i t i H J If r I K 3 A if I N nil ft i II To be at Home to Her Friends in September PEOPLE ARE ENTHUSIASTIC 1lntt Werli In Sf pteinlier Clmaen atitl a Mncnllli rut Hurt eon U rmnlwl An other Meeting lin II Mil FrliUy Kan liiK lo further the Wnrk Prom Tnpcilr Pmlj A Inrgo nnd onthnslivstlo crowd of citizens gathored nt tho city hull last night on cull of Mayor Koonlgstolu to take preliminary stops toward holding a public entertainment thin fall and not n dissenting voice was heard but that Norfolk should provldo an outortain incut early in tho fall and Invito all her neighbors and friends to participate In a general good time extending through several dnys Many pertinent sugge tiont wcro offered regnrding tho ontor tainmont and pothers will undoubtedly be mailo next Friday ovonlng adjourn incut having been taken to that tlmo Tho sentiment ns shown by last nights meeting is strongly lu favor of Homo kind of public entertainment and while there aro many details to bo nrranged it may bo considered that tho preliminary steps have been taken toward a hum ming good tlmo for tho first wook in September If all who can ntwist provo ns enthusiastic and willing as tho rep resentative attendnucu nt last nights ynceting success of n flattering sort is certain to crown tho efforts of tho people and no ono need fear that their friends who come from a distanco will bo disappointed at the efforts put forth forthoir entertninmout Tho meeting was called to order by Mayor Koonigstein who briefly stated tho object for which it was called aud Invited action or suggestions on tho part of thoso present On motion a temporary organization was effected by tho election of Mayor Koonightein as chairman of tho meeting and L O Bargolt secrotary Some tlmo was spent in discussing tho pro ject luid offering suggest ions The Hcutimonl was clear that a good bona fide sousouof plensuro freo from fakes aud fakirs wa the doMro of those prou out and that tho people should lw pro vided continuous eutortaiumeut of various kinds that they would remem ber and speak ot with commendation for years afterward Among tho sug gestions ottered were a public wedding each day balloon ascensions street parades n lwurt contest fireworks decorations illuminations free shows horso racing hone raoo base ball games tho erection of booths aud arches civic parades and many other methods of entertainment which will undoubtedly bo added to Friday night and an immediate effort inaugurated to gethomoof tho best attractions obtain able A motion carried unanimously show ing the sentiment of those present in favor of an entertainment aud on mo tion tho chair was authorized to ap point a committee of six to solicit and ascertain tho sontimont of all business men and citizons Itjwns deemed advisable to make an attempt to securo sflfiOO in subscriptions which with tho money obtaiued by tho salo of concessions would raiso a fund of 2500 or 3000 to bo placed at tho dii posal of tho committees Mayor Koonigstein appointed the following us members of the soliciting oommittoo II W Winter Scott Holbrook 0 E Hartford J L Horshlser II O Ma trau nnd J D Sturgeon Everybody was invited to aid this committee in any manner iu their power A motion prevailed that tho enter tainment bo held the first week iu Sep tember and tho sontimont wns that it should continue four days Tues day Wednesday Thursday and Friday of that week Tho soliciting committoo wns in structed to request booth privilogosjfrmu tho business men iu event they didnt wish to use thorn Tho committoo was also instructed to solicit tho money on conditions that half of tho amount sub scribed bo paid August 1 to provido for advertising and the other half bo paid in on tho 20th of that month Mr Hartford stated thnt n committoo of mombors of tho Modern Woodmen of America hud been appointed to arrange for a district pieiiioj that it was planned to hold such plcnio iu Norfolk and that tho committoo jsM meroly waiting action of the citizens to set their dato so that the log rolling could bo fot on tho same dato Tho district includes tho larger pnrt of North Nebraska aud it is belioved that i000 pooplo will como on that account alone Tho territory oui braced is uorthoast to Wakofleld north to YerdigTO east to West Point west to Neligh and south to Columbus Tho committee is authorized to act for this district and tho pooplo may rost assured that a largo numbor of members of tliat order will bo here during tho week of tho entertainment It has been suggested that a day bo devoted to tho Woodmen and other orders bo invited to co operate aud moot hero on other days or elso have ono grand fratoruul day and members of all orders iuvited to piomo or uiako a show ing On motion the meeting adjouruod to meet again Friday night to hour from tlio I s llrlting committee and to make further progress with tho pinna for tho enter tnliiinoitt All citizens intereosted should nttond this meeting mid aid In tho work of organizing Ono member of tho soliciting commit too at noon today liiul soourod a miiubor of fH pledges from business mow and had on his paper soniothlng Hko f 500 in subscriptions This from ono com mitteeman iuouoforuuooti may bo con sidered a very good showing CROPS NOT SUFFERING Thin Section of the Slnte Wilt llne An A rernire Yield In Spite of the le ulnilut Prom Monday Dully Thoso who havo boon frightoned bo canso of a threatened crop failure in this section havo ovidontly not taken tho trouble to ascertain tho truo condi tion Au luspecttou of tho crops lu tho near vicinity of Norfolk will convince anyone with an atom of optimism In their mnkoup not ouly that crops aro abundantly able to stand quite a spoil of dry woather yot but that thoro will bo a fair crop at least of small grain Tho harvest of wheat and oats will probably bo completed this week Tho heads aro well developed nnd tho ker nels fairly woll Ailed so that au avorago crop of small grain Is promised Of course conditions would havo been much improvod If thoro had been a rain when mott needed Somo few fields that aro oithor high or sandy will not produce much of a orop iu fact seldom do but tho gonoral average will un doubtedly bo attaluod Small grain of eouro oannot now bo benefited by rain and much damage might result from a heavy downpour Corn has attained a good height and maiutaius a good color showing little ritilVoring from tho drought Tho dan gerous time for tho com crop has not yot arrived as little of it has tnssled or Is in silk A good rniu at this time would of course ho beneficial but tho crop can stand a week or moro of dry weather and not bo entirely mined Beets aro staudlriK tho dry weather nicely and tho farmers aro finding it quite a benefit iu helping rid their fields of weeds If the weather con tinues dry It will bo found that tho boot crop is tho ono that caii bo depended on This has been provou during previous dry years Hay iu anothor good crop and thoro will bv au abundance Tho ground is not dry Water is standing iu ponds aud ditches that havo been dry for years indicating that tho soil exoopt a fow luohes of surface ia thoroughly soaked Tho inoou chaugos to new this afternoou aud the barometer indicates a slight decline so that somejraiu may probably fall this ovouing or tomorrow Moro clouds have been iu sight today than for somo timo past and conditions are favorable for a dust laying if not temporaturo re ducing stiowor This may bo au opti mlstio view of weather conditions but it is based upon facts Instead of long faces tho people should look choorful thoy havent boon hurt W II ltish who with hia family returned Saturday from a trip to Bloom Hold Bazll Mills VordUjro Walnut Orovo aud Oroighton says that he uovor aaw crops look bettor than they do right now iu tho sections covered aud he believes there is every reason to oxpoct a good crop Lincoln and vicinity aud several other sections of the state that have been suffering much more than north Nebraska received some good showers last night aud it may be expected that rain will fall hero before a failure of the corn crop reiulti IlrvBue Ornntetl IC til 1 1 Mnelter Another special session of the city council was held Saturday for the pur pose of examining aud noting on tho ap plication of Emil Moellor for a license to soil liquors in Jtho city of Norfolk Thoro were present Mnyor Koonigstein Couucilmon Brummnnd Clements Deguor Gow Spellmon nud Uhlo Absout Couucilmon Wostervelt and Walker Tho application and bond of Emil Moellor for a saloon liquor license were examined found to bo sutliciout and ou motion wore approved aud the licouso granted all tho couuoilmou voting in tho alllrmative except Gow who did not vote Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postoQico July 15 1901 Bacum Bros E O Brooks August Deck Eli Thorp B A Bauin Chester Ohiuu W H Russell D W Workman Mrs E T George Mrs M Lew Lil lian Purkhisor Mrs T F Keating Edna Porter Madgo Rhinort If not called for in 15 days will be sent to tho dead letter otlico Parties calling for any of tho above please say advertised P F Sprecher P M Wliut Miall We Have for Dentert This question arises iu the family every day Let us answer it today TryJoll O a doliclous dessert Pro pared iu two minutes No baking add hot water and set to cool Flavors Lmou oraugo raspberry and straw berry At your grocers 10 cents THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JULY 19 UH1 SETTLE WITH OFFICERS MhiIIkoii County Cnmnilloiierii Meet Cliff k OltlcpM Fee HouM nnil Allow Salaried nml Oilier BUM Madison Nebr July 10 1001 At 1 p in the board of county commis sioners met pursuant to adjournment Present John J Hughes Christ Schmitt and H W Winter Minutes of last meeting woro read and corrected as follows 1900 personal tax having boon doducted from claim of Fred Lau whereas said tax had boon paid on motion clork was ordered to is sue warrant for amount deducted On motion minutes wore approved an cor rected On motion tho following bills were allowed O H GillosplA merchandise for Emma Gambell and jail 25150 John J Hughes freight ou road ma ohiuory 11 94 II W Wlntor freight on road ma chinery 7 J II Couley oxpeuse in capturing and caring for Edmond George 7885 Geo B Ohristoph modiolus for piupors 103 Dr F W Klesau medical attend ance aud taking Gust Heckmau to poor farm 10 npplied on personal tax Nebraska Telephone Co rout to Octo ber and toll 900 Nebraska Telephone Co Norfolk toll 280 Hansou k Heaves blackstnithlug 21 25 less personal tax O E Hanson U 91 Thoa J Taylor witness foes in In sanity case Pete Shopard 4 John J Hughes wltuoss lu Insanity cnHO Poto Shopard 3 Fremont Tribune stationary 110 Madistou County Agricultural society county aid as per statutes 71025 L B Baker lumber 2728 Chr Sohavland for insanity case Peto Shopard 10 2 J B Httinu lumber nnd coal 11053 W B Reynolds stationary 4 E N Smart fees Insanity case Peto Shopard 8 S O Campboll foes lusauity caso Peto Shopard 3 Burt Mapos salary nud expense 20051 S A Truax T wolf scalps F M Leach 8 wolf scalps 1G J D Hooker wolf scalps 18 Robt T Alyea 1 wolf scalp 2 ap plied ou personal tax Gust Kane salary 33 Phil Bauoh salary as clerk of board recording olHcial bonds aud making as sessor books 223 W L Dowliug correcting assessors books 50 J H Couloy arresting and taking Eruost Ayera to Madlsou 400 J B Donovan stationery 10 M Hnlpin bridge work 8 applied ou tax 0 15 O W Cruin salary and ofllce ex penso 111 75 G G Sehram repairing clock 2 On motiou bond of Jamos Hughes road overseer district JNo 0 was ap proved Feo book of O W Crum was audited aud on motion approved Showing balance on hand July 10 to be 78 On motion board adjourned to 8 a m July 11 Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion proceeded to check treas urers accounts On motion adjourned to 1 p m Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion proceeded to check treas urers nccouuts Ou motiou board adjourned to 8 a m July 12 Board met pursuant to adjournment Ou motion proceeded to check treas urers accounts Ou motion adjourned to 1 p m Board mot pursuant to adjournment Ou motion proceeded to check treas urers accounts Foe book of Geo W Losoy waa au dited aud on motion approved Same showed fees received from January 10 to July 10 to bo 01070 Fee book of Phil Bauch was audited and on motion approved Same showed fees earned from January i2ud to July 1st to be 1793 115 Feo book of Wm Bates was audited and ou motion approved Same showed fees earned from January 2nd to July 1st to be 553 21 Foo lKok of Chris Schavland was audited aud ou motion approved Same showed fees earned from January 2nd to July 1st to be 5S92S On motiou the clerk was instructed to notify the Cautou Bridge Co to build tho followlug bridges One 20 foot bridge 11 foot roadway 0 red cedar piles 10 feet long south of section 18-22-1 Ono 20 foot bridge 14 foot roadway 0 red cedar piles 10 feet long south of sootiou 10-22-1 On motiou boud of Horst Bros for tho erectiou of hentiug plaut kiu court house was approved On motiou Chris Schavlaud was in structed to procure a now judgment index Ou motion board adjourned to July Kith at 1 p m Phil Bauch County Clerk Northern WUcoimlu Hull way Farm itoHtitm jsattss LuillU Fur Sate The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for salo In North ern Wtscousln at low prices and easy terms of payuiout about 850000 acres of choice farm lauds Early buyers will secure the advan tage of locations on tho many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending aud most excollont water supply both for family use and for stock Laud Is generally well timbered tho soll fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly dovoloplng into one ot tho greatest sheep and cattle raisins regions lu the northwest Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Superior Ashlaud aud other towti9 on The Northwestern Lino furnish good markets for stock aud farm produce For further particulars addMsa Gko W Bbll Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H MacRak Asat GonlPoea AgtSt Paul Minn COUNTY CLERKS IN 8ES8ION Hsar Attacks on Boards of Supervisor and Hold Election of Officers Dos Moines July 13 Tho County Clorks of Iowa In state convention listened to an attack on tho boards of siipcrvlBors by John H Merckona of Falrfluld Ho declared that tho boiids should bo shorn of their power over tho county clerks because tho boards woro composed mostly of farm ers who woro Ignorant of buslnosa affairs Officers were elected as fol lows President J C Tato Polk vice presidents C C Pugh Dallas C M Sopor Story John C Leech Bloomfield secrotary Tom C Meador Hnrdln treasurer John C Murnor Johnson Midway Shows Forced to Close Buffalo July 15 The proprietors of tho Midway shows at tho Pan-American exposition mndo another effort yesterday to open their concessions on Sunday E S Dundy and J H Marks two concessionaires opened tholr shows in the afternoon They wero promptly arrested by Captain Darner or the exposition police force and taken to police hcadqjiartcrs Super intendent Cash was called upon by Captain Darner to prefer a chargo against them but ho declined to do so The showmen returned to their concessions and ngaln began selling tickets A detail of 20 exposition guards soon arrived and surrounded the entrance refusing to allow tho public to enter Tho shows wero then closed for the day Hot Wave In Wisconsin Ashland Wis July 1C Yosterday was the hottest day of the year In this city Thp temperature was 103 Nu merous prostrations were reported One of them proved fatal Ole Ryan a weir known resident of Bayfield hav ing died No person was ever before overcome with heat In Ashland Lake captains say they struck an in tensely hot blast from the shore off Michigan Island At Glenwood Wis tho mercury registered 109 There were several prostrations Mrs Albert LIcpert falling dead Thunder Storm at Omaha Omaha July 1G Omahas long pe riod of heat and dry winds was broken early this morning by a heavy shower Much sharp lightning and heavy thun der accompanied the storm Tho Chi cago Milwaukee and St Paul and Omaha offices reported local showers extending from Omaha to Emerson covering a stretch of about 100 miles Tho Missouri Pacific offices reported a pretty good shower at Weeping Water some rain at Plattsmouth but north of these points no rain Weather Bureau Predicts Showers Washington July 16 Relief for the heat stricken corn belt today Is pre dicted by the weather bureau No gen eral rains apparently are yet In sight but thunder showers with consequent lower temperature aro probable In Nebraska Kansas Missouri Iowa and Illinois and possibly Indiana There Is a prospect of a continuance of these showers Wednesday in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys and in tho upper lake regions Tho National Amateur Press associa tion selected New York for tho con vention of 1902 The Missouri state board of railroad and warehouse commissioners has abandoned Its Investigation of the consolidation of tho Frisco and Mem phis railroads Official announcement was mado Wednesdny by J Plerpont Morgan that ho had selected James J Hill E II Harrlman William Rockefeller H McK Twombley and Samuel Rea to fill vacancies to bo created In tho directorate of tke Northern Pacific railway Goshen 111 Gonesso PureFood Co Lo Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days since a package of your Grain O prepar tion was loft at my office I took it home and gave it a trial and I have to say I was very much pleased with it as a substitute for coffee We have always used the best Java and Mocha in our family but I am tree to say I like tho Grain 0 as well as the best coffee I ever drank Respectfully yours A O Jackson M D The complete service of Tho Chicago-Portland Special via Union Pacific enables passengers to reach the priucl pal cities botween the north and Pacific coast aud Missouri river not ouly in the shortest possible space of time but also in tho most comfortable aud enjoyable manner The dining cars on this traiu are stocked with the best the market affords AU meals served a la carte hb eiisus They Object to the Serving a Mittimus of OFFICER HASMU0HTR0UBLE Sim ChrUtla Wlelcu a Shoe With Uex terltjr ladlantlre of An Kxiiert Father Chrlfttlmi ItMcked DownJWIth n Iara eul nad IlatliKl Sen Jiilled from TlitirmUjro Dallf Chief of Pollco Conloy acting as con stable on a stato caso boforo Justice Daniels court yosterday had a warmer time than a great many other members of tho sweltering human family aud iu sudeavoring to commit Carl H Chritiau to jail encountered a fierce resistance ou tho part of tho members of the Christ ian family On June 10 Christian was arrested for assaulting a boy named Carl Hulac with a beet hoc aud Injuring him on tho back The boy is a ward of Anton Bucholz and Mr Buoholz being absent his wife filed a complaint and had Christian arrested After a trial before Justice Daniel in which n largo number of witnesses wore examined Christian was found guilty and fined 3 and costs tho costs bringing the total up to about 22 Christian was released on his own recognizance after first setting a time three weeks hence when he would pay the judgement Mrs Christian paid a portion of tho amount sometime after ward but when the three weeks were up yesterday the balanco had not been paid Justice Dauiol therefore Issued a mittimus committing Christian to jail to satisfy the balance aud it was in carry ing out tho requirements of this iustrm inent that tho trouble occurred Constable Couley says that ho first tried to induce Christian to make a pcaceablo settlement but that ho re fused and expressed a willingness to go to jail in compliance with tho terms of tho mittimus They proceeded on their way toward the jail when Christiau re alizing for the first time that the con stable probably ineaut busiuess pro ceeded to object aud was soon rein forced by his wife who attacked the constable with her parasol tho attack taking place in tho alloy near The News ofllce The officer succeeded in secur ing possession of tho womans weapon and proceeded on his way with tho pris oner When in the rear of Eberharts restaurant the prisoner got demon strative and the officer hit him beside tho head with the parasol The blow felled Christian to the ground and Mrs Christian who was following rushed to his assistance aud seeing no weapon in sight she deftly pulled oft one of her shoes and attacked the constable The officer received the blows on his arm held up to protect his face and head from the assault She desisted fiually tho officer making no effort to return the attack They had not prsceoded a great ways when a son of the prisoner William Christian also joined in an attack on the constable Near the Seiler bam there was quite a general attack on tho constable and he summoned several bystanders to his assistance with the object of arresting the entire family Christian took a run east on the M O track with the con stable in close pursuit and was over hauled just the other side of the bridge where he made a stand and was hustled to jail 3 Mrs Christian went up town avow ing her intention of having the constable arrested claiming he struck her The boy was arrested and placed in jail with his father and this morning a complaint was filed against him charg ing him with disorderly conduct aud using loud obscene and boisterous language Ho appeared before Police Judge Hayes and asked for a coutiuu auco which was granted and the date for tho trial was set on the 29th Christians excuse for his action is that he considered the payment fmade settlement in full but the witness foes amounting to 880 were not included and it was these that he objeoted to pay It is probable that he will make an indi vidual settlement with tho witnesses and the difficulty may bo adjusted in that way Christiau was released from custody with the understanding that ho will endeavor to make settlement Ioyit Disturb the Pence A number of young men got into a jangle Tuesday evening and carried their dispute across the track where a fight took place Complaints being made the participants were arrested for disturbing the peace and were given the customory flue by Police Judge HayeB All but one have settled with the court and ho promises to do so soon The officers oonsider the disturbance a crop ping out of a rough element that had been quite thoroughly subdued and con sider that the prompt and effective manner in which the matter was handled will have a tendency to prevent any further outcroppings of that ele ment Lost A blue soldier blouse aud a pair of side ourtains for a top buggy J A Herron Leigh Nebr The News keeps its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of type and does its work iu approved style ttoaaoiwiih - STRIKING FISHERMENS COUP Sixteen Japs Taken Prisoners After a Bloodless Battle Vancouver July 12 The develop ments In the Fraser river strike situ ation during the last 24 hours havo been startling Tho union fishermen havo now tho upper hand having oxo cuted a ooup detat which Is without a parallel In tho history of tho many labor disturbances In British Colum bia As a result of a battle of small boats out on tho gulf a battle In which many Bhots wero exchanged but In which no combatnnt was killed 16 Japanese wero taken prisoners by tho strikers The Japanese boats were overturned tho rifles and fishing gear ot tho Orientals thrown Into tho water and tho Japanese thomselves taken to ono of tho siriall Islands far out Into tho gulf Exactly wkoro this Island Is located Is a secret of tno white flshormon They say they will continue to maroon nonunion Japanoso there for tho remainder of the soason or until tho place is discovered by tho authorities Tho Japanoso will be given food every few days and made comfortable although closely guarded until a settloment Is reached or until tholr Island prison Is located by the authorities ARMY OFFICERS ON TRIAL One Accused of Murdering a Native and Another of Striking a Private Manila July 12 Tho trial of Lieu tenant Brown of the Second Infantry charged with murdering near Blnan gonan Infanta province a native who was suspected of responsibility In the death of a soldier began yesterday The soldier referred to was drowned while a detachment of the Second In fantry was swimming a river under fire Tho lieutenant at the time of the occurrence questioned the native and the latter bolted whereupon Brown shot him dead Captain Francis H Fremont also of the Second Infantry is being tried for striking a soldier The court has re quested that a witness now In Wash ington bo ordered here to testify As an outgrowth of the lll feoling existing In somo quarters It developed recently that H Phelps Whltmarsh the governor of Benguet who has been ordered here to have certain charges against him Investigated had a physical encounter with Secre tary Otto Scherer of that province who disapproved of the governors ad ministration The United States com missioners believe Scherer Is true to the interests of tho natives Registration Plan a Success Washington July 12 Secretary Hitchcock received a telegram from Assistant Commissioner Richards of the general land office In charge of the opening of the Oklahoma lands saying the registration plan Is working suc cessfully Secretary Hitchcock esti mates that 100000 people could be registered easily by July 26 the la3t registration day There are lands for only about 13000 people Commis sioner Jones telegraphed to Colonel Randlett tho agent In charge of the Kiowa and Wichita reservations to confer with the cattlemen immediate ly as to the advisability of their taking to the Osage pasture lands the Imma ture cattle which cannot be shipped to market by the dato of the opening Black Hills Hot Spell Broken Deadwood July 16 Rain yester day broke tho hottest spell of weather over known In the Black Hills No damage was done by the heat to crops or the cattle ranges Half an Inch of Rain in Iowa Des Moines July 4 Half an inch of rain the first since July 4 Is re ported from Dexter 30 miles from Des Moines 4K jA Jtfc For a Republic We Must Have Men For a successful business X there must be buyers A well equipped store a well assorted stock of goods efficient clerks all attract buyers but no mat- u wijau uic biuic uu matter what the stock no matter how agreeable or efficient the help buyers will not be attracted un less they know the facts Telling the facts ia regard to your busi ness is advertising That method which will tell them to the largest number of prospective buyers is the best methed It is obvious that the best method of telling the facts to the buyers of this community is through the advertising col umns of this paper Are you employing this method to the best advantage il y - fc i