The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 16, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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K. A , Orum is In the olty today from
J. Newman went to Denver today on
tt vncntlon.
Mnt. Porrott of Randolph is Ilio guest
ot Mrs. McKim.
MTH. James Gray is camping for 10
days nt LOIIK 1'ino.
W. H. Blessing wait in town from
Hadar yesterday.
Miss Vera Hponcor wont to Btnnton
today for n short visit.
Frank Dearborn of Way no was n
Norfolk visitor ycstonlny.
Ml us Preston of Madison IH visiting at
the homo of Mr nnd Mrs. S. L. Gard-
N. A. IlntnboU anil Dr. Frank Suitor
wont to Long Pine on u flahiug trip lust
It IH estimated that 1,000 people attended -
tended the Worktuuii plonlo ut Hart-
ington ynstoiday.
0. 15. Burnham was down from Til-
don yontonlay on business. Ho didn't
go uoar the tihow.
The inorry-go-rouiid has returned and
IH being Hot up on the lot west of
Fueslor'H tailor shop.
MlHH Anna Lobnow who bait boon vis-
itlng with Norfolk friends , wont to
Fremont this morning.
MlHH Julia Hroomo returned to her
homo in Pilgor today aftora few days'
visit with Norfolk frlouds.
J. J. Brunur of Omaha , who is here
on Internal revenue sorvlco , WIIH the
guest of 0. 15. Flores today.
The ladies aid society of the M. 15.
church will moot in the parlor of the
church tomorrow afternoon at 310. : !
Mrs. Bools and Miss Lota Blakoly
wont to Winsldo and HoskliiH thin
morning to meet their musio Htudonts.
Mrs. Pottongor returned to her homo
in Albion this morning after a visit
with her sister-in-law , Mrs P. II. John-
Carpenters are at work today buildIng -
Ing up the show windows ot Dixvouport
Bros' Bhoo store and making other im
Mrs. A. J. Burkloy returned to her
homo in Hoono , Iowa , this morning
after a visit of bovorul duys with her
brother , W. 15. Sponoor ,
The north wind brought some cooler
weather thla morning that Is muoh ap
preciated by the pooplo. Yostordny
\vaH too hot for comfort.
The bonds providing for improvements
to the water system at Noligh curried
by a small majority yesterday. The
amount voted was $3,000.
Postmaster Sproohor , P. P. Boll and
II. D Kelly will leave this evening for
Sheridan , Wyoming , where they will
join O. B. Burrows in a camping and
hunting outing.
ITho | material for Ilight Bros. ' bowling
alloy has boon received and is being
placed in the east store room of the
Marquanlt block , which has boon placed
in first class condition.
There was a game of base ball at Milford -
ford , Iowa , Sunday between thoMilford |
and Algona teams that was a marker.
Sixteen innings wore played without a
Kooro for wither team. Darkness ended
the contest.
The improvements to the Baptist par-
Honago are well under way and when
completed it will bo a handsome and
commodious cottago. The addition on
the south adds much to the convenience
and attractiveness of the building.
At a special election hold in Hurting-
ton Monday bonds for putting in a city
as plant wore carried by a vote of 80 to
00. llartiiigtoii is ono of the prettiest
towns in this part of state and the
people propose to have it well lighted.
The Glouwood team did up West
Point in another game yesterday li ( to 9.
The Qlonwood team arrived here on the
iioon train and thisafturnoou is engaged
in an interesting game with the homo
team. A largo number of people are in
terested spectators.
The tailors for J. W. Humphrey's
establishment didn't arrive when expec
ted but will probably bo hero tomorrow
nnd the store then bo opened for busi
ness Saturday. The work of arranging
the place is well advanced and a model
business establishment will bo the
There is a race on between the Elkhorn -
horn and Burlington companies to got
standard gauge lines into Lead , S. D.
The former has about three and a half
xuilos to build , while the Burlington
will bo compelled to construct eight or
ion miles of track. It is believed that
the Elkhorn will bo able to accomplish
the job iu about four mouths.
Columbus Journal : The angora goat
is becoming a little more popular every
year as a farm domestic , and lias a
number of points iu his favor. An or
dinary well-built hog feuco four foot
high will turn him. Ho is hardy and
generally free from disease. They are
lulled by packers and sold as mutton.
They are better browsers than sheep ,
und can protect themselves better
ngaiust dogs. They can bo bought at
Kansas City almost any time , graded
ones , at $4 to ? 0 a head.
Vordigro Citizen : Joseph Kurka had
1,200 bushels of two-year-old corn and
when it became necessary , a few days
ago , for him to open the crib , a swarm
of wa pn entered a Htroiiuous protest ,
and drove Mr. Kurka away from the
crib. JOU'H mad WIIH up and ho Immo-
dlatuly attacked the waxpn with a flro
brand. Ho wan doing frightful execu
tion among the wimps wltuu a sudden
glint of wind carried tlio llamos Into the
thatohod roof und the Jig waH up. Joe
burned the wasps all right , but it cost
him 000 to do it.
Rov. H. 0. Moyorn , ngod (17 ( yearn ,
died at the homo of Ills son In Stanton
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from
ouncurouB tumorH , Thodoceanod waa atone
ono Unit ) a MothodiHt minister but later
foundml the People's Baptist ohuroh at
Sohuylor. Ilia last pastorate was at
Denver , Col , where ho received fJ,000
a year. Kov. Mr. Meyers was a mom-
bnr of the Masonic fraternity and the
funeral tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
will bo under the auspices of that order
The Stanton ledge would bo pluasod to
have as many Norfolk Masons attend IIH
On February 18 the homo of H. 0.
Bronio at Omaha- was entered and burg
larized. Mouday of this wuok Charles
T. Hluklo , colored , was arrested for im
personating an ollloor and a search of
hin residence discovered a largo quantity
of Holid sllvorwaro and a couplu of rugs
that had boon taken from the Brome
homo , The family was using the silver
ware at broakfaHt and much of it was
engraved with the imino of the owner
and Mrs. Brome had no hesitancy in
Identifying it. It is thought that
Hinkle had performed at least half a
do/.ou burglaries.
The Qrout Eastern show came here
yoHtorday with following that has
something of a record for faking and
working various grafts. When they
ociino here the olllcors wore prepared for
them and kept the practice of skin
gamoH down to a minimum. Ono fol
low claimed to have boon short changed
by a roHorvud seat man , losing $ -1 50 by
the deal but the man who did the work
could not bo located and no arrests Wore
mado. Several parsons lout at a shell
game or something of similar character
but thin was sat down on early iu the
proceedings and no farther complaints
were made. A young boy iu the pro
fessional bogging business was the only
arrest mado.
Chief of Police Conloy reports that
dog owners have boon comlng-up quite
manfully and paying their tnxos during
the past few days. Ho recently pub
lished notice to the effect that he would
begin shooting dogs on which the taxes
had not boon paid after the 10th. Those
who were inclined to think ho was
Joking discovered their error after 12
canines gave tip their rospoctlvo ghosts
and some of the owners are literally
falling over themselves to got Inline and
save their pots from annihilation. The
olllcors llud that there IH trouble on
every hand when they collect from some
and allow others to escape and have do-
tormiuod that dogs should cither have
their taxes paid or dlo.
The Harvest Homo Festival is in a
state abeyance. The committee ap
pointed is ready and willing to proceed
if the business men desire , but assort
that thny will not force an entertain-
inont on the citizens. They volunteer
to devote their time and money to the
cause with the belief that it is to the
interest of the city but they want the
business men to determine whether or
not such nu entertainment shall bo hold
and its character. At its meeting Mon
day night the Woodmen appointed a
committee to co-operato with the busi
ness uiou any time they wish to pro
ceed but the members of the entertain
ment committee assort that they are
through oxplaiLiug and coaxing.
Dodge county is gaining quite a repu
tation as a mocoa for horse theivos and
two or three stealings a week is getting
to bo the average record. Chief of Po
lice Conley received a message today
requesting him to keep a look out for a
rig that had bcou stolen at Hooper and
Monday ho was advised to watch for a
team , buggy and harness taken from A.
Jens , proprietor of the Club livery barn
at Fremont. The thief hired it Sunday
morning for a sovou-milo drive and.
failed to return. Ofllcor Couley stated
that an outfit answering tuo discretion
passed through here about 8 o'clock
Monday afternoon but other duties pre
vented him from following and ho un
doubtedly missed sharing in the reward
of $75 offered for its capture.
An Oklahoma editor , who is a deep
thinker , has fixed a table of rates for
publishing things , "not as they seem , "
as follows : "For tolling the public
that a man is a successful citizen when
everyone knows that ho is as lazy as a
government mule , $3.73 ; referring to a
deceased citizen as ono who is sincerely
mourned by the entire community and
when we know he will be missed by the
poker circle , $ I OS ; referring to some
galivantiug female as an estimable lady
whom it is a pleasure to nieut , when
every business man in the town would
rather see the devil coming , horns , hoofs
and all , than to see her coming towards
thorn , $3.10 ; calling an ordinary pulpit
pounder an eminent divine , 00 couts ;
sending a tough sinner to heaven with
poetry , f5. "
Daily Excursions via Nickle Plate Road.
Chicago to Buffalo and Now York.
Special low ratoa and favorable limits
on all points east. Call on or address
John Y. Calahan , general agent , 111
Adauia street , Chicago.
J. U. Brown wan here yesterday from
Ooo , N Boolfl wont to Oakland thiq
H. S JarvU of Alinworth waa a city
visitor yosturday.
Dr. Koo of Pilgor visited Norfolk
frlomlH yostorday.
Mrs. H. A. Tawnoy of Pierce was n
oily visitor today.
A. II , Winder wan a passenger for St.
Paul thin morning.
Frank Malohow was a olty visitor
yesterday from Wisuor.
S. L. Gardner was a p.assongor for
Sioux City this aftoruoon.
10. M. Klosoho was a passenger for
Hot Springs , S. D. , last evening.
0. N. Wolfe of Spriugvlow was lu the
olty over night onrouto to St. Paul.
The family of Supt. O'Connor have
returned from their visit at Hartington.
Hov. L. W. Sonddor and family have
returned from a visit to Mrs. Souddor's
The Ladles of the Maocaboos are en
joying a pioulo party this afternoon at
Taft's grovo.
Mr.and Mrs. J. J. Hughes and Miss
Hoao Hughes were here .today from
Battle Crock.
August Hoohno who has boon visiting
friends here , returned to his homo in
Wisnor yostorday.
The ladles of Trinity Social guild
wont to the Yellow Banks today to visit
the choir boys' camp.
John Onimorniau has gene to Madi
son to work on the now bridges for the
Canton Bridge company. , ,
Saui Marty , B S. Porriuo and Mike
Kynu of Croighton were iu town yesterday
day to see the ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Malohow of Wls-
nor , who have boon visiting Norfolk
frlouds , wont to Sioux City yostorday.
Misses Bosslo McFarlaud and Clara
and Lyda Bruoggomann wont to Pilgor
yesterday to visit the graud parents of
the latter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Boruer departed
yesterday noon for a visit of several
wneks lu Milwaukee , Wis. , where they
huvo relatives.
Miss Preston returned to her homo in
Madison this morning und was accom
panied by Mrs. S. L Gardner who will
visit there a short tiuio.
A camping party composed of Ed
Dixou , Ray Hayes , John Kuhl , Millard
Groou and Carl Davenport wont to the
Yellow Banks today for a week's stay.
Dudley's wagonette wont to the Yel
low Banks today with another party of
pleasure seekers. They were : Herbert
Daniel and Misses Hartley , MoBrldo ,
Whymau , Durland and Morrow.
A number of West Sldo families pic
nicked tit Taft's grove yesterday after
noon , previous to the departure of
Messrs. Sprechor , Bull and Kelly for
Sheridan , Wyoming , on a hunting trip.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. I. G.
Wostorvolt paid a surprise visit to their
mother yesterday , with their families ,
in honor of her birthday anniversary.
The occasion was heartily enjoyed by
Kov. G. H. Main is attending the
district camp meeting at Beouior and in
his absence the pnlpit ut the Methodist
church will bo filled Sunday morning
and evening by Rev. Oscar Mueller of
Ira Welch of the Amos Agricultural
college , is the guest of his aunt , Mrs.
E. M , Huutington. Ho is ou his way
homo from a trip west with a class ol
botanical students from the college.
They have been out since the first of
July and have had a very enjoyable trip.
Ed Mason and a stranger got into
some difficulty over n game of dice
about noon today and indulged iu n
scrap with considerable of a foot race
accompaniment. The stranger was
lodged in jail. It is said that the strau
gor refused to pay for a gauio and Ma
sou endeavored to ouforce payment witl
a knife ,
The Yellow Banks is adding to its rep
ututiou as a summer resort this summer
There are about 50 people encamped
there at the present time and about 20
have gone out today ou a visit. It is
expootod that there will soon be over
100 campers there from Norfolk , Madi
sou , Battle Creek aud Meadow Grove
if it doesn't rain.
Rev. W. H. Eatou , formerly pastor o
the Baptist church of this city , iu a
letter to L. M Gaylord , from Cherry
villo , Kansas , says that ho is prospering
iu his work there iu spite of the crop
failure. They are building a nice brick
church almost as large as the Methodis
church horo. The upper walls are
about half way to the eaves. They are
practically nothing behiud ou the money
part and Pastor Eaton is much euoour
aged , hoping to dedicate free of debt.
Chief of Police Couley has been iu
structed to do his duty in regard to the
dogs ou which the license tax has no
boou paid and is out with a 44-caltbro
cauuou making war ou nil sorts of ours
that infest the streets. Sovou were
killed yesterday aud others will shortly
Join them in the happy hunting groanc
if the taxes are uot paid. The officers
consider that dog owners have ha <
sutllcieut notice aud no ono will be to
blame but the owners if dogs are she
down on which the liooiiso has uot been
The Schlak-LooRchor marriage which
tnkcsi'laoo ' this iiftoruoou at 4 o'clock
furiiinhfld nu OXCUBO for a party to go to
the Loosohor homo lust evening for the
purpose of giving the prospective bride
and groom n charivari , Reports from
the affair indicate that the follows com
posing the charivari party conducted
thoniHolvos In an altogether disgraceful
tnauuor. They were invited lute the
LocHohor homo and while refreshments
were bolng Horved they grabbed a portion
tion of the trout and carried it away.
Then they came back looking for trouble
and if reports are true they got more of
it than they bargained for and loss thau
they deserved as there was o party bo
lng entertained at the house , the men
being of robust build uud possessing au
ability to rosout au insult. Not satis
fied with making trouble the charivari
party destroyed some of the property of
ilr. Lousohor nnd defaced his house to a
ousidcrablo extent.
Mmle It * Own KunrrnI Toilet.
Then1 are curtain limectfl that have
such n respect for Mrs. Qruudy and
are cndo-rod with fuieli an Innate love
of ncntnrss nnd order that not oven
death , or rather doc'iipltatlon , can pre
vent them from making one grand
Inal tolli't , which Is clearly designed
o give them a sedate and respectable
nppoariuico afttT death.
Dr. llulllon , n Hkllled ciHoiaologlst ,
llscovcu'd this remarkable fact. "Dur-
HE ono of my recent horseback rides , "
it1 says. "I frequently caught one of
tlioHo large llli-a which annoy cattle
and horsoa so much , and I promptly
; ot rlil of It by crushing ltd head.
! ) no day , Instead of throwing the inn-
.llnti'd Insect nwny , I placed It on the
buck of my hand and Indolently watch ,
cd It. For Home seconds the insect re
mained motionless , but then , to my
mbonndt-d surprise , It moved Its front
otfs forward to the place where the
load .should have been , nnd , after It
lad rubbed them nervously together ,
apparently In nngulsh , It began to
brush Its body and to smooth Its wings
with Its hind legs. Under the gentle
: > ressuro of these limbs the body grad
ually became extended and the ex
tremity curved , while the wings grad
ually changed their natural position
and left the upper part of the body
exposed. Meanwhile the hind legs
continued to brush each other from
time to time.
"Naturally I watched this extra
ordinary sight with great Interest , nnd ,
In order to see the finale , I took the
Insect Into my study , where It lived
an entire day , spending the time nt
the ungrateful task of making Its own
funeral toilet. "
T o nnd Four.
"Two ? " demanded the peremptory
conductor as he took a quarter from
the woman who had Just struggled tea
a place ou the trolley.
"No , four , " she replied.
Four fares were rung sharply , and
the conductor handed back 5 cents.
"That Isn't rlghtl" exclaimed the
woman Indignantly.
"You said you wanted to pay for
f'Uir. ' " retorted the trolley employee.
"I didn't , " denied the woman. "You
a ked If my little boy was 1 years
old , and 1 bald no , ho was 4. I biip-
pose I'll have to pay for him If It's the
rule , but I don't think it's right"
The remainder of the sentence was
lost In the discords that Issued from
the throat of the enraged conductor ,
who thrust ten pennies Into the out
stretched hand nnd retired to the rear
platform to relieve his feelings more
fully by refusing to stop the car for
nny one for ten blocks. New York
The Stupid Thing.
"Do you think the shortest route to a
man's heart Is through his stomach ? '
aaked Miss Gabby as she prepared to
exhibit her skill with the chafing dish
to young Dr. Powers.
"Oh , dear , no ! " exclaimed the young
physician , swelling up with the con
sclousupss of hie superior knowledge
"The shortest way to the heart Is by
way of an Incision through the lef
subclavlal section of the thoracic parle
ties. "
Thus la cold science wresting Cupid's
weapons one by one from the hands
nf the fair BOX. Baltimore American ,
Order your engraved visiting cards fit
THE NEWS office 100 cards and plate
$1.50 ; 50 cards and plate $1.
To Chicago and Milwaukee.
Au Electric Light in every berth.
C. , M. & St P.
Short Line to Chicago ,
Very Low Rates to the Buffalo Expo
sition aud Eastern Summer Resorts.
Write for rates , etc. , to
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWELL , 1504 Farnam St. ,
Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha.
That \vo uro constantly Bowing in the art of
making Fine Photos , and our products will al
ways be found to cm brace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. We also I
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all h * *
kinds of framing.
I. 3MC -Iv ?
What you get for your Money
is as Important
as the Amount you Pay.
When you buy lumber
from our yard you will
get clean , bright and
well dried stock , and
have a complete as
sortment from which
to make your selec
Chicago Lumber Co. ,
: Telephone No. 91. NORFOLK , NEBR.
Bigger , Better , More Gorgeous than Ever
SEPT. 11 TO 21
> . .AND.
Every Day and Highl ! Free Entertainment all the lime
Grand Dai light Parade Wednesday Afternoon , September 10th
Gorgeous Electrical Pageant Thursday Evening , September 19th
Thi UA\S OK 1'M.qUALKU H'S ASI ) SHillT-ShHM ! !
Pr , Keltef. peel ll3t In Nose , Throat. Luns :
anil Kidney Disease * * 111 correspond with you
lu regard to your condition. . _ _
Medical Opinion in regard to
Dr. A. H. Keller's Sylvan Ozone.
An editor of n medical journal
writes as follows :
"Dr. A H. Keller's Sylvan Ozone
offered by the Dr. A. H. Keller
Chemical Company as a qure for
Consumption , Asthma , Bronchitis ,
Hay Fever , Catarrh , Coughs ,
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages. This we know to be a
genuine specific for these com
plaints , and as such , entitled to
our confidence and that of our
"Close examination into the w
practical results which have been /
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be-
iuj ? an undoubted cure for the
above ailments , effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest and most tedious
character. Dr. A. H. Keller's Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health , and in cases which wore
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief. "
. . ,
Daily News Job Department
' . .FOR. ,