The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 06, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    All Old ) HUE
\ SATURDAY. . . . 7
TwollPerformances , Rain orl Shine ,
at 2 and 8 P.
The Great Educational Exhibition ,
Exciting and Thrilline Reproductions of Modern
and Romantic History ,
Portrayed by Indians and flatives of p/lany / Rations ,
Cowboys.Hunters , Ouicles and Scouts. The Boomerang
Throwers , Mexican Lariat Kings , ( { audio
Bolus Exports.
Daring Western Lady Equestrian. The Diminutive
Stage Coach. The Lilliputian Prairie
Schooner and a Hundred
Other Features for
the Little
An Exact Recurrence otuo rjita Wonailea KaM Fi bt.
Champion Hillo and Pistol Shots. Bedouin Arabs of the
Deserts. Imperial Cossack Troopers. Detachments
from the Armies of the World Riding Shoulder
to Shoulder in Dazzling Reviews and
Military E\olutions.
10,000 SEATS FOR 10,000 , PEOPLE
Under Waterproof Canopies that Encircle
the Vast Arena.
Strange and Startling Street Parade at 10 A. M. Daily.
Features of the Trading and Closing
Quotation ! : .
CIlluiKO , Si | il Ci I'nlli \\I\H \ IcniliT on ttir
IliHIIll ( if Iniililoilin mill ( hi1 i I.ic unn
itrmiK mill liluliii , I'i'i ' i'inlii'1 dunlin ; ultli
u xiiln ( if IVi I led in In i u In-lit diiHi'il } „ (
lili'liur , OIIH | Mi'ic V/iiXr lilBlii'r , , llli pro-
\HUIIH | | tniiKliiK fioiii 7 i < - to Ifiu lil-licl ( ut
tin1 rliiHc C'lunlliK | itli I > M
WliPiit-Si > | l. , ( ! ! iHr , iii-i' , 710 C.
Com-Hi-il. | M t , li'p. . ri7t' .
OiilH Sept ? l.'M i' . HIT , ! ! . * ) < , ( . .
ji \ Vi. Oct. .'i
S l.'i , Oct. , $ S " .
-Hi'pt , $ o : ; o , Oct. , $0 : io.
iliiiilntlnnt No. 1 ! rcil wliont "QVj'il
71c. Nn. 'I npilriK wlii-nt , olil , ( ili'i70c , No.
1 ! linnl win-in , ' 'jiHHiu ( , No. ; i hunt ulu-nt ,
fHWudDc , No. U IIINI | coin..ri"Vi'ijriri7iL' ' ; No ,
. ni-w . . corn , ril . , jiin.ii'4c. ( No u cimli outs ,
J u jjjly , , |
Chicago Live Stock ,
si-pt PI - Cuttiiitppoluifl , o.noo ,
lin liiillni ; r.H ( ) Toians nml ltIK ! ) Mt-stt-riin ;
iTPMi-nilly llc lilxla-i , InililittiH' Htoek Hun ;
IViiini anil MMtums I0i lilKlu-r , nt-llji- .
Kooil to pi InnHtiPiH , VHiO'KUn ; poor to
IMI'llllllll. $1 MMl.lSO , HtOCkPIN mill fffllLTH ,
$ J iVd ! I I' . " , i-oMt iillil llt-lfcio , $ J.nV7j,1 ( }
ciiiiMi-rii , $1 fiOij'.11 ! ! ; biilN , $ ; iO ( > ' ( i > l.W ( ;
cHlvod , l ! . * > ( ( ) liliflu-r , ytXVJjn \ II ) , Toxin
tPPIH , $11 'MKil.1 1(1 ( , nt-KtPIII HIPPIH W.HVtl
C I.1. . IloKH-ltpn-lptii toilny , 'JI.Uuo ; toinui
row , LUHM ( ) , pHllimiti-il ; | pft orur , 1WJ < ) , fie
ItlKlu-r , nctlvinilxiil anil liiitulivrs , $ , * i ovfl
( IS'i , Kooil to rliolco liciivy. $11 ; iVR < UJi ) < i ,
roiisli lipnvy , Vill.Viill.'jri , Unlit , $ SlKXu 75 ,
bulk of mili-H , | ( ) "MWm \ .Slu-ep-lloci-lptH ,
1.1XX ( ) , Hti-mlj , nootl to cliolcc wi-tliprs ,
J'tllTiJO 10 , fair to choice inlxoil , fII : ! OfZ
. ' 170cHtcrn Hhecp , $ : i.l5A4 ! 00 ; nntKc
luinlis , $ : i.OOil 8. ) , \\t-sti-m lunibs , ll.OOiQ
Kansas City Live Stock ,
KIUHIIH City. Si-pt. n.-Cnttlc-Uccclpt ,
10MX ) , corn fcil cattle lOJIlOc Ulgbur , LOWS
mid lit-lfciH Ktonily to lOc lower , cluilcu
export mill tlrmsi-tl bi-cf Htuors , $5.r > 0f {
0 10 , fnlr to K' i"l $4.WM n.utockur ) ( ; * mid
fot-ili-rn , $ 'J KK il.tCt , wt-Hturii foil steers ,
$ l.riOr > 75 , Mpnturn rniieu Btoers , ? : i.'jr > (
4.23 , TCXIIMH mill Inilliuis , | L .70(3:1.83 ( : ; TIT
US cows , ifJ. . 'dijl..W ) , initlru cows , J2.503
100 , helfeiH , $ . ' 7"iT ( , " 'J5 , caution ) , $1 CO'iJ
2.10 ; bnllH , $ 'J lO'ijl . " ( ) , culvos , l.l.nO JS.'JS.
HnKR-ltccelpts , 7.1XX ) , WJlOc lilKliur , top ,
Jllin , bulk of salus , ? ( l.aOQ .00 , hcn\y ,
$ t.r.ODl ) ( ( ( ! . " > , mlxcil pnckurH , $0 33(3(1 ( ( IT > ;
llfllt , $1 ! 00 I < 1-r.O. plus. $ rKtO.OO. ( ) ! Sheep
-UerolptH , ' . ' , CKW ) , sheep Htcnilj , lumbs
\M-nk , lumln , $ .xriO(34.riO ( , nutlvo wethers ,
$3,2"rii.Cicitciii : ( ; wotlierH , M !
cues , I'J.riOSill.rM , atocUeis und fucilt-rs ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oliinlin , Sept. r > . Cattle-Itecelpti ,
1.OK1 , netlve , httotiKer , imtlvo beef hti-ers ,
$1 iVnK ( ! ( ) , Mpstein Hteers , $ : < ! jO'r(5 in ,
Tixai Hteers , $ : i'jiii.l.I ( ! < > . I-OMH nutl lu-lfi-m ,
$ 'J7r > ( jil 00 , cmitiPlt , l.OO'J/a ' ( ! 0 , HtoeUeil
anil feeileiM , f.MIO HX ) , ciil\t-s , $ nOKn"i ( 00 ;
bulls , MIIKM. fte. , J'JIHWfl.OO. lloh't-Uc-
celpts , 1,1100 , uetl\o , 104il.ric hlKhei , lieiny ,
$ ( l .Vnii7Mj ( : mixed , $ irjWtrJ7'Xi ' , IlKht ,
lOaVii'H ' ! " I > | K , $ . " > 7n'l ' ! ( ( 10 , bulk of mles ,
$ (1 ( 'JT/aO U7H Slipep-Ueoelptri , : ! 00 , steiuU ,
\\ptliprs , $ : i2rifi3W ( ( , cues , $ .riO(7T.T ( 10 ; com
mon nml stock bliocp , $ L'.40300 ( , luuibs ,
$3.7.(31 ( 75.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Sept. 5. Cuttle-Hpcolpts. 8-
500 , good coru beeves stroug to lOc blKlier ;
rmthes , $3.00(3050 ( ; cows unrl heifers , $100
(174.80 ( , bulls nml fitaps , I'J.OCkiHSO ; stockers -
ers nml fceilora , $2.0051-100 ; veils , $2.25(3 (
5.25. Ilnx * UcpolptH. 0,700 ; 5itlOo ( hlRlit-r ;
tlKht mul IlKht mixed , $0.10(30 ( 55 ; miMlhim
and beiivy , $ (140flJt ( ( , plgn , $350(30.00 ( ;
bulk , $0 H7MiiO.OO. $ Shcep-Kpcplpts , 231 ;
iiult-t , steady , top natlres , $5.00 ,
Sioux City Live Stock.
Sioux City , Sept. fS. Cnttlc Receipts ,
400 ; stronger ; beeves , $4.50 < Qf > . : ! 0 ; cows and
btilln mlxpd , $2.40'i(3 25 ; stockers and feed
er * , $250 340. HoKS-Ueculpts. 1.700 ; 10
e hlts'Uur , aelllUK at $0.204 ; < J.CO ; bull : ,
A Remedy From Nature's Laboratory.
Lichty's Celery Noryo Compound is
n sciontilio combination of uuturo's
hoixlth restorers , celery , cocoa , cascara ,
bagrada , hops , dandelion , buchu , mau-
drake , sarsaparilla and chamomilo.
Sickly children , weary women and
tired and broken down men find in this
great compound health , strength and
happiness. Sold by Geo. B. Ohristoph.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that over was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness iuto strength , listlessness into
energy , brain-fug into mental power.
They're woudorful iu building up the
health. Only 'Joe per box. Sold by A.
II. Kiesau.
H. 0. Wutklus , Sexton of the Metho
dist church , Springfield , Pa. , says : " My
wife has been very bad with kidney
trouble and tried several doctors with
out benefit. After taking one bottle of
Foloy's Kidney Cure , was much better ,
and was completely cured after taking
four bottles. " A. II. Kiesau.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of the bravo General Burnham
of Machias , Mo , when the doctors said
she would die from pneumonia before
morning , " writes Mrs. S. II Lincoln ,
who attended her that fearful night ,
"but she begged for Dr. King's Now
Discovery , which had more than once
saved her life , and cured her of con
sumption. After taking , she slept all
night. Further use entirely cured her. "
This marvellous medicine is guaranteed
to cure all throat , chest and lung
diseases. Only f > 0o and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at A. II. Kiesau.
A Little Known Fact.
That the majority of serious diseases
originate in disorder of the kidneys ,
Foley's Kidney Cure is guaranteed. Bo
euro to got Foloy's. A. II. Kiosau.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Years of Suffering.
"I suffered for thirty years with
diarrhoea and thought I was past being
cured"says John S. Hallowayof French
Camp , Miss. "I had spent so much
time and money and suffered so much
that I had given up all hopes of re
covery. I was so feeble from the effects
of the diarrhoea that I could not oven
travel , but by accident I was permitted
to find a bottle of Charnberlaiu"s Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
after taking hoveral bottles I am entirely
cured of that trouble. I am so pleased
with the result that I am anxious that it
bo in roach of all who sutler as I havo. "
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co.
Have you a sense of fullness in the
region of your stomach after eating ?
If so you will bo benefited by using
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They also cure belching and
sour stomach. They regulate the
bowels too. Price 25 cents. Sold by
the Kiesau Drug Co
I had a running sere on my log for
Hnvon yuirn , " writes Mrs. Jim. Forest of
Chippewa FullH , Wis , "and Hpunt bun-
( Irds of dollars in trying to get it healud.
Two bottles of Banner Salvo entirely
cnrod it. " Bowato of sub-itltutes. A. II.
Last week I went about ,
Full of trouble and of doubt.
Now I'm mulling and dauco with de
light ,
I had HOIIIO Hocky Mountain Tea last
night. Gee I ) . Christoph.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great
The soothing and healing properties
of this remedy , its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a great favorite with the people every-
whoro. It is especially pri/.ud by
mothers of small children , for colds ,
croup and whooping cough , as it always
allotds quick relief , and as it contains
no opium or other harmful drug , it may
bo given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult , For sale by the Kiesau Drug
Co ,
The Thrust of a Lance
is scarcely more agoni/ing than the re
current pains in the abdomen which fol
low the eating of improper food or too
free indulgence in ico-wator. The immediate -
mediate cause of cramps and colic is
often the distention of the bowels by
pa' . Quick roloif follows the use of
Perry Davis' Pulu Killer. Careful
housekeepers give it the place of honor
in the family medicine chest.
Cuts and Bruises Quickly Healed.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a
cut , bruise , burn , scald or like' injury
will instantly allay the pain and will
heal the parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very severe it will not leave a scar.
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism ,
sprains , swellings and lameness. For
sale by the Kiosau Drug Co.
Lichty's Celery .Nerve Compound
for all nervous diseases , neuralgia ,
rheumatism , nervous debility , paralysis ,
biliousness , dyspepsia , costiveuess , piles ,
liver complaint , kidney troubles and
female complaints. It goes to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily. Sold by Goo. B. Christoph.
No Relief for 20 .Years.
"I had bronchitis for twenty years , "
said Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville ,
111. , "and never got relief until I used
Foloy's Honey and Tar which is a sure
cure for throat and lung diseases. " A.
II , Kiosau.
A Shocking Calamity
"Lately befell a railroad laborer , "
writes Dr. A. Kellett , of Williford ,
Ark. "His foot was badly crushed , but
Bucklou's Arnica Salvo quickly cured
him. " It's simply wonderful for burns ,
boils , piles and all skin eruptions. It's
the world's champion healer. Cure
guaranteed. 25c. Sold by A. H.
Ulcers , open or obstinate sores , scalds
and piles , quickly cured by Banner
Salvo , the most healing medicine in the
world. A. H. Kiesau.
Consumption Threatened.
0. Unger , 212 Maple St. , Champaign ,
111. , writes : "I was troubled with a
hacking cough for a year and I thought
I had consumption. I tried a great
many remedies and was under the care
of physicians for several mouths. I
used ouo bottle of Foloy's Honey and
Tar. It cured mo , and I have not been
troubled since. " A. II. Kiesau.
Krause's Headache Capsuls
are unlike anything prepared iu Amer
ica. They were first prescribed by Dr.
Krause , Germany's famous court phy
sician , long before antipyriuo was dis
covered , and are almost marvelous , so
speedily do they cure the most disti ess-
ing cases. Price 23c. Sold by Geo. B.
Millie Two treatments a week will
put your complex'ou in line shape.
Bleach that red nose of yours. Take
Rocky Mountain Tea as directed. Geo.
B. Christoph.
Mr. G. A. Stillmau , u merchant of
Tampico , 111. , writes : Foley's Kidney
Cure is meeting with wonderful success
It has cured some cases here that physi
cians pronounced incurable. I myself
am able to testify to its merits. My
face today is a living picture of health ,
and Foley's Kidney Cure has made it
such. " A. H. Kiesau.
weakens the body and de
grades the mind. It saps
the nervous strength that
is the source of all health ,
and perverts the functions
of every organ. Because
of its stubborn nature , it is
often called incurable. This
is not true. There is one
medicine that never fails to
check the nervous spasms
and give new strength to
the entire system.
"My little ei
that In one day she suffered seventy-
one fits. The doctors rave her up to
die , but I began civinp her Dr. Miles
Nervine aud now she is perfectly welt
It took five bottles to effect a cure. "
Siloarn Springs , Ark.
D * . Miles'
allays nervous irritation ,
stops spasms , restores di
gestion and mental vigor.
Sold by drucclsts on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind.
With rich , pure , strong blood
Slow one is never troubled with sores
Healing or ulcers. A cut or any injury to
tbc flesh heals in a few days ,
nature sunnlyitnj the healing
balm in the form of healthy , new mood ; but when the
circulation is tainted with poisonous germs , humors or any
cffute matter , n slight scratch or abrasion of the skin
becomes a fostering sore , tiny pimples jjrow to be boils ,
swollen joints and inflamed glands often break out into offensive , slow healing
eores. A polluted blood is always n menace to health ; not only docs it keep the
skin in n chronic state of inflammation , but every organ and fibre of the body
suffers from an impure and sluggish circulation. You never feel well , you arc not
and never can be well until the system is relieved of its terrible load of impuri
ties. With the blood so contaminated , so deeply poisoned , ulcers , boils and
eores of every kind are apt to become chronic and often develop into Cancer.
Sores and ulcers arc most
T booamo affllotod wUh a B0voro „ „ „ log ftnd
often caused of
by poverty from the knee to the foot was ono ( olid ooro.
the blood and a weak and which was vary ofTonslvo. I spent over $1,000
flow circulation , brought on on two trips to Hot Springs , and local physi
by long continued sickness , cians treated mo to no purpose. I had about
malarial poisoning , torpid docldod to have my loir amputated , when a
liver the of friend induced ine to try 8. B. 0. I began to
, use mercury , or
tulte your raodlclno , and in the short space of
whatever is calculated to destroy
seven months it has completely and thoroughly
stroy the vitality of the blood cured mo. My leg is a witness today as to what
nml break down the constitu S. 8. 8. will do when taken regularly. The sere
tion. These old chronic sores has healed entirely and my health has improved
Inbt sometimes for years , cat- wonderfully. Z have already gtiinod 20 pounds.
ing into the flush , muscles , J. B. TALBERT ,
. Miss.
Box 545. Wlnona ,
tissues , and even down into
the bones , and arc such a tax upon the system that it is hard for the patient to
recuperate , and n simple malady often proves fatal.
Nothing so quickly or surely restores lost strength and vitality to the blood as
S. S. S. It is an antidote for the severest forms of Blood Poison , as well as the
irritating humors that cause the eruptions and sores that sop your very life and so
greatly disfigure you. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood puri
fier. It contains no mercury , potash , arsenic or other hurtful dnig. It cleanses
the blood and purifies the circulation , thus ridding the system of the impurities
that keep the sores feverish and painful. At the same time your general health
improves under the tonic effects of S. S. S. , and the skin becomes soft , smooth
and healthy. If you are troubled with boils , carbuncles , sores or eruptions of any
sort , write our physicians all about your case ; don't risk your own judgment
when you can get medical advice from experienced doctors free. Book on Blood
and Skin Diseases to all who desire it.
Astlnnaleno Brings instant Relief and permanent Cure in all
Cases. Sent Absolutely free on Receipt of Postal.
Tlioro is nothing like ABtlunalcne. It brings
instant relief , iwon iu the worst cases , Itcurea
CHAINED hen all ol so lulls ,
The Huv. C K. WELLS , of Villa Ridiro , III. ,
FOR TEN enja "Your trial bottle of Asthinalono received
in good condition. 1 cannot toll jou how thank
ful 1 feel for the Rood derived from It. J was n
YEARS slavo. chained with putrid nore throat and Aethmii
for ton years. 1 despaired of over being cnrod. I
( > .i\v jour advertisement for the euro of thiH dreadful -
ful nud tormenting disenHe , Ai-tiiniii , and thought
jou had o\ers ] > okon jourselves , but resolved to
privo It a trial. To mj astonishment , the trial acted
like a charm , betid mo n full-size bottlo.
Rnbbiof thoC'ong. Iltmi Israel.
NEN YOUK , Jan. 3d , 1901.
UoutlomenonrAethmalono : la an excellent
remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever , and its compo
sitlon alleviates all troubles which combine with
Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful
After ha\ing it carefully analyzed , we can state
that ABthmalone contains no opium , morphine ,
chloroform or ether Very truly jours ,
SrisiNos , N. Y. , Feb. 1 , 1001.
Gentlemen : I write
this testimonial from a
sense of duty , having tested the wonderful effect
RINGS of your Asthmalr-ue , for the cure of Asthma. My
wife has been alllicted with spasmodic asthma for
the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill
RELIEF. as well as many others , I chanced to see sour sign
upon your windows on 130th street , Now York , 1 at
once obtained a bottle of Asthmiileuo. My wife
commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement ,
After using ouo bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms.
I fool that 1 can consistently recommend the medicine to all who arc afllictoil with this distress
ing disease. Yours respectfully , O. D. I'HELPS , M. D.
DB. THFTRnos. MEDICINE Co. , , Fob. 5 , 1901.
Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies , but
tlmj have all failed. 1 ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle , I found
relief at once. I have slnco purchased yonr full-size bottle , and I nm over grateful. I have a
family of four children , and for six years was unable to work. I am now iu the best of health
and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see lit.
Home address , 235 Rivlugton street. S KAPUAEL. -
67 East 129th St. , City.
Do not delay. Write at once , addressing DR. TAFT BROS' MEDICINE CO. , 79 East
130th St , N. Y. City.
itr J
[ Why not use the
| best laundry soap1
and secure attractive -
P | ive premiums free I
r * > " * -i
P | jGJrripIek catalogue show
S3 .l o\er 3oo premium1Ihil
m\y be ! curtd by saving
the wrippers fulnished
tree upon request Send
joirt name on a postal
card and ueuill mail you
the catalogue/ "
Ia l
.Primlum Dipt , ,
| TheJudahy ! Packing'
Company , '
'Soulh Omahi , Nib.
'Diomoiirf "C ' Soap for
tali by all Orottrt'
Made a
Well Man
. of Me.
produces the nbovo results In 30 daya. It actl
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fill.
Jfoung men will regain their lost m&nhood.andold
men will recover their youthful vigor by ujlng
BEVITO. It quickly and surely restores Nervousness -
ness , Loet Vitality , Impotency. Nightly Emissions.
Lost Power , Falling Memory , Wasting Dlee&aes.and
all effects ot eelfabuEO or excess and Indiscretion ,
which unfits ono for study , business or m&rrUge. II
not only cures by starting at the Beat ot disease , but
la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder , bring.
"eg back the pink glow to pnlo checks and rs-
torlng the flro of yonth. It wards off Tnea&lty
.nd Consumption. Insist on having HEVIVO. no
tber. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall ,
1.00 perpackafjeor six for 85,00 , with apotl
Ivowritten guarantee to core or refund
he money. Hook and ndvlse free. Address
ROYAL MEDICINE CO. , 6afgffli8irilLpli' , , !
For sale iu Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Goo. B. Ohristoph. druggist.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison , Wij. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no aubitl *
cn > o T n-- tilt * A knirr druggist.
For Sale hv GeorRe B. Ohristopbr
* AI * U < njg itont. 35 DDK * 25 * .