The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 16, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    TI1R NORFOLK NKWS : FRIDAY , Al'dl'ST Id , 1001 , II
4 '
' ' Tired
Sensations exist for our guidance ,
They are Nature's warnings.
Over-worked eyes demand rest ,
Eyes that tire easily call for help.
Properly adjusted glasses afford the
only assistance possible.
We make a specialty of relieving
tired eyes and guarantee satisfac
, p. ,
Received ,
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 34 hours ending nt 8 a. in. to
day :
Maximum temperature ill
Minimum temperature f > 5
Average 7 ! !
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth UO
Barometer 2001
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight nud Saturdny.
An Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe come
in over the Elkhoru nud went out over
the M. & O. this morning.
The nrrivnl of the private car of 0. B.
Keyes , division superintendent of the
Union Pacific , last evening on a pay
trip , gladdened the hearts of the em
ployes of that road.
Manager Roberts is endeavoring to
secure Fentherstoue to pitch the return
game with Glenwood tomorrow after
noon. If he succeeds the contest will
be very close and interesting.
Dr. D. W. Hasson , formerly snperin
tendent of the Norfolk hospital for the
insane , now of Beniia Park , Gal. , is
visiting his aged parents in Elk Point ,
S. D , and promises to renew old ac
quaintances in Norfolk before returning
The sociable of the Congregational
ladies' society last evening on the
church lawn was well attended and
heartily enjoyed. It was a success
financially and those participating were
well pleased with the manner in which
the evening had been spent.
Fremont Tribune : August Jens
came home this morning from his trip
to Norfolk , where ho followed his stolen
team , taken Sunday. There wns little
doubt that the team was seen in Nor
folk , but every trace was lost nt a place
about two miles west of the city.
The Madison county teachers' insti
tute will bo in session hero next week
and many teachers of the county have
already engaged their boarding places.
Examinations are being conducted to
day by Superintendent Crnm , but the
real work of the institute does not begin
until Monday.
There was an informal , though en
joyable recital at the home of Mr. and
and Mrs. Geo. N. Beds last night at
which Miss Bertha Wille was.the guest
of honor. Miss Wille favored those pres
ent with some selections on the piano ,
Mrs. Snyder sang and Miss Mason nnd
Miss Roxie Sturgeon recited.
The management of the base ball
team has again been changed , owing to
dissatisfaction on the part of some
members of the team. Mnnnger Lodor
resigned and W. W. Roberts , who was
connected with the organization several
years ago , was elected to the position ,
This afternoon the Wayne team is to
ilay hero nnd tomorrow the 0 Ion wood
cam returns. I
The Odd Fellows nnd the public are
iccoming somewhat interested in invit-
ng the grand lodge to moot in Norfolk
next year. AH it is somowhnt expensive
a committee has been authorized to raise
$500 with which to provide a proper en
tertainment and if this sum can bo
raised Norfolk lo > lgo will assume the
responsibility of inviting them.
F. O. Anderson arrived from Chicago
last night with seven tailors ready to
begin work for J. W Humphrey in his
now tailor shop in the Richards block ,
Work will begin tomorrow nud the store
will nt that time bo opened to the pub
lic. Mr. Humphrey expects to do high
grade work and has endeavored to se
cure the best workmen obtainable. Ho
Is so well known to the people of Nor
folk nnd the people in the surrounding
territory that ho starts in with a flrbt
class business reputation already made ,
and people will bo very much disap
pointed if his venture does not meet
with success from the start.
Rupert Schlnk and Miss Pauline
Loescher were united in marringo yes
terday afternoon at ! o'clock in Christ
Lutheran church , Rev. .7. P. Mueller
olllcinting. There were a largo number
of the relatives and friends of the con
tracting parties in attendance and thu
church was beautifully decorated with
plants and llowers. Alter the ceremony
the bridal party wont to the homo of the
brido's father , 11. G. Loepchcr in Edge-
water Park , where the event was enjoyably -
ably celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Schlnk
will make their homo on the groom's
farm "two miles north of Battle Creek.
The many friends of the contracting
parties will unite with Tnn NKWS in
wishing them nn nbuudnuco of happi
ness for the future.
The crop conditions for the week ending -
ing at 8 a. m. August 12 , as shown by
the weather bureau of the university of
Nebraska , does not indicate n serious
condition of nffnirs in this part of the
state. The report from Madison and
neighboring counties is as follows :
Antelope No improvements in condi
tion of corn , late corn holding its own
fairly well ; potatoes poor. Boone
Small grain yielding better than ex
pected wheat 10 to 8 bushels , oats 80 to
85. Knox Corn and hay reviving
and doing better ; some hay being cut.
Madison No chaugu in condition of
corn ; threshing in progress j wheat bet
ter than expecttd.oats not quite so good
Pierce Wheat being threshed nud
yielding from 12 to 28 bushels , oats from
! 35 to CO : corn improved since rains
Plntte No improvement in corn ; past
ures poor and btock being' fed. Stautou
Prospects for corn improving ; sugar
beeta iu good condition ; too dry for
fall plowing. Wayne Corn hliows of
feet of heat and drought by not filling
properly ; wheat yielding 1C to 17
bubhols , oats ! i5 to 40.
Messrs. Wynu Rainbolt and Norris
Huso are enjoying a thoroughly agree
able time at the tri-stato tennis tourun
ment at Sioux City and are warm in
their praise of the treatment of visitors
given by the followers of the sport in
that city. Last night they participated
in a banquet at Riverside pavilion , in
company with the other players , as
guests of the Sioux City club. Election
of officers followed the banquet aud
Norris was honored by being chosen as
vice president of the nssocintiiu for Ne
braska. They were not largely success
ful iu'their bouts with the players as
sembled there , but are not dissatisfied ,
not having practiced together this sum
mer they did not go with the expecta
tion of winning. Wednesday they won
in a sot of "doubles from Wiley and
Seney , 0-8 and 0-2 , and were in turn de
feated by Baker and Howell , 0-2 , 9-7.
Tuesday Rainbolt was defeated by Me-
Neill in singles , 0 2 , G-l and Huse was
defeated by Holbrook of Onawa , 0-2 , 0-2
Yesterday morning their pictures ap
peared in the Journal with those of
other players. They are expected home
this evening.
Colonel Pullman , chief qunrtormnster
of the Department of the Missouri at
Omaha , this morning wired Dr. 0. A.
McKim , stating that Dr. Peters of Lin
coln had recommended him ns suitable
to go to the Philippines ns veterinnrinn
nnd stated that if he would accept a con
tract to remain for two years at a salary
of $100 a mouth and transportation to
wire a reply at once as he must be prepared -
pared to leave San Francisco September
1. This is the second offer of the kind
Mr. McKim has had , the other being at
the time of the Iowa-Nebraska veteri
nary meeting at Omaha last fall when
two veterinarians wore wanted. Dr.
McKim has refused both offers for vari
ous reasons , the principal of which is
that the government does not rank its
veterinarians with doctors nnd dentists ,
but with the non-commissioned officers.
A bill was recently introduced iu con
gress , that had the support of veterin
arians , to change their rank in the army
but it did not pass and consequently the
graduates of the better colleges of veter
inary surgeons have practically boy
cotted the service. Another reason
given by Mr. McKim is that ho cannoi
afford to leave his practice here at the
salary offered. Ho would bo compel ! oi
to live out of the $100 a mouth and as
living there is considered high ho woulc
not have a largo margin of profit for
his work.
Kalamazoo celery at Glissmim'e.
U 1 bill.1 /
Council Transacts Some Last
Nuisnnco Committee Has a Share of
Trouble. City Attorney Instructed
to Prepare an Ordinance Repealing
the Electric Light Ordinance.
The city council mot last evening
with Mnvor KoonlgNtoln , mul Council-
nt'ii Urumimind , Clements , Dcguor ,
Oow , Ulilo , WoHtorvolt present. Absent -
sent Spollmiui nnd Wnlkor ,
The minutes of the mooting of August
1 wore road nnd approved.
Councilman Bruiiiinuiid stated that
O. W. BnuiHch had agreed to furnish
the necessary higher priced conl , at the
contract pricu , for this time.
Clmlnuun Clements reported tlmt
implaint had been mn < lo that II.
Naeglo was maintaining n nuisance in
cooping liiH cow tied to his fence too
loho to his noighbor'H doorH and that
when notified Mr. Ni-aglo liixd refused
o aluto the mum- , claiming a right to
tie his stock where ho pleased on hiH
own promises , and tiio committee asked
instructions Tim mutter wan referred
o the committee on nuisances with
power to act in conjunction wi'h the
city attorney nnd , if possible , to abate
said nuisance.
Mr. Fetter appeared before the coun-
il and niado complaint as to the condi
tion of Mr. Brniison'H yards and the
matter was referred to the committee
on nuisances.
The flro nnd police committee re
ported that they had met with the Nor
folk Electric Light and Power company
and had succeeded in having the com
pany's claim against the city reduced to
$110 and that amount had been paid.
Also that they had made nn agreement
with the Electric Light company for the
present c'ty ' lights by the mouth for : ( ! 0
per month , and also that they had or
dered four spanners for the lire depart
A C. Stenr appeared before the coun
cil nnd stated that ho had been ordered
to rebuild his walk and asked the coun
cil to allow him until next spring to dose
so , ns ho wished and intended to build
n brick wall : nt that tinio hut could not
do so at present , but would keep the
present walk in repair in the meantime.
Mr. Stenr's request was granted under
the condition stated.
The report of the street commissioner
in regard to special taxes for sidewalk
repairs was presented nnd read. The
clerk was instructed to certify to the
county clerk the libt of the special tax
as reported.
The action of the committee- regard
to the claim of the Norfolk Electric
Lightaud Power company was approved.
A motion was nmdo and seconded
that nil electric lights now used by the
city nnd furnished by the Norfolk Elec
tric Light and Power company bo Alt"
continued on and after September 1 ,
11)01. )
Roll call : Ayes Brumrauud , Degner
Uhle , Westorvelt. Nays Clements
Gow , Spellmau , Walker. There being
n tie vote Mayor Koenigstein cnst hi'
vote in the uegntivo and declared tin
motion lost.
A motion was made nnd seconded
that the fire and police committee bo in
structed to mnko n contract for the elec
tric lights for the city for § 0 per month
per arc light , by the month.
Roll call : Ayes Brnuimund , Clem
ents , Gow , Spellman , Uhlo , Westervelt
Walker. Nays None. Not voting
Dogner. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the city nt
torney bo instructed to prepare nn ordi
nance to repeal ordinance No. 65 to be
presented nt the next meeting.
Roll call : Ayes Brnmmund , Degner
Uhle , Westervelt. Nays None. Not
voting Clements , Gow , Spellman.
The motion wns declnred cnrried.
The clerk's report for July wns pre
sented nnd rend nnd referred to the au
diting committee.
The mnyor stated that Mr. Beels
asked that chains be placed on the hitch
ing posts on Third street so as to protect
his sidewnlk. The street commissioner
was instructed to place the chains noon \ %
on the west side of Third street on the
posts on the enst side of the snmo street
and to remove the posts thnt nro now on
the west side of the street.
The clerk presented Fred Leu's bill
for July which had been overlooked ai
the last meeting. The bill was allowed
and the clerk was instructed to draw
warrants for the election boards who
served at the special election of July 29 ,
nt the rate of $2 for each member of the
On motion the city decided to pay for
establishing grade on First street , from
Norfolk avenue to First avenue , pro
vided that it can bo done in two days.
The mnyor stated that in the matter
of the injunction against the issuing of
the electric light bonds , that the nt *
torney had filed an answer.
The council adjourned.
Spring chickens at Glissmann's.
As an elocutionist Miss Mason is an
artist. She has force and delicacy o :
expression which is simply perfect am
in her rendition of Aux Italians her
voice and manner appealed to the audi
ence In a way which won for her a
double ( uiroio Ohadron Journal , Fub-
ruary : > ! } , HUM.
Foil SAM : Well improved ranch
with SO head graded cattle two mlleH
from Buffalo Gap , S. 1) .
U. 11. SKII.KU.
ileuses for Halo. T. 1C. ODIOHNB.
Foit HAM : Hunch one and a half
nik'H from Tilford , S. D. 1M)0 ) acres
leoded land , 3,000 leased land , plenty
ivlng water ; all fenced ; well improved ;
'rice ' fJO.OOO. Would tnko mine Nor
folk property and farms to suit.
A. G. Hohnert returned today from a
rip to Dixon.
Scott llolbrook nnd Win. Hlattaro in
31air this week.
Dr , A. II. Gnrhctt of Madison WUH a
city visitor yesterday.
E. C. Million , the banker at Elgin ,
iiH a city visitor today.
Elmer Day of Kansas City is a guest
at the homo of T. ,1. Morrow.
MJHH Clara Wood went to i'lninview
his morning for a few wt'oks' visit.
Miss Alice Cole returned lust evening
'rom a two-months' visit in the east.
Mrs. Ernest Jake of Winner was a
sity visitor yesterday , returning home
odny ,
Miss Thum ariivoH next week to take
v position in the candy kitchen of her
Messrs. 11 II. Patterson and O. II.
Vail drove to Oukdalo yesterday to see
; ho ball game.
Misses Julia \Vinborger and LUlian
Spence of Madison are hero for the
teachers' examinations.
Mrs. Chan. Kbloand son , George , left
yesterday for Indianapolis , Indiana , and
will visit the Huffulo exposition before
Misses 1C. W. Newman , G L Aider-
HOII , M. 13. Alderson and M. Gutrio of
Humphrey are hero to take the teachers'
Miss Muttin Lonser of Omaha and her
cousin , Miss Dora ( ioonno of Indiana ,
are visiting at the homo of C. Lunser
on South Thirteenth street.
County Superintendent 0. W. Crum
canto up from Madison last night to con
duct the teachers' examinations' at the
High school today and tomorrow.
Mr. nnd Mrs E. P. Weatherby left
today , Mr. Weatherby going to Wyom
ing and Mrs. Weatherby to visit her
sister at Salida , Col. They expect to bo
absent several weeks.
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 117 A.
Mibs Esther Ma on of Columbia
School of Oratory , Chicago , will give nn
elocutionary recital at the Congrega
tional church on Tuesday evening ,
August 20. She will bo assisted by the
best local musical talent , including Miss
Sisson , who will give two selections.
Choice veal at Glissman's.
Gregg shorthand and touch typewrit
ing , taught at Brown's nnsiness college ,
bring success to young people.
LOST Between Norfolk and the Yel
low Banks , the lid to a bamboo lunch
basket. Finder please leave at this of
fice for reward.
Farm and city loans.
Dr. Robert B. Johnson , olllco in Mast
block , over Norfolk National bank.
Spring lamb at Glissman's.
Foil SALE SO.OOO acres in North Da
kota. For sale on crop payment plnn
G. R. Sr.iLKit.
Sturgeon is the pmno man.
It is always a treat to hear Miss Mason
Chadron Journal. Hear her Tuesday
evening at the Congregational church
Notice to Dog Owners.
Owners of dogs who have paid the
tax will see to it that the dogs have
their tags on to prevent their being
shot. , T. II. COXLHY ,
Chief of Police.
See the new nobby street hats at Miss
Fou SALK Several good farms near
Norfolk on easy terms , nlso n largo lis
of city property. G. II. SEILF.II.
FOR SALK Well improved fnrm on
bottom land two miles from Norfolk ,
f 10.00 per ncro. G. U.
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates. Elkhorn Building nnd
Savings association. T. E. ODIOUNE Sen.
Order your engraved visiting cards at
THK NEWS ofllce 100 cards nnd plate
$1.50 ; 50 curds and plate fl.
We will Fell all our Hats
Trimmed and Street Hats , at
J. & E.
. .
( Jigh-Glass Tailoring
and ( Wen's Outfitters
Our Tailoring Department is under the
supervision of Mr. F. 0. Anderson of Chicago ,
who has had fifteen years' experience with
the City Trade and is thoroughly up-to-date.
He brought with him seven high-class
Thus equipped , we are fully prepared to
turn out work equal to Chicago or Omaha ,
and with the patronage of the ( Norfolk people
ple , we expect to continue and increase the
force until ( Norfolk can feel proud of having
the best establishment of the kind west of
Chicago. Our
consist of only high-class goods , such as Wil
son Bros. Shirts , Underwear and Hosiery ,
and Carter & Holmes Exclusive Designs in
Neckwear. Will be open for business , Satur
day , August 17.
J. W.
. .H..H..W..H.-K..H..W ; : :
I 'on SAM : ONLY nv
TOLLEHTON As STETSON CO. , Sioux City , la. ' \ -
Solo Distributors.
.H M-I M--M--M--M ! ! M-
ey ? " SEE = ? -
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n '
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
We have received our first |
invoice of the new things for |
early fall wear. We have |
about 75 styles of Street Hats |
in felt , with many combina =
tions of colors in trimmings.
They are selling now ! Come
and see them while they are
all here !
. . .CRY FOR