THE EEKLY NEWS-JOTJRNAI NORFOLK , NKURASKA , FRIDAY , SKITKMItKR I ! , HIDI. Intervenes in the South Amer ican Trouble. OPEN BREACH OF NEUTRALITY , Sends Well Equipped Army and Ves sels of War Against Colombia Evi dently Intends to DC Active In Reb els' Interests. Washington , Sept. G. A cablegram was received lioro yesterday from an authoritative source In Callao , Colom bia , near the Ecuadorean border , stat ing that Ecuador had Intervened aa against Colombia with an army well equipped anil with vessels of war. Under these circumstances the cable gram states that It will be necessary to meet the move of Ecuador by hav ing Colombian war vessels in Pa'clflc II waters near the Colombian-Ecuador frontier. The Information In the ? cablegram \f \ f Is considered clear evidence of Ecua- I * I dor's Intention to Join forces with the | > rebellious element on the Isthmus of j [ ' / Panama. Until now Ecuador has maintained strict neutrality , but thoM M cablegram received yesterday la- In. catcs that the first overt move against ; jf Colombia has been made. REFUSE TO HEAR MESSAGE. Methodists at London Will Not Listen i to Reading of Archbishop's Note. London , Sept. G. The ecumenical Methodist conference unanimously de clined to hear the secretary read the nessago of the archbishop of Canter bury , In which he expressed a hope that some day the Methodists would ( be united with the Episcopalians , and I on similar import the message of the bishop of London on the ground that they had been addressed to the editor of a religious newspaper and not to the conference. Dr. Leonard of Now York thanked God for what Great Britain was doing In South Africa and expressed the hope that the war would soon end with the union jack floating. Ninety Entered In Automobile Race. New York , Sept. G. When the entry list for the automobile club of Amer- X lea's endurance run to Buffalo was closed last night , 90 cheffeurs had entered. Cole t el John Jacob Astor was the last to enter. Altogether there will bo 150 vehicles In the mile long procession. The start will be made from the Automobile club house at Fifty-eighth street and Fifth'ave nue next Monday morning at 8 o'clock. William K. Vanderbllt , Jr. , will make the trip In a beautiful white vehicle which ho recently received from abroad. Confesses to Starting Orpheon Fire. Chicago , Sept. G. The flre which threatened Tuesday night to destroy the building in which the Orpheon theater is located was started by An ton J. Kalkus , proprietor of a tailor shop In the building. Kalkus has made a. confession that ho sot the building on fire to defraud an Insurance com pany out of Insurance which ho car ried. According to the officers to whom the confession was made , Kal- 1ms hoped to take advantage of a legal fight over possession of the theater to ward off suspicion from himself. Dumont to Try It Again. Paris , Sept. G. M. Santos-Dumont , the Brazilian aeronaut , yesterday made an experimental captive ascent In his now airship , ascending 150 metres. On descending he expressed himself as entirely satisfied with the Improved machine , and announced that this afternoon he would make a formal attempt to win the prize of 100,000 francs offered by M. Deutsch for a dirigible balloon. Kitchener to Stay. London , Sept. C. "I am authorized to state , " says the Pretoria corre spondent of the Daily Telegraph , "that Lord Kitchener is not going home , but will finish the task assigned rulra here. General Lyttleton will replace General Hildyard , who Is going to leave. " Hundreds Dying of Hunger. London , Sept. G. "Russian newspa pers are forbidden to refer to famine conditions In Russia , " says the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Mall , "because hunger , typhus and scurvy have broken out In many dis tricts aod hundreds are dying dally. " Czar Fears Anarchists. London , Sept. G. "A member of the Russian Imperial eulto asserts that Emperor Nicholas would have liked to visit Paris/'says a dispatch to the Dally Mall from Copenhagen , "but ho has been dissuaded by his private police , who fear an anarchist outrage. " Ranger Reaches Panama. Colon , Colombia , Sept. G. The tem porary scare caused hero by the activ n ity ot the rebels at Gauton , on the outskirts of Colon , has passed. Every thing Is quiet. The Ranger , Com mander Wells L. Field , arrived yester day at Panama. i Charge Holdup to Negroes. Audubon , la. , Sept. G. C. E. Mcrtz of Gray was hold up on Main street yesterday nnd relieved of about $60. Three negroes attending the fair hero arrested on suspicion. M'KINLEY SHOT. President Assassinated While Making a Speech in Buffalo. Oinahn , Sept. 0 , I p. m. It is reported hero that President McKinley was shot twice while making a speech tit Buffalo today. The report states that the wounds will probablv nrovo fatal , al though the president ia still allvo. The assassin is under arrest. Further particulars arc expected every moment. Omaha , Sept. 0 , 4:15 p. in. The latest report is that the president in dead. Ho was shot twice through the stouiaoh. He was making a speech at the Oathodral of Music. IOWA MAN ROBBED OF $29,000. John Kempley of Fort Dodge Loses the Proceeds of His Farm Sale. Los Angeles , Cal. , Sept. C. Flvo packages of $100 bills , amounting to $29,000 , wore stolen yesterday from a trunk in a cottage at Long Deach , a seaside resort 20k miles from this city. The money was the property of John Kompley , who came to Long Beach from Fort Dodge , la. , five months ago , accompanied by his wife and married daughter , Mrs. Hannah Wonders. Kempley concluded to sell his 240- acre farm in Iowa ami remain In south ern California. Ho had concluded the bargain with Dr. O. L. Woodworth and a deed was delivered to the doctor upon the pa > ment of $29,000. The money had been placed In a trunk. IOWA SOCIALISTS NAME TICKET. Nominations Made at State Conven tion at Des Molnes. Des Molnes , Sept. C. The Socialist party of Iowa met in state convention yesterday and nominated the follow ing ticket : For governor , James Baxter - ter , Hiteman ; lieutenant governor , W. A. Jacobs , Davenport ; , Judge of supreme court , A. F. Thomplbn , Con- tervlllo ; railway commissioner , H. C. Mlrfdlebrook , Rock Rapids ; superin tendent of public Instruction , E. E. Stevens , Burlington. Fifteen coun ties were represented by 18 delegates. The platform endorses that of the United Socialistic party adopted at Indianapolis , July 29. SEN& $ FOR WITNESSES. Ordered to Washington for Conference With Schley's Attorneys. Washington , Sept. C. Telegrams were sent by the navy department yesterday to about 15 of the witnesses asked for by Admiral Schley in the coming court of inquiry to proceed to Washington for a conference- with the admiral's attorneys. These witnesses are located nearly all in the east , mainly Newport , Philadelphia and New York. After the conference they will return to their respective homes and will be ordered to Washington again when Admiral Schley's attor neys are ready to call them before the court. Norwegian-Danish Conference. St. Paul , Sept. G. The Norwegian- Danish Methodist church , embracing a territory from the Allegheny the Rocky mountains , formally open l its 22d annual conference yesterday at the Norwegian church. Bishop H. C. Fowler of Buffalo presided. Rev. H. G. Tolefoson delivered the address of welcome , which was responded to by Presiding Elder O. L. Manson. One hundred ministers from Illinois. Iowa , Nebraska , Michigan , Minnesota and the Dakotas and several hundred lay delegates are in attendance. The conference commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian-Danish church in this country. Hay Fever Association. Marquette , Mich. , Sept. G. The first annual business meeting of the North western Hay Fever association waa held here yesterday. The session was opened by a short address of welcome by President Roe , following which the reports of the officers were read and approved. Old officers were ro- elected. Roosevelt In Vermont. Burlington , Vt. , Sept. G. Vice Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt arrived in this city yesterday afternoon by spe cial train from Proctor , where ho was the guest of United States Senator Proctor at luncheon , after speaking at the state fair at Rutland yesterday morning. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. "Russia is said to be arranging a settlement of the Franco-Turkish quarrel. The pictorial history of the Spanish war will not be ready for publication for a year or more. The summer homo of Mrs. George William Curtis at Springfield , Masa. , was destroyed by flre. Opinion Prevails Agreement Has Been Reached. WORKING HARD ON PEACE PLAN. Amalgamated Advisory Board Draws Dead Line on RcporVvhi nnd Noth ing Positive Is Obtainable Shaffer and Williams Are Absentees. Plttsburg. Sept. G. The prevailing opinion in I'lttHburg IB that the great BU'cl strike is practically Bottled , but absolutely nothing positive can bu lunrncd Iroin olthur sldu to the con troversy. The day was spent by the Amalgamated advisory board in secret conference behind doora Hint were guarded closer than ever before. The newspaper "dead lino" was drawn most efft'i'tiially. When the final ad- JourmiHMit for the day ciunc , nt about G:3j : ( p. in. , those who had been Insldo headquarters refused to nay a word In answer to Insistent questions , or volunteered no statement. When the meeting was over , It was learned for the first tlmo that Presi dent Shaffer had not been with his colleagues during the afternoon BCS- Blon. Secretary Williams also disap peared shortly after the adjournment. It was learned that at the request of the conciliation committee Mr. Schwab agreed to extend the tlmo for the acceptance of his offer to this evening. The advisory board of the Amalgamated association will meet In Plttsburg today to consider Mr. Schwab's proposition. This , tt is un derstood , differs from Mr. Ptyrgan's proposition In only that It stipulates the mills which the United States Steel corporation had succeeded in opening as nonunion mills should re main nonunion , the company being unwilling to abrogate the contracts It lias made with the men now at work In.tilioso mills. The only approach to a statement of the condition of affairs was made by Trustee Pierce , who said it was Im possible to accept the proposition made by the steel corporation , as by doing so some of the members of the Amalgamated association would suf fer. "It would bo unjust to our mem bers , " said Mr. Pierce , "to accept such terms. Wo have made no counter proposition and still insist on the terms made and are willing to arbi trate. The commltteo that visited President Schwab had no authority from the Amalgamated association to eettlo the dispute. The members were acting on their own responsibility. Ttyo strike is In the same position to day , as It was before the conference was held in Now York. The local sit uation Is practically unchanged , but It is in better shape than it was last weak. We have made some gains and are still confident that we will win. It will be impossible for the combine to operate its plants satisfactorily without the aid of Amalgamated men. " Mr. Pierce would not say that all negotiations had been broken off , and his intimation that the association IK willing to arbitrate would indicate that all has not been abandoned. Aside from the mysterious confer cure , there was nothing much of a startling nature transpired in this city. The steel officials claim a \ > \K \ gain in the addition of 225 men at the National Tube works at McKeesporl making the total number nt work G25 , and accessions at the Pennsylvania Tube works and Continental Tube plant in this city. The strikers offset this by claiming that the Demmlei tin mill could not be started yester day , as officially scheduled , because ol the lack of men. The only trouble reported from any district yestor Bas that from Canal Dover , whcreTMnnager Kl ! " the Bheet steel njpttf vaa knocked down nnd narrowly escaped severe treat ment at the hands of a party of 'strllo crs. crs.Advices Advices from Canal Dover , O. , say : "The attempt to operate the mills at this place has been a failure. Two mills started three days ago. Last night the flres v ro drawn. The com bine has darned for some \days to have enough men to operate at least four mills. The strikers have denied this and declared Mt would bo impossi ble to run the mills with the men in the mills at present. It was learned that there arc GO men within the mill enclosure. " May Refuse Carnegie's Gift. Sharon , Pa. , Sept. 6. An offer of Andrew Carnegie to place a plpo or gan In the Central Presbyterian church at New Castle Is meeting with bitter opposition and serious trouble In the congregation Is threatened. The gift may bo refused. Mr. Car negie offered New Castle a free library some time ago , but the proposl. tion met with so much opposition that the matter was dropped. Ophlr Sails for Quebec. St. Vincent , Capo Verde Island * . Sept. G. The royal yacht Ophlr. with the duke and ducl."ss of Cornwall and York on board , escorted by the British cruisers Diadem and Nlobe , sailed for Quebec yesterday. Prominent Lawyer Dies. Boone , la. , Sept. G. Hon. R. F. Jor dan died yesterday from the result of burns received Monday while attemptIng - Ing rescue the family horse from a burning barn. BAD SCARE AT JEFFERSON. Wloonslti Tosvn Hno a aixty Thou- and Dollar Fire. . .loffriHdu.VH. | . . Sept. li.Flro whlth Htnrlod In the plant of the \Vlni untUn Mniiufai lining company ainl whldt thivuti'iiiMl to di'Htioy the whole town wan milidiicd lunt night niter running n IOHB of ifiHi.OOO , which IB only partially covered by liibiiranco. The principal IOHCM-H uro the WlHc-oiinln Miiuufiicl urlng company. St. Mnry'ii c hiirch , William Hoc-Koran and O. J. Kt-lHlion Btelner. A number or otliern miflVreil smaller IOHHC'H. The ( Ire WIIH Hpread by binning llrobriindii lioliiK blown over I ho town by u Htrong wind The cltl7.oiin were panic Htrleken and help was Hummoned from adjacent towns COMBINATION CAR CUT IN TWO. Wreck nt Dallas Kills One Man and Destroys Twenty Horses. Dalian , Tex. . Sept. ( i. A Texas and Paellle freight train crashed through a Gulf , Colorado and Santa Fo IUIHHOII ger train at the crossing of the l\\o ronclH here yesterday. The comblita tion buggnge nnd express ear wan cut In two ami the body of Mall Clerk Jackson of Waco WIIB found burled tin der the eub of the freight engine , whleh WIIH badly wrecked. The two freight cars loaded with IIOI-HOH nnd mules were demolished , killing nbout 20 of the iiiilinalH. None of the pua BOIIKCTH WIIH hurt. The cnime of the wreck Is not known. 8TORM WORSE THAN REPORTED. Four Men Injured by Destruction of Ranch Building Near Benkelman. BoiiKolmnii. Neb. , Sept. G. Reports from the country show that Wednes clay night's tornado was worm- than at flrHt reported. Farm hoiiHeB weie wrecked and cropH damaged. At the J. n. Reynoldn ranch n number of men who had been tliroBhlng took refuge In the BtnhloH. Kvery building on thin place was toin to pieces and four men were Injmod. ns follows : James Manse , probably fatally ; Richard Plgg , seriously ; John and Jacob Phil lips , Bltghtly. TEXAS SLEUTHS ALL BUSY. Are Running Down Every Clew In the Cotton Belt Train Robbery. Texarknnn , Ark. , Sept. G. The nix men who robbed the Cotton Belt train at Eylau are Ktlll at large. The blood hounds which were taken to the scene wore of no service , UB the trail was dead. News reached hero that the agent at Red Water , BOVOU miles below the scene of the robbery , shot a man , who is believed to bo one of the ban dits. The entire country Is swarming with officers , who are running down every clew. Fourteen Passengers Injured. Cleveland , Sept. G. Two suburban electric cars , going in opposite direc tions , crashed into each other InsU night near Chagrin Fnlla nnd 1-1 pas sengers and the crows of both earn were more or less seriously injured. A. H. Bailey , agetl 70 years , of Cleve land is thought to bo fatally hurt. A misunderstanding of orders is said to have caused the accident. Burns to Water's Edge. Muscntlno , la. , Sept. G. The Cnngi- val City Packing company's new boat Urania burned to the water's edge hero last night. A number of Burling ton excursionists were on board , re turning home from Davenport , but all escaped. The Urania was valued at $17,000. Preferred Death to School. Atchlson , Kan. , Sept. G. Rather than go to school , 15-year-old Archlo Jaquay , son of A. E , Jaquay , commit ted suicide yesterday. The boy re belled at going to school and when his parents Insisted , ho secured a 38- caliber revolver and shot himself. SHARKS FROM THE WIRES. Albert Morris was shot and killed nt Coffeyvllle , Kan. , by John Nelson , his brother-in-law. - - . King Edward of England has been warned that excitement may seriously affect his health. Sheriff Earl was knocked senseless by an unknown assailant In his ollke at Appleton , Wls. A census bulletin shows that mnlos predominate in North Dakota , Ohio , Oregon nnd Oklahoma. The Tarrant Foundry company is preparing to move irom Chicago to Aurora on account of strikes. Japan resents the alleged out rageous treatment of women by Amer ican quarantine agents M Honolulu The British trades congress is to make an inquiry regarding responsi bility of unions to employers for losses caused by strikes. The National Association of Profes sional Baseball Leagues was organized at a meeting In Chicago Thursday of the 11 minor league presidents. Eight ( students of the Northwestern Military academy left Chicago Thurs day for Washington in automo biles , the purpose being a test of horseless carriages for military pur poses. The Pacific dredge boat operating on Moose creek , near Salmon City , Ida . was blown up by the bursting of a boiler. Superintendent Dunlap was killed and four other men were seri ously Injured. The St. Louis German Methodist Episcopal conference , comprising Illi nois , Missouri , nnd Iowa , opened Its 23d annual session at St. Louis. Bishop Walden of Cincinnati will preside throughout the conference. ITumWi ( i. A IlUlKAKT , I'UKHIIIKNT W II JOIINHON. ( MHIIIKH. I'llAB , H. lIHIIHiK , VldK I'llKHIIIKNT U'O I'ASHV * U.K. AHHT ( AHIIIIIB The Citizens National Bank. Cnpltnl , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000. liny mill nnll niclmiiK" < > HilH rnimtr ) mid nllpiirln ] of Knropo. Turin I.oaim. Director ! . CAIII. AHMUH , W 11. JOIINHON , ( HAH. S lIuruiiK. ( ! W. HIIAAHOII , 0 , M rlwANK. (1. A laiiHAUT T. K MKMMIMIKH. It. HKHHIONH I-M-M-M-H-M MMMM ! Get What You Ask for at A\At \ OIDISKS { arc ( illod promptly ; uul witn care. Our goods sire FIKST-CLASS in every particular. ; We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- ! ! ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. South Bldo Main St. , between 3d and ! ld. Telephone 41. 4 > KING EDWARD VH CICAR Foil SALIS ONLY BY K IKS AIT Dime co. , : ( SKo. u. cmnsTOi'ii , ASA K. UiONAHD. > I TOLL15UTON & STETSON CO. , Sioux City. In - ' Solo DistributorH : . > I..H H H H"H H H H"H I H-KM--H-H--MH ; > I"H I--H ' ill , r * A UNDS Mate Right With our modern Now Century That snappy taste and rich flavor Ilrowory wo lnivo perfect facilities you llko so well is secured by for propnrlnR n hrow that surpasses proper anoint ? . all compatltloii. Guuil'a boor hold. unJ Jour numo and nildrcin and we will mull > nu our lltliiicriftpht > il liiMtLlct tfltlnir u tli-acrlptton itftlil * fumuui brew try. JOHN QUND BREWING CO. , La Crosse , Wls. Railroad and Business Directory. IIbfl O O CQ < u j = H R. R. TIME TABLE. Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley. EAST DEPART. Omiilm Passenger . tlitClRm Chicago ExproBB . l'J.40s > m i\ir AKUIVK ChicHKo Kzprpfis . 7'J : > pm Omiilm 1'iiBnUiKor . UIOp : in W KST. IlEl'AltT. Illnck llillfl rviprocfi . 7 : 10 pin VonllKru I'uheptJK'or . 12:40p : m Vonlik'ro Accommodation . 9. (10 am WKHT. AnBlVE. Hlack IU1U Express . U'JUpm Vonll ro l'R B < m er . a5am Verdlgro Accommodation . 7 :20 : p m The Chicago and Hlack Hill * Ezprewi amvos and ( loparts from Junction depot Tim Omatia and Verdlgre trains urrivo and depart from city depot. H. C. MATBAC , Aicent , Union Pacific. BOCTII. DEPART. Columbus Accommodation . 4lSpm : Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast . H HXa m NOBTII. ARBIVK Columbus Ace mmodatlon . lOiSOpm Omaha , Ncnvor and I'acitlc coast . 9HXpm ) Conurmtf at Norfolk with F. , K A M. N . oiu west nnd north , ami with the C. St. P. M. A O. for points north and oait. F.V. . JUNKMAN , A cnt. Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. KA8T. DtPABT. Hlonx City and Omaha Passenger. .tt:30am : Sioux ( MtyPassonffer l0pra \\K8T. ABHIVE Slonx City Paiwmgcr 10:35 : am Siocx Olty and Omaha Pafwnii > r . . . 7:30pm : Connects at Norfolk with F. , K. .t M. \ . oinjc west and north , and with the U P for points tqiith F W. JUNKMAN. Agent. Daify except Sunday C. S. HAYES , r Fine Watch Repairing. MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER , Him in Hroo ' Store. Spanoep & Ovalmon Boots and Shoes , Repairing Neatly Done. J.B.HERMANN , Contractor and Builder 11 7 Fourth Street. AE. . SPAULD1NQ , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenue. IflSpEP'S Cheapest and Best. Norfolk Avenue d. W.EDWARDS ALL. WOKK OtIABASTEED. Cor , linvascU ave and 4th St , The Horfolk Hopseshoer