The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 02, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    i I
Ki -- fci
One Killed ami Ccorc Injured
Near Kremlin O T
HhFntecl Rock Ulnnd Train Crowded
With Men and Women Departing
I From El Reno Victims From Ne
braska Iowa and Kansas
Kremlin O T July 31 The north
tiotiml Buck IhIiiiiiI passenger train No
2 which loft 121 Reno nt 7 p in threo
liciurn liitf crowded with departing
hoincHcckois wan wrecked whllo koIiik
nt full Bpeed two iiiIIch Bouth of horo
nt I -I T p in yesterday C I- MeLnln
or Enid O T was killed ami 21 other
passengers received enlH ntiil brulHUH
It Is lielleved tlmt nono wiih fntnlly
hurt Tho inoHt seriously Injured were
1 J Schmidt Kiuibiih City who wn
rut Imdly on the face mid lunula W 11
Kulsoy Medford O T eut0 on henil
fneo nnilJiunilH James Taylor Jnmos
port Mo Hevere cuts on chest nnd
head 0 II Sholuiid Victor Colo arm
broken D 13 Snlghninn Joplln se
verely cut nnd Injured Intornally K
Itiiiih North Topekn thigh Jninnied
head hrulHcd hoiIouh and A N Smith
Mllo Iiu hnek nnd wrist hurt severe
Others Injured whoso hurts consist
cd mostly of cuts and bruises follow
John Chaney Clinniito Kaj II H
Redinnn Ilalleyvllle Knn John Drop
pieman Artell KnnA O Kllno Ne
braska Andiew Nette negro Lincoln
Nob back and shoulder Injured J
O Grcdnn Axtoll Kan
A broken rnll In a culvert wasjieil
out by heniFy rains throw tlitj bnggiigo
enr from tho track TIiIb ear tiro
Kinoker nnd one passenger car wcro
overturned resting on their sides
Three passenger ears and tho lullninn
nlso left the track hut did not over
turn Tho onglno and ninll car re
mnlned on the track Engineer Kelly
shut off the ulr on tho trnln ns soon
ns ho snw the rulvortscondltlon nml
thus snvod n grentor disaster0 Tho
track was tornup fof 100 feot Pas
sengers In tho overturned ears were
UlftOd out through the uppor windows
Narrow Escape From Disastrous
Wreck on the Wabash
Porn Ind July 31 Ono of tho nifr
rowest escapes from disastrous wrecks
in tho hlstorj of tho Wnlinsh railway
occurred about seven miles oast of this
city last nluht Train No 5 the lust
limited mull was delayed by n par
tially burned out bridge nnd received
orders at Kellers station to conio to
About tho sanio tlmo n special
bridge train was sent out of hero nnd
after it had left ciinio thonews of the
departure oT tho passenger With no
topograph station between tho points
tho ollleers realized that nothing short
of n miracle could save tho trains and
n wrecking train was called out Sur
geons were summoned nnd prepara
tions mnde for tin worst
At the point whero tin two trains
met was a long and rounding eurvo
nnd tho hendllghts of both engines
wero obsiyvablp Even with this In
favor and tho full force of tho emer
gency lirakes applied tho engines
came together with sulllciont force
to brenk the pilots headlights and
other parts of the front ends Doth
trains wore given n terrllle shaking up
nnd two men were serious but not
tlangerously Injured
Shipwrecked Yachtsmen Rescued
Toledo O July 31 Tossed about
0nt the mercy of the wind nnd waves
for 31 hours Hudolph Nearlng Will
lam cHegler anil Arthur Bntemnn ar
rived In Toledo on the yncht Privateer
In tow by the steamer llespcr The
Privateer which is n 23 foot yacht
left Monday to sail to this
city Soon nfer tho start n storm
ciinio up and the yncht was nearly
ewnmpcd Tho small boat was lost
nnd tho sails rendered useless by loss
of rigging Bateninn nnd Regler be
came exhnuBtcd by the struggles nec
essary to keen tho boat form swamp
ing Night enmo nnd tho storm sub
Bided Morning found tho yncht drift
ing near West Sister island but with
no other boat In sight The men wero
nonrly famished hnvlng no provisions
on bonrd At noon tho Hosper enmo to
tho rescue and towed the shipwrecked
Bailors to their homo port
Disastrous Explosion oil Yacht
Chicago July 31 By nn explosion
oV a barrel of gnsollno on Vernon C
ScnverB yncht Kid yesterday four
men wero burned tho yacht was de
stroyed and tho building of the Colum
hia Yacht club was dnmnged by flro
It was remarkable that soma of tho
men wero not killed nnd that tho peo
ple on the docks nnd in tho clubhouse
of tho club csenped Tho explosion oc
o curred when tho wharf was crowded
with people Tho Kid was tied up nt
tho dock besluo the Columbia Yncht
club nnd Annus from tho boat sot flro
to tho building causing n damage of
5300 Tho yacht was valued at 9000
Tried to Wreck a Train
WnlkertownIndJuly31 An unsuc
cessful attempt was made to wreck
tho Baltimore and Ohio express trnln
from Chicago to Baltimore last night
Two masked men were discovered ob
structing tho track near Teegarden
threo and a half miles east ot here
liy Thomas Kronk a track watchman
Ono of tho men knocked Kronk down
the embankment but he got away
from them hurried back to Walker
town and signalled the rapidly ap
proaching train In time to save It The
men wound a large wire cable around
the rail and through a kupt they put
large Iron fish plates
Twenty Thousand Persons Hear
Nanus ot Lucky Ones
131 lleno O T July 11 When tho
second days drawing opened here yes
terday the sky wnti overcast with
clouds which was a most welcomo
shndo from tho scorching rays of tho
nun At Just 8 30 a m tho grent
boxes began to roll nnd the lively click
of a score typewrlteis recorded tho
names of lucky homesteaders about
5000 qf whom faced tho plntform
Steadily the crowd Increased until
fully 20000 men and women who wore
Reeking homes In the ni w country had
gathered to hear tho announcement of
the drawing There were many hun
dreds more women noticeable among
tho crowds thnn on tho first dny of tho
drawing At 130 in nfter an nd
inurnment for lunch the boxes wero
ngnln started In motion and the record
began with No 1051 In each district
Interest Increased an the drawing
progressed and the crowds -were lnrgor
than at any time before There
17fi0 numbers 0rnwvn out of tho great
containers yesterdny from cneh dis
trict mnklng a total drawn of 4fi00
Cadillac and Milwaukee Will -Fight It
Out for Honor of Defending Cup
Chicago July 11 A decision Iiiib
been reached by thoojudgos presiding
over the trial races which wero held
to select a defender for tho Canada
cup It declares that Illinois Is not
entitled to further consideration and
tho victory belongs to either Cadillac
or Milwaukee
This action on the pnrt of tho
mlno the question of Biiperlorfly
Fought All Day With Boers and Near
ly Lost a dun
Durbln NntnT July 31 Details re
ceived hero o what at first Beunied an
ordinary Bklrnilsh between n British
column and n Boer conimnndo nenr
Nlqutn oiuiy 28 bIiowb that a liard
all day fight occurred In which tho
British narrowly escaped tho loss of a
gun of tho Sixty seventh Held battery
Four hundred Uoers repeatedly rushed
tho British position killing Major Ed
wardB and Gunner Carpenter The gun
was limbered up and taken at a gallop
for three miles under a heavy fire
Five -British wero kjllod
Will Liquidate Fine on the Install
ment Plan
Topekn July 31 Mrs Carrie Na
tion who Is sorvlng a sentence in the
county Jail hero lor joint smashing
wa yesterday pardoned by Governor
Stanley Sbo would not a first ac
coirt the pardon because the fine and
costs were not remitted but afterward
decided tollo sod Tho county commis
sioners will allow her to pay the line
nnd costs amounting to In In
stallments of 5 a nionlh
Charged With Slaying His Father
Ozark Ark- July 31 Charles
Hunter aged 21 years was lodged in
jail her yesterday charged with the
killing of hiB lather O S Hunter at
Branch 20 miles south of hero Young
Hunter had n dttlleulty With his brother-in-law
Frank Hussell Hunters
fnthor interfered nnd young Hunter
L pulled out n knife cutting his father
In tho nbdonien killllng him nnd In
flicting perhaps fatal wounds on Rus
Doctors Warn Bicyclists
New York July 31 Physicians nre
said to have warned Harry Elkes and
John Nelson tho cruek bicycle rldors
that they have what doctors now call
the bicycle heart nnd In Elkes case
in particular ho Is liable to die on tljo
track at any tinip during a Jilg race
The bicycle heart is given- as tho cnuso
of Elkes collapse on tho Munhattan
track on Saturday last
Dispute Over Right of Way
Salt Lako July 31 Tho Oregon
Short Line nnd tho San Pedro railroad
have again become involved In a con
troversy over a right of way in Lincoln
county Nevada Tho land in ques
tion Is known as tho Culverwell ranch
and both companies lay clulm to thla
property by right of purchase
Sioux City Abandons Festival
Sioux City July 31 Sioux City has
abandoned her fall festival and will
try to build an auditorium Failure
of tho festival Ib blamed upon tho Anti
saloon league all liquor men nnd allied
Interests refusing to contribute a dol
lar so long as temperance people keep
up the present crusnde
Lincoln Has Unknown Body
Lincoln July 3J Badly mangled
and unrecognizable the remains of an
unknown mnn wero found nt 11 oclock
last night nt tho Eleventh street cross
ing on tho Burlington railroad It Is
supposed he was killed by a train
but no ono has been found who saw
tho accident
Appropriation for Pacific Cable
London July 31 By a vote of 150
to 41 the house of commons adopted a
resolution authorizing the expenditure
of 2000000 oi tljo Pacific cable
Greot Britains share under- the agree
ment with tho colonies
Invitation to Kruger
Amsterdam July 31 Mr
yesterday received Robert
H Van
Schraask treasurer of tho Holland so
clety of Chicago who presentod to
him an invitation to visit the United
Falls Three Stories and Lives
Cedar Falls la July 31 George
Thompson employed on tho new Nor
mal school building fell three stories
yesterday He la still alive
Conference of Strike Leaders
Adjourns Without Result
board caused a lively row This after- It Is believed tho hoard hesitates nnd
noon Cadillac and Milwaukee will start tho long dlstnnco telephono between
over the triangular course to deter- New York and Pittsburg wnB worked
Another Meeting Will Be Held Today
In Hope That Difference May- Be
Adjusted At variance on wucsuon
of Unionism
Pittsburg July 31 Disappointment
and apprehension pervndo the nlr of
IMttBburg because of the failure of Clio
executive board of tho Amalgamated
Association of Iron and Steel Workers
tor rntlfy The pence proposals arranged
nt the conference In New York last
Saturday lftwcon tho nntlonnL officers
of tho Amalgamated association and
Messrs Morgan Schwab and Gary
representing tho Girted Stntcs Steel
corporation When tho conference
opened yesterdny It was confidently
expected thnt un agreement would bo
reached In a short time but nfter a
session lnBtlng from 9vG0 n m until
030 p in tho conference ndjourned
without arriving nt any conclusion bo
far ns known to meet ngnln totlny
The protracted session IndlcntcB thnt
tho board Is not satisfied with tho
provisions of tho compromlBO meas
ures and unless some modifications
nre mnde Hb ratification Ib doubtful
Tho opening of union mills to non
union workmen Is tho point on which
frequently to got n modification of
this clause oTIic workmen hold that
this would give tho mill owners full
opportunity of crushing tho union
without n strjko by finding excuses to
dlschargo union men and then fllll
tholr plncca with noriunionlsts An
other rock of dissension Is said to bo
tho retention In their present Jobs of
men who worked ns strike breakers
at Hie various mills during tho strike
Kansas City Police Discover Criminal
Negligence of Foster Parents
Kansas City July 31 A baby farm
situated in n one story set of flats in a
low lying part of tho city where at
least three infnntB hnvc been wilfully
starved to death has been disclosed by
tho police In ono place where tho
husband is blind and his sister also
sightless hns supported tho family by
bogging tl reo babfes secured from a
local femnlo physician have died
within tlio past few days and been
buried nt the expense of the city
Thecdeath certificates in each case as
sert that death was due to starvation
At anotlier place four babies none
over n few months old wero found
while nt two other places a child each
was disclosed At still another place
n poor family had fostered four babies
within n year all of which had died
They had been secured it was assert
ed from a private hospital In eaeli In
stance tho persons had been hired to
board the infants for a pittance They
were surrounded with squalor and
half starved
Discuss Broom Corn Situation
Chicago July 31 Broom and brush
manufacturers from Illinois Iowa
Wisconsin nnd Nebraska hold a confer
ence here yesterdny nt which tho
broom com situation was discussed at
length Tho fact of short acreage
was conceded but It was stated that
tho recent rains existing quite gen
erally over tho broom corn territory
have come In season to save the bulk
of the crop excejit perhaps in Mis
souri and a part of Kansas No uni
form prices were minted
Conaty Slated for Iowa See
Washington July 31 Tho fact that
tho Rt Rev Thomas Conaty rector
of tho Catholic university is to be
raised to the bishopric within the next
few weeks has aroused much Interest
in Washington ns to tho field of duty
to which ho will bo nsslgned The
new Iowa dioceso to bo created
either at Sioux City or Des Moines is
one of the Very few vacancies exist
ing nhd it is regarded ns settled that
ho will bo assigned to the Iowa sec
Chicago Machinists Win
Chicago July 31 Local officials of
tho International Association of Ma
chinists nnnounoed yesterday that tho
strike In Chicago was practically over
and that the nine hour dny so far as
this city is concerned hns been firmly
established Seventy soven firms out
of n totnl of 95 have conceded the de
mand of thtf union while IS firms somo
of which have not resumed operation
are still standing out
Test Automatic Brake
Colora do Springs July 31 With
only one man E F McKoj city editor
of tho Gazette on hoard a train on the
Pikes Penk cog road was turned loose
yesterdny near tho top of the peak to
test tho automatic brake A speed of
25 miles nn hour was quickly reached
nt which tho brake worked automat
ically and stojiped tho train A largo
uumber of people witnessed the test
Has Corner on Potatoes
Cincinnati July 31 The dry weath
er has so diminished the supply of po
tatoes that it has been possible to cor
ner tho market Ono commission firm
in tho city yesterday obtained control
of the limited supply and dictated
prices ruuning tho prico up to 335
and J350 per barrel for tho better
Girl Rescues Another From Drowning
Algona la July 31 Lutie Wiley
13 years old has proved herself a hero
ine In rescuing from drowning Wini
fred Bassett of Sheldon
Effort to Unite Social Democracy la
Partially Successful
Indlnnnpolls July 31 The National
Social convention mnde an effort yea
terdny to harmonize nnd was partially
successful After n conference be
tween Mr Ilrooks lendor of tho Chica
go faction nnd Jacob Harris leader
of the Springfield faction a messago
was sent to Eugeno Debs declnring
the convention to be bnrmonlous
Tho platform as reported dcclnres
that private ownership of the toolB of
production nnd distribution is responsi
ble for tho ever Increasing uncertnlnty
of livelihood and the poverty nnd mlB
cry of tho working clnss and It divides
society Into two hostile classes the
capitalist and wage workers It advo
cates ns lmincdlato demands public
ownership of all means of transport
communication nnd nil other public
utilities nfl well as nil Industries con
trolled by monopolies trust nnd com
bines the reduction of the hours of
labor tho Inntigurntlon of a system of
public works nnd improvements for the
employment of the unemployed tho
public credit to bo utilized for tho pur
pose the cducntlon of all children up
to the ago of 18 yenrs and stnto nnd
municipal aid in the purchnso of hooka
rlothlng and food Cqual civil and pea
Uttcal rights for men nnd women tho
initiative nnd referendum and no
more public land to be sold
Expects to Return to Havana as Soon
as State of His Health Will Permit
New York July 31 General Leon
ard Wood military governor of Cuba
necoinpaniod by Mrs Wood nnd their
threo children nrrlved lyjro yesterday
on tho steamer Mono Castle from Ha
vana General Wood eald to a re
I am feeling much better I have
not had any fever for ten days and
have nn excellent appetite I Intend
goljig on board the steam yacht
Kanawha for a short trip ulong the
New Englnnd coast where wo hope
to enjoy a spell of cool weather 1
expect my stay to be brief as I intend
to return to Havana at thoearllest pos
sible moment When I left Havana
everything was remarkably quiet I
am gratified by the kindness shown
mo by tho whole Cuban people during
my Illness
Socialists Raise a Disturbance
Brussels July 31 Tho socialist
members of the chamber of deputies
made a disturbance in the house yes
terday morning during which the In
ternationale was sung to tho accom
paniment of slammed desk llda Tnk
inn execution to tho refusal of tlin
president of the chamber M Do Sad
eler to put n motion for adjournment
n section of deputies comenced a noisy
demonstration which made it impossi
ble for the president jo maintain or
Tires of His Life Early
Omaha July 31 Sixteen-year-old
Louis Scheuermann wrote a note on
the photograph of tho girl ho bad
loved hinting at a misspent life nnd
then took strychnine with suicidal in
tent Prompt medical attendnnco was
of no avail and tho boy died shortly
after being removed to central police
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Cincinnati 4
Chicago 5 Boston 5 New York 4
Brooklyn 8 Philadelphia 3 Ameri
can League Cleveland 5 Philadel
phia 11 western League Denver 3
Omaha 0 Colorado Springs 7 Des
Moines C Kansas City 5 Minneap
olis 0
Klmberly Does Not Care to Serve
Washington July 31 A letter has
been received at the navy department
from Admiral Klmberly asking to be
excused from the Schley court of In
quiry on nccpunt of ths state of his
health Tho1 admiral is understood tc
bo suffering from heart trouble
Death of I M Piatt
Dubuque July 31 I M Piatt for
40 years a leading clothing merchant
of this city and the northwest died
on a train near Warren yesterday of
Tho California Cured Fruit associa
tion Tuesday sold 24000000 pounds of
prunes to eastern buyers
Bishop John Moore died Tuesdny at
his homo In St Augustine surrounded
by all tho priests of Florida His end
was peaceful
Acting Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General Conrad Tuesday directed tho
establishment of a postofilce on tho
island of Guam
Frank Costollo nnd Berten Rogera
each 11 years old were drowned at Ra
cine Wis Tuesday The boys were
at a Sunday school picnic
Tho Spanish ministry of foreign af
fairs is engaged upon an extradition
convention and general treaty of peace
and friendship with tho United States
The dead bodies of John Tolley and
Charles Berry wero found Tuesday In
tho country road between Pocahontas
Va and Coopers W Va They had
been murdered and robbed
C L McLaln who was killed was
sitting on jthe car step of the smoker
at the time of the accident Ho was
buried under a car truck and his body
not taken out for two hours
A universal match trust Is contem
plated by Edwin Gould and Chairman
Barber of the Diamond Match com
pany who are largely buying up the
stock of the Swedish Match company
Tho directors of the board of trade
Tuesday expelled Claudo Meeker o
member of the firm of Meeker Bros
tr Columbus O from the Chicago ex
change Meeker was charged with be
ing interested in a Columbus bucket
Twelve Thousand Dock Labor
ers Walk Out
City Front Federation Decides to Fight
Employers Association Business
I Almost at a uianasuu acvcrai
i Fights on Water Front
j San Francisco July 31 The labor
trouble In this city reached a crisis
yesterday and ns a result maritime
trafllc nnd labor along tho shore nro
almost nt a standstill and industry is
almost totally paralyzed
The order for a general wnlkout of
the City Front federation wns mado
effective yesterdny morning The City
Front federation comprises 14 unions
with a full membership of about 15
ObO Three thousand of theao mem
bers nre employed nt sea or in other j
cities nnd the strike order does notap 1
ply to them unless they return to Sun
Francisco I
Twelve thousand men obeyed tho I
order The City Front federation Is
composed of tho followlug organiza
tions Sailors union of tho Pacific
four local unions of longshoremen
mnrine firemen brotherhood of teams
ters ship nnd steamboat joiners port
ers packers warehousemen ship
clerks pile drivers and abridge build 1
ors hoisting engineers steam nnd hot
water fitters nnd coal teamsters I
When the order to walkout went
Into effect all tho big shipping compa 1
nies with one exception were left
without a union man Four coasting
Bteamers a ship and a schooner wero
the only vessels that went to sea I
It Is claimed by the officers of nil
tho organizations involved it is said
thnt the strike is not purely nn ex
pression of sympathy with the union
of teamsters but Is a taking up of
the gauntlet thrown down by the em
ployers association In other words
tho City Front federation Is deter
mined to defend the principles of
unionism which the associated employ
ers have announced their intention to
crush out Both sides seem deter-
1 mined to carry the fight on and all ef
forts on the jiart of the mayor and
others to bring about a conciliatory
settlement have thus far proved un
availing It is reported unauthorlta
tively that several of the larger whole
sale bouses will close down until the
strike is settled
I The first really serious fight since
the trouble commenced fook place be
tween a party of strikers and two col
ored drivers Imported from the in
terior The colored men state that
they were attacked and fired into the
strikers in self defense One striker
was slightly Injured The strikers
claim that tho shooting was unpro
voked The nonunion men wore ar
rested but were released on bail
i Several fights occurred on tho water
front and the police were compelled
to use their clubs freely but no one
wns seriously injured
Hurricane Accompanied With Hail
Does Damage to Buildings
Harrisburg Neb July 31 A terrific
wind rain and hailstorm struck this
place yesterday at noon knocking
out window lights and overthrowing
outhfluses It is feared the storm is
much worse to the north and east of
here No reports are obtainable from
outside All shrubbery is more or
less damaged and gardens are ruined
Hailstones fell as large as walnuts
However It Is hoped that the hall
killed the grasshoppers which have
been destroying crops to considerable
Could Not Stand Jeering
New York July 31 George McCabo
41 years of age has committed sui
cide by cutting his throat Members
of the family say McCabo was driven
to desperation by the jeers of his fel
low workmen at the Worthington Hy
draulic works in Brooklyn where a
strike was in progress McCabe went
out with tho strikers early in May
but returned to work July 18 As a re
sult It Is said ho was reviled by men
and women and his neighbors would
havo nothing to do with him Even
the children hooted hlra ns ho passed
Missouri Millionaire Dies
St Louis July 31 Information has
been received In a telegram from Balti
more yesterday of the death there of
Colonel John ODay of Springfield
Mo from the effects of paralysis Ho
was a millionaire Colonel ODay was
married three times and all his wives
survive him Tho first two secured
divorces from Colonel ODay who was
married the third time only recently
Trouble Feared at Steubenville
Steubenvllle O July 31 A riotous
J crowd gathered about the
tion plant of thoAmericnn Steel com
pany and was dispersed by tho police
Ninety five Slavish furnacemen struck
because they wero refused an advance
of 25 to 40 cents per day Their places
were filled by Italians and trouble is
Glenn Jury Unable to Agree
Parkersburg W Va July 31 The
Ellis Glenn case was brought to a
close yesterday by Judge Stapleton
who dismissed tho Jury upon their own
request ana upon their statement to
the court that they could not reach a
Yc nr lawyer mnde some pretty se
vere charges against the other fellow
didnt he
but you ought to Bee how ho
charged me Green Bag
pHW Tfy
11 -
General Showers on Last Days of the
Week Will Help Corn
Lincoln July 31 Weekly crop bul
letin for Nebraska Tho past week
has been hot with general showers
on tho last day of tho week Very lit
tle rain fell until Saturday when gen
eral showers occurred In eastern coun
ties the amount of rnlnfnll being gen
erally between half an Inch and ono
nnd one half Inches but In a few In
stances It exceeded three Inches
Tho past week has been favorablo
for threshing nnd haying Hny Is a
light crop In most counties except in
the northern part of the state whero
the crop Is a good one Corn has de
teriorated in condition and in n largo
portion of the northern counties
where the crop Is best will bo half a
crop or less whllo in the southern
counties mnny fields will mnko but lit
tle more than fodder The rain tho
Inst of tho week will help corn to
whnt extent It fs now Impossible to
determine Apples penches and grapes
are drying up and being seriously In
Extent of Damage to Corn Not Certain
at Present Week Will Tell
Des Moines July 31 The Iowa sec
tion of tho United States corp scrvlco
Issued Its official report on the condi
tion of tho corn crop in tho state of
Iowa yesterday It Is made up from
the reports 6f 30G correspondents
With reference to corn the report
The extent of dnmnge to tho corn
crop cannot be determined until tho
effects of moisture and moderate tem
perature are mado apparent The re
ports were generally mailed on tho
27th before tho drought was broken
and the estimates as to the amount
of damage are exceedingly variable as
viewed from different standpoints
Generally it may be said the condi
tions have been more favorable in tho
northern than in the southern dis
Recent Rains Will Be of Great Benefit
to Corn Hay and Alfalfa
Topeka July 31 Crop reports for
Kansas as compiled by the United
States department of agriculture
show material improvement With
Beasonabie rains many counties in tho
eastern division will produce from
ohe fourth to one half of a crop of
corn With late showers pastures havo
improved and farmers have ceased
feeding wheat In the middle division
Butler Harvey Cowley and Reno
counties report corn gone Other
counties one third to one half crop
The western division is In the best
shape of all Late corn promises a
partial crop Grass has revived and
the third crop of alfalfa Is being cut
IIU First DrcNH Snlt
lie was a very youthful looking man
and ho wore a natty opera hat and a
lengthy paddock coat which caused
lilin to bo the cynosure of all eyes In a
North Thirteenth street trolley car
It was probably the first time he had
ever worn a dress suit and ns ho walk
ed into the car his embarrassment was
painfully noticeable Many smiles flit
ted over tho passengers faces and tho
young fellow noticed each ono nnd
bluShed deeply
But more trouble was In store At
Jefferson street two redheaded Irish
servant girls boarded tho car They
crowded into n seat and began to talk
Yis said one th mistress wint to
a wkldln and she
She paused here ns her wnndeiing
pnze rested on the conspicuous youny
mnn In tho corner
Say Ellen she said loudly and
with a giggle bow would you like
thnt for a feller
The young man left the car hurried
ly before It had reached the street
where lie wished to alight Philadel
phia Call
No Interviewers Then
The number of letters written by the
fathers of the country during the Rev
olution and the first 20 years of govern
ment under the constitution seems
nmnzlng nt the present time Letter
writing nppenrs to have occupied tho
place now tnken by the public press
Letters of great length were constant
ly passing from one leader to another
It spenks volumes for the Industry of
the men of the time for their letters
were all in handwriting
Those of Washington alone fill seven
large volumes and throughout bis po
litical career Jefferson Avns even moro
active with his pen Sometimes when
his letters wero printed lie must have
wished he had not been so free
Throughout bis resldeneo in Franco ho
wrote most voluminously to congress
his writings forming a running history
of the time In Europe After his re
tirement to Montieelio ho continued to
write letters of grent length to his
friends in all parts of tho Union nnd
lii this wise his influence remained
nenrly ns great ns when he was In of
fice Chicago Tribune
Story of a Yeomanry Officer
They are telling a delicious story in
Edinburgh just now at the expense of
n certain yeomanry officer an Im
mensely porulnr mnn whoso ono weak
ness Is his belief that tho making of a
great general was lost when ho went
lnto the business of keeping a shop
The militia regiment garrisoning Edin
burgh castle In the absence of tho Gor
don hlghlnnders contains some cholco
spirits and the other day nfter a lay
lug together of heads among the olll
eers a stripling rushed into tho estab
lishment of tho officer In question
Oh Colonel So-and-so ho called
have you heard the news You aro
ordered off for active service Imme
diately 1 Tho colonel started to his
feet Great henvens he cried hua
Roberts been killed alrcadx M A- P
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