TIIK NORFOLK NEWS : .FRIDAY , AITIUST 10 , 1JI01 , Ho who cam-en OHO tree to grow where none grow before IH benefactor ( if IIH ! rnco. Plunt trees. Tlio range of the thermometer In country is from 125 below to I'Jfi nbovo. The great dillloitlly In ( tint tlio extreme ranges nro not available when most do- nirod i An Austrian manufacturer advocates the formation of trusts for tlio purpose of lighting tlio "Ynnlcco peril. " Per- Imps tlio niitl-truHt men will noon Imvo n world-wide battle. Tlio corn crop may bo n partial fail ure but nothing linn been reported wrong with'.tlio crop of lion fruit , which IB almost IIH important us corn. May her heiiHhlp arlHo ( or lay ) and meet tlio emergency. If the follow who invented tlio cigar ette box that plays "Nearer my God to theo" every time it is opened will now provide n similar attachment , for the fool mid the unloaded gun ho will have nerved hiH country well. Fremont'H bank clearance * ) were .f 18S- 073 ( luring the week ondlpg AugUHt 10 , an increase of IW IMO'por cent over the corresponding week of lant year and yet Fremont III\H people who long for n re turn of the good old democratic dayH. Fruit growers anticipate that there will bo a Bhort crop of orangeH in southern - ern California ncxt'yunr and the fellow with a melon appetite that is going un- imtiBllcd thin Bummer may well feel dis- conraged over relieving it ty eating oranges next scauon. Mark Hiinua's campaign cry of 1000 , "Lot well enough alone , " Hhould bo the wntch word of those who are opposed to tariff tinkering. It IH very questionable if btipincEH nlTnirH of the country can be bettered by a revision of the tariff , while harm may result. The World-Herald truthfully says : "Thoro are no blanks in the Nebraska laud lottery. " And valuable property ! H sold so cheaply tluu it is almost given nwny. The follow who "nails" a quarter scotion or two now will him abundant wealth in the future. Tlio Fremont Trilmno is not cons > li > d to any great extent by Hartley's first monthly report to the warden. That paper figures that if ho was released for the purpose of paying buck the shortage nml earns but ifSO a month it will tnkt him a- . ' , " ) yeais to cancel the debt. Mr. Bryan is evidently not convinced that the reorganizes Imvo accom plished their object to any largo extent nuyway ho prefers that Nebraska dmn- osraoy should continued to bo infused with populism and sutler the dofeixt that Is certain to bo the lot of fusiouists. The United Verde copper mine , owned by Senator Clark of Montana , is valued by exports who IMVO closely examined It , nt the conservative llguro of' $500 , 000,000. The senator can not only all'crd to bo senator , but ho can alTord to bo i mighty factor in the upbuilding of the west. Kansas and Missouri have sold to England 100,000 horses and mnloa since the war in South Africa commenced If profit will purchase the support of Americans the people of Kansas and Missouri should certainly bo warm friends of England in her contest witl tlio Boers. The crown of an ancient king ot Quioho , valued at ? 500,000 has been found in Guatemala. If "Emperor MoKiuley" is looking for a crowii ho ehonld not neglect to examine this llnd American crowns are scarce and this maybe his last opportunity for n homegrown grown one. Nebraska people are not looking for charity because of the drouth , but are here to handle almost any sort of bus ! ness proposition that may bo proontod If there is any section of the state need ing grain , hay , hogs , cattle or other produce , Nebraska is hero to supply their needs. The Pilger Herald , by the Horalt Publishing company , with F. W. Mit chell as editor and manager , is n new newspaper issued from the second town ( test of Norfolk. It was started for bus moss and lays no claim to being a politi cal monitor. It is Stanton county's third paper. County politics are assuming consid erable importance in the counties sur rounding Madison but there is not a great deal of noise noticable hero. The politics of Madison usually bloom fortl in a night , develop vigor in n short time and continue interesting unti election time. This country has the best natural ad vantages for irrigation of any country in the world and its advantages ore th least developed. With irrigation th now arid lands of New Mexico , Arizona Nevada , Wyoming and Colorado woul < become states of industry and progres and the entire country would be beue Uted. Whatever.happeiiB to the democrat hey will always bo able to kit-It alxmt ho way republican" ) do things. They uxvo a reputation forraiKlngobjcctloiiH _ _ hat IH entitled to"tli blmf'ribboir but ire totally lacking in an ability to do- | RO better methods or take hold and accomplish things in a manner that rings MicccsH. . Last year , stranpo as it may appear , ho people of the United States paid ' 05,000,000 more for agricultural importB linn the year before , the total pixid amounting to sJ-lilO.llW.SSS. Sugar was the largi-st item , $101,000,000 being paid o foreign producers of this staple. While the migar industry is developing lero at an encouraging rate it can readily bo conceived that it IH not yet up to the demand and every friend of ionic industry would bo glad to HCO its levelopmont much more rapid and the country's independence secured of the 'orolgn producer. The Nebraska Independent , the lead- ng populist organ of the Htato , says the Nebraska "merchants gcnornlly haven't sense enough to know that high prices for farm products is as innch a benefit o them as to the farmer. " Perhaps ho wisdom of the state is concentrated n the Independent ofllco , in which event it would bo a good idea to employ some of it in learning something re garding the merchants of the stato. I'lio Independent will llnd that scarcely x man of them but that will rejoice with the farmer over good crops and good prices and will do all in their [ tower to aid them in obtaining the HtXIIlU. The days of the naked , bloodthirsty Havago are numbered and it will not bo many years hence when ho will bo either compelled to dress and act as a civilized being or give way to moro progressive people. In less than 100 years the United Ssatos has civilized the red niru who had undisputed possession of this country and civilization in Africa has advanced with wonderful strides. The far east is being rapidly brought under civilizing influences and many Ameri cans are proud to think that this govern ment is taking n firm hand in the work. Soon the time will come when the only "real" savage is found in a side bhow or dime museum. T. L. Monsou of Denver , state dairy commissioner of Colorado , is built of heroic material and expresses himself as willing , if need be , to lay his life on tlio altar of science. To determine whether tuberculosis can bo communicated from uniuwlH to humans Mr. Monson has of fered himself for a thorough test , his only proviso being that a suitable an nuity bo guaranteed his family in onso the expotiment results fatally. If the moro satisfaction of soionco was alone coucornod the ofl'or would not bo sublet t to pnxiso , but when it is considered that thousands of lives may bo dependent upon the result of the investigation Mr Monson's offer may well bo deemed the acme of heroism. If the deputy game wardens of No bras-lea continue their good work the man with the hook will boon have a olmnco at the llsh that ho will thor oughly appreciate. On n recent trip two-deputies gathered in 10 hoop nets fourBoinos , nine fish boxes and 100 trot Hues. These undoubtedly belong to the men who have been supplying fresh flsl to the dear common people at so niucl per pound-when these same commoi people would have been moro than pleased to catch their own fish oven though their experience cost them $3 or fl. If the game birds are well pro tected now the people may in a few years bo able to find sport and game along that line also. There is a considerable difference of opinion regarding the corn crop in vori ons r-nrts of the country , which is quite excusable if the ones expressing the opinions determine them by investigat ing their individual fields or their im mediate localities. In this vicinity all fields are not equally promising by any means. Souio will produce nearly a full crop , others will produce a hal : crop and still others have the appear nuco of almost total failure. For some reason fields of corn do not present the same appearance throughout. In goot fields there are spots of no value and iu poor fields there are portions that wil produce well. It is therefore little won e'er that there is a difference of opiuioi regarding the crop. The government considers that the drouth of July has knocked about 850 , 000,000 bushels off the prospective con crop and that the situation is growing worse instead of better. The repor also states that the condition of the crop is worse than iu IMM. This may b trno generally , but this section of Nebraska braska lacks a peed deal of the ' 01 Cou dition. The corn is holding its own ii a very remarkable fashion and the ma jority of the farmers will profit by th high prices that are sure to prevail Acting on this government intelligenc the price of September corn on th Chiqngo market advanced to 01 cent yesterday and wheat went to 73i , < . I is considered that the prices win b much higher before the next crop i harvested. The Chicago Tribune gives comparia tive prices of commodities this year ant last year , in the Chicago market , o vlilcli tin'following are samples : I'o- ntotH , $1 ID ; last year -10 cents : sweet orn ( tfi cents and ' . ' 15 cents amick ; bcetri , adishi'H and cnrrots , $1 50 and JJJ5 cunts hundred ; cabbage , $8 and $1 rx bun- red ; cucumbers , 2fi cents and -1 cents a OJHJII ; apples . * ! ! and fl a barrel ; icachcp , 110 cents and 15 cents n basket ; mines 0 cents anil 2 cents a pound ; to- natoes , $2 and 75 cents a bushel. The oregolng may indicate that it is n hard ear for the farmer , but it more strongly udicatcs that the fellow who has noth- ng to cat and is compnllcd to buy is the oiio to bo condoned with. The former vho has a little to sell gen top prices and the poor fellow who is aflllcted with an appetite is compelled to pay them. There was no current politics iu Col. looBovolt's nddrcFH at the Colorado inarter-centennial says the St. Louis Globo-Domocrat , but it wnn a speech which will tnko with westerners as well as easterners , or southerners , because it hrobbod with robust Americanism. The colonel has always been n favorite n the west. One reason for this is found in the stalwart Americanism of which he , in deed and word , is an effec tive exponent. Another reason is that 10 understands the west bettor than Iocs any ether pnbllo man in the country. Ho is always sure of a rous- ng reception wherever ho appears iu xuy of tlio western states. His cam paign last fall between the Allegheuies ind the Pacific coast states was u suc cession of personal triumphs without mrallol in the history of stumping tours .11 the United States. Moreover , the colonel's popularity in this section Is growing Instead of declining. Edgar Howard of the Columbus Tele gram acts a good deal like a republican and but for the fact that ho recently at tempted to lit himself into Duve Mercer's shoes his political status might become mixed and require a label. Mr. Howard Is not only a free and independent thinker , but his ideas are in advance of the average democrat. His latest evi dence that ho has republican qualities iu his make-up was when ho organized his Telegram Into a corporation and it will bo a wonder if the next convention of "common people" do not retire him from their ranks and force him to ac knowledge his allegiance to the bloated bond holdorp , corporationists , gold bugs and octopuses. It is very evident that ho is reading himself out of a party com posed entirely of men clothed in rugs and tatters and compelled to exist on the chuiity of their masters. His homo is in the republican ranks where they all roll in wealth and are extremely wicked. Labor Commissioner Watson and his deputies are preparing EOIUO most inter esting statistics concerning Nebras ka that will bo of value to the people of the stato. They have entered upon the work with apparent determi nation to miiko it thorough and com plete. Their latest interesting find is the vacant government laud of the state subject to entry and it is apparent that a Nebraskan will not need to journey far to find a homestead or timber claim. Some of the laud is now of little value , but with irrigation or some other method of distributing moisture all of it could bo made valuable. With 10,01 lC2a , acres of land yet open to sottlemenut it would indicate that the state has con siderable room for development. Some of our eastern friends with their two by four states might consider that this ib about all there is of Nebraska , but they will please bear in mind that the state consists of 4S > , G10S40 acres and there is but little moro thau ouo-flfth of it ob tainable for eutery. Less than 80 yoart years ago by far the largest portion of the state was government land and in another 80 years it is safe to assert that there will bo none of the t state's terri tory but that will bo put to use for farming or grazing purposes. It is an immense state has shown and will show immense development. The fusionibts delight in the sneering assertion that the republicans claim the credit due Providence for good crops , insinuating that good crops alone bring prosperity. The republicans claim no supernatural powers and if the minds of these fault-finders were capable of remembering they weald recall the fact that under democratic times , with a bumper crop , there was no prosperity and the republicans expect to see in this year of poor crops moro prosperity thau during the Cleveland days , whether the crops were good or poor. In 1895 the corn belt raised the second largest crop iu the history of the country , 2,151,000 , 000 bushels and in 189 < i this was beaten by the largest yield ever known , 2,281- 000,000 , bushels , aud yet mortgages were taking the farms and the people wore distressed , corn was not in demand nt 8 and 10 cents a bushel and many farmers were using it for fuel. During these years there was also an abundance of ether crops but they did not bring pros perity and when there was a drouth conditions with the people were im measurably worse. The republicans wish business conditions to bo so per feet that prosperity is bound to resnl with good crops and the people will no suffer disaster because of a drouth. I has not failed , thus far , to attain the do Bired result and it is confidently be lieved that this year will not materially change the condition of the country or its people. The fact that some Nebraska fanners mvo two and three-year-old com still n the crib does not mnlto it appear that hey are up against the rough edges of idverslty to any very largo extent. The names of deputy game wardens appointed in the future are not to bo given out and the man who desires to fish or hunt illegally will have nddi- tonal cause for anxiety. Hfs very com- > aiiion may turn out to bo a deputy warden. An i Ulcer of the English navy hns recont'y stated that ho was ordered back 'or ' duty from a leave of absence during ho Spanish-American war and that hero were Bixty-threo ships of that country's navy ready for service iu case any other country attempted to assist Spain iu the con ( lie t. A sharper has been working the women of West Point to buy elegant dross patterns at $1 each , but the goods are never received. The women must sometime learn , like the men folks , that no one is in the business of giving some thing for nothing. They will bo the victims of sharks until they acquire this cuowledgo. The fcoclal democrats of Iowa are to name a state ticket. They should stay out of the race. There are not enough social , straight , silver , gold aud all other kinds of democrats in Iowa to make the state contest even moderately exciting ind when they divide up they might about as well disband and call the re publican nomination an election. Superstitious people should success fully overcome their objection to the number li ) if they will but remember that the original states of the union con sisted of that number and that no ill fortune has yet confronted this country but that it has successfully surmounted and that the government has boon moro or loss lucky during its entire existence. The Uradshaw Republican finds that the individual depositors of York county have iu the iiino banks the fine sum of $ llir , ? < l , which lends the Omaha News to remark that the people of the state "woro never iu better condition than today" and estimates that the individual deposits of the state must bo something like $100,000,000. Stand up for Ne braska. The employes of the Cliiuo sugar fac tory draw about $27,000 in wages every month , while the beet growers receive about $70,000 a mouth during the cam paigu. With these facts before them it is little wonder that towns and cities long for the erection of boot sugar fuc- tories , and those that have them should certainly give loyal support to the in dustry. These fellows who were predicting a total failure of the corn crop about a month ago , unless there was a soaking rain in a week or ten days , will now please acknowledge that they know lit tle about it. There has been very little rain since and yet the crop is growing and maturing in remarkable fashion. The capabilities of Nebraska soil have never boon understood. The Conservative should this week beef of great interest to young men. A sym posium on the chances or the opportu nities of the young men of today is to bo the feature. Several contribu tions from successful western men in various occupations will be published and it will be surprising if some young man does not obtain therefrom n "cue" that will be of value toward shaping a successful career. Democrats are beginning to worry for fear they will have to support a popu list candidate for supreme judge aud populists are worried with the belief that such candidate may be a democrat. It is one of the beauties of fusion , but the lenders say they will have to swal low the dose prescribed and they may as well make up their minds to do so with out wry distortions of their features. Fusion can only win by the subordina tion of party pride and if the real satis faction is that the fellow of the other party won there should be no grief that the independence and pride of the other party is crushed beneath his ambition. "Coin" Harvey hns been heard from , not as an instructor on the silver ques tion , not oven as a worker for demo cratic harmony , but ns the nrraignor of Senator Jones , chairman of the national democratic committee during the past two campaigns. Harvey blaiins Jones for both defeats denouncing him as in competent. Ho sees nothing but gloom ahead for democracy and is fearful that future campaigns of that party will bo as void of victory ns those of the past. The "little schoolmaster" has apparently given up , for the presenttho teaching of financial problems and has started in to lick some of the larger pupils of his school. A Harmonious 1'arty. This week the republicans of Iowa ant : Maryland have held state conventions and showed that they nro thoroughly united. It was the same in the earlier convention in Ohio. Republicans every where have good reason to be satisfied with their party and this is the feeling manifested. Iowa republicans , whose plurality last year almost touched 100- 000 , held a splendid convention and adopted a platform in full nccord with the principles of the party. Until March 1 , HKJ.'I , rf publicans will be In control of ill brniich > s of the government , and the term can bo tx'ended 1 y the election of i republican majority in the next house , the prospect of which is undoubtedly good. No dihsciiEloiiH are emoldtriug within republican lines. National con ditions are highly Eatiofactoiy. There is a continued treasury surplus , and it promises ( dcmocintlo papers say threatens ) to be larger than wast x tcttd after the war taxes were reduced. The opposition , on the other hand , i > > torn up in an astonishing way. One wing of the democratic party Is study ing how it can best repudiate the na tional platforms and lender of the lust two campaigns. In this singular opera tion democratic leaders admit that they can not foretell results. In Missouri the day of reckoning is put off until next year in hope that the party division will be less acute. It may , however , grow woreo instead of better , aud Mr. Bryan's attitude indicates that it will. The re publicans have every reason to believe that they can maintain the present wise effectiveness in all departments of the government and enjoy the confidence of the neonlo by deserving it. They have states to win , aud Missouri is ono of them. One of the questions hero is re publican dlsfraucliisi-ment , and that should induce every republican iu the state to do his utmost. St. Louis Glebe- Democrat. THE PIANO AT ITS BEST. Four TIiiu-M n Your None Too Often < o llu\o n I'liino Tinicil. "Thorn are plenty of people , " said a piano tuner , "who let their pianos go one , two , three years without tuning , and In some1 cases pianos thus neglect ed may not pet very , very woefully off , but n piano should bo tuned every three months. That would be none too often to keep It In order. "As n matter of fact , a piano begins t get out of time again at once after It lias been tuned. How could it be otherwise ? Nothing stands still. This difference would at first be so slight ns Bcarcoly to be perceptible to any but tlio practiced and sensitive ear of an export tuner , but It Is there. Doesn't a clock begin to run down as soon ns It Is wound up ? Four times n year n piano ought to be tuned , but only n compara tively small percentage of people give their pianos that attention which Is needed to keep them In their most per fect loveliness of tone. Piano makers and dealers of course are looking nfter the tuning of their pianos In stock scrupulously and carefully nil the time. You don't hear pianos out of tune In a piano wnreroom. They never let them get out of tune there. They nim , in fact , at keeping them as iienr - perfection tion ns they can. "We are pretty sure to find In every new piano something pleasing nud at tractive. Some share nt least of this pleasing quality comes from its being In perfect tune. In fact , to keep nny piano at Its best It must be kept In tune , and to attain the results most sat isfactory to all , to the owner and the neighbors alike , n tuning tonic should be administered to every piano not less than four times n year. " New York Sim. Two AnccdotPH of Colonel Senators Merrill , Voorhces and Gor man were conversing together outside the senate chamber. Colonel Ingersoll chanced to pass by. Mr. Voorhces greeted him and said : "We are discuss ing the mennlng of 'Improbable. ' What Is your definition of the word ? " Promptly Colonel Ingersoll replied , "It Is a negro going in un opposite direc tion from n brass band. " Colonel Ingersoll wns a temperate man , but not a teetotaler. One day Mrs. James G. Blnlne was passing through Fifteenth street opposite the treasury department , when out from n liquid refreshment saloon came Colonel Ingersoll and a friend. "My denr colonel nel , " said she , "you would not be seen coming out of such a place , would you ? " "My denr madam , " replied be "would you expect me to stay there nil the time ? " Wnshington Times. Tvro Critic * . As my "Bed of Ferns , " a large study from nature on Snrnnnc lake , snys W. J. Stillman iu The Atlantic , was the first thing In which I had attempted to introduce a human Interest In the Inndscnpo I wns naturally Inclined to consider It my most Important work , and I was dismayed when Ruskin cnme to see me and in a tone of ex treme disgust said , pointing to tlio dend deer and man : "What do you put that stuff In for ? Take It out ; It stinks ! " My reverence for Ruskln's opinions wns such that I made no hesitation In painting out the central motive of the picture , for which both subject and effect of light had been selected. Unfortunately - fortunately I habitually used copal varnish ns n medium. When RossettI cnlled again , he asked me , with n look of dismay , what I had done to my pic ture. I explained to him that on Rus- kin's advice I had painted out the fig ures , and exclaiming , "You have spoiled - ed your picture ! " ho walked out of the room Iu a rage. A Scoop. "What did your wife do when she found those poker chips In your over coat pocket ? " asked the practical Joker. "She took thu matter very coolly. She found out where they came from and sent a messenger boy" to get them cnslied.-\Vn8hltEton Star. Quick and Effective. WIlllc-IIow did you break your wife of the "advanced woman" ci/u ? Wise Told her everybody thought It meant "advanced" In years.-Kunsns City Independent. CHECKERS ON THE FARM , The checkerboard Is nil worn out From use each n Inter night ; The checkers have become begrimed , Which once were shining bright , Dut still the game goes straightway on , Although the ( quires are blurs , While Cynthy pens up llcubcn't men Or Iteuben captures here. Sometimes the old man takci a hand To show his practiced ( kill , And then the farmhands circle round , While every one Is still. , * They would not say a single word Hf That would distract his play ; , * 4y : Bo breathless they observe him drive Young lleuben's men to bay. jftf WJ * ' Ah , what would winter evenings be * ? Without the checkerboard , With double corners , Jumps and move ! And fun which they afford I > Our dissipation oil consist ! JJJ In too much checkers here , TOV , Which makes the gossips tell about Our checkered life's career. Arthur E. Locke In Boston Globe. BAIT FOR SUNFISH. One Mnn'n Method of GolnR AVIth III * Hoots. There is about ns much sport In catching the big sunflsh ns in lifting out the crnppie If you cnn get the former In one of Its snvnge moods. I'elker Is a grent grnfter on sunflsh. He has got n dozen different kinds of bait , but he snys that It Is nil nonsense to trouble about digging worms. Ho declares thnt beef run through a hnin- burg stenk grinder Is Just the proper cnper for the suuflsh nt Creve Ccour lake. The tougher the beef the better , ns It will cut Iu long strips like angle worms. ' "When the sunflsh are biting right smart , It Is about nil thnt I cnn do to bo- kept In tin- shop , " snld Pelker. "I be lieve me nud the suuilsh nre the most cheering things out. Do you know , I have noticed old time fishermen nt Brcese's lake wading nround In the shnllow water , where the suuflsh nro found nt spawning time , ns carefully ns if they were tlshlng for trout. Now , It is different with me when I go out with my hamburg steak to feed the golden bellied beauties on. I Just tlo the line to each leg of my boots , take a little short rod In my hand aud strlda into the water nud go ahead. On the bootleg lines I use red flies. Why , the Buntlsh come up nud get stuc'u on rnyA fly hooks three or four nt a time. Thnt's the way to cntch n mess of flsh in a few hours. "I cnn cntch crapple with crawflsh tails to beat tlie bnnd If I cannot get minnows. Crickets nre great sunflsh aud bass bait , while the katydids will make a crnppie leave its bed nt mid night. Just let your hook sing once with a green knty on , aud if there is a crnppie within a radius of 10 or 15 feet It will come like a hound at a coursing match. If you get no bite , you can pull your freight up n few cnr lengths nnd try a' new place. I caught all those big crap ple last week with craw tails. I could get no minnows for love or money , so I chased up some crawflsh nud went iu to win. When It comes to catflsh bait , Jus-t try tripe. It Is tough and cannot lie pulled off the hook easily. " St. Louis Globe-De'mocrat. A Forgotten Genlni. ' The history of wireless telegraphy would not be complete without some mention of Joseph Henry , America's greatest .gelentlht , for it wns ho who first , In 1812 , discovered the oscillatory character of certain electric discharges and who showed thnt these oscillations produced disturbances which could by , suitable receivers be detected at dis tances of many rods and through In tel-veiling buildings , writes Professor Joseph Ames In The Review of Re- [ views. He even arranged an apparatus on this principle to respond to the lightning discharges of distant storms. The great genius of Henry wns never more apparent than in his Investiga tion of electrical discharges nnd their oscillatory nature. It is n lasting tes timony to the Ignorance ninong Ameri cans of their own grent men thnt the name of Joseph Henry wns not Includ ed in the first 50 selected for the Hall of Fame of the nation. "Wholesale Dntherg. As regards fncilltles for bnthlng , which every Filipino demnnds , there Is-j the open bay , with its.miles of clenn' salt wnter , ready at any time of the day or year for a free bath. The genu-j Ine Filipino Is hnlf nmpblblous , loving ! the wnter nnd swimming like a flshj An example of this may be seen in the ! large tobacco fnctorles of BInondoJ with their 10,000 employees. When the ! day's labor Is done , the thinly dressed , workmen , men , women nnd children , ! speed laughingly to the bay , plunge In to the waiting waves and come out clcnn , cool nnd refreshed. Ledger ] Monthly. . \i\ \ MVnn It n Compliment T ' I It wns nt the cud of her first week in * the new school , she having been trans ferred from down town , that the teach er asked little Wilhcluilna how she liked the now school. The little one's , face brightened up as she answered : i "Oh , I like it first rate , and I like you too. " | "That's very nice ; but why do you1 like me ? " queried the teacher. i "Oh , you see , " said the llttlo pupil,1 "I alwnys did like a bossy teacher. " New York Times. . I An IndlBeitlble Man. * \ Kitty But he is such nu Indigestible man. i Jane-Indigestible ? ' | Kitty Yes ; ho always disagrees with' ' me. Detroit Free Press. It wns a qunrter of a century before the signing of the Anicrlcnu Declara tion of Independence thnt the flrst the ater was opened hi New York. j Fortune knocks once nt every man's door , but misfortune drops In frequent ly , without knocking.-Chlcngo News , j