The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 06, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Emperor William Waives Cere
mony of Prostration.
IKalser Revokes Order for Humiliating
, Ceremonies Chinese Prince Leaves
| Basle by Special Train With Entire
) Entourage. '
Basic , Switzerland , Sept. 3. Prlnco
'Chun and his entourage left last night
for Berlin by the Imperial special
train. Dcfore starting a member of
the mission snld that Emperor William
had decided to waive the ceremony
of kowtowing and that the only per
sons to be received by him In ceremo
nial audience would be Prince Chun
and Yin Chang.
Berlin , Sept. 3. The fact that Count
von Buclow has succeeded In sur
mounting the Chun difficulty tas cre
ated considerable satisfaction In the
public mind. Prlnco Chun will now
apologize without any humiliating
forms. It Is said the government was
much surprised as the public at the at
tempt to revive the ancient custom
of kowtowing.
It Is reported that Emperor William ,
of his own Initiative , has had Prlnco
Chun Informed of his willingness to re
ceive him alone at Potsdam , accom
panied solely by an Interpreter , and
that Prince Chun has replied , thanking
the kaiser for so graciously removing
the difficulty connected with the nndl
ence , which will probably occur Thurs
Reports That He Is In Dangerous Con1
dltlon Stated to Be Groundless.
Lake Suimpee , N. 11. , Sept. 3. The
report that Hear Admiral Sampson's
health was such as to cause alarm
was greatly exaggerated. The admiral
and his wife came here Aug. 22 and
have been living at a summer hotel.
When the admiral came 'hero ho was
not in the best of health , but he has
been gaining strength and Is very
much Improved. The report that the
admiral was seriously 111 originated
from his having suffered a slight re
lapse , following a drive around the
country , which taxed him. It was
but temporary , however , for ho was
out again the next day. The admiral
expects to remain hero about two
weeks longer.
Charge Hollanders With Spying.
London , Sept. 3. A dispatch from
Pretoria says : Van Aartseu and
Trous , two Hollanders , have been tried
by court-martial for breaking their
oaths of neutrality and spying. The
principal evidence against them wa
given by accomplices in an expedition
to a Boer commando. The party left
Pretoria on Aug. 4 , stayed four days
with the commando and returned to
Pretoria Aug. 9. Judgment In the case
lias not yet len rendered. This Is
the first of a series of Important trials.
Advocate Lehman , counsel for The
"Netherlands railway of South Africa ,
defended the accused. Many Boer
sympathizers are under arrest for aid
Ing the burghers.
Engineer Frustrates Holdup.
Fort Worth , Tex. , Sept. 3. An at
tempt to holdup passenger train No.
405 on the Gulf , Colorado and Santa
Fo at Death Valley , near Guthrle , O.
T. , last night was frustrated by the
daring of the engineer. A pile of ties
was placed across the track , but the
engineer instead of stopping , opened
the throttle and cleared the track of
the obstruction. The train proceeded
safely to Its destination with slight
damage to the pilot of the engine.
Deport Boers to the Coast.
I - . Cape Town , Sept. 3. The military
\ \ administration has determined , it Is
said , to deport all Boers In the recon-
centratlon camps , numbering upward
of 100,000 , to garrisoned towns on the
coast , where food Is more readily avail
able. The railways thus relieved , will
probably suffice to supply food for the
population of Johannesburg , which is
as large as before the war , permitting
the reopening of all the mines.
Prominent Mormon Assassinated.
Huntsvllle , Utah , Sept. 3. Robert
Graham , a prominent citizen of Weber
county , and a prominent official In
the Mormon church , was shot and al
most Instantly killed while returning
home from church last night. The af
fair Is shrouded In mystery , there beIng -
Ing no clue to the perpetrators of the
First Stake for St. Louis Fair.
St. Louis , Sept. 3. Under the dlrec
tlon of Chief Architect Isaac S. Taylor
a party of surveyors , whose duty It
will bo to run the lines of the build
ings to be erected on the Louisiana
Purchase exposition site In Forest
park , will drive the first stake next
Banker Key Pleads Guilty.
Huntlngton , Ind. , Sept. 3. Banker
James M. Key of Andrews , against
whom many charges of forgery and
fraud have been made , pleaded guilty
In the Huntlngton circuit court and
Judge Bryan said ho would sentence
.Key tomorrow.
Masked Cyclist Robs Coach.
Sydney , N. S. W. , Sept. 3. A masked
cyclist last night held up the White
Cllffs-Hilcanla mall coach , wounded a
passenger , secured the malls and opals
valued at 1,400 and escaped.
Boy a Suicide at Geneva.
Geneva , Neb. , Sept. 3 A young sou
of Mrs. Van Clove , matron at the in
dustrial school , poisoned himself with
carbolic acid. Ho was 14 years of ago.
Band of Negroes Attack IG-Year-Old
Girl at Valley Junction , la. [
Des Molnes , Sept. 3. While going
to Sunday school Ada Ware , 11 10-year-
old daughter of a farmer residing be
tween Valley Junction and Com
merce , near this city , was attacked by
a gang of negroes and carried Into the
woods , where an attempt was made to
assault her. After moat of her cloth
ing had been torn from her body the
girl escaped. Scratched and bleeding
and nearly nuked , she ran to her fath
er's home , about half a mile distant ,
and told her parents of the outrage.
The father , J. W. Ware , and his hired
man armed themselves with shotguns
and started on a search for the ne
Two colored men , believed to bo a
part of the gang , were found near the
Hock Island railroad tracks and taken
to the Valley Junction Jail by the
farmers. Ada Ware positively Identi
fied one of them us her assailant. Ho
gives his name as Seymour Washing
ton. Ho was taken before Justice Mar
tin In the afternoon and bound over
to the grand jury to await action on
the charge of assault.
Immediately after the preliminary
examination the negro was brought
to Des Molncs , whore ho was placed
In the county Jail for safe keeping. j
County Offers More Money for Cap
ture of Will Francis.
Kansas City , Sept. 3. Will Francis ,
Miss Henderson's murderer , Is still
uncapturcd. The latest Information Is
to the effect that a negro answering 1
Franc ! ! ' description has been tracked I
near Leo's Summit , but It Is not known
that he Is the right man. In Warrens-
burg the feeling grows stronger
against the white miner , Pete Lan-
ners , and Joe Brlscoo and Emmet Da
venport , the negroes now In Jail hero
charged with aiding Francis to get
away. Through the efforts of Sheriff
Koch the county court Increased the
reward offered for the arrest of Fran
cis from $100 to $300. This maltes a
total of $560. There Is talk hereof
of raising a fund of $300 additional
for the arrest and Identification of the
Man Who Attempts to Stop Women
From Fighting Victim of Affray.
Plketon , O. , Sept. 3. Isreal M. Me-
Collastcr is dead and John B. Cutllp
and McCIevcland Nance are In Jail as
the sequel to a social .given at Salt
Creek , south of hero , last night. Miss
Stella McCollastcr and Salllo Cutllp
engaged In a dispute and while Me
Collaster was endeavotlng to separate
them he was stabbed from behind and
expired almost Instantly. Nance Is al
leged to have beaten the dying man
with a club. A terrible scene followed ,
during which knives and revolvers
were drawn and women fainted. Ex
citement is still high and more blood
may flow , as it is said a mob will take
the matter in hand when It has been
definitely settled who committed the
murder. More arrests are expected.
Letter Carriers In Session.
Chattanooga , Tenn. , Sept. 3. The
National Letter Carriers convention
was formally welcomed to Chatta
nooga last night at a public meeting
at the Auditorium. The carriers tool <
a prominent part in the Labor day pa
rade in the afternoon and received an
ovation from the thousands of specta
tors. The first business session will beheld
hold today. A determined fight will
bo made to defeat the re-election of
President Parsons , but the opposition
has not agreed upon a candidate as
Vice President Sees State Fair.
Minneapolis , Sept. 3. The vice
president had a strenuous day yester
day. Arriving over the Milwaukee road
In the morning , he was the orator of
the day at the formal opening of the
Minnesota state fair , by Invitation of
the Minnesota Agricultural society ,
spoke at a reception following the
exercises , was a guest of the associa
tion on the grounds and reviewed the
artillery of the Minnesota National
The Prohibitionists of Massachusetts
nominated John B. Lewis , Jr. , for gov
The Nlcaraguan congress ratified the
commercial treaty with the United
Trade between the United States
and Spain has again reached normal
The work of dismantling the tin
mills at Canal Dover , O. , was begun
A spectator was killed and his broth
er wounded while watching a street
fight among Italians in New York.
Spanish naval officers assaulted ed
itors of a Carllst Journal at San Se
bastian for printing Insulting articles.
George A. Nlckerson , director of the
Atchlson , Topeka and Santa Fe , died
at his homo In Dedham , Mass. , Mon
George Yatshnof , an Indian , has been
Indicted by the special grand Jury at
Unalaska for the murder of his three
The steamer Alex. McDougal , which
sung a ferry boat at Duluth , was fined
$1,000 for not stopping to assist pas
Kate Martin , IS years old. afraid to
face death , walked backward Into the
river at Belleville , Ills , to drown her
self Sunday.
Major James Geddes of Nashvlllo
has been made assistant general man
ager of the Louisville and Nashville
railroad system.
The planing , shlnglo and sash fac
tory of N. McGrath & Sons at Lake
side , Mich. , was burned Monday. Loss
$50,000 , Insurance about half.
Amalgamated Men Take Part
in Big Demonstration.
Strikers Parade , but While They Are
Doing So the Mill Company Officials '
Rush In Several Recruits Nonunion
Negro Narrowly Escape Lynching.1 !
Plttsburg. Sept. 3. The big labor
day demonstration yesterday inonop-
ollzed the attention of workmen and j
Htrlkers here and In the surrounding |
towns , but the steel nmnufaeturera' '
went on making preparations for the
opening of the plants that urn shut i
down by the strikers , Increasing the
number of men at mills already work-
Ing. The contest seems to have sot-
tied down to an Issue of endurance.
Evidences of Impatience arc cropping
out on the side of the strikers , and
the authorities fear that the unlawful
acts participated In by the strikers
last night about the Star tin plant
may multiply and spread to other auar-1
tcrs. Officials of the Star mills claim
the strikers held up a special dollv-i
cry hey with a letter for the officials
and Inspected the letter before ho was
allowed to proceed. The matter will
bo roportcd to the postal authorities
at onco. It Is also charged that the
strikers stoned the company carriage
on Pcnn avenue , but did no special
damage to the occupants. The aggros-
BlvcnoBB of the strikers was further
demonstrated when a mob surrounded
William Jones , a colored man who
was mistaken for a nonunion man from
the Star works. He mad a a narrow ,
escape from serious Injury by the ap-1 I '
j pcaranco of Police Lieutenant Cros-
Ban , who came to his rescue. Before
Crossan could secure additional aid ho
was almost overwhelmed by the large
crowd that had gathered. The prompt
arrival of a large number of officials
probably saved Jones from serious In- j
Jury , as the mob appeared a desperate
one and many demands were made' '
that ho ho strung up. During the pa-
radc most of the pickets wore away'
from the Star mills and the company
Buccecded In securing many now men.
The failure of the Amalgamated poo- '
pie to cripple the Carneglo open
hearth plant at Duquesno Is looked
upon by the steel officials as the death '
blow of the strike , in the Cawieglo' '
mills at least.
Amalgamated Men In Labor Parade.
Plttshurg was given over to the
"sturdy sons of toll" yesterday , who
paraded the streets many thousands
strong In celebration of Labor day.
Owing to the Amalgamated strike the
celebration was never as great as this
year. The parade was In four dl-j i
visions. The first division was made ;
up of the Amalgamated strikers , with
President Shaffer In command. It was
one of the largest divisions and the
striking steel workers wore greeted
with enthusiasm all along the route.
The picnic at the grove was some
what marred by rain , but a crowd of
between 4,000 and 5,000 men braved
the elements to attend. The principal
addresses wore made by President
Shaffer and William J. Brennan.
During the course of his address
President Shaffer said : "It has boon
Bald that the strike Is already lost and
that a wise general Is always ready to
retreat , If by so doing lie can save his
army from annihilation. All I have
to say to this Is , that SlmflVr's motto ,
Is 'a speedy death Is prefer able to star
vation. ' If wo yield to the trust now ,
they will steal more mills and soon wo
shall bo In their power. I would
rather go down with the Amalgamated
association In destruction than bo Its
president with Its members starving ,
But the Amalgamated Is not going to bo
licked. The trust and the newspapers
will have their inning , but there will
be a few of us left at the finish. If
It comes to a last resort there are the
coal miners. If , In the course of time ,
their leaders shall think It best to quit
work to help us , then wo shall be
thankful for their support. "
Bryan In Labor Parade.
Kansas City , Sept. 3. Labor day
was marked by &e largest and most
Imposing parade of labor unions ever
Keen hero and by the participation of
William J. Bryan In the piocesslon.
Eight thousand men marched through
the streets , each union wearing a dis
tinguishing uniform , made by locked
out girls of the Garment Makers'
union No. 47 , who have started a co
operative factory. These young wom
en , dressed In white , rode In a tallyho
coach and wore cheered all along the
lino. Mr. Bryan occupied a carriage
at the head of the line and was
cheered whenever recognized.
Farmers March In Line.
Carbondale , Ills. , Sept. 3. An un
usual feature of tbo Labor day parade
at Murphysboro was the presence for
the first time , probably , In a proces
sion of tbo kind of members of the
Farmers' union , an organization mod
eled after trades unions , and spreadIng -
Ing rapidly.
Labor Out on Ores ? Parade.
Omaha , Sept. 3. Labor's annual hol
iday was celebrated In Omaha with an
enthusiasm that has rarely been ob
served. Thrco cities contributed to
the parade Council Bluffs , South
Omaha and Omaha. Their showing
was not only creditable , but Impres
sive ,
Five Thousand In Line.
Des Molnes. Sept. 3. Five thousand
union laboring men took part in the pa
rade , which was the leading feature
of Labor day observations at this point
yesterday. The march ended at Green
wood park , where John Collins of Chicago
cage delivered the principal address.
Urdess Opcuitors Correct Grlcvancea
Walkout Is Possible.
U'HKi'HliniTo. I'a. . Hnpt. President
John Mill hell and Dlutrlel Presidents
NIchnllH , Duffy and Kahey will go to
New York ROIIIO ( line thlH weak to con
fer with the presidents of the coal ear-
ryliiK mm In relative to ( he Hottloinonl
of the KrluviinroH coinpliiliieil of at ( ho
Hn/lcton convention lutU week. Un
less the negotiations prove miei'OHHfiil
it Is thought that the executive offi
cials by reason of the power vented in
them by the llazleton convention will
order HtrlUus at several collleilen In
I lie WynmliiK region , where the mlnorn
claim i the managerM have broken
iigteementH i made with thulr employes.
Another Large Force of Nonunion Men
Reach Plttsburg , Kan.
PlttHhiirK , Kan. , Sept. 3. Another
large number of nonunion minors from
the t'UHt and south arrived hero yoHtor-
day for work In the Hlg Pour mines.
The company here placed most of the
men In the mines at Flouting. Stock
ades will bo built at once to protect
the threatened miners. There was no
strike demonstration among the mln-
era hero yesterday. The companies
posted notices offering the men the
same wa en an before , with the satuo
conditions. Many niliieni Indicated
their wIlllngneHH to accept the condi
tions and refused to obey the Htrlko or
Wants Secretary Wilson to Come and
See Farm Products- .
Lincoln , Sept. 3. Thiough their
president , E. U Vance , the members of
the state hoard of agriculture last
night sent the following telegram to
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson :
"Nebraska state board of agriculture
sendfl greetings and cordially requeuta
your presence at the finest agricultural
exhibit show In the United States dur
ing the year 1901. "
The telegram In Intended as a good
humored refutation of Seerelay Wil
son's comment on Nebraska and Kansas -
sas as corn raising states.
Columbia Leads Constitution When
Heat Is Called Off.
Newport , Sept. 3. The second olfi-
'rial trial race of the Columbia and the
Constitution had practically no result.
The yachtH , for lack of wind , were tin-
'able to finish within ti 1-2 hours. At
G:33 : last night the contest came to
an Inglorious conclusion , two miles
east of Hrenton'fl Hoof lightship. At
that time the Columbia led by a good
quarter of a mile.
Independence Takes Last Salt.
Boston , Sept. 3. The yacht Inde
pendence , built at a great cost for
Thomas W. Lawson , who hoped to use
her as a candidate for America's cup
honors , and which purpose failed , wont
out yesterday for what was to ho her
last sail. As the breeze fulled , slii
will have a trial today. Mr. Lawson
kept his promise that the people of
Boston should see her under sail and
racing trim before fiho went out of
commission. She never looked finer.
Catholic Congress for Iowa.
DCS Molnes , Sept. 3. Arrangements
arc being made lor the holding of a
Catholic congress lor the entire Htntc
of Iowa at Carroll , Oct. U and 10 next.
Archbishop Kcane Is expected to at
tend , although It Is to be strictly a con
ventlon of the priests and laymen ofi
the church. The moving spirits In the
congress are the Gorman priests of
the state , and It Is expected that It
will be one of the most Important
church gatherings of the year.
Suppresses Anti-American Play.
Havana , Sept. 3. Civil Governor
Nunez has suppressed a French play ,
translated Into Spanish , which had
been presented at the Pavret theater
by a Spanish company. The play Is en
titled "Pork Kings , or Uncle Sam. "
La Lucha , protesting against the pro
duction In the strongest terms , says :
"This play consists of vile and useless
malevolence , which Is heaped upon the
entlro American nation , Instead of a
small group. "
Mover Drops Dead at Seward.
Seward , Neb. , Sopt. 3. J. W. Sharp
of Red Cloud , Neb. , who was traveling
by wagon , accompanied by his wlfo
and four boys , died suddenly of heart
failure while trying to hitch his team
to the wagon yesterday. One of the
horses became unruly and frightened
Sharp , who was a very nervous man
and subject to heart trouble. Ho fell
and died almost Instantly.
Charged With Bigamy.
Nebraska City , Neb. , Sept. 3. El-
drldge Gerry was arrested and placed
In jail on a telegram from the sheriff
at Leavonworth , Kan. , asking that ho
bo held until he could got a requisition
and then take the prisoner back to
Kansas , where he Is wanted to answer
to the charge of bigamy. Gerry has
two wives , It Is alleged , one hero and
the other in Kansas.
Filipinos Take Oath df Office.
Manila , Sept. 3. There were appro
priate ceremonies in the palace this
morning at the inauguration of Dr.
Pardo do Tavera and Benlto Legardo
as members of the Philippine commis
sion. Jose E. Luzarlaga , the third Filipino
pine member , was to have taken the
oath of office at the same time , but
was uuahlo to do so owing to Illness.
British Vessel Wrecked.
Conception , Chile , Sept. 3. The
British bark Collesslc , Captain Auld ,
from Newcastle , N. S. W. , for Val
paraiso , has been lost off Colcol point.
Part of her crew were saved. The
Collcsslo was a steel vessel , built at
Glasgow In 1S91. She registered 1,381
Naval Division Will Be Ordered
to Turkish Waters. J
- I
. _ |
Abdul Hamld Appeals to Germany for
Assistance In French Affair Em
bassy Staff Gets Out of Honoring ,
Sultan by Going on Excursion. j
Paris , Sopt. 3. It In rumored that '
H nimil division will be ordered to' '
Turklnh waleni today. Miinlr lley will
only return to Paris against the wlnhen
of the French government unlem ) the
dlHputo Is settled.
The Matin announces that It has ro-
colvetl from a tiourco alleged to he au
thoritative In Constantinople Informa
tion to the offoet that the miltan , rely
ing upon the UHmiiiinro of a KKiat pow
er that Franco will not proceed to
force , will refuse any concussion In
the ( 'omttiuiii affair.
Constantinople , Sept. 3. M. Hapst ,
councillor of the French omlmHuy. and
the other members of the embassy
Htaff , took the Kiianbihlp Vauller on an
oxmrHlon upon the Sea of Mor-
mora In order to avoid drennliif ; the
voHHol as the other wanihlpH In the
harbor were dressed In recognition
of the nnnlvurHiiry of the iiiilliin'ii uc-
ceHHlon to the thione , which was cele
brated yent onlay. The members of tbo
einhiiHHy did not participate In the con
gratulations of the diplomatic corps ,
nor WIIH the omhiiHHy Illuminated.
The Turkish officials received only
40 to fi ( ) per cent of their salaries on
the anniversary of the Hiiltan'u UCCOH-
The report that the sultan has ap
pealed to ( liirmany to use Hit good of-
HCOH to settle the dispute with Franco
IH confirmed. Germany , It IH believed ,
will advlHo the porto to nettle with
France as HOOII OH possible.
Paris , Sept. 3. The result of Munlr
Floy. the Turkish ambassador to
Franco , coming to Paris. In Hplte of the
rupture of Franco Tinklsh lelulloiiH ,
and holding a fete , In the mosil open
way at the Turkish einbaHny yeHtcr
day , In honor of the anniversary of the
sultan's iiercHnlon to the throne , has
been that the Fronrh government sent
him , the mime afternoon , a request to
leave Franco Immediately , and Munlr
Hey departed for Switzerland that
Venezuela Makes Known Complaints
Against Colombia.
Caracas , Venezuela , Sopt. 3. The
Official Gazette published the memor
andum of the minister of foreign af
fairs to all friendly nations , explain
ing the complaints made by Venu/.uulu
against Colombia. The case Is consid
ered to ho a casus belli. There Is
much comment and excitement.
General Ceclllo Castro , u brother of
President Castro , has left Venezuela
for Franco to obtain an Immediate renewal -
nowal of diplomatic relations with
Franco , to buy arms for Venezuela and
also to attend to the creation of a
French bank. General Castro left on
the Vono/uelnn war vessel , the Heatur-
ador , formerly the Gould yacht Atalnn-
tn. He will board Hut steamship Can
ada at Maitlniquo and will arrlvo at
Bordeaux on Sept. 14. Ho will travel
Bocas Del Toro Besieged.
Colon , Sept. I ) . Boras Del Toro , 140
miles west of Colon , Is virtually be-
Bloged by the Insurgents. They num
her at least 200 , and occupy Provision
Island , which Is opposite the town , and [
commands the entrance to the harbor
They are fairly well armed , possessing
two small modern cannon , as well as
plenty of ammunition and are com
manded by a Nlcaraguan. Among
them are many Nlcaraguan and Costa
Ulcan liberals.
Revolution In Persia.
Cologne , Sept. 3. A dispatch to the
Cologne Gazette from Teheran says :
A widespread revolutionary movement
Is going on lu Persia , fostered by dis
content with the government on ac
count of the now loan negotiations
with Hussla. The grand vizier Is ac
cused of selling the country and failIng -
Ing to make reforms. Martial law has
been proclaimed In the capital and en
Miss Eastwlck Remanded.
London , Sept. 3. Mary Josephine
Eastwlck of Philadelphia wis ar
raigned In the Guild Hall police court
yesterday , charged with having forged
a railway certificate of the value of
100,000. Sensational evidence was
presented. The defendant was accom
modated with a chair and sat the
whole time listlessly In the dock. She
was remanded until Sept. 9.
Danes Will Sell West Indies.
London , Sept. 3. A dispatch to a
news agency from Copenhagen says
the now Danish ministry has decided
to accept the United States offer of
16,000,000 kroner for the Danish West
Indies , thus announcing as an accom
plished fact what the dispatches of the
Associated Press said the ministry
would do.
Withdraw from Imperial City.
Paris , Sept. 3. M. do Laressar ,
minister of marine , has received a dis
patch from Peking announcing that the
French have formally handed over the
Palace of Ancestors and the Imperial
city to the Chinese plenipotentiaries
and that only one French battalion re
mains In the old French quarters.
Killed In the Tyrol.
London , Sept. 3. News has reached
London that the Venerable William
Polham Burn , archdeacon of Norfolk ,
has been killed In the Tyrol.
Women suffer
ing from foinalo
troubles and
weakness , and
from irregular
or painful mcn-
.HOS , ought not
I to losu hope if
I doctors cannot
Ihulp thutn. Phy
sicians arc so
busy with other
' diseases that
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman. What
the sttlTerer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles. I (
Is the formula of a physician of the
highest standing , who devoted his
whole life to the study of the disi
tinct ailments peculiar to our motht
fcrs. wives and daughters. It is made
of soothing , healing , strengthening
herbs and vegetables , which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses , Leu-
corrhuM , bulling of the Womb , Nerv- .
ousness. Headache and Backache.
In fairness to herself and to Urad
flcld'n Pemnlo KenulAtor , every
sutTermg woman ought to give it a
triid. A large fi bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good. Sold by
Sn If it > nl * \i \ UluttMt * I li' on th iuhirl |
The nradncld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga
Pain Pills , ,
At ll drug ilorr * . 2S Dor * 2Sc.
Dr. Humphreys'
cH euro by noting dirootly upon
the diHoiiHo , without oxcitinrj disorder iu
any othur part of the nyntuui.
I I'p rrn , CotiK tlnn , Inflammation1) . .US
U-UWiim , Worm I'ovor , Worm Colic. . . .113
l-l > liirrlim > , ( if ClilMrim or AilulU . US
7-'iiiiiili . Coliln , llronrhltl * . US
H % 'riirnlulu , Tootlmuhu , Fncancliu . US
U-llrndnrlir , Sick IIoiuluclio , VertlrfQ . . 29.
10 l > vP P lnIn < llKu tlonWeakHtomach.U.T
1 I-Hiipprom'cl or I'nlnful IVrlodi . . . .US
lU-Wlill i. Too 1'rofuso Porhxli . US
KJ < ! rout > , Iifirvnultli , Hoiiruoucus . US
1 I Halt Hhriiin , Kryilixilmi , Eruptions. . . .8.1
1 fl Hlinuinatlimi , lllioumatlo Palm . US
1O Mnlarln. Clillli , Kuver and AKUO . 3S
1 ! ) - < 'nlnrrli , Iririuoiizn , Cold lu tliu Ileoul .2,1 , . US
UH-Ncrvuu * IMilllty . 1,0(1
'IOL'rlnnrvriikium. . Wetting Dcxl . U.I
77Jrli > , Hnyrevor . US
Dr. Ilniniitircyfl' Manual of all Ulswwo at jour
DniKKlxtH ur Mulluil trvn
Holil liy ( IniKKlfttii. or mint on rocclptof rrl'-o.
llumiilintyit' Me-l. Co. , Cue. Wllllum & Jotiti Wu. ,
New York.
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John A. Solier Seed Co. U Crow * .