The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 16, 1901, Image 5

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EndofLongripiomatlcContro- ) ;
vcrsy at Peking in Sight ,
Provision Will Be of Great Benefit to
the United States , Particularly to
Pacific Coast New Tariff Is to Be
I Effective Two Months from Signing.
'Mshlngton , Aug. 13. The fltato do-
partiuont 1ms received a cablegram
from Mr. Rockhlll , nt Peking , report
ing that the draft of the Until protocol
has been agreed upon. A tariff of G
per cent nd valorem , effective , will bo
put In force two months after the sign
ing of the fliml protocol , excepting on
goods shipped within ton days after
Blgnlng , and Trill continue until the
conversion to specific rates has been
effected by the export commission.
The Chinese free list Includes rice , for
eign cereals and flour , gold and silver
bullion and corn. This Inclusion of
flour In the free list Is of much Im
portance , particularly to Pacific coast
Comptroller of Currency and Wife
Spend Few Days With President.
Canton , O. , Aug. 13 , Comptroller of.
the Currency and Mrs. Charles G.
Dawes reached Canton from Washing
ton for a few days' visit at the McKlu-
ley homo.
Mrs. Rlxoy , wlfo of Dr. Uliey ,
reached Canton yesterday morning
and will remain with her husband
for a time. Secrelary of State C. L.
Laylln , J. F. Lannlng and Colonel E.
W. Colt of Norwalk were In the city
for a short time yesterday. They
called on President McKlnley and
then left for Cleveland.
Divers Dig Up $65,000 Worth of Selby
Smelter Loot. "
San Francisco , Aug. 13. It waa
stated at the office of the Selby Smelt
ing company that a force of divers un
der the management of the Plnkertons
had yesterday taken $65,000 worth of
gold from the spot where It was hid
den by Winters , making nearly $200-
000 already recovered. It Is said that
the remainder of the stolen treasure ,
amounting to $80,000 , will be recovered
inside of 24 hours. Winters Is still
detained by the officers In this city ,
but has not been formally charged
with the crime.
1 Ohio State Senator Arrested.
Columbus , 0. , Aug. 13. Application
for a requisition from the governor of
Indiana was received at the office of
Governor Nash yesterday for State
Senator Frank D. Archer of Belmont
county , Ohio. It Is claimed that ho
misrepresented his financial standing
to two Belford , Ind. , men , who went
on a street Improving bond ns a result
and were compelled to stand good
for $2,000. An effort was made to
keep the matter secret here.
Killed by Robbers.
St. Joseph , Mo. , Aug. 13. Adolph
Morey , 24 years old , was shot In the
back of the head early this morning In
the saloon of J. W. Ballard In South
St. Joseph by robbers , who attempted
to hold up the saloon. Morey died
three hours later. Morey , J. W. Bal
lard and his brother , Henry Ballard ,
were playing pool when two masked
men entered the saloon. They told the
men to throw up their hands. At that
Instant the robbers fired.
Offers Himself as a Subject.
Denver , Aug. 13. In view of the In
terest taken In the question of whether
. or not animal tuberculosis can be com-
| munlcated to human beings , T. L. Mon-
son , state dairy commissioner of Col
orado , offers himself as a subject for
a thorough test of the matter , provided
'X * a suitable annuity for his family Is as
sured in case of fatal results. Mr.
Monson has made a study of the mat
ter nnd Is a strong believer In Dr.
Koch's theory.
Grain Blockade at Kansas City.
Kansas City , Aug. 13. Official no
tice of a blockade In the Burlington
yards here was served on Secretary Ed
BIgelow of the board of trade and the
Burlington notified its agents in Kan
sas and Nebraska not to load grain for
Kansas City or St. Joseph until fur
ther notice. The Burlington officials
say that there are between 400 and
500 cars loaded with grain on their
road between Kansas City and St.
Seven Killed In a Church Fight.
London , Aug. 13 , "A murder result
ing from a vendetta of 20 years' dura
tion , " says a dispatch to the Dally
Mail from Vienna , "occurred in a
church at Obottl Sunday. A general
fight ensued in the church between
the respective parties , with the result
that seven persona were killed and 23
wounded. "
Fourteen of Crew Missing.
Halifax , N. S. Aug. 13. The captain
and part of the crow of the barkontlno
Prlscllla has landed at Capo 'Sable ,
reporting that the vessel struck a
ledge off Barlngton last night. A boat
containing 14 men is missing. The
Prlscllla was bound from England for
Now York with a cargo of chalk.
Veterans at Salt Lake.
Salt Lake , Aug. 13. The advance
guard of delegates to the second an
nual reunion of the Army of the Philip
pines began arriving In this city yea-
tcrday and several hundred veterans
of the Spanish war are enjoying the
hospitality of Salt Lake. The first
meeting will be held today. '
Both Germany anil France Trying to
Secure Islands In the West Indies , i
New York , Aug. 13. A dispatch to
the Journal from Paris says ; Ourmany
certainly , and probably Franco also ,
are striving to upsut the Monrou doc
trine by trying to purchase Cayo Romano
mane and Cayo Cruz , two of the Isl
ands of the Greater Antilles , just off
the northern coast of Cuba.
lloth Islands are very fruitful.
Neither country seeks to buy the Isl
ands directly. Germany seeks to gain
control through a German syndicate ,
the chief of which Is Baron Adolf Op-
pcnhclm of Purls. Cayo Romano Is
the third largest Spanish Island of the
Greater Antilles , and both 'Islands beIng -
Ing the nearest to the United States
coasts would give foreigners power
through a commanding position.
The French Jesuits who are com
pelled to leave Franco arc bidding for
the islands. I
Ambassador Porter , though not In
Paris , has cabled to the state department - '
mont concerning the purchase. It IB j
understood that ho believes Franco IB
satisfied with Martinique , but that
Germany Is working tooth and nail to
get control of the Inlands.
Representatives of State Association
Hold Session In Des Molncs.
DCS MolnuB , Aug. 13. A meeting of
the executive committee of the Iowa
Insurance Educational association was
held in Des Moluos yesterday. These
present at the meeting were : W. M.
Black , DCS Molnus , president ; B. L ,
West , Cedar Huplds , uocretary ; E. S.
Phelps , Burllngtuu , and A. A. Clark ,
W. D. Skinner , John Berry and C. W.
Fracher of Des Molncs. This associa
tion is for the purpose of looking attcr
fire insurance matters for the Iowa In
surance companies. Ouo particular
object Is to maintain a lobby to work
against any bill like "tho valued policy
bill , " which was Introduced at the last
eesslou and only prevented from be
coming a law by the veto of Governor
Shaw. The association will employ a
press agent to look after JJio newspa
pers and furnish" Iliem with material
favorabje to the Insurance companies
and will omptoy and maintain the
strongest kind of a lobby at the legis
lature next winter. The meeting yes
terday was preliminary to engaging in
this work In a formal way.
Move to Cut Down Number of Mem
bers of House of Commons.
London , Aug. 13. In the course of
their speeches at the Unionist demon
stration at Blenheim palace , Balfour
and Chamberlain alluded to the neces
sity confronting parliament of taking
BOIUO measures to abate Nationalist
obstruction in the house of commons
and referred significantly to the over
representation of Ireland In parlia
ment. These hints have been eagerly
seized upon by the Unionist press ,
which is publishing letters and articles
explaining how if Ireland were only
represented In proportion to the other
parts of the United Kingdom , she
would send to the house of commons
about 30 fewer members than at pres
ent. The Idea Is gaining ground that
the government meditates making this
the principal business of the next ses
sion and that Ireland will be offered a
sort of compensation by the concession
of a more extended system of local
self government.
Fjfteen Companies of Uniform Rank
Go Into Camp at Cedar Rapids.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Aug. 13. Fifteen
companies of the uniform rank ,
Knights of Pythias , from Greene , Ot-
tumwa , Charlton , Radcllffo , Oskaloosa ,
Sheldon , Cherokee , SIbley , Eldon , Da
venport , Marshalltown , Belle Plalno
and Clinton are here in the 15th mili
tary encampment and assembly of the
Iowa brigade , uniform rank , which
opened yesterday and will continue
until Friday evening.
Fortune for Black Hills Man.
Deadwood , S. D. , Aug. 13. After a
search for 22 years relatives of Peter
Nelson Oaguo found him on a farm
near Piedmont , In the Black Hills ,
where he has been known as Peter
Nelson. When the man left his Den
mark home he dropped his last name.
That was for reasons of his own. Ho
left yesterday for Denmark to take
possession of a fortune awaiting him ,
amounting to $11,000,000 , which has
been ready for him 22 years. Ho had
letters that proved his statements.
He Is related to wealthy people In Den
mark who stand high in the army.
Bullet Is Finally Found.
Plattsraouth , Neb. , Aug. 13. Will
iam Morrow received a bullet In the
left arm near the shoulder during the
civil war. Recently a gathering
formed and was lanced. Whllo lifting
the arm to dress the sore the bone was
broken where the bullet had been
lodged for many years. It necessitated
the amputation of the arm yesterday
afternoon. Morrow has become so
weak from being confined to his bed
In this city for so long a tlrna that it
Is feared ho may not recover.
Invader Wins Second Race.
Ckicago , Aug. 13. In a 12-knot
breeze and a smooth sea , Inrader , the
Royal Canadian Yacht club's chal
lenger , won the second of the series
for the Canada's cup almost as easily
as the Defender , the Detroit Boat
club's Cadillac , won the first race last
Columbia Wins on Time Allowance.
Newport , R. I. , Aug. 13. The Con
stitution cohered the triangular course
of 30 miles yesterday In 33 seconds
less time than the Columbia. The
champion of ' 99 , however , wins the
race on time allowance of about 30
Shaffer's General Order Brings
Out 14,000 Men.
Second Day of Strike Shows Them
Still Stronger Than Amalgamated
Association Appeal Is Made for
Financial Aid.
Plttsburg , Aug. 13. The atrugglo
for mastery between manufacturers
and men In the stool Industry Is now
fairly launched , and on the first show
of strength advantage IB with the form
er. The general strike order Issued
by President Shaffer of the Amalga
mated association has BO far boon
obeyed by only about 14,000 men , ac
cording to the beet figures obtalnabloi
hero. The first two preliminary calls
wore answered by about 45,000 men ,
BO that the total number now out Is lu
the neighborhood of 00,000. The Btrlk-
crs made gains hero yesterday and
their prospects for further accession *
at both McKeesport and Wheeling
during the week are very favorable.
The action of the Amalgamated " on
nt Chicago , Jollet and llayvlow In re
fusing to como out and their falluro
to secure any rocrultH In the Carneglo
group throughout the Klsklmlnetas
valley and the big plants at Youngstown -
town and Columbus , O. , have boon
markedly disappointing to them.
They are kcopltiK up the fight , how
ever , In a Hplrltod manner and claim
that they have strength In reserve
which will surprise tholr opponents.
They assort that they hnvo gained a
foothold In the Carnegie mills In this
city and at the tlmo dowlred , the men
will como out. They nro pressing tholr
advantages at McKoespoit and Wheel
ing and their organizers are still nt
work In those two cities . President
Staffer hasjlcjjhLod to personally visit
" '
Wheeling"a'nd will go there tomonow
to address a mass mooting of his fol
lowers. An * appVaf for financial aid
has been made to organized labor and
the general public and It Is expected
that the responses to It will bo liberal.
The Amalgamated leaders nro not dis
posed to do much talking. They
would not discuss the desertion of
tholr western follows , although Mr.
Shaffer made what wan evidently In
tended for n bilcf reference to them In
a short statement he gave out at noon
Another declaration In the same Inter-
view was regarded as highly significant
cant here. It was to the effect that no
i effort would be made to call out mem
bers of the American Federation of
Labor , and that any action on their
part must bo voluntary.
I Steel Officials' Reports.
i The men who are directing the fight
In the field for the stool corporation
and its constituent companies would
I give no Indication of tholr plans for
the future and would only discuss the
eltuatlon generally. Their reports
Bhowcd that the Carnegie group , South
Chicago , Bayview , Jollet , Youngstown ,
Columbus , the Klsklmlnotas valley
group , Wollsvllle and Monessi n worn
moving along full handed. Hellalrc ,
their advices showed , was badly cilp-
pled. They admitted the loss of the
National Rolling mill at McKeesport ,
which they had expected to hold , and
that the Boston mill and Monougabda
Bteel works at McKeesport and the
Republic and Elba hero were tied up.
Their tube workers at McKcosport
and here were still at work , but nn-n-
accd by a possible shortage of male-
rial. Their tube men at Wheeling
were out , but the furnace and coke
men there were at work and the stfl
men there showed an Inclination to
stay In unless Intimidated. They also
claimed that many of tholr men at M < -
Keesport desired to work , but worn
being terrorized by the disorderly eli-
ment. They also charged that many
of tholr men were being frightened
from their places at Wheeling and In
sisted that adequate protection for
the men there would Insure continued
operations. It was also stated by the
Bteel officials that Clark's mill hero
was moving along with Its nonunion
crews engaged last week and that an
other mill manned by old Amalgamat
ed men had started up at Wellsvllle ,
representing a gain of one since Sat
Mayor Refuses Protection.
Officials of the National Tube com
pany and Mayor Black clashed yester
day over the question of protection
for non-strikers and pro.Vrty. A largo
crowd of strikers assembled around
the works and their pickets Inter
cepted tube workers on their way to
the mills. There was some excitement
and the mill officials , claiming that
their men wore being threatened and
in danger of violence , called on Mayor
Black to clear the streets and protect
thorn. The mayor said that ho would
only Interfere to stop actual rioting
and assault. Two other appeals were
made to him later In the day , but ho
Insisted that there was no danger of
an outbreak. Another crowd gathered
at noon , when the tube men were
leaving the plant , and while the work
ers wore jeered , no violence was of
fered. The strikers say that It Is only
n question of time when material will
give out and the tube men must quit.
Otherwise It 13 believed that there
would bo serious trouble at McKees-
port. Reports from Wheeling nnd
Bellalro Indicate that there may bo
trouble there. At the latter place
on attempt Is to bo made to keep the
plant in operation , and the mill offi
cials say that If they or the men who
did not go out , are Interfered with
they will ask for the state militia to
protect them. At Wheeling reports
that men \\oro to bo Imported have
brought out crowds bent oa preventing
tholr admission.
Knljj'Hs of Labor Preparing to Bring
Suit Under Sherrnnn Law.
Washington , AUK. 111. The Joint
cominlttt'i' of the Auu'i'lriin AntlTnmt
li'iigue and dlutrli-t UHHumlily No. lid
of the KnlKhtn of Labor hold another
mooting hint night to comddor the
quoHtlon of bringing IORII ! action
against the United Staten Stool cor
poration. The mon nay they nro nulls-
fled after conferences by toloKraph
and by letter with Frank S. Monnott
of Ohio and with local uttornuyn that
there Is ample ovldonco nvnlliitila for n
flurcoHsful IHHUO n.Riilnnt the corpora
tion. A nppclal commlttuo will bo ap
pointed to present the matter to At
torney Gonornl Knox , with a plea that
ho Institute procoodlngn agaliiRt the
trust under the Shormnn act. If thono
offoitn fall recourse will bo had to
mandamus or other proceedings to at
tain the object Bought. Tito committee -
too will co-oponito with individuals
nnd iiHHoelntlotiH In other Btatoa where
help la denlrod In proceedings against
the stool corporation. A contribution
of $500 toward defraying expenses In
cident to the procoodlngn to b begun
was madu by the nnlMrakit loaguo.
Men at Kansas City Will Return to
Work Whenever They Are Needed.
KIUIBIIB City , Aug. 13. The machin
ists' Htrllto , Inuuguratod 13 wockH ago ,
was declared off yesterday nnd the
men still out will return to work no
soon as their cmployerB will take them
back. Four hundred men Htruck for
nlnn hours1 work and ton hours' pay.
Half of this number were glvon the
Increase , but the larger bhops hold out
and the Htrlkurn who return to work
now will KO back nt the old acalo.
The Riverside Iron works , ono of
the blKKent concerns ) affected , recently
secured an Injunction from the federal
court against strikers who had threat
ened men hired In their placoa. Sat
urday last United States Judge Hook
sent ono striker Jx > prlnon for four
months Tor attacking nonYmloiV'workor.
Printers Extend Sympathy.
Birmingham , Alua Aug. 13. The
47th annual convention of the intoina
tional Typographical union was culled
to ordoi here yesterday by President
James M. Lynch of Syracuse , N. Y.
Addresses of welcome were delivered
by President T. T. Nock of the local
typographical union and Mayor Will-
lam M. Dronnnn , to which President
Lynch made an appropriate ) response.
The sympathy and moral support of
the union was extended to the Amal
gamated AHSoclatlon of Stool and Tin
Workers In tholr struggle against the
United States Steel corporation by n
rising vote. The convention then ad
journed for the day. The convention
will bo In session all week.
Strikers Jeer Imported Men.
Cleveland , Aug. 13. Sixteen Im
ported mon were BUcceHHfully land oil
nt the Crescent Tin Plato mills last
night. A crowd of 500 strike sympa
thizers Jeered the nowcomois , but
other than sarcasm expressed In words
there was no outward action. The new
comers marched Into the mills In
couples and were served with supper
Inildo. They will also Bleep Inside
the factory grounds.
No Change In 'Frisco Strike.
San Francisco , Aug. 13. There IB no
material change in the Hlrlke situation.
EIToits ut conciliation nro still being
made , and the Impoitunce of effecting
a speedy nnd peaceable settlement of
the trouble wan diKciiRHed at a mass
meeting called by the Foduiutlon of
Improvement clubs. Affairs were
quiet along the water front and the
wholesale district.
To Fight Cracker Trust.
St. Louis , Aug. 13. Representatives
of 115 of the largest Independent
cracker factories will meet In St. Louis
the last week In September to form an
association similar to that of the
wholesale grocers , their purpose being
to fight the National Biscuit company ,
known as the craiXor trust , collective
ly and throughout all parts of the
United States. I
Editors Join Ak-Sar-Ben.
Omaha , Aug. 13. Knighthood was
conferred upon a party of 30 editors )
from Nebraska nnd western Iowa by
the Ak-Sar-Ben last night. After the
Initiation brief talks were made by
Edgar HoNvard of Columbus , A. H
Sniff of Missouri Valley , O. M. Hitch
cock and E. Rosewater. The visitors
were royally greeted.
Two Killed by Lightning.
Greenville , S. C. , Aug. 13. Two per
sons were killed and five Injured by
lightning durlnc a terrific storm here.
The dead are : Miss Victoria LevI nnd
Miss Busbee. The Injured are : Cling-
ham Ward , condition serious ; four
Russell children. Much damage waa
The Bank of Chlldrcss , Tex. , owned
by C. S. Waddlngton , failed Monday.
The viceroy of India reports that
the famine prospects have been much
improved by a heavy rain in Bombay
The anarchists of Paterson , N. J. ,
foiled a schema of the Italian govern
ment to get them In Its power. Flvo
spies were captured.
In a freight wreck on the Cotton
Belt railroad near McKlnuey , Tex. ,
Monday Walter Wright and tin un
known negro were killed.
Extensive forest fires are raging In
three districts of the government ol
NIjnl-Novgorod , central Russia , and
several villages have been destroyed.
Louise , the year nnd a half oW
daughter of George Schmidt , residing
near Arcadia , WIs. , was drowned Mon
day in a largo can of milk , whllo playIng -
Ing In the milk houso.
Body is Guarded by Veterans
of Italy's * Wars.
Funeral of Italy's Patriot Will Tnke
Place Aug. 1C One Request of Will
li That He Bo Burled Without Re
ligious Ceremony.
Naples , Aug. 13. The funeral of the
lute Knincotico Crlttpl will take place
Aug. 15 and the Interment will proba
bly bo In the Pnnthoon of Sandomoti-
Ice lu Palnrmo. Hlnnoiii Urlnpl him
received iv telegram of condolonca
from King Victor Emmanuel and
Queen Wllholmlnn , Buying : "Your
hiiHlmnd wuii a vouunililu and valuable
patriot. "
Th body of Hlgnor Crlttpl wan removed -
moved laut night from tlio death
chamber to the drawing room , which
had boon converted Into a chappnU
ardonte. It lion enveloped In the HMK
of Garibaldi. A guard of votonum In In
attendance nnd the rondo lending to
the residence are Kiinrdnd by troopn ,
to prevent the approach of the crowdn.
The outlio nurrJBon of Naples will
participate In the funeral procession.
The body will bo borne on n RUM cur-
rlngo , nnd the highest military hoiiorn
will bo rendered.
In bin will CrlBpt roquoHtn that 1m
bo burled without religious ceremony ,
and ho declares that bin money wan
lost during the campaign In Sicily ,
BlKiior Crlnpl , therefore , feared ho
would dlo In debt. Ho named Slgnora
Crlflpl ns his jjolp hf oas , subject to
n Binnll nnnulty to llotmlio M mtinan-
son , to whom ho lit nuld to hnvo been
mnrrlod In 1854. Ho leaven two vol
union of momolni , the llrnt of which
IB complete nnd ho appnliita Senor
Damlanu to oxnmlno bin papers and
Biiporvluo their publication.
rt *
Recent Operations Against Boers Have
Been More Effective.
London , Aug. 13. In n long dispatch ,
reporting the opurntlotis of varlouu
columns , Lord Kltchonor mild : " 1 am
Kind to bo nblo to uutid you the lurKeut
! rotuin I hnvo yet him for ono woek.
Slnco Aug. 5 , the columns loport 39
I Doors killed , 20 wounded , Including
Commandant Moll , dnngeiouHly ; CM
| prisoners , Including Wolmtuinn , Into
chairman of the First volktmuul ; 85
surrenders , Including Commandant Do-
Vllllora , nnd the cnptuio of 24,400
' rounds of ammunition , 751vu > , OIIB , 5-
D80 horses nnd largo quuntltlnH of
stock. Most of the captures wore made
in Orange Hlver Colony. " In the
course of n doHcrlptlon of the opera
tions , Lord Kltchonor Hays that Gen
eral French , In Capo Colony , In "grad-
1 ually driving the oiiomy'a scattered
bauds northward. "
Urges National Party to Agree on Palma -
ma and Maso.
Havana , Aug. 13. General Maximo
Goniu/ has uddrcHSod n letter to tlio
locnl committee of the national party
In Havana , who hnd chosen him us n
candidate for the presidency of Cubn
nnd Senor ICutradu I'alina an a cnndt-
| date lor the vice pronldonry. The
communication nniB In pail an follows :
, "On hearing what the committee huvo
i done , I hasten to suy that I miiBt re
fuse to undertake such high olllce un
der the republic. So far ns candidates
are concerned , I look upon Senor Ea-
tnula Palmn nnd Senor Maso as the
best selections that could bo made
for the presidency and vice presi
dency. " *
Funeral Train Starts for Potsdam.
' Cronborg , Aug. 13. The body of
. Dowager Emnreas Frederick was re
moved by torchlight last night from
the church to the railway station with
n ceremony ylmllar to that of Sunday.
The cortege waa nccompnnled on
either side by torch bearers and troops
lined the whole route. The coffin was
deposited In a car specially prepared
and draped for Its reception. This
done the drumn Bounded n mulllcd roll ,
the troops presented arms and the fu
neral train started for Potsdam at
9iJO : p. HI. '
Boers Escape.
Jamestown , St. Helena , Aug. 13.
Two Boer prisoners , Hollanders ,
made a desperate attempt to escape
last evening. They swam to a fishing
boat far out In the harbor , captured
her and set sail. All their clothing
was lost and they were captured In a
nude condition by the British war
sloop Beagle. They were returned to
the prison camp , clothed in coffee
Wessel Was Not Shot.
London , Aug. 13. Lord Kitchener
has cabled a confirmation of the report
of the release of the peace envoy ,
Andrles Wessel , who was said to have
been ehot. Wessel was n prisoner In
General Collier's laager , near Kaalfon-
toln , which the British recently sur
prised and captured.
Boer Forces in the Field.
Brussels , Aug. 13. Mr. Krugor's
friends hero say he has received a re
port that there are now 17.000 burgh
ers and 12,000 rebel Afrikanders under
arms and well supplied with weapons
and ammunition , although provisions
are very scarce.
Can Use Forest Park.
St. Louis , Aug. 13. Judge Zachurltz ,
In the circuit court yesterday , refused
to grant an Injunction restraining the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition com
pany from using Forest park for a site
for the World's fair , to bo held In St.
Louis in 19(3. (
Spells ,
fainting , smothering , palpita
tion , pain in left side , shortness
of breath , irregular or intermit
tent pulse and retarded circula
tion nil come from a wcnk or
defective heart. Overcoma
these faults by building up the
heart-muscles and making the
heart-nerves strong and vigor
ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
is the remedy to use. It 13
the best.
"I would have Hindis when I
would KOJvoiilc | and faint * mid my
liourt would BOH in to etop boat
ing , then It would bunt very
Imrd. I liCtfnti tiiklng Dr. Mllos'
Heart Otiro and wlicn I hud used
twelve bottles my heart was all
right. " MIIH. J. L. TAvton ,
Owonsboro , Icy.
D * . Miles'
Heaft Cute
is a heart and blood tonic of
uncqualed power and never
fails to benefit if taken in time.
Sold by druggists on guarantiee.
Dr. Mlles Medical Co. , Elklmrl , Tml.
-ANTI ; *
Pain Pills *
Al ll drug torr . DOM * 25c.
Dr. Humphreys'
SpoclllcH cure by noting directly upon.
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-llnrrlir ) .i > rClilltlrc < iior AilulU 4.1
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