The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 30, 1901, Page 2, Image 3

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\V. N. UUBl'J. ' I'ubilHluir.
KitnltlUliP.1. JH.VT.
1vnry I\T ( cxcopi Sntulny , lly currier for
week , IS coutt. lljr mnll l > nr jonr , itl.OU.
Tim Ncrwn , ritntillrliml 1M | ,
Tlin Jniminl , fflnlillflird 1K77.
Kveiy Frhlny. r mull nor > oi r , $ I.M > .
Kiil rt > < > i l tlis 1'oMolllco at Norfolk , Neh. , nt
clnn inntlpr.
iilinnri'i Killtorliil Oopnrtmntit , No , 22 {
timliipff Olllco mill Jon Kuoiui. No. H22.
Apples nro n vnhwblo crop , especially
this yenr , and thu man who Jinn nil or-
cliurd with npph'it on IH nbout us fortu
nate IIH tlio man with u corn fluid bearIng -
Ing I'nra. A limn in MiMiouri recently
Hold thu product of n 1,000 acre orchard
for f fit , ( XX ) cnBh , it being obtinmtud thai
it would yield 100,000 barrels of fiuit
The iiurohiiH ( > r will do nil picking and
packing mill tnko all chances of HtorniH
Fifty-four dollarH mi ami in not at all
bad for ono crop.
Judge Harm H and hlH frionilB havt >
every reason to 1) proud of hlH showing
Iwiforo the republican state convention ,
although not successful on the main
point they feel that the development
of the convention fully repaid them for
tholr olTorts mid they have learned that
MadlBou county has tried and true
frlcnilH mnoiiK her neighbors. Mr.
Unrnos1 strength on the Unit ballot wan
V.M1J votcB , which gnvo him third place ,
mid indicated that lit ) was held high in
the ostlmation of a largo number of del-
cgnteH. All uelKhborliiK counties gave
Madison county's candidate good support -
port with the exception of Stanton , and
the conviction IB forced that the boyn
down there permitted the wrong olo-
juent of the party to control. Not n
vote wns given from Stantoa in aid ol
Harnes' candidacy. Antelope WIIB in
line with ltn entire strength of M votes.
Hoono was likewise solidly for him with
18 , Brown divided , giving two votes to
ttnrucs. Dodge did the right thing bj
giving 20 of her 27 votes. Other
counties Mipporting Barnes were.
Cedar 15 , Cherry 10 , Oolfax 11 , Ouinliu-
5 , Dakota It , Dixon M , Hailan 1 , Holt
M , Koya Palm f > , Knox 17 , Lancaster ! t ,
Nnucott , Pierce 10 , Plntto-J , Hock (5 (
Sheridan 7 , Thurston 0 , Washington 11 ,
Wayne 111.
ItopulillunnlHiii I'
The republicans of Nobrnskn have n
right to feel proud of the action of tholi
delegates to the republican state conven
tion held at Lincoln Wednesday. Thoj
took n btanrt on every question coiuliip
up for their coiiHldonvtion that iiulicntot1
n desire to servo the best interests of thi
party and the state niul thuy have laii
the foundation for n winning light at
the polls the coming campaign. Evur.\
plunk in the platform is as the people
would hiivo it mid is an instrument
that none need book an excuse for sup
porting. It is clear , concise , and sponkt
on public questions with no effort at
equivocation or evasion.
The plank favoring the return o'
.lin-tloy to prison is especially commend
nblo , being handled without impuniu .
the motive of the governor , who it
given credit for an endeavor to servi
the best interests of his constituents
Their stand on the matter is determined
however , and Governor Savngo is to bt
congratulated for subordinating his opin
ion and promptly complying with tin
popular demand as expressed by the rep
resentatives of the republican party.
Their endorsement of the policies ol
the national administration is a worth ;
tribute to the grandest , most progressive
government this or any other nation
has over known. It is a stand for truth
mid right in the face of adverse ciiti
clems of the party's enemies and will
redound to the credit of Nebraska re
The demand thnt custodians of public
monies give true nnd faithful account'
ings of the various funds entrusted to
their care , la n demand which Khoulr
Imvo the hearty endorsement of all
voters , regardless of party.
Their stand against coercion , tht
black list and the boycott , and in favor
of every man being allowed to enjoy
the fruits of his labor without bin-
draco ) , is in accord with the popular
wil' , as is also the ileuuueiiv ion t f law
less practices of whatever nature.
The demand for fair and equitable
taxation will appeal to the justice of
every property owner , regardless of his
holdings , who must recoguizo that a
fair distribution of taxation is not only
just , but that nil will be benefited there
Irrigation , under state and national
laws , is given unqualified encourage
ment and it is ret oguized that with the
party back of this matter the state
will one dny be the garden spot of the
country , if not of the world.
The nomination of Hon. S. H. Sedge-
wick of York , for supreme judge is evi
dence ol the ability of the party to
gracefully snrmouut difficulties with
unalloyed credit. The convention
was handicapped with an abundance
of good material , It is an eat-y
matter to select a worthy candi
date when there is but one who stands
bead and shoulders above all others in
point of fitness and ability , but when
the field is composed of all good men
\ the difficulty is to make a choice that
will meet with popular approval and
leave no ll't'o ivi itwnu'he part of
othi it ' - > . . - . : : . . tuls. The
convention did this nnd did it well. J
ThiTii IH probably not n candidate bo-
foni the convention but will pull off his
coat and do hlH utmoHt for llto micei-m
of the ticket and there are none to qncH-
tion thu ability of the ono named for the
p Hltion. It wrwn happy settlement of
an Intricate matter.
The candidates for rcgentfl are good
men and true nnd there IH no outcome
of the convention but thnt mon of the
party can nupport with confidence and
fervor. KmmilcH of the party are put to
rout nnd they cmnnot pick n ll.iw that
will Htand the 1 ght of Investigation.
The HUCCOHM of the ticket now depends
luly on purty organisation nnd the
htmrty support of IIH immibtini. If the
uountloH now do an wtill as thu Htato in
H"li'tttMK ! mon the approaching campaign j
will undoubtedly close with success to
( lie ticket.
A I'aliilrr In n
\VMIilni ; to iiiuUe a study of a portion
tion ol' tinHwnnip near KAkuwn \ , In
rypt. I Met up my cam1 ! on thu edge
of a pool where the ground seemed a
little ( Inner than the rest. Quickly
becoming engrosHed In my work , I did
not notice that I WIIH nlovvly Kinking
until I found that my sketching Htool
had nearly dlsnppenied and my legti
weio Imbedded In ( he mud almost up
to my knees. With the breaking of
the Htirfaee enis ( the black slime gin-t
out most horrible odors , and smnll
stinging Hies , liberated from the earth ,
qnk'kly covered me , crawling up my
legs nnd anus , while the mosquitoes ,
combining In the attack , eventually
drove me from my half Mulshed work.
Though really quite clear , the water
was so alive with mosquito grubs as
to appear almost opaque. Ily thou
sands every moment ( he grubs would
come to the surface , either crawling
up the rushes or floating , and the outer
shells soon eraeklng In the sun left the
lltlle liweets at liberty. A few seconds
ends sullleed to dry their wings nnd
give them life and strength , nnd then
with hum and bir/z they Joined their
brothel s In the air , hovering In thou
sands like n cloud of black smoke over
thu stagnant pond from which they
sprang. Then I was discovered a rare
benne bouehe for those parts and a
rapid retreat became Imperative. H.
Talbot Kelly In Century.
Tin- Irony of I'ntr.
Spraklng of the queer llukea of luck
In the goldllelds of Alaska , n writer In
Aluslee's Mnga/.lno says :
"Often after the 'p'luIs ' made acci
dent , disease or death steps In to pre
vent Its legitimate enjoyment.
"Ono man dropped dead when at the
weighing of the llrst clean up ho found
himself a rich man. There was some
thing wrong with bin heait. Ho had
the physical strength to make the light
against bad food and water , to endure
the back breaking toll of developing
uul working out and all the strain of
the uncertainty that went before. The
supreme moment of success was more
than he could stand , and the use of
the gold passed from him with Its ac
'A certain James Monde lay down
with typhoid fever In an outlying camp
Just as he was starting for home with
the accumulations of the year , nnd be
and his bag of dust entered Dawson
together on a litter. It took six men
to bring him In alternating four to
carry and two to rest and ho paid
each man $ l.r > a day. Once In Dawson
Meade seemed to grow better , and
when his sailing day came he walked
to the boat. He reached the wharf and
fell dead as he wns about to go
aboard. "
Sareiimii From ( he Pnlplt.
"Hnuldren and slstahs , " sternly snld
good old I'arson Woollmon after the
collection had been taken up upon n
recent Sabbath morning , "before the
hat was done parsed I expounded the
request dat de congregation contribute
accawdln to delr means , and 1 she ex
pectorated dat yo1 all would chip In
magnanimously. Hut now , upon ex-
amlnln de collection , 1 Muds thnt de
concocted amount contributed by do
whole posse oh yo' nm only the signifi
cant nnd pusillanimous sum of slxtv-
free cents. And at dls Junction dar
ain't no 'caslon for yo' all to look at
Hrudder Slewfoot , what done circum
ambulated dc hat around , In no such
auspicious manner , for. In do fust
place , Hrudder Slewfoot ain't dat kind
of a man , and , In the second place , I
done watched him llko a hawk all dc
time muhself. No , sixty-free cents was
all dat wns Hung In , anil I dess wants
to say dat. In my humble opinion , In
stead ob contrlbutln nccawdln to yo'
means , yo' all contributed accawdlu to
yo' meanness. De choir will now fa
vor us wld delr reg'lar melodiousness. "
Harper's Hazar.
Our rir Woman Hilltor. I
According to the Hartford Couraut ,
that paper In 1777 was owned and ed
ited and managed by a woman , whose
name comes down to modern days as
"the Widow Watson. " She had "exclu
sive charge" of the Journal. After a
couple of years Mrs. Watson married
a leading citizen of Hartford , and after
that date she no doubt let him advise
and assist In the conduct of thu paper.
Hut she holds the record for the first
woman editor In the country.
Tool * nnd
Despite all the attacks upon machin
ery , an age without tools Is an ago of
drudgery nnd degradation. If once
men tolled 10 hours a day , with a sin
gle stroke Watt's engine cut off two
hours In the morning for rest nnd two
hours nt night for reading. The mod
ern home , with n thousand nnd ono
comforts , Is the gift of tools. Wo now
compel steel fingers , steel knives , steel
wheels nud steel wires to do our work.
Take away our tools and civilization
would go back 100 years. Newell
Dwlght Hlllls In Woman's Homo Com
„ -i
Arm and Leg Discovered in
Cave Near Ward's Cabin ,
Fifty Men Searching Premises Near
Pluma for Further Traces of the
Missing Man Brother of Alleged
Murderer Arrested.
Ueadwood , S. D. , Aug. 30. An nnn
nml a log of n hiimnn body were found
In n small cnvo nt the rear of Ward'a
cabin , netir Pluma , yeatcrday. To all
outward appearances the members of
the body had been placed there recent
ly , and It IB generally supposed that
they are a portion of the body of Kirk
Shophard , the uecopd brother , who
has been missing for over n month.
I3ugeno Ward , the brother of the al
leged murderer , was arrostcd again
yesterday and placed In Jail , on the be
lief that ho has been working with his
brothers on the murdorH.
W. H. Ward , who la In jail , retains
his composureanil still denies knowIng -
Ing anything about the disappearance
of the brothers. Fifty men nro search
ing the promises for the remainder of
the body. The excitement Is again nt
whlto heat.
At Ward's preliminary hearing a
witness stated thnt Wnrd had told
Harley Shophnrd , n brother of the two
who hnvo disappeared , that In case the
bodies of the two were found on his
promises Hurley would bo blamed for
It nnd thnt he ought not to hnvo run
Officials Say Mills Arc Filling Up.
Strikers Deny This.
Plttsburg , Aug. 30. Olllclnls of the
mills of the United States Miocl corpor
ation that wore closed by tlio strfke
of the Amalgamated association stated
thnt they nro iccelvlng many applica
tions from former employes for work.
The unnouncoment that the company
would start the mills nonunion lias ,
the oillclnls believe , caused a weak
ness In the ranks of the strikers. The
strikers claim that their ranks are unbroken -
broken and strong as ever.
Reports from outside points Indi
cate no change whatever In the strike
situation. Much Interest Is being
taken at McKccsport over the nn-
nouiicoment that the Dommler plant
will Bur ly bo started on Monday , nnd
the sf' ' trs say every possible effort
will UL mndo peaceably anil lawfully
to prevent the company making a suc
cess of Its venture.
The plan of arbitration for the set
tlement of the great steel strike , of
fered by Simon Burns has been re
jected by President Schwab of the
steel trust. Another proposition will
ho submitted to him by Mr. Burns.
President Shaffer denies that Amal
gamated lodges are voting on any pro
posal for calling the strike off.
Adopt Resolutions at Hazelton.
Hazolton , Pa. , Aug. 30. With the
adoption of the report of the commit
tee on resolutions , the United Mine
Workers practically finished their
work. The recommendations recom
mend written Instead of verbal agree
ments with all the coal companies ,
strict compliance with the present con
tract , continuation of the card Inspec
tion system as now conducted , nnd
Instruct President Mitchell and the dis
trict presidents to confer with the coal
companies regarding card Inspection
and violation of agreements and to ar
range for a joint conference. These
officers aie Invested with power to de
clnre a strike If contracts now in force
are not lived up to.
Mine Owners Employing Guards.
Fort Scott , Kan. , Aug. 30. In antic
ipation of a serious strike at the "Big
Four" coal mines In southeastern Kan
sns , the companies have representa
tives here employing guards to protect
nonunion men or those who refuse to
strike. The company furnishes them
with arms and will , it is said , station
them inside the stockades built about
the different mines. It was with the
assistance of such that the companies
were enabled to successfully combat
the strikers two years ago. The feelIng -
Ing Is becoming stronger dally thnt
a mnjorlty of the 45,000 men In the dis
trict will go out on Sept. 1.
Francis Eludes Pursuers.
Kansas City , Aug. 30. Bossle Fran
cis , the murderer of Miss Mary Hen
derson at Columbus , Mo. , on Tuesdny
evening , has thus far eluded his pur
suers , nnd the large posse thnt has
been searching for him partially dis
banded , discouraged over the failure
of the efforts , after having been , as
they supposed , at the point of captur
ing the negro.
Jensen-Wlobe Wedding.
Beatrice , Neb. , Aug. 30. Miss Kath-
erlnc Jensen , daughter of Hon. Peter
Jensen , special United States commis
sioner to Russia , was married to Gor-
hardt Wlobe , a merchant of Beatrice ,
at the home of the bride's parents at
Jensen , Neb. , yesterday afternoon.
Convict Commits Suicide.
Lansing. Kan. . Aug. 30. William
Johnson , a four-year convict , commit
ted suicide at the state penitentiary
here yesterday by drinking a large
quantity of alcohol. He was sent up
from Dodge City and had three years
to serve.
j Textile Strike at Columbia.
1 Columbia , S. C. , Aug. 30. The strike
of the textile union continues. Yes
terday showed no signs of weakening
on either Bide. The mill officials and
their operatives each predict defeat
for the other.
Coler , Peabody and Low Named.
New York , Aug. 30. The conference
once committee of the Citizens' union
Relucted three out of the six names
to bo recommended to the committee
of 107 , and later to the general con
ference of the anti-Tammany organiza
tion for thu fusion nomination for
mayor of Oreater New York. The
throe names selected are : George Fos
ter I'eabody. banker , Independent-Dem
ocrat ; Bird 8. Coler , comptroller , Dem
ocrat ; Seth Low , president of Colum
bia university , Republican.
Fire Raging at Scranton , la.
DPS Molues , Aug. 30 , A messaga
from Sri union , la. , received Ihls mornIng -
Ing , sayH a flro has deslroyed 17 busi
ness lioiiHCP. V a loss of about $50,000.
1 he flro Is H'lll beyond control.
In an accident duu to a spreading
rail on the Southern railroad near
Hast St. Loulo Thursday , KrunU Hue Ho.
chief car Inspector of the road , lost
his life , Elmer Drum , fireman , was fa
tally and Scott McISlnory , engineer , se
riously Injured.
Ttio HIllK-lllllw.
The ring-lull does not disdain an In-
nect diet. Beetles , grasshoppers , lo
custs and termites aie all readily de
voured , as well us ticks and bets pick
ed from the hides of cuttle. I have
sometimes amused myself by watching
the bold yet cautious and gentle man
ner In which one of these ravens will
approach a reclining ox and , after a
piellmlnary course of soothing caress'
es. nccompiinled by a soft "cawing"
note. Insert his head Into the ear and
dexterously extract the tlck.s. These
birds always seem to have a good un
del-standing with the older and more
experienced oxen , who will , at a hint
fiom one of them , lie down nnd place
themselves In the most favorable posh
tlon for the extraction of their para-
sites. Stnrk'H Hlrds of South Africa.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Madison
county , Nebraska Juliana L. Olebon ,
plaintiff , vs Mary A. Smith , defendant.
Miiry A. Smith , the above named de
fendant , will take notice that on the
20th day of July , 1K)1 ! ) , the above named
plaintiff filt'd a petition in the district
court of Madison county , Nebraska ,
agaimt you , as defendant , the object
and prayer of which are to have can
celled and satisfied of record , a cer'ain
mortgage on the northeast quarter ( no
\ $ ) of bectiou twenty-four (24) ( ) in town
ship twenty-three (23) ( ) north , range
three ( ! ! ) wet-t of the 3rd. P. M. Madi
son county , Nebraska , dated September
28th , 1S95 , dno in about thr e years from
its date , and made by plaiutitl' to W. H.
Bncholz , guardian , but which said mort
gage , since September , 1& ! > 7 , has been
and is now owned by yon , and the same
has been fully paid by the plaintiff.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the Kith day of Sep
tember , 1901.
JULIANA L. OLF.SON , Plaintiff.
Koiul Notice.
To all whom'it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing on the north bide of a draw
at the northwest corner of section
eighteen (18) ( ) , township twenty-one (21) ( )
north , range (1) ( ) , west of fith p. m. in
Madison county , Nebraska , running
thence east two (2) ( ) miles , passing
around on the north side of a bend in
Union creek in the fcouthwest quarter
of section seven (7) ( ) , township twenty-
one (21) ( ) , range one (1) ( ) , and terminat
ing at the northeast corner of section
seventeen (17) ( ) , township twenty-one
(21) ( ) north , range one (1) ( ) , west of Gth p.
m. , has reported in favor of the estab
lishment therof , and all objections
thereto , or claims for damages , must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or
before noon of the 17th day of Septem
ber A. D. , 1901 , or such road will be es
tablished without reference thereto.
County Olerk.
H < ul Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing nt the southwet-t corner of
section twenty-nine (2SI ( ) , township
twenty-tour (21) ( ) north , range one (1) ( )
west of Cth p. in. in Madison county ,
Nebraska , running thence north one (1) ( )
mile and terminating at the northwest
corner of section twenty-nine (29) ( ) same
township and range , has reported in
favor ot the estnuiisnment tnereoi , ana
all objections thereto , cr claims for dam
ages , must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 24th day
of September A. D. , 1901 , or such road
will be established without reference
thereto. PHIL BAUCII ,
County Clerk.
Komi Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at-the northeast corner of
section five (5) ( ) township twenty-four
(24) ( ) north , range two (2) ( ) west Cth p. in.
in Madison county , Nebraska , running
thence south three (3) ( ) miles and termi
nating at the southeast corner of section
seventeen (17) ( ) , township twenty-four
(24) ( ) north , range two (2) ( ) west of Oth p.
in , has reported in favor of the establish
ment therof , and all objections thereto ,
or claims for damages , must be filed in
the county clerk's office on or before
noon of the 17th day of September A D.
1901 , or such road will bo established
without reference thereto.
County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the southeast corner of
the northeast quarter of section 4 , town
ship 23 north , range 1 west of Gth p. m. ,
and running thence west 100 rods more
or less intersecting with public roads
known as the Norfolk and Madison and
Norfolk and Battle Creek roads , and
terminating at a point not far east of
southwest corner of said quarter section ,
in Madison county , Nebraska , has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof , nnd all objections thereto , or
claims for damages , must be filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon
of the 10th day of October , A D. 1901 , or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL. BAUCII ,
County Clerk.
W. H. rtUCIIOLZ. rrwlilont.
[ . . . .
Norfolk ALKXANDKK IIKAIt , Vice Pretldint
. .
[ K. W. 2UT2 , Cndilor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business ,
Buys nnd Sol la Exchange.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts ilnd Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe ,
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
. , . . . . . . . . .
I cC
0 =
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwatcr Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE Ol.
< SEE >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n '
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
AUGUST 20,1901. ,
Our Second Invoice of
I New Fall Creations received |
o o
I today. They are worthy your |
| inspection.
* * t
. . .CRY
"Two Dogs over One
Bone Seldom Agree. "
When two merchants are after
trade In the same community
and one advertises and the
other doesn't , the advertiser
gets the bulk of It.
This Is assuming thnt his nds are
well written and placed in the me
dium that best covers the ground.
This paper Is the medium for
this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
us Perhaps we can aid you.
We are willing to.
p. E. & P. V. H. f ) . , is the best to ano
from the
North of Nebraska
Osteopathlc Physician.
Office Room * , i and a , Bishop Dlock.
, both acute nnd chronic , successful
ly treated without the use of drugs or knife. I
will bo Desisted in my oillco by my wife , Stella
HoHulnml. All culls promptly answered at
your residence or at my olllce.
Office Hours :
9:00 : to 11:00 : a. m. i:3o : to 4:30 : p. m.
Manicuring ,
Shampooing ,
Baths ?
Rooms on North Ninth Street.
00 TO
W , 0. Hall's Barber Shop ,