TH NEWSJOUEM f.v VORKOLK , NKHRASKA , FRIDAY , SI-MTKMHKU L'O , I1MH , Body of Dead President Borne to the Tomb. PATHETIC FEATURE OF FUNERAL < ' If Grief-Mowed Widow Unalilo to Par- UniKito in Obsequies , FINAL SERVICES OVER DODY. All That Is Mortal of William McKin- Icy Committed to the Grave In His Ohio Home Thousands Pay TouchIng - , Ing Tribute Imposing Funeral Pro cession. Canton , O. , Sept. 20. With majestic solemnity , surrounded by his countrymen - men and his townspeople , lu the pres ence of the president of tha United States , the cabinet , the justices of the United States supreme court , senators and representatives In congress , the licads of the military and naval estab lishments , the governors of states nnd a great concourse of people , who had known him , all that Is mortal of the third president to fall by tin assas sin's bullet was committed to the grave yesterday. It was a spectacle of grandeur. Canton ceased to he a i if ifi I T Cr , It'UINLUY 11CIUAL PLOT , CANTON. town and swelled to the proportions of a great city. From every city and liamlct In Ohio , from the remote cor ners of the south and the east and west , the human tide flowed Into the town , until 100,000 people wore within its gates , h ° ro to pay tli 'r last trib ute to the fallen chief. The final scenes at the First Metho dist church , where the funeral serv ice , were held , and at the beautiful "West Lawn cemetery , where the body was consigned to a vault , were simple nnd Impressive. The services at the church consisted of a brief oration , prayers and the singing by a quartet. Hi The body 'was then taken to West Lawn cemetery nnd placed In a re ceiving vault , pending the time It will ho laid to rest beside the dead children . who were burled years ago. The fu neral procession was very Imposing and Included not only the representa tives of the army nnd the navy of the United States , but the entire military strength of the state of Ohio , and hun dreds of civic , fraternal and other organizations. It was two miles long. Ono of the most pathetic features of the day was the 'absence of Mrs. Me- KInlcy from the funeral services at the church and cemetery when the body of her husband was laid to rest. Since the first shock of the shooting , then of death , through the ordeal of state ceremonies , s'.ie had borne up bravely. Hut there was a limit' to it human endurance , and when yesterday came It found her too weak to pass through the trials of'the final cere monies. Through the open door of her room she heard the prayer of the minister as the body was borne out of the house. ' Dr. Rixey remained close by her side and , although the full force of the calamity had come upon her , It was believed by , hose about her that there'was a providential mercy In her tears , as they gave some relief to the anguish of the heart within. At' .7 'o'clock last night President Tloosovolt and his cabinet started back to Washington. Streets Jammed With People. For many hours before the time Bet for the commencement of the fu neral services at the McKInley home , the streets along the entire length of the line of march were crowded with spectators. From the gates of the cemetery to the doors of the church , there was on each side of the street an almost unbroken line of soldiers and at the Intersecting stroetH detach ments of militia wore placed , about 1QO feet from the thoroughfare upon which the cortege was to go , and no body was permitted to pass In either direction. There Vas not a window that commanded a view of the line ot march that was not filled with faces , the numerous stands were crowded to their utmost , nnd on the roofs were hundreds of people. From 0 o'clock in the morning until 5 in the afternoon , which time the last of the parade had passed the church on Its way to the cemetery , this condition prevailed. All day long the streets were kept clear by the military , nnd not a vo- lilclo of any description was permitted to enter upon them. Notwithstanding tlm dense crowds , there were no accidents or any kind reported. No greater reverence has over been BlioVMi to an ) iniin , living or dca > . um \\IIH exhibited toward the dead prcnl- dent. As the funeral car punned through the streets men and women Bobbed convulsively and at the ceme tery gates , where the < nnvd was densely packed and where the people hail remained for hours , pressing against the Iron fotico , two women fainted during the exorcises at the vault. It was wonderful tribute of sur- parking love that was yesterday shown In his native place to the memory of William McKlnley , and It will be long belore greater or moro levcr&t honor Is paid to any man. For nearly an hour before the head of the tuncrnl procession arrived at the gate of the cemetery , the strains of the dirges played by the band came over the hilltops to the watchers by the vault , telling them that the pro cession was on Its way. Finally at u'M : o'clock the detachment of mount ed police , heading the procession , came around the corner and passed up to the cemetery gates. lU'hlnd them came the Grand Army band of Canton , the solemn notes of "Nearer , My God , to Thee , " welling out as It came up the driveway. Uehlnd the bam' ' came the Grand Army posts , fully COO of the veterans marching by. As they passed along the llower strewn path , many of them were weeping bitterly , and they stooped by dozens to gather the blossoms which lay at their feet and carried them away as mementoes. After the veterans came In well set ranks the men of the Sixth Ohio Infan try of the National Guard , the engi neer corps of the National Guard from Cleveland nnd the comrades of the late president In the ranks of the Twenty-third Ohio volunteers during the civil war. Then came n long line of carriages bearing the members of the family nnd the distinguished visitors. From the first carriage that stopped at the foot of the walk , leading up to the vault. President Hoosevelt alighted , walked slowly toward the vault and took a position close to the door. As Secretary Hoot came up ho as sumed a similar position on the other side of the walk , and the other cabinet members arranged themselves by the sides of the president and secretary. The president nnd members of the cabinet wore followed by officers of the army and navy , who stood on each sldo of the walk , the lines reaching just to the edge of * - . e roadway. Within a minute after the formation of the lines the funeral car came up to the walk. The casket was lifted from the hearse and borne to the door of the vault , where It was rested on the catafalque. It was carried by the same men of the army and navy who have carried it over since it left Buffalo. Colonel Dlngham waved his hand to eight buglers of the Canton band , who had taken station upon the sldo of the mound. Instantly from the eight bugles rang out the notes of the sol dier's last call "taps. " It was beau tifully done and the last notes of the bugles died away so softly all who heard It remained listening for a few seconds to hear If It was really ended. When the last note had floated away Secretary Wilson was In tears , Secretary Hitchcock was also weeping and the president was gazing grimly at the walk. It was the last moment for the men who had been so clofacly associated with the president for so long nnd the thought seemed to most of them greater than they could bear. Soldiers Stand Guard. It was exactly four minutes past 4 o'clock when the funeral car bore the remains of the dead president through the gateway of his last resting place. Twenty minutes after that time the brief ceremony at the vault was over , the members of the family and distin guished men of the nation , who had come so far to do him honor , had passed through the gates on their homeward way. Ono hour and twenty minutes after the hearse had entered the cemetery the place was clear and the dead president was resting alone under the watchful care of the men of the regular army. A * sentry's tread resounded from the cement walk be fore the vault , another kept vigil on the gppsy slope above , , and at the head and foot of the casket stood armed men. His Lact Resting Place. Nature has been kind In selecting the last resting place for President McKlnley. West Lawn cei.ietery Is on a high knoll , overlooking the peace ful valley , with the little city of Can ton laid out below. Here the body of William McKlnley Is laid to rest. The beauty of the grounds attracted the attention of the country's best land scape gardeners , who have journeyed hero to study Its attractions. Just In side the stately entrance stands the gray stone vault , where for a time the casket will repose. Its dreary ex terior was relieved by great masses of flowers , banked all about until the gray walls were shut out from view. But In due tlmo it will bo taken from the vault and committed to the little plot of ground lying further on. This is the McKInley lot and hero Ho his father , whose name ho bore , the mother he guarded so tenderly In life , his brother James , his sister Anna and his two children. And when that tlmo comes a stately shaft of granlto will arise above the grave telling of the civic virtues , the pure life and the martyred death of William McKInloy. Kruger Turns to Roosevelt. London , Sept. 2 < i. Mr. Kruger , ac cording to a dispatch to the Dally Mall from llruEst-U , is preparing a memorial to President Roosevelt , so liciting the Intervention of the United States lu South Atrlca. Torpedo Destroyer Cobra Goes to Bottom. ALL BUT 12 LOSE THEIR LIVES. Fastest Vessel Afloat Strikes a Rock Soon After Leaving Guilders' Yards and Goes Down Worst Disaster Since Victoria Catastrophe. London , Sept. 'JO. The torpedo boat destroyer Cobra , ( he fastest VCSBO ! In the world , has foundered In the North son. the result of an explosion after striking n rock. The nhlp was en route from the yard of Its builders , the Arm strongs of Newcastle , to Portsmouth , and carried a crow of ( iO. All were lost with the exception of 1- men , who were landed at Mlddlesboro. Five boats were launched after the Cobra struck , but some of tho.n were HWiimped In the heavy sea which was running at the tlmo. The llrst Intimation of the disaster was the arrival of a fishing boat at Yarmouth with six bodies which It had picked up In the vicinity of the apot where the Cobra was last seen. Ac cording to the fishermen the Cobra was sighted by the lightship off Dowsing Sands yesterday morning en veloped in steam and It shortly after ward disappeared. The men on the lightship supposed the Cobra had sailed away , until evening , when they observed bodies floating In the water and signalled to the llshlng boat to In vestigate the disaster. Torpedo boats have gone to Iho scene of the disaster , which Is' the most serious ( lie British navy has suf fered since the sinking of the Vic toria. Lieutenant Bosworth Smith , the Cobra's commander , stood upon the bridge with his arms folded , an Impassive as ItVon parade , and wont down with the vessel. About one year ago the Cobra heat the record of the Viper and won the title of the fastest vessel In the world. The record of the Viper , which was afterward wrecked , was 43 miles an hour , while the Cobra , in an unofllclal trial over the same course as that sailed by the Viper , at the mouth of the Tyne. made 37.7 knots , or 4C.3 miles. The Cobra was an exact dupli cate of the Viper. LOST IN LAKE SUPERIOR. Propeller Hudson Goes to Bottom With Crew of 24 Men. Buffalo , Sept. 20. So far as has been learned hero the propeller Hud son , of the Western Transportation line , reported lost In Lake Superior , was manned by a crow of 21 men , as follows : Captain , A. .1. McDonald ; en gineer , Moses Trouton ; llrst mate , Charles Brooks ; second mate , Thomas Heppenhagen ; George Voght , Donald Glass , Peter Hunning. Fied Anderson , Kd Miller , John Peters. Nels Peterson , Henry Myers , two cooks , one porter and six deckhands. Shoots Wife , Father-in-Law and Self. Carlinville , Ills. . Sept. 20. Daniel J. Brown shot his wife , his father-in-law , James Fitzgerald of Jerseyvllle , Ills. , and then himself at his lormer home in this city yesterday. Brown was quarreling with his wife over the own ership of certain property when Fitz gerald interfered. Brown thereupon shot his wife , the bullet sti Iking a corset stay. She was not hurt. Ho then fired nt his father-in-law , and turned the pistol on himself , the ball entering above the heart. Brown and Fitzgerald are still alive and the wife is doing all she can to relieve the suf ferings of her wounded husband and lather , but neither of the men will live. Forest Fire Still Burning. Denver. Sept. 20. A special from Kldorn says the forest lire which threatened the town has subsided to a great extent and It is believed that unless a high wind comes up again the town Is safe. Dr. McMurtle , who was found on Guinn mountain , died while being brought to Eldora. He was Co years old and was a resdent of I2mer- son , la. The fire Is still bi\nlng in the fallen timber over an area of 40 square miles. French Liner Breaks Record. Now York , Sept. 20. The now French line steamship La Savoio , which left this port , clearing the Sandy Hook lightship at about 11:58 : n. in. on Sept. 12. was reported by ca ble as having arrived at Havre at C a. m. yesterday. Her record for the passage therefore Is about 0 days , 13 hours and 2 minutes. This Is the quickest tlmo from Now York to Havre ever made by any steamer. Goree Still Alive. Guthrle , O. T. , Sept. 20. n. D. Goroo , the man supposed to have boon killed by Colonel H. B. Howie and son at McKnlght last Sunday is still alive. Goroe's father took him to Fort Worth yesterday for the purpose of having the hall removed from his head. The body had been prepared for the under taker , but Gorce began to show signs of life and rapidly recovered. Powder Factory Explodes. Tours , France , Sept. 2 < > . An explo sion , caused by a fire. In a powder lac- lory at Uipault , linn resulted in the death of 11 persona nnd the Injury of 17 others , n majority of/whom will die from the Injuries. CZO'.GOSZ ONLY ADMITS IT. Says He Killed President Dccnuso It Was Hlo Duty. Buffalo , Sept. 20. The t'mirh r prints the following : "What H I he ui.n of talking about that. I Kill..I . tin- president. I nm an unniihM nnd tdmply did my duty. That'll nil I II Fay. " Leon I ? . Cv.olgosv. , the HUMP.In nf President McKlnley , said thiwv > | yi'Hlcrduy to Frank OI < i/niu > \ \ M. i'i ' I tor of a Polish newspaper , but \\mil.I tiny nothing further about tin i rlu > . while willing to talk ln l\ iil < < mt Other subjects. O1ii7.ano\\ paid ! < > Hccend vlnlt to the IIRHIIHSIII > . nil lie was Kent by the district niiium } in pursuance of vain effoits ID ni w thn prisoner's stubborn tongue "C/olgOHZ talked on cveiv nthi r Hiib Jecl I wiggoBtod. " said In- ' lli mil versullon would have hi en i nti rialn Ing coming from a man nilii r than the president'H iiHHiitmln. | | c tulKtd mi the Polish alliance and a variety ol ntlu r subjects , but when I t.n > Ke nf bin crime ho merely said : 'Whnt'H tin u c ol talking about ( hat. I Kltd the preHhlent. I am an mmnhi-t I Hlinply did my duty. That n all 111 nay. ' " ( V.olRosspoke enrni'-llv ami ile loriulnedly. I tried him sexcrulaM but be would not add a u nl to bin declaration. I don't helle > e any one has any more trom him admit ( lie crime. CV.olgosx IB Intelligent and I don't believe be Will tell mure " The closest watch IB bring ln-pt on OznlnoRz anil the shcrlff'H nillcerH a IHO seem bent on aiding the prosecution by getting admissions from the prlH oner , but so far they have been unsiir oessful. The prisoner talks on ordl nary subjects occasionally , but will not talk at nil on subjects leading up to the nssuslnatlnn of the president When questioned In that relation. Czol- gob/ resumes his stubborn silence. WASHINGTON STANDS STILL. All Business Suspended for Five Min utes .is McKlnley Cortccjc Moves. Washington , Sept. uii. - Twenty years utter the death of Garlleld the nation's capital was again In mourn ing , the wheels of government were locked and the voices ol the people weie uplifted In player lor the HOII ! of Wlllia'ii Mi Kinley , while his mortal remains were commit ted to the tomb In his Ohio home. Private and public buHlness was absolutely suspended and every face allowed signs of Bad- ness. The city gave evidence In the most impressive manner that Its heart was Mltli Canton In the solemn hours of President McKlnley's funeral. At exactly 2:3 : ( , o'clock , 1:30 : In Canton , the city ceased from labor , practically from locomotion , for Jive minutes. There was no olllclal proclamation requiting such observance of the fu neral hour , nor hud there been any general agreement for such observ ance. But when the hour came , as If by common Instinct , men , women and children , white and black , came to a sudden hall in whatsoever they wore engaged nnd sal or stood as still as statues wheresoever they chanced ' ! > be. .Men on foot and on bicycles , the drivers of inrringi-B or wagons , stood In mute supplication for the dead. Memorial Pageant at Leavenworth. Loavenwortli , Kan. . Sept. 20. Me morial exercises were hold yesterday , the lunernl procession being the larg est known in the history of the city. It was nearly two and u half miles long , requiring one hour and twenty minutes to pass a given point. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. A Chicago syndicate Is to build a million dollar beet sugar plant In Wy oming. The British cruiser Indefatigable went ashore in the St. Lawrence river near Quebec. Colombian rebels nnd Venezuelans occupied La llacha after the govern ment troops withdrew. Leonora I.orlng , winner of the $21.- 000 Great Filly stakes at Sheepshead Bay , w s disqualified because of Irreg ular entry. Hev. S. S. Dlnklns. D. D. , president of Selmn university , died Thursday , lie was one of the foremost educators of the negro race. Michael J. Synon of Chicago , who was once eomlcted and sentenced to hang for wife murder , was acquitted on his second trial. Senator Frye announced that ho would not accept the chairmanship of the senate foreign affairs committee. Senator Lodge may bo chosen. The six-story department store of Rothschild & Co. at Chicago was par tially wrecked Thursday by the falling of Inside partition walls. The damngo to the building anfj stock will aggre gate ? 225.0UO. Omor Poleo , aged 10 , was fatally shot at Winchester. I ml. , Thursday while posing as President McKlnley al Buffalo for Unill Miller , a boy of the same ago , who was acting the part of the anarchist. A carriage containing James IJver- ett and wife and Miss Oddle Cutter was struck by a train at n grade crossIng - Ing at Hamilton. O. , Thursday. Ever ett and Miss Cutter were Killed nnd Mrs. Ueverett had her right leg broken. As a result of a general fight at Davis , I. T. , Miss Maggie Fnlcher Is dead , her husband and Lucln Cnlbert are seriously injured and Mrs. John Jones IB fatally shot , all the work of the Jones woman's husband. John Jones , who was angry because she left him and went to the Fuldmr homo. \ \ II Itl I | | ll | / I i lout Norfolk \I.IA\MHH Itl.Mt . Wo I'ronliUul I \ \ /I I/ ( n.lum National OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN HORTHtAST KEBRASkA Capital , $100,000.01) Surplus , $20,000.001 Does a General Banking IUiys _ iitid SellH Interest Paid on Tltno nop.MiM DriiftH mid Money OHI.p * A General Steamship and Foreign Passage A. IIKAll , P. l > . HANIjOX. F. J. HAL.K , W. It. HUtH ( ; / / , WM. UTI N.A. HAINIlOIjT. B.H. ( JOTTON PLflNO MBHUPflBTURIHB GO. Makers of llarvosiinjj Machinery. The Piano Husker and Shredder , The Jones Hay Rake , s > & The Jones Lever B nder , The Jones Mower. The Jones Steel Heider. The Jones Reaper , THE PLANO SICKLE GRINDER , HUSKER UNO SHREDDER. / This machine has unhimtnl capacity , WPIJJ ! IIIK < W' ' pounds ; will handle all tl o corn timt can hit di-hven-d to It. It hhrul * the Inrtdi-r perfectly , leaving the ear uninjured. It has a.VJ knives on the shreddor-heud which pasn the shredding fipneo times each minute. 'UhU machine will ho on exhibition at the Piano headquarters west of the Creighton depot in Norfolk , Nobr. , on and after Sep tember -JOth. . H. BLAKESVIAN , General Agent , Piano Manufacturing Company. * J- -M : : - WMKHK : ! : I KING EDWARD VII CIGAR FOR SALE ONLY HY Ki ESAU Dim ; co. , ± GEO. H. CI1K1STOPH , T. ' ASA K. LEOXAIJD. * X TOLLBKTOX & ST13TSOX CO. , Sioux Olt.r , la. ! Solo Distributors. i .j. . : : . . : -H-- : : : : : - : : - ! : -M FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS - SFF i = = r- > < * * * Ol lw V The Norfolk Buildina and Loan Ass'n C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.