The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 13, 1901, Page Copy of 12, Image 13

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    V2 TlIK NORFOLK > fK\VSs > FRIDAY , SKI'TKMHKR 13 , 1001 ,
Grand Army Takes a Rap at
Pension Commissioner.
Report of Adjutant General Shown the
Hanks of the Veterans' Org.inlzn-
tlon Are Rapidly Thinning Out.
Fight for Next encampment.
Cleveland. Hopt. 1 ! ! . Tim llrwl iluy
of ( ho nntlnniil i ( invention of the fl A.
It. wan taken in * by the loading of Ilio
loiioi In by the commuinloiMti chief , ad
Jutant general , c'haplaln and I IK- vail
OUB eoiumltteoH. The pioroodlngH nf
the nu'i'tliiK wcro iiiofaccd by ( ho
adoption of a resolution tomloilnt ; in
the preiildont ( ho affectionate oongtat-
itlntloiiH of ( he 0. A. 11. upon hl rapid
con vnlon > once. The resolution wan
embodied In a telegram which WUH
Immediately iicut to Mi. MclCliiloy at
This report of tlio adjutant general
shown ( hat ( ho ninliH of the f ! . A. II.
uro rapidly thinning out.
Tlio action of ( ho convention on the
icport ol the potiHlon committed lit
still a mibjcct of all absorbing Inter-
oat with the vcleranH. It was ex
pected that this matter would ho din-
pOHod of at yoHterday'H mission , but
the convention adjoin nod without tak
ing any formal action on the rcpoit.
Command' r In-Chief KaHslour , In a
pptrltod millions , severely arraigned
Pension C'oimulRRlotior KUUIH on liln
administration of the affaliH of the
pcntdnn buieau. Illn complaint em
braced alleged unfnlinosH and derelic
tion of duty In olllco. ( Jenoral Sickles
WIIB caioful to exonerate I'roHldcnl
Senator Hawley announced hlfl In-
tontlon to light any attack made upon
Commissioner Hvans. Ho expressed
( he fulh'Ht conlldenco In the admin-
ititratlon to rectify any evils In duo
( line and counseled modelatlon In the
convention. It wan thought that ( ho
mujurlty of the delegates wcro In ac
cord with Senator llawloy'n vlown
The majority report of the pension
committee ciltlclHeH the present pen-
Hlon system as much If not moro than
It does the commissioner. It Hots
foith that the ByHtom IB wrong In that
( ho IntorestH of pensioners aio ontlio-
ly In tlio hands of ono man. A pen
sioner haa no appeal fiom the do-
clslon of the pension bureau and can
not tnko his cuso Into court. The es
tablishment of u court of appeals la
advocated. The iilovanocs of the vet
erans to the pension system arc care
fully \\orded so as to avoid the Im
putation of ciltlclsm against the ad
ministration and are placed In Inter-
rogatlvo rather than assortlvo form ,
The minority rcpoit states that it
Is openly charged that the pension
roll , far from being a roll of honor ,
Is saturated with fraud and contains
thousands and thousands of names not
entitled to the bounty of the govoin-
inent. and recommends that the presi
dent bo petitioned , "now that the term
of olllce of the present commissioner
has explied , ( o appoint a successor of
Itnown Intcgilty. capacity and lldellty ,
who will falthlullv e\ecuo ( he duties
of the olllce in obedience to the laws of
congress "
A number of cities are In the f ght
for the next encampment , among them
being lictroit. Denver. Atlanta , St.
Paul , Suit Lake City and Charleston ,
Shamrock In a Squall.
Is'ow York. Sept. K ! In all of her
ton trial spins In these \\aters and
the 10 01 moio In the Clyde , the Sham
rock II and her ciew never had a moio
oxcltlng experience than they had
dining ten minutes yesterday , when
the yacht \\as caught In a lloico squat
that came out of the west and blow
nt the r.Uc of 51 miles an hour. The
squall came so suddenly that the mei
Imd no time to shoiten sail. Things
began to look very soilous for the
challenger. Captain Sycamore never
lost hla head , but shllted his holn :
and then , as the jacht began ( o
gather headway , she felt the ful
force of the wind. Down she went
until her mil was out of sight and the
water was boiling up around he
hatches. The tall mast was loaning
nt nn angle of bct\\cen ! ! 5 and 15 de
grees and there was not a man who
watched her but expected ( o see ( ho
mast go by the boaid. Gradually she
righted aud forged ahead.
Veteran of Iowa Poisoned.
St. Joseph , Mo , Sept. 13. Tele
grams from all paits of Iowa hnvo
been pouring into the olllco of the
chief of police , inquiring about a
stranger , now dead , \ \ hoas poisoned
here Wednesday and who \sas sup
posed to have boon T. R Koley. a mem
ber of the Fifty-second logimont.
Iowa volunteers , Spanish-American
war. The victim was 31 years old ,
weighed ICO pounds and was dark
complexloned. Ho is believed to have
boon murdered.
Send Joint Note to Sultan.
London , Sept. 13. A dispatch from
Tanglers says the Austilnn , British.
French , German and Russian repre-
eontntivos have sent a joint note to
the sultan of Moiocco supporting
Spain's demand for the release of the
Christian captives , captured by the
Moorish tribes , compensation for
their capture and the punishment of
the tribes.
Massacre of Armenians Renewed.
Constantinople , Sept. 13. Persistent -
ont rumors are in circulation here
of a massncro of Armenians nt
Mushur The report is oillchilly do-
Mlod. hut the governor of IJitlls niul
eight battalions of troops bavo been
ordeied thither.
Drutally Clubbed to Death While Out
Mnklno a Midnight Call.
Newton la.Scpl | .J Dr. HiMiJiunln
M. Palloi , nniof the iihlcst pnietle-
ItiB | ilij lolnHH of thlH city.ui brutal
ly mm dot I'd at midnight while lotuin-
IIIR from a piolVmiloiiiil call at Will-
lam ( iiahiim'H , on Hiiro Htroot. Ho had
complolcl lilH call ami hail JUKI lull
the house when In paBHliiK the Jnspor
liimlH-r jiinl , a dark ami lotioly place
nt the c-ninor of Hiiro ami N'orth
Htii-olB , II IH HiippnHod hoiis attackoil
hy HIIUJH and Hnndhncgod , with iob-
bciy IIH themntUo. .
The tloctcir WIIH ( llscnvoioil III an nn-
roiiRrluiiH condition by a piiHSorby
about an hour aftoi thenHtmiilt and
raiiloil Into H M. Woit'H IIOIIHCIt
was Hcc'ti that the ilnctor had boon
MiurU nlioiit the hoiul and ever the
O > OH. the Hhull bolus frartured. Illw
i-lotliliiK WIIH badly torn and lilH watch
KOIIO Olio pocltot "f the IroiiHorH
WIIH lorn out. Ho was unroiiHclnuu
and could toll nothing of the aHsaiilt.
Ho wan i ( 'moved to lilH homo , whom
ho illcil In loiillilo agony , there buIiiK
a linlo In the head that Hoi-mod to
catiHo torilhlo pain
Ii H. ICuglo , Smuad and Hobh , who
woio railed , mo of the opinion that
the doctor WIIH Hi rut U with a club
which , pi'ihapH , had a nail In It.
Strlnu Up Three of Their Own Color
for Killing an Old Man.
Cairo. IllH , Sopt. 13. Mows has
boon H'cohed hoio to the effect that
laHt night a mob ol' IICKIOUH broke Into
the Jail nt Wlcltlllfo. Ky. , across the
i Ivor fiom this city , and lynrhod
tin oo noKinoH , Frank Howard , Sam
Hood and Cinoat Haiihon They
hiuiKod the men to a rums beam In Me-
Cnuloy'H mill.
The rilino for which the man worn
hangpila the mm dor of nn old and
lOHpi'dcil nogio.Vauh Thomas.
They \\ajlald ThoinaH on the railroad
tiacU. hit him with a club , killing him ,
ami then lobbed the dead body. The
mimloiorH confessed their CM line bo-
foio the mob.
The murdered man was employed In
n tobacco factory. His slaycra
worked In a brickyard.
Dryan Outlines Issues.
Lincoln , Sopt. 13. In a letter to
Ooorgo W. HurrlH , piesldont of the
llrynn Travollfig MOH'H club of St.
Louis , miido public yesterday , William
J. Hryan outlines what ho bollovon will
bo the loading political Issues of 1001.
Ho Insists the tdlver question IB not
Bottled , the fight against trusts must
continue , together with opposition to
government by Injunction and that
the Kansas City platform bids fair to
ho as sound a declaration of Demo
cratic principles three years hence as
at the tlmo It was adopted.
Baseball Results Yesterday.
National League Now York , 3 ; Cin
cinnati , 5. American League Milwaukee -
waukoo , 5-0 ; Chicago , 1-4. Cleveland ,
4-3 ; Detroit , 5-4. Washington , 0 ; Fos-
ton , 0. llaltlmoro , 1-4 ; Philadelphia ,
3-5. Western League Minneapolis ,
3 ; Denver , 7. St. Paul , 11 ; Colorado
Springs , 5. St. Joseph , 16 ; Dos
Molnes , 2. Omaha. 1 ; Kansas City , 2.
Features of the Trading and Closing
Clilinc' ' > . Sept U dialiis In giMUinl
ou > quiet on UIP liuunl of timlf tmlm ,
with n lltlli1 not \OIIH it.tMty In coin us
thi > uiih foutuiu UoiiLilipi
VM higher tliiin )0 > < tii'lin ' noronihri < oin
\\ns up V"V.c nuil Iipcouilici onts 'i '
or I'liixltlunii woio nithi-r cn\v , hut
5'iMOo hlKhiM ClnsliiK pilcos
WhcinSi'pt , tl > ) Sc , Uic , TO"1 , ! . ' .
Corn -Sopt , ri'ie , OPC. , TiTVc.
outs -Sept. , : iiTs ( DPP , ; i"iV.p.
Toil , -Oft , < 1I73 ; .Inn , $ l.r.0.
Ullis net . $ s Ti. Jan , S 1 4.
I.iiul Oil . $11 ! : ; .Inn , $ ! ) 17H
Cash quntntloiis-Nii ' - ' mllu'it ! ,
70o. No ! ! i 'il nhout , ( IvQiRCijt ; ; No. .1
Mhfiit. old , r.CTC'V , .NIL U haril
t. ( Usi,4faiOc : No : i luinl whont , C-sW
, NOj iNiNh mill , r > "i ( iir > rii < .c , NO : i
I'oin , MViO , No - iu < h nuts , y4l4f J
, No. - white outs. HliVi&.ITu.
Chicago Live Stock.
rhiinp > . sopt. -c.ittii'-Upppipt , ,10 , .
r. ( i lin lulling " , " > . 'li'Mins nnd UK ) wcsteiux ,
still th I'hnUo sttpis HtPiulr , nil othiM"
liki/M'ii lower , piml to pi line htoots , $ U 10
full 10 pom to moillmn , $1 IKViiTi " ' > . stoiK
01 s nuil feeili'is , JJ "Vu I 'JS row i nnd holf-
ors $ . ' ( Ki'i I 7 : . . onniiLTK. $1 MV.T'll ) . hulls ,
$ . ' ,117. cnhes. $ : UH > ( ( ( UK ) . 'lexns
- lleoelpttoilnv. . 'Jl,00t > , to-
muirow , - . ( * . estlinntod Ipft over , 4,111)0 ,
niostlv r > p lowei ; nilxicl nnd ImtrheM , $1110
( iltl'O. cooil to ilmloo IIPIUSUliOfifllM ,
louKh hunv. JrtOiMKHO , llcht. ? ll ICV d.llO ;
hiilK of nles , $ n : tiV/tl V ) Mipen Hfcclpt ,
l.i > xi. htionu to lOo hliihoi , cuiul to cholcn
wetheiK. S.'l..Vif I 25 , full to ohitlco inlxod ,
$ ' 1 r ( Wi. sa. western Kheop. S-T.'Vu.l.lio. na
tive 1 units. $3dViioiH ) , w-oitein Inmbs.
$ I W < C > fX\
South Omaha Live Stock.
Piiulli Otnnlm. Sept -Cattle UocolpK
U. Km iiithe , stend.v. native boot Moots ,
$4 4iKiMiim weKtoin s-toeis Mioii ) ; , SM iioii
17. ' TOMIH steeiB. $ ; i KVii I IM ) eovvi nnd
holfors Hie hlctior , ? J7"ii74Ml , piiunor ,
JlU.VuJ.Vi , stnikcrA nnd foedcrs , stronger ,
$ 'juillo rah os $ ; ! ur ) ; , INI hulls , stnir-i.
eto , itiuiiKor. $20 nit : > 0 llo s-llocolpti.
40011 < ihuilo to rilower , < .lo-oil steady ;
hen\\ , , mlxoil. $ na7Ms 'ni ' > ,
llpht. JOLWKHO plK , $5 7.VTIC . ' ' ) . bulk of
> .nli' $0 n7 < .i < an.40 .Miepp lleoolpts. 4u
10.IIV higher , wethers $ T 3i > ija 00. owvs.
$ J 7VJ3 10 commnn nnd sloik thorp , f J 40
fa.lLX ) , Inmbs , blow. MIOIIR , $37.Vut5u.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knn ns City , Sept. 12 Cnttlo Uecolrts.
10,4li , stonily ; rholoe export und dressed
bcof moors JS.COiUlliO : fair to Rood , $473
Q. > 7."i. Sim Ucri nnd fecdors , JJ.DOTJ4 23 ;
western fed Moors , $4 U3' i3 73 , western
rniiRO btoulk. $3 2.Vir | > 0 , native cowb. $ J 50
41423 , holfer * , $2 sV(8 ( 13 ; ulls , f2 U
I W , oaUok. $3 riW'tjri Su HURS lccalpt ! > ,
S.'illO Moudv ; top. JllOOTl bulk of sales ,
StlUUbflVi , heavy , S MitO 0 < i uilxoil pack-
eis JiKtogoM : iislit. $ ntn > ii 4'i : plc ,
J4 2'i'i . * i IK ) Sucrp-rte < olpu. 2.500 ; lOo
hlclioi , Iambi. , $3 'iO'.i4 03 , native and nest-
em wethers , J3 2.V.f3 73 , pwii. , $ J 5033 JJ.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Jokoph , Si-iit. U. Cnttlo Kecolpti.
l.HKi , Mtrudy to btrotif natives. J''TOiJ
0.1U Texiiua 52.73 3.70 ; oows and holfeis ,
$11X 11 U3 , bulls nuil hlURs , ? . ' 0liit M'
KtoeUors uud fei'dirs , $2 OO'ilO STioals ,
\ouU. ? 2.50y350 IIoM-npcelpts. 3.SW ;
btroiiK to Si1 hl tu > r , IlK'ht uud ll lit mixed ,
$ ai34tu..0. muilluiu uud hear ) . $0.37V
U.CO , iils > , ? 3.30aO.OO ; bulk , ? O.B5SjO,50.
* . . . > . . . \
\Vlllli-V Menu ,
The Now I.ngland small boy general *
ly NhowM business uipnhllltlcH at a tender -
dor age , If he Is o\or going to have
them. I liuu1 heaid of a certain small
Itoston hoj who got Into the habit of
tensing his mother for pennies until at
last she. said to him : "NowVlllle , 1
don't IlUe to glu > 3011 pennies. Ifoii .
want 1110110,5 , Jou Nhoiild go to wotk
and cam It. "
The lio.loiiialned . thoughtful for
Homo time. Then within n few days
the mother pel eel veil that \Vlllle had
plenty of pennies. She wondered a
lilt whole he got them , but did not
question him. Hut ono Hiiinmer day
Nho noticed Unit some sort of a hulla
baloo was going on In the back .Mini.
Looking out , she saw Willie Hiinoiiiid-
ed by n mob of boys who wore jelling
with delight. She went down Into the
juid to see what was going on , and as
she passed out she saw stuck up on thu
back wall of the house this notice ,
iiilte | neatly "piluted" out with a pen
cil :
WIM.II : JONKS win , i.vr :
minll Kiii'ii VMirrn lor 1 cent
law Kriui vuirm for It cuiH
Mimll ftiw ) unrin ( or 3cmti
larne luz ) wnrin lor En tits
Diniill Kmti fur 23 cent *
Wllllo was apparently doing a thrh-
Ing business. Ills mother Interrupted
It at any rate , In her own back yard.
I don't suppose that she- had any assur
ance that ho wasn't still carrying It on
somewhere else. Boston TnuihcrlpU
Queen nil/abeth was commonly spo
ken of as queen of Virginia. Vlrglnl *
nnd Carolina wore kingdoms under the
Stuarts. Massachusetts wns rccogul/od
as a "sister kingdom" by Cromwell's
paillament. London express.
Stood Death Off.
E H Munday , a lawyer of Henrietta ,
Tex , once fooled a grave digger Ho
says : "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try Electric Bittern , and
ho was soon much bettor , but continued
their use until ho was wholly cured I
am sure Electric Blttnrs saved his life "
This remedy expels malaria , kills
disease germs nnd punfles the blood ,
aids digestion , regulates liver , kidneys
and bowels , cures constipation , dys
pepsia , nervous diseases , kidney
troubles , female complaints ; gives per
fect health. Only fiOc at A. II Kiosau
When you want a pleasant phys'c ' try
the new remedy , Chamberlain's
Stomach nnd Liver Tablets They are
easy to take and plen nnt in etlect.
Price 25 cents. Samples free at the
Kiesau Drug Co
Ohas. lloplogle of Atwnter , O , was
unable to work on account of kidney
troublo. After using Foloy's Kidney
Cure four days he wa8 cured. A II.
Constipation neglected or badly
treated , loads to total disnblity or death.
Hocky Mountain tea absolutely cures
constipation in nil its forms. ' ! 35c. Geo.
B. Christoph.
A Little Known Fact.
That the majority of serious diseases
originate in disorder of the kidneys.
Foloy's Kidney Cure is guaranteed. Bo
sure to got Foloy's. A. II. Ktoaau.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Years of Suffering.
"I suffered for thirty years with
diarrhoea and thought I wns past being
cured"M ys John S Ilalloway.of French
Camp , Miss "I had spent so much
time and money and suffered so much
that I had given up nil hopes of re-
covo'y. I was so feeble from the effects
of the diarrhoea that I could not even
ravel , but bv accident I wns permitted
o find n bottle of Clminberlalu"s Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
after taking several bottle * . I run entirely
cured of that trouble I am so pleased
with the result that I am anxious that it
bo in reach of nil who suffer as I have. "
For Mile hy the Kiesau Drug Co.
Have you n sense of fullness in the
region of your stomach after eating ?
If so you will bo benefited by using
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They also euro belching and
sour stomach They regulate the
bowels too. Price 25 cents. Sold by
the Kiesau Drug Co
Krause's Headache Capsuls
ore unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica. They wore first prescribed by Dr.
Kranso , Germany's famous court phy-
hiomn , long bofoio antipyrino was dis
covered , and are almost marvelous , so
speedily do they cme the most distress-
lug cases. Price 2V. Sold by Geo. B.
Genuine Hoc-io * Mountain Tea is
never sold in In' Ik by peddlers or loss
than : r > o. Dort _ t bo tooled , get the tea
made fnmou-jix7 the Mndisou Medicine
Co. Ut'0 H'fChristoph.
Mr. G "v Stillman , a merchant of
Tampico * 11 , writes : Foley's Kidney
Cure is ' { footing with wonderful success
It has cjfred some cases hero that physi
cians pronounced incurable I myself
amnr'.oto testify to its merits. My
face today is a living picture of health ,
an Foloy's Kidney Cure has made it
sufh " A JI Kiosnu
Working Night and Day.
The busiest aud mightiest little thing
that ever wns made is Dr. King's Now
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength , listlessness into
energy , brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful iu building up the
health. Only 25c per bo\ . Sold by A.
H. Kiesnu.
II. C Watkius. .se.\ton of the Metho
dist church , Springfield , Pa. , says . " My
wife has been very bad with kidney
trouble and tried several doctors with
out benefit After taking ono bottle of
Foley'b Kidney Cure , was much better ,
and was completely cured after taking
four bottles. A. II Kie au.
A Remedy From Nature's Laboratory.
Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound is
a scientific combination of nature's
health restorers , celery , cocoa , cascarn ,
sixgrnda. hop > , dandelion , buchu , man
drake , sarsaparilln and chamomilo.
Sickly children , weary women and
tired and broken down men find iu this
great compound health , strength nud
happiness. Sold by Geo. 15. Ohristoph.
A Night of Terror. '
"Awful aiiMoty was lolt for the
widow of the bnivo General Burnham
of Muohias , Me , when the doctors said
she would die from pneumonia before
morning , " writes Mrs. S H Lincoln ,
who attended her that fearful night ,
"but she begged for Dr. King's Now
Discovery , which had moro than once
saved her life , and cured her of con
sumption After taking , HIO ! slept all
night. Further use entirely cured her "
This marvellous modtolno Is guaranteed
to cure all throat , chest and lung
diseases. Only fiOo and 11.00. Trial
bottles free at A. H Kiesau.
A Pocket Cold Cure.
Krauso's Cold ( Jure is prepared In
capsule form nnd will cure cold iu the
head , throat , chest or any portion of the
body in 21 hours. You don't hnvo to
stop work either. Price 2oc. Sold by
Oo. B. Chriatoph.
I had a running Here on my leg for
M veii years , " writes Mis Jas. Forest of
Ohippowa Fulls , Wis , "and spent hun-
drds of dollars in trying to got it healed.
Two bottles of Banner Salvo entirely
cured It. " Beware of substitutes. A. II
Rod is a danger signal on the railroad
on a fellow's nose and on n woman's
facu. Men and women use Rocky
Mountain Tea nnd got genuine , ) rosy
cheeks. f(5o. ( Goo. B Christoph.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great
The soothiug and healing proportion
of this remedy , its pleasant taste nud
prompt and permanent euros have made
U a great favorite with the people every
where. It is especially prized by
mothers of small children , for colds ,
croup and whooping cough , as it always
affords quick relief , and as it contains
no opium or other harmful drug , it may
bo given as confidently to n baby ns to
an adult. For sale by the Klosan Drng
The Thrust of a Lance
Is scarcely moro agonizing than the re
current pains in the abdomen which fol
low the oatmg of improper food or too
free indulgence m ico-wator. The im
mediate cause of cramps nud colic is
often the distontiou of the bowels by
cos. Quick reloif follows the use of
Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Oaroful
housekeepers give it the place of honor
In the family medicine chest.
Cuts and Bruises Quickly Healed.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to n
cut , bruise , burn , scald or like injury
will instantly allay the puiu and will
heal the parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very severe it will not leave a scar.
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism ,
spraius , swellings and lameness. For
s.ilo by the Kiesnu Drug Co.
Lichty's Celery .Nerve Compound
for all nervous diseases , neuralgia ,
rheumatism , nervous debility , paralysis ,
biliousness , dyspepsia , costiveuess , piles ,
liver complaint , kidney troubles and
female complaints. It gees to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly nnd
speedily. Sold by Geo. B. Christoph.
No Relief for 20 Years.
"I had bronchitis for twenty years , "
said Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville ,
111 , , "aud never got relief until I used
Foloy's Houoy aud Tar which is n sure
euro for throat uud lung diseases. " A.
H. Kiesau.
A Shocking Calamity
"Lately befell n railroad laborer , "
writes Dr. A. Kellett , of Williford ,
Ark. "His foot was badly crushed , but
Buoklou's Arnica Salve quickly cured
him. " It's simply wonderful for burns ,
boils , piles and all skin eruptions It's
the world's champion healer. Cure
guaranteed. 2oc. Sold by A II.
Ulcers , open or obstinate sores , scalds
nnd piles , quickly cured by Banner j
Salve , the most healing medicine m the
world. A. H. Kiesau. '
Consumption Threatened.
C. Uugor , 212 Maple St , Champaign ,
111. , writes : "I was troubled with a
hacking cough for a year and I thought
had consumption. I tried n great
many remedies nnd was under the earn
of physicians for several mouths. I
used one bottle of Foley's Honey nud
Tnr. It cured mo , aud I have not been
troubled since. " A. H. Kiesau.
is Nature's time for rest ;
and the man \\ho does not
take sufficient time to sleeper
or who cannot sleep when
he makes the effort , is
wearing out his nervous
strength and consuming his
vital power. Dr. Miles'
Nervine brings sweet ,
soothing , refreshing sleep.
Don't let another night
pass. Get it to-day.
"I am a drupeist , so when I was
troubled with msumnta a few yean 050
I took Dr. Miles' ben me and found
immediate relief. I have not been
troubled with that disease Fince. "
H. L. How ARII , Madison , WIs.
soothes the nerves , nour
ishes the brain , and re
freshes the entire organism.
Sold by dmcrifts on cuorsntee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Clkh rt , Ind.
diseases of like character nre classed iw akin diseases , when they cotld jvtst oa
properly he called blood diseases , for they undoubtedly originate in the blood , like
Cancer , Catarrh , Scrofula , Rheumatism , Contagious Wood Poison , etc. ; the only
real difference bcintf in the intensity and nature of the poison. The more serious
disease- ) , Cancer , Catarrh , etc. , arc caused by some specific poison or vims , which
is either inherited or in other ways fjets into Uie blood nud nttacks certain \ital
organs or appears in the form of terrible sores nnd ulcers , while thc milder and
less dangerous skin diseases nrc caused by blood humors or an over acid condition
of that lluid. These acid poisons , as they ooze out through the pores of the skin ,
cause great irritation , with intense itching nnd burning. The eruption may be of
n pustular kind , with excessive discharge of thick , gutnmy fluid , or the skin may
be hot , dry and feverish , swollen and fissured. Skin diseases , whether they appear
ns sores , blotches or pimnlos.
I can ohoorfully and most ulncoroly endorse
your spooitlo as a euro for Eczema , the moat
irritating and nnnoylntr disease , I think , that
tlosli is heir to , I was troubled with it for
twonty-flvo yours , nnd tried many remedies
with no irood effect. After unlnir your tnodlcino
a short time I think I am entirely relieved.
You can ifivo this statement any publicity you
may duairo , as it is voluntarily made , moro for
those nflllotod than notoriety for inysolf.
Very respectfully ,
813 West Central. Wichita. Kana.
become more deeply rooted
and intractable the longer
neglected , the skin in time
having a thick , hard , rough
and unsightly appearance.
You can hide the blemishes
for n time with cosmetics ;
and washes , lotions , soaps
and powders may relieve
temporarily the itching and
burning , but eventually the
pores of tbc skin become so : jf ]
clogged up by this treatment that the poisonous matter thrown off by the blood jlLj
cannot pass out of the system , nnd settles on the lungs , heart or some other vital
organ nnd endangers life.
To purify nnd build up the polluted blood is the right treatment for skin
diseases , and for this purpose no other medicine is so deservedly popular as S. S. S.
It is a perfect antidote for nil blood humors , and when taken into the circulation ,
gently but thoroughly eliminates all impurities nnd put the blood in a healthy ,
normal state. The skin can't remain iu nn irritated , diseased condition when
nourished with rich , new blood. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable
remedy , nnd the safest nnd best skin beautifier. Write our physicians if you have
any blood or skin disease , nnd they will cheerfully advise you without charge.
fVstlnmilene Brings instant Relief and permanent Cure in all
Cases. Sent Absolutely free on Receipt of Postal.
> " -
= S #
Made a
Well Man
I produces the above results In 30 days. Ittctl
powerfully and quickly Cures when ill others ( all
Young men will regain their lost manhood , and old
i men \vlll recover their youthful visor by using
RE VIVO. It quickly and eurely restores Nervous ,
nees. Loet VlttUty , Impotcncy. Nightly Emissions ,
| Lost Tower. Falling Memory , Wasting Diseases , anj
I ftll cJIecta of eeUabusa or oicccsand indiscretion ,
which unfits cno for study , business or marriage. It
1 not only cures by starting at the seat of disease , but
I Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder , bring
Ing back the pink plow to pnlo chcekB and re
storing the flro of yonth. It vrards off Insiultj
And Consumption InsUt on having
! other. It can be carried In vest rocket. By tnall
i 81.00 perpackaae , or six ( or 85.OO , with a pod
tlvo written Rnarnnteo to care or reload
tlio money. Hook nml culvlso free. Address
For sale iu Norfolk , Xebmskn , by
Gee B Ohristnph.
Take the genuine , original
Made only l > > Mnillton Medi
cine Co. , Madison , \\li. It
Keeps you \\ell. Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price , .15 cents. Ne > er sold
In bulk. Accept no subitl'
lute Ask jour
Ihoro m nothing like Astlnnalene. It brings
inetant ralli'f. oven in the uorst cases , Itcurea
uljcn all t'lecfnlls.
IheUnv. C F. WELLS , of Vllln RMB8 , 111. .
dn > \ourtrlalbottli ) of Asthiuulcno received
iu mind condition , 1 cannot tell you how thank
ful 1 feel for the Rood ( lyrhrd from it I \\aan
xlnvu. chained with pntrid sore throat and Asthma
for ten years. 1 despaired of over being cured. 1
saw jour advertisement for the cnre of tl'i dreadful -
ful and tormentinR disease , Asthma , and thought
jou had overhpoken journelvos , bnt resolved to
frivo it a trial. To my nstoiii hmerit , the trial acted
llko a charm , Send me u full size bottlo.
Kabblof thnCoiiR. lluai Israel
NEYOKK , Jan. 8d , 1901.
DHS.TAFT linos' MEDiciNn Co ,
( loutlcmen.onrARthmaleno is an excellent
ipiiiodj for Axthnia and Hay Fever , and its compo
Hitlon allovlntes all troubles uhich combine \\ith
Asthma. Its saccees is a < uouishing and uondorfui.
Alter hmini ? it carefully analyzed , we cnu state
that AKthmaleuo contains uo opium , morphine ,
chloroform or ether Very trnly jonrs ,
A\ON SpRtsos , N. Y. , Feb. 1,1901 ,
Gentlemen' I wiito thlB teetltnonial from a
sense of di ty , having tested the wonderful effect
of your ABthmalt'ue , for iho cure of Autumn , My
v. ife has been atllictod with spasmodic asthma for
the past 12 years. HnviuK exhausttd my own skill
ns well as many others , I chanced to gee jour sign
upon your windows on 130th street , New York , 1 at
nnno nhtflinnd ft hot.tln of Aftthmnlnnn. Mv xutfa
commenced taking it nbout the first of November I very BOOH noticed a radical improvement ,
After usiUKOuo bottle her AsthinB has disappeared and slio ia entirely fnn from all symptoms.
I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to Bit who are nfllictoil with this distress
ing disease. \onrBrespectfnlly , O. D. PHELPS , M. U.
DE TAFT linos. MEDICINE Co. , Fob. 5 , 1001.
flcntlomiMU I was troubled with Aetbma for 22 j ears , llmvotried numerous reiiiodios , bnt
they have all failed. I ran across jonr advertisement nud started with a trial bottle. I fnnnd
relief at onco. I have since purchased yonr full-size bottle and I am over gratofnl. I have a
family of fonr children , and for six years v > as unnble to work. I am now in the best of health
aud am doinK basinet nvory day. This testunouj > ou can make such nsa of as jou see fit.
Home address , i35 KiviuKton street. S KAPllAKL.
(17 ( Knnt 12Htli Rf . flitv.
Do unt delay. Write at once , addressing DH. T VFT BUOS' MEDICINE CO. , 70 East
130th St , N. Citj.
IT IS A GOOD HONEST SOAP Complete catalogue showing over
MADE TO DO THE WORK. . . 300 premiums that may bo secured
by saving the wrappers , furnished
tee upon request. Send jour name on a postal card , and we will mad jou J
the catalogue. Address : Premium Dcpt. , THE GUDAIIY PACKING CO , ,
SOUth Omaha , Heb , Diamond "C" Soap for sale by all grocers I
For Sale by George B. Ohrlstoph.
THE NEUsicopps its job dcpnrtmout
up-to-dntp with the lati-st faces of typo
aud docs its work in approved style.
35 DOMI 25c.