The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 16, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Champion Stallion Breaks the
World's Trotting Record.
Gelding Comes In Half n Length DC-
hind In Second Disastrous
Break Given Creoceus Pronounced
j Advantage , Which He Holds.
Now York , Aug. ! ( ! . Tlio trottlm ; In-
tort'sti ) nf tlio lOmpIro City liavo not
received mii-h a boom In a quarter of
a century UH was developed yoiilorday
at tlio Brighton Hunch truck , when
under I ho nnsnloeB of the Now York
Trot I Ini ; association the champion
ntnlllon and champion willing. Cros-
COIIH and The Abbot , came together
for a purseof $111,000. Tlio Abbot ,
with hlH record of 2:011 : 1-4 of last sea-
non , and CroHcomi , with hln murk of
2:021-1 : , made at Columbus , wore-to
decide the < iupntlon of which wan the
one lo go ilown In history as tsio fast-
cut I rot tlnj ; horse now living.
There wan a Jargor crowd present
than ever won on it Now York trotting
track. It waa about 8:30 : o'clock when
the drivers , Kotcham and Doom , ap
peared before thu grand stand and ob
tained their pimltloiiH for a Httirt by
the Hip of a coin. Luck was with the
driver of CronceiiH , an ho Hecurcd Iho
pole. When a llttlo later the homes
came from ( ho paddock , they were
wildly cheered and they looked lit for
the work before them. ICuclt wan
driven up and down the stretch for a
warming up and when they reached
the starter , CrcHcoiiH wna slightly In
the lend and they were called back ,
The next tlmo down , however , they
were none and HOBO. Then Crosceun
rushed to the front and had a lead of
n length , which he held to the quar
ter , malting that mark In iltort-l. Thin
lead The Abbot had slightly reduced
at the half , which was reached In
1:011-1 : , and ho wan a very close HOC-
end at the threo-iiartur ( | polo In
1:321-1. :
The vast crowd realized that a
world's record was about to bo made
and cheered wildly. Coming down the
stretch It was a battle royal , with The
Abbot very clone up , but CreHcoua ,
with his bulldog grit , kept on with
nostrils extended and just managed to
beat his opponent by half a length
In 2:011 : 1-1 , the world's trotting record
In n race. In the second heat The Ah-
"liot had not traveled 100 yanht before
ho made a disastrous break ami before
lie could recover bla gait CroHcous
was In front. The Abbot , once sullied ,
made n grand effort to overtake his op
ponent , but the sou of Robert Mc
Gregor was out for victory.and kept
on doing the mile In 2OGM : , with
The Abbot back of the Hag.
Colonel Van Cleave Arrested.
Springfield , Ills. , Aug. 1C. Colonel
J. II. 11. Van Cleave , former Insurance
i uporlntenilent of Illinois , was ar
rested yesterday by a constable- a
elate warrant , charging him with lar
ceny of certain records and photo
graphs from the Insurancedepartment. .
The complaint against him was made
by II. II. Clayer , who for some tlmo
has been waging war against the
Aetna Flro Insurance company of .
Hartford. Conn. , for alleged violation
of the Insurance laws of the state. Van [
Clonvo gave bonds for his appearance
before Justice Connelly on Aug. 31.
Davitt nnd Rossn Talk to Irish.
Chicago , Aug. Iti. Four thousand
Chicago Irish-Americans gathered at
Suunysldo park yesterday ou the 2Gth
annual demonstration of the United
Irish societies , commemorating the
302d anniversary of the victory of
Yellow Pass nnd the 303d anniversary
of Hugh O'DonneH's victory over the
English at the Yellow Ford. A meet
ing nearly equal In strength to that at
Sunnyslilo park was held at Oswald's
grove under the auspices of the Irish
Nationalists. At the former meeting
Michael Davitt was the chief speaker ,
nt the latter O'Donovan Uossa.
Death of Dr. Beeson.
MarshalHown , la. , Aug. 1C. Dr. 13d-
ward G. Keeson , son of General II..A.
Beeson , quartermaster of the Iowa sol
diers' home , nud ex-treasurer of state ,
died here yesterday , aged 32. Dr.
Beeson was late captain of the Thirty-
ninth United States infantry and also
served ns assistant surgeon of the For
ty-ninth Iowa Infantry during the Span
ish-American war. Death from
Illness contracted during service In
the Philippines. > -
l Troops Abandon the Chase.
Mlllcrsbnrg , 0. , Aug. 1C. Company
I , Eighth Ohio infantry. In command
. of Captain Siiyder , after scouring the
hills of Holmes county for two days
in pursuit of the robbers who at
tempted to loot the Adams bank early
Wednesday morning , returned to Mil-
lersburg last night nnd announced Hint
they had abandoned the chase. The
thieves wore sighted twice yesterday ,
but they quickly escaped Into the
Baseball Results Yesterday.
National League St. Louis , 2 ; Chicago
cage , 4. New York. 2-5 ; Iloston , 3-5.
American League Baltimore , 5 ;
Cleveland , 9. Philadelphia. 6 ; Milwau
kee , 4. Western League St. Paul , G ;
Omaha , 3. Minneapolis , 7 ; DCS
Molues , C. Colorado Springs. 2 ; Kan
sas City , 4. Denver , 9 ; St. Joseph , 2.
Barry Given a Life Sentence ,
St. Paul , Aug. 1C. The Jury In the
case of Willam Barry , who has been
on trial nt Langdon , N. D. . for the mur
der of Andrew Mellem. last night ren
dered a verdict of guilty of murder In
fctho first degree , and ordered him sen
tenced to Ufa Imprisonment ,
I 1
7nnmilll' I'lrnl llnoU ,
My Hint hiiiili WIIH written while I
wns n Hlinlciit nl London tinlviTHlty
nnd wbi'ii I WIIH nlmiit 17 ycnrH of IIKC.
A fHluw Htudcnt HtiKKi'Mli'd that I
Hlinuhl write a .li-wlnb Mnry the pro
ceeds from the mile of which should
llniincc n pto | > < tHcil comic paper. I WIIH
( jlllte wlllltiK. If l' ' Nnd HilKKi'Htcd nil
( pie. I should liuve written It. So I
wrote the. Htory In four evcnliiKH ( I
nlwiiys write In Hpurts ) , nnd within ten
dnys from the Inception of the Iden the
booklet WIIH on Hide In eoverlesH pain ,
phlet form. The printing cent 10. I
paid 5 , nnd the friend who had H\IK-
Kcstcd the book paid 5 , nnd wo divid
ed the prollls.
This llrst book ( price , 1 penny net )
i went well. It WIIH loudly denounced
i by those It described and widely
i bought by them. It WIIH hawked about
i the streets. One little Hhop In White-
. cluipcl sold UH ) coplcH. It WIIH oven
on Smith's bookHtalls.
! There WIIH curiosity among .IcwH to
, know the name of the writer. Owliitf
lo my anonymity I wan enabled to HCO
1 those enjoying UH purnmil who wcro
afterward to explain to me their horror
ror and disgust at UH Illiteracy nnd
I vulgarity.
1 do not POHHCRH n copy of my flrHt
' book , but somehow or other I discov
ered the manuscript when writing
, "Children of the Ohetto. " The descrip
tion of market day In .Jewry WIIH traiiH-
ferrcd bodily from the manuscript of
the llrHl book. Snecc.HH.
< t
Ciiiililn'l Moot Him.
"Speaking of hard luck , " said n man
i who didn't look II , "I had a hit of It
once. You know when you are nway
i from home how you like to meet n man
I from there. If you're only out In Chicago
cage or down * In New York and you
run across a man from IMttshurg ,
you're glad to we him. One Biiminer
I I cut out Atlantic Olty nnd went across
the ocean Instead. It wasn't HO had In
Kugland. I could hear the language
i there. Nor did I fret much In Paris.
I I ran acnm.s a number of Americans ,
hut none from Plttnburg. Hut I went
to places where Americans were fewer
and where lOngllsh was rarely spoken.
! "One day I was InexpresHlhly lonely
nnd almost homesick. It wan In
Prague. I went out sightseeing , but
I had no heart for It. 1 would have
given anything to have met an Ameri
can , and to have met a 1'lttshurger
| would have thrown me Into a delirium
of delight. lOven while 1 was thinking
ahout It. I saw a man npproachlng who
, hnd a familiar swing. I felt like run-
| nlng toward him. Hut I restrained my
self. AH he came closer I recognized
1 him. He was a PlttHhurger sure
enough , hut I had owed him $155 for a
year or more , and from mere force of
hahlt I turned and went down a. sldb
street. " Pit tshurg News.
Without Tiiiinoln ,
There are , naturally , a number of
sweeping curven through the Urals , but
all tunneling has been avoided. The
writer did not Hee a single tunnel In
the Ural range. It IH a remarkable fact
that during the TranHHlberlan railway
Inspection the writer did not observe
a tunnel anywhere , and even after con
tinuing thu Inspection right Into the
heart of Hussla about 2,000 miles moro
of line bad been covered before he saw
the llrst tunnel ; this after (5,000 ( miles
of overland railway Inspection.
The Russian railway engineer will
sooner blow up a small mountain than
make a tunnel , leaving a yawning
chasm between the rocks , with two
"streaks of rust" at the bottom thereof
as a souvenir of his activity ; or , If he
Hnils that , after going to the mountain ,
the mountain Is not likely to yield fo
him his Instructions are to circumvent
It by a long detour. Anything to avoid
tunneling ! The primary aversion to
tunnels In Russia Is not alone their
llrst cost , but their subsequent cost ,
for tunnels , like houses , always have
"something the matter with them. "
L. Lodltui In Ca.ssler's Magazine.
Iiliirolii 1'rrfcrri'il lo AVnllf.
Abraham Lincoln came to Columbus
on Sept. 10 , 1-S.V. ) , and spoke from the
, east terrace of the statehouse. Ho was
announced as the "Hon. Abraham Lin
coln of Illinois" and came to Columbus
under the auspices of the Young Men's
Republican club , better known ns the
I Wide. Awakes. This was his tlrst
speech In Ohio. He spoke In the fore-
j noon to a large audience , and the late
( Hon. George M. Parsons was chair
man of the meeting. That evening ho
was escorted to the market house on
Town street by a committee consisting
of the lion. H. L. Taylor , Sr. ; Charles
Scarlett , General .lames M. Comley ,
and Charley Wing , and he spoke for n
second tlnie - . -
Mr. Lincoln stopped nt the old Nell
House , and when the committee met
him there to take him to the market
I house meeting they had a carriage at
[ the door. "Oh , let's walk , boys ! " And
be started out with Taylor at his side ,
the great Republican leader covering
about live feet In each step. Kvery
one of the party was well winded ex
cept Llncolr when they reached the
speaking place. Columbus ( O. ) State
TnximyrrN Stand the I.OIB.
Every year the refiners nnd exporters
of sugar In France , Germany nnd Aus
tria lose vast sums by selling to the
British Importers nt less than cost
price. The outlay necessary to produce
the sugar Is greater than the price re
ceived for It , and thus the losing trade
goes on from year to year. The men
engaged In the trade do not lose , for
the business on Its present basis would
soon eat away their great fortunes.
They are reimbursed for the amount
of their loss and receive a large sum In
addition to Induce them to continue
the losing business , the donation being
contributed by the taxpayers. The poo-
pie think that exporting Is bencllclal In
Itself , even when It results In nn actual
Temporary Receiver Is Appointed for
His Company.
Chicago. Aug. Hi. On the petition
of three creditors of George II. Phil
lips company , a petition In bankruptcy
has been tilled for the company In the
United HtntoH district court. George
11. Phillips and two other directors of
the company filed tholr consent that
the petition be allowed and the Chica
go Tltlo ami Trnot company lir.H been
appointed temporary receiver. The
filing of the petition nnd the appoint
ment of the recolvor will eiiablo the
company to continue In business.
The Record-Herald says : "Mr. Phil
lips when Houn made an effort to ap
pear composed , but It wan evident that
ho deeply fell thu final stop In the dis
entanglement of his uffalrH , which had
been forced upon him through the ac
tion of three of hta company's cred
itors. Hy hlH own statement the com
pany IH Insolvent. The liabilities ho
places nt about $200,000 , with nssetH ,
taken nt tholr faro value , amounting
to $225,000 to $2r(0,000. Of this ho
believes $100,000 Is In worthless ac
counts , so that the company will fall
short , approximately $100,000 , In the
Hottlemont. This , Mr. Phillips de
clares , ho will make up to the creditors
to the last cent. IIo saya ho hns lester
or given up all of his money nnd real
cstato , but that , accepting the offers
of financial , assistance , ho will resume
business Individually. Voluntarily ho
proposes to give for the benefit of the
creditors every dollar of profit ho
makes In his transactions ever and
ahovo $2,500 a year , which ho will
keep for himself and family. "
Yerkes Is Nominated.
Hnrrlaburg , Pa. , Aug. 1C. Judge
Harman Yerkes of Bucks county was
unanimously nominated by the Demo
cratic state convention for supreme
court justice nnd Stnto Representative
Andrew J. Palm of Crawford county
was nominated for state treasurer.
The platform makes no reference to
William J. Bryan or national affairs ,
being confined entirely to state Is
Convict Four of Perjury.
Dendwood , S. D. , Aug. 1C. The Jury
has found George Strohm of Lead
guilty of perjury , making the fourth
man found guilty of this offense in the
famous Caddy hold-up case. The Jury
recommended leniency. The other
three men are P. C. Carberry , C. A.
Whltford nnd D. n. Summers. They
will bo sent to the penitentiary.
Population of Kansas.
Topeka , Aug. 1C. The population of
Kansas , according to the assessor's
census , Is 1,407,808 , n net Increase In
ono year of 23,100. The largest gain
was 0,519 , In Wyandotte county ; the
largest loss , 2,059 , In Chcrokoo county.
Features of the Trading and Closing
Ollntnt inna.
CUIciiK > Aug. 15. Tliu grnlu markets
\vort ! wi'iik tuiluy , cutilos uiul crop reportD
ctmtrllHitliiK tliu fillet disturbing Inilu-
iMiuvtt. Will-lit closed l)4t ) , corn l 'Silo '
uuil outa lktllc lower for Suptutiibur deliv
ery. 1'rovUUMis closed u aliude to ljc ! du-
liM-ssi'd. Cloning price * :
\Vlieut-Si-pt. , 7Hio ; Doc. , 73'XiC.
Corn Sept. , OT'/io ; Dee. , &l : )4c.
UutH Sept. , USVbu ; Dee. , yuijc.
I'ork-Xcpt. . $ iUK : ) ; Oct. , 11.00.
Itlhs-Scpl. , $7.t > 7Hi ; Oct. , Jfb.UT'/j.
l.nnl Sept. , ifS.TlIl'j ; ( let. , fs.77'/ > .
CuMi iniotiilloiiH No , U red wheat , 7-U1J
7 ! $ r ; No. It | \\lient , 'i iVyn i-e ; .No. J
bprliiK wlieiit , i > ! > iU7lc ! ; 0. u' Imnl wheat ,
"I'/i-f ; No. 'I html wheat , 70'l7HNo ' ; , U
iilHlt eolli , S7V ! ( ll"7i ! ) > ' ; No. II new eorn , 07Vj
( si" ' ! he ; No. " eas-h outs , ottyoUl-iu ; No. -
\\hlte outs ,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Aug. 15. Cuttle. Kceelpts , 10-
fiUO , Including 1,000 TCXUIIH ; bleci'H general
ly about hteuuy ; Te.\aiiM linn , active ; butch
ers' block Kteiidy to slow ; dinners stronger ;
good lo prime btcers , s , > . iir < ji > . ! U ; poor to
medium , H-'KKU ' V.o ! ; slocKers nnd feeders ,
sleady to slow , $ -.l.VH. O ; cows , $ J.oOy
4.35J heifers , If'.uO'uri.-'Oj canners , Jjl.SOJJ
i.0 ! ; bulls , J liritii-I.LTi ; calves , easier , JII.UO
< ti. i.73 ; Texas steers , $ 'l.-iO { { i.UO ; western
steers , $ l.oOij0.05. Hogs Uecelpts today ,
HS.OOw ; tomorrow , L'O.UuO , estimated ; left
over , O.JiOO ; strong to f > c higher , active ;
top , ftl.'Vj ; mixed and butchers , $ . - > .r > 53
0.17V4 ; good to choice heavy , JS.UJ'/jftO.U'JW !
rough heavy , $ . ' > .5Oiir > . ( M ; light , $ u.r > 0 < ( jt.00 ;
bulk of sales , $ : . .80i ! < ! .l > r. . Sheep-Uocelpls ,
ir > , ( XK ) ; sheep and lambs weak ; good to
choice wethers , $ : i.r > 0' < j 1.10 ; fair to choice
mixed , $ : ! .ltKii.r.O ( : ; western sheep , $3. lUdi
4.10 ; yearlings , $ i.riOl.l& ( ; native lambs ,
Jf3.UOil3. 10 ; v , esteru lambs , $1.10413. ) .
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City , Aug. 13. Cattle Itecelpts ,
1,100 ; best beef steers SQlSe higher ; uuolco
ilrohMMl beef steers , JfS.-lOij/ri.lH ) ; fair to good ,
$ I.TO'XKi.tO ; ; stoekers and feeders , J'J.'Sr l.'j ;
westera fed steers. JM.l04r3.30 ; western
innge steers , ? ; t.M'ii-l."iO ; Texans , \id In
illaiis , ? u'.SVj . 'jO ; Texas cows , if'J. 10 < & 'J.K ! )
native cows , if-.r > 04M.J3 ; heifers , $ ± 735 ?
5. 10' ; canners , $1.754iL' 0 , bulls..30'Hl.JO ! ;
calves. $ . ; l.OO3j3.'J3. Moss Itecelpts , 7,000 ;
SlflOu lower ; top , ifiUikj ; bulk of sales , ( ; heavy , $ U.oO < 5.1jy. ; '
jiacUein. * . * > .70'.j0.07Vj ; light ,'Srf.iVj ;
pigs , ! M 001 1 l.lio , Sh u'p _ HiMjelpts , 4,000 ;
sheep Moriily ; ( nmbs. 10'ul3e lower ; lambs ,
$1.4U'ii3.W > ; native wethers , ijfl.U.VijII.SO ; na
tive yearllng > . $ .1.40Sji.7j : ; westera wethers ,
$ J.13'tj3 0 ; western yearlings , $ .1.23i.riO ; ;
ewes , $ J.735ji.l'3 ; ; stock sheep ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Aug. ID.-Cnttle Hecelpta.
2,500 ; at live , steady to strong ; native beef
steers , $ I.23QO. ) ; western steers , J3.t { i
4.UO ; Texas steers , $3.104.25 ; cow nnd
hrlfurs , $1. . WS4. ' . > 3 ; canners. $1.00@2.50 ;
stockers nml feeders , $ - _ > .50 < iI3.lX ) ; calves ,
$3,00'u'.00 ; bulls , btnga , tc. , sfU.OO'
Hogi Itecelpts , 7,000 ; strong to 5c higher ;
li nvy. * 3.SOTMl.OO ; nilxml , $3.7iV3S.80 ; light ,
$5.43 ii3.7i ! ; plR3 , | 4.303.40 ; bulk nt Bales ,
J5.73Q5.SO. Shecp-IlecelptH. 4,200 ; weak
to 10o lower ; wuthers , $3.00 3.50 ; ewes ,
$2.2313.00 ; common nnd stock sheep , $2.25
© 2.00 ; lambs , $3.73 5.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Aug. in. Cattle Receipt ! ) . 1-
334 ; active , steady ; natives , $3.10o.OO ;
cows and halters , $1.23iit ( < 00 ; bulls and
stags , $2.00 < u-l-75 ; stockers nrtd feeders ,
$2.lMVf4.00 ; veals , $2.2.Vu3.23. Hogs-Ile-
eelpts. r > ,37u ; active. 3e higher ; light nnd
light mixed , fi. < M < i < < 1.0ri ; medium nnd heavy , "
* r.SVill.l5 ; pigs , $2.50 < S3.13 ; bulk , $5.85(3" (
Sioux City Live Stock.
Slour City , Ann15. . Cattle Receipts ,
400 ; steady ; beeves , $4.305.40 ; cows uud
bulls mlxud , $2.U.VT(3.rrJ ; stockem and feed
ers , $ ' . ' .75n3 ; calve * and yearlings , $2.75
( 3.15. Ilogv-llecelpU , 2,700 ; weak ; noil-
lug at $ & .05tf3.t > 0 ; bulk , l5.70tfG.72tt.
I'tirniihiK nn nipplinilt.
Any one who hns once followed n
, traveling elephant will not show any
' undue haste to repent the amimeiuent.
i They Hall along at an average pace of
1 six mlle.s an hour , regardless of the
I country , nnd stop for n hath or n short
' Hletita perhaps once every three days.
| Anything more exasperating than fol
lowing very fresh npoor nt n dog trot ,
hour after hour In a hlnzlng sun , only
io I'ntl ' nt a late hour In the afternoon
l that one was -10 miles from camp , with
no food or water , nnd that the cle-
' pliant hnd Increased his lead from ono
mile to ten , It would be dllllcult to
Imagine. Everybody's Magazine.
The heaviest precious stone Is the zlr-
con , which IHJ'j tlme.s heavier than an
eijunl ( ] iiantlty of water. The lightest
la tliu opal , only twice as heavy as wa
In prehistoric times the rhinoceros
| flourished In California , while large
lions and tigers lived In the Jungles.
Io\v Ituln DxcilritluiiN to tlio
llliick IIIIU ,
D.itoa Siilo : August 1 to 10 , inoluaivo.
Hutos : To Hot Springs from Slonx
Oity nnd Missouri Valley , Iowa , nnd
Oinalm , Nob. , $15 for thu round trip.
From Lincoln and Superior , Neb. , $14
for the round trip. Proportionate rates
from intermediate points east of Long
Minimum round trip rate $10.
To Dondwood and Lead , S. D. $1.5o
higher than to Hot Springs.
Transit Limit. : Going trip , llftocu
days ; return trip , continuous passage.
Kiunl Limit : October ill.
Stop-over : Stop-over will bo allowed
at any point on the li1. , E. & M. V. II.
H. wo'tof Stantou , Nob. , within the
going tnuidt limit of fifteen days from
date of sale.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit
the wonderful Blnclc Hills.
ProportioJate rates based ou the
above will bo ou sale at stations east of
the Missouri river.
Ask your nearest agent for full in
formation and be sure your tickets read
via the North-Western line.
General Passenger Agent , '
Omaha , Neb.
The Only Headache Cure.
Frank J. Baker , of Colorado Springs ,
says : "Kranso's Headache Oapsules is
the only remedy that ever checked my
sick headache , nnd I have cured scores
of my friends with them. " Price 25c.
Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Nerves Like a Flat-Iron
A woumu who suU'orod for three years
from nervous prostration pays two bottles
tles of Lichty's Celery Nerve Com
pound effected a complete cure. She
hardly knows today whether she hns
norvps or not , ns she never feels them.
It is certainly a wonderful remedy.
Sold by Geo. B. Christoph.
"My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrhoea , " snysJ. H. Donk , of Wil
liams , Oregon. "Wo wore unable to
cure him with the doctor's assistance ,
and as a last resort wo tried Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I ani happy to say it gave
immediate relief and a complete cure. "
For sale by Kiosau Drug Co.
Would Have Cost Him His Life.
Oscar Bowman , Lebanon , Ky , writes :
"I have boon using Foloy's Kidney
Cure nud take great pleasure in stating
j it gave me permanent cure of kidney
disease which certainly would have cost
mo my uu * . J.UKU num.1 uiu
A. II. Kiesau.
"Wo , the jury find that the deceased
came to his death from heart failure ,
caused by not taking Rocky Mountain
Tea made by Madison Medicine Co. 85c.
G. B Ohristoph.
A. R. Bass of Morgautown , Ind. , had
to got up teu or twelve times iu the
night and had severe backache nnd
pains iu the kidneys. Was cured by
Foloy's Kidney Cure. It's guaranteed.
A. H. Kiesan.
Their Secret is out.
All Sadiovillo , Ky. , was curious to
loam the cause of the vast improvement
in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker ,
who had for a long time endured untold
suffering from n chronic bronchial
trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's
Now Discovery , " writes her husband.
It completely cured her and also cured
our little granddaughter of a severe at
tack of whooping cough. " It positively
cures coughs , colds , In grippe , bron
chitis , all throat and lung troubles
Guaranteed bottles 50o and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at A. H. Kiesau's drug
Stop Colds
when yon feel one coming on by taking
Krnuse's Cold Cure. Prepared iu con
venieut capsules that cure while yon
work. Price 25o. Sold by Geo. B
. What most people want is something
mild and gentle , when iu need of n
physio. Chamberlain's Stomach nnd
Liver Tablets fill the hill to a dot. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effect
For sale by Kiesau Drufj Co.
To Heal a Hurt.
Use Banner Salve , the great healer
It's guaranteed for cuts , wounds , sores
piles and all skin diseases. Use no sub
stituto. A. H. Kiesau.
"Through the mouths of June am
July our baby was teething nnd took a
running off of the bowels and sicklies
of the stomach , " says 0. P. M. Holiday
of Doming , Ind. "His bowels woulc
move from flvo to eight times a dav.
had n bottle of Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy in th
house nnd gave him four drops in
tenspoonful of water nnd he got bettor
nt onco. " Sold by Kiosnu Drug Co.
The Hnwnilnn woman's club at Hpu-
olula debated the question : "Is it
better to tnko Rooky Mountain Tea hot
or cold ? " Either way it magnifies your
pleasure. G. B. Ohristoph.
A Constitutional Affection. -
Sprays , washes , powders , salves , medicated1
tobacco nml cigarettes , however long nnd persistently
used , do not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily
the inflammation in the throat nnd nose , nud enable
you to breathe more easily and freely , but the cou-
tinual rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up
the irritation anil ultimately produces ulccratipn of
the glands , when the breath becomes exceedingly
offensive nnd the soft bones of the nose arc frequently
destroyed. The catarrhal inflammation extends over
the entire
and lungs
absorption of poi :
to cure with simple local remedies , assumes a dangerous form. V
I had Catarrh about 15 years , and
tried during the tlmo everything I could
hoar of , but nothing did mo any ( rood.
At last I came to the conclusion that
Catarrh must bo a blood disease , and
doolded to ( five 8. S. S. a trial. I oould
BOO a llttlo Improvement from the first
bottle , nnd oontintiod It thi'eo or four
months , or until I was ourod. Have
not taken anything for six years , nnd
am Just as well as I over was , M. MAT-
BON , liapoor , Mich.
Catarrh la a constitutional disease n blood disease which Is frequently
Inherited , nnd only n blood medicine , such as S. S. S. , can remove the hereditary
taint , destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for years
perhaps , and restore the blood to n healthy nnd pure condition. The inflamed
membranes A _ 4 t nnd 1 A 1 _ _ diseased _ IT . _ . glands < _ < _ _ are healed by . . the rich , pure . * blood . . * which - < is carried .
apeless , have been cured completely nnd permanently by Uie use of S. S.
Write our physicians fully about your case and they will cheerfully assist you
by their advice , We diaiKC nothing whatever for this service. Book free on
application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , ATLANTA , OA. '
A Minister's Good Work.
"I had a severe attack of bilious colic ,
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colin ,
Cholera nud Diarrhoea Remedy , took
two doses and was entirely cured , " says
Hov. A. A. Power , of Emporia , Kan.
"Aly neighbor across the street was sick
for over n week , had two or three bottles
of medicine from the doctor. He used
them for throe or four days without
relief , then called iu another doctor
who treated him for some days
and gave him no relief , so discharged
him. I wont over to see him the next
morning. Ho said his bowels were in a
terrible fix , that they had been rauniug
off so long that it was almost bloody
flux. I naked him if he had tried Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and he said , 'No. ' I wont
homo nud brought him my bottle nud
gave him one dose ; told him to tnko nn-
ither dose in fifteen or twenty minutes
f ho did not find relief , but ho took no
lore nud wns entirely cured. " For
nle by Kiesau Drug Co.
Astounded the Editor.
Editor S. A. Brown , of Bennotsville ,
0 , wns OUOP immensely surprised.
Through long suffering from dyspep-
ia , " ho writes , "my wife wns greatly
un down. She hnd no strength or
igor nnd suffered great distress from
ler stomach , but she tried Electric Bit
ers which helped her nt once , nud ,
fter using four bottles , she is entirely
well , can eat anything. It's a grnnd
ouio , nnd its gentle laxative qualities
are splendid for torpid liver. " For in-
igestiou , loss of appetite , stomach nnd
iver troubles it's n po itivn , guaranteed
cure. Only 50c nt A. H. Kiesnn's.
Evils of Antipyrine.
The use of autipyriue for the relief
md cure of headaches has a depressing
D finance ou the heart , and causes n do-
nugement of the kidneys. Krause's
leadncho Capsules contain no nntipy-
rino. chloral , morphine or any Injurious
ngredieut They cure quickly nnd
eave the head clear nud cool. Price25c.
Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Makes assimilation perfect , healthy
> lopd , firm muscles , strong nerves
Quickens the brain makes and keeps you
veil. Oreat medicine Rocky
Tea. ! J3o. G. B. Christoph.
A. H. Davis , Alt. Sterling , la .writes :
'I was troubled with kidney complaint
or about two years , but two ouo dollar
jottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected
a permanent cure. A. H Kiesau.
The laws of health require that the
xnvols move once each day nnd one of
the penalties for violating this law is
riles. Keep your bowels regular by
nking n dose of Chnmberlain's Stomnch
and Liver Tnblets when necessary and
yon will never have that severe punish
ment inflicted upon you. Price 25
cents. For sale by Kiesan Drug Co.
To Save Her Child
From n frightful disfigurement airs.
Nannie Gnlleger , of Lti Grange , Ga. ,
applied Bucklou's Arnica Salve to greal
sores on her head nud face , and writes
its quick cure exceeded all her hopes.
It works wonders in sores , bruises , skin
eruptions , cuts , burns , scalds and piles.
25c. Cure guaranteed by A. H. Kiesau
Win. Finn of Lima , O. , obtained excellent
cellent results from the use of Foley's
Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache
and severe pain over the hips. It tonec
my system and gave mo new vim am
energy. It is an honest and reliabh
remedy , a sure for nil kiduey diseases. '
A. II. Kiesau.
For WhoopingCough.
"Both my children were taken with
whooping cough , " writes Mrs. O. E
Dutton of Danville , 111. "A smal
bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar cum
the cough and saved nio a doctor's bill. '
A. H. Kiesau.
What a Tale it Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows a
wretched , sallow complexion , a jaun
diced look , moth patches and hlotohe
on the skin , it's liver trouble ; bnt Dr
King's New Life Pills regulate the liver
purify the blood , give clear skin , rosy
cheeks , rich complexion. Only 25o a
A. H. Kiesau's drug store.
Mr. Daniel BantOtterville , la. , says
"Havo had asthma and n very bm
cough for years , but could get no relie
from the doctors nud medicines I tried
until I took Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr. I
gnve immediate relief , nud done in
more good than nil the other remoclie
combined. A. H. Kiesau.
High living , intemperance , exposur
nnd ninny other things bring on Bright'
disease. Foloy's Kidney Cure will prevent
vent Bright's disease nud all other kid
ney or bladder disorders If taken 1
time. Be sure to tnke Foley's. A , I ]
I had Catarrh BoTjad was entirely
deaf in one ear , nnd all the inslda
of my nose and part of tho.bone
slouched off. The physicians 'uavo
mo up aa Incurable. I determined to
try S. 8. 8. , and began , to improve at
onco. It Boomed to Rot at the scat of
the disease , and after a few weeks'
treatment I was entirely ourod , and
for moro than novon years have had
no slfrn of the disease. MRS. JOSE
PHINE POLHILL , Duo West , 8. O.
Sleep I
is Nature's time for trcet }
and the man who docs not
take sufficient time to sleeper
or who cannot sleep when
he makes the effort , is
wearing out -his nervous
strength and consuming his
vital power. Dr. Miles'
Nervine brings sweet ,
soothing , refreshing sleep.
Don't let another night
pass. Get it to-day.
"I am a drugc'st ' , so when I wai
troubled with Insomnia a few years ego
I took Dr. Miles' Nervine and found
immediate relief. I have not been
troubled with that disease since. "
II. L. HOWARD , Madison , \Vls.
Dr , Miles'
soothes the nerves , nour
ishes the brain , and re
freshes the entire organism.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhait , Ind.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , A\Bdson ! , Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
murk cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no subjtl'
< ea ro > < * Tcoi > tute Ask your
Al all drug itorts. 25 Dow * 25c.
' 4v
ttrGUt110" . V51
ortt V . T CNOOHJtHCP *
For Sale by George B. Ohristoph.
) * tm Made a
Well Man
THE k. of Me.
produces the nbo vo results In 30 days. It ictt
powerful ) ; nnd quietly. Cures when all ithers OIL
Younatnenwlll regain their lopt = . ulnK > d tndoldj
men will recover tholr youthful vlo ? by using
KEVIVO. It quickly nnd eurelvstores Henou *
ness. Lost Vitality. Impotenw. Nluhtly Emissions.
Lout Power , Falling Memory. WsatlnB Dlseues.snd
all effects o ! self-abuse or cicccs&nd Indiscretion ,
which nnBts ono for study. ImclncBB or marriage. II
not only cures by Martina at tbo Beat of disease , but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood bulIUcr. bring
ing back tbo pink Rlnw to palo cheeks nd fa
ctoring the flro of youth. It wards off Insanity
and. Consumption. Insist on having
other. It can be carried In Teat pocket. Dy mall.
81.00 per package , or six for 80.00 , with poU-
live written guarantee to care or rel
ttie money. Hook and advise free- . Address
For'uale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Geo. B. Ohristoph , druggist.