The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 20, 1901, Page 12, Image 14

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Annrchlit Drnrjgctl Throuult Btrccto
jiiul Mnde to Clutcr President.
OltlnlioniM niy. O. 'I' . . Hctt | l ! ' . Ono
mill ) \vn * dniKK'-'l ' llnniiKli llic nUwln
IIPI-O y > ntrr liiy l > y an aiwy cunvtl fur
ninllKnlnx l > l munlry nnd pii-Hlili'iit
anil narrowly I > MIIH | < ( | lyiMilim. and
nuolhnr man who wpolto Illy of tlio po-
Uro wan comp.'llrd to llo fur hln llfo.
II. M. HrailHhaw. a ronlnu-tor , who
hail din-IP I Hint ho wan an anarohlnl
Uliil would iiHHuT rospi'ti Pii'Hlilont
MrKlnlry tunMm American HHK , wna
Htrlppcd of hlH mat and hat and
to Iho pnlillc HIIIIIIIC. lie had
ID march In a miMiiorlal pu-
rnili' . and Amrrlcan UIIIH ; were placed
111 hlH handH ami he WUH forced lo
Iinnil a pniceHHlon of Hcveial hnndreil
IIIPII and hoya MirmiKU the HtivelH. lie
rofimoil lo cheer for America and UM-
dor throatB of death ho WIIB tlirnwl on
Ilia UniM's In thn mnd and mad < > not
only to cheer for his country , hut to ,
Idas tlio HUB. Then Iho nioli pelted
him with ulniiPH and tliieateneil to tar
tllld feather him If he did not leave
the city nt once. MrudHlnnv lirokn
and run , hut watt rccaptmcd and mon
with ropeH and rovolvorn were pio-
pared to Hiring him up when tlio po-1
llco forced him Into a warehoiiHo and
harrod the doom. ProfeHHor DorHoy , I
n real eiitate man , luler made the
Htalemonl that the pollco should ho
HlrmiK np for not protecting Mrad-
uliaw. Thin Htarted the mob afrimh
nnd DorHoy wan only Haved from violence
lence liy heliiK hurried to tlio county
Jail. HrailHhaw In mill In hiding.
Thousands Attend the Mcniorlnl Meet
ings In Lincoln.
Lincoln , Sept. 10. ! Memorial Herv-
IceH for Iho dead | nvnl < lt nt were held
at Ihu Llndell nndltorlnm , Into which
ever 5,000 people crowded , while near
ly HH many more clamored for mliiilH-
Hlon. Overllow meetliiKH were held at
two nonrhy churchoH and practically
the whole of yoHtonJny afternoon wan
occupied In the oxorclHOH. There was
nlmoHt an on Uro cessation of ImHlno.sH
throughout the day. The Auditorium
HorvlceH commuted of mimic , prayer
nnd iMiloKlou. Ciovernor Savage pro-
Hided , RpriiKliiK hrlelly , and was fol
lowed In turn by Hev. Fletcher \Vhar-
ton. 0. M. l.amhertmm. It. M. IIUHh-
nell. Itev. Lewis Marsh , Chancellor 15.
llonjamln AndrewH and\V. _ .1. Uryan.
Mitchell G. A. R. Takes Prompt Action
on Member Who Maligns the Dcncl.
Mitchell , S. n. , Sept. i0. ! At a Hpo-
clal meeting of the ( Jrand Army ot
the Hopuhllc last nlKht 0. l \ Otitton ,
an old Hohllor , was expelled and dis
honorably dlbcharKod from Iho post
by a unanimous vote. Dutton. tlio day
after President MoKlnloy's death , said
In substance that ho was Kind that
the president was dead , nnd that the
country would bo hotter off If 30 orU
more were drawn up In line and shot
or taken on a bent Into the middle of
the ocean and drowned. Ills oxproa-
slon nearly brought him violence , but
IIH ! ago and Inllrmlly saved him any
personal damage. Mutton draws a pen-
Hlon of iflU a month from the govern
Four Dynamiters Fight Off Townspeo
ple and Escape With $2,700 in Cash.
ShollBlmrg , la. . Sept. 20. The
Slicllslmi'K bank wan robbed at 3
o'clock yesterday morning by four
men , who effected an entrance through
a window. Two charges of dynamite' '
wore used on the safe. Tlio nolso
aroused the towspeoplo nnd the rob
bers Hod with ? ,700 in cash , standing
off tlio citizens with revolvers until
they escaped on a handcar , going
tiouth. Two posses are In pursuit and
It Is thought will round np the gang In
the woods , as the car was abandoned
nt Linn Junction. The men are well
armed and a light Is expected.
Telegraph Silent nt Funeral Hour.
Chicago , Sept. 20. One feature ab
solutely unique in history character-
l/.cil the McKlnloy obsequies. It was
the silencing of the telegraph. K'over
before has there taken place , it is
said , anything paralleling even in a
Hinnil way what was done yesterday
on a snalo that was gigantic. Upon
orders fiom the olllclals of the diner-
out telegraph companies , or upon the
common Impulse of the operators
whore distinctions wore not received ,
the entire telegraph system" of the
United States was suddenly hushed
for flvo minutes , at 2:30 : p. m. , the
hour set for lowering the president's
body Into the grave at Canton.
Wheels at DCS Moines Are Stopped.
Des Moines , Sept. 20. Kvery busi
ness house , every factory , all the rail
road shops and the street car lines
suspended operations a portion of
yesterday In connection with the me
morial exercises. A cold , drizzling
rain to some extent prevented a largo
attendance nt the various churches ,
halls and auditoriums where special
exorcises were held. The principal
service was hold in the new Audito
rium , where Congressman J. A. T.
Hull delivered an address on "Mc
Klnloy. the Patriot. " IJnch hour of
the day was represented by a special
service in different churches.
Emma Goldman Attends Services.
Chicago , Sept. 20. ttnunn Goldman
attended memorial services hold In
honor of the memory of the late presi
dent yostorday. It was not of her own
will that she was present at the de
monstration of sorrow , nnd her course
appeared to show lack of sympathy.
The ceremonies at which Miss Gold
man was present were hold in the
woman's ward of the county Jail. Rev.
13. A. Larrabeo of the Church of the
Ascension conducted the gorvlcos. and
200 prisoners participated in thorn.
Many of the prisoners manifested
great grief as the services proceeded.
South Pays Tribute.
Mi'inpliln. Tenn. , Sept , 20. lleporln
lecelved by the Anmiclatod PI-PUB
from many cltlen In TI-XIIH , ArHimnan ,
MlnHlHKlppI and TOIIIM-HMOO miy ( hat
memotlal sorvlrcH were held and that
hiiHlncHM generally WIIH MiiHpendod
thioiiKhout ( he country. Nearly all
Houlhcrii loadH paid tribute to the
dead by ordering traliiH stopped for
live mlnuttm at the time of the fu
Convicted of Manslaughter ,
lies MolnoH , Sent. 20. In the din-
trlct court In Dalian county John
Slavln WIIH convicted of maiiHlaughtor.
He WIIH one of two trampH who en
gaged In a drunken ( pinrrel with Home
young men of Perry last May , during
which a revolver WIIH shot off and
Alim/o Uoughetly waH Instantly killed.
A Qm-rr Frontier Ijxpt-rlcncc ,
In narratliiK Hie frontier experience ! !
of "The l-'lrm White llaliy Horn In the
Northwest" In The Ladles' Home .lour-
mil \V. S. llarwood tells of n queer ex
perience that befell the family In the
lli'Ht year after Hottllnu on n farm far
removed from the HctlloinontH.
The winter had been unusually long
and severe , and their stock of proxl-
Hloiis ran low. It WIIH a long dint-moo to
the nearest base of Hiippllcs , and com
munication with the oiilsldo world had
been cut olT. Indians In the neighbor
hood one night broke Into the granary
where the wheat wan stored and stole
a quantity. In doing this a largo
amount of broken glass became mixed
with the wheat which the Indians left ,
HO for many days , amid much merry
story telling and many a Joke and
laugh , In spite of the serious situation ,
the family gathered about a largo table
In their living room and spent the
short winter days picking over the
wheat , kernel by kernel , In order to
free It from the pieces of glass.
I'or this wheat stood between them
nnd starvation , and none of Its pre
cious kernels must bo lost. Their stock
of Hour had long since wasted away ,
as had most of their food supplies , so
they boiled and ate the wheat without
grinding , lleilef reached them just In
time to prevent a sad ending to the ex
Arnli nnil the Trl < * ] iliniip.
\Ve had a party of Arabs along with
us and took them all over a great news
paper olllce. Everything was wildly
astonishing to them. They had Imag
ined that the Koran contained nil the
knowledge and wisdom of the world ,
yet here wore the telegraph , the tele
phone , the electrotype ami the printing
press. The place was a veritable en
chanters' castle to them. They would
never have believed In the telephone If
I had not called np their hotel and got
olio of their own party at that end of
the wire.
The dervish who had come along was
bold as well as pious. When he heard
that his friend live miles nwny was
talking through the Instrument , he
made n dash at It. lie was greatly ex
cited and yellud In a megaphone voice ,
lie thought we wore tricking him , but
hero was his friend talking Arabic. Ho
rolled his eyes at me In a despairing
manner and then began a search for
devils , being quite convinced that the
phone was an Invention of satun. In
Win-it u Stun Cnn Sco 200 Mllm. '
About 200 miles In every direction Is
the distance a man can see when standIng -
Ing , on a clear day , mi the peak of the
highest mountain say , at a height of
Jti.tH'.s foot , or a little over live miles
above the level of the sea. An observer
must be at a height of O.O.U7 feet above
sea level to see objects at a distance of
100 miles. The distance In miles at
which an object upon the surface of
the earth Is visible is equal to the
square root of one and a half times the
height of the observer In feet nbove the
sea level.
Some allowance has to bo made for
the ett'ect of atmospheric refraction ,
but as the refraction varies at differ
ent height * and is affected by the vari
ous stales of the weather no precisely
accurate llgures for general purposes
can be given. Probably one-fourteenth
to one-tenth of the distance given by
the formula would have to be deducted ,
owing to the refraction of the atmos
Wlmt to He-mi.
Read the good old books thnt have
lived and held their own by the vital
ity of matter and style that makes
them standards. Don't read a lot of
new books about the IMble. Read the
Itlble , and then you will understand
what you may afterward read about
the Itlble. Read Shakespeare , not con
troversies on Shakespeare ; read Scott
and Thackeray and Dickens and George
Hllot. Do not bo content with a short
history of literature that tells you their
best works ami makes a few discon
nected extracts and tells yon their
standing and what you should think
Of tlllMll.
Read Intelligently nnd with Interest ,
and every book you read will guide
you to the next that Is good for you
norMinully far better than n strange
mentor can do , who Is often full of
theories and prejudices or perhaps has
got up a course of study as n Vpot boil
er" and has no real love of his subject.
Hornet' hiintionnutn.
The wearing of sunbounets by horses
in hot weather is by no means a mod
ern Invention. In an old Italian print ,
dated 1512 , a gentleman is shown rid
ing on horseback with an umbrella tlx-
ed over his own head nnd another over
that of his horse. In Mexico horses are
often protected by a small parasol ris
ing over the head , and a hoi so blmlhir-
ly accommodated has lately been seen
In Regent street. Unfortunately this
headdress annoyed the conventional
"horse in the street , " nnd It came very
near causing more than one disaster on
the wny to Lnngliniu place. London
Ornrriil I.PO'W Attiurr ,
After the surrender of Appoinnttox ,
( Jeneral Wise came riding down the
road furiously to where tieiu-ral Leo
and his stalf were grouped. He was
Hphished with mud from lien.l to hcoK
and there were grout HplotcheH of mud
dried and caked upon his face. Ad
dressing ( icncial Lee , he asked In ti
theatrical voice. "la It true , ( Jeneral
Leo. that you have surrenderedV"
"VoH , ( ii'iiei-til Wise , It I ] true. "
"I wish , llu-ii. to ask you one ques
tion. What Is going to become of my
brigade. ( Jeneral Lee. and what IB go
ing to beciimc of me'/ "
( icncrat Lee looked nt the Hphished
warrior for a full minute and then
said calmly and In n low lone , " ( .ion-
( . ml Wise , go and wash your face. "
f ! < DUTi-i-riicc ,
Mrs lOnpeck James , you are good on
language. What Is the difference be
tween exported and transported ?
Mr. Iliipeck-Why. my dear. If you
should go to England , you would be
exported , ami l-wcll , I would be trans
ported. SunnySouth. _
Stood Death Off.
K. H Mnnday , n lawyer of Henrietta ,
Tex , one" fookd n gruvo digger. Ho
Miyc : "My brother Wan very low with
malarial fever and jaundiuo. I pur-
Nimdt'd him to try Kctrio \ \ Bitters , and
ho WUH soon much better , but continued
their use until ho was wholly cured. I
urn sure Ulectrio Bitters mived his life "
This remedy expels mnlnria , kills
disease norms and puridos the blood ;
aid" digestion , regulaton liver , kidneys
and bowels , cures c-instipation , dys
pepsia , nervous diHpit > H , icidnoy
trouble ! " , female eomnlivintn ; gives per
fect health. Only fiOc at A. II. Kiosnu.
Oonuinn Rocky Mountain Ton is
ntivor sold in built by peddlers or h > s
than ! t5c. Don't bo fooled , get the tea
made famous bv the Mndisou Medicine
0) . ( ! oo. li. Ohrlstoph.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Years of SufTcring.
"I suffered for thirty years with
diarrhoea and thought I was past being
cured"says.Tolin S IInllownyot French
Ouniu , MIHS. "I had spent so much
time and money and suffered so much
that I iiad given up all hopes of ro-
covo'y. I was so rooblo from the ellects
ot the diarrhoea that I could not even
travel , but by accident I was permitted
to tliul a bottln of Clmmberluln"s Colic ,
Oliolorn and Diarrhoea Remedy nnd
after taking several bottlts I am entirely
cured of that trouble. I am so pleased
ith the result that I am anxious that it
be in reach of all who sutler as I have. "
For sale by the Kiosau Drug Co.
Like Daisies Before the Scythe.
Btiby lives are destroyed in summer
by cholera infautuiu. Tlio attack oi the
disease is sudden , its progress is somo-
rimrs terribly rapid. Mothers \yho have
given their children Perry Davis' Pain
Killer in water with a few drops of
brandy added can toll how this treat
ment has checked the diarrhoea ntid
vomiting , and put the little patient out
of danger. 35 and 50 cts.
When you want n pleasant physic try
the now remedy , Chamberlain's
Stomach nnd Liver Tablets. They are
easy to tnku and pleasant in effect.
Price 25 cents. Samples free nt the
Kiesau Drug Co.
Ohm Roploglo of Atwater , O. , was
unable to work on account of kidney
trouble. After using Foloy's Kidiiny
Cure four days ho was cured. A. II.
Constipation neglected or badly
treated , loads to total disnblUy or death
Rocky Mountain ton absolutely euros
constipation in nil its forms. ur > e. Goo
13. Christopli.
A Shocking Calamity
"Lately befell a railroad laborer , '
writes Dr. A. Kellott , of Wilhford
Ark. "His foot was badly crushed , bu
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo quickly cured
him. " It's simply wonderful for burns ,
boils , piles and all skin eruptions. It's
the world's champion healer. Cure
guaranteed. 25c. Sold by A. H.
Ulcers , open or obstinate sores , scalds
nnd piles , quickly cured by Banner
Salvo , the most healing medicine in the
world. A. H. Kiesau.
Consumption Threatened.
C. Uugor , 212 Maple St , Champaign ,
111. , writes : "I was troubled with n
hacking cough for n year and I thought
I had consumption. I tried a great
many remedies and was under tliO care I
of physicians for several months. I ,
used ono bottle of Folov's Honey and |
Tar. It cured mo , and I have not been
troubled since. " A. H. Kiesau.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was mndo is Dr. King's Now j
Life Pills. These pills change weakness - )
ness into strength , listlessuoss into ,
energy , brain-fag into mental power , j
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 23e per box. Sold by A.
II. Kieinu.
Cuts and Bruises Quickly Healed. I
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a i
cut , bruise , burn , scald or like injury
will instantly allay the pain and will |
heal the parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very severe it will not leave a scar. I
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism , I
sprains , swellings nnd lameness. For
sale by tlio Kiosan Drug Co.
Lichty's Celery , Nerve Compound
for all nervous diseases , neuralgia ,
rheumatism , nervous debility , paralysis ,
biliousness , dyspepsia , costiveues , piles ,
liver complaint , kidney troubles and
female complaints. It goes to the seat
of the disease nnd cures thoroughly and
speedily. Sold by Goo. B. Christopli.
No Relief for 20 Years.
"I had bronchitis for twenty years , "
said Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville ,
111. , "and never got relief until I used
Foley's Honey and Tar which is a sure
cure for throat and lung diseases. " A
II Kiesau.
Red is a danger signal on the railroad
on a fellow's nose and on a woman's
face. Men and women use Rocky
Mountain Tea and get genuine , ] rosy
cheeks. 155o. Geo. B. Christopli.
A Little Known Fact.
That thi ) majority of Hi-rlous diseases
originate in disorder of tlio kidneys.
Foh-y'h Kidney Cure is guiuantoud. BeMire
Mire lu got Foloy's. A. H. Kloinu.
Have you a MMIHU of fullness in thn
region of your Htomaoh after eating ?
It HO you will bit benefited by using
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They alno euro belching and
sour Htomaoh. They regulate the
bowels too. Price 2fl cents. Sold by
tlio Kit'Htui Drug Co
Krauso's Headache Capsuls
are unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica. They were lli > t prei-cribcd by Dr.
ICniusu , Ciormuny's famous court phy-
sioiiin , long before antipyrino was dis
covered , and are almost marvelous , BO
spt'odily do they cuio tlio most distress
ing oahos. Price Mo. Sold by Geo. B.
Mr. G. A. t-'tillmiin , a mcrclmnt of
Toinplco , 111 , writes : Foley's Kidney
Cure is mooting with wonderful success
It has cured some cases hero that physi-
ciniiH pronounced incurable I myself
am able to testify to its merits My
face today is a living picture of health ,
and Foloy's Kidmiy Cure lias made it
such " A. II Kiesau.
H. C "WatkiiiH , sexton of the Metho
dist church , Springlield , Pa. , says : " My
wife has been very bad with kidney
trouble nnd tried sovoial doctors with
out benefit. Affnr taking ono bottle of
Foloy's Kidney Cure , was much better ,
and was completely cured after taking
four bottles. " A. II. Kiesan.
A Remedy From Nature's Laboratory.
Ltchty's Celery Nerve G impound is
n sciontillo combination of nature's
health restorers , celery , cocoa , cascnrn ,
s.igrada , hops , dandelion , buchu , man
drake , snrsaparilhi nnd chnmomilo
Sickly children , weary women and
irod and broken down mon find in thin
trout compound health , strength and
inppinoss. Sold by Geo. B. Cliristoph.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiuty was felt for the
widow of the bravo General Buruham
of Mnohins , Me. , when the doctors said
she would die from pneumonia before
iiorning , " writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln ,
who attended her that fearful night ,
but she begged for Dr. King's Now
Discovery , which had more than ouco
saved her life , and cured her of con
sumption After taking , she slept all
light. Further use entirely cured her. "
This marvellous medioiuo is guaranteed
to euro all throat , chest nnd lung
lisonsos. Only 50c nud $1.00. Trial
jottles free at A. II Kiesau.
A Pocket Cold Cure.
Krauso's Cold Cure is prepared in
cnp-.ulo form and will cure cold m the
lii-ad , throat , chest or any portion of the
body in 21 hours. You don't have to
stop work either. Price 2oc. Sold by
Geo. B. Ghristoph.
I had a running sere on my leg for
RHveu years. " writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of
Ohippown Fulls , Wis , "nnd spout hun-
drds of dollars in trying to get it healed.
Two bottles of Banner Salve entirely
cured it. " Beware of substitutes. A. H.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great
The soothing ami healing properties
of this remedy , its pleasant taste nnd
prompt , nnd permanent euros hnvo made
it n grent favorite with the people everywhere
whereIt is especially prized by
mothers of small children , for colds ,
croup and whooping cough , ns it always
nfl'ords quick relief , nnd ns it contains
no opium or other harmful drug , it maybe
bo given as confidently to a buby as to
an adult. For sale by the Kiesau Drug
Why not use the
best laundry soap
and secure attract
ive premiums free
ue show
o\tr 3oo premiums thai
be xscured In saving
the rapper-- furnished
Iree upon request Send
) uiir name on a postal
card and ue will mail )0u
the catalogue
'TheCudah.y _ Packing
Company , '
South Omaha , Nib ,
'DiamondC ' Soap far
tali by all Qtotnt
Wlicn tlicrc la n natural nnd healthy circulation of tne blood , the entire -V
quantity , estimated nt one-eighth the weight of the body , passes through the heart '
every five minutes. This rnnid ( low of the blood through the system prevents the
entrance of disease germs nnd impurities of every description. It filters out nil that
fa not necessary or good for the growth nnd development of the body nnd nourish
ing nnd strengthening the muscles , tissues , nerves nnd bones. But , unfortunately ,
few persons can rightly claim nu nb.solutely pure blood supply nnd perfect nnd
unpolluted circulation , nnd in consequence nre exposed to innumerable diseases.
Contagious IJlood Poison , the greatest ciioiny to mankind , enters the system
through the blood , nnd Cnncur , Scrofula , Klu-umatism , Catarrh , Eczema , Salt
Rheum , Psoriasis , Tetter in fact the majority of human uilments nre caused by
poisons or humors that nre engen- „ . _ _ .
dcred nnd fostered in n sluggish TTIlO BOOfa tS tilQ &OUIC0
nnd impoverished blood. Old _ _ _ _ _ .
sores , chronic ulcers nnd rheumatic pains nre com- Off Alt StffGtifffll
mon , especially nmong old people , whose blood
naturally grows thin nnd pale becaust of the lack of the red corpuscles that give
color nnd strength to youthful blood. Sallow complexions nnd rough , oily skins
evidence 6omc constitutional or blood trouble , which salves , lotions , powders nor
nny external treatment can cure. Diseases tlu.t originate in the blood , whether
they manifest themselves ns ulcers , tumors , itching eruptions , muscular or bone
pains , require n tonic nnd blood purifier such ns S. S. S. , which not only nntidotes f' '
nnd neutralizes blood poisons and humors , but possesses health-giving tonic proper- j }
tics that no other blood medicine does. It goes down to the very foundation of
the disease nnd eliminates from the system every- j ,
Ea/OQu thing of n poisonous character or that obstructs nud Jf
. clogs the circulation. It builds up nnd imparts 1) )
8JSSS3SO I1CW strength and vitality to the old innutritious jl ,
blood , nnd when the nrterics nnd veins nre once | jj
more filled with new rich blood , the general health begins to improve , muscles
grow stronger , and sores nnd eruptions of every kind disappear.
S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier , nnd the purest
nnd most reliable in nil blood diseases. It has been tested in thousands of cases
during the past fifty years nnd is _ more popular today than ever. We will be glad \ ) |
to send you our book free , nnd if in need ot medical ndvice write our physicians all p
nbout your case ; this information will cost you nothing nnd comes from experi- v
diced nnd educated doctors. All correspondence is conducted in strictest '
Road Notice.
To all Whom it may Concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate n road
commencing at the northeast corner of
the southeast quarter of section twelve
(12) ( ) , towmhip twenty-one (21) ( ) , rnugo
one (1) ( west of ( ith p. m , and ruuuiug
thence south one-half milo on the
county line between Madison and Stanton -
ton counties and terminating at the
southeast corner of said southeast quar
ter of section 12-81 1 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof , with
the following exception : that at the
first bend in the creek , going south , the
road vary from the county line east , fol
lowing the bend of said crot k around to
wliero the same again crossi s the county
line , and nil objections thereto or claims
for damages must bu filed in the county
clerk's ollice on or before noon of the
2Hth day of November , A. D. 1901 , or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL , BAUCII ,
County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commibsloner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the southeast corner of
the northeast quarter of section 4 , town
ship 23 north , range 1 west of (5th ( p. m. ,
nud running thence west 100 rods more
or less intersectiug with public roads
known as the Norfolk nnd Mndisou and
Norfolk and Battle Creek roads , and
terminating ntn point not far east of.
southwest corner of said qunrtersectiou ,
in Madison county , Nebraska , has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof , nnd all objections thereto , or
claims fcr damages , must be filed in the
county clerk's oilico on or before noon
of the Kith day of October , A.D. 15)01 ) , or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL Bit'cn ,
County Clerk.
Kimil Notice.
To nil whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate n road
commencing at tlio southwest corner of
section twenty-nine (2 ( ! ) ) , township
twenty-tour (21) ( ) north , rnugo one (1) ( )
west of ( ith p. in. in Madison county ,
Nebraska , running tlienco north one (1) ( )
mile nnd terminating nt the northwest
corner of section twenty-nine (2 ( ! ) ) same
towuehio nnd range , hns reported iu
favor of the establishment thereof , and
all objections thereto , or claims for dam
ages , must bo filed in the county clerk's
otlico on or before noon of the 2-lth day
of September A. D. , 15)01 , or such rend
will bo established without reference
thereto. PHIL BAUOH ,
County Clerk.
. . ,
Sale and _ .
Boarding Barn.
| Horses Bought and Sold on
1 Commission ,
Avenue 'DUnWC '
( and Third St. rHUNt
. . . .TRY. . . .
F. J : . & W. V. R. R. , Is ths best to and
from the
North Nebraska
that throbs , pains and
aches , or feels heavy , stuf
fy , dull or dizzy , is a poor
head to do business with.
It irritates the temper , up
sets the stomach , interferes
with digestion and wears
out the brain and nerves.
Make the nerves strong ,
the brain clear and your
head will be right.
"My head wo-'ld begin to swim and
I would prow dizzy and so weak and
numb that I would fall to the floor.
Since usinp Dr. Miles' Nervine I can
work 16 hours n day and feel good. I
believe it saved my life and cannot
recommend it too hichly. "
W. G. WHITE , McGregor , Texas.
D . Miles
quiets the irritation , stimu
lates digestion and builds
up nefvous health and
strength. Try a bottle.
Sold by drufjcists on jjuarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind.
085t"U i DC
For Sale by George B. Ohristoph.
Al All drug itorca. 25 COMJ 25c
rbolo raphcd
from Ufe.
Made a
Well Man
produce * the nbovo results In 30 dayg. It aeli
powerfully and quickly Cures wlicn all nthers r lL
° Denw"lreBn thclr I
EVIVO it ? uthul Vlgor * uel *
mUlCilr aua l > urely ntorea Nervous
KS' i & r t , r.mtyi i10"1 * * ' NlBbtly Emissions.
iu Iff S fJ .J ? BiUcmorT < WaBt" > " BleeaEee.tnd
which unats ono for > u.sVr.cxcefB nud IndlBcrellon.
etudy. biielneBn or marriage. II
not only cures by starting at Iho Feat of dlecase but
! hrrTI5 ' ? " " ? and Wooa 1" , bring-
? plnk. Kla" J ° Iml ° cheelis tndrt
flro of y ° "tl > . It wards off Insanlti
, pton' J ° 8Ut on
1 cal , b rrtcd Invest rocket By mall.
> ° r 6U lor ° 5'00'
o 0rnBBl . ? , iu Norfollc- Nebraska , by
piirihtoph. drui'pist.
TaKe the gc.iulne , original
Made only by Madison Mcdl *
cine Co. , Mudlsun.'ls. . It
I.etps ymicll. . Our trade
mark cut on cacti packujf. ;
I'rlcc , 35 cents. Novr snlij
In bulk. Accept no sut > stl
icoFoii t Di ii tute. Ask your