The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 02, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Mrs Win Queen hns gone to Wiener
to visit friends
T S Howies of Randolph xns n city
visitor yestirday
Mies Minnie- Reaves of Mnrtison was
in Norfolk yesttrdny
Mrs P A Long wns in tho city yes
terdny from Mndison
Mrs Si Eden of Verdigro wns i Nor
folk visitor yesttidny
Mrs John Elliott wns n city visitor
yesterdny from Madison
M O VouRnhdou wns down from
Crcighton this morning
Mrs J P Mueller returned nt noon
from her trip to Oiumdn
A L Hnrris of Genoa trnnsnetid biiR
iuebs in tho city yesterdny
S J G Irving and family of Creigh
ton wero iu tho city over night
o Miss Minnie Hurley of ONeill is n
guest nt tho homo of Jos Horrisky
Mr nnd Mrs Geo A Brooks of Ha
zilo Mills were Norfolk visitors todny
D M Owen left yesterdny for
Colorado Springs wherpho will enjoy
nu outiug nnd rest K
Mrs 0 It Ellerloft nt noon for Lin
coln nfter n visit of several weeks with
her parents in this city
Mr nnd Mrs G B SnlUr returned
Inst evening from their extended trip
through Cnunda nnd tho enst
Miss Irene Junemnn hns returned
from Boulder Col where she hns been
visiting for n couple of months
Geo D Butterfiold nnd Speucqr
Entterfield went to Chicngo this morn
ing Spencer will visit with friends
for a short time
oSnmuel North traveling pnssenger
ngent for thoM O wns in tho city
this morning on businesa He failed to
bring his breeze withliim
Mrs II S Bnrgelt nnd daughtor
Miss Eva Bnrgelt left yesterdny for
Colorndo to vibit severnl points of
interest before returning to their homo
in Clnrence Iown
The 0 St P M O compnnv is
laying tho new side trnck on its right of
wny nenr tho union depot tho grading
for that purpose hnviug been accomp
lished this spring
HOIen Lucy and Clnrence Sprtchcr
wbo hnve been visiting nt tho home ol
their uncle G T Sprecher for tho past
two weeks loft yesterdny for Schuyler
on their wny homo to Kansas City
Bids for the bale of tho materinl in
tho old Mniu street bridgo were opened
todny at tho office of Commissioner H
W Winter nnd tho material wns sold
to A Low for 120 85 The oilier bids
were G Stnlcnp 01 Win Bruminuud
100 H Pftsownlk
The Prnncestown items in tho Peter
boro N H Transcript under dnto of
the 10th sny Mr nnd Mrs P L
Olnrk A G Clark tho Misses Jose
phine Claik Emma Hnrdy and Mr and
Mrs Hardy of Norfolk Nebr left this
forenoon for a two weeks outing at
York Beach
The trees are withstanding the
drouth in remarkable fashion Daring
the dry spell of several years ago the
foliage on them dried up and the leaves
fell to the ground as though it were
autumn This year the foliage has
been scarcely phased and the conclusion
is that there is plenty of moisture deep
in the gronnd
During tlio thunder storm last eve
ning lightning struck the grain elevator
at Hadar but the prompt and efficient
work of the citizens put out the fire be
fore much damage was done The
Bwitch engine went up from the Junc
tion to help throw water but it was
found that the fire wns about under con
trol and its service was not required
D Hooker was up before police court
this afternoon charged py Officer Kane
with disorderly conduct At tho time
of going to press the result of the trial
was not learned but tho accused was
making preparations to fight the case
Tho officer grappled him this morning
about 1 oclock nfter warning him to
preserve tho peace and when ho came
to town today ho was nrreBted
Pierce Plainview and other towns
north of- Norfolk received some good
showers last evening bnt not a drop
fell in this city The maximum tem
perature here was but 100 However
there was considerable moisture in the
air nnd tho heat wns quite oppressive
Tho barometer his morning shows a
drop of 10 points since yesterday and it
was several points lower yebterdny tian
the day before so that a change of
weather mny bo expected soon
Henry Ehlers the 8-year-old son of
Ludwig Ehlers who lives five miles
southeast of Winsido was killed yester
day by being run over by a wagon
About 3 oclock iu the afternoon he was
sent from the field to the houso in
charge of a team ond wagon The
horses hauled the wacou to the Iioufo
but tho hoy had disappeared He was
found on tho woy having fallen from
the wagon the wheels of whiph passed
over his head crushing his Bkull It is
supposed the reason of his fall was that
he was overcome by tho heat
0 J Colby representing tho
Practical Gas company of Chicago is in
the city today in the interest of his
company He sent a proposition to
the last meeting of tho city
council oiler ng to put in n
gas works complete inoluding the
lnying of mnins nt n cost not to exceed
12000 whilo tho compnny will add a
dynamo for street lighting nt a cost of
not moro than 4000 This system of
lighting would givo a 21 hour sorvico
whilo it clniined thnt a 0 candlo power
light would bo given against a 10
candle incandescent nt hnlf tho cost of
electric lights to tho consumer Gas
for fuel would bo furnished nt n price
estimnted to bo tho snino ns coal at 4 a
Elsie Lay at Head of Desperate Gang
of Horsethleves
Cheyenne Wy July 21 Elsie Lay
partner of Hutch Cnssldy celebrated
desperado has or
ganized a bnnd of thioxos nnd is steal
ing hoiscs by the wholesale in south
ern Wyoming northern Colorado nnd
enstorn Utnh Tho robbera have n
fortification In the Medicine How
luountnins nnd nro sufficiently Btiong
to resist a largo attacking forect
Nenr this camp Is a mountnln piult
where 300 head of stolen horsed aro
now pastured Tho held Is constantly
guarded and more being ndded every
dnv Tho robbers operate openly
their rendezvous being within a few
miles of Coppcrton n tlnlvlng mining
town Lay refuses to rob ranchmen
who cannot afford to lose An effort
Is being made at Saratori to gather
sufllclent men to stoim tho fortress
nnd exterminate tho bVid Lny has
a price on his head l Colorado and
Special Train to Be Provided for An
nual Session
Lincoln July 29 P James Cos
grave of this city treasurer of tho Na
tional Society of the Amiy of tho
Philippines makes tho announcement
that lor the accommodation of No5
braska and Iowa members who go to
tho next annual meeting of tho or
ganl7atiouKa Bpecinl train will bo run
from Denver over tho Denver and Itlo
Giando route to Salt Lake City whero
tho meeting will belicld Each train
will leave the Colorado ca tal at 8
p m Aug 11 and anlve at the des
tination during tho evening of tho
following day The meeting will bo
held on tho thiid annlvcisary of the
battle of Manila
Radcliffe Summoned to Washington
Denver July 20 William Itadcliffe
owner of the lease on the Grand Mesa
lakes In Delta county has been sum
moned to Washington for consultation
with tho state dcpaitment This
gives an intoi national aspect to tho
recent shooting of two men by a dep
uty game warden the burning of Rad
cliffes hotel and the threatened lynch
ing of himself by a mob of Delta
county citizens Radcllffo claims to
be a sjibject of King Edwaid and has
appealed to his government to piotect
his life and have him iclmbursod for
tho loss of bis property
Steamer Line for San Pedro Road
Salt Lake July 20 The Heiald
says The San Pedro road Is not
to stop at tho San Pedio hat nor By
tho time the last spike has been driven
a fleet of ocean steamers will be fly
ing the flag of the Hawaiian Island
Navigation company as an adjunct to
the road These steamers will ply
between San Pedro harbor Honolulu
Yokohama China and the Philippines
and a controlling inteiest in the stock
of the company will be owned by tho
same men who control the San Pedro
Los Angeles nnd Salt Lake railroad
Duel With Winchesters
Memphis July 20 In a duel with
Winchester rifles last night near For
est Hill cemetery Edward Blaloek son
of M P Blaloek was killed the elder
Blaloek was painfully injured nnd
George Wright was shot in the leg
Wrights son who also took part in
the affray escaped unhurt
One of the former was found headless
on the track
A Rome paper says the Bank of
Italy has declared false dividends and
doctored its books
General Kobbo has issued an order
prohibiting tho sale of liquor to natives
of Jolo Time expired men want to
start saloons
Three boys Henry Young Frank
Hamerlck and Henry Mears wero
killed at a railroad crossing at Wyanet
Ills Saturday
Beer bottlers in San Francisco brew
eries struck when asked to leave tho
union Nonunion men replaced tho
striking teamsters
President McKInley signed the deed
assigning tho governments title in
the Sioux City and Pacific to tho
Northwestern railway
Tho skeleton of John Russell a
farmer murdered 33 years ago was
found near Tower Hill Ills Saturday
Arrests are being made
Walter Brico Hutton of Chicago au
ditor of tho Illinois Steel company
was drowned at South Haven Mich
Sunday while in bathing
Dr A C Roberts editor of tho Fort
Madlbon la Evening Democrat is
dead He waB one of tho Iowa com
missioners to tho Worlds Fair
CummlnB carried tho conventions in
Clayton and Iowa counties la and
now has 7U out of 142G delegates so
far choseifto tho state convention
A threshing machine boiler exploded
at Anderson Valley Cal killing Will
lam Ross and D L Lcir Much grain
was destroyed by tho fire following
the explosion
The transport Meade ai rived Sunday
from Manila In tho record breaking
time of 21 days Tho Meade brought
135 men of tho Eighth field battery
21 hospital corps men and 35 insane
Gates Wuitnoy was a Sunday visitor
from Tildon
E G Hutchinson of Tllden wns n
city visitor Saturday
Mr nnd Mrs P J Hnrnos of Madison i
wore shopping in Norfolk Saturday
O S Nicholson nnd G G Sohrntn
wero visitors yesterdny from Madison
Mr nnd Mrs O J Johnson returned
at noon from their outing nt Colorndo I
Mrs 1 Hnrder of Boverly Ohio 1h a
guest at tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs Jos i
MibH Ethel Campbell returned
dav from a visit of two weeks wlh her
sister nt Elgin
Miss Itrlo Seniiulor returned Inst
evening from u weeks visit with her
sister at Lyons
Fred Koch nrrived fi om West Point
Inst evening to vibit nt tho homo of his
brother-in-law Carl Asinus
Al Edwnrds formerly or this city is
n leading member of tho IPimphrcybnll
team nnd met many of his old acquaint
ances ysterduy
L O MittelBtadt nnd Dr H A
Mittelstndt left this morning for Still
wntor Minnesota for it visit and outing
of n few wot ks
Tho Humphrey team was compelled
to drive to thiB city jostcrdny owing to
there being no train arrangements to
accommodate them
Sol G Mayer and brido returned Inst
night from their wedding tour nnd will
be at homo utter Augubt 1 in the
Leonnid house on South Tenth sticet
Tho still breeze fiom tho north that
enmo up last night about 12 oclock
raised clouds of duht and cooled tho at
mosphere cotihidorably but brought no
cTho Norfolk Shoe company uiuo of
boys contest d for honors with a team
from tho Junction Saturday and tho
score at tho end of tho fifth inning
stood 12 to C in favor of tho up town
boys At that timo tho gamo wah
called oiro
Chief of Police J H Conley had a
merry tusslo witli n burly summer
touiiht on Main street Saturday night
Tho kihgktof tho road carried a club
for a cane and endeaored to ubo this
upon tho ollicer but was overpowered
and plncedin jail
A F Stichweh of Grand Islnnd was
unable to sleep Thursday night bocnube
of tho heat and niose and took n cold
foot bath He became chilled was
taken with cramps and died Friday
evening although a physician worked
oer him 13 hours Tho deceased had
been nillicted with rheumatibin formerly
Piorco Lender A II Kicker tho
Colbergen dairy man who has sold out
will not give possefsicn until next
spring At that tune ho and his wife
willgo to Vermont nnd Maino for n
visit of a year spending next bumiiier
at Old Orchard Maine Mr Kicker
has purchased two rebidenco lots m
Norfolk and may build upon them He
has resided in Nebrabka for 22 years
and says the btato never had a ciop
failure but once in that time
Tho bond election todny is not crenting
n large amount of enthusiasm nnd the
vote promises to bo light The question
being decided is whether or not bonds
to the amount of 10100 shall bo voted
for the establishment of a municipal
lighting plant to bo operated in connec
tion with the city waterworks There
is considerable work being dono by
supporters of tho bonds nnd those op
posed nro just ns active but the aur
ogo voter appears to care very little
about the result of tho contest
The Stanton team ib to play here next
Wednesday afternoon Tho
pre said to put up a good game of
ball and tho coutest ib certain to bo in
teresting Tho Norfolk maungement
has retained tho majority of those who
played Sunday and it is bafe to believe
tbat the Stanton tenm will have uo
walk away Smith of Tilden has been
engaged to umpire the game Before
this game the home management should
makoan effort to place the diamond in
a little better shape A sprinkling nnd
scraping and rolling would benefit it to
a great degree
Al Herman returned last evening from
P L Putnpy of Tildeu was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday
IS O Vnnderhoof of Onkdalo was m
Norfolk yesterday
Judge J P Boyd of Neligh was in
the city yesterday
O S Gillispie of Madison was in the
city today on business
Mrs O A Beudly of Columbus is
visiting in Norfolk today
O J Bernard of Pnirfield wes in tho
city yesterday on business
Mr nnd Mrs I B Jeffries of Pilger
are visiting Norfolk friends
Miss Martha Baas of Madison is visit
lug at the home of H A Drebert
Viola Krn returned yesterday from
a visit with her aunt at Bloomfleld
Mr nnd Mrs Ed Hall of Neligh are
visiting with Mr and Mrs W O Hull
Mrs M K Turner tyid daughter of
Columbup are guebts of Mrs H A
Tho Mapes Durland compere at Long
Pine expect to break camp nnd loturn
home tomorrow
Mr nnd Mis IS II Tracy hnve gone
to Pierce Mrs Tracy to Uit friends
and Mr Tracy to look after busine s
Intel estH
Tho llaptist pnronngo is to bo en
larged nnd repaired The cnrpenteis
began work today under the direction
of W L Kern
Miss Lena Steinbnugh of Dodge who
has luon visiting at the home of her
uncle H R McFnrlnnd for the past
week left this morning for Stanton
Rv J J Parker arrived iu tho city
Inst night from Kearney and is greet
ing his numerous Norfolk ft lends lie
expects to go from heto to Boston
Mns on a Mt
A lady bought n new fnnglod colloo
pot fi out u peddlor says an i xchange
Iu the evening she showed it to her
hublmnd a hardware dealer who told
her he kept the same thing iu his stme
for half the price Well said she
why dont you nihortlso Nobody
ever knows what you huvo sale
Gordon Journal A Norfolk business
man took a vacation and went to the
mountains to llsh for trout Noyoi
having caught nnjhlng but bull beads
he was bo elated at hiH list catch that
Itu telegraphed Ills wife le got one
weighs bcuMi pounds and is a beauty
In reply eami this messngo blgned by
his wife So have I weighs ten
pounds and looks like you
The lawn social given last evening at
the homo of Mayor KocuiKMoiu on
South Tenth street by the Tiintty
Social guild was a hucciss in ovetj
particular Tho attendance was largo
tho lawn plfjnsugly illuminated and
decorated the band music was injoy
able and the people in attendance weic
in a happy mood Tho bociety denied
about 11 as the result of their tllorts
At the meeting called last night to
consider tho bif o ball situation it was
decided to ask the business men to
making tho organization
permanent for the season monthly do
nations being asked Thoso present
wero in hearty sympathy with the
nimoinent and about f 100 it month wns
pledged Inst evening If the citizens
are Hitfildently liberal a good team will
be maintained and good games will bo
If hot weather continues to hold switj
in Not folk for any great length of timi
the citizens will probably bo confronted
with an ice famine or bo compelli d to
ship ho from places where it ih
ninre abundant Altendy the condition
of G W Schwenks stock of congealed
fiiia habocnused linn to refuse to scive
any but regular customers and if the
hot weather continues ho may not be
ublo to s ipply their heeds to the end of
the season It is not a pleasing bitua
lion to face but tho length of tho ex
tieme heat spell has occasioned an un
usual demand and tho abundant ciop
harvested last winti r fs rapidly dibitp
Admit lt El Jest Outlines Points for
Court of Inquiry
Salt Lake July 2 Captujn Thomas
F Schley eldest hon of Admiral
Schley who Ib stationed nt Fort Doug
las in this city yesterday outlined
some points Hint will be brought out In
tho court of inquiry aa to bis fatherb
conduct at the battle of Santiago He
declares that some Startling faetB will
be bi ought to light If the whole truth
shall become known nnd that the i equi
tations of persons other than his fattier
are likely to suffer
I have just written to my father
said Captain Schley that I thoflght he
ought to spare nobody and that ho
should withhold none of the factB In
his possession about Admiral Sampson
or anybody else
When tho court of Inquiry meets
said Captain Schley I would like to
have the privilege ofj asking Admiral
Sampson just one question If tho
battle of Santiago had resulted In de
feat to whom would the blame have
been attached Thin I think tells
the situation in a nutshell If Ad
miral Schley had lost the3 battle ho
would have been blamed He won
it and he should have tho credit
The accusations that aro made aro
ridiculous when they nre investigated
Take for oxamplo the charge of dis
obedience of orders in May 1808 An
attempt lias been made to saddle tho
responsibility on my futher Tho
fact Ib that ho has a letter from Ad
mlral Sampson telling him to do ex
actly what ho did and thiB letter will
bo produced nt the inquiry At that
timo he was maintaining the blockade
off CienfuegoB Secretary Long
wired Admiral SampBon strongly ad
vising thnt tho blockading fleet go to
Santiago In the hopp of finding the
Spanish fleet thoro
Admiral Sampson sent tho dis
patch to Admiral Schley with a note
in which ho Bald After duly con
sidering this tolegram I have decided
to mnko no change In tho present
plans thnt Is thnt you should hold
your squadron off Cienfuegos
This letter was suppressed
If this inquiry is full nnd fnlr
declared Captain Schley somo facts
will bo disclosed that will startle tho
public My father haB strong cards
up IiIb sleeve and I trust ho will make
ubo of them nil
More Rain at Omaha
Omaha July 29 A heavy electrical
Btorm visited Omaha early this morn
ing accompanied by a heavy rainfall
The storm seemed to extend oyer a
wide area around Omaha
Clyde Wright wns hole joMudiiy
from Oukdnlo
Herman Frit ko wits omi from Miull
son j est oi dny
Ftcd Schelly was it push tiger In
Qimilin this morning
V W llrmihc li and Mill Ed left to-
day for a trip to Utah
A 11 Klesitu rcttuntd Inst oMiiii g
from n trip to Atkinson
Miss Mubol Lniigtne of Columbus
was a city visitor jestorduy
Editor A F lSuos of the Sainton
Pliket was iu the city todny
Win Ahlnian and daughter Elsie
vlslti d irlends in Madison yesterday
U A Ohon and A M Johnson woio
Madison tailors lu tho city yostetdity
Eiiginctr Jiih MaoNnmeo reluiiud
yeslerdiij from a six wet ks trip iu Can
Iho fiiinily of Snpoilntondtnt 1 I
OViimnr is onjoing a islt at I lulling
A son was born joHtoidny to Mr and
Mrs Ed Host who llvo on SOuth Third
Tho Durluiid Mapis camping putty
teturned this noon fiom t lit ii outiug at
Long Pino
1 N Vail former pi optiotot of tho
Htnily kitchen doputtcd this mornluif
fot tho north
Ldltm J I Donovan of the St in and
Hi my Alhn of Madison ate om t to see
the ball games
Thote will bo it conceit given at
M IS church Monday August 5
I ho chorus choir
Miss Emma O Loavitt ol Hui
KniiBUH is visiting at the home of
undo Wm Loavitt
Judge J I Ilai nos and Mayor I J
Kluingbtcin made a trip to and I rum
Wano this moining on legal IiuhIihhh
Miss Milium Bitimniiiud of Im
Niuh force went to Sii ux City today to
spend a wotks vacation with her sistti
Mrs lSd Iltiuiiuol
A party of friends assisted Chuiles
SIomt del rate his ITth birthday au
niMisniy last evening at his home in
Ntmows addition
Grand Island Pi Gus Joint litis
of Norfolk writes his friend Olo Mnttko
that ho hkyH Noi folk splendidly Mis
Buuiii still lemaitiH very poorly
Wakefield is to have a now 10000
iiiiditoiiuin Tho citii us of the town
stibhciibed iHTM The townshin is to
give 11000 and tho village f 1000
Roy Carter came homo fie m Croston
ytsteidny and will bo here until the
1 rt h when bo will take mi oxuiiiitia
t ion bufoto tlit stuti boaid of pliurmiuyo
Judge F 1 Bojd caiuo over fiom
Madison ktst evennfg and wont to
Wityno this moinuig to hold a special
term of tho Waj no county dfstnet
o Mr and Mrs W N Huso and Norns
and Gene and Mibs Edith MeClaiy left
this moiuing for Lake Qlobop Iowa
whoro ihey will nnjiy mi outing ol a
week or ton dnys
The Stanton first team and the Junior
l nguo nine from the same town are in
the city today mid aro contesting for
honors tins afternoon with tho two Nor
folk teams before a largo number of
Superintendent C W Criim wns in
tho city this morning Ho Iiuh just re
turned from a prolonged trip to the
btato of Washington Ho reports hav
ing had a very pleasant time and tbat
tiio weather on the conbt has been fine
Tjii Niws acknowledges tho receipt
of a complimentary ticket to tho UOth
annual fuir of the Madison County
Agricultural society to bo held nt tho
fair ground near Madison September 10
11 12 and 13 Thq courtchy irtvextended
through tho secretary J L Ryneuraon
This morning the Kiesan bicycle rack
was found on top of 0 S Hayes sign
post It haB been figured that tho rack
climbed to that elevation because tho
man who took Hartfords bioydo made
a move to stand it iu the rack and that
reasoning piece of furniture didnt wish
to bo confronted with tho charge of har
boring stolen property
The Norfolk district Methodist camp
meeting will bo held at Beemer August
0 to lit It is announced that there will
bo good shade good water good preach
ing and inspiring siuging The bervices
will bo held in n large well lighted ami
comfortably beated tabernacle Misses
Catharine aud Hildreth Sisson of this
city are to lead in tho hinging
Dr Salterb monthly weather report
bhows that there was an average mnxi
mum temperature during July of ill de
grees which is 10 degrees higlur thnn
ever during the timo thq doctor hab
been keeping n record The thermom
eter registered at more than 100 degrees
during iiO dnys of the month Tho pre
cipitation during the month was but 0
of an inch
Tiik News is receiving and filing borne
very complimentary nnd oftimes flatter
ing notices of its Mid Summer nnd Har
vest Homo Edition recently compiled by
II S Livmgstoue and issued from this
office which is n reminder thnt there
nro still a number of extra copies on
haudjwhich may be obtainod wrapped
for mailing nt five cents a copy nnd
which would prove of vnlue nnd inter
est to eastern friends Call or make
your want known bufoto tho supply Is
It has developed that tho accident ic
suiting in the dentil ot Kdwiird Connor
at Ptomont was not caused by his
younger biothot Linden lSdward had
tho tovohor iu his possession when it
exploded anil must have boon looking
down tho bnrrol The bullet entered
bis ltd t eye and lodged in tho hack of
the hind penetrating tho brain It
wns a weapon which Edward had bought
from auot hei bo mill kept tho fact fiom
his parents The funeral was hold from
tho faintly homo this morning at 10
oclock Rev T L Kottunii of tho First
Baptist chnioh ol Fremont having
charge of tho hoi vices
Government Will Distribute Ruaslnn
Seed to rtrmcrs
Ktiiimin Clt 1 nl v io Fifteen car
Iambi or ItiiHiiian liiinl wheat which lu
pail or a nislgiiuuUt which loll
Odoimii lltuiHln lout weelin itioanlvod
In KiitiHiut City jeslenliiy 1111111 being
pirn oil Iu the goMimucut wuidioiiHO
Pmn nun i iiiIoiiiIh me jet to conic
Their me 11110 IiiihIicIh of wheat In
the consignment and It Ih to bo dlB
Ii United lot need puiponeii Iu ICauKiut
mid Oklahoma It Is the gienloHt
shipment ol haul need wheat over
btought to thin county The puipnno
Is to liupiow the qunlllv ol KmiHtiB
haul wheat for cxpoil Hour Tho
wheat hi In two bushel imcks and will
bo iIIhIi llniti ii I mm the goxci iinieni
wmchnimo to point v on the Itoclc
Inland ami Santa Fo railways Tim
cost ol lining the wheat down In Kan
tian City wiih ll n ImihIioI
Glad Tldlntjo In Knnonn
Topekn July III In the phtro of
dry weather lepoilH mined clops anil
hot wIiiiIh In KmiKiiH now conum uewa
ol gnoil inliiH iinloidalde stiomuB mid
n i cut nt at Ion of niilldrnro Most of
the initio have come to tho eanliin
and iciitial pur if ol tho stale but ltjtl
night the lepoita cilllie ilOlll tho west
thnt the ialn hail extended dear
tlnougli to tho Colorado line Tlieio
Ih limdlv a point in the state that litis
not tcielwd socio inln tuning the piHt
week Com will nut bo gilitlly
Close of Y P C U Convention
Wm saw hid July ll Tho annual
session ol the Young IeopleH Chi Is
linn Union ol tho Ahhik laleil Itcloim
Im Hhttfiliin Chun lies of Noith mer
it a limed at Winona I iiko Inst night
wltli religious hcivIioh Alter a
pinlHc set she Iu the ioieiioon Itov W
W White t inducted the Sublimit
cH hool lesson his ItiKH onsiBting of
neatly the ii 1 1 1 1 j Hummer population
of WIiioiii Immediately lollowing
ltev It M KiihscII lelheied the on
Mlition Hoiuion
o I
I loin y C Pa j no or Wlsi oiibIh In
seiloimb III in lleilin
The ganiKiit inahcis of New Yoilc
tity won Ilieli stilko
The now battleship Milno wan
Iiiiik lied at Philadelphia Sa tin day
Mat tin do Hiuvn tiniiei ut Ieoila
killed his wile mid hltnsell Saturday
Tramps liiffl up and lobbed two
bin vest hands on it train In Miunusota
Tlio opera houso at Tiaoi la was
dcHtiojed by lie Satuidny Loss
Win oik spoudents In South Alilea
me piotestlng against the censorship
as useless
Foil thousand men nto woi Icing on
tho Panama tnuul Completion Ib
promised In 1910
While the troops0 woio being paid nt
Santa Cm P I 700 was stolen
liom the paymaster
Interest in tho late of Andre tho
balloonist was revived in London by
the explratfon ot tho throe yeaia
limit he placed on his voyage
At ReoiPs Station lud Sunday
John Biasley was shot and Instantly
killed by Nelson Fit and his son
who fled A posse Is in purbtilt
C 15 EggloBton for many years ono
of tho prominent figures of the Chi
cago board ol trade has lormally re
tired from tho exchange by posting
his uiemlieiship for transfer
The Missouri river in adopting a
now channel has cut away almost the
whole of Ilowells Island tluee miles
below Missouri City The island was
ono of the largest In the river
In a quairel at Bolivia Ills Sunday
David Haelctt a prominent horse
mail shot nnd mortally wounded Jef
rerson Cltrglls an employe of the In
dianapolis Decatur and Western road
John W Peters Alficd White and
Caleb Jones wero killed and Dr Wett
and Jus Ferguson fatally Injured by
tho explosion of a threshing machlno
boiler near Weatherford O T Satur
Tho fast trams of the Union Pacifio
reach San Francisco fitteeti hours aiiead
of all competitors If you nre in no
hurry tako a blow train by one of tho de
tour routes but if you want to get thoro
without snftering any of the inconven
iences ot winter travel take the only
direct route tho Union Pacific De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Junkman Agent
Only 50 Cents
to make your baby strongaml
well A fifty cent bottle of
Scotts Emulsion
will change a sickly baby to
a plump romping child
Only one cent a day think
of It Its as nice as cream
bend for a free sample ami try it
I 409 41 Icarl Strict New York
50c uuu j 1 00 an druggists