The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 09, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The paramount lsut to tho Nebraska
fuslonlsts nt the pn vnt timo npn ar to
be 1 Clem Dfim r
An octopus is well npronted
year by the fanner with tho crop
ran brine nil othor octopuses to
A strike in n luxury thot ennnot Ixs
afforded in days of hord times and de
pression and but few core to enjoy one
In days of prosperity
Norfolk will bloom with hospitality I
nnd good times during her Harvest
Homo Festival No person In North
Nebraska can alTord to not participate
The Mislsippl mob that hanged two
negro women who had been charged
with n crime is undoubtedly brutal
enough to tar and fen titer or horsewhip
n baby
The calamity waller in Nebraska is
again in the minority The people are
not even worrving about tho downfall
of the republio and the erection of an
Tho free and unlimited coinage of
words should stop Fifty years ago
there were but 7000 words in the Eng
lish language beginniug with tho letter
A uow there are 00000
Tho prohibitionists will meet in Unto
convention at Lincoln on Wednesday
September 1 to reassert their loyalty
to cold water ond insit thnt it is the
only drink for their fellowmen
Anyway Governor Savage appears to
be paying little attention to tho criti
cism regarding Hartleys parolo Per
hnps ho is thoroughly convinced thut
the card up his sleeve is a suro winner
A nice crop of feed cnu be raised yet
1laut cane turnips rutnbags cow
pens millet and there will be no lack
of food for horses and cattle during the
winter This rnin will start inch crops
In tho death of Dowager Empress
Frederick mother of Emperor William
of Germany nnd sister of King Edward
VII of England Europe is again called
upou to mourn the loss of one of her
most promluont royal ladies
Tho farmers of Nobraska marketed
Burplus products last year to tho amount
of 110005301 This yenr tliey will not
have so much to market but what they
have will not bo far from equalling it
in vnlue Staud up for Nebraskn
Then thero aro tho Maryland demo
crats also who fail to consider free
silver at 11 to 1 the paramouut issue
It begins to look as though Mr Bryan
would either havo to join tho rumps or
uccept a new and pnramounter jiseuo
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has
decided to make a personal study oi
crop conditions in tho corn belt and has
arrived in Nebraska for that purpose
The rain of today will uot admit of his
forming an altogether unfavorable
opinion of Nebraska
Kansas olso appeals to Secretary Wil
Fori to change liis opinion about the
tnrn bolt showing thatthot semi arid
nnd uncertain state has produced
d iring the past five years according to
t io secretarys own report bread stuffs
ti the value of 378133347
Nebraska hog raisers marketed 27SS
524 head of the animals at a value oi
37045070 leading iu value tho other
products and the Fremont Tribune
wants the Nebraska hog crowned em
peror Ho is pretty big people but thero
are already enough hogs ou thrones
The value of products exported from
Nebraska by the farmers of the state
last year was more than 125000000 or
f 124 for every man woman and child
in the state It is little wonder that
eonio of the people have splendid bank
accounts and that there are many who
are fully convinced that there is pros
pority in the land
The New York Journal of Commerce
has been doing some figuring on the out
look for the farmer this year as com
pared with last year and has reached
the conclusion that corn wheat and
oats this year will be worth 17000000
more than last year Lnst year there
was a big crop at a fair price and the
Journal figures that this year thero will
be a fair crop at a big price
Hero Hobson has evidently reformed
jVt Madison Wis after an address on
the American navy several bold bad
women endeavored to impress oscnlatory
carresses on his lips but it is positively
btated that he successfully side stepped
their efforts and has again demonstrated
that he is a hero by evading threatened
dangers Richmond would undoubtedly
be justified in carrying a torpedo boat
for his protection
Iowa democrats eyes are caEt toward
Cedar Rapids where they hope to see a
merry row at the republican state con
vention They will be disappointed un
less all precedent fails The Iowa re
publicans have a reputation for adjust
ing differences and overriding diffi
culties in a wny that ia astonishing and
dUconcertlng to the opposition The
t nudtdato named nt Cedar Ropids
be J hi- nest governor of Iowa
A Harvest Homo Festival in ft local-
ity whero there is no harvest might
I well le deemed out of plnce but Nor
this folk i in the center of u territory whero
He n crop of smoll grain has been horvested
his nnd tho porn harvest nromises well It
is one of the localities in the corn belt
thnt coh afford to celebrate and the
meeting tomorrow night should bo en
thusiastic and definite Everyone in
terested should make it a point to be
i present
Dr Koch the tuberculous expert has
recently ndvnnced two theories regnrd
ing the disense thnt the people will bo
glad to have proven true One is that
the disease is not communicated from
cattle to men and tho other that it is
not hereditary If true this leaves but
ouo important invthod of communicat
ing tho disease and tha is through the
germs in the sputum of consumptives
nnd this can be much more readily
guarded against than though is were
hereditary and coamuuicablo from
cattle Tho doctors theory should at
onco bo proven right or wrong in the
interest of the human family
Under tho head John R Hays not
Concerned tho Omaha Bee of yester
day retracts its statement that ho had
any connection with tho Auditorium
drawing with the following explana
tion As tho statement was inado by
an oilicer of the government who was
supposed to be fully cognizant of the
condition of affairs it wos used without
question nnd tho unme of Mr Hays
was among thosn mentioned to the ro
porter It go8 on to say that Mr
Hayes nnmo was not used in connec
tion withTifo matter except as explained
by Tin Nrws Tho oilicer mentioned
made a deplorable mistake nnd should
in the future exercise greater discretion
in the information he conveys to the
Tho partial loss of the op this year
would pay a largo part of the expense of
constructing an irrigation and reservoir
system Tho country between the
Rocky mountains and the Missouri
river 19 too well drained the land being
ut eucIi a slopo that the surplus water
moves off too rapidly and there should
be ways of holding it back and in re
serve for tho Bummer months Tho
Trndo Exhibit sayB If it wns possiblo
to dot tho country with lakes nnd reser
voirs tho air would be filled with moist
ure arising from the surface of the
water increasing the liability to rain
while at tho souio timo tho water could
bo drawn direct from theso storage res
ervoirs for Irrigation purposes or let
out into tho streams thnt might be run
ning drj to bo drawn out lower down
for the same purpose
Auothcr thing regarding
which should bo called to
Wlsbns attention is that
state has held first second
while the
third and
fourth places as ft Corn producing state
tho time is coming when she will stay
at first place Tho development of Ne
braskn has but fairly begun Then
are the thousands of acres in the state
that will grow com which have never
been touched by the plow whereas
Iowa Indiaun and Illinois ore pretty
thoroughly cultivated When there
fore theso idle Nebraska lands are
brought up to their producing capacity
it does not require an extreme optimist
to believe that the state will head the
list of corn producing states ot least
nine years out of ten Nebrnska is in
tho corn belt and determined to stay
there iu spite of an occasional partial
It would be difficult to tell tho politics
of the average democratic paper at pres
ent All they have license to do is to
attack the republican administration at
frequent intervals and even this be
comes monotonous As far as public
questions are coucerned they ore await
ing a definite straw to determine which
way the wind is blowing The result
in Ohio has proven that Brynnisrn
hasnt a mortal cinch on the party and
they ore not so anxious to diet on crow
that they deem it necessary to form any
radical opinion either wny It is prob
ably tho sensible stand to take and when
the time comes they can swiug around
to the majority without auy recent
articles to proclaim an npparent incon
sistency Some of the little rags con
tinue to blaze away without any
thought that thoy may be huWcreet
but the real leaders are laying very low
If the state is to refuse to keep the
families of its employes at its institu
tions It might not be a bad plau to pro
vide rentable homes nearby whero an
official or employe could maintain his
family No doubt the privilege of keep
lug families at the institutions has beeu
woefully abused in the past but it iB
just as certain that a person who is re
quired to devote almost his entire time
to the Bervice of the state should not be
entirely separated from his family as
though ho were the menuest inmate
Many of the institutions are at a con
siderable distance from desirable resi
dence property and if an officer or em
ploye is to be allowed to visit his fam
ily at all a considerable part of his time
would be consumed in journeying back
and forth whereas if his family lived
nearby he might spend his spore mo-
raents at home without inconveniencing pood grounds for the belief Tester
anyone or impairing his efficiency to days Omnha papers contain a
the stntf tional nrtiee connecting tho mimes of
Tho efforts of tho sugar trust to Xork lplo with the proposed draw
of rival np of he Norfolk Auditorium alleging
poo a in the beet sugar
try is mooting with merited antagonism thnt the nre hkely 0 e cnlled nP
wherever the beet industry has obtained ore the United States court to answer
a foot hold and the trust will fnd that t0 the chnrKe of proper se of the
the beet industry has many friends with mnils nD1 lt is Md thnt a Clilcngo piper
whom it will hnve to reckon before it is hsd ftU nricle alleging thnt they were
permitted to manipulate affairs to Its drey nntler arrest As a matter of
liking In the west the trust is cutting fnct he nrticles in question ore mainly
prices in the cost tho magnates assert lesnndtissuch constitute nu extreme li
that the sugar producers want the im
port duty on raw sugar abolished and a
duty of half a cent on refined sugar
maintained and as a third weapon the
and their movement in favor of free
raw sugar and a duty on the refined
article would bo a distinct advantnge
they being able to require the difference
between the freo raw sugar nnd the
duty on refined from consumers Noth
ing would bo of greater ndvantago to
tho trust than this and nothing would
hurfc the beet sugar industry that both
produces nnd refines more The trust
will not find tho supporters of the beet
sugar industry inactive and the Ameri
can people will uot allow a homo indus
try to be crushed if they enn prevent it
Those who hnve seen the heroes of
the wnr hurled from
high positions in tho esteem of their
countrymen aro brought to wonder if
all ore lacking in the requirements of
heroes if they really did nothing de
serving of praise or if the jealousy of
their comrades and fellow citizens
might not be the real cause of their un
doing For months the unme of Dewey
was iu everyones mouth or until he re
turned home and gave evidence that he
was an ordinary mortal as well ns a hero
Then Roosevelts enemies questioned
his prowess tho effort was made to
prove Hobson undeserving of praise nnd
it was sought to discredit Fred Fun
ston tho hero of two bravo deeds and
tho Schley Sampson controversy has
gone so far that a court of inquiry is de
mnnded to settle tho differences nrising
In fact not a man has done anything to
distinguish himself but that someone is
ready to sep forward and question his
motives or otherwiso discredit his
action People are beginning to believe
that the United States does not deserve
heroic service thnt the country does not
honor her brnvo as they are honored in
other countries and that a soldier or
sailor shows tho best judgement who re
mains a uoueuity and does not risk life
or fortune by some deed of reckless dar
ing in his countrys service It doeB
seem that these men hnve uot been gen
erously treated but tho time will un
doubtedly come when their deeds of
valour will shine brighter than over
when their enemies will be silenced and
when they will receive full credit for
their notion
is In the Corn Hell
Now that Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson is making a personal inspection
of the condition of the com belt it is to
be hoped ho will revise tho opinion he
has recently expressed that Nebraska is
outsido of the corn belt Up to this
year the com belt area wos presumed
to cover the states of Illinois Iowa
Missouri Indiana Kansas and Ne
braska Secretary Wilson insists that
the true com belt is comprised in the
states of Iowa Illinois and Missouri
while Nebraska and KauBas are classed
with the semi arid states
During the past five years the rank in
the order of production of corn of the
six states that havo been mentioned was
as follows
1800 lbl7 1SDS 1599 1900
Iowa 1 3 1 2
Nebraska 2 18 1
Illinois 3 2 2 1
Kansas 4 5 5 3
Missouri 5 4 4 5
Indiana 0 0 0 0
It will be noted that Nebraska
within the five years ranked first one
year second one year third two years
and fourth one year The only states
that have outranked Nebraska in the
com yield ore Iowa oud Illinois while
Kansas Missouri and Indiana have
fallen below The com crop for 1900
In the leading states is as follows
yield of coun 1900
Iowa 305659918
Illinois 204170220
Nebraska 21043u001
Missouri 160710404
Kansas 103870030
Indiana 153200600
With this exhibit before him Secre
tary Wilson can hardly close his eyes to
the fact that Nebraska is entitled to n
high ploce among tho corn producing
states It is safe to assert that Nebraska
will continue to hold its place as the
second or third corn producing state
even In this bo called drouth year
Onlv Illinois and Iowa have any prom
ise of outclassing Nebraska iu corn oat
put of 1901 If Nebraska is not in the
corn belt it will have to have a new
class made for it Omaha Bee
Sensational JournalUm
Several Norfolk citizens now believe
that the qualifications for a reporter of
a city daily are about a ton of gall and
sensation to a grain of truth and dis
cretion and they certainly have very
on xne nrst name mentioned is tnnt oi
Hon John R Hays who for the first
time has learned that his name was ever
used in connection with the scheme
trust is issuing 15000000 ndditi6nal mennonetj nnu me lutn tnnt no is io ue
capital stock with which to operato in I ntel is simply preposterous and
Porto Rico and Cuba Tho trust is not could only be evolved from tho fertile
Imagination of a sensational reporter or
a producer of sugar but onlv a refiner
smallbraiued gossip
The other names mentioned were
those of his partner Judge Powers und
Dr Bear who if the cose 1b understood
by the writer are no more amendable
to the United States postal laws than
any other Norfolk citizen or tho citi
zen of nny other city in the state for
the scheme The two latter gentlemens
names were used with those of other
Norfolk citizens as a committee to super
vise the drawing if one was held As
none hos yet taken place they have not
even supervised a drawing much less
put tho mails to an improper use
The only connection Mr Hays name
had with tho scheme was for the identi
fication of Mr Powers one of the com
mittee members it being said that he
was tho senior member of the firm of
Powers Hays The reporter has
simply made o mountain of a mole
hill and he and others concerned should
be convicted of slander if not by the
lows at least by the public The pa
pers may be innocent of nny attempted
wrong and n prompt retraction is the
least that could be expected
The person who mailed the circulars
and received the replies is ns believed
the only one even liable to arrest and no
case has been proven against him nor
should there be in nil fairness in view
of the mouy similar schemes that have
been conducted throughout the country
apparently without the protest of the
postal authorities
It is doubtful if the postal authorities
or the court officials are in any way re
spoLSble for furnishing nu iutimntion
for the formntiou of such articles as the
dailies contained but if fiey should
have been so indiscreet they are entitled
to their share of censure
One Wiiii Enough
That illu triou astronomer Profess
or Simon Ncvcomb In an article on
Science and the Government in The
North American Review gives an
amusing Instance of the Ignorance even
of the most prominent politicians re
garding the work of the greatest scien
tists -
It is said that some 0 years ngo tho
British academy had printed a few cop
ies of an Important work for protonta
ticn to some foiciguers who fiom their
prominence In the scientific world were
best entitled to be honored with the
gift Professor Airy the astronomer
royal was requested to make a selec
tion of the names A few days after
he had sent In his list he was informed
by the secretary of the admiralty that
my lords were struck by the number
of unknown names included and that
they wished to make an Inquiry on the
subject Airy nsked the secretary for
some specifications as to the names re
ferred to
Well as an example said the sec
retary here Is the name of Professor
C F Gauss of Gottlngen Who Is he
Gauss Is one of the greatest math
ematicians of the age and stands
among the two or three most eminent
masters In physical astronomy now liv
ing Who else do you wish to know
No one else That will do replied
the secretary
The niood on the Knife
For the last ten years said a cu
rio dealer in the Old Quarter a broad
bladed dagger with an Imitation bronze
handle has been lying among a lot of
odds and ends In that comer showcase
I dont know where it came from but
I probably got It when buying some
collection At nny rate the other day
while looking over my dead stock It
occurred to me It might be burnished
up nnd used ns a paper knife I took
It out scraped the handle a little to se
what It was made of and then laid It
on my desk to attend to a customer
When I picked It up again I was as
tounded to find the blade dripping with
blood It scorns a childish thing to tell
but the Incident was so grewsome and
apparently Inexplicable that It set me
trembling like a leaf In a moment
however my common sense came to
the rescue and what proved to be the
correct explanation Hashed Into my
It was n trick dagger for use either
on the stage or In some secret society
mummery nnd the hilt contained a
bidden reservoir for artificial blood
In scraping the side I had pressed a
spring which opened a little valve and
out came the gore still fluid after all
theso years I afterward found that
tho top unscrewed for replenishing the
supply New Orleans Times-Democrat
M itnul Sympathy
Collector Im sorry Mr Slowpay
but your tailor has put his account
ngalnst you into my hands for collec
Mr Slowpay He has eh Do you
work on a commission basis
Collector Yes sir
Mr Slowpay Then Im sorry for
rou Chicago News
What State Exchanges Say of Harvest
Home Edition
Laurel Advocate- The Norfolk
News issued a fine descriptive nnd illus
trated special edition last Saturday
Albion News The Norfolk News
got out a splendid souvenir illustrated
edition lnst Snturday that is a credit to
that enterprising publication
Battle Creek Republican The Nor
folk News put out o creditable supple
ment containing sketches and pictures
of prominent places and prominent men
in Madison county Saturday
Newcastle Times The Norfolk
News came out last Saturday with a
souvenir embellished edition that was
very creditable to the publishers and
one that the city of Norfolk may well
be proud of
Wisner Chronicle The Norfolk
Daily News issued a Midsummer oud
Harvest Home souvenir edition of Mad
ison county this week that is a credit to
the publisher W N Huse and its
compiler H S Livingstone
Stanton Register The Norfolk
News got out a special edition last Sat
urday thnt is one of the best that has
been printed in the Elkhorn volley for
years Editor Hubo certninly makes a
success of his special editions
Wiuside Tribune The Norfolk
News came out with n glowing writeup
of Madison county in its last Saturdays
edition Tho most of the pictures dis
played in the writeup were taken by
Roy II Johnson formerly of Winside
Dakota County Record The Nor
folk Daily News issued a very credit
able Midsummer and Harvest Home
souvenir of Madison county this week
It is illustrated with half tones and is
a very nice piece of typographical work
Wayne Herald The Norfolk Daily
News on Saturday issued a Midsummer
and Harvest Home souvenir edition that
is a beauty typographically and is writ
ten in a highly entertaining manner
It is a credit to its promoters and Editor
Scribner News This office is in re
ceipt of a copy of the Midsummer and
Harvest Home souvenir edition of Mad
ison county published by the Norfolk
Daily News It is one of the best pub
lications of its character ever issued in
this part of the state
Lynch Journal The Norfolk Daily
News of Saturday last came out with
the neatest and fiuest writeup of Madi
son county that it has ever been our
pleasure to see WThen the News un
dertakes a job it is generally finished in
the finest way possible
Wayne Democrat The Norfolk
News got out a remarkable edition last
Saturday lt was a 30 page paper con
taining a comprehensive story of Madi
son county her towns and people nnd
their wonderful progress The News
is an expert ot the special edition
Madison County Reporter The Nor
folk Daily News on Saturday July
20 issued a Midsummer nnd Harvest
Home souvenir edition of Madison
county The edition was published in
book form and it gave a complete his
toricol and biographical sketch of Madi
son county
Cuming County Democrat We are
in receipt of a copy of the Norfolk
Daily News being a Midsummer and
Harvest Home souvenir edition of Mad
ison county It is a volume of twenty
six pages and is one of the nicest edi
tions of this character ever produced in
Meadow Grove Press The Norfolk
Daily News came out last week with a
very neat illustrated Midsummer Souve
nir edition of MadiBou county Editor
Huse and H S Livingstone who as
sisted him deserve much credic for the
neat and attractive manner in which it
was gotten up
Humphrey Democrat This office Is
Inreceipt of a copy of the souvenir edi
tion of the Norfolk Daily News which
was issued last Saturday Tho paper
represents a magnificent effort on the
part of the publisher Mr Huse and it
shows up Norfolk and Madison county
in an excellent manner
Lyons Sun The Norfolk News is
out with a handsome and comprehen
sive Midsummer oud Harvest Home
souvenir edition of Madison county It
contains much valuable information
concerning Nebraska in general and
Madison county in particular and is a
c edit to the publisher of the News
Amsworth Star Journal The Daily
News of Norfolk last baturday is a neat
edition of the paper in magazine form
illustrative of the advantages of the
town and county It was called the
Midsummer and Harvest Souvenir
Edition of Madison County and is
very creditable to both paper and people
Carollludex The Norfolk Daily
News issued a special edition on Satur
day lost that was one of finest ever
printed in the state and reflects credit
on the enterprising publisher It con
sisted of 24 pages of well written de
scriptive matter beautifully illustrated
and was a moaei oi typographical ex
Wayne Republican The Norflok
News on last Saturday issued a splen
did illustrated edition of the towns of
Madison county lt was a 26 page
paper put up in book shape and wna well
written and excollently printed on good
book paper W N Uuse proprietor of
The News is an up-to-date progressive
Pierce Call The Norfolk News of
last Saturday bloomed out into a 32 page
poper with every page filled with good
live interesting reading and n gem in
the nrt preservative The paper wob a
Midsummer edition of Norfolk and
Madison county and contained n largo
number of half tones of business houses
residences and prominent citizens of tho
towns of that county It certainly was
a hummer
Hooper Sentinel Tho Norfolk
Daily News has just issued a handsome
Midsummer Souvenir edition of Modi
fou county and Norfolk in particular
It is embellished with several cuts show
ing a number of the many beautiful
buildings of the Sugar City and its pro
gressive citizens It is well filled with
much historical biographical and de
scriptive data and will prove valuable ob
a reference
Wisner Free Press The Norfolk
News issued a Midsummer Harvest
HomejSouvenir editiouofMadlson coun
ty last week The Issue bears the por
traits of uumerouspromlnentmen of the
countybuildlngs and publio and private
institutions The mammoth beet BUgar
factory at Norfolk is illustrated on tho
front page Exhaustive writeups his
torical biographical oud statistical of
the various towns and tho county in
general are given
Gordon Journal The Saturday edi
tion the Norfolk News was a hummer
Besides containing writeups of the state
county and towns of the county offi
cials business men leading institutions
and industries it was profusely illus
trated with half tone cuts It was just
such a souvenir as the true Nebraskan
would be proud to mail to his friends
back east The News is a true expon
ent of the interests of Norfolk Madison
county and the great state of Nebraska
St Paul Republican Undaunted by
the drouth Editor Huse last week is
sued a twenty eight page souvenir edi
tion of his excellent paper the Norfolk
News It was lavishly illustrated with
pictures of leading Mudison county men
and public buildings and was in every
way a delight for the eye and u feast for
the brain The paper was far and away
above the average souvenir edition both
in appenrnncs and value of contents
Editor Huso deserves congratulations
upon his achievement
Stanton Picket In addition to its
regular doily issue the Norfolk News
last Saturday presented its readers with
a handsome ouvnir edition of 20 pagesj
containing a history of Nebraska ond
Madison county in particular with nu
merous haudsomD illustrations of differ
ent institutions of the city of Norfolk
and surrounding towns Its one fault
was incompleteness caused no doubt
by a failure of many business men to
appreciate the value of such an enter
prise to the town and indirectly to each
Fullerton News Journal A fine il
lustrated iudustrinl souvenir number of
the Norfolk Daily News gives a clear
showing of the fields of labor in which
energetic Nebraskans are engaged
Much space is given to the educational
institutions the pride of the country
The beet sugar industry yet in its in
fancy is comprehensively written up
and illustrated This paper is worthy
of caretul inspection by those who wish
to learn how much may be accomplished
by the enterprising inhabitants of any
Nebraska town
Neligh Yeoman The Norfolk News
of July 20 is one of the finest illustrated
editions ever gotten out in the state
It has fine illustrations of buildings of
interest pictures and biographies of
county officials and leading business and
professional men and interesting de
scriptive articles of Madison county ond
its several towns The beet sugar in
dustry is awarded and justly too con
siderable space and we note with pleas
ure the space devoted to education Su
perintendent Crum has iunpgurated
some new methods in connection with
the county schools These are fully 6et
forth in this issue and the good results
placed before the publio Altogether
this is one of the most valuable special
editions that has ever come under our
The University of Nebraska Lincoln
July 24 W N Huse Publisher Nor
folk Daily News Norfolk Nebr
Dear Sir Permit me to congratulate
you upon your souvenir edition of Mad
ison county It is certainly a striking
example of enterprise of your very pros
perous locality I wos especially inter
ested in the sugar beet industry and
your description of the schools
The kind words in regard to the state
university wo all greatly appreciate
Thanking you for the copy I am
Very truly yours
H G Shedd
University Publisher
Low Rates to Buffalo Pan American
The Nickle Plata road selling
tickets at exceptionally low rates to
Buffalo and return good for 10 15 and
30 days For particulars and Pan
American folder of buildings and
grounds write John Y Colahan gen
eral agent 111 Adams street Chicago
City ticket office 111 Adams Btreet
When the plate is furnished The
News will supply engraved cards at 75
cents for 60 or 100 for 100