The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 13, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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SEPTEMBER 10 , 190l = = = Today we announce our opening of Fall and Winter Millinery , which ji l
| will be ready in all its entirety
Bigger , Brighter and more comprehensive than ever. With us you find all there is good in f
! the season's styles. We have the experience. We leave to you as to whether we have gained
i : knowledge by experience. Come and see the elegant , rich things we show at most moderate prices.
i | We have exclusive styles. Can suit everyone as to price and quality.
W. N. UUS1S. I'ublluhtir.
HftablUliml. 1KS7.
1'rory ilny oxrcpi Snnilay. Ily rnrrlor i
week , 15 conic. Ily mull per jour , jfl.OO.
Im Nown.entiitilli'lmil. 1KSI. '
Tim Jouruiil , netiiMlxliml 1S77.
Kvory Friday. Ily mnll imr your , fl.'O.
Kntnroil nt thn 1'oKtolllco nt Norfolk , Nob. , IIP
focoml clnie innttnr.
TolniiliniKw : Killlorlul Hniinrtmant , No. 22 ;
ItiiMiiocp Olllco iinil Job Komi ) * . No. K22.
For JiiilftP of tlio Supreme Court -
S. II , Hr.nmviru York
1'or KoKotitB of lliu Stiito Unlvoreltj
C. J. KHNHT Lincoln
II. I , . UOOM Ounlliilii
Republican County Convention.
The republican oluctnit * of MadUoa county ,
Nohraxkii , am ru < | iioMo < l to mini doln 'atoN from
the tenoralotliiK proe nclH to nuinl in ron\oii-
tlmiiit Huttlo C'rook Nolirimkn. Bopt 21. IIH1I ,
at 11 o'clock a. m. , for tlio purpose of placing
in nomination olio caudldulo for aarh of tlio
following olllces :
County Irriipuror , comity olnrk. county judge ,
rounty super intmidont. county chin lit , county
purveyor , couuty coroner , c .uuty . commis
sioner of tlio ttacnml ilintr'ct ' , AH | > for thn
tranenctloii of such Oihur liinlnnen nit may lie
In orilor.
The hovoral prociucte are untl'lml to rnpro-
rontation ae fullo\\H , the apportlonmnnt tioliiK
liasotl on the votti cant for William McKlnloy
for profiilont at tlio olnctlon of Novomhor Bill.
\ H > CO , boliiK ouoil loKato at largn tor each votinu
, lirnclnct , anil onu ilolnK'iito for niich twenty
yn os or m | orfrmHoiitlioroof _ ! _ :
"Norfolk liittT | dooT O
Kirnt ward 8 \Varnor\illo 4
Socoud wnnl Union 7
Third ward 12 Knlrvlow H
Fourth ward 4 Sclioolcrnft 8
Ontttido n fmnrlck ! i
Valley 4 Shell ( Vtik 12
Door Creek H Kalaiuazoo 4
JolToreon 11 ( Iri'iin ( iarilon ,1
Drovn I Madison , imtclde , 4
IliKhland 4
Madlfnn City . . . . in Total 122
It in ruioimmtiidml thai prucincl primaritix
bn hnld on Saturduy , Sopt. It ; thnt no proilt <
lie allowed anil Unit dohxatoe prciumt caxt thu
full \otn of tin' doli'Kati'Mi ,
.St'crctnry. Chairman.
The person who etui write or spook
the immu of the president's assailant ,
Czolgosz , without an effort should as-
Buretlly bo looked upon with suspicion.
There will not bo much money lu
husking corn nt three cents a bushel this
fall and if the farmers desire to do the
right thing by the men who gather
their prospective wealth they will raise
the price this soasou and nmko it au ob
ject for the husker to Hud every ear of
the grain or anything that looks like an
ear. They will probably also bo justi
fied in searching them for concealed
kernels after each day's work , as they
do in the diamond fields.
As the Picket has previously re
marked , it is simply wonderful what
Nebraska soil and climate cau do for
corn even under the most unfavorable
conditions. Think of it. There has
been less than an inch of rain over most
of Stan ton conuty since July began ,
and In some parts less than half that
amount. The temperature during
nearly four weeks was awful. Corn
wilted , the leaves rolled and tassels and
silks were fired. And through all of
this corn has passed , not unharmed to
be sure , but in surprisingly good condi
tion. It is simply astonishing. If there
is another section of the country any-
\vhero that could show up as well nu-
dr like conditions , it has not yet been
discovered , or if discovered it has not
. < been reported. Stanton Picket.
From the outrage to President McKinley -
ley at Buffalo has risen a hero , James
Benjamin Parker , the colored man who
grabbed the assassin and prevented him
from shooting again. It is peculiar that
the race which has the right , if any has ,
to complain of oppression in the Amer
ican republic should raise a man who
would be the first to take a stop against
the murderer who would rob that re
public of its chief. The people of
Parker were for yours the slaves of
those whoso government was founded
on freedom and yet that race has never
produced a man to violently attack the
government. On the contrary such at
tacks have come from men who were
never oppressed by it , who obtained
their viuioiiH prini'iplim in foreign lands
and who eiunu lu-ro that they might use
the freedom of thin country In arrange-
Ing and putting in practice * tholr diabol-
icul plots. The lusson to bo learned is
that Parker's people tire infinitely more
desirable as citi/ons than people of the
C/.olgOHX Ktripo.
A Day < > ! ' HIIH | > CIIHO.
The nation is again plunged in gloom
over the reports from the president's
bcdsido and HO suddenly was the change
brought nlxiut that the people were lit
tle prepared for the shock. Yesterday
All were confident of his early and com-
ileto recovery. The utmost confidence
in his ability to survive the assassin's
foul blow was expressed by tlio physi
cians and found a glad reception in the
luarts of the American public. Their
joy found constant expression and the
gloom that surrounded them during the
Irst few days after the assault , was rap-
dly and ofl'ootually dispelled , soj thai
ivhon the report that ho was sinking
find that his death might bo expected at
my moment was received it ciuno with
nn unexpected ness that instantly de
pressed their buoyant spirits in n depth
of sadness for which they were illy pro-
p.irod. The news spread with wonder
ful swiftness and profound sorrow was
depicted on tlio faces that a moment be
fore were cheerful.
Later reports that the patient was
rallying slightly again awakened hope
and further news of his condition is
eagerly awaited with mingled hope and
Manager Wanted.
Manager wanted in every largo
couuty to appoint agents for tlio famous
"Gamo O1 Skill" nickel slot machine for
drinks or cigars ; lawful everywhere ,
takes place of nil forbidden slot
machines. Rented or sold on easy pay-
monts. Secure territory quick.
Chicago , 111.
Twenty-five Thousand Slain.
Mexico City. Sopt. 13. Americana
arriving from South America state
that the Colombian situation Is far
worse than reported by the papers.
They say that probably 25,000 men
have been killed since the beginning
of thu rebellion. Ono man clalma to
have seen 1,000 dead bodies piled in
heaps and consumed bv burning.
The liner Oceanic was struck by a
hngo wave on her way to Now York
and one steerage passenger was In
Colonel Robert L. Meade , -10 years
in the service , who led the charge at
Tien Tsin , is under charges of drunk
enness and perjury.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany's quarterly report showed an In
crease of $144,244 in not revenues and
11.005.329 In total surplus.
The Republic Iron and Steel com
pany's annual report showed shrinkage -
age of $4.600,000 in gross earnings
and net profits of only $309,099.
The not earnings of the American
Smelting and Refining company , In
cluding the Guggenheim plants , for
the year ending on April 31 , were
IlnntinK the Kangaroo.
WlMJU brought to bay , the kangaroo
Jumna like a flash for the huntcr'a
cfiest and tries to crush it in with his
fore feet. To prevent this each man
wears across his breast a two or three
inch thick matting. Armed with n
spear , with a club attachment at the
other end , they ride upon swift horses
into a herd.
With the agility and equipoise of cir
cus riders they stand erect upon their
horses and use their si > cars and clubs.
The kangaroo Is able to Jump clear
over n horse. As the game Is bagged
it is skinned , and the skin is stretched
on the ground and j > egged down to pre
vent shrinkage. The Hesh furnishes
meat for the camp.
Each man places his private mark
ui > on his booty , and when they have
100 apiece they return back to civiliza
tion. There are 20 varieties of kangaroos
rees , among them the blue , red walla
by , black , gray and forester , the latter
furnishing the best leather , as it lives
mainly In wooded sections.
Engineer Loses Control of Air Brakes
on Steep Grade.
St. Paul , Sept. 13. Advices received
here are to the effect that a disas
trous freight wreck occurred on the
Great Northern railroad near the Gas-
flldlne tunnel , In Washington , In
which four men were killed and ono
Injured. The engineer of a westbound
freight train , while making the Wash
ington decline In the tunnel , lost con
trol of the air brakes and the train
attained such high rate of speed that
when n slight curve was reached the
cars Jumped the track and piled up.
The engineer and fireman were una-
bio to escape from the engine and
were killed. The dead : Frank Dahl-
green , engineer ; John Campbell , fire
man ; section man , name unknown ;
unknown tramp.
Three Occur at Oakland , N. J. , With
Disastrous Results.
Now York , Sept. 13. Three explo
sions occurred In the works of the
American Schultze Powder company ,
Oakland , N. J. , yesterday. Five men
were killed. They were : William
Titus , engineer ; Arthur Curry , driver ;
John IJtipont , Richard Van Blarcan ,
mason ; Harrison Weyblo , driver.
Bartholomew Burns and Andrew
Lassenger were fatally Injured and
five others were loss seriously In
The first explosion was that of the
boiler. Following almost Immediately
were two explosions , one In the maga
zine , the other In the mixing house.
The latter Is supposed to have "been
caused by n spark.
No Change In Strike Status.
Plttshurg , Sept. 13. The air was
again full of rumors yesterday that
the strike had been settled. The ab
sence of President Shaffer from Amal
gamated headquarters all day up to
4 p. in. lent color to the report.
When President Shaffer finally ap
peared at headquarters ho dispelled
hopes by saying there was no change
In the situation. Immediately after
arriving at the office , Mr. Shaffer
called the national officers to his room
for a conference , which lasted 40 min
utes. It was Impossible to learn what
the conference was about , as none of
the participants would talk.
Jessie Morr'son Released on Bond.
Lansing , Kan. , Sept. 13. Jessie
Morrison , who waj sent to the peni
tentiary for five years for killing Mrs.
Clara Wiley Castle , her rival , at El
dorado , by cutting her throat with a
razor , was released yesterday. She
appeared well and happy , and alone
boarded a car for Excelsior Springs ,
Mo. , where she will Join her brother
before going home to her parents.
Miss Morrison was released on bond
pending an appeal of her case to the
supreme court.
Woman's Revenge i Woman.
Omaha , Sept. 13. Mrs. Mollle Ma-
bray of Kansas City dashed two
ounce * of carbolic acid Into the face
of Mlas Maud Hanson at her room ,
1620 Capitol avenue , yesterday be
cause she believed the young woman
had alienated the affections of her
husband , a traveling man. Miss Han
son Is in a serious condition. She
was severely burned about the cheeks ,
nose , chin and mouth , but apparently
the eyes escaped the poisonous fluid.
Hoe Hoes Elect Officers.
Norfolk , Va. , Sept. 13. The tenth
annual convention of the Concatenated
Order of Hoe Hoes closed yesterday.
The following officers were elected :
Snark of universe , A. H. Weir. Lin
coln , Neb. ; senior boo hoe , W. H.
Nerrls. Houston. Tex. ; junior hoe
hoo. G. B. Mageley. Kansas City ; bo-
Jum , J. F. Duke. Norfolk. Va. ; jabber-
wock. T. H. Claffey , Seattle. The
next convention will be held In Mil
Denmark's willingness to sell the
West Indies Is practically confirmed In
London. , ,
A census bureau bulletin shows the
percentage of negro population Is not
Governor Schroeder of Guam says
the natives of the Island make splen
did citizens.
F. E. & M. V. R. R. Excursion.
To Cleveland , Ohio , account National
G. A. K. Encampment. Excursion tick-
kets will bo sold at rate of $2-1.05 for
the round trip on Sept. 7 , 8 , ! ) and 10 ,
good to return until Sept. Kith and maybe
bo extended until Oct. B. Full particu
lars will bo cheerfully furnished.
II. 0. MATKAU , Agent.
Roncl Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the southeast corner of
the northeast quarter of section 4 , town
ship ! 25 north , range 1 west of Oth p. in. ,
and running thence west 100 rods more
or less intersecting with public roads
known as the Norfolk and Madison and
Norfolk and Battle Creek roads , and
terminating at a point not far cast of
southwest corner of said quarter section ,
in Madison county , Nebraska , has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof , mid all objections thereto , or
claims for damages , must bo filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon
of the Kith day of October , A.D. U)01 ) , or
such road will bo established without
reference thereto. PHIL BAUCII ,
County Clerk.
llimil Notlco.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at-the northeast corner of
section five ( o ) township twenty-four
(24) ( ) north , range two (2) ( ) west ( ith p. m.
in Madison county , Nebraska , running
thence south three ( ! J ) miles and termi
nating at the southeast corner of section
seventeen (17) ( ) , township twenty-four
(24) ( ) north , range two (2) ( ) west of ( ith p.
m , has reported in favor of the establish
ment therof , and all objections thereto ,
or claims for damages , must be filed in
the couuty clerk's ollico on or before
noon of the 17th day of September A D.
11)01 ) , or such road will bo established
without reference thereto.
County Clerk.
Legal Notice.
-In the district court of Madison
ouuty , Nebraska Juliana L. Olesou ,
plaintiff , vs Mary A. Smith , defendant.
Mary A. Smith , the above named de
fendant , will take notice that on the
29th day of July , UK)1 ) , the above named
plaintiff filed a petition in the district
court of Madison county , Nebraska ,
against you , as defendant , the object
and prayer of which are to have can
celled and satisfied of record , a certain
mortgage on the northeast quarter ( no
1 4) ) of section twenty-four (24) ( ) in town
ship twenty-three (23) ( ) north , range
three (3) ( ) weFt of the 3rd. P. M. Madi
son county , Nebraska , dated September
28th , 1895 , duo in about three years from
its date , and made by plaintiff to W. H.
Bucholz , guardian , but which said mort
gage , since September , 1897 , has been
and is now owned by you , and the same
has been fully paid by the plaintiff.
Yon are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 16th day of Sep
tember , 1901.
JULIANA L. OLESON , Plaintiff.
lload Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the southwest corner of
section twenty-nine (29) ( ) , township
twenty-tour (24) ( ) north , range one ( i ;
west of Oth p. m. in Madison county ,
Nebraska , running thence north ono ( i ;
mile and terminating at the northwest
corner of section twenty-nine (29) ( ) same
township and range , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof , and
all objections thereto , cr claims for dam
ages , must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 24th day
of September A. D. , 1901 , or such road
will be established without reference
thereto. PHIL BAUCII ,
County Clerk.
Ituiul Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a roac
commencing on the north side of a draw
at the northwest corner of section
eighteen (18) ( ) , township twenty-one (21 (
north , range (1) ( ) , west of ( ith p , m. in
Madison county , Nebraska , running
thence east two (2) ( ) miles , passing
around on the north side of n bend ii
Union creek in the southwest quarter
of section seven (7) ( ) , township twenty
one (21) ) , range one (1) ( ) , and terminal
ing at the northeast corner of section
seventeen (17) ) , township twenty-one
(21) ( ) north , rouge one (1) ( ) , west of Gth p
m. , has reported in favor of the estab
lishmeut thereof , and all objection
thereto , or claims for damages , must be
filed iu the county clerk's ollice on o
before noon of the 17th day of September
ber A. D. , 1901 , or such road will bo es
tablished without reference thereto.
County Clerk.
Makers of Harvesting Machinery.
The Piano Busker and Shredder , The Jones Hay Rake ,
The Jones Lever Binder , The Jones Mower ,
The Jones Steel Header , The Jones Reaper ,
This machine has unlimited capacity , weighing ( > ,300 pounds ; will handle all
, be corn that can be delivered to it. It shreds the fodder perfectly , leaving the
ear uninjured. It has 2. > 2 knives on the shredder-head which pass the shredding
space 2,000 times each minute. This machine will be on exhibition at the Piano
leadqnarters west of the Creightou depot in Norfolk , Nebr. , on and after Sep-
eniber 20th.
W. H. BLAKEIYIAN , General Agent ,
Piano Manufacturing Company.
\V. H. nUCHOLZ. President.
Norfolk ALEXANDER HEAR , Vice Proeidint
E. W. ZUTZ , Caeliier.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business.
Buys and Sells Exchange.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe.
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Roci : Spring Coal the i
best in the market.
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPHONE 01.
y SEE = = v >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
. . .CRY FOR