The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 30, 1901, Image 1

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, , , , ,
Two Killed and Twenty-eight
! Injured Near Newark.
Accommodation Train on Northern
Central Railroad Wrecked Steam
, Pipes Burst and Add to Horror of
! Accident-Coaches Badly Broken Up.
Nownrlc , N. Y. , Aug. 30. The accom
modation train leaving Sodus Point
over the Northern Central railroad
nnil which arrives in this village at
C o'clock was derailed last night at
Falrvlllo. Engineer William Moaghcr
nnd Howard Tubbs , ticket agent at
Bodus Point , wore klllled and 28 per-
BOHR were injured.
The train was mad a up at Sodus
Point and consisted of four coaches ,
a baggage car and engine , with Will-
lam Meaghor at the throttla. The
train was running nearly 40 miles an
hour. Approaching the station at Pair-
vtllo there Is a curve and gravel pit.
For some unknown reason the engine
jumped the track while passing the
gravel pit. The force of the accident
turned the engine completely around ,
throwing the five cars on their sides.
The train load of some 150 passengers
was thrown Into the ditch and the en
gine and all the cars were badly
broken up.
The cause of the / wreck Is not
Itnown exactly , but It is thought the
rails spread. The country near the
scene of the wreck Is Illicitly popu
lated , and it was not long before
farmers were driving from all direc
tions. The injured and dying were
quickly pulled from the debris and Im
provised conrhrs were made on the
grass. Medical help was summoned
nnd within a short hour several physi
cians were on the scone. Nearly all
the Injured were badly scalded nnd
this was caused by the bursting of
the steam pipes running under the
Appalling Results of Trenton Explo
sion Become Apparent.
Nineteen Are Missing.
Philadelphia , Aug. 30. It developed
yesterday that the result of the ex
plosion of the boiler on the steamer
City of Trenton while on her way up
the Delaware river from this city to
Trenton Wednesday was more appall
ing than was at first supposed. Nine
persons are known positively to bo
dead , at least 19 arc missing , most ol
whom are believed to have been on
the steamer , and two of the Injured
etlll in the hospital probably will die
Although the searchers , consisting
of a corps of city police , have been
dragging the river ever since yester
day , they have been unable to find any
more bodies. That there are more vie
tlms In the river , is the firm belief
of the authorities and their failure to
find additional dead is supposed to be
due to the strong current in the river
at the point where the explosion oc
curred. Th water was pumped out ol
the hull of the burned steamer , after
which a careful search was made for
adltional victims , but none were
As to the exact cause of the oxplo
filon nothing is known , but a rigid In
vestlgation Is to be conducted at once
Many of the passengers who escapee
maintain that the City of Trenton
which was late when she left this city
was racing at her topmost speed ant
that If this had not been the case the
accident would not have happened.
A telegram received from Bristol
Pa. , says that Miss Elizabeth Lippln
cott , a school teacher of that place
who was on the City of Trenton , has
not been heard from. This makes 20
persons reported aa mlsslnt ?
Bark Barado Stranded.
Marshfleld , Or. , Aug. 30. The bark
Barado , bound from Callao for Port
land , wont ashore early yesterday
morning , nine miles south of the Co
qullle river. She struck head-on ant
Bwung around and is now lying with
her bow to the sea. She has two
heavy anchors out nnd If the sea re
main ? smooth , as it Is now , the captain
1ms hopes of floating his ship , but
men who have had experience on the
beach In that locality say that the
chances are against her being floated
Farmers Have Fatal Quarrel.
Des Molnes , Aug. 30. News of a
probably fatal fracas between two
farmers of Linn county has reache <
hero. Peter Peyton of Troy Mills am
W. D. Foreman had a quarrel over an
unsettled estate and came to blows
Foreman struck Peyton over the heat
several times with a heavy whip am
it Is expected that Peyton will die
Foreman Is under arrest for assault
Fatally Burned by Molten Metal.
Ducktown. Tenn. , Aug. 30. The converter
vorter at the Tennessee Copper com
jiany'a plant , which contained severa
tons of molten copper , was accident
nlly turned over yesterday. The molten
metal fell upon Allen Richards , a work
man , burning him to death. George
Fortnor and Sam Ray were also fatal
ly burned.
Injured by Runaway Horse.
Webster City , la , , Aug. 30. Thomas
Lasher , one of Webster City's prom
Incnt citizens , was Injured about the
head , bolng run over by a delivery
horse nnd wagon. When picked u ]
he was unconscious. His recovery It
, . o KHIed
,00/C. / ,
ant. , f ' jured.
Durango , Colo. , , . „ > . Ily the
ornlng over of the Pullman cur on n
vestbouud Klo Gnuulu train ycHtor-
lay , Mother Haptlsto of Denver ,
nolher superior of Colorado , was
tilled and Sister Mary Nora nud liar-
ey McCoy , also of Denver , nnd Pull-
nan Conductor Whan wore Injured.
The accident occurred nt Lobato side-
rack , about 100 yards from the high
> rldgc , live miles cast of Chnmu. The
railroad mon and passengers are alike
triable to explain why the car turned
over , as the time was Blower than
isual. The car was drugged about
75 foot. Mother Daptlsto was thrown
across the aisle nnd half way through
an open window , her head and shoul
ders being dragced between the nldo
of the car and the ties. She was dead
joforu any ono reached her , her head
being split open. Sister Mary Nora
s hurt Internally and her Injuries arc
quite serious. Hurley McCoy was
asleep when the jar came. His arm
slipped through the window and his
liand was ground off at the wrtiit. Con
ductor Whan bad his left hip crushed
and was also Internally Injured.
Secretary of Agriculture Sees Great
Future for Weather Bureau.
Milwaukee , Aug. HO. The weather
bureau olllclals of the United States
were bauqucttcd nt the Hotel Pflster
by the citizens of Milwaukee last
night. The chief speaker of the even
ing was Secretary of Agriculture Wil
son , who responded to the toast "What
science Is doing for the American
farmer. "
The speaker said It was the work of
the agricultural department to make
this country Independent of all others ,
A weather bureau of the United States
would soon bo put around the world ,
and the time was rapidly ncartng
when the United States would supply
all of Us wants Independently In the
line of growing teas , tobacco , sugar
and everything else which we now
have to Import partially.
Muscatine Wins First Prize for Larg
est and Best Looking Delegation.
Marshalltown , la. , Aug. 30. Fifteen
hundred firemen from various parts ol
Iowa participated In the grand parade
yesterday , which was witnessed by
over 10,000 citizens. The largest dele
gallon was from Muscatine , number
ing nearly 500 , Including the mayor
and city council.
Muscatine won the prize as largest
and best appearing department.
F. G. Pierce hose team , this city
won first In straightaway hose race ;
C. A. Buchwald team , this city , second
The Pierce team also won the nov
city hose race ; West Liberty second
Decision In Montana Copper Case.
Helena , Aug. 30. The supreme
court denied the application of the Bos
ton and Montana company for an or
der requiring the Montana Ore Pur
chasing company to furnish additiona
bond in the Pennsylvania case and for
an injunction restraining F. A. Heinz
from operating the Minnie Haley mine
pending an appeal from the recent decision
cision of Judge Harney. Both decisions
cisions were in favor of the Heinz In
terests and are of Immense Import
ance in the great copper litigation now
occupying the attention of the Mon
tana courts.
Whisky or the Revolver.
Cedar Falls , la. , Aug. 30. J. H
Hough was found dead near Parkers
burg with a revolver In one hand and
a bottle of whisky In the other. Ho
was 45 years old and unmarried. The
body will be burled In the potter's
Chicago Exchange Closes.
Chicago , Aug. 30. The directors o
the board of trade have voted to close
the exchange from Friday to Tuesday
owing to the holiday on Monday
Sept. 2.
Burglars wrecked the bank building
at Klnde , Mich. , witn dynamite am
stole $100.
Fruit packers at South Haven , Mich ,
are unable to secure enough women to
work in the factories.
Shipments of currency from New
York to Chicago to aid in moving crops
continue unusually large.
Robbers , finding no money In the
house of August Lange near Kllbourn
Wis. , beat him Into insensibility.
George A. Qulnlln , vice president o
the Houston and Texas Central rail
road , died at Houston Thursday.
A newspaper in Rome urges the gov
ernment to take measures against the
United States for the lynching of Ital
Governor Dockery of Missouri ha
refused to call an extra session of the
legislature to repeal the St. Louis elec
tlon law.
The national banks of the UnltC (
States In reports to the comptrolle
of the currency showed a total Increas
of resources to $5,675,900,042.
Thomas Soukup , editor of Vlastenec
the only Bohemian newspaper In the
northwest , died from consumption a
LaCrosse , Wls. , Wednesday , aged 30.
Commander-ln-Chlef Rassleur of th
G. A. R. has appointed a commute
on credentials and other officers fo
the national encampment at Cleveland
At Beallsvlllo , O. , William Mont
Co in cry , a well-to-do farmur. while In
toxlcnted , fatally shot his wife and
then turned the revolver on himself
committing uulcldo.
Henry Bates Stoddard of Texas
Succeeds Lloyd ,
Festivities Reach Climax nt Grand
Ball In the Evening Break Up of
the Encampment Begins , Many Leav
ing for Their Homes.
Unilsvllle. Aug. 30. After electing
> llln > rs and selecting Sun KrunclHco
is the place of mooting , the first THUS-
lay In September. 1904. the 28th trien
nial conclave of Knlghla Templar ,
which has lieun In progrcHM hure fdnco
Tuesday , yesterday adjourned to the
late Hot. The foBtlvltlus came to a
climax nt a magnificent ball held tit
the Show building. In the Hulection
of the grand Junior warden and the
grand recorder occurred the only con
test H.
Henry Hates Stoddard of Bryan ,
Tox. , was elected gram ! commander ,
George M. Moulton of Chicago was
elected to succeed Mr. Stoddard as
deputy grand uinHtor , Rev , 11. W.
Rugg waa advanced ono rank to grand
generalissimo. W. U. Marsh was elect
ed to succeed Rugg us captain general ,
while .1. A. Loclto , the Junior warden ,
was made senior warden.
There were 15 candidates for Junior
grand warden. Frank II. ThomiiH of
Washington won on the second ballot.
In the contest for the grand record-
ership , M. II. Mayo of St. Louis , who
held the ofllco for six years , was pitted
against John A. dnrrow of Detroit.
Mr. Mayo led on the first ballot , but
lost steadily thereafter , nnd the office
went to the Dctrolter on the fifth bal
lot. H. Wales Lines of Connecticut
was ro-eloctod grand treasurer , prac
tically without ppposltion. The com
mittee on time nnd place of next meet'
Ing reported when the elections wore
over. San Francisco carried off the
honor without n struggle. The Installa
tlon of the new officers followed. Sir
Knight Stoddard , the new grand master
tor , was given an enthusiastic recop'
tion by Texas Templars. The hrcak
up of the conclave began yesterday
and became marked after the grand
Knights and Ladles of Security Get
the President.
Detroit , Aug. 30. In view of the
fact that many of the delegates to the
fraternal congress , now in session
here , desired to leave for home , the
election of officers was made the spe
cial order of business for the after
noon session. The following were
elected : President , H. A. Warner , To-
pekn , representing the Knights and
Ladies of Security ; vice president , Joseph -
soph S. Langfitt , Plttsburg , supreme
regent of the Royal Arcanum ; secre
tary , M. W. Sackett , Meadville. Den
ver was chosen as the next place of
Election of Scientists.
Denver , Aug. 30. The council ol
the American Association for the Ad
vancement of Science last night elect
ed the following officers : President ,
A. P. Hall , professor of astronomy
Harvard university , Boston ; general
secretary , D. T. McGougal , New York
Botanical gardens ; secretary of coun
ell , H. B. Ward , University of Nebras
ka ; permanent secretary , Dr. L. 0.
Howard , United States entomologist ,
Washington ; treasurer , Dr. Wood , Co
lumbla university. Pittsburg will bo
the next place of meeting.
Typothetae Elects Officers.
Buffalo , Aug. 30. The United Typo
thetae elected the following officers.
President , A. E. Pierce , Pittsburg ; six
vice presidents , including C. P. Ken-
yon of Des Moines ; secretary , Edward
Freogard of St. Louis ; treasurer ,
Thomas L. Donnelly of Chicago. Next
year's meeting will be held In Pitts
burg. It was decided to form an emer
gency fund nnd trustees were ap
pointed. A banquet last night was at
tended by all delegates. The meeting
will end with a trip to Niagara Falls
Fire Chiefs Listen to Reports.
Indianapolis , Aug. 30. A large portion
tion of yesterday's session of the In
ternational Fire Chiefs' convention
was devoted to the reading of reports.
The report of Secretary Hills showed
the active members to bo 231 , state
members 11 , associated members 43 ,
and honorary members 125. Treas
urer Larks' report showed a balance
on hand if $1.425 , the largest surplus
in the treasury in many years.
To Buy Telephone Company.
New York , Aug. 30. Charles W.
Morse , a director in the Garfield Na
tional bank , has made a proposition
to the board of directors of the Tele
phone , Telegraph and Cable company
of America to purchase that corpora
tion outright for $2,000,000 in cash.
The offer will bo accepted. This le
the only formidable rival of the Bell
Telephone company.
Baseball Results Yesterday.
National League Boston , 5 ; Brook
lyn. 1. New York , C ; Philadelphia. 7
Pittsburg , 1-2 ; Chicago , 4-1. American
League Cleveland , 11 ; Washington
13. Detroit , 5 ; Boston , 3. Western
League St. Joseph , 2 ; Omaha , 4.
Colorado Springs , 1 ; Minneapolis , 4.
| Des Molnes , 3j Kansas City , 3.
Prlrce Chun Stops nt Dnslo nnd May
Not Proceed With His Journey.
Morllu , Aug. 110. The dlllUully in
ooniH'i linn with the expiatory inlnnitMi
to ( lormaiiy. hoadcd by Prime t'huu
brother of ( ho cmpornr of China. In
Rtlll iinmiluMl. It IH tiudorittoiiil ( hut
the ChluoHo mlulHtor to Gcnuuuy. Iu
HI llmmn , who went to Hnulo to wo
Prince Chun , dooti not Intend to return
to Berlin , although ho did not take
formal lenvo of ICtupoior William U
looliH an though imitttnt might Rim
HUT for wt'okn. In the mount line ( lor
man nuiuufiiclnrern are Hondlug m-nren
of Invitations to I'rhico Chun to vlnlt
tholr fnctoiloH , with a vluw of Hoiur
lug ordorn.
Insurgents Attack Bucnn Ventura and
Troops Arc Sent to Ito Aid.
KliiKHtnn , Jamaica , Aug. 30. The
British Hteixmor CotUu Rlciin. whlih
has arrived here from Colon. Colombia
brought advices of continued robot lie
tlvlty In the vicinity of Colon and Pan
iiinii. The govoinmout WUH making
ronuwod ofi'ortB to dislodge the roholn
from a tttrong position. The robolH
In force were attacking Uuoua Ventura
tura , on the liny of Choco , Monday and
a largo government force had boon
domiciled ( hero from Panama. The
censorship In Colombia IH inoHt Htrln
Government Making Preparations to
Feed the Starving.
St , Potoi-Hburg , Aug. 30. The crop
outlook lias grown \vorno almost
everywhere during the hint four woel t
Even vegetables , Including potatoes ,
have boon largely burned by the
scorching boat In Homo dltUrlttH. The
approaching winter will bo ono of the
gloomiest ItuHHlu linn ever soon. The
government IIUH nlioady begun prop
uratlou for the feeding of the people 111
some provinces.
O'Brien Hanged at Dawson.
Scattlo. A ug 30. The Hiunmur Seal-
tie , from Skagwiiy , hrltigB IIOWH of the
hanging at DawHou on Aug. 23 ol
George O'Brien for the brutal murder
of Lynne Rolfo , Fred Clayson and
Lineman Olson on Christmas day , 1S91) ) .
Protesting bin Innocence to the last.
O'Brien , mounted the scaffold without
a tremor and hurled anuthumas on the
heads of those who wore instrumental
In bringing about ills conviction. A
largo crowd witnessed the execution ,
which took place on a scaffold erected
in front of the barracks.
Exterminating the Armenians.
London , Aug. 30. The Dally Mall
publishes an article written by All
Nourl Bey , former Turkish consul In
Rotterdam , declaring that the massa
cre of Armenians by Kurds , which lias
just recommended , is part of a reg
ular system of extermination. Ho
says : "The number of Armenians
killed will depend on the outcry raised
in Hurope and the pressure brought to
bear upon the sultan. The same horri
ble process will bo repeated year by
year , until all are killed. "
Monarchs to Meet at Sea.
Berlin , Aug. 30. The forthcoming
meeting between Kmporor Nicholas
and Kmperor William will occur at
sea , off Duntzlg , Emperor William ro
malnlng on board the Gorman imperial
yacht Hohenzollorn during the maneu
vors. A special railway station has
been built near the wharf so that the
kaiser's train may stop quite olose to
the bridge leading to the Hohonzol-
lern. The grounds will be surrounded
by a high wooden fence.
Fireman Run Over and Killed.
Creston , la. , Aug. 30. I. H. Bohln , a
city fireman , while going to a fire on
South hill yesterday afternoon , fol
from the dray on which he was ridlnp
and was run over by a hose cart ant
Captain William 12. Ends , a leading
attorney , died at his home In Carroll
ton , Mo. , Thursday.
Snow fell In a blinding sheet for at
hour In Alpine pans , Colorado , Thurs
day and was followed by a severe
K. C. Stcele , aged C4 years , died a
his home In Hnrtsvlllc , Mo. , Thursday
Ho was president of the Wright coun
ty bank nnd was very wealthy.
The American Federation of Labor
with headquarters In Washington , has
granted the first charter for a general
oral branch of that order in Porte
Johanu Nagy , an anarchist , has beer
arrested at Debreczln. The police
found In his possession letters threat
enlng the life of Emperor Francis
A negro , Dick Hill , who killed EC
Berry , a white man , was killed a
Summervlllo , Tcnn. , Thursday while
resisting arrest at the hands of a poss
of 100 men.
FIre nt Oregon City Thursday de
stroyed the store room of the Crowi
Paper company and the store am
wareroom of the Willamette Pulp am
Paper company. Loss , $15,000.
As a result of a family row at Cnaah
lers , N. C. , Thursday , Evan Pell wni
kill , Javan Long , Sr. , fatally shot am
Javnn Long , Jr. . ami a man tiamet
Bryson were seriously wounded.
Albert Buchanan nud Ira Evans
boys , were overcome by gas while ex
plorlnc a deserted coul mine at Kirks
vllle , Mo. , Thursday nnd asphyxiated
Their bodies were recovered after sov
erul hours' search.
1 , A. MJIKAUT , \V II JOHNHON , ( JAnrmen.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 75,000.
liny Hint Hnll uicliiiiiK'i < > ii tlilH coiuilrt mxl nil'imrtn ' of Kuropii. Turin Lontin ,
Dlreclnri.CAIII. . AnMl'N. W II. .IOIINHON , ( UAH a. HKMHIP ( ! W HHAAHOM , ( I. M
4UASH. ( I \ LllUAln. r. 1' . I , . MKoMKW-4
Get What You Ask for at
UHLES nonnsrov .
ALL OUDIOHS are HIM promptly and wiln care.
Our goods arc I'MKST-CLASS ' in. every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South Hide Main St. , between 2d ami ! id. Telephone 41.
Foil SAI.K ONLY itv 1
* CltiO. H. CMIKISTOI'II , :
TOLLKUTON & STETSON CO. , Sioux City , la ;
Solo DiHtributorH. I I
wherever Intro
duced , IwaiiHo modi )
rlglit , of clmlroHt mnttirlals
and bf the tuiwt modurn mothodrf.
The Ideal family bororni { . Ktxip a
ca o at homo ami enjoy Ita roollnif IB- '
frofllimont during tlio eultry ouminor days >
and evunhiKfl.
'Phono our oifnnt In thta city.
If you want a beautiful lithograph booklet free send to ; i
Railroad and Business Directory.
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Onmlm PaHeonRor BK/ia m
ClilciiKO lOijirosn t2:10p : m
ClilciiK" I'iprofis 7 ? M D m
Omaliii I'i8 en tir 12:10 : pin
Dlnck Hills r.iire s 7 : IO p m
VordiKro 1'uMBonKor. 12:40 : p m
Venlliiro Accommodation 9:00ain :
Hlack Hllli Kipross 12:20pm
Vortllxra I'asBODKer tfKttniu
Verdiire ( Accommodation 7:20nm :
The Chicago anil Hlack Hills Hiprcsw arrives
and departs from Junction dnpot. The Omaha
nuil Verdigra trains arrive and depart from city
depot. H. C. MATBAD. Agont.
Union Pacific.
Coltimbun Accommodation 6SOpm :
Omaha , Denver and Pacitic Coast 11:00 : a m
Columbtn Ace mmodation 10SOpm :
Omaha , Denver and Pacitic coast 9DOpm
ConuecU at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going
wnat and north , and with the C. Bt. I' . M. 4 O.
for point * north and oast.
K. w. JUNKMAN , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Siimz City and Omaha Paiwnger riJOam :
Bioux C'ltyl'MsmiBer l:00pm :
Sloax City Pajoen ( > r 10-35am
Hioci City and Oinahrt Pft8 onier . . . . 7 :30 : p m
ConuecU at Norfolk with V. , K. A M. \ . going
wet and north , ami with the U. P. for points
Bonth. K.V. . JUNKMAN , Ag nt.
Dally except Sunday.
Fine Wntch
_ < Repairing.
Ivor Hituin Bros.1 Store.
Spencer & Ovelmao
Boots and Shoes ,
Repairing Neatly Done.
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk A venae.
Cheapest and Bent.
Norfolk Avenue
'or. ' Hrnasch ave and Uh S'
The Norfolk Horse ? ' ,