla. Mo. , president ; G. H. Dawson of Iowa , secretary , and Morton Lover- lug of Columbus , O. , treasurer. Jim Jeffords and Peter Mnher met at Lancaster , Pa. , Thursday In a Hlx round go. No decision was given and honors were about oven , with Jeffords having perhaps a shade the better of It. Martin B. Madden of Chicago Thurs day made a statement to a personal friend that ho had withdrawn as a can didate for United States senator , but would bo a candidate lor nomination to congress ln _ 1903 Fanners' ConvcMition Will Urge Claim Upon Congress. i ARID LANDS ENTITLED TO AID. Dr. Hcston of South Dakota Agricul tural College Points Out Necessity for Government Help National Re sources the Only Means. Sioux Falls , S. IX , Oct. 4. At yes terday's session of the Fanners' Na tional congress , I Jr. J. W. 1 teuton of the South Dakota agricultural college. In a paper on "Farmers' Opportun ities , " discussed the necessity of gov ernment aid for the reclamation of the arid hinds of the west. He de clared that private enterprise had al ready accomplished all possible to bo done and nothing further could bo ex pected until the general government came to Its aid. lie said that the gen eral government had received $5- ( ) ( ) ( ) ooo.ooi ) from the sale of western lands since 1S7. > and thought It not unrea sonable to ask that $15.000.01)0 ) be ex pended for ten years In the reclama tion of lands capable1 of supporting a population equal to the present pop ulation of the United States. Ho de clared that states could not deal with the problem and nothing could be done until the general government made an appropriation , and he urged the farmers' congress to press the matter to the attention of congress. The discussion developed the proba bility that a resolution will be adopted In favor of national legislation to aid In the Irrigation of arid lands of the west. At the afternoon session Professor II. W. Campbell of Kansas delivered an address on "Soil Culture In the Semi-Arid West. " Hon. John II. Brown of Indiana discussed "Ancient American Forests. " At the night session "Tho American Girl and the Homo" was ably present ed by Miss Bertha Dahl of Laws , Minn. Hon. M. F. Greely of South Dakota delivered a carefully prepared address on "Farm Home and Life. " Hossack Murder Case. DCS Moincs , Oct. ! . The Hossack murder case from Warren county , In which Mrs. Hossack Is under sentence for life imprisonment for murder , will not be submitted to the supreme court at this term. The attorneys for the prisoner filed additional papers In re gard to the case , denying some portions tions of the abstract of evidence. The attorney general will flic a motion for a continuance In the case and ask that It be laid over for another term. Uncle Sam May Send Warships. London. Oct. 4. "The United States government is determined to exact full revenge upon everyone con cerned , " says the Constantinople cor respondent of the Dally Tele graph , "and if anything happens to Miss Stone it will not hesitate to ask permission to bring a fleet through the Dardanelles to get at Bulgarian ports on the Black sea and to force the Bul garian government to act against the Macedonian committee.- Found Near McKinley Vault. Akron , O. , Oct. 4. A man , badly hurt from a gunshot wound , was found In the tall grass near the woods at Mogadore , north of Canton , last night. Friends removed him toward Cuyahoga Falls before he could be Identified. It Is supposed he was shot during the supposed attack upon the McKinley vault Sunday night. He and two men who carried him off had the appearance of anarchists. Start Monster Power Plant. Watertown , N. Y. , Oct. 3. The water has been turned Into the plant of the St. Lawrence Power company at Massena , In the northern part of St. Lawrence county , and started the larg est power producing plant In this coun try. Even the Niagara Falls power plant Is surpassed by this ono , both in the amount of power produced and as an engineering achievement. Suicide at Carroll. Carroll , la. , Oct. 4. After scores of threats and two attempts at suicide , one by means of parls green , Henry Fischer , aged 21 years , succeeded In accomplishing his own death by shootIng - Ing himself in the side with a shotgun. He had become engaged In a dispute with his father and brother and at Its conclusion young Fischer expressed his Intention of taking his life. Not Ready for Colleran Trial. Chicago , Oct. 4. When Captain Luke Colleran , chief of detectives , was placed on trial before the civil service commissioners yesterday coun sel on behalf of the city asked for a continuance , which was granted un til Tuesday. The non-appearance of several Important witnesses necessi tated the delay. Colleran Is charged with neglect of duty. Clark's Wyoming Camp. Cheyenne , Oct. 4 Senator W. A. Clark , the Montana copper king , has located nearly 5,000 acres of valuable coal lands In the vicinity of Meotcotso , on the Grey Bull river , 10 miles south of Cody , In the Big Horn country , and will at once open from eight to twelve mines and ship the product to Montana and other states In the northwest. British Suffer Severe Losses. QclU 4Th latent SoiUU Urlmn i usually list Hhow that the UuhtliiK In I lie attack < > n Colonel Ki-lto- uh'H i innp , ill MoiMlwIII , Sept 11 ! ! , piil "ir.ililHh \ \ nlllceni out ol action Four wrie Killed outright , or died of \ \ omuls. nin1 2. More wounded. Col onel KrKi'w'i'li ' was \\oundcd ne\orelj hut IH ( loinu wulV CONVICT 19 A WOMAfl. Had Served Eleven Months In Nebras ka Penitentiary as a Man. Lincoln , Oct. 4.For II moullui the olllchilH at ( lie Nebraska titulc pcnltcn llnry have mipponcd tbnt a primmer , I Mown an lluii MiiiUn , was a man The discovery Hint the convH IH a \\onian and that her real IH Lcim Marl In. Ian been made by the prison ph.\silnn | ami became Uno\\u IIIHI night Shu was nrroHted. tried iinil com hied at Sprlugvlow , Ke\a I'aha count > , as n man. a year ago for horse Hiciillng. lloeontly her cell mate lutliualed to the guanlH that an InvcHtlgiitloii uoulil not be barren of developments. This was niiido when the prison physician called to attend her. She has donned WOIUIIII'H clolhen and will nerve out the remainder of her three year sentence. She Hoemcd to take It UH a , | ol < o when the discovery was made. Her mother lives near Springvle\\ . she is III ) years of age largo and coarsely built for a woman She comes Ironi a ranch country and was not known by her nearest neigh bors , I0 ! miles away. STREET FAIRS UNDER BAN. Delegates to Woman's Christian Tem perance Convention Go on Record. Omaha , Oct. ! . - By unanimous vote the delegates to the state convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union re-elected their state officers yesterday at Kount/.e Memorial church. The ofllcoi-H are as follows- Mrs. S. M. Walker of Lincoln , presi dent ; Mrs. Dora V. Wheelock of Su perior , vice president ; Mrs. Mary D. llussoll of Lincoln , corresponding sec retary ; Mrs. Modoru I ) . Nickers of Beatrice , recording secretary ; Mrs. Eiisobln M. Cobb of York , treasurer. During the next year the union will wage war upon cigarettes. Copies of the state laws concerning the sale of tobacco will he posted In public places and an attempt will bo made to en force the measures to n letter. Street fairs have also fallen under the bnn of the union and an attempt will bo made to rid thorn of their ob jectionable features. An attempt will also be made by the union to do away with the army canteen. PROMINENT LAWYERS INDICTED. Charged With Aiding Jury Briber to Escape at Chicago. Chicago , Oct. 4. Four men , three prominent attorneys and a well known railroad detective , were Indicted yes- terdfiy on the charge of conspiracy In aiding and abetting Bailiff James Lym h , Indicted lor attempt , il Jury bribing , to escape. Tno men indicted were Attorneys Alexander Sullivan , counsel for the Union Traction com pany , successor to the West Chicago Street Hallway company , ngalnrt which corporation the suits were orig inally brought ; Edward Maher , Fred- crick St. John and George P. Murray , chief of detetctlves for the Illinois Central Railroad company. The In dictments are said to have been made on the evidence of Lynch , who re turned Tuesday , and. It Is said , turned stale's evidence. Lynch was arrested In December. 1898 , charged with offerIng - Ing a bribe to Juror Chris Hawtho'ne. who was serving In a personal Irjury case. MAKES WAR ON BEET SUGAR. Big Company Cuts Prices in Territory Where It Is Produced. New York , Oct. 4. The Journal of Commerce says : President H. O. Havemeyer of tlie American Sugar Ke nning company was at his office this week for the first time since his ill ness and It has been learned that ono of his first official acts was to author ize one of the most spectacular reduc tions In refined sugar prices that has ever before boon made. This was the reduction announced in Tuesday's dis patches. It applies only to the sec tions of the country In which beet sugar competes. The cut in price at Missouri river points was to 31-2 cents per pound 'net for granulated. On Tuesday the net quotation was 5.03 cents. In other words , Mr. Havomeyer has authorized a cut slightly in excess of 1 1-2 cents per pound. More Linemen Go Out. Chicago , Oct. 4. Advices from near ly every town of Importance In north ern Illinois are that the linemen arc out. All construction work Is at a standstill. No acts of violence or cut ting of wires have been reported , how- over. The linemen at Elgin arc the latest to quit work. Though satisfied with th wages and hours , they obeyed the gcnei-al order to n man and nro now den nndliig an Increase of 50 cents a day. An effort will be made to day by Chairman F. M. Job of the state board of arbitration for arbitra tion. A sympathetic strlko on the street railroad lines and against the electric lighting companies Is also threatened , Shaw Speaks at Indianola. Indlanola. la. , Oct. 4. Governor Shaw made his first campaign speech nt Indlanola last night. The governor devoted much of his tlmo to national iHstics. touching briefly upon the ques-j tlou of taxation and promising in a' ' later address to submit observational which will cover every phase of this' ' subject. I Norfolk , 0. A. I.UIKAItl' . W II JOMNHON. < ; AMIICII CIIAH. H , llltllHJK , Vine I'IIKHIDKNT I.I'.O ' I'APICWAI.K , AHHT OAHIIIKB The Citizens National Bank. Cnpltnl , $50,000. Surplus , $5 ooo. Buy ntiit mill niclmimn < > n thin ro'intrj nii'l nil imrtH tit Kur < ii > Hiirtu Umrin Illreclnri < un. VHMI'H ' , W II. JUII.NHON , iun llu imi < V , HiuANrii ' . i . , HWANK V < IIT T K "MMINUKK IU IHN > PLBNO MAIPflGTURINB CO. ' ? * a Ivors < - \ . ' * - stiii" M.n . ' , IHTV. The Piano Husker and Shredder. The Jones Hay Rake. s > The Jones Lever Under , The Janes Mower. Jhe Jones Steel Header , The Jones Reaper. T1JE PIANO SICKLE' GRINDER THE PIANO HUSKER AND SHREDDER. ThiH machine haw unlimited capacity , weighing ( JtOO : pounds ; will handle all tr o corn t.'iut can hi ) delivered to It. It shn d tht ) fodder perfectly , leaving the ear uninjured. It ban 2.7 , ' knivcH on the Hhred'lHr-heiid ' which PIIHH the shredding Hpaco 3,000 times each minnte This mnchino will Im on exhibition nt the Piano headquarters wnst of the Oreightou depot in Norfolk , Nubr , on and after Sep tember 30th. W. H. BLAKEIYIAN , General Agent , Piano Manufacturing Comparv. FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS -C - SEE The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n ' C. B. DURLAND , Secretary. THE COLUMBIA . . . Union Pacific K. R. Co. . . RIVER Oregon Short Line K. W. Co . , OreK < m& Navigation K K. Cci One Hundred and Fifty Miles Along the Columbia River by Daylight. 14 Hours Quicker to Portland V'a ' THE UNION PACIFIC THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. T1IKKE TRAINS DAILY FROM OMAHA. F. W , JUNEMAN , Agent.