The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 02, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Norfolk Team Too Swift
the Humphrey Boys
In tho Finhtho Visitors Collapsed and
the Homo Team ScVurod Eleven
Scoros The Final Result Was Nine
teen to One
Vrom Moiiilnj bully
Tlio huso bull game nt ho now park
ywrtordny afternoon was well patronized
mid wni fur moro Interesting to the
Norfolk peoplo who attended than tlio
one of a week iiko Those who were
anxious to see tlio Norfolk team win
hnd mi ubumlaiioo of satisfaction but
those wanting to noo a oloHoly contested
exhibit Inn were Homowhat disappointed
nt tlio final result Up to tlio fifth
inning the game was uh iiibmwttiiK iw
ould bo desired but one Hooro having
licoti inndo In tlio four Inning It was
early evident thnt Manager Winder hnd
curried out his promise of Htrongt honing
i ho home teuin and tlio results showed
thnt ho bad nmdo It altogether too
strong for the visitors who woro on tlio
vemo of n commute shut out but woro
wived from that fnto by tlio dotornilnn
Hon of ono of Its plnyorH and tlio appar
ent olemoiioy of tlio Norfolk town Tlio
first part or tlio game Indicated that tlio
Humphrey playora woro of no nioiin
blllty niil If they had maintained their
composure tlio roHiilt may havo boon
qulto dilleront Tlio Norfolk battery
did excellent work although Hohnor ox
porionccd i omo dlllloulty in holding
liYathorstonos onrvo Ho was awako
sill tlio tlino howovor mid IiIh man
URuahy died on first if not on tlio three
strlkos nnd out system Foathorstono
niado n wonderful rocord on striko outH
fnnniiiK IT iuph of tlio visiting team
nnd there were fow who witnessed bin
work but bcliovo that bo wnfl fully ca
pable of fanning them all if ho bad put
forth his best offortH each time
Among tho feuturos of tho gamo was
running oatoh by Davoy tlio double
play by tho Ilumphroy team and tho
god cutter that was stopped by Feather
stouo and played to first after the
pitcher bad rolled in tho diiHt Tho
Norfolk basemen woro snappy players
nnd tho outfield did very Rood work
Tho Huniphroy pitohor Anderson
was substituted by F VauAtkin in tho
novonth inning but ho didnt provo a
Huccossand AndorHon wan again placed
iu tho box finishing tho gamo with con
wderablo crodit Tho Humphrey team
is strong and has boon wiunuig qulto
generally but they woro uinpioHtionably
matched against superiors yesterday
Tho umpire work of 0 A Smith of
Tildou attracted favorable comment as
xisual Fow points of the gamo over es
cape him Ho seldom errs iu his de
cision and changes loss frequently than
iio orrs lie shows absolutely no favor
and is never blutled In fact lie is an
idoal ninntour umpire
The Norfolk bund furnished music
during the game and inspired the
players The grand stand was full of
peoplo and tho extra seats arranged
about tho diamond were not sulllciont to
accommodate all who attonded
The lineup of tho playors was as fob
O VauAtkin o Hohnor
llyau p Foatherstono
Jalaski sh Porter
Al Edwards lb Wright
13 VauAtkin 2b Davey
Thillo 3b Guruey
Thrashntor If Homlobeu
F VuuAtkiu of Holmes
Stlffes rf Anderson
Tho Bcoro by innluKS was
Norfolk 0 1 0 0 11 1 1 l 2 1
Humphrey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Hoinloben Foather
stono Holmes Wright Throe-base-Jilts
Bohnor Jalaski Passed balls
XJohnor 5 VauAtkin 0 Hose on balls
Off Featherstono off ltyau 5 Struck
out 13y llyau 0 by FonthorHtouq 17
VnnAtkin 3 Wild pitches By Van
Atkin Double play Jalaski to Vau
Atkin to Kdwurds Stolon bases Ed
wards IJohuer Guruey Heinlobou
Foatherstono Errors Edwards Thillo
M Thrashutor C VauAtkin 2 Wright
Search for Unknown Heirs of Texas
The great oil discoveries in Texas
tiavo caused notivo search for tho nil
Imowu heirs of tho following early sot
tiers of Texas and soldiers of tho Texas
Tovolntlon of 1SV to 1810 Largo
trnots of wild lauds which havo beeonio
very vnluablo were granted by the
Texas republic to such Bottlers and
soldiers whloh ou account of their
death or disappearance were uovor sold
mid still await claim of their heirs
Many of tho uegleoted lands lie iu the
oil reglous Edward W GoiY of
Austin Texas sends list of such sottlers
jiud soldiers whoso unknown heirs aro
outitled to tho lauds Ho will give
further information ou request Tho
list follows Samuel Alloway Thomas
Adams H B Akles Collior Barksdale
Augustus Baker Georgo Browu Edwin
Blake Daniel Bouruo B F Blako Mrs
3J Detulgio Wrm Bloodgood A B
Barrier D A Burroughs Martha
Hlaiuhard lsnno Bridges J W Hlno
1 niuthart Win 0 M Baker J L
Chniulmrs Harvey Cox Archibald
Olinso M E Carroll Petor Conrad
Jiuiion Oaplo Janiert Dinipkliifl Jnmes
Douglas Charles Fine J A Foster
BniiJ Freeman J E Fullertoit llonj
V Uillnu Pnt Gormoii It W Gilpin
Georgo Gardner J W Gibbons Pat
Gllltlaud John Galliou DomluloGnlla
ghor Ij GedrulT Hnbort M Green
Peter W Grayson Hobt Hondorsoii
John Hartgrovos Jesse Humphries
Peter Hilt John Harris Enoch Harris
A U Hollnnd Geo J Johnstono Ar
toinlsla Jacobs Julius Lcoompto P L
Leaiiian BonJ Lanier M 13 Lawrence
Samuel Lawroiino Wm Linn John
Lafayette Hobt Mussulman James
McHliorry Potor Mapnn Alex Mitoholl
E T Mitoholl Willis MoWllkorson
Samuel Mooro J A Mahonoy Ed
ward Mntisull A L Martin Wllllaui
Mot lev Martin Mornn Dennis Mahoney
J 13 MuLyman Potor Norton Hobt
H Nolll A J Owon V Puterswlck
W H Price Joseph Hutch John Hlloy
Simon Hynn T J Hodman Matholda
HuiihoIh Hodolph Hootor Hlnuii Hlggs
Fred Hudgo Sainuol HogorH Hugh
Rogers Margaret Russell Robt W
Honfroo James Smith Win Smith
Goo Smith Henry Sponcor D II Stoo
vor Francis Smith Richard Star Ja
cob E Self Thos Small Wm Slielton
L S Simpson Wm Thornton Chris
Teal Henry Teal Jacob Thouins Sam
uel Whiting J W Woodward Archi
bald Wynn Ed Wnyesohouskl Gustln
Wondoiiberg Hardin Waldrop John 0
Whitakor John Winters Jninos Welsh
Andrew Weaver Hobt Wiseman H J
Willlaiuson Win Winters Ann Vool
dridgo John G Wolf Ouns Zanco L
von Haoharias
Trust is Envious of Success of
Beet Sugar Producers
During lii recent visit to Denvor
Col Henry Q Oxnard president of tho
American Beet Sugar company was In
terviewed by tho Duuvor Republican
and made tho following statement of in
terest to tho people tributary to tho boot
sugar factories Wo nro in the midst
of the hardest kind of fight Tho boot
sugar interests havo incurrod tho on-
nilty of tho suimr syndicate which ia
making every effort to ruin our busi
ness Tho syudlcato bended by Olaus
Sprockles has almost unlimited capital
and sues that if wo coutiuuo to succeod
as wo havo boon doing in tho past wo
will foroo it out of business
Wo have undor way 28 fnotorios for
tho production of boot sugar and expect
to build at least 10 moro this year This
has arousod tho syudicato to action Its
last movo was to glvo orders to its
brokers west of tho Missouri rivor not to
soil any savo syudlcato mado sugar and
rocontly thoy attomptod to pursuado tho
grocers of Donvor to promise to nmko 75
per cout of thoir wholo salos lu tho pro
duct of tho trust Tho Donvor grocers
howovor woro loyal to homo products
and were not willing to accept the synd
icates condition 1 think none of them
has made any ngreomont with tho synd
icate to sell any stated amount of its
goods so as to Injure our Interests
Hecoutly tho syndicate reduced the
price of its product hero ono fourth of
a contn pound and increased it iu tho
cast where thoro are no beet sugar fac
tories This of course forces us to cut
prices and takes so much from our profit
My company has recently bought S0000
acres of land iu tho Arkansas valley
and oxpeots to oreot a factory there
Tho syudicato handles crude sugar
bringing it from Hawaii Java India
aud tho West Indies and rofiiios it and
Bolls It as American sugar So it will
attempt nt tho uoxt session of congress
to havo tho duty on crude sugar lowored
and perhaps abolished Should It suc
ceed it would bo discouraging to tho
beet sugar industry which Is lu Its teu
dor iufauoy
Iottor I lit
List of letters reiuuiulug uncalled
at tho postotllco July 21 1101
F M Aldeu Mrs Barnes M Emma
Bulter Mrs Myra Bowers Miss B
Bungo Ollio Coreo MrR Charles Corn
oHub Wm Daniels C 13 Foster Chas
Ferris 2 It Foruhol package J It
Groorsou packago Fred Hossolqnlst
AhoCezlau J O Kelloy Hattio Lau
dreth E E Meuheter L H Myers
Evin Mabo Tas K Modroe 2 J E
McCarty Edward Northouse Mrs
Mary Smith J F Smith Albert Spa
niol Potor Sprackleu G S Stanly
Jossio Thatoh Mrs Mamie Wilson
If not called for lu 15 days will be
sent to tho dead letter ofllcoT1
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Spkeciikk P M
Career ami Character ofAbraham Lincoln
Au address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain outhe career
ukiI character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world his oharaoter as developed In
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed his liame so
high ou tho worlds roll of houor aud
fame hasbeou published by tho Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six cents in post
ogo to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
The Nkws keeps its job department
with the latest faces of type
and does Its work in approved style
uiii m i
Voters Favor Proposition
About Three to One
Not Half of tho Voters of the City Ex
pressed a Preforonco Bonds to the
Amount of 10000 Voted to Install
n Lighting Plant at Waterworks
Krnm Tuomlnra Dully
The election yesterday held for tho
purpose of considering the bond propos
ition was a very quiet affair less than
half of the voters of the olty taking
part Thoro was considerable work
doiio by those favoring mid those oppos
ing tho proposition but the mass of
voters appeared to caro llttlo what tho
rostilt might be Of those who voted
about two thirds expressed themselves
in favor t tho bouds
Tho proposition was Shall tho city
of Norfolk Issue its bonds for the pur
poso of establishing extending and
maintaining a lighting system and levy
mi annual tax for tho payment of tho
interest thoroou
Tho amount of bouds voted was 10
000 boarlug not to exceed six por cout
Interest and maturing in 20 years from
tho date of the bonds the amouut real
ized to bo used in establishing a light
ing system iu connection with tho
water works system
The total number of votes polled was
ltl Of these 111 expressed thomsolves
iu favor of the bouds and 1011 woro
agalimt making a majority of 22S in
favor of tho proposition
Tlio voto by wards was as follows
First 70 20
Second 107 80
Third 1 lt t17
Fourth 11 0
Almost Instantly Killed by His Youngar
Brother at Fremont
A dispatch was received by E E
AdauiB at tho F E M V head
quarters last night about S oclock from
Fiomout requesting that Engineer 13
0 Connor bo looked up aud started for
that city by tho first train The message
furthor stated that Edwin the eldest
son of Mr and Mrs Conner had boon
shot aud nlmost Instantly killed by his
younger brother
Iu playing about tho house the boys
fouud a 38 revolver and were playing
with it bolieving that it was not loaded
but thoro must have been a load in one
of tho chambers or else a cartridge had
boon fouud by tho boys aud inserted iu
tho weapon anyway when the younger
boy snapped it at his brother the
weapon was discharged the bullet en
tering tho boys head near the tomplo
aud his death was almost instantaneous
Tho victim of tho accident was 12 or lit
years of ago mid his brother soveral
years youngor
When Mr Connor was found and in
formed of the accident ho was almost
prostrated with giief Ho was started
for Fremont on a stock train that ar
rived thoro at 1215 this morning
When ho loft homo In tho morning tho
family was making plans to go to Chi
cago tomorrow on a visit the trip being
anticipated with much plousuro by all
The alllicted family is well knowu
hero this having been their homo up to
about a year ago They lived iu tho
house on South Fourth streot uow
owned and occupied by Mrs S K
Long Mr Cornier has served the Elk
horn compauy as onginoor for yenrs and
stands high In the regard ot all his as
sociates Mrs Conner was a member
of tho Womans olub when she lived
here and both were identified with the
riapttst church
All who know tho family will siu
ceroly sympathize with thorn iu their
deep ulUictlnu
H Risb Pleads for a More Strict
Observance of the Sabbath
Norfolk July 27 Editor Daily
Nkws Remember tho Sabbath day
to keep it holy is ono of the com
mandments which has never beeu re
volted A great many of our citizens
still try to obey this command and somo
perhaps would rather violate it Now
it is not because we would rob them of
tho enjoyment of tho baso ball game
that we make a protest but because we
do believe iu this command that we ask
them to fix some other day iu which to
play those games Then also lookiug
at It from a business standpoint the
persons who patrouizo baso ball games
away from their home town on Suuday
cauuot do any business oxcept in tho
sporting line so that if those games
wero played on a week day we might
got 6ome outsido trade in other lines
Then thero are a class of peoplo who are
denied tho privilege of looking on be
cause they respect tho Sabbath who
could aud would see the games if played
on some other day
The game for next Suuday is perhaps
all arrangod for and could Hot bo rear
ranged so we will say nothing about
this game but we do ask tho promoters
of these games to please nrraugo thoir
games for some other day iu the future
We also wish to say that if this can
feel very grateful and also wish to say
that wo aro In dead earnest about this
matter and if any games nro played ou
tho Sibbath after July 28 that arrests
will surely follow Yours truly
WH Hisn
Itnnl Kntutn Tritiiner
Tho following aro tho tratrnfors of
real estate In Madison county for the
wook ending July 27 1001 as re
ported by D J Koonlgstelu ofllclal ah
Ira A Church to Wltllam R Dafilol
wd net netj IV2I t 1 100
Carl Praunor to Hannah Barnes wd
lots i and 0 block 7 Battle Crook 000
Nannie V Halo to Herman 01ati wd
part of ontlot 1 F J Halos outlots to
Battlo Creek
Leopold Hotnnmi and wifo to Emtllo
Roihrko wd lot I block 2 Maohmul
lors add to Norfolk mid part of uw uw
20 21 1
Wosloy It Andrew to Edwin 13 Cruo
Wdeu in V 17 2IM 2100
Abel E Jampboll to Sarah A Benish
wd w of noJj nwj4 sej i aud ixoU
bwi 5 21 1
Cvon ONoIll to O D Boyer wd lots
0 and 7 hi ck 8 Battlo Crock 150
Luther J Church to Nauoy J Hay
don wd part seU of 1104 20 24 4
John D Zorckler to Atnolla Bear qcd
lot 5 block 1 Bears add to Norfolk
Mary A Smith to Joutiio Flood wd
lots 1511 and 7 block 11 It W Days
add to Battlo Creole 100
Cora 13 Harvoy to L L Norwlg wd
lot 4 block 21 R It udd to Newman
Grove 100
Carrlo L Tollvor to A H Kiesau wd
lot 5 block 1 lvoenlgsteins ird add to
Norfolk 150
J V Alstadt to Willai Stork wd lots
5 7 and 8 block IJ8 Clark aud Madi
son Mill Cos add to Madison 1800
Peonoor Townsito Co to Cora E
Vny wd lot li block 14 aud lot 4 block
21 of subdivision entitled blocks li to
21 incluslvo of R It add to Newman
Grove u
No One Betrayed
Whatovor may bo said oof D Clem
Deaver aud his appointment he has cer
tainly smitten some of his onomios hip
nnd thigh in a recent communication to
tho Bee
Within tho past few days I have
been referred to by tho fusion press of
Nebnibka as a traitor satau faced
Janus a Judas aud various other such
uanios as gentlemen always uso
when speaking of their poors
Pray what havo I done that was so
bad aside from rofuelug to be led into
tho democratic party
Tho Omaha World Herald proved to
its own satisfaction that I was a repub
lican iu 1894 soveu years ago
Seriously if a man is a bad wicked
man ho must bo guilty of some bad acts
If a man is a traitor ho must have be
trayed some one I challenge the pro
duction of a statement from any citizen
of Nebraska that I ever betrayed him
They say I fooled the voters by
wholesale aud retail I challenge the
production of a statemont from anyone
to tho effect that ho voted the mid road
ticket last full and is now sorry he did
not voto for Bryan the Poorless States
I havo never made a political promise
that was not religiously kept and I chal
lenge a statomout fiom anyone to the
I never solicited a promise from a
candidate for ollico and always consid
ered it dishonorable to do so I chal
lango a statement from any man that
has ever been a caudidato for office in
this state to tho contrary
Whatever may be said of tho Truo
Populist this Is true Tho fuslouists
could not have bought two columns of
space in it for 75 a day nor for any
price References
and tho triple plated committee of
bogus reformors headquarters at the
end of navigation on Salt Creek form
erly of Lincoln Nob
I have always dealt fairly with my
followmeu and cau see no oxcubo for tho
vile uugontlemanly names instead of
argument that have beeu hurled at me
I became a populist in 1890 because
I houostly believed iu the principles of
that party I never was a democrat
and when it came to choosing between
democracy a party that uover stands
for anything but opposition to what it
is and republicanism a party that
stands for patriotism aud advancement
it did not take mo loug to docide to cast
my lot with the republican party
A large number attended leagup Sun
day evening Carl Aspin led tho meet
Two young Mormon preaohors aro
stopping iu the neighborhood for a short
Miss Anna Lundquist went to Piorce
to visit with her sister Mrs Wilken
Andrew Olson of the Wayne normal
visited with relatives in the vicinity
over Sunday
Albert Wintenberg has purohased a
now threshing outfit aud the first work
was begun on Tuesday
Miss Clara Heudricksou left for Sioux
City last Wednesday From there she
will go to Attwator Minnesota where
she will visit with frieuds and relatives
for a short time
Wlinn the nl n to is furnished
News will supply engraved cards at 75
cents for 60 or 100 for 100
What bhall We Have for DrMert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
TryIell 0 a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two miuutes No baklug add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lnion orange raspberry and straw-
be done and is done that we will always berry At your grocers 10 cents
ill H M
Private Bilger Tells More of a
Soldiers Life
A Fino BUnch of Bananas is Captured
A Hundred Filipinos are Buried in
the Barracks Grave Yard Shoot
ing Bolo Men
O oquleta Mindanao P I Juno 1
1001 To The Niws I will send you
another letter from tho country of many
uegros tho Phillppluo Islands War
here has begun again as far as our sido
Is concerned Our men havo not boon
fired ou as yet but several have come
very near to being cut to piooos by bolo
men for getting out too far from tho
outposts Tho ofllcors aro out nearly
overy day with dotachmonts of soldiers
scouring tho country for iusurrectos
Most of tho work is douo at night bo
causo it is coolor and ttio natives cauuot
see our meu coming and thus oscapo
Thoro aro a great many Filipinos who
want to bo friendly to our side but the
iusurrectos tell them thoy will get into
rouble If thoy do not lot them know of
our movomouts so they tell us all they
can find out about tho iusurrectos and
toll them as little about us as possible
Our mon have killed 11 bolo men mid
have taken a largo quantity of rico
which thoy fouud in somo of the houses
that woro searched When wo took
ohargo of the prisoners thoro were about
05 natives now we havo 05 iu tho guard
house coud a largo number who aro
watched very closely by tho scouts who
seem to know all tho iusurrectos There
woro 15 men out ou May 13 and they
got 10 prisoners iu one bunch all of
whom are held In tho guard house now
Tho guard house is so full that at night
you could walk all over ou tho prisoners
without stepping on the floor I do not
see how 07 men cau lay iu a room about
20 by 80 feet but that is tho numbor in
the largo room of tho guard house
I have not beeu out ou any of the
marches because I do not like to wadet
rivers and marshes well enough to vol
unteer to go I am either on guard or
on old guard fatigue when they take
place so I never get detailod I was
on guard when thoy went out ou horses
IS miles and killed two Filipinos and
took throe prisoners all having bolos on
their persons The boys are getting
pretty well used to marching by this
timo as there is plenty of work for all
I spent May 13 on guard and a fine time
I had of it too
There is no more chasing prisoners
all over town for little things they want
and to talk about what goes on iu the
guard house There has been some
useful information given by the pris
oners so all communication from tho
outside is cut off Even when the
women bring the prisoners food they
aro not allowed to talk together
Last Sunday thfa native scouts killed
three within the line of outposts and if
the priest had not begged the captain to
let their families bury them wo would
havo 1015 Filipinos buried behind our
quarters instead of 100
June 4 The above was written on
Saturday aud before I could finish I
was called away ou duty aud I havo
n U had time to finish until now I was
out ou herd guard last Sunday June 2
aud brought in a largo bunch of ba
nanas almost dead ripe I only have
to keep them a few days until they get
good Herd guard is not easy a person
being compelled to look out for iusur
rectos as they try to steal our horses
There was a detachment of 40 men went
out on the uight of the 2nd and did not
return until tho night of the 3rd They
brought one insurgent officer and four
men whom they captured in a hut in
the mountains They said thoy had
been out about 20 miles aud the greater
portion of the trip was made over
fallen logs Tho boys are nearly nil
worn out and tho two sets of guards
ouly get one night in without old guard
fatigue Wo are off one day aud ou the
The Filipinos are trying to leave tho
islaud and I thluk we will have some
hard work until they surroudor Thoro
are but about 500 Insurrectos but thoy
aro very hard to get at
Our commander at present used to be
captalu of tho voluutoers whom wo re
lieved but will soon be our first lieu
teuant aud our first lieutentant
uow will be our captain the change
will be made June 13 The uames in
rank will then be Captain Welsh
commaudlug officer of tho post and
Lieutenants Elliott and Clark
There has not been a boat hero for 10
days aud the uext that comes will be a
war vessel of some kind We received
13 mules aud a wagou about three
weeks ago and you should have seen the
natives look at them I do not bolievo
ttiey ever saw a mule or a four wheeled
wagou before They acted like children
watchiug a circuB parade There are a
large uumber of cases of the mumps and
malaria fever here but in most cases it
lasts but about 10 days before the pa
tient recovers
I wish you people could visit our bar
racks We have a barber shop aud shoe
shining parlors where wo can get fixed
up flue We must stand inspection
overy time we mount guard aud every
Saturday mid must havo our shoos
shluod and our faces shaved or wo nro
liablo to seo tho prisoners view of tho
guard house It costs ur 1 a mouth
for tho barber and 75 cents for shoo
June I just camo off guard aud as
thero is a boat in I must finish this let
tor Tho men who were out helped to
capture about 2000 worth of church
things which tho Iusurrectos took with
them when thoy loft tho town Ono
articlo was n gold ornament used in
worship Today is feast day among tho
Filipinos and they are having a good
timo Thoy have arches up made of
bamboo which would cause au Ameri
can carpoutor to look at tho way thoy
aro built Thoy are scollopod about tho
odges aud all tho curves aro perfect
Thoy had caudles all over the big arch
last night aud it looked fine Thero are
now 113 prisoners in tho guard houso
aud it is running over 1 will closo for
this time but will soon write agaiu
Yours Respectfully
Private Amurose J Bilger
Co L 10ih Reg U S Inf
People Should Not be Forced to
Choose Any One Method
Norfolk July 20 Tho man of tho
world admires aud respects a sincere
churchman aud ho is an object for emu
lation to nil people but whon he gives
evidences of bigotry they aro up inarms
aud thoir feolings aro repulsed A man
who would stop a baso ball game or a
horse racoon Sunday exhibits the same
Bpirit as the worldly man who would
destroy a church or otherwise disturb a
religious meeting a desire to forco an
other to his way of thinking aud neither
would have tho sanction of a fair minded
man He does not grant the samo lib
erty of action to his fellow man that ho
demaudSjfor himself Tho command to
remember thoSabbath day and keep
it holy is a command to christians but
does not give them license to force suoh
commands on others It has the respect
of many who do not pretend to observe
itnor will thf y be made to observe it
against their wishes Then there are
differences of opinion as to how the day
may be kept holy Because one person
believes that the day should be spent in
prayer and meditation and another in
some other manner of observance is no
cause why tho one should force the
other to observe it in hi 1 way It would
appear ridiculous for a Methodist tosay
to a Lutheran you shall not hold your
missionfest on Sunday that is not keep
ing the day holy audit would appear
strange for an Episcopalian to say to a
Methodist yon shall not hold your camp
meeting on Sunday Remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy Tho
person who considers Suuday as his day
of rest should not bo prevented from
enjoying such rest aud it would be pe
culiar indeed for the olerk or other per
son of sedentary occupation to be forced
to believe that his rest means that be
should keep to his home or a place of
worship When he has been in con
finement during tho entire week his
mode of rest would assuredly be to get
out in the air and sunshine and if he
wishes amusement at tho same timo
why should it bo forbid him because ho
does not believe exactly as you do To
force a strict Suuday observance is a
relic of the blue laws when everybody
was compelled to attend church all day
Sunday and forced to remain awake
It is not a true conception of liberty to
bind a person to any certain sort of Sun
day observance Nor will they be
ound The average man of the world
will be convinced by argumeut much
more quickly than he will be driven
Goshen 111 Genesso Pur e Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Somo davs
since a packago of your Grain 0 propor
tion was left at my office I took it
home and gave it a trial aud I have to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java aud Mooha iu our
family but I am tree to say I like tho
Graiu 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
When the plate is furnished Tii
News will supply engraved cards at 75
cents for 50 or 100 for 100
Stransky SteelWare
A little higher in price but outlasts a
dozen pieces of so called cheap ouamolod
For salo at