The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 02, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Kniilnrrn lit n 1ritnrimMii Strro
Wrrr Dnrnl li M0 mil
There Mas one division of one of the
largest department stores along Mix t li j
menue dial suspended business for
half tin hour one day last week A
woman bought some handkerchiefs
mtd a pair of towels The clerk footed
her bill 111 cents and the woman laid
n papcrblll on the counter
The eierk a girl looked at II hastily
It read 1001 She had never seen a
thousand dollar bill before In her life j
nnd the amazement It caused tuiiile her
speechless With her mouth open in
wonder she made out the cheek show
lug that IP cents was to be taken out
of lK0 The girl who acts as cashier
fell back In her chair when she saw the
bill She didnt have change for II
nnd after galug at It In wondering ad
miration for a moment she rushed out
to llnd the manager He asked for the
customer who had otTered It and the
girl led the way to where the woman
was waiting The clerk had recovered
from her surprise enough to ivolnt out
the customer
The manager mid Madam what
did you buy
The woman named over the small
What did yon glvo the clerk
1 gave her a dollar bill
No you gave her this and It In
worthless the manager said sternly
lersplratlou stood out on the wom
ans face as she looked In wonder at
the bill She llsheil a dollar out of a
bundling she carried and paid Ily tluit
time she had figured out an explana
tion She luiH a sou attending a busi
ness college where they have mock
transactions In business and paper to
look as much like money as the coun
terfeiting laws of the country will per
mit are used The clerks had been so
stunned by the big tlgures that they
did not see time It was not money at
nil but a fake bill New York Herald
If parHloy Is wrnpiuil up In a piece of
wot cheesecloth It can he kept for Home
NutuuK Ih much uhciI hy the ltiillmiH
When cooking Hpluncli mm It Ih hhIiI to
lrlK out the lluvor of the veKetahle
Two or three lcavcij from a rose gera
nium nihlcd to crab apple Jelly while It
Ih cooking will It Ih mild Impart a tie
IIcIouh lluvor
A pinch of powdered ginger added to
cranberries In cooking will bring out
the flavor They should not be Htewed
to jam but kept Depurate looking
more like candled cherries
For n vegetable purco either young
turnip tops or even young fresh nettle
tops are recommended They are cook
ed In the same way boiled rubbed
through a sieve and added to cream
Salsify oyster plant Is excellent If
Bonked In vinegar and water then
dipped In oil sliced and heated in white
Bituee Hake In shells having sprinkled
grated cheese and bread crumbs over
the top
Italian dried peas are popular still In
Great Itrltiiln under the familiar namo
of peas pudding The vegetable Is
Boukcd overnight then boiled rublied
through a sieve and sent to the table
with the addition of a llttlo thick
Size f Propollcrn
The siyall size of the screw says a
boiler maker Is not due to the percep
tion of any Inventor of Its greater ef
fect as compared with a larger one but
purely to accident When 1 llrst engag
ed In the machinery business screws
for steamers were made as large as
possible It being the theory that the
greater the diameter the higher the
speed A vessel was placed on Lake
Krlo with n screw so large that It was
deemed best to cast each blade In two
parts and then weld them together
During a storm all these blades of the
propeller broke at the welding reduc
ing the diameter by more than two
To the surprise of the eaplaln the
vessel shot forward at a speed such as
hud never been attained before Engi
neers then experimented with smaller
propellers and discovered that they
were much more effective than large
ones Had It not been for that accident
wo might have gone on using largo
blade screws to the present day
To Miike n Olnm Cutler
A glass cutter can easily be made
with an ordinary mapping pen and a
small piece of carborundum or carbide
of silicon Cut off a part of the nib to
form a small tube Kit a crystal or
part of one of carborundum Into tho
tube take It out again and dip one end
in seccotlne or any other cement ami
replace It Next wind a piece of Hue
wire tightly around the tube and part
of the handle and tlx It In a notch cut
In tho latter Put It aside for a day to
nllow the cement to harden A glass
cutter made thus will do Its work as
well ns tho expensive diamond and a
Brent deal better than tho ordinary
wheeI cutt
riinnpd llriiHN
Chased brass goods such as are
orally known as Henares work aro
easily cleaned in this way Wash In hot
soapsuds and dry thoroughly Cut a
lemon and with It rub tho brass When
it looks clean rinse in warm water dry
nnd then polish well with a piece of
chamois skin Chased work should
never bo cleaned with any kind of
Itojul Itnby Powder
When Edward VII was born on Nov
9 In the second year of Queen Vic
torias marriage every one at Huck i
Ingham palace went wild with delight
Bells rung and guns boomed with glad
tidings all over the kingdom Douglas
Jerrold amid tho roaring of the
nance said Dear me how they do
powder these royal babies
lllllllllllMll UtllllllllKI
There Is a lull ting In ltroadwny
which Ih under a spell In Invisible
lelteis above the door Is the warning
All hope abandon ye who enter here
Many uf Its olllccs are vacant Its
tenants leinaln a few months meeting
with nothing but 111 fortune go away
and start life anew In some other
house To give he number and name
of this unfortunate pile woiiltl be dam
aging the owner A Mrooklyn Judge
has decided that a building can lte
Another hoodooed building Is in John
htreet No linn ever emerged from it In
sound llnaiielal condition and such as
know Us hoodoo could not bo Induced
to take olllces or lofts there If a yearH
rent free were offered
The llrst or ground tloor of the
Mroadway building was occupied by
a man who has made a handsome for
tune In the last 12 yenrs lie Iiiih at
present four branches of his business
In successful operation doing a trade
of 100000 a year half of which Ih
clar pro 111 I congratulated him on
having conquered the hoodoo What
hoodoo Tho hoodoo that Iuih been
roosting on the Hroadway building at
No So-and-so I never heard of
any hoodoo there Hut It seems funny
1 kept that place for live years did nn
excellent business nnd should have
made money Somehow tho thing nev
er paid mo a cent Its tho only place
1 ever opened that failed 1 Bold out a
year and a half ago and tho man who
runs It now Is anxious to get out
New York Press
The Ileoelvcrn
Look here sir she Haiti na Hho en
tered a sewing machine otllco the other
day your agent Iiiih Imposed upon
Ih It possible mnain In what re
Yea sir he has and I dont want
your machine
How has he deceived you
Why he came Into my houso and
told me that your machine was tho
best In tho vorldp I have witnesses
nnd can prove every word of It
Hut that was not deceiving you
Yes It was 1 hadnt the machine
two days before another ngent called
and said his was the bent and he had
a circular to bnck It up Ho had hard
ly got out of doors when another called
and said IiIh machine had taken ten
Hut we have taken IS maam
Oh you have
And we have Issued a challenge for
a public trial which no other ninchlno
dare accept
Is that so Then your machine Is
the best after all
Then you will please excuse me I
thought I had been Imposed upon nnd
Im afraid I wiib a little hasty JTho
other agents must hnvo been the de
Trnlllo In Tnllnmnnn
As a drowning man will catch at a
Htraw so will those broken down In
health or those who pursue tho tickle
goddess of fortune seek tho advice
of men commonly known ns quacks
A healthy man or a person favored
with the good things of life has no use
for medical works or for the occult
sciences The latter thrive on the un
fortunatethose who want to better
themselves in life and do not sec their
way clear to do so Hence they seek
the assistance of the mysterious the
occult the magical and It Is for this
reason that talismans still llourlsh In
tho civilized world nnd will continue
to llourlsh so long as thesupernatural
sways human minds
There are thousands of tallsmnns
sold In New York and other metropoli
tan centers every year There are hun
dreds of men and women who make
a business of making and selling them
nnd as much as 5 and 10 Is often
paid for a little circular piece of leather
or metal containing Inscriptions sup
posed to possess marvelous power The
charms sold these days are manufac
tured from the deserptlons contained
In tho now rare books of Agrlppa
Gadbury Habbl Solomon nnd others
They are chlelly of Hebraic origin and
have bpen used by believers for hun
dreds of years New York Herald
The Umlertnker
The body of the deceased was to
come by train The relatives assem
bled at the house to await tho arrival
of the hearse from the railroad But
the train was late The mourners grew
nervous The undertaker nn unctu
ous bowed old man kept creaking
through the sitting room nnd the par
lor out to the front door and looking
down the street with anxious gaze
At last In the silence there was a
grind of wheels on the gravel without
Hut by this time the funeral party had
retired to tho dining room to partake
of some refreshments They wero
seated gloomily and silently at tho
board The undertaker appeared at
the door of the room with tho palm
of his right hand rubbing the knucklo
oftJie left Jjy addressed them
- - -
Tho knives and the forks wore laid
down They looked up Tho funereal
Mrs Partington continued friends
tho remainder of our dear deceased
friend Abram has arrived Aro wo
ready for the obalckles - Lewiston
Colnmbu nnd tho Egg
Columbus having promised to stand
an egg ou end failed at tho flrst trial
but he reversed the egg and it bal
anced perfectly
Tell me Chris said King Ferdi
nand why did you turn tho egg over
Because your majesty the chicken
could not stand on Its head
It Is said that Columbus got the Idea
of discovering America from this Inci
dent But of course theories are not
always what they aro cracked up to
be Baltimore American
Drokcr Phillips Transfer Hla Tradeo
to McHeynoldn Co
Chicago Aug 2 Hoard of trade
and business circles generally wero
startled yesterday hy tho announce
ment that tho George H Phillips com
pany which became famous through
ItB pool operations In tho Chicago corn
pit during the lust year had trans
ferred all its open trades to Mcltoyn
ohlB H Co
Lack of facilities for the proper cler
ical needs of tho concern which had
nnpilred nn enormous comnilflslou
tnulo was according to a statement
given tho AHHoelated Promt by Attor
ney John H loodwln who hna taken
charge of tho companys affairs the
Bole reason for temporarily Hiiflpond
lug htislncsa Tho tnngled condition
of tho hooka becaino apparent nomo
time ago when the board of trade di
rectum ruled that tho Phllllpa com
pany Hhruld furnlah to each member
of tho May corn pool a detailed ac
count of the onllro transaction
Robbers Who Looted Akron Institu
tion Arrested With Money
Ooahen Intl Aug 2 Private detcc
Uvea employed hy an Akron 0 hank
ing Institution have mnde an Important
arreBt in a local gambling den here
They recovered about 15000 in cur
rency and gold coin Tho two men
who woro captured had rilled n vault
In the Akron bank ten daya ago and
had slnco boon shadowed Tho hank
directors fearing a panic did not
mako tho loss publicly known After
being apprehended In tho gambling
liouno tho robbers led the detectives
to tho outskirts or the city of Elkhart
whoro they hail burled their plunder
I3vory dollar of the sum taken from
tho bank was recovered
Scott Must Stay In Jail
Boston Aug 2 Thomas M Scott
railroad financier and millionaire was
before Judgo Hell in tho superior
court yesterday seeking to obtain an
order of release from tho Charles
Street Jail whoro ho has boon confined
slnco February last for alleged failure
to meet two notes said to bo duo Mich
ael I Clarke amounting to 5000
Mr Scotts lawyer hold that tho Im
prisonment was unreasonable Tho
Judgo dculed the petition for a dis
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Boston 8 Now
York 9 Brooklyn 1 Philadelphia
2 Chicago 5 St Louis 1 American
League Chicago 4 Detroit 0 Balti
more G 4 Washington 5 8 Philadel
phia 8 Boston G Western League
Denver 11 Omaha G -Colorado
Springs 4 Dos Mollies 3 St Joseph
3 St Paul 5 Kansas City 7 Minne
apolis 8
Record of the Days Trading and Clos
ing Quotations
Chlcngo Alii 1 Tho grain trntlo wns
upset today by the anspoiisUiii of tlic Villi
lips conipimy which resulted In sluirp cov
Illug nuil a swift ndrmice lute In the es
filou tieptuuilier corn closed Sep
tember outs 9io nnd September vvhent
c lilglior Other liiltueuees contributed
to the nd vimce Viovlslous closed OfctyjC
up IosIiik pi lees
Wheat Sept llUc Dec 71c
Cora Sept rSe Dee title
Onth Sept HIV
Sept 1110 Oct SlltS
Klbs -Sept S7H5 Oct 7II74
S7 Oct JSS Jti
Cash quotations No red wlient OS
CSje No I red wheal i7iil79U No U
sprliiK wheat tMjni7c No hind wheat
IWffHSsJie No II hard wheat I7liiWc No
- onrli corn rriiVio No new corn 5 Ui
frlic N J ciifh oath aaic No
white oats atlliIMKe
Chicago Live Stock
Chlenjje Aiii 1 Cattle Iteeelpts 15
000 lucliidliiK 11C0 Tomius fancy beeves
steady general marlel lOiOe lower Kd
to prime steers JSMIjOOO poor to medium
T4 llViiri4l Blockers mid feeders 2riOQ440
cows fJSJi llio heifers gJKittrciOO can
hum if 1 2U0 bulls 2MSMr0 calves
aOX5l47ri Texas htcers fiiOOft ISO Hogs
Receipts today 21000 tomorrow 25000
estimated left over 1000 active aud
stonily to Go higher mixed and butchers
5rVIiili good to choice heavy 1832005
rough heavy i0iivrr light t0570
bulk of sales ra7l0 Sheep Iteeelpts
15000 slow lower laiuba choice stiong
others dull good to Choice wethers jf375i3
425 fair to choice mixed 32511 175 west
ern sheep a25rtS5 yearlings 4003
4i5 unthi lambs 225540 western
lambs 435540
Kansas City Live Stock
Kansas City Aug 1 Cattle Iteeelpts
UtMO 100250 lower choice export I
dressed beef steers 5403ieO fair to
good 4MXiiaO stockors and feeders
12011 l lr western fed steers l2l0
western range steers 32551425 Texnns
nnd Indians 325475 native cows 215
CH S helfeis 3005510 eanners 2003
2I50 bulls 2255450 calves 2503150
Hogs Receipts 10000 steady to 5e higher
top sales ilX bulk of sales 5G0350
heavy 5lOttlOO mixed packers 5G0Ti
510 light 52Vf5N pigs 32552520
Sheep lteceipts ltiOO steady lambs 100
rjTiOO wethers 32V400 ewes 27V5J
325 western range sheep fl10Q370 stock
sheep L7Sj250
South Omaha Live Stock
South Omaha Aug 1 Cattle Receipts
2400 tVIilOe lower native beef steers 400
0383 western steers 3752475 Texas
steers 350f450 cows and heifers strong
Vr 2753400 eanners 15057250 atockers
aud feeders steady 25051100 calves
30051500 bulls slugs etc 225tOO
Iloxi Receipts 7000 CiilOc higher heavy
307ty5ti83 mixed 502gO07V4 light
55057 503 pigs 15057540 bulk of sales
5rt2Vj5j670 Sheep Receipts 3200 steady
wethers 325573 ewes 25057300 com
mon nnd stock sheep 250300 lambs
400300 1
St Joseph Live Stock
St Joseph Aug 3
055 generally 105jl3c lower natives 300
3500 cows and heifers 1503500 bulls
and stags 2255ri00 stockcr and feeders
1753400 veals 2003500
0221 5c higher light aud light
mixed 55557505 medium and heavy
57257005 pigs 2755i315 bulk 370
Sioux City Live Stock
Sioux City Mm
200 10c lower beeves flOOiilnO cows and
bulls mixed 200Q400 stockeis and feed
ers 24043300 calves and yearlings 255
SJ25 llogs Recelpts 2SO0 stronger
clllutf at 5455i003 bulk 5555i 357A
I n in on Iter Clri nlors
So common arc passciiKcr elevator
now and so absolutely necessary In the
tall olllcc hulldlims that the history of
the llrst oiiclins been almost forgotten
and yet It created a nensatlon In Us
dny This elevator was placed In tho
Fifth Avenue hotel In New York when
It was built nnd ns the llrst passenger
clowitor III the world It was a drawing
card ns one of the sights of New York
A small plate HiiitnbH Inscribed In
forms visitors to the Fifth Avenue ho
tel elevators today of that fact It was
a screw elevator the carriage being
raised or lowered by the revolutions of
a big screw Compared with the swift
moving elevators of today which shoot
up and down rapidly and smoothly
tills was a very crude affair Many of
New Yorks prlvnle houses nre now
eipilpped with elevators so adjusted
that the passenger operates them by
pushing a button These are practi
cally nutonuitlc
1 1 mil cm uric Stoves
In many parts of Spain the stove In
general use Is made from an empty
petroleum oil cnu by cutting a hole
nenr the bottom on one of tho sides to
make a draft the can being lined with
gypsum to the pleasure of tho con
structor giving the lire space accord
ingly The stove thus made primitive
ns It Is In Its appearance Is effective in
purpose nnd costs t lie equivalent of but
a few cents of our niouey
Tlio Host Itumodr Tor Sloiimcli and llowel
I hnvoboon in tho drug businoss for
twenty years and huvo sold most nil of
tho proprietary medicines of any note
Among tho eutiro list I havonover found
anything to equal Chamberlains Oolic
Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles says O
V Wakellold of OolumhuB Ga This
remedy cured two hovero casos of cholera
morbus in my family aud I have rocoiu
niondod and sold huudrods of bottles of
it to liiv customors to thoir eutiro satis
faction It affords a quick and sure
euro in a pleasant form For sale by
Kiosau Drug Co
White Mini Turned Vullow
Groat consternation was felt by tho
friends of M A Hogarty of Lexiugtou
Ky when thoy saw ho was turning
yellow His skin slowly changed color
also his oye and ho suffered terribly
Ilia mnlady was yellow jaundice Ho
was treated by the best doctors but
without bouoflfc Thou ho was advised
to try Electric Bittors tho wonderful
stomach and liver romody mid lie
writes After taking two bottles I was
wholly cured A trial proves its match
less merit for all stomach liver and kid
nov troubles Only 50c Sold by A H
Kiesau Druggist
The greatest healer of modern times
is Banner Salvo for cuts wounds sores
piles and all skin diseases It is guar
anteed Use no substitute A H Kie
During last May an infant ohild of
our neighbor was suffering from ohblera
infantum The doctors had given up
all hopes of recovery I took a bottle of
OnamborlninsOolio Oholora and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the houso telling
them I felt suro it would do good if used
according directions In two days time
tho child had tally recovered The
child is now vigorous and healthy I
have rcommeuded this romody fre
quently nnd have never known it to
fail Mrs Ourtis Baker Bookwalter
Ohio Sold by Kiesau Drug Oo
Its Free if it Fulls to Cure
Rectol the groat pile cure A pile
pipe free with each package Wo sell it
under a positive wrttten guarantee
No cure no pay W cents Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Solo Agents
Wliiit Two Cents will Do
It will bring relief to sufferers from
asthma or consumption even in the
worst cases This is about what one
dose of Foloys Ilonoy aud Tar costs
Isnt it worth a trial A II Kiesau
Science has found that rheumatism is
caused by uric acid in tho blood This
poison should be excreted by tho kid
neys Foleys Kiduey Ouro always
makes them well A H Kiosau
A Poor Millionaire
Lately starved in Loudon because ho
could not digest his food Early use of
Dr Kings New Life Pills would have
saved him They strengthen the stom
noli nid digestion promote assimilation
improve appotito Price 2m Money
back if not satisfied Sold by A H
Kiesau Druggist
8be Didnt Wear it Mnsk
But hor boauty was completely hid
don by sores blotches nnd pimples till
she used Buckleus Arnica Salvo Then
they vnuished as will all eruptious
fever sores boils ulcers carbuncles and
felons from its use Infallible for cuts
corns burns scalds and piles Ouro
guaranteed 25c at A H Kiesau
Mr John Tippis Oolton O says
Folet s Ilouoy and Tar cured my little
girl of a sovoro cough aud inflamed ton
sils A II Kiesau
Colds Melt Awiiy
if you use Krausos Cold Oure Pre
pared in convenient capsule form they
aro easy to take aud offect a speedy euro
of the most obstinate cases Price 25o
Sold by Geo B Onristoph
Any advertised dealer is authorized to
guarautee Maimer faaive lor tetter
eczema piles sprains scalds bums
ulcers and any open or old soro A II
Thoy cftUt help it crabbed old bache
lors aud disappoiued girls over 30 noed
Rocky Mountain Tea entries thom
back to childhoods happy home 85o
G B Christoph
Piles of People Have Piles
Rectol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay cured A pile pipe free
with oaoh package We sell it on a
positive guarantee No oaro uo pay
50 cents Samples freo Kiesau Drug
Co Solo Agents
Dr Geo Ewing a practicing physi
cian of Smiths Grove Ky for over
thirty years writes his personal experi
ence with Foleys Kidney Oure For
years I have been greatly bothered with
kidney trouble nud enlarged postrate
gland I used everything known to the
profession without relief until I was in
duced to nse Foleys Kidney Oure
Slow Healing
often caused by poverty of
tiie Dloou nnd n wenk ami
nlow circulation brought on
by long continued sickness
malarial poisoning torpid
liver the use of mercury or
whatever is calculated to tle
stroy the vitality of the blood
nnd break down the constitu
tion These old chronic sores
last sometimes for years eat
ing into the llcsli muscles
tissues and even down into
With rich pure strong blood
one in never troubled with sores
or ulcers A cut or any injury to
the flesh hcnls in n few days
nature supplytnir the hcahni
balm in the form of healthy new blood but when the
circulation is tainted with poisonous germs humors or any
ciTetc matter a slight scratch or abrasion of the skin
necumes a icsicring sore imy jumius jjiuw iu oc Dims
swollen joints and inflamed glands often break out into offensive slow healing
sores A polluted blood is always a menace to health not onlv docs it keep the
skin in a chronic state of inflammation but every organ and fibre of the body
suffers from nn impure nnd sluggish circulation You never feel well you are not
nnd never can be well until the system is relieved of its terrible load of impuri
ties With the blood so contaminated so deeply poisoned ulcere boils and
eorcs of every kind are apt to become chronic nnd often develop into Cancer
oun a huh iiitusillBllluai T mli lt - 1
from tho kneo to tho foot mvab ono solid noro
which was very offonBlvo I spoilt ovor 1000
on two trips to Hot Springs and local phynl
clnriB troatod mo to no purpose I had about
docldod to liavo my loir amputatod whon a
frlond Induced me to try S S I bofran to
tako your modlclno and In tho short space of
sovon montliB it has complotely and thoroughly
curod mo My leg ia a wltnoBs today as to what
S 0 8 will do whon taken regularly Tho soro
has lioalod entlroly and my hoalth haB lmprovod
wondorfully I liavo already gainod 20 pounds
Sox 245 Winona Miss
the bones nnd are such a tax upon the system that it is hard for the patient to
recuperate and n simple malady often proves fatal
Nothing so quickly or surely restores lost strength nnd vitality to the blood as
S S S It ban antidote for the severest forms of niood Poison ns well as the
irritating humors that cause the eruptions and sores that sap your very life nnd so
greatly disfigure you 8 S S is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood puri
fier It contains no mercury potash arsenic or other hurtful drug It cleanses
the blood nnd purifies the circulation thus ridding the system of the impurities
that keep the sores feverish and painful At the same tunc your general health
improves under the tonic effects of S S S and the Bkin becomes soft smooth
and healthy If you are troubled with boils carbuncles sores or eruptions of nny
6ort write our physicians nil about your cose dont risk your own judgment
When you can get medical advice from experienced doctors free Book on Blood
and Skin Diseases to all wiio desire it
Aftor using three bottles I was ontiroly
relieved aud cured I prescribo it now
daily in my prnctico and heartily recom
mend its nso to all physicians for such
troubles for I can honestly state I hnvo
prescribed it in hundreds of cases with
perfect success A H Kiesau
Thos W Garter of Ashboro N 0
had kidney trouble nnd ono bottle of
Foleys Kidney Curo effected n perfect
euro nnd ho says there is no remedy
that will compare with it A II Kio
Placed on earth to pWae tho people
Good for brain workers Brings double
distilled pleasures to all who ubo Rocky
Mountain Tea made by the Madison
Mediciuo Co 85c G B Christoph
Itoclol Is a Kemody With a Record
Its record is 93 por cout of permanent
cures If yon havo the piles try it Its
froo if it fails to cure yon Samples
free Kiosau Drug Co Sole Agents
When tho quantity of food taken is
too large or the quality too rich heart
burn is likely to follow and especially
so if the digestion has boon weakened
by constipation Eat slowly and not too
freely of easily digested food Masti
cate tho food thoroughly Let six hours
elapse between meals and when you feel
a fullness and weight in the region of
Btomach after eating indicating that
you have eaton too much take one of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets and tho heartburn may be avoided
For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
It you nave Headache
dont experiment with nlleged cnreB
Buy Krauses Headache Capsules which
will cure any headache in half an hour
no matter what causes it Price 25o
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Fat lady Dont sleep too much ex
ercise dont pat fats and sweets To
reduce flesh rapidlv tako Rocky Moun
tain Ten Acts diectly on tho fatty
tissues 35c G B Onristoph
A Sprained AnUleOulckly Cured
At ono time I suffered from a sovoro
sprnin of the ankle says Geo E Cary
editor of tho Guide Washington Vn
After using several well recommended
medicines without success I tried
Chamberlains Pain Balm and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon
ns I began its use and n completo cure
speedilv followod Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co
It Dnzlex the World
No discovery in medicine haB ever
created ono quarter of tho excitement
that has been caused by Dr Kings
JJew Discovery for consumption Its
severest tests havo been on hopeless
victims of consumption pneumonia
hemorrhage pleurisy and bronchitis
thousands of whom it has restored to
perfect health For coughs colds
asthma croup hay fever hoarseness
and whooping cough it is the quickest
surest cure in the world It is sold by
A H Kiosau who guarantees satisfac
tion or rofuuds money Largo bottles
50c and 100 Trial bottles ffeo
When you want a modern up-to-date
physic try Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets Thoy are easy to
tako and pleasant in effect Price 25o
Snuiples free at Kiesaus drug store
A Good Cough Medicine
Many thousands liavo been restored to
health aud happiness by the use of
Ohamborlnius Cough Remedy If
nftlioted with any throat or lung trouble
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial Coughs that havo resisted
all other treatmeut for years have
yielded to this remody and perfoot
health been restored Oases that seemed
hopeless that the climate of famous
health resorts failed to benefit havo
been permanently cured by its use For
sale by Kiesan PrugCo
Jaa G Amhertof Delia 0 -writes
I had an obstinate soro on my face
which everything elso failed to heal
After one application of Banner Salve it
begat to heal and after three applica
tions it was entirely healed leaving no
scar A H Kiesati
YouTakeNoChunce Wlien You Iluy llettol
for the piles We will refund the fnll
purchase price if it fails to oure A
pile pipe freo with each package
Samples free Kiesau Drug Oo Sole
Kranaeii Headache Capsules
were the first headnche capsules pnt ou
tho market Their immediate success
resulted in a host of imitations contain
ing autipyrine phoral morphine nnd
other injurious drugs purporting to bn
just ns good Avoid those imltitions
nud insist on your having Krauses
which speedily cure the most severe
cases and leave no bad aftor effects
1 Price 25o Sold by Geo B Chriatoph
are Natures warning notes of
approaching danger trom a dis
eased heart If you would
avoid debilitating diseases or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings Strengthen the
hearts muscles quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate its
adlion with that greatest of all
heart remedies Dr Miles
Heart Cure
Darting pains through my
heart left side and arm would
bo followed bv smothering heart
spasms and fainting Dr Miles
Heart Cure has entirely relieved
mo of those troubles
John VANDENnuitan
2j6 Kewaunee St Milwaukee Wis
Dr Miles
Heart Cute
controls the heart acYion accel
erates the circulation and builds
up the entire system Sold by
druggists on a guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
Dont Be Fooledi
uxnccui I
Take the genuine origin
Made only by Madison AleJI
ci e Co ittndison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accent no substl
icomomtioiiii tute Ask our drULtfist
At all tfrug stores
and rwr -
25 Doata 2Sc
5 1 -
wr rtki v f i
fTMAI riaomil flDmre I
oTnw CD 7i J
4 f
arTfn rrrrrr
rAmiiAnwiTH thi
For Snle by George B Ohrifitoph
iPn iiii
lit St
Made a
Well Man
the of Me
rmjmxraipr tahmtvfnerrv
IrOdacel tile above fesulta in 80 day II toll
owert ally and quickly Cures wtien all pttiere fill
oung men will rtgtln tbelr lost manboodaDdold
5J7iJLrecover ther youthful vigor by utlti
REVIVO It quickly and purely reBtorea Nervous
ness Loat Vitality loipotency Nlgbtly Emission
UstPowerFlllng Memory Wasting Dlaeaseaind
ieecls ot abuse or oiceea nud indiscretion
wmen unfits ono for study butlnesb or marriage It
not only curea by startlDg nt tbo rctt of disease but
Is n great nerve tonlo and bloort builder bring
ing back the pink glow to palo cheeks and r
storing the flro of youth it wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having HE VIVO na
otter It can be carried in vest pocket By mail
100 perpackage or six for 8000 with posi
tive written guarantee to core or rsfona
tbe money Hook and advise freo Address
For sale iti Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo BOhri8toph druggist