The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE NOKPOUC NEWS : KltlDAY , AUGUST 10 , l)01 !
Neither Side Makes Decisive
j Move in Big Struggle.
" -
etrlkers Make Gains at Plttaburg ,
McKeesport , Bellalre and Wheeling ,
but Main Advantage Is Still With the
| Masters Boys In Tube Works Quit.
Plttsburg , Aug. 14. Neither side
moved decisively yesterday In the
great Industrial conflict between em *
players and employes In the steel
trade , and the result Is still In the bal-
. The strikers made gains at
Pittsburg , McKoesport , Wheeling and
Bcllatro in the last 24 hours , but In
the main the advantage Is still with
the mill owners. Both sides claim to
be preparing moves that will bring
confusion to opponents , but neither
eldo has shown Its band. The situa
tion can be briefly summarized as fol
lows : Ton men , flvo of them skilled ,
quit at the lower Union mill of the
Carnegie company In Plttsburg and
* joined the strikers. Their defection
represented the first break lu the Car
negie forces of more than 1,500. The
etrlkers were Jubilant over the inci
dent , but the company claims to have
filled tholr places nt once and there
will be no more desertions at any of
the plants.
The Bellalro plant , at which the men
struck on Sunday , was finally closed.
When another start will bo made la
problematical. Several hundred boys
employed at the National Tube works
at McKoesport , went out during the
night ufid day , and their action mate
rially aided the effort of the strikers
to finally tie the plant up. The works
are going ahead short handed , but the
ranks of the workers are thinning and
the supply of material Is limited. The
strikers made gains at Wheeling and
the steel officials admitted that Ben-
wood would bo closed down. Clark's
mill here is moving along full handed ,
Lindsay & McCutcheon Is operating
with a smal1 crew and the managers
ere planning to open Painter's and
Increase the force at Lindsay & Me-
Cutcheon's. A break In the ranks of
the men who struck at Painter's Is ex-
poctcd , but the strlko managers deny
that one will occur. Another break Is
reported as possible at Newcastle ,
but there are as yet no positive Inijl-
cations of It. The American Tin Plate
company has a small force at the Cres
cent plant at Cleveland and Is also
planning resumption at other points
with nonunion men. The steel corpor-
ntlon has ordered that the Chartlers
plant at Carnegie be dismantled and
removed to Leechburg. So far good
order has prevailed , although the steel
officials assert that there has been
Intimidation at Wheeling , McKeesport
and Plttsburg. Both sides express their
confidence in ultimate victory and are
actively carrying forward their re
spective campaigns. President Shaf-
for of the Amalgamated association
leaves today for Wheeling , where he
i is to address the strikers. The number -
ber of men out as a result of the gen
eral order Is now roughly estimated
nt 16,000 and on the three orders at
The steel corporation held Its ground
nt Chicago , Jollet , Bayvlew , Youngstown -
V- - town , Columbus , the Klsklmlnetns
valley and the Carnegie group , with
the exception of the Instance named.
The strikers are considering plans for
breaking the decision of Chicago ,
'Jollet ' and Bayvlew to stand with the
eteel companies , but what they plan to
do has not been made clear. They are
charging some of the western men
.with both dishonesty and disloyalty
and there is a general desire among
members of the Amalgamated here
tor seine form of inquiry.
, Secretary Tlghe Calls a Joint Meeting
' of the Dissenting Unions.
Chicago , Aug. 14. Without notifica
tion to tbo officers or members of the
'Amalgamated ' association in South
Chicago , Michael F. Tlghe , assistant
secretary of the national board , ar
rived in Chicago yesterday and Imme
diately set out for the scene of the
t meeting of last Sunday , which has
etirred the national officers of the
Secretary Tighe comes clothed with
fill the powers and prerogatives of
" "
Pres"fd"eni Shaffer , whose deputy ho Is ,
end his first official act was to call to
gether the leading members of the dls-
eenting unions and order a special
( joint meeting of the two lodges of the
association , which will be held tonight.
The purpose of the meeting has not
been announced , but Secretary Tlghe
does not deny that messages from
Mr. Shaffer to the lodge will be read
and tbat an attempt will be made to
have the vote of last Sunday recon-
eldered. The decisive majority by
which the appeal of President Shaffer
to the members was defeated does not
deter Mr. Tighe , who declares that
former fealty of the men has been
considered and that a proper presenta
tion of the situation to the men proba
bly will result in a complete reversal
of the vote.
Although the secretary denies that
the question of financial aid would
be considered , it Is understood , that
falling a substantial increase in the
present strike benefit fund , the lodges
may suffer expulsion frpm the national
| l Llpton Confident of Victory.
London , Aug 14. The morning pa
pers publish Interviews with Sir
Thomas Llpton , In the course of which
he expresses himself as confident of
the success of the Shamrock II and
fays he believes the Columbia will be
to defend tbo cup.
Typographical Union Will Submit Sep
aration Project to Referendum Vote.
Ulunlnghnni , Ala. , Aug. 14. The In
ternational Typographical convention
yesterday decided by n vote of 84 to
7J ( to submit to u referendum vote the
preamble of the proposition allowing
the Btoreotypors and elcctrotypers com
plete control of their charter and to
organize members of their craft. De
tails of the plan of separation were not
discussed and will bo allowed to rest
until the preamble Is acted upon by
local unions. Uoth branches ot the
printing trade are claiming a victory
and n spirited debate ensued before
the vote ,
During the afternoon Frederick
Drlscoll addressed the convention in
behalf of the newspaper publishers.
Ho congratulated the delegates upon
the establishment of tbo principle of
arbitration lu Bottling differences aris
ing under contracts between the pub
lishers and tholr employes. Ho advo
cated the further oxtonslon of the
same principle to all differences which
might arise , and especially referring
to the periods covering the termination
of old contracts and tbo execution ot
now agreements. Ho asked for the
adoption of several nmondmontn to tbo
general laws of the union tending to
Improve the mutual relations of the
employer and the employed. He re
ferred to the fact that no strike or seri
ous labor disturbance had occurred
In the last year In the olficcs of the
publishers connected with the associa
tion. His address was listened to with
close attention and the sentiments ex
pressed were loudly applauded.
Revenue Officers on Trail of Men Who
Are Working a Smooth Scheme.
San Francisco , Aug. 14. Discov
eries have Just been inado , says a
Santa Barbara , Cul. , special to the
Chronicle , which are believed to es
tablish conclusively that wholesale
smuggling of Chinese from Dritlsh Co
lumbia into the United States through
Santa Barbara has been carried on.
Tbo revenue officers were notified
several weeks ago and for three weeks
the revenue cutter McCulloch has been
cruising In the waters of Santa Bar
bara channel lu search of evidence.
The smuggling scheme is outlined as
follows : Lumber laden vessels leave
Puget sound for southern California
points and after getting well out to
sea run over to Vancouver , B. C , , and
pick up Chinamen who are ostensibly
shipped as part of the crew. Some
of these vessels put Into Port Harforl ,
San Pedro and other ports with crews
moro than twice as largo as necessary.
When sailing for the north the crews
consist almost exclusively of white
sailors. It is said the evidence shows
that opium has * lso been smuggled
into southern California ports.
Lightning Arouses Supposed Corpse.
Larned , Kan. , Aug. 14. The 5-year-
old daughter of Samuel McProaso of
Hanston , 20 miles from Lamed , appar
ently died Sunday morning. Funeral
services were held yesterday. On the
way to the grave yard a bolt of light
ning struck the metallic coffin and
opened it , whereupon the child sat up
and called for her mother. The horses
were knocked down , but no other dam
age was done. The little ghl Is In a
fair way to recovery. It is believed
she was In a cataleptic state , from
which tha lightning shock aroused
Probing Police Bribery.
New York , Aug. 14. Justice Jerome
and officials attached to the district
attorney's office held another Judicial
Inquiry yesterday concerning the
charges that police officials have been
accepting bribes from keepers of ille
gal resorts. Commissioner Murphy
last night relieved Captain Diamond
of his command , but whether this
meant a suspension until the commis
sioner could look further Into the
charges or whether It was a suspen
sion until the court trial , could not
be learned.
Body Found Floating In River.
Sioux Falls , S. D. . Aug. 14. The
body of a man 28 years of age was
found floating In the Sioux river hero
yesterday. Appearances indicated
that the body had been in the water
at least a week. From letters found
in the pockets It Is supposed the re
mains are these of Harlow Baund.
Two of the letters bear the Proctor-
knott , Minn. , post mark , another Is
dated Oskaloosa , la. , while another
dated Hamilton is signed "Thomas ,
Edith and Little Fan. "
Texas Solons May Aid Strikers.
Austin , Tex. , Aug. 14. A resolution
was Introduced In the state legislature
yesterday pledging moral and' finan
cial support to the steel strikers and
requiring members to contribute $1
per day of their salary to aid the strik
ers. The resolution went over until
Fire destroyed $200,000 worth of
property on Fort street , In the heart
of Honolulu.
George Puorlnger , a chemist of Vien
na , was killed by a fall while descend
ing the Raxalpo.
The Peruvian chamber of deputies
Tuesday adopted a resolution censur
ing the cabinet by a majority of ono
Cornelius Vandeibllt was elected a
lieutenant In the Twelfth regiment ,
National guard of the state of New
York , Tuesday.
The Pacific States Telephone com
pany has absorbed its only rival , the
Spokane and British Columbia Tele
phone company.
Sanford M. Qreen , Judge of the
Michigan supreme court from 1848 to
1858 , died at his home In Bay City
Tuesday , aged 94 years.
Bloodhounds Qulcldy Trail Ban
dits to Their Homes.
Five Masked Men Stop Local Passen
ger at Indian Tarrltory Station Pao
sengers Compelled to Disgorge What
They Have of Value.
Fort Worth , Tex. , Aug. 11. The
south-bound Missouri , Kansas and
Texas train No. 3 was robbed at Canoy
switch , I , T. , nt 1:05 : u. m. by Uvo
masked men. The express car was
blown open , the safe wrecked and the
mall sacks rilled. All the passengers
were robbed of their money. After
the work was done the robbers , who
seemed to enjoy the situation , sat
around and laughed of the matter , and
ono even went back into a car to get
After holding the train two bourn ,
the robbers left , going cast Into the
dense bottom timber , for which the
tortuous Canoy creek is noted. The
trainmen cut out the wrecked express
car and ran down to Caney station and
advised officers up and down the road.
Within two hours posses of United
States marshals , with bloodhounds ,
were on the trail.
The robbers secured only $1.50 from
the safe In the express car , as the
money had all been left at Muskogee
t r\ 1m tilnlrn/1 titi In t nr * liv t tin tfn t V
flyer , which mndo the day run through
the territory. They went next to the
mall car , where every pouch was
emptied and any mail considered valu
able by the robbers was taken in
charge. They found the registered
packages and raided them off and
then took charge of a largo mall sack.
The robbers then went through tbo
coaches and robbed every passenger ,
throwing the booty In the sack. They
got $280 In one coach. A negro who
refused to give up his money was
beaten nearly to death. Superintend
ent Sam Gnlncs of the railway mull
service says ho does not bellovo the
robbers got much money out of the
mnll pouches.
The express company says that It
lost nothing and the conductor ettt-
cs the passengers' loss nt about
O , not counting the Jewelry. The
robbers gave the engineer , Lanhaii , a
diamond ring and a shirt stud.
Both safes wore demolished by the
explosion and the car Is a wreck.
J. B. Davis , deputy marshal of Col
bert , I. T. , arrived at Dcnlson fiom
the scene of the robbery nt Cancy.
"Tho following , men have been ar
rested on the charge of committing
the robbery , " said Mr. Davis , "E. C.
Richmond , Bob Alfojrd , George Brown ,
John Gibson , Tom Edwards and Jack
Barr. These men were arrested at
Caney and taken to Atoka. The oper
ator at Caney , when he heard the
shooting , suspected that the train was
being held up and tclcginpliod toAtokn ,
12 miles away. In two hours after the
robbery was committed bloodhounds
had Untied these men to thulr homos.
Wo found tin eo masks and found In
the firebox of the cook stove when
the arrests were made , the shoes of
the men arrested. The tratUs fitted
the shoos exactly. "
In the afternoon the men wcic
given a hearing In Commissioner Ball's
court nt Atoka and their bonds fixi d
at $5,000 hi each case. They wore re
manded to Jail. There were two men
connected with the robbery who rode
away on horseback and have not yet
been captured.
Operator Gives the Wrong Orders and
Causes Collision of Trains.
Fort Dodge , la. , Aug. 14. James
Greene , station agent at Otho , a town
on the Minneapolis and St. Louis rail
way , a few miles south of Fort Dodge ,
yesterday through confusion of orders
sent out a gravel train to meet a fast
freight coming from the north. When
ho discovered that a collision was In
evitable Greene lost his reason and
became violently Insane , being pre
vented from self destruction by those
around him. He Is now under the In
fluence of chloroform. It is feared his
reason is permanently Impaired.
Greene received orders to let the grav
el train go to pass the freight at Fort
Dodge , but later orders notified him
that they would pass at Otho. By mis
take ho gave the first orders to the
gravel train , which had gone too far
to be recalled before he noticed the
blunder. He wired Fort Dodge , but the
freight had already left ; then his mind
snapped under the strain.
The trains came together on a
heavy grade , but the crews Jumped and [
escaped injury. The engines were ,
badly smashed , but aside from this the
damage was slight.
Salt Lake Welcomes Volunteers.
Salt Lake , Aug. 14 , Several hun
dred former volunteer soldiers , repre
senting the volunteer regiments that
took part In the campaign In the Phil
ippines , were greeted at Assembly hall
yesterday by General Irving Hale of
Colorado , first vice president of the
Society of the Philippines , In the second
end annual reunion of that order.
Large delegations woie present from
Colorado , Utah and Idaho. Kansas ,
Minnesota , Pennsylvania , Nebraska
and Iowa were also represented. The
reunion will last three days. Yester
day's program consisted of a business
meeting , Informal reunion and a mass
Farsund Wiped Out by Fire.
Christiana , Aug. 14. The latest re
ports from Farsiind say the town has
been totally wiped out by fire and that
the damage amounts to 1,500,000
Mrs , \\nd8vvorth Goes to Philippines
In Spite of Her Husband ,
WiiHhliiKtou. Aug. Il.--Tliu tllvliilnn
of Insular iiiiaiiH , \\\v depuuimmt , bun
Lad coiwldiuublo telegraphic cone
npondonco t elating to the appointment
of Mnt. FunnloViulnvoi th of Hell-
wood , Nob. , UH a toucher In the Phlll.i-
pinna. She applied far Urn partition
ns "MlBB" Wads worth and wan select-
od. Thi'ii n dispatch wan received Hay
ing she could not RO boenutu > alio had
young chlldnm to look after. Thin
was sinned "George Wadowoith , her
husband. "
Questioned by the department about
the n 111 tier , Rho ropllud by who that
the chlldiun wuio bur husband's by n
former wlfo , and that she wltihml hur
appointment to Htutul. Bho wont to n
nmnll town In Kansas , lolegiaphcd for
transportation , which wun sent to hur ,
and HUO milled with other touchers for
Loiters wore received from George
Wndinvorth asking that transportation
bo refused her , but upon Investigation
it was decided to Bond her trairtipoita-
tlon and let her decldo the nmttur for
Remains of the Kaiser'n Mother Laid
Beside Those of Her Husband.
Potsdam , Aug. 14. The remains of
the Dowager impress Frudorlck were
Intel iod yesterday besldu those of her
husband , In the mausoleum of Cried-
DnsUhscho , near Potsdam.
The procession was In every way
grand and solemn. Bohlnd the collln
inarched the empoior with hum ! erect
and displaying the greatest self posses- ,
slon and dignity , but his face was pala (
and aonowful and ho gazed straight
forward lu u serious manner. King
Edward , who was on the emperor's
loft , walked heavily and evidently
found tbo march fatiguing. j
Tbo procession occupied 20 minutes
In pausing. All the bolls of Potsdam ,
continued tolling till the procession ,
hud reached the mausoleum and dur
Ing the obsequies , The coffin wan car- j
rled into the mauHiilciitn , followed by
the emperor and ernprcHH , King Ed
ward and Queen Alexandra , tbu royal
princes and otliur members of royal
families , the root of these piesoul re
malnlng outside durlnc tbo last cero
Santiago Thieves Steal Modern Can
non for Old Metal.
Santiago do Cuba , Aug. 14. Several
days ago It was discovered that the' '
two modern C-lnch Spanish guns , corn
prising the 1'unta Gorda battery , I
which commands the entrance to tbo I
harbor of Santiago , were missing '
Yesterday the harbor police discovered
the guns , which had been carried to a
forest on the other side of the bay nn-1
been broken by explosives , ready for
shipment ns old metal. Bevornl
Spanish ships had boon searched by
the police , who had expected to dis
cover that the guns were being
shipped by the Spaniards to Spain.
The sentries guarding them were removed -
| moved six months ago. The thieves
arc now In Jail.
Commons Passes Factories Bill.
London , Aug. 11. The bouse of com
mons passed the factories 1)111 ) to a
third rending Inst nljht nfter a heated
debate which 'niose out ol the action
of the novel iinient In withdrawing a
clause Including laundries within the
scope of the bill , because the national
ists strongly objected to official Inspec
tion of the Catholic conventual laun
dries. The conservatives papers are
angry at what they describe ns a "cow
ardly surrender" and "melancholy
weakness. "
Knights of Columbus Meet.
Plattsburg , N. Y. . Aug. 11. The na
tional convention of the Knights of
Columbus opened at Cliff Haven yes
terday , 05 of the 7.1 delegates being
present. Almost every state In the
Union was represented. The question
of the revision of the constitution was
taken up and tbo discussion continued
throughout the morning .session. The
convention will bo In bosslon at least
four days.
Charged With Raising Value of Bills.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Aug. 14. With a
paint brush , a box of paints and a bottle
tle of chemicals Frank Varlsh Is
1 charged with raising several green
backs and succeeded In disposing of
some of them hero. He had $37 In
good bills when arrested and about
the same amount In bud ones. Those
which had been raised from $1 to $5
were cleverly done , making detection
difficult. . , rt.u , , .
Shooting Was Accidental.
Poughkeepsie , N Y. , Aug. 11. It
was established yesterday that the
shooting of Samuel Verplank and Miss
Laura Rankln , his wife's cousin , whllo
driving near Flshklll landing last
evening , was purely accctdcntal. They
were wounded by stray shots fired
by a man who was hunting squirrels
Neither Mr. Verplank nor Miss Rankln
were so badly wounded as at first re
Dr. Smyser Under Arrest.
Chicago , Aug. 14. Dr. Jacob H.
Smyser. secretary of the board of den
tal examiners , was arrested last night
on warrants Issued by Judge Cavanaugh -
naugh , charging him with forgery ard
Issuing forged reports. After the ar
rest It was declared that this was the
first step In what would bo one of the
hottest sensations lu several years In
Hans Held for Conspiracy.
Logan. la. , Aug. 14. Detective Fred
Hans , arrested on a charge of conspir
acy in the Latta robbery , was yesterday -
day admitted to ball before Justl < vj
Hyde in the sum of $300 and the pro
llmiuary hearing was set for Aug. 20
Allcgcd That His Death Oc
curred in July 27.
State Department Hears From Consuls
In the Disturbed Area Fighting
Has Occurred at Both Ends of Pan *
ama Railroad and In the Middle.
Now York , AUK , 14. Tbo Tlmun
says. According to 121 Coiinorvndor. n
iiuwtipnpor published at Ilimiuiqult ,
Colombia , Uenurul Urlbo Uilbo was
killed at Sun Ciltttobnl , Venezuela , on
July 27 , whllo lighting with tbu Vono-
zuoliin troopH agulnnt tbo Colombian
101 CoiiHervndor'B nuthorltyforthliiro-
port la a IIIUHHIIKO iient by General
Iguaran , In charge of the Colombian
government forcuti at Rio llocha , to
tbo cotnummlnr-ln-chlof nt llurran-
qulllu. The Colombians etiKn > ; ud In
tbo fight nt Hun Crlntolml wtiru Iod
I by Dr. Range ! Garblnnn. Much excite
ment wutr caused unions tbo Coloin-
I blariH hero by the report.
Wanhliigton , Aug. 11. The stiito do-
' partmunt received mull udvlceH from
1 tin HO different quarters In Colombia ,
showing t evolutionary movements
In progress and a rather tietlomi condi
tion of affairs. Both termini of tbo
Paniima rullrond were heard from ,
Consul Gonurul ( lodger writing from
Panama rut to a revolutionary attack
on nearby towns , and Connul Malmioii ,
at Colon , reporting that guerrilla light
ing bud boon going on at dlffeieril
points between Colon and Panama.
At the name time Minister Hurt wioto
from tbo capital of Colombia ns to
tbo arrest and Imprisonment of promi
nent adherents of tbo former picnl
dent , Dr. Cloinente , UH they wore HUB
pected of seeking to have the national
1st organization join with tbo liberals ,
who are imld to be showing IticrciiHcd
streriKth ami activity Itr u revolution
ary movement. Although these letters
have taken some tlrno to corno forward ,
yet tltey give the stnto department
about tire bust and tbo only definite
Information which Is at band iid to thu
condition of affairs Mr. Gudgt'r'u lot-
ter speaks of a revolutionary raid on
tbo 2Gth and 27th of July , In which
several policemen wore made prison
ers and Some arms captured. This lu
not the holding up of the train nt
Matachln , reported by him by cable ,
as that happened later , and did not re-
nitlt In any looting.
The navy department received word
of the dt'imtuto of the Iowa from
Pugct sound for San Francisco , when
she will go to Panama If her services
are required there.
Rio Grande Employes Remembered.
Colorado Springs , Colo. , AUR. 11.
The fact has just coruo to light that
General W. J. Palmer of this city ,
when bo sold his Interest In tbo Rio
Grnndo Western railroad for $0,000-
000 about three months ago , mndo a
distribution of 1.000 shares of the
stock of the company , then at 104 ,
among the employes of the road ,
amounting In all to more than $1,000-
000. Each employe , from section fore
man to general manager , was remem
bered Vice ProBldent podge receiving
more than $100,000 worth of Block.
General Bates In Charge.
Ornnlia. Aiig 11 General John C
Dates arrived In Omaha yesterday and
for the first time slneo tbo uutlueak
of the Spanish war the Department of
the Missouri has n resident com
mander permanently In charge of the
department General Fit/hugh Leo
was In command for six months with
residence in Omaha , but It was gen
erally understood at the time he ar
rived that his stay would bo short , as
he retired a few months after assum
ing command.
Duke of York at Durban.
Durban , Aug. 14. Tbo British
steamer Opblr , having on board the
Duke and Duchess ot Cornwall arrd
York , which left Mauritius Aug. 8 , ar
rived hero yesterday.
I During the afternoon the mayor of
Durban entertained the duke and
duchess nt the Royal hotel , the guests
Including all the high colonial officials.
Immediately after the luncheon , the
duke and duchess took a tralu for
Roosevelt Stops In Kansas.
Colorado Springs , Aug. 11. Vice
President Roosevelt , accompanied by
William Allen White , editor of the
Emporin Gazette , left last night at
10 30 on the Santa Fo for the east
after a visit of 11 days In and around
Colorado Springs. On his way east
ho will make only one stop , this being
( at Hutchlnson , Kan. , where bo will bo
{ a guest at the Grand Army reunion
oow being hold thero.
Witness Shot from Ambush.
Springfield , Mo. , Aug. 14. Mrs.
Thomas Slloya , a witness in a divorce
suit , was killed yesterday by some ono
who shot her from ambush as she was
coing homo from Klszo mills , Taney
county , where she had gone to glvo
her deposition In the case. The man.
who is suspected of the crime has not
been apprehended. The hills of
Whlto river are fuU of armed men who
are determined to avenge the crime.
To Build Fifty-One Miles of Road.
Llttlo Rock. Aug. 14. The board of
directors of the Southern Missouri
and Arkansas Hallway company today
closed a contract with J. P. McCarthy
of this city to build 51 miles of road ,
beginning at the state Hue In Clay
county , near Poplar Bluff , Mo. , and
extending to Pocahontns , Ark. The
work will begin SepL 1 and be com
pleted Jan. 1 , 1902.
Ruins Have Helped L.ite Corn In All
but Southeastern Portion of State.
DeH MolncH , AUK II The lornpora-
tint ) of HID biHl week wan about nor
mal , with Increased humidity of the
nil' and fairly wull distributed Hlioworo
that cntnu In a manner to bo very bone-
llclal to all growing crops Droughty
conditions of rome nuvurlty ntlll pre
vail In a number of counties In the
uniithimHlorii and caul central dlrUrlctn ,
but In the lamer part of the ntato tbo
supply of niolnture bait been ample to
online connldornhlo Improvement In
piintutoH. Into corn , potatoes and gar
dens lloportn Indicate that late corn
buu cared uulllclcnlly to glvo prorrrltia
of a butter ylohl than has been antici
pated If September In normally fair
and froHtleuii. The oiirly planted portion
tion of the crop In Kfoatly darniiKud
and the earn Amorally Hliow dufectlvu
foundation. The crop an a whole will
bo vary valuable In quality of the fodder
der and grain Hint miUureu and much ,
more than tbo usual aureate will bo
harventod with binders
Following are the estimates of crop
roportorn an to average condition of
crops : Corn , B5 par cunt ; uprlng
wheat , 81 , oatn , 75.
Canadian Boat Is Declared Winner of
the Third Cup Race.
ClilcnKo , AUK 14 William Halo
Thompson , Cadillac's nklppor , present
ed Invader with the third race of tbo
Intrt national yacbllriK match for the
Canada's ( tip by fouling thu Canadian
bout at the start In full view of the
Judgen and moat of the spectators.
Captain A 12. Mllim Jruvls of Invader
declined to My bin protest. Mug , but the
JmlKOfi Htearueil alter Cadillac and neil *
Hud Captain Thompson that they dis
qualified bin boat , whereupon Cadillac
left the nieo Invader Hulled over tire
COIITHO and was racud by Milwaukee !
of OHldioHh. Invader beat the Oabkouli
boat luindHomoly at all points.
To Impaitlal observers It wail clear
that the clever Canadian skipper hud
outwitted Thompson , and that the lat
ter , when ho found ho wan caught lu
a trap , with the buoy at one end oC
the Htartliu ; line close under bis Ice ,
and bin rival with the right of way
bearing down upon him , tiled to force
bin way through Instead of corning
about under Imader'n stein.
Baseball Results Yesterday.
National LeagueHt Louis , 4 ; Cln-
clrini' ' , ( ! . New York. 0 , lioyton , 3.
Ilrool.l > ir , 8 ; Philadelphia , 2 Amer
ican League Cleveland , 4 1 ; Chicago.
OH. Washington 1 ; Baltimore , C.
Boston , I ; Philadelphia , 3. Western
League St. Paul , 10 , Omaha , 1. Min
neapolis. . ' ! , Des Mollies , 1 Denver.
8 ; St Joseph , 7. Colorado Springs , 4 ;
Kansas City , 1.
A Mj-ntrry of tlir Irn.
One of the most curious llmlH ever
made from the HCII WIIP that which
came to the A/ores In IHIiS. The Is
land of Cor\o WUH their In the POKSCH-
nlon of tuo runaway Uiltlnh sailors.
One morning theie drifted iiHhore a
craft had evidently been frozen
In the It e for a IOIIK time It VMIH an
ancient and battered hrlg , without
iiiastN , buluaik or name , hut tbu
hatches vv el e on , the enhln doors fnHt ,
and the hulk vwis buoyant She had lit
tle cur o , and that constated of Hklim
and fins In inline condition
No papers \veie found In the cabin ,
but It VVIIB loured that Him was a
fccaler or tinder , cairjIiiK crow of
10 or 11' , and that she had been pro
visioned lot a jenr The Hour was
upolled , but the beef v\an perfectly
pieseived Khe had been abandoned
when fro7cn In an IceheiK and drifted
for ieiiih. The date of the letter found
In the foieciiHtle showed that the hrlff
bad hejn abandoned neatly half a
century before. The two HiilloiH got
out the fur.s. which eventually brought
them $1,000 , and two ImirelH of beef
and then Het lite to the wreck. No trace
was ever found of Its name or owners.
.ItiNt tin Ordliinr ) Strnlt.
" \Vherr In Hamburg , we supposed
we must do UH the Ilamhuigeih did , HO
nt our first meal there we asked for
Hamburg Kteak , " said the woman ,
"Besides , we wanted to see how that
viand would ta.ste upon It.s native
heath , anyway. But to all our requests ,
couched In our best scholastic Gorman ,
the w alter shook his head. Like many
another prophet , the Hamburg steak
WIIH apparently without honor In Its-
own cuuntrv At all events , our waiter
hadn't heard of It. 'Oh , well , ' we said.
'Juat bring us an ordinary beef steak.
But , lo and behold , vv hen the meat was
served there It was all chopped up and
made Into small cakes what Ameri
cans call. In fact , 'Hamburg steak ! '
To Hamburgers a Hamburg steak was
on 'ordinary steak. ' " New York Sun.
Lincoln' * Swear Word.
One Btory that Is told of Lincoln re
lates to that extreme , correctively crit
ical attitude which Secretary Sewanl
always maintained toward , the presi
Mr. Lincoln and the secretary had
managed to escape froux a man who
had been boring them , and as they
reached the house the- president threw
himself Into an armchair and ex
claimed : ,
"By Jlngs , governor , we are here ! "
Mr. Sevvard replied by asking in a
reproving tone :
"Mr. President , where did you learn
that Inelegant expression ? "
Mr. Lincoln Immediately turned to
several young men who had entered
thu room In time to hear the exclama
tion and said :
"Young gentlemen , excuse me for
swearing before you. 'By jlngs1 13
swearing , for my good old mother
taught uio that anything that had a
'by' before It Is swearing. I won't dq
BO any more. " Youth's CQ.Wpfin.l9Ui