i i i I A A x i 4 II v Mia OB Bandits Hold Up Baltimore and Ohio Train in Indiana THIEVES OBTAIN NO PLUNDER Miss Express Car Because of Its Utv usual Position and Threaten to Kill Engineer for Their Mistake Posses Promptly Begin Pursuit Chicago Aug 1 Tho Now York kind Washington vcstlbulo limited train on tho Baltlmoro and Ohio rail road duo to arrive In Chicago at 9 oclock last night was hold up by flvo masked men near Grand Calumet Heights Intl A storage mall car mis taken by tho robbers for on express car was blown open with dynamite Tho men secured no plunder They es caped after firing Bovcral shots from their revolvers to Intlmldato tho pas sengers nnd train crow Tho place where tho robbery oc curred is a lonely district 31 miles out from Chicago where houses are far betweon Tho train was running at a high rato of speed as It passed Calumet Heights and Immediately after passing out of sight of the sta tion Engineer Collins saw directly In front of his engine a largo fire on which some rails had been placed Ho elowed down and as ho did so throo men wearing masks over their faces Jumped Into tho cab and covered Col lins and his fireman James Whipple With revolvers Just beforo climbing Into tho cab Iho three men commenced to flro with their revolvers to frighten away all assistance Tho shots produced tho liveliest kind of a panic In tho sleeping cars where the passengers made every effort to hide their money and valua bles before the robbers could get at them No attempt however was niado to rob any of tho passengers After mounting Into tho cab of tho engine tho robbers covering tho engi neer and fireman with their revolvers ordered them to uncouple tho first two cars which was done They then hustled the two trainmen back Into the cab and still keeping the en gineer covered with revolvers direct ed him to pull up some distance from the rest of the train Engineer Collins ran up 200 feet and was then directed to stop Ho did so ard while one of tho men re mained to guard him tho others Jumped off and hurling dynamlto at the door of tho car which they Judged to bo tho express car burst open tho door Hastily climbing In to1 get at tho safe they were astonished to find that they had broken Into a mall car Tliey threatened the engineer with death for not telling them that tho cars which he had uncoupled were not express cars and ordered him to re turn at once and uncouple the next behind the baggage cars Climbing once more into his cab Collins backed his engine down coupled onto the third car while the fireman was made to uncouple at tho rear end and still with the muzzle of the revolver at his head Collins was ordered to run down the track as before He drew away from tho balance of tho train about the same distance as on tho first occa sion and the robbers still leaving him under the charge of one of their num ber attacked the other car When they reached It they found to their great wrath that they had opened an other mall car nnd that It contained no money The train had boon delayed now fully 30 minutes and fearing that If they delayed any longer help iwquld be coming to the train crew the robbers gave up their attempt to rob the train and ran Into a thicket of scrub oaks at the side of tho track and disappeared The train came on to Chicago and officers were at once sent after the robbers Within an Hour after the robbery a large posso was on their trail It Is estimated that 550000 was Btored In the express car and It Is be lieved tho robbers know of tho largo amounts of money and valuable aboard I Two Killed In Drunken Fight Vlnlta I T Aug 1 At Campbell I T Tom Toney and Jesso Lunagan were killed In a drunken fight by Jen Hilllon Hilllon had slipped around and romoved tho taps from all the wheels of a now wagon purchased by Lunagan When all three of thd1 men etarted out of town tho wheeels ran off and let the crowd down In tho road fTho fight ensued and Hilllon used a Winchester and killed both men Officer Kills Bootlegger Wathena Kan Aug 1 In a fight Wth bootleggers hero yesterday Con stable A M LIvermoro shot and in etontly killed Lou Henderson ono of the bootleggers who had been arrest ed and captured John Williams an ac complice of tho dead man Tho boot leggers are both colored and have given tho officers much trouble I Negro Couple 8hot to Pieces I Helena Ark Aug 1 Isaac Lane and wife were murdered on Island 60 In the Mississippi river Both were Bhot to pieces Will Kelly and Frank Cannon charged with tho crime were captured by constables after a fight In which both of them were wounded All of tho persons concerned Includ ing tbo officers are negroes Suicide of J H Dow Olatho Kan Aug 1 J H Dow for more than 30 years ono of the lead ing merchants of eastern Kansas drowned himself In tho Memphis rail road lake near hero last night Ill health Is the cause given Mr Dow was a 32d degree Mason and wa3 Wealthy DROP ON COUNTERFEIT GANG Complete Outfit for Making All Denom inations of Silver Captured Doadwodd Aug 1 Three men aro In Jail hero for counterfeiting silver coins They were arrested In tliolr cabin seven miles west of Elmore In Spcarflsh canyon Tho mon gavo their names as William Portland Jerry Hurnetto and Joo Dcllsh At a prelim inary trial yesterday thoy pleaded not guilty Tho arrests wero made by a forcBt ranger and two deputies assist ed by Captain Seth Uullock tho forest supervisor Tho men woro found In their cabin which stood In a deep canyon away from all civilization There wero no windows In tho cabin and it Is believed that for several months thoy havo been making silver coins A comploto outfit was captured for the manufacture of dollars halves quarters and dimes and quantities of silver nnd other metals to mako tho alloys A few coins wero found In tho cabin It Is believed thnt tho men mndo a shipment of coins a few dajs before their arrest Spurious coins have been In circulation In that part of tho country among tho tlo con tractors and men for Bomo time THREE BYSTANDERS HIT Street Duel In Denver In Which None of the Principals Was Hurt Denver Aug 1 During a street duel last night between Barney nnd Sam Boyce brothers of Denver on ono bUIo and Charles Jasper of Texas on the other three bystanders wero wounded although none of tho prin cipals was hurt The combatants are said to be gam blers and the cause of tho light was a trivial quarrel The fight occurred at Seventeenth nnd Curtfs streets ono of the bTislest corners In tho nelly Tho wounded nro G H West shot In tho right knee J M Howlo professor of mathematics at tho stato normal tschool at Peru Neb shot In fhe right log Nick Singer shot In tho left thigh Professor Howlp was three blocks from tho scone of the shooting when hit Tho duelists were arrested HURRICANE NEAR TOPEKA Tornado Around Kilmer Unroofs Build ings and Destroys Orchards Topeka Aug 1 A lively tornado around Kilmer ton miles northeast of Topeka did much damage last night Several buildings were unrooted wind mills uestroyed and one farmers bug gy was carried through tho air 200 yards and landed upside down upon a wire fence Farmer Wcldling suffered tho most loss His fine two story house was completely unroofed and wrecked by the wind and flood of water that del uged the unprotected rooms Orchards and crops suffered sovorely People In the path of the storm rushed to their caves nnd cellars and escaped Injury After the wind two and one half Inches of rain fell FIND THE BODY OF PENICK General Opinion He Dropped Asleep and Fell Overboard From Steamer Racine Wis Aug 1 The body of C E Penick the banker of Charlton la and brother of ex State Senator Penick was discovered floatXig In Lake Michigan last evening not a hun dred feet from where he fell into tho lake from the Virginia Two men fish ing from the pier both claim to have been tho first to see tho body and each wants tho 300 reward for finding the body The body found and tho clothing tally completely v h tho de scription given of tho Chariton banker The general opinion now Is that tho victim fell from the boat while sleep ing on the upper dock and that It was not a case of suicide GRAND JURY INDICTS HINSEY Votes Perjury Charge Against Endow ment Ranks Ex President Chicago Aug 1 IndlctmentB charging perjury wero voted yester day by tho grand Jury against John A HInsey former president of tho en dowment rank Knights of Pythias and against Henry B Stolts formprly secretary of tho endowment rank Tho perjury charged Is alleged to consist In statements made In annul1 reports of tho supremo lodge Knights of Pyth ias which tho defendants as officers of tho lodge made to the Insurance de partment of Illinois Cubans Adopt Electoral Bill Havana Aug 1 After a lively-debate tho Cuban constitutional conven tion adopted tho electoral bill sub mitted by the commission as a whole Discussion of tho various articles will now begin Sonor Sangully caused a commotion by protesting against ac cepting the project on tho ground that tho convention could not assumo tho authority therein provided of establish ing tho now government and settling dlsputos arising out of tho first elec tion as these matters belonged to the military government Nome Steamer a Total Wreck Seattle Wash Aug 1 Tho steam ship Senator which arrived at Port Townsend last night reports that tho steamship Charles D Lane on her way from Nome to Seattle with 175 passengers struck during a dense fog on tho night of July 12 on tho west end of Nunlvak Island She is a otal wreck Her passengers and crew were saved by tho schooner Vega which the Lane was towing Last Message From Baldwin Vardoe Norway Aug 1 America tho flagship of tho Baldwln Zelgler North polo expedition which sailed from Tromsoe July 1G touched hero and proceeded direct for Capo Flora Franz Josef land Mr Baldwin sends a farewell message to tho United States as follows All well Await I one of the beat efforts We will stand 1 our flag THE NORFOLK NKWS Fill DAY AHiTST 2 1001 II if President Castro is Having More Trouble TROOPS ARE SENT TO THE 3CENE Colombian Government Declares Gen eral Urlbe Urlbe an Outlaw and His Property May Be Confiscated Trou ble on the Frontier Wlllonistad Aug 1 Dr ltnngol Gardlras at tho head of 5000 men has revolted against President Castro of Venezuela Tho Insurgents are near San Antonio do Tnchlta on tho Colombian frontier Tho Venezuelan government has sent 10000 troops to tho scene of tho uprising Tho situa tion Is grave Other outbreaks aro ex pected Tho wholo country N toady to rise against President Castro Con stitutional guaranties have baen sus pended and complications with Co lombia aro feared Washington Aug 1 Tho Btnto de partment yesterday received tho fol lowing telegram from tho American legation nt Caracas Martial law has been declared In Venezuela by tho president of the country In consequence of tho Invasion ofn revolutionary forco from Colom bia It Is reported that nn army of 10000 men will meet tho Invaders ilribe Declared an Outlaw New York Aug 1 General Urlbe Urlbe who Is again battling In Colom bia for liberal supremacy has been de clared an outlaw by tho Colombian government This action carries with It a confiscation of his property It is threatened that If ho again dnro to enter the country whether In tlmo of peace or war ho will bo Imprisoned for life El Iloraldo the semiofficial newspaper demands tho Immcdinto dismissal of Dr Carlos Martinez Sllva from the office of Colombian minister to this country It gives nB Its reason for this deinnnd tho conference be tween General Urlbo nnd Minister Sllva which tbo paper claims com promises tho government ATTEMPf ON LIFE OF QUEEN Mother of King of Portugal Has Nar row Escape From Assassination New York Aug 1 A dispatch to tlm Herald from says Maria Pia queen dowager of Portugal and mother of King Carlos has had a narrow escape from assassination Her majesty was taking a courso 3f tho baths hero but was so perturbed by tho attack upon her that sho loft Aix hastily for Rome Details of tho attempted assassination are not ob tainable at present Tho police aro said to havo a clow News of tho af fair Is only beginning to spread among tho visitors It Is causing a deep sen sation for the queen dowager was known personally toa considerable number of people She was very dem ocratic In her demeanor chatting free ly with her follow bathers Balkan War Cloud Lowers London Aug 1 Tho Times in at editorial taking a gloomy view of af fairs in the near east says Even of ficial optimism is unable to avert Its eyes from the dark thunder clouds which 0eem to overlook the Balkan It refers to Russia as stealthily building up her authority in tho Sla vonic states and to Bulgaria as being gradually transformed Into a Russian dependency Contenting upon the un rest in Albania and Macedonia it says It is commonly supposed that no sorlous outbreak will toko place In Macedonia until Russia gives tho sig nal but events are maturing and Rus sia may bo taken unawares Austria Ready for Trouble London Aug 1 A dispatch to tho Pall Mall Gazette from Buda Pest says In consequence of the agitation In Albania Austria has ordered every garrison In Bosnia and Herzegovina to bo Immediately placed on a war foot ing Additional regiments leave Vien na this week for Sereajevo and Banja luka All the officers onfurlough havo been ordered to rejoin their regiments Kruger Coming Next Month London Aug 1 I am Informed on good authority says tho Brussels cor respondent of the Dally Mall that Mr Krugers visit to tho United States has been absolutely decided upon It will take place probably about the mid dle of September and ho will bo accom panied by Messrs Fischer Wessels and Wolmarans Belgian Missionaries Not Murdered London Aug 1 Tho reports circu lated In Juno of tho massacre of 15 Belgian and Italian missionaries in southern Mongolia have been effectu ally disproved says a dlsnatch to the Times from Poking tho Belgian min ister having received a letter dated July 1 from tho mission reporting that all was well Seminary Girls as Smugglers Rome Aug 1 Tho frequent walks across tho Swiss Italian frontier of girls of a seminary near Masllanco aroused tho suspicions of tho officers who finally stopped a procession of 40 walking two by two and ascertained that each girl was smuggling clgnrs or cigarettes of the aggregate value of 30000 Crlspl Fights for Breath Naples Aug 1 Tho bulletin Issued last night regarding Slgnor Francesco Crlspl announced that ho has suffered a relapse and Is weaker Ills terrible struggle for breath can be heard oven in tho roadway of the street where his residence stands Ths members of his family and his two secretaries are at tbe deathbed - ANOTHER TICKET IN OHIO Bryan Democrats Nominate Dr Reem I in for Governor Columbus O Aug 1 Tho Pro gressive Democratic Patty was or ganized hero yesterday Tho attend ance was ho stuull that many doubted up to 2 p in whethor any attempt would bo niado to hold a stato con vention Tho totnl attendance did not evcood 30 though tbo formalities of n state convention wero cm tied out be tween the hours of 2 and 4 p tn The features of the plnttorm aro laudation of Bryan nnd reaffirmation of the Kansas City platforn The following ticket was nominated Governor Dr Rudolph Itoonilln lieu tenant governor Henry C Cordory supremo Judge Rial M Smith Btato ttonsiror J 0 Shoimnl attorney gen eral S I j Clark clerk of supremo court CliarlesH Ronanll member of the board of public works 11 11 Con null MAKE PHOTOGRAPHERS PAY Effort Toward Consolidation of All Dry Plate Firms of the Country St Louis Aug 1 Tho says that negotiations for tho cottHolldat Ion of the lending photograph ic dry plato rat lotion or the United Btatos and Europe with a capital of f300QD000 Ib ponding Throo of tho companies concerned by the negotia tions uifi St IoiiIh IIi uib that turn out 80 per cent of tho plates UHod In tho United States The men who aro promoting the consolidation nro George East man of u Eastman Kodak company and Charles Abbott at tho Arlsto Manufact uring company of JnuicHtown N Y They were In St Louis last week and conferred with representatives of the three big local concerns ST LONIS AIMS HIGH Proposes to Eclipse All Previous Expo sitions With Its Worlds Fair St Louis Aug 1 Tho cointnltteo on grounds and buildings of tho Louisi ana Purchase Exposition company Is considering the plans of tho commis sion of RtchltoctB for tho general ar rangement of tho worlds fair build ings and grounds In designing the grounds the architects commission used for the working materlnl tho data supplied by tho Columbian oxposltlon at Chicago Tho Chicago oxposltlon Is the spectacle wo must eclipse If our exposition is to bo a success re marked ono of tho architects Tho Buffalo tho San Francisco and tho Omaha expositions wero miniatures compared with tho exposition St Louis is preparing BOMBARDING FOR RAIN Wright Puts His Special Vibration -Theory Into Practice at Lincoln Lincoln Aug 1 Four miles north cast of the city 24 mortars posted on a 24 aere tract are being fired at min ute Intervals In tho hopo that tho re sult will be a downfall of rain W F Wright former deputy stato food com missioner Is tho promoter nnd man ager of the enterprise Mr Wright Is tho originator of tho special vibra tion theory of ralnmaklng and for several years has unsuccessfully espoused a legislative appropriation to put his theory Into practice Mr Wright says ho will continue tho bom bardment iinjil rain comes or he has exhausted his supply of several thou sand pounds of gunpowder Tho sky Is clear Two Injured In Sham Battle Boulder Colo Aug I Dining a sham battle between companies of tho Colorado0 National guard hero yester day Private Wright of a Denver com pany received the wad from a blank cartridge in Ills right forearm and will probably loso his arm If not his llfo Lieutenant Rice Means who served as an officer In tho Philippines was burned In tho face with powder Arrest American Anarchist Zurich Switzerland Aug 1 An anarchist named Calllotti was arrest ed at VIedlkon last night by order of tho prosecutor general on Informa tion received front Patorson N J Many documents wero found at Jtls lodgings Farmers Congress at Sioux Falls Sioux Falls S D Aug 1 Tho pro gram for tho 21st annual convention of tho Farmers National congress to I i hold In Sioux Falls Oct 1 to 10 has been completed Tho list of speakers Includes many prominent men Indian Indicted for Murder Escaoes Sioux Falls S D Aug 1 Red Ears1 a famous Sioux Indian who Is under1 Indictment In tho United States court for tho murder of a child escaped from tho authorities of Minnehaha codnty SPARKS FROM THE WIRES Tho Manlstoo Mich Iron works wero burned Wednesday Loss J50 000 Tho plr employed 300 men General Passeugor Agent Calloway of tho Soo Lino has offered to wager 5000 that hjs road la not a rato cut ter In a row In a resort at Crockotts vllle Ky Wednesday Charles and Robert Morris wero shot and killed by Tom White Mr and Mrs R T Taliaferro were murdered Wednesday In their Homo near Memphis and their bodies horri bly disfigured H A Sapp shot and mortally wounded W H Coffin at Rico Lake Wis Wednesday There had been a feud of long standing between tho two men At McGregor Minn Tony Jordan was shot and killed Wednesday b a sheriffs posso who woro attempting to arrest him Previously Jordan had shot and probably fatally wounded an old man named Clasen whose daugh ter bo was engaged to marry STRIKE IS III Pittsburgcrs Hearts Made Sick by Hope Deferred CONFEREES MEET AGAIN TODAY Conference Once More Adjourns With out Coming to an Agreement Strik ers Hear Nothing Declslvo From the Meeting Pittsburg Aug 1 IIopo deferred ninketh the heart Bid Tills In ex pressive or tho feelings of tho major ity of Plttsburgorii outside of tho In ner circle of tho Amalgamated associa tion executive board who have been considering the proposals for a settle ment of the steel strike fortwo days without agreement How the mom hers of the board feel Is known to no man oil tho outside The second day of lho meruit vo boards deliberation was notable for mutiy rumors lit circulation and lortho conspicuous dearth of results Tho absence of throo of tho principal mem bers of tho board from the sessions tave ilso In tho story that the mem bers weio divided In their Ideas of the peace pinposulii and that In order to Satisfy all Socletary Williams had been sent to New York lo seek nindlll cations at the hands or Messrs Mor gan nnd Schwab while Assistant Sec retary Tlghe mill Trustee Morgan had receive a colninlsslon to visit Senator Iluuua to sectito his aid In bringing nbout an nmlctihln arraugcmcnU Noth ing tangible roulil be learned concern ing thoHO supposed trip however MORE MEN ARE CALLED OUT Frisco Baggage Wagong Drivers nnd Sand Teamsters Quit Work San Francisco Aug 1 There are hut few changes In tho local labor sit uation Both employers and ompjoyes nro standing firm and each side claims confidence In winning out without drawing on It n reserves No serious disturbance of Iho peuco occurred yesterday The strlkcis are strictly observing the Injunction to abstain from violence The employers hold out no hope for a speedy sett lenient of tho troublcnnd say there Is nothing In sight but a hard battle Two of the big steamship companies assert that they are getting nonunion men to fill the placet of some of the strikers nnd believe thoy can wlfllln a short tlmo secure all tho men needed to operato their boats Tho drivers for tho lfaelfie Transrnr company wero called out This will hnvo a soiioua effect on tho handling of baggage Tho sund teamsters wero also ordorod out This new develop ment may put a stop to building opera tions throughout tho city Iowa Centrals Bond Issue Chicago Aug 1 Stockholders of tho Iowa Central met hero in special session yesterday and authorized tho directors to Issuo gold bonds not to1 exceed 25000000 and bearing 4 per cent Interest Thcso bonds tiro to bo secured by a mortgnge executed 1ft favor of the Morton Trust company as trustees The bonds aro to bo iiHcd for refunding purposes paying or to deeming outstanding obligations of the company and of such othei compa nies as may bo acquired by consolida tion construct Ion or ipirchnse Drowns While Swimming Council Uliifrs Aug 1 Peter Bar low a switchman In the employ or the Illinois Central railroad was drowned yesterday alternooit while bathing 0ln tho MJssourl river near tho east end of tho motor companys bridge Ho was an expert swimmer nnd Is sup posed to havo either been seized with cramps or sucked down In un eddy near ono of tho largo piers Baseball Scores Yesterday National League Bpston 5 Now Vork 0 Brooklyn 0 Philadelphia 3 Cincinnati 5 Chicago 4 Ameri can League Chicago 2 Detroit 0 Baltimore 0 Washington 2 Phlla dolphin -13 Boston 10 Western League St Joseph 2 St Pttitl 1 Denver 7 Omnha 4 Colorado Springs 0 Des Moines 9 Kansas City 7 Minneapolis 3 Again Hot In Kansas Topeka Aug 1 Hot weather has again returned to Kansas but nothing llko that beforo tho breaking of tho drought Tho toinporaturo reached as high as 100 yesterday and somo pros trations nro roportod on account of tho humidity In Leavenworth thero was ono death from the heat Cumberland Mine Burning Seattlo Wash Aug 1 A special from Cumberland B C says a flro Is raging In mlno No 4 All miners havo escaped but Pumpman Nichols who Is cut off In tho mne Desperate at tempts aro being made to reach Nich ols and to locate the flro Miss Crawford Wins Kearney Contest Kearney Nob Aug 1 Miss Mantle Crawford polled 19871 votes In tho Dally Hubs Pan American exposition contest Just closed and is declared tho winner Miss Lillian Hawthorno was next with 15070 and Miss Florence Sampson had 7977 Midway Must Close Next Sunday Buffalo Aug 1 At a meeting of tho board of directors of tho Pan American oxposltlon hold last evening It was decided that tho Midway at tho expo sition should bo closed tight next Suu day Bring In Two Gushers Beaumont Tex Aug 1 Tho drill ers in tho Beaumont field broke tho record yestorday afternoon by bring ing In two gushers within less than an hour l i IRD DAY OF LAND LOTTERY 5cvtiil Nebraska and Iowa Men -Among the Winners El lit P Aug 1 Two thou sand one hundred names wero drawn fiont each wheel In tho great United Stales land lottery yesterday making the grand total 8700 Today tho list of prize winners will bo completed Among Iho wlnneia yestorday wero the following liiwlnn IiMllrl C tt HIiiilJ ICciinnnv Nili WIIIIiiiii IiiiiiIUiiii Inllrt City NpIij N llln It Mimic Itoi Ufinl In V II Mimri Miuiiiiii In I ililmlli Wntikitii In KniiiiH M Ilinklti Im I Dnilr In A K ltiiKi4 lliirllliKlini In rl Itmiii HUH lil c H Moiup lllrmlin tin in In M A minion limine ciiilnly lown I W Hull 1iilNCItv Ncli J 8 iiii IrmiliiK In J uli n I 1ipiirli ll run In Joli it liilin Him MiiImiH la II Ciitlii iliinilmlill Niti J It Jrii iiIiikh roil ii Inllx In T I Olljnr Piuiilii In v lmrrv fiiiiilioii in v II IiiIiIiIii ln1lt Ho K Nob WIIIIiiiii Otiiiinci Mount Iliiiiiint In IliMlcrlcU W Ill Incus Sii IiikIIi IiI Neb 15 K HcliiiniiKii IiiIIh II Ncli A i Wimrtlir InKiiIiiiiiii In V A Itiilmi Ht 01 lilo liikc III 1 N IiiiiIKiiiI Illnicloii Mn The coininlHsloneiH of I lie drawing are notifying by postal card each per son who draws a number The card also gives the date upon whlch tho recipient must appear at the iTlllce of his icspcctlvn land district and file bin imtry The date upon which a man must appear to make entry Is easily determined In ouch laud district 125 persons will Jie permitted lo lllo dally Those holding inimbyni I lo 125 must lllo Aug 1 I2i ro 250 Aug 7 conUnit lug In this manner until nil the homo nleails In each land dlsttlcf aro tiled unoii Western Man Promoted Oinnlm Aug Announcement from tho headipiaiters of tho Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul railway at Chicago tells of tho appointment of W S Howell n former Omiihnu to tho position of general custom agent or that road controlling both freight and passenger tralllc In the New York district Only two yearn ago Mr How ell hold the position under Mr Nash In the Omaha olllco as assistant gen eral western agent He was removed east and promoted to be general East ern passenger agent Mr 1 II Hlx son held tho corrHntlvo position of general eastern frelglil agent Tho hitters death last Thursday left a va cancy and the two offices were consol idated under Mr Howell who dating from Ang 1 will lie at Uv head of both departments of the tralllc Ills head quarters will bo In Roosevelt En New York tClty Route West Chicago Aug 1 Vlco President Roosevelt departed fof tho west last night en route to Colorndo Springs Colo whoro ho Is to bo tho guest nt tho niiarlocentennlal celebration ot Colorados ndmlsslon Into statehood Tho trip ho says Is to bo a rest for him und ho goes unaccompanied Park Manager Fires Into Crowd Cleveland July 29 In n row at Forest City park last night Otto B Seofrlcd manager of tho park It Ib claimed shot Into tho crowd who wero raising a disturbance and fatally In jured Thomas Murtagh a bullet going through his nbifomcn Kdwnrd Ynrn ban was shot In the knee but Is not seriously Injured A sound of police men found Seelrled Inside an onglno house with a revolver In his hand and arrested him A number of persons surrounded the engine house bul tho policemen dispersed thetfl Cl ii tli cm Trn iin fur 111 nil on In these days of uiiifot ttieil employ ees there nte to4ie found melius where by n uniform coat may iiilcUly mill eas ily be changed In Its appearance to that of an ordinary civilian VMs to done hltjiply by changing the buttons There are diffetetrt kknlri of but tons for this purpose Some are made with a shank that goes thtottgh an eyelet made In the coat where commonly a button would be hewed on this movable but ton being fastened at tin back But- tons of this kind are changed bodily oueo kind removed and the other kind put in its place There Is another kind of transforma tion button In which a black button of ordinary appearance Is sewed on to the coat In the usual manner there to re main the gold button In this case con sisting of n cap which screws or Is oth erwise fastened right over the blnck button which It covers Screwing on these caps would put a man Into uni form taking them off would put him buck Into a blue coat such as might be worn anywhere The device of a silk build that may be put In it moment around a uniform cup Is familiar It covers up the gold braid there which Is nftcr nil likely to he the most conspicuous thing about a uniform more eo tlinu the brass but tons on the coat New York Sun The Way to Live If anybody needs artificial oxer elbe said n well known doctor It la because ho Is uot leading a natural life It Is better to counr back to na ture than to do something that takes up time nnd produces nothing Stout people aro always told to exercise I tell you they cannot exercise safely to themselves Brain workers should avoid till extra exertion Thin people can take all the exercise they want to The speaker prescribed air water and food as the real culture He point ed out that New England housekeep ers through their fashion of shutting up their best rooms especially after a death had caused the deaths of a succession of tho future occupants of such apartments To this ho attribut ed tho rapid decrease of tho old Now England stock Pure water Is a rejuvenator If wo could get It absolutely pure wo should scarcely grow old ho declared Boil ed water ho condemned and lauded tha lettuce lenf as food above beefsteak Breathe correctly stand correctly make a natural use of your muscles In dally life and eat uncooked animal food Is his recipe for longevity New York Journal 9 1 1 i Tt J i M d