The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 13, 1901, Image 1

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, , . . , ,
Passed a Critical Night and at an Early Hour it Was
Feared That He Would Not Survive the Day ,
'Cabinet Hastily Summoned Sudden Unfavorable Change
Occurs Early This Morning.
Buffalo , Sept. 13 , 2:30 : p. in. The president has more than
held his own since morning. His condition justifies the ex
pectation of further improvement , lie is better at this time
than at the same hour yesterday. Pulse 123 , temperature
< J9.4.
The president commenced sinking shortly after 2
o'clock this morning , after a critical period of 12 hours. The
solid food taken yesterday did not agree with him. Then
came the first sign of alarm. He became fatigued and has
gradual ! } ' decreased in strength until his heart is exceedingly
weak and and great apprehension is aroused. The strongest
medicines have been used to keep up his heart's action. At
G:30 : this morning he rallied slightlj- and has a fighting
chance for recovery.
Later reports from the president indicate that he is rally
ing somewhat this afternoon , and hope is yet entertained
that he may safely pass the crisis.
A report was received shortly before noon that the presi
dent had died at 11:15 : , but the bulletin issued at noon showed
this to be a mistake.
Mllburn House , Buffalo , Sept. 13.
2:53 : a. m. President McKinley ex-
perlenced a sinking spell shortly after
2 o'clock this morning. The physl-
clans are administering restoratives
to him with the hope of reviving him.
A general call has gone out to the
physicians and the members of the
cabinet now In 'the city.
Dr. Park reached the house at 2:50 :
and shortly after him came Secretaries
Hitchcock and Wilson.
The Associated Press has been au
thorized to say that President McKlrv
ley Is critically ill.
The following was issued by the
president's physicians at 2:50 : :
"The president's condition is very
serious and gives rise to the gravest
apprehension. His bowels have moved
well , but his heart does not respond
properly to stimulation. He is con
scious. The skin is warm and the
pulse small , regular , easily compres
sible , and 126 ; respiration , 30 ; tem
perature , 100. "
At 3 o'clock all of the physicians
were gathered at the bedside of the
president. It was stated that digitalis
was being administered to the presi
Mrs. Newell , one of the trained
nurses suddenly called , arrived at
3:15. : She sprang from an electric
carriage and ran down the sidewalk
to the house. Mrs. McWIIIIams drove
to the house at 3:25. : As she alighted
from her carriage , she said : "I was
told the president was much worse
and was asked to come to the house at
once. "
3:25 : a. m. The president Is so weak
that he does not apparently suffer
' / „ much. Strychnine , digitalis and other
powerful heart stimulants not produce -
duce effects and the worst Is feared.
His death might occur any time from
heart exhaustion. Mrs. McKinley has
not yet been Informed of the change
for the worse.
Secretary Cortelyou says he does
not consider the president in extremis ,
but that the worst Is feared from
weakness of the heart.
Drs. Mann and Mynter left the
house at 4 o'clock. The latter said :
"The president Is In better condition
than he was an hour ago. We have
not given up hope. He has rallied
somewhat and we are going home. "
Dr. Mann also said the president ral
lied , but both physicians declined to
go Into details concerning the charac
ter of the heart stimulants adminis
tered or the cause of the collapse.
The rally at 4 o'clock was very
Blight. At 4:15 : Secretary Cortelyou
and Mr. Mllburn emerged from the
house and walked up the sidewalk Inside -
side the roped enclosure. Secretary
Cortelyou said the president was restIng -
Ing , that four physicians were in the
sick chamber , but he offered little In
the way of encouragement.
At 4:35 : Secretary Wilson stepped
out of the house. "The president Is a
little better , " said he. "His heart ac
tion and his circulation are both bet
ter. I have not given up hope. "
"Is the president conscious ? "
" . "
"Perfectfy so.
"Does he realize his critical condi
tion' ' ? "
"I do not know as to that. "
Secretary Cortelyou has sent the
following telegram to Colonel Mont-
gomery , In charge of the telegraph
office at the white house :
"The president is critically III. Notify
the cabinet. The '
fy president's condi
tion has grown worse during the night
and he Is extremely weak. "
Buffalo , Sept. 13 , ( i a. m. The presi-
dent'ii condition is very critical.
Buffalo , Sept. 13 , 1) ) a. in. The presi
dent's condition has somewhat improved
daring the past two hours. There is n
| better response to stimulants. Ho is
free from pain mid is conscious. Pulse
12S , temperature 99 S.
Buffalo , Sept. Hi. The following bul
letin was issued nt noon :
"The president's physicians report
that his condition is practically un
changed since the ! i o'clock bulletin.
He is sleeping quietly. "
Secretary to the President.
President Breakfasts Too Hcartil )
and Decline Started Yesterday.
Buffalo , Sept. 13. For the fiist time
there was a bad strain in the news
from the president's bedside last
night. Possibly the alarm it caused
was exaggerated , but that genuine ap
prehension existed there can be no
question. Today will probably show
whether the complication that has
arisen Is of a serious character. The
food given to the president yesterday
morning has not been properly assim
ilated and passed and the administra
tion by the mouth has been discon
tinued ,
The president continued to com
plain of the fatigue noted in the aft
ernoon. His pulse increased to 128.
This is considered entirely too hiah for
his temperature.
One of the consulting physicians
Bald that judged by medical records ,
his pulse should be 9C. The accelera
tion of the pulse was attributed partly
to the revulsion of the stomach
against the food. The doctors held
their evening consultation earlier
than usual and they franUly an
nounced In the official bulletin at 8:30 :
that tlu president's condition was not
BO good. They are standing firmly
by their resolution and promise to
keep the public fully advised of the
true situation In the sick room. Drs.
Wasdln , Stockton and Rlxey remained
In the sick room throughout the night
nnd those who left after the early
evening consultation , contrary to their
usual custom , slipped away by the
side entrance. This In Itself was con
sidered significant , to say the least ,
by the little army of newspaper men.
Heretofore they have not failed to
give verbal Interpretation of the offi
cial bulletins to the newspaper men.
Dr. Stockton , a local general prac
titioner with a high reputation , wna
called In for the first time last night ,
It being explained that the complica
tion that had arisen was one with
which a physician nnd not a Burgeon
would have to deal. Secretaries Hitch-
pock and Wilson , who were at the
.Mini house nt 11 o'clock , until
i oil they di'imrti'il that thtM'cVUH no
ciuixe lot alarm , that the trouble \\IIH
In tin' Htomiirh and not In the wound ,
iiinl tlioy bollovi'd the proaldiMtt'H con
dition would be Impi nvcd In the ninin-
( UK. UrB. KlM'.v , Wasd'ti ' and Stock
ton remained at the Mllhtrn house
dui'liiK the night and wore corHtantly
In the room of the president. For
hours ( ho president tailed to respond
to the treatment to which he wns sub
jected to relieve him of the. difficulty
occasioned by the failure of the or-
gniin of digestion and nsHlmllatlon.
The non-HUccoHS of the treatment
added to the depression that oxlflted ,
but Just at midnight the relief HO
much desired came. Ho had two opor-
atloiiH of the bowels within n few min
The pulse remained higher than
It should be with the temperature at
100.2. The normal pulse for that
temperature Is about ftfi. The
physlclatiH are foully alarmed about
the president's heart. The action of
the bowels was produced by the ad-
nilnlstiatlon of calomel and oil.
Arrest Due to Incendiary Utterances
In Anarchist Organ.
Now York , Sept. 13. Johann Most ,
the most widely known of New York
anarchists , and editor of Krclhi'lt , the
organ of the anarchists , was arrested
last night by Central OIIlco Detectives
Knarch and Kernelson. The arrest was
made In a saloon over which are the
olllces of the paper. Herr Most ob
jected volubly to the arrest , but tone
no purpose , nnd he was locked up nt
police headquarters as n "suspicious
person. "
The complaint against Most Is based
upon an editorial which Most printed
In the I'-relhelt on Sept. 7. The edi
torial rends :
"The greatest of all follies In the
world Is the belief that there can bo
n crime of any sort against despots
and their accomplices. Such a belief
Is In Itself a crime. Despots are out
laws. They are , In human shape , what
a tiger Is to beasts. To spare them Is
a crime. As despots make use of
everything , treachery , poison , murder ,
etc. , so everything should bo em
ployed against them. "
Czolnosz Not Brenklnn Down.
Buffalo , Sept. 13. The Insanity exports -
ports who are keeping close watch on
Czolgosz say he Is not breaking
down. The police deny the report
that the prisoner Is being closely
confined to his cell. They say he Is
allowed a little exercise daily , con
sisting of walking up and down the
corridor outside his cell. Superin
tendent Bull had another talk with the
prisoner , but failed to get any forma
tion from him.
The district attorney here an
nounced publicly that he had no evi
dence against Emma Goldman and
that unless some turned up no requisi
tion upon the state of Illinois would
be made for her. This does not mean
that the bottom has dropped out of the
conspiracy theory. It simply means
that no evidence has been secured to
connect her with the crime. If she is
released she will be kept under the
closest surveillance and it will he easy
for the authorities to place their hands
on her If she is wanted later. There
Is a hope here , however , that some
way will be found to hold her at least
nnfil Investigations now In progress
by the secret service people In all the
principal cities where anarchist organ
izations exist are completed.
Roosevelt in Adirondacks.
Saratoga , N. Y. . Sept. 13. Vice
President Roosevelt reached the
Talmwus club in the Adirondacks , 93
miles north of Saratoga , last night.
Ho rode on a buckboard from North
Creek to the Tabawus club , 35 miles ,
and encountered a brief but dinich
ing thunderstorm , one of the severest
of the season.
The French government will ask a
credit of 2,000,000 francs for enter
taining the czar.
It is reported in Rome that Mgr.
Falcomo will succeed Cardinal Mar-
tinelll as papal delegate In the United
The peace conference at Glasgow
Thursday passed a resolution to the
effect that any nation which refused
Its opponent's offer to arbitrate lost
the right to be considered a civilized
The Colombian legation at Wash
ington received a long cablegram
from the state department nt Bogota
Thursday , reporting that everything
was quiet there and announcing a lack
of authentic news regarding the bom
bardment of Rio Hacha.
The National Hay Makers' associa
tion , In session at Indianapolis , elected
these olflcers Thursday and ad
journed : President , G. S , Bridge ,
Chicago ; secretary-treasurer , P. F.
Goodrich , Winchester , Ind. The next
convention will be held at Put-In-Bay
The French consul nnd others
reached Curacoa from La Ilacha and
reported that they had loft Colombia
for safety. ' Troops are reported mov
ing In large numbers.
James T. Minelmn nnd T. B. Walker ,
president and secretary respectively
of the Polloy Holders' National union
of Chicago , were arrested Thursday ,
charged with swindling.
Helm O'Hnir , 2ii years old , of Bush-
ton , Ills. , who claimed to have been
twice abducted from her homo , has
confessed at KoKomo , Ind. . that she
told the story to piocure ? 1,000 ransom
from her father.
Admiral Schley's Challenge is
Dewcy nnd Benhnm Vote Him Dis
qualified for Inquiry Service Court
Cnmiot Proceed Until Navy De
partment Pills Vac.incy.
Washington , Sept. 13- \\ltliln three
bourn from the time ol ni\rnmi ; , the
court of Inquiry > esterday It \\IIB an
imiinct'il that Hear Admital llowlson
\\IIH dlHqualllleil fiom HorMiij : as a
member ot ( he romt and \\IIH ( Minted
from further duty. This brought the
proceeillngH to an abrupt turn and
rautii'il a tempoiary adjoiirnnu nt of
the court In order to permit the na\y
department to designate an olllur to
pucceed Admiral UmvlHon No furtlur
Ri'sslon Is probable until the early
part of next week. It had b t-n or
pected that little official luialiuHfi
would he accomplished on the opening
day and the prompt doclHlon as to
Admiral Howlson came Homeuhat an
a HtirprlHe. Prior to the couit H eon
veiling a good sized crowd IIHHI milled
t the Washington navy yard where
the court meets , to witness the com
Ing of the prominent naval odleein
who were to take part In the pioceod
Ings. They came ununlfoimed and
unheralded , and until the full dices
nnlfoims bad been donned at quar
ters liiblde the yard for the actual ses-
sloriH of the court there was little to
lend dramatic Interest to the occn-
Blon Admiral Dewey and Admiral
Schloy naturally were the premier
figured In popular Interest. The lat
ter had about him a distinguished
party of ( oiinsel , Including Hon. J ro
Wilson , Attorney General Isidore
Raynor of Maiyland. and Captain
James PaiKor. with Mr. Teaguo , act
ing IIH advisory counsel.
Schley Objects to Howlson.
A salute of 17 guns In honor of the
admiral of the navy marked the openIng -
Ing of the proceedings. The llrst
skirmish was otxmoil liv Ailrniml
Schley rising from his seat and speak
ing In a strong voice , calmly and de
liberately , challenging Admiral How-
Ison's eligibility as a member of the
court. Three witnesses wore brought
forward In support of this challenge.
They were Francis E. Frost , reporter
on the Boston Record , who published
an Interview with Admiral Howlson ,
In which the latter was represented
as1 reflecting upon Admiral Schloy ;
William E. Spoil of New York , who
claimed to have beard Admiral How
lson say that Admiral Schley should
have been court-martialed , and Foster
Nichols of Yonkers , N. Y. . who stated
that Admiral Ho\\lnon paid to him that
If Schley bad boon an nfileor In the
English navy be would not have boon
allowed to rotnln his commission
All Raid Admiral Howlson had given
tiiom the Impression that bo was proj
ndlcod nxnlnst Admiral Schley.
On concluding this testimony the
question arose whether Admiral How
Ihon would join Issue with the state
ments made by the witnesses or would
rest on his privilege to withhold any
answer until he chose to Hiibmlt' it
The ndmlial met the Issue by turning
at once to Admiral Dewey and nn-
nouncine that ho would make n writ rif
rejoinder to the htatemonts of the
throe witnesses.
This rejoinder ho prepared very
speedily. While conceding the aocii-
racy of some points In the evidence.
It throw considerable doubt on other
It was not Biifnclcnt , however , to
counteract the very direct testimony
given by the three witnesses nnd
moreover the admiral himself in con
eluding his statement , Indicated plain
ly that he had no desire to remain on
the couit and was there simply In
obodleiic'o to orders.
Before submitting the challenge to
the determination of the court , Mr
Raynor cross-examined Admiral How
lson very mlnutoly as to his personal
sentiment toward Admiral Sampson
nnd Admiral Schley , and developed
that Admiral Howlson had expressed
certain definite convictions as to Ad
mlral Sampson's retention of author
ity and responsibility , even while bo
was absent temporarily from the fleet
at Santiago , and that he deserved the
credit for winning the battle of San
Court Sustains Challenge ,
The challenge was then submitted
to the court , which , under the circum
stances , was narrowed down to Admi
ral Dewey and Admiral Benham to
pass upon. After hardly more than
15 minutes spent In retirement to the
consultation room of the court. Ad
mlral Dewey briefly announeod that
the court sustained the challenge and
that Admiral Howlson would be t-x
cuscd from further attendance. The
decision came so quL .Uy and unt x
pectedly that It sent a flutter of aplta- !
tlon throughout the court room '
There was a buzz of animated com j
mont and Admiral Schley
looks of satisfaction with his
Admiral Dewey then at once elos ! .1
the proceedings of the day by an
nounclng that the court would adjoin i :
Indefinitely until the navy dopnitiin ut
had named an olllcer to siuiccd Ad
mlrnl llowlson.
A prisoner In London told of a plot ,
to assassinate Colonial Souetuv !
Joseph Chamberlain. ' '
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The Citizens National Bank.
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Oiimlm I'AHeenger . rt:05 : R in
Cliicnuo Kxprcas . 7 : 'A ) v m
Omiiliu I'uwcoKor . 12.IO | > m
Black HtllH nxpro R . 7:10 : pin
VordlKro I'lisMitm't'r . 12:40 : p m
VerdUre . \ccunumxlatlou . 9 : < Xam )
Hlnck UiilH KxproHg . 12Wp : m
Vordluro I'aseeiwer . BK)5am )
Vnrdlgro AccomiiKxintion . 70i : > m
The I lilcuRO anil Hlack HUN Kxpreiut arrives
anil departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
mill VeriliKTn trams urrivo anil depart from cltr
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Union Pacific.
Columliiid Accommodation 1:15 : pin
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Columbia Ace mmodatlon 10:40 : pin
Omaha , lpiivi > r mid I'acltlc coast 9:00 : pin
ConnoctF at Nurfollc wltli K. , K A. M. V. KOIDK
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The Norfolk Horseshoer