The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 06, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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When Children
1. When their eyes are not straight
3 , When they cannot distinctly
toe the blackboard.
i. When reading , if they squint
hold the book sideways or too close
4. When they tire easily of reading
or studying.
All sure signs that great benefit wil
be derived from wcnnng glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G W.
, . .
J olTor for cnlo n lot on Mnlii St. , near tfQOC
8th , flfty-Uvo feet front for - - - 4 > OZO
Good lot nt .Intictlou . $ MI
Hence nnd tialf Hcroon Third St 1)7'i
Five-room hotic > on rotlrth St . 87' ,
HoiiHo , born and half ncro < m Third St . . ti5 !
LonuBon Heal Estato-LOW HAFKB
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather ns recorder
for the U4 hours ending nt 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 87
Minimum temperature 02
Average ? !
Precipitation 7 (
Total precipitation for mouth 1.18
Barometer 29.01
Forecast for Nebraska : Probably
showers tonight and Saturday. Cooler
tonight and south portion Saturday.
It is stated uuauthoritatively that
Kearney will play ball here next Mon
day and Tuesday of next week.
Mrs. J. N. Buudick entertains this
afternoon at a 1 o'clock lawn biipper for
Miss Buudick of Washington , D. C.
The monthly business and literary
meeting of the Epworth league will be
held at the M. E. church this evening.
The Sunday school of Trinity chuich
will assemble until further notice nt
! ) :15Suudny : mornings , instead of nt
12 :15 : p. m. as in the past.
The dust is well laid for Pawnee Bill's
Wild West day tomorrow nud if there
is no more rain his show will probably
have a record-breaking attendance.
Pitcher Steele of the ball team has
been laid up since Wednesday's game ,
sulleriug from the severe strain to
which he was subjected on thnt day.
The following is the mortgage record
o ? Madison county for the month of
August : Farm mortgages filed , 11 ,
niuonnt , 611,030 ; released , 15 , amount ,
$31,750. Town mortgages filed , 9 ,
amount , * o,250 ; released , Itf , amount ,
| 7,8J2 75. Chattel mortgages filed , CO
amount , $17,07450 ; released , 30 ,
amount , $11,875 03.
Next Sunday will bo observed as
Rally Day by the Sunday school of the
Congregational church. Special exer-
cises.conducted by the school will occupy
the usual morning hour of service
beginning at 10:15. : The service will
consist of special songs , recitations and
the ceremony of promotion of graduat
ing juniors into the main department of
the school.
The drouth is broken , but about the
only crop benefited is the weeds , which
pulled through the dry weather with
their wonted vigor. The rain started in
early last night with a vigorous accom
paniment of electricity and kept at the
good work during the greater part of
the nignt. The weather gauge this
morning showed that .70 of on inch of
rain had fallen.
Mrs. James Thomas , who lives a mile
northwest of the city , just west of J.
W. Bovee's form , fell down the cellar
srnirs yesterday nnd received a severe
injury to her back. The injured lady
is 72 years of age which adds materially
to the seriousness of the accident. In
response to n telephone message Mrs.
R. A. Gould of North Platte arrived to
day to visit Mrs. Thornns.
Norfolk is to entertain a stnto con
vention next week , Wednesday , Thurs
day nnd Fridny , when delegates from
the Baptist Young People's Unions of
Nebraska are to assemble here in an
nual session. An interesting program
has been arranged nnd there will un
doubtedly be a largo number of dele
gates pieseut , including speakers and
workers of state reputation.
The state Journal of yesterday morn
ing contained the following fair note :
"Tho Sugar City Cereal Mills of Nor
folk , Neb. , J. W. Carlile , Lincoln man
ager , have a very neat exhibit of their
various products m mercantile hall.
The various goods displayed include the
Old Reliable Bon Ton flour and their
well known Jersey Wheatliug. The ex
hibit is one of the neatest of the kind
over bhovvu nt n Nebraska Btnto fnir. "
Mrs. Emmn Tnlbot of South Omaha ,
president of the Rbbekah branch of the
Nebraska I. 0. O. F. , nud nu old time
friend of Mr. uud Mrs. II. L. Suyder ,
wno n uncut nt the Snyder homo ycstcr-
dny nutl loft for the went iu the evening
She will return tomorrow and visit the
Norfolk Hebeknha. An open mooting
will bo hold nt 1. 0 O. F. hall nt U
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in honor ol
the president , to which nil Odd FollowB
Choice celery nt Olipsmnn's.
Apprentice girlB wnntod nt Inskeop's.
Will pay Binnll wngos while learning.
Fresh mined Scritnton nnd Lehigh
hard coal , nil railed direct from the
mines. Order now , before the full
rnluB begin. SAI TKII COAL Co.
Toli'phono L 11)2. )
The highest Bcorcs yet mndo nt the
Illght bowling nlloy toward the cash
pri/es to be awnrded Satnrdny evening ,
the 11th , are : II A. Hemlebcu 2 'J ,
Uurt Mapes''Oil , W. Storm 191.
Having fcold my plumbing business to
Stitt & White , the pullio will tnko no
tice that all accounts for work done
since July ! 22 ! , by either mybelf or Suitor
nro payable to Stitt & White. I ask for
my Buccei-bors n coutinnnnco of the pat-
roimgo that has heretofore boon ac
corded me. W. II.
Spring chickens at
Mine. Francis , palmist , astrologer and
clamoyant , has arrived iu Norfolk and
will stay for a few dajs. So extraor
dinary nro her peers that they mubt
bo witnessed to bo believed. Call and
bo convinced. Parlors at Pacific hotel.
$10 in prizes will bo given awny at
the Hight bowling alloy in sums of ? 5 ,
JJJ nnd fii for the highest bcoies niiulo
before Saturday o\omug , September 11.
Miss Nova Davis of Wisuer is visiting
Norfolk friends.
John Bridge has gone to Ounwn ,
Iowa , to spend a week.
Mrs Burt Mnpes visited with Mrs. , T.
G. Mines at Wayuo yesterday.
T. K. Hanson and A. , T. Dnnlovy of
Tildeu were Norfolk visitors yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. D. Butterficld
were down from Creighton this morn
Dr. Young of the hospital for the in-
snuo , has gone to Omaha on a business
Halsey Gibson returned today from
the mining camp near Sheridan , Wy
Miss Kouse and Miss Lotba Rouse of
Xiobrnrn are visiting with Miss Nora
Father Weber of Wayne and Father
Byrne of Wisuer visited Father Walsh
Postmaster Sprecher and P. P. Boll
are expected homo tomorrow from their
outing near Sheridan , Wyo.
Miss Nora Buudy has arrived from
Chicago and accepted a position in the
millinery store of J. & E Durlnud.
C. C. Elgin , who has been sick for
some time , is enjoying an unexpected
visit from his two brothers , who arrived
Wednesday night from Illinois.
Miss Lottie Lee of Silver Creek , who
was a guest at the home of A. Osborn
for several days , has gone to Neligh ,
where she will teach in Gates academy.
Mrs. Hopp , whoso homo is northwest
of Osmond , was in the city this morn
ing and stated that her husband had
died yesterday after a sickness of five
months' duration.
Mrs. W. H. Butterfield and daughter ,
Josephine , left this noon for Chicago ,
where Miss Butterfleld will join a party
of young ladies and go to Wellesley ,
Mass. , to enter Dana Hall.
Dr. P. H. Salter , who returned from
Boyd county yesterday , is of the opinion
that that county will have a better crop
of corn this season than it had last year.
The pastures are nice and green and the
prospects for a successful year with the
Farmers are magnificent.
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop
bl > ck. Telephone 147 A.
FOR SALE Ranch one and a half
miles from Tilford , S. D. 1,600 acres
deeded laud , 2,000 leased land , plenty
iving water ; all fenced ; well improved ;
Price $20,000. Would take some Norfolk -
folk property and farms to suit.
C. St. P. M. &O. Ry.
will run another of their popular ex
cursions on Thursday , September 12 , to
Dulnth and return for $0. Going will
eave Norfolk on Thursday nt 1 p. m.
nnd Sioux City enrly Friday morning ,
arriving at Dulnth at 0.80 p. m. same
day. Returning lenvo Dnluth enrly
Monday morning , September 15 by
special train. For information please
call on F. W. JUNKMAN , Agent.
THE NEWS keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of typo
and does its work in approved style.
C. St. P. M. & O. Railway Cheap Ex
September 1 to 10 inclusive round tripe
o St. Paul and Minneapolis $ ! ) .85 , to Dn-
uth , Superior and west Superior $ i.85 ; ) ,
o Mankato 7.20 , to Kasoto $7.-10.
All return tickets good to Oct. III.
When the plate is furnished THE
I'EWB will supply engrnved cards at 75
eiitB for 60 , or fl.OO for 100.
The Game Was a Pretty One
and Closely Contested.
Two Scores Apiece , Then Thirteen
Goose Eggs Before Omaha Won A
Snappy Exhibition for Seven Inn
ings Gooil-SizedCrowtl Attends.
Pretty nenr but not qnito. The
ninth again proved disastrous for the
homo tciun nnd lout the gnmo to the OriginnlH. Until thnt time
neither tonm hnd boon uhlo to score
moro than twice nnd 111 geese cggH hnd
boon olmlhed up in rapid succession.
But thu visitors found Bucklon in their
lust tmio up , nnd drew passage for one ,
two singles nnd n double , which netted
thorn three runs nnd decided the gumo.
Waller started things by getting hit
Lawlor followed with a single nnd
Whitney lilled the bases on Buoklon'h
fumblo. Welch nnd Jullcn cnoli struck
ontnndFolor scored Waller. Lynch
ended it with an easy ono to second
Noifolk just doubled the order Dnvey
went out nt first , Johnson singled nnd
Wilkius steered n two bugger into right
field. Partridge sacrificed , Kowo got n
tunoly double , nnd Johnson nnd Wilkins -
kins made the only scored that Norfolk
wnstohnxo Fulyor n 'now" man
struck out nnd loft Kowo to die on
second. In the second Oldrnfo tied the
score on n two-bnso hit , n pass ball nnd
a single by Waller. Then each team
took n brace , nnd 111) ) outs were made before
fore another mnn crossed the pinto
For the next seven innings ono of the
snappiest exhibitions thnt hns boon seen
iu Norfolk , was put up. It was n
pitcher's bnttlo nnd was hard fought
Everyone played n stnr gnmo nnd the
fielding wns imnu'neo. Time nftor turn
n runner would got to third , but no op
portunity to got homo wns over found
n beautiful gnmo for the eight innings ,
dropping efght men with strike outs.
His curves nro superb nnd with n little
moro experience ho will sternly down
into nn excellent thrower. In the ninth ,
however , ho lost his speed. Wnller , tlu
first up , got n ride , nnd Lnwler hit safe
Whitney nnd Welch ench wont out nnd
Jollou brought two in with a double
later scoring on Foler's single. Lynch
flow out to third nnd it wns nil oil.
A good sized ciowd snw the game nnd
considerable money changed hands
Many who backed the team on Wodncs
day nnd paid dearly for their loynlty ,
ngnin stood by their men nud nro again
out But such nro the fatalities of
The game
AH. H H. O A. E
Waller , 31) . . .
Liiwlor , ts . 5 1 3 t 1 2
Miltnoy , rf I 0 0 0 0 0
Welch , cf
Jullon. If
FoloOb 5 * 0 in 1 1
Lynch 21 5 0 0 1 't 0
OKoafo c. 4 1 1 t > 1 0
dcnlly , p
Totals . . 33 5 9 27 II
AH H. II. O. A , E
Earned runt. Omaha 1 , Norfolk 2. Loft on
liaeos. OmnliH 11. Norfolk 7. Two-bntu lilt *
Jolkn , OKoafo , WllkliiH , Kowo 2. Htolon hat't
Whitney , Welch. Johnson Donhlo jilnj
bcnlly to Kolor to Wallor. btrtick out ti\
Scully C , by Hncklen 8. Hntos on tmllb. Oil
Ilncklnn 4 Hit by pitched ball I'artrlik'o
Sacriflco hit : PartridKO. Time of iamo 1 11
Umpire , Bmith.
Fine Milwaukee ean'-ages at Glif--
Foil SALE Several good farms nenr
Norfolk on easy terms , also a Inrgo list
of city property. G. II. SEILKU.
Dr. Robert B. Johnson , office in Mast
block , over Norfolk National bank.
Council Devotes an Evening to the In
terests of the City.
City council met in regular meeting
last evening. Present , Mayor Koenig-
stein , Councilmen Brnrnmnnd , Dogner ,
Gow , Uhle , Westorvelt , and Walker
Absent Clements nnd Spellmnn.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
The auditing committee reported
back ns correct the trensurer's nnd
clerk's reports for July , and the police
judge's report for July nnd August
Moved nud seconded thnt report of
; ho committee be nccepted nnd reports
filed. Motion cnrned.
The fire nud police committee reported
that they had mot with the ofilcerH of
the Norfolk Electric Light and Power
Co. who had refused the offer of the
council , nnd as Mr. Patterson was pres
ent they would now leave the matter
with him and the council , and ask Mr
Patterson to state to the council Ins po
sition in the matter.
Mr. Patterson then stnted thnt n short
time ago they had reduced the price of
the lights to the city and felt that they
could not in justice to themselves make
ruiy further reductions.ns to do so would
eave the company no profits whatever.
Motion prevailed that the matter bo
, aid on the table until next meeting.
The public works committee reported
thnt the feed pumpH to the hollers at
the wnter\\orH ) had broken nnd that
they hnd boi rowed n feed pump of Her *
man CJereckn.
Complaints bolng mndo of the wiiNto
of water at the school bnlldlngH a mo
lion was mndo and seconded thnt in
order to in nil thuniNolvoH of the free
water Hcrvleo nt the school buildingN
the school district bo required to plnco
nil water connections insldo the build
ings and furnish them with self cloning
bibbs , within the next 110 dnjH. Motion
A motion prevailed that under the
direction of ( lie water comntinnlonor nnd
Councilman llrnininnnd the vnlvt-s In
the water mains be located and a now
map bo iniule showing the exact position
of hiiid salves.
Water C'oinnilhHloner Stitt stated
that owing to the fact thnt ho had been
Miry bu y and that It was taking moiu
time than at llrst estimated , hoMIH not
ready to ninke his reoit | ) of the wntei
consumers , hut would Imve it ready nt
the next mooting of the council.
Albert Degner made nppliuition fern
n pel mit to erect n solid bnik addition
to the rein of IHH Moro building and the
rupiestsas grunted.
The treasuiei's i opart for August ,
showing tlm following balances ( ion-
oral fund * JMM ( , inlmest hind SIMS. II ,
water hind idly i > 7 , road fund iltio is ,
sinking fund i'lldl ? . "i , ( ho dopiutmont
? fif ) , street huht fund fiiO.Si. , was read
and referred to the auditing committee
The following claims were lead and
D J Koemgslein , first ( | iiarter Hilary ,
* 3ft.
J. II Conlev , August salary , killing
dogs , oto , i7 < > M ) .
Martme Kane , August salary , i.'iO
H. II Unit , August salary , fin.
Gail Wilde , for work , salary , postage
nnd freight , $ 'il Oil.
Dr. Hear , city physician , ? IO.
W. II Lowe , surveying , $ ll ! ? , " >
John O'llnnlon , special police , fl ! M )
Perkins HroH , blank book , if 10.
A. II. KieMiu , supplies , fl fifi
F. Klont/ , street sprinkling , * : . ' ( )
A. K. Leonard , formaldehyde , $1
Nebraska Telephone Co , telephone
rent for August , * I W.
Nebraska Telephone Co , telephone
rent for September , $1 'fi
D. A Signer , hauling hose cart to
lire , f J.
C. F. Upton , hauling hobo cart to fire ,
s ; >
M. K. ( ireon , hook and ladder truck ,
to fire , W.
Itoy Leo , hauling ho o cart to two flies
and hook and ladder to ono fire and
dniying , * 7 . "iO.
Fred Lou , August salary and labor ,
f so no.
Al Degner , hnrd\\ are , * 1 50.
Chauncy Crank , mowing weeds , $1
M. Abrnhainian , mowing weeds , * ! ! TJ
John Donning , mowing weeds , * ! I 8" )
Ferd. Thomas , mowing weeds , f' ) .
Win Zastrow , mowing weeds , t" ' W
Frank Sicohlng , Inbor on streets ,
? I1 2fl.
August Pasownlk , material and labor ,
i.7.C.O. .
J. C. Stitt , four months' snlnry , $100
Hurley Widnuinn , extra fireman ,
C. W , Braufcch , coal to water works ,
12-1 ! ) ! ) .
Oscar Uhlo , bupphes to water works ,
? 1 ! ! 0.
Otto Buckel , bolts and screws for
fountains , 7fi cents.
Reynolds ic * Stewart , repairing boiler
and pumps , ifl " > .
Ferd. Thomas , part of ditch contract ,
J5. .
Norfolk Printing Co , bill for print
ing. * ! W ill , allowed , * , > ! 91.
C. F. Upton , hauling hose carts to
fire , # ! ; allowel , * 2.
O. A. Richoy , hauling hose cart to
three fires , * 7 , allowed , ? ( ' , .
L. Wet/el , salary and extra work and
repairs , flC. 70 ; allowed , lfi 80.
W. N. Hube , printing and supplies ,
F. Klentz , drayage , ? 1.
The bill of W. II. Rish , fl fiO , for re
pairs was referred to Water Commis
siouer Stitt for approval.
Bill of M. II. Collnmer , ? 17.CO , for
groceries furnished smallpox patients ,
was not allowed.
The petition nnd bond of Stitt Ai
White for n plumber's liccnso were ex
amined , found to bo sufficient and the
license was granted.
The council adjourned.
Wo make loans on real estate at
lowest rates. Elkhorn Building nnd
Savings association. T. E. ODIORNE Seo.
Store Fixtures.
Get our prices on billiard and pool
tables before buying elsewhere ; sold on
easy payments. Our cushions ore
guaranteed for twenty years , nnd nro
mndo by n now vulcanizing process.
Old tables fitted with our cushions are
as good ns now , sntibfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. See our advertisement -
mont of " manager wanted" for lawful
slot machine.
Chicago , III.
Foil SALE Well improved farm on
bottom land two miles from Norfolk ,
flO.OO per ncro. G. R. SEILKII
See the now nobby btreet hats nt Miss
Farm and city loans ,
* < >
County Convention at Mndinon Yes-
lerilay Names Representatives.
The democrntid county convention
was held in Miidinon yoMerday after
noon for the purpose of selecting 17 dol-
ogateH to represent the donuxrutH of
Madison county at the ntnto < omontloii
to bo held in Lincoln on the 17th
The mooting WIIH organi/ed by I ho
selection of J H. Hull ) IIH chairman
and Dr . ) II Mac Imy an secret my
The committee on crodontialHrcpoiled
but one ( onteNt and that fiom Slioll
Crock where a iiuwtion | ot th legality
ol the prinmritH arose ThiH was Hut
tied satlsfactouly and Ilio eoinontlon
prmcoded to ( ho selection of delegateH
The following \\eio < boson
,1 II Hulll.M .1 Kennedy , ( i A
Luikart , IIV Wintoi and Albeit Dug-
nor of Norfolk.
F .1. Halo of P.attloCiook
Uwen O'Noill of Vnlloy
.1 . ) Hughes , Door Creek.
W. P. Warden , Schoolernlt.
Joseph Welionkle , Faux low.
John H Robinson and ( loo. W. LoBoy ,
T. K HuiiHon and A Hoar , > 1ollcrm > n
John Dieter , ( ireon ( iardon.
J. W King , Shollorueh
The nomination of candidateH for
county ollkes WIIH not taken up and the
convention adjourned to moot at Battle
Creole on the i.itli ( , at I p m. foi the
purpONo of naming mieh candidateH.
Foil SAM : Well improved ranch
with so head graded cattle two union
from Bullalo ( lap , b I )
( ! . ] { SHU KU.
Harding'H creamery buttu IH the very
bent. ( iliHsmnn sells it.
Foil SAli : ilOM)0 ( ) lien-Hill North Dn
kotii. For sale on crop payment plan
C H. Si
Califoima s.ilmon at OliHHiiiaii'H
Sturgeon in the piano man.
Nearly 1000 clnldion ontur d tlio pub
lic schools of the city the present week
Tliero are D ! ) pupilH in the High
school , ! ! ( ! of these are in the Tenth
grade ThiH may bo called the bumper
grade of the High school
A spirit of industry and good fellow
ship rarely observed i manifest among
tuai IHTH ami pupils The work for the
coming ycai proimseH to bo \ try sutcess
The scnioi clnbH loi-t four of its num
ber the past summer Three girlH and
ahoy. Their nauuH nro Allettix Stewart -
art , Floremo Parker , May Somurs and
Arthur Overtoil.
Mina McNeely of the class of Jto ! | IH
taking bookkeeping in the High sthool.
While at hchool Miss McNooloy com-
plotul the Liitin course which does not
include bookkeeping.
Vacating ono room of the Grant
school required the dividing of some of
the grades of thatHchool. MissMtHndo
has the First grade and n part of the
Second , MIBH Mullen has the Second
grade with a part of the Third , Miss
Hoes , has the Third and Fourth grades
and Miss Watson has the Fifth. AH nt
present distributed Miss Kuldor hoH If )
pupils , Miss McBride 10 , Miss Mullen
la , Mibs Hees 52 , Miss Watson 1(5. (
Many children are still running nbont
the streets nnd nro nbsent from school.
A Inw passed last winter makes it oblig-
ntory on pnrents or gunrdians to send
their children or wards between 7 and
11 yenrs of ago to school nt least two-
thirds of the school year , which means
hero 21 weeks. Failure to send
children to school the prescribed time
subjects parents or guardians to a pen
alty of not less than five dollars' and not
more than twenty-five dollars.
WANTED A good girl for geuernl
housework. Mus J J. CLEMU.NTS
Manager Wanted.
Mnnnger wanted in every largo
county to appoint ngents for the famous
"Game 0' Skill" nickel slot machine for
drinks or cigars , lawful everywhere ,
takes place of all forbidden blot
machines Rented or sold on easy pay
ments. Secure territory quick
Chicago , 111
things in Velvets , Silks , Ribbons
bens , Brensts nnd Buckles * .
All the Xew Hendy to wear
J. & E. DURItAfiD
1 M I ) . Tyl
AttorneyH lit Lnn ,
Norfolk , Nohrn lit
Homeopathic l'liHli'lan anil Surgeon
Olllrn , nilroiiN Nnlldiinl Hunk lliillillii ,
Tnliiiilmiin 101.
Hiiiiltarhiin anil KiiHlilonro , Muln niiil ISth Bk
Norfolk , Nobninkn.
Olllrn nun Cllljnn'H Niitlnnnl Hunk Ilimldniict
inn ) Mix k noitli ( if Ciiiinti ( ntlcuml ( linrcli ,
Noifolk. Nohinnkn
1'nshloiinhlu Drcstinaltcr
Up | Htiiim llr Cdlldii Modi , mnr llmnn'H nlort
I'linl ( IIIKH \\uili (
Noifolk , . . - Nobrimkn
Ostcopnthic Physician ,
ItiHiniB ( HIT UMJI'H' .Icnujli ) lloiifo Norfolk
AtloriicjN at l.iuu
HIXIIIIH 10 , II mid 12 , Maul block.
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
IfniU-rlnKcrs and IJ
BoKHiotiH Hlk Norfolk Av .
Norfolk , - - Nebraska
For Iliiinliiiig , Steam Filling , rumps ,
Wind Mills
Anil all work In tlutt line call on
Hi , t inflict Ion Onarantnml.
Kind door hontii of Tin : Dui.v NIWH Olllco.
l.navoorilorH at A K Ijiiur'Uirn n olliro
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter.
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
fifitlHfactlon Guaranteed on all Work
Flrnt do ir WeHt of Post Ofllco
James Richards , M. D.
And Expert Refrac-
I'znmlnntion of tlio o > OB
fin I l < > patlontH and pnIrons Olllco 1101
I'lirninn St Oinahn oppotiito I'axton Hotel.
Plqmbing and Steam fitting
First-class Work nnd
Reasonable Prices.
Shop in the old Laundry Building on
South Fourth St.
. .TRY. . . .
Sale and .
Boarding Barn.
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission ,
Uraiucti Avenue I
and Third St. PHONE 44