The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 20, 1901, Page 11, Image 13

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    TIIK NORFOLK NKWS : I'UIDAY , SKPTKMl'.KH 20 , 11)01 ) , II
and Eyestrain
Many who
% . for years
' have suffered
chronic sick
headaches ,
using drugs
of all kinds without benefit ,
have found immediate
and permanent remedy in
properly adjusted glasses ,
because eye strain was the catud
We remove the cause
and our cure is lasting.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G. FW. .
All ( ho latest designs in
Street and Trimmed Huts.
r Special intention given to
order work. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Watch for
our display.
_ _ _
An Idyl of the Arkansaw Hills ,
A Ciiinpainon Play to
A Story of Intense Heart Interest.
Special Scenery ami Kllocts ,
k A SplemlidConipany.
PRICES , 75 , 50 and 25 Cents.
Good lot nt Junction $ ( , '
Honeo and half aero on Third St K.VJ
Five-room house on Fourth St 875
Honi.0 , bnrn and Imlf aero on Third St. . . tJO )
LOBUH on Koul Estute-LOW KATES.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 60
Minimum temperature . ' 50
Average 40
Precipitation 01
Total precipitation for month 0 52
Barometer 29 74
Forecast for Nebraska : Fair to
night and Saturday. Rising tempera
R. B. Weller has rented the Stevens
property iu The Heights and will soon
occupy it.
Rev. Henry Burch of Spencer , Iowa ,
will preach in the First Congregational
church next Sabbath.
The F. E. & M. V. nine defeated the
Bill Talvert nine by a score of.24 ; to 10
on the Junction diamond yesterday.
Lawrence Hoffman's team of ball
players defeated a picked nine yesterday
on the west side diamond by a score of
31 to 21.
Chief of Police Conley is again on the
war path for nntaxed canines and he is
making some very respectable additions
to dog heaven.
The annual meeting and banquet
which was to have been held at the
Baptist church this evening has been
postponed on account of so many of
the members and committees being sick
and absent from town. Notice will be
given at the church on Sunday when it
will definitely be held. Members please
take notice of this. The advisory board
will meet for business at the parsonage
this evening at 8 o'clock.
M. A. Miller , watchmaker for 0. S.
Hayes , has been employing his spare
time very profitably in manufacturing
solid gold band rings , from the old gold
received at that store , Ho molts the
metal and runs it into n grove of about
the proper shape , then hammers and
forms the ring by hand , making an nrti-
clo equal if not superior to manufac
tured goods. Ho is at least certain that
the material ubed is the pure gold and
Dr. A. J. Johnson was ono of the
audience at yesterduy'r memorial ser
vices who has attended three of like
character but he says none were more
expressive or sincere. He attended the
Lincoln memorial service at West Jer-
gey , 111. , and through all these years
has remembered the text , which was ,
"In Israel a gteat man has fallen to
day. " Ho also attended memorial ser
vices following Preddont Gurllold'n
death. Lincoln was greatly lovo'l by
his friends hut ho had many enemies ,
Gartleld's memorial was as good neigh'
bora morn the death of another , owing
to his long illness , but at vostcrday'e
memorial the entire heart and soul ol
the people appeared to bo in the services ,
and their grief was sincere.
_ The theatrical season opens at the Aud
itorium with "Human Hearts , " tonight
the company presenting it having ar
rived in the oily today. Manager Spear
would appreciate a good audience and
is of the opinion that the attractiou is
fully worthy of the hearty patronage of
theatre-going people. Ho today re
ceived a personal lettrr from H S. Liv
ingstone , of the "Which is Who" com
pany which savs of "Human Hearts : "
"I biiw the performance hero ( York )
and it was great. The/ put up
about the best on the road this season
and you ought to pack your house with
them. You can't say too much about
the show for it will make good any
where. " Speaking of themselves , Mr.
Livingstone siys they are doing great
business for the territory and promises
a welcome surprise to Norfolk people in
An Interesting Exhibition Preparing
to Open in the Old Fair Store
Building for Short Season Only.
Owen's glass blowers arrived in the
city yesterday morning. They will
open a few day's engagement hero in
the old Fair Store building , commenc
ing this evening. They guarantee a
high class exhibition of glass blowing ,
glass spinning and weaving , a glni-s
steam engine which is constantly in op
eration , also instructive lectures on nat
ural philosophy , including the water-
hammer , the pneumatic balloon or arte
sian diver , also steam its application to
steam engines. The admission will bo
10 cents and everything made by the
troupe will bo given free to the visitors.
Presents are on exhibition in the win
Attention Elks.
There will be a social session hold at
the club rooms immediately after the
theater closes tonight. Allen Hampton ,
manager of the company and four other
members , arc Elks in good standing.
Mr. Hampton was a delegate to the
grand lodge at Milwaukee and also as
sisted in instituting the only Elk lodge
organized outside of the United States ,
at Honolulu , Hawaii. Wo expect to
show the visiting Elks the hospitality of
our lodge. All Elks are cordially in
vited to be present.
Exalted Ruler.
Go see the glass blowers.
Last Call to Dog Owners.
This is the last time dog owners will
bo notified to pay the license tux
charged against their animals. All
dogs on which the tax has not been
paid will be forthwith destroyed.
Chief of Police.
C. S. Hayes is attending the Stautou
county fair.
Charles Rice returned from the
Omaha festival last night.
J. S. Shurtx returned last night from
a two-months' visit at Logan , Kansas
Clyde Hayes wont to Lincoln this
morning to resume his studies iu the
Mrs. Maggie Frpernan and three child
reu were in town over night on their
way to Pierce.
Wynn Rainbolt left at noon for the
east to resume his studies in the law de
partment of Harvard university.
Millard Green , Ed Dixon , Hugh Mul
len and Ray Hayes went to Stanton to
day to see the hall game and take in the
Frank Osborne returned last evening
from Rochester , N. Y. , where he has
spent a pleasant and profitable sum
mer's vacation.
J. S. McOlary and George Davenport
returned last night from Omaha , whore
they par took of the pleasures of the Ak-
Sar-Beu festival.
E. E. Adams has gone to Wayne and
will this evening give his stereopticon
lecture on Ben Hur in the Baptist
church of that city.
Mrs. II. E. Warrick and Mrs. E. P.
Weatherby returned at noon from an
extended visit in Colorado. Mrs. War-
rick spent the summer there and Mrs.
Weatherby has been in that state for
the past six weeks.
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , deutibt , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
As all business houses are requested
to clohe during the services on Thurs
day , J. & E. Durland will continue )
their opening during the week and will
bo glad to have all call at any time.
Now is the time to lean : to dance , at
Chambers' academy .
Una WA.NTKO Good wages paid.
Mas. C. S.
Foil SALE Well improved farm on
bottom laud two miles from Norfolk ,
$10.00 per acre. G. R. SEILEU ,
Lodge of Sorrow by Mosaic
Lodge Last Evening.
Resolutions Concerning the Death of
President McKinlcy , Who Was a
Mason Many Visitors Present from
Neighboring Lodges.
Mosaic ledge , No , V > , A. F. iVs.A M ,
paid its respects to President McKIn
ley ut a special ledge of sorrow held last
evening. Tito ceremony provided for
occasions of this kind Is a paiticularly
itnprchslvoono under ordinary occasions ,
but the death of William McKinley ,
who was a Mason , inspired the members
to their best efforts. As stated yester
day , the lodge room had been tastefully
draped for the occasion , national colors ,
black and white intermingling in a har
monious whole. Iu tht ) renter of the
lodge room , standing duo cunt and west ,
had been erected u catafalque , wound
in black. Upon thin stood a Hag-draped
casket , representing that which con
tained the last mortal remains of the de
parted brothir. The catafalque was
guarded by four Muster Masons ,
one each representing Norfolk , Wayne ,
Battle Cieek and Pieice lodges.
The lodge of sorrow opened under the
usual form , with G. T. Sprecher , W.
M , presiding , wit ha largo number of
local members and members from sur
rounding lodges present. Afttr an in
vocation by the chaplain , Hev. S. F
Shurpless , them was responsive rending ,
followed by singing "Nearer , My God
to Thee. " The liglns were then
dimmed and a funeral procession
formed , consisting of the otllccrs of the
ledge , and to the .singing of the funeial
dirge of the order the piocet-sion
marched three times around the cata
falque , the ( irht time the junior warden
depositing white carnations upm the
bier , at the iuxt time the senior warden
depositing a wreath of white llowerc ,
and again the worshipful master an
evergreen wreath , emblematical of
everlasting life. After an invocation by
the chaplain , the lights were turned on ,
and the ceremonial part of the ledge ol
sorrow was over.
The committee on resolutions , con
sisting of Brothers O'Connor , Hayes
and Guy lord , reported the following ,
which \\ere unanimously adopted by a
rising vote of all meinbt rs present :
A dark cloud hangs like a pall ovei
our fair land. Our country mourns
Her Hags , the symbol of her unity ,
strength and purity , are at half mast
The nation's prisutent , her chief mag-
istrute , and our brother has fallen
Foul murder has done its worst. A
great , but unfinished column has been
broken. A noble and distinguished life
has been brought to a premature close ,
and our common country is enshrouded
iu gloom and sorrow.
On the Oth day of September , I'.IOI , in
the Temple of Music , at the Pan-Amer
ican exposition , Buffalo , Now York ,
while holding a public reception , our
illustrious brother , William McKinley ,
president of the United States , was shot
by the cruel hand of an assassin , and
from the tilects of the wounds thus in
dieted , on the morning of September 11 ,
The news of his. foul murder , wh le
extending the sympathetic hand of good
will and benignity to the cowardly as
sassin ; the tr-achery of the latter , who
with false smile and a heart pulsating
with black ingratitude , pretended to
greet his great benefactor , but instead
pressed a pistol to his body and fired ;
the shattering of buoyant hopes of the
president's speedy recovery by news of
relapse and sudden death ; the shock
given to the cherished confidence of the
people of our great republic that the
personal safety of the chief magistrate
may securely repose in the core and
keeping of its citizens , all conspire to
fill our hearts and homes with the most
poignant grief and unhappiness and
make the tragedy the more awful and
Our lodge , in common with all lodges
of our fraternity throughout the nntiop ,
most painfully deplores the untimely
cutting off , in the flower of his manhood -
hood , of our brother , the president of
the United States , and in the most em
phatic manner denounces and condemns ,
not only the act of the assassin , bat the
acts of those , who by voice , pen , or
other incentive were abettors to this
terrible crime , and it farther prays that
the liberty-loving spirit of our great
country may arouse and avenge its sul
lied honor by exterminating , root and
branch , both the principals and those
giving expression to the principles of
that horrible infatuation , anarchy.
It further deplores and condemns the
tendency on the part of speakers and
journals to caricature by voice or pen ,
public servants whoso oilicial acts are
not the acts of mere individuals , or of
party , but of a sovereign peopln , by
whose suffrage and will , such public
servants hold positions. So long as vil
ification , vituperation and outrageous
caricaturing of public oflicials , because
they are public ollioials , are counten
anced and tolerated , so long will the
vilest passions dominate the will and
actions of men not in sympathy with
order or free government , and so long
will fueh individuals continue to disre
spect the nation's ollioials , disregard her
laws , abuse her privileges and threaten
the foundation of her institutions.
Therefore bo it
Resolved : That in the tragic death
of William MoKinloy , president of the
United Stut s , our fraternity has sus
tained the loss of a brother , pure in
motive , noble in character , tender in
svmpathv and affection , and Jexalted in
tlio principles of fiientlslup , morality
and brotht-rly love ; ono whoso lifn , as
a holdinr , statesman , niti/.en end Chris
tian is worthy the highest honor and
emulation ; ono whose memory wo love
to cherishbecause his largo hcnrtednets ,
warm impulses and affectionate nature ,
manifested by the teuderest oilices
rendeted in the cause of Immunity , not
only at hts own llresulo and within the
conllnt Htif our on countryhut through
out the civill/nd world.
That while we inourn the Ui s of our
beloved bt ol her. we liumMy com mend
ills spirit to the ( fraud Master of the
Universe , who guvo it , to dwell with
Him in that mansion beyond the skies ,
that house not made with hands , eternal
in tlio heavens.
That we extend to his bravo , devoted
and grief Mrl < ken widow our tendercst
sympathy ami good will in this hour of
her great HIMmw Wocniinot aidve
cannot usstM her , but our pravers
itM-ond tothe Kicnml Father to console
and tuistuln h > < r in her sore horca\ement ,
and to strengthen her reliance of the
promises of eternal lifo and companion
ship with the beloved who are at peace
in glory.
That we extend to President Theodore
ltooiovi < lt our beM wishes for a safe ,
Miecesful and nrn perous adiiimlMra
tinn of the nlVairs of the icpubllc
lit * him our assurance of cynipathv in
the administration of his jjrcat olllec.
our loyalty to K"veriiment and dovoinm
to the principles upon whose foundation
that government reposes.
That these resolutions bt < st > reud upon
the minutes of this l iue ! ami Mm' copies
be Nont to Mrs. William McKmlev.
President Theodore Roosevelt , and nlho
to the press fur publication.
The following brothers made shot I
addresses eulogistic of the life and
wotk of William McKinley IX C
O'Connor , I ) .1 KnenigMdn. M I )
Tyler. A AMch of Wayne , Judge
,1. B. Barnes and S. W. Hayes CMirls
Schavland of M idison had been invited
to bo present , but being unable to come
he sent a touching tribute to the dead
president in vnse , which was read by
the secretary.
The lodge was then closed in due
Among the out of town MIISOIIH pn s
out were A A Welch , W I ) . Hammond
mend , R. Wai nock , liny K Wilbur. ,1
M. Cherry , t ! M Fartiu , ( J 1C l-Yonch.
. ! . J. Willianm , .1. G Mines of Wayne ;
.1. S. Braislier , .1. L. KneM-l , F. K
Martin , W liy. .1. U. Martin , F. II.
L. Willis , W I'1. Reavis , Jim. Seneia.
F. L. White , .1 , L. Okee , Win. Young ,
Buttle Creik ; ( 'has. Gates , J. M.
Archer , T. A. Heed , O. O. Wilson ,
Pierce ; W. A. McMonugle , L
Horsheiser , Long Pine
Foil SAM : HO.OOO acres in North Da
kota. For sale on crop payment plan
fJ. R. Sni.icit.
Chambers' Dancing Academy , Mar-
quardt hall.
Learn the new dances from Olmin-
A Pretty Family Reunion.
On the 1 Ith day of September , IHI7 ,
iu the Btnto of Ohio , .lames Thomas ,
then 2 ! ! years of age , and Caroline
Creighton , aged 111 , wore united in holy
wedlock , having thus walked side by
side as husband and wife for fil years
last Saturday. To them were born 10
children , six of whom still live , vix. :
E. A. Thomas of Abingdon , 111 , .1. C.
Thomas of Cuba , 111. , H. li. Thomas of
this oily , Anna D. Beeler of North
Platte , Neb..Tohn W. Thomas of Or
leans , Neb. , and Mary Gould of North
I'latto , Nob. , who unitedly are blessed
with 27 children , some of the older ones
having now five children , thus giving
to Father and Mother Thomas six child
ren , 27 grandchildren and 5 great-grand-
children , they themselves being 7i ( and
72 years of ago respectively , and yet
hale and hearty.
The aged couple recently purchased
of J. W. Bovce , nenr Norfolk , a 20-acro
tract of land , upon which they now ri
bide and where they hope to spend the
remaindf r of their lives , tenderly looked
nftcr by their son , H. B. Thomas and
With love , such as cnn burn only in
the hearts of father and mother , they
invited their children and children's
children to meet with them once more ,
to which invitation five children and
sight grandchildren responded , the only
nbseut child being J. C. Thomas of
Cuba , 111. To say that the meeting of
parents and children on the llth day of
September , I'.lOl , at the home near Nor
folk , was joyful bat feebly expresses it.
Around the festive board , spread with
[ in abundance of the good things of life ,
sat father , mother and children , recallIng -
Ing reminiscences of years ago.
Tuesday morning all from abroad de
parted to their several homes feeling
that it had been good to be once more
with father and mother , to cheer them
on the remaining journey of life.
May God spare their lives yet many
years to blots their sons and daughters
und their fellowmen. *
Manager Wanted.
Manager wanted in every largo
county to appoint ngents for the famous
"Game O' Skill" nickel slot machine for
drinks or cigars ; lawful everywhere ,
takes place of all forbidden slot
machines. Rented or sold on easy pay
ments. Secure territory quick.
Chicago , 111.
Foil SALK Well improved ranch
with SO head graded cattle two miles
from Buffalo Gap , S. D.G.
WASTT.I > Men to learn barber trade.
Only eight weeks required , tools pre
sented , board included , wages Satur
days , positions guaranteed. Graduates
wanted for trains , hospitals , country
and city t > hops. Catalogue mailed free ,
Moler Barber College , Omaha , Neb.
Tulip and hyacinth bulbs , teen ready
and cheap , at L. Buckeudorf'g.
Offers you every advantage to
be obtained anywhere ,
Dependable , durable , style ,
! up = to = date. If not satisfied
bring me back and try again.
F.V. , . Richardson of Hut tic Creek
was in town Moniliiy.
Tlio city schools opened Monday , with
an unusually law number of pupils.
Miss M.ibel Whit la returned to hci
homo in Batllo Cieek Monday , after n
two weeks' visit.
MIKH Until IticluudHoii in staying witli
her brother George and family and at
tending the Madison High school.
Memorial services wcro held Tlinih
day afternoon at the ( . A 11. hull , In
niiniory of the late President M-Kinlny.
Attorney W. REllin of Uloomllcld
came in Tuesday inoinmg for a few
days' visit with his mother and friondH.
On account of the continued rain , the
county fair was declared at an end .Sat
urday morning , instead of holding over
Saturday an expected.
A slight frost was MJOII Tuesday morn ,
ing , and a very heavy ono Wednesday
morning. It is hoped the weather will
soon become settled now.
Foil SAM : Ranch ono and a half
miles from Tilford , S. D. 1,500 acres
deeded lund , 15,000 leased land , plenty
living water ; nil fenced ; well improved ;
Price $150,000. Would tulco homo Nor
folk property and farms to suit.
( ! . U. SIII.IK. :
Dr. Robert 15. Johnson , ollice in Mast
block , over Norfolk National bank.
Dan Taylor'h now dwelling is showing
up nicely in Highland park.
The creamery will receive milk only
three times a week from now on.
P. F. Zimmerman is in Hot Springs ,
S. D. , to be cured of rheumatism.
Carpenter Clms. Werner completed a
new Imrn for Win. Bierman last week.
Nest Sunday there will bo a ball game
here between . .attle Greek anil Tilden.
S A. Mackay of Meadow Grove whs
transacting bubiniKS in our burg Satur
Henry Burch bought Mrs Chnrch'h
house , north of his dwelling on Depot
Jock Manning haa bought the Fred
Williams house on Depot street now oc
cupied by S. F. Heit/.tnan.
W. B. Fuerst and his sou , George ,
went to Omaha today. Mr. Fuentt is
going to buy his stock of groceries.
Fred Brechler came down from In-
man Friday to see his family , having
quit haying on their ranch on account
of rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Hainan and
baby went to Clearwater Satnrdoy for
a three-days' visit with Mr. Hainan's
W. B Fuerst is fixing up the build
ing ho bought of J. H. G.udels. on his
brother's lot north of the band stand
and is going to put in a block of gro
Ernest Hans and Stokes B.irnes , who
have been running a shooting gallery
and u slot machine at the Madison fair ,
came homo Saturday with a sack full of
free silver.
My entire stock of wall paper , win
dow shades and points to bo sold at cost
for 30 days. II. C. TUI'MAX.
WASTED A good girl for general
housework. Mils. A. H. AI.UNSII.V.
Chamber's Dancing Academy.
Hi'ginnorb clubs for adults Monday
evening , September 23 , 7 : . ' 50. It is very
essential that every one desiring in
struction should bo present at first
legion. Juvenile ohu > s will meet Satur-
day aft < moon , September as , at a : ! ! ( ) .
Tim HI-HI paily lor the advanced clasM
will lie Fnduy evening , September 27 ,
in the Matiiiunlt | hall. Kor Innim call
on or addiesH L S CIIAMIICIIH.
Krcd Lnndquist is at I'll ice on linsi-
Miss A nun Lund was shopping in
Norfolk Satuiduy.
Olias. IInrris was hi Norfolk on biifli-
ness lust Siluiduy.
Mr. and Mrs. .lolin Hnpdngor visited
with friends at Omaha last wt ek.
Hev. Winfrey of Stanton preached at
the school house Sunday morning.
Mr. King of Norfolk WUH in this
neighborhood on business lust week.
Win. Schnmipf and MJHH Anna Nel
son and l-rothcr of Hoskins visited in
this vicinity on Sunday.
Mrs. Sherman Wetherholt letnrnod
from Pierce Saturday , where she visited
with hi r sister , Mrs. Sargent.
Mr. A. K LundqniM and Miss Lillie
IlurcliiiKiro were united in marriage at
the home of the bride's brother at
Omaha , September 11 , by Rev. Full-
man of the Giaeo Baptist church. The
wedding was a very ptetly and inter-
ehting all'uir. They wore the incipientH
of many valuable prusents fiom irltmdrt
and telatives.
Real EstAte Transfers.
The following are the transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending Septombur M , 11)01 ) , as
reported by D. .1. Koenigstoin , olllcial
abstractor :
Mardiros Abr.iliamian to Sol G.
Ma er. wd , lot I ) , block 7 , KonmgHtein's
ilrd addition o Norfolk % m )
M trdiios Abr.ihumian to D. A. Om-
iiiiTiiiiui , wd. lot IT ) , block I , Koonig-
HtoinV : ! rd addition to Noifolk * yOO.
W II Buchol/ Ami'liu Bear , wd ,
lots 7 and 8 , block ) , Collamer's addi
tion to Noifolk.
Amelia Bear to William Herman , lot
r > , block ! t , Collamer'B addition to Nor
August Peterson to Singleton B. Cain ,
wd , lot U , block til , It. H. addition to
Newman Grnvo.
Singleton B. Cain to Augu t Peter
son , wd , part of ue > ( of BWj-4 I51-21-4.
1750.A. .
A. B Uichnrdson to W. B Ilight. wd ,
lota 11 and 12 , block 1 , Bear and Math-
ewson addition to Norfolk. $275.
O. S Smith to Daniel Murphy , wd ,
Hv4 U-2B-1. * 1,800.
Will McDonald to B. H. Baker , wd ,
' ' 9-24-1.
nwi/4' of iii'1 - -
Will McDonald to Robert Dales , wd ,
sw > < { of ne 4 9-21-4.
Barbara Reichert to MarKorathe
Roiohert , wd , h' of ue' of ! J5-21-3.
Margeratho Reichortto John Reichert ,
wd , h'tt ' of m' , , of : J5-2M ! .
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates. Elkhorn Building and
Savings association. T. E. ODIOKKK Sen.
Be up to date learn to dance.
Sturgeon is the piano man.
Fine Hold-grown carnations , strong ,
winter-blooming plants , cheap , at L ,
Farm and city loans.
TIIK DriuAvn Tursr no.
Every Hut a Master Piece.
J. & E. DURLflflD