The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 19, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    1 T
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0 V PncB win over from MsiiUnoii
A H Wnnl of HartinKton wns in tho
city ypRlpnlay
M L Hoi1y of Crolghtou wns in Nor
folk yoMonlny
W O Smith of Creighton won in tho
ally this morning
T V Tiowo is in town from Hsiltlo
Orcuk tills morning
I I Honnott of HnstlngHhnilbtiHlnoHfl
In Norfolk ycwtonlay
Goo V Hoycl of Onkdnlo war- u Nor
folk visitor yintordny
August liijuinstock of Wnyuo wan n
Norfolk vinltor yostnrduy
O S Smith tho MndlHon rnal ortlato
iimn wns in Norfolk todny
K Ilium ynn a Sugar Olty visitor
from Huttlo Greek yoitordiiy
J H Lolunnn of Hlooinllulri tnxiiH
net oil liusliiwm hurt yesterday
Mrs A K Campbell wont to Klgln
Inst nlKbt to vtHlt her daughter for a
Commissioner II W Wintor wont to
Mntllson ycHtordivy to nttoud to county
County Surveyor W H Lowo wont
to MndlHon yesterday to do somo work
for tho county
Throo clnsROS of tho Methodist Sun
day Hohool iro enjoying a plonio today
nt TaftH grovo
Mrs II S Hargolt and tluughtor
MIhh Eva nrrlvod today from Glaronco
Iowa to visit rolntivon
Count M 0 Vonrnttltm of Grolghton
formerly an olllcor in tho Gorman army
was in tho city this morning
Mrs OImh A SaundorH of Goutor and
MihS JClara Saunders of Uailo MillH
woro in tho metropolis thiH morning
13 L Johnson ai rived from Ohiotigo
on tho noon train to visit at tho homo
of his puroutH Mr and Mrs A J
Assistant Suporlntont O Ii KoypM of
tho Union Pacific arrived hurt evening
in his special cur and gnvo out tho
monthly pay checks to omployos of thu
Mrs Kittio Hitchcock and Mrs Ohot
IMoroy and daughter Louio of Piorco
are visiting friends in tho olty and will
bo present at a pioniogottou up foilhom
at Tafts grovo this aftornoon
M Abrahamiun Iuir returned from a
viBit of sovoral years to his old homo in
Turkish Armenia During his absence
ho wns marriod and Mrs Abrahauiiau
accompanied hliu to Norfolk where
thoy will make their homo
Mr and Mrs 13 B Koujou hnvogouo
on a trip to Makanao and SuowJIslauds
whoro thoy will oujoy tho boating and
Ashing also tho Tooling breezes Thoy
go by way of St Paul Duluth Lako
Suporior and tho Soo On thoir re
turn will visit relatives lu St Paul for a
fow days
Tho Madison Junior longuo baso ball
team passed through tho oity last eve
ning on its way homo from Winsido
and Wuyno Thogamo played at Win
flldo Monday resulted in a scoro of 15 to
M in Madihons favor At Wuyno yes
torday tho Madison boys woro victorious
by II to 1
Mombors of Trinity EpiHQopul Sunday
Bohool thoir friends and members of
familios aro enjoying thoir auniml pic
nic today at Tafts grovo Pleasures
usual to such occasions aro being in
dulged in nud that tho tituo is being de
lightfully passed is conolusivo Those
participating mot at tho ohuroh this
morning at oclook Free convey
ances woro awaiting thorn and well
filled baskots and tho young folks wore
quickly and Bafely transported to tho
Klkhoru wluro a dny of pleasuro bogau
undor tho abundant shade of tho treos
Carl Wilde tronsurer of tho Norfolk
Kshool district has called in for pay
ment warrants against tho district up
to and including warrant No r055
thus paying the outstaudiug warrants
up to February of this year Tho in
debtedness of the school district was ro
duced f 5000 last year and it is con
sidered that it will bo but a short timo
at the present rate of gain uutil tho
district gets back to tho cash basis
Those who were aware of tho condition
of tho school finances several years ago
considered tho district hopolossly in
dobt and aro moro than pleased to no
tice tho promptness with which tho
condition was met
Fremont is this week iu tho hands of
tho volunteer liremeu who may tako it
or leavo it alone Tho state touruamont
is to be held there three days beginning
yesterday aud an excellent program
for the entertainment of tho visitors has
boon arranged A large number of
fireman arrived yesterday from the
various volunteer departments of tho
Etato and the tournament is starting
out with every indication of success
Tho town is handsomely decorated aud
bands aro there in numbers Fremont
Iiub a reputation for entertaining right
and the firemen aro undoubtedly to bo
congratulated npou the ohoico of that
city as tho place for their tournament
Manoger Homer Winders of tho base
ball team is circulating a subscription
paper today asking donations to help in
erecting a grand stand aud otherwise
fixing up the new base ball park north
of tho city Tho boys have shown a
desire to provide Norfolk with a good
46 - f r
team and will undoubtedly furnish
somo raro entertainment for lovers of
Iho sport if given propor eucourago
iiinnt An excollent gamo Is promised
for noxt Sunday afternoon whon a team
from Plalnvlowwill try for honors with
tho Norfolk nlno It Is said that tho
Plalnviow peoplo havo chartered a
spoolal train and will bo hero lu force
to attend tho gamo which will boplayod
oh the now diamond noar tho oroamory
Norfolk people aro requested to attoud
and witness tho capability of tho boys
to furnish a good gamo
Hoaoh IJiowors mlnstrol company
showed to a packed house In Norfolk
last ovoning Thoy had a gonOrous
spread of canvas at tho cornor of
Philip avonuo and Third stroot but nono
too amplo for tho demand Tho ar
rangement was much llko that of a
theatre soats being sloped down to tho
stago with rosorvod soctlon In fronts
Tho porformanoo was very meritorious
and tho immense crowd that attouded
waH well ploasod Tho musical numbors
woro lino and tho jokos woro good
though somo woro rather auolont Tho
acrobatic foaturcs woro good somo now
and very difficult acts being performed
Tho trick dog show was a pleasing part
of theporformauco especially to tho
children The little anitiinl that turned
a back somersault ovor a stick was a
particularly clovor bruto aud was an
oopooial fuvorlto with tho nudlonce
Thooutlro porformanco was good and
those taking part appeared to bo undor
no disadvantage by reason of their can
vas auditorium
Tho Hammer houso at tho cornor of
Fourth stroot aud Pasowalk avonuo
opoupied by Mr and Mrs Apfol caught
Iro about 7 oclock Monday evening
during tho absence of tho family Tho
blozo was first noticed by tho son of
Gus Cornelius who told his fathor aud
it was duo entirely to Mr Cornelius
that any part of tho property was saved
no lire alarm having been turuod iu
Ho at once organized a bucket brigade
of onoineiiiLor and went to work with
vigor boing careful to keep tho doors
closod as much as possible aud the air
excluded from tho llro Boforo ho was
successful in extinguishing tho llro con
siderable dumogo was done both to tho
dwelling aud to tho belongings of Mr
and Mrs Apfel Tho interior of tho
houso was almost ontirely ruined a
largo hole being burned through tho
tloor aud considerable of tho Apfol
furnishings woro destroyed Thero
was no insurauco on tho furniture but
tho agont of tho proporty J W Ran
som says thero is 500 on tho houso
carried by tho Amoricati company
Hrauliig Weather
JtouiH from tho Tiorra Del Fuego
Koop cool it was only 10 degrees be
low zero this niorulug but summer is
Ferryman Goorgo Washington ro
ports tho river froon to tho dopth of ill
Hot oystor soup at tho Oafo
When John Isaacs wont to Suako Hun
to colohrato tho fourth ho froze both
feet so badly that thoy had to bo ampu
Hard and soft coal 15 a ton a ton is
1 100 pounds at Soakems
Is it cold enough for you
Sleighing is oxcollout
Tho coasting down main street must
be stopped or tho oity marshal will be
compelled to make ariosts
Flannel shirts aud woolen socks at
Bargain Bale of fur coats at Slow
Tho ico men aro putting up some
beautiful ico
Tho family of Nick Spoon came noar
being suffocated with coal gas Thurs
day night owiug to tho chimney of their
furnace beiug stopped up
John Snicker brought a gobblor to the
oditor Woduesday that made a hand
some roast Our enterprising merchaut
Gharlio Blowhard furulshod tho crau
borrios oysters and celery
Jake Smith has our thanks for a dol
lar on subscription Our wife can now
havo it uow dog fur capo
ltov Butler preached lu Bega Sunday
Mr Wilson is proporlug to erect a
large now barn on his farm
Mr Kennedy and sou John wore in
Norfolk on business Saturday
Misses McOlouhiin of Stanton spent
Sunday with friends iu this viciuity
Mrs Luudquist aud daughtor
Augusta woro shopplug in Norfolk
Mrs Olson of Wisner who is visiting
with Mr and Mrs Hendricsou is dan
gerously ill
Emma Souuekiu aud Auua and Sam
Nelsou of Hoskius spent Sunday with
friends in Bega
William Johnson accompanied by his
slstor visited with the Misses Lund of
this vioinity Sunday
Tho fast trains of tho Uuiou Paciflo
roach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors If you aro iu no
hurry tako a slow train by one of the de
tour routes but if you want to get there
without suffering any of the iuconvon
iences of winter travel tako the only
direct route the Union Pacilio De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Juxeuak Ageut
When the plate is furnished The
Nkws will supply engraved cards at 75
ceuts for 50 or 100 for 100
E A Crum of Creighton was a city
visitor this morning
Miss Dora De Long of Scotia Is lu tho
city visiting friouiN
Fred Sldlor mode a business trip to
Winsitlo this morning
Itov F 0 Tnylor of Nellgh was a
Norfolk visitor ovor night
Mrs Hisloy aud ohlldron of Omaha
aro visiting Mrs O F Tapport
Randolph peoplo are discussing tho
advisability of having a stroot fair
Miss Bessie McFarlaud rotarued last
night from a two woeks visit with rel
atives and friouds iu Dodgo
Miss Maud Browor has roturned from
a trip to G irdon aud has gouo to work
iu Maoys photograph gallery
Miss Lizzie Dolor of Donvor Is iu tho
olty visiting Mrs II H Patterson on
roufco to St Helena this stato
Morlo Queen has accepted a position
as salesman with the Stoam Oooker Co
of Toledo O and will boglu work to
Oalof 0 E Hartford went to Fre
mont this morning to help swell tho
delegation of Norfolk firomon atteudlug
tho touriiamotit
Frank Twiss has gouo to Stanton to
tako ohargo of Knox Tipplos hotel dur
ing that gentlemans nbseuco on a trip
to Buffalo nud othor poluts oast
I J Johnson is moving his family
from tho Stovons houso on South Teuth
stroot to tho Durlaud houso at tho
cornor of Koonigstoin avotiuo aud Teuth
The railroad brldgo that burned out
recently at Bolgrado was thought to
havo boon sot on lro by sparks from tho
eugiuo falling into tho nests of birds
which occupied it as a rookery
Mr and Mrs Levi Rauuoy and
daughter Heleu uro guests at tho homo
of Mr and Mrs W H Bridge Mr
Raunoy is a prominent dairyman at Ft
Atkinson Wis aud is a brothorof Mrs
Tho prico of garden sas3 is advancing
rapidly iu Omaha owiug to tho con
tinued dry weather and those who
feed upon potatoes green coru aud cu
cumbors will be compelled to go down
deep for tho privilege
It has boon suggosted that if citizens
would dovoto a portion of their lawn
privilogo to laying tho dust in tho
streets adjoining their proporty thoy
could accomplish much for tho couifort
aud couvonlouco of peoplo of their
neighborhood If thoro was a gonoral
movement of this kiud a decided im
provement might bo accomplished
Miss Ireuo Ellis colored aged 18
died yostorday afteruoou at tho family
homo on East Main street from con
sumption after a long and distressing
illuoss The fuueral will be hold at 8
oclock Rev W A Smith officiating
and tho remains will bo interred in
Prospect Hill cemetery Miss Ellis had
many warm friends especially among
those of hor race aud hordeoth is sin
corely mourned
That breeze which came dowu from
tho north about 15 oclock this morning
was about the most wolcomo visitor
Norfolk lias had for several weoks It
camo with overy indication of an ac
companying shower or rain Btorm but
in this thoro was disappointment
Howovor tho breeze was welcomo aud
tho peoplo aro able to rovivo thoir hopes
that a rain will follow soou It was a
million dollar breeze pourod into the
heart of a fiendishly hot aud sultry
Utah au Ideal Climate
The first white man to set foot on
Utah soil Father Silvestre Velez de
Escalante who reached the great Suit
Lako on the 23rd day of September 1776
wrote iu his diary Here tho climate is
so delicious tho air so balmy that it is
a pleasure to breathe by day aud by
ulght The ohmato of Utah is one of
the riohest endowmouts of nature On
thu shores of the great Salt Lake ospo
daily and for fifty miles therefrom iu
overy direction the climate of climates
is fouud Toonable persons to partici
pate in these scenic aud climatic attrac
tions aud to reach tho famous health
bathing and pleasuro resorts of Utah
tho Union Pacific has made a rate to
Ogdon and Salt Lako City of one faro
for round trip plus 300 from Missouri
river to bo iu etlect June 18 to 10 inclu
sive July 10 to August 30 inclusive
Return limit October 31 aud 3000 for
tho round trip on July 1 to I inclusive
September 1 to 10 inclusive
Proportionately low rates from inter
mediate points
For full information call on or ad
dress F W Juneman
Ittn Ainerlciku Kxpotltlau Kxcunlou
Excursiou tickets will be sold by the
FE M V Northwestern line on
May 0 1320 21 and 23 with a return
limit of 7 days at 3055 via standard
aud 12001 via differential linos
Every day until September 30 with
return limit of 15 days at 3330 via
standard and 3030 via differential
Every day from May 15 to September
80 good for return uutil October 31 at
ft775 via standard and 4535 via differ
ential Hues
Full particulars will be cheerfully fur
nished all inquirers
H O Matkau
Honey For Scholar
Ilonoy and bread vn n great meat
with Pytlmgorns ntnl his scholars and
counted n sulllclent food for a tem
perate life wrote Dr Thomas Muffctt
In 1575 for brond strengthens tho
body and honey both nourishes much
anil also cleiinsoth away superfluities
Polio Romulus being asked by Au
gustus tho emperor how ho Uvcd rc
long By nourishing sulth he my In
wards with honey nnd my outwnrd
partH with nyle Tho llko answer like
wise tnndo Democrltus being demand
ed tho llko question Furthermore It
Is ro general a meat through Russia
that tho children ent It on their bread
every morning ns ours do butter to
heir breakfast with whom nnd tflth
old men It ngreeth exceeding wull
cleansing thoir breasts opening their
pipes warming their stomnchH resist
ing putrefaction and engendering sweet
nud commendable blood Raw honey
Is never good therefore clarify It thor
oughly at tho fire nlso let It bo honey
that ran and was never puffed out of
the combs nnd of young bees rather
than old feeding upon thlme rose
mary flowers nud such aweet nnd
wholesome herbs Then may you
boldly give It as meat to young chil
dren to cold nnd moist complexions
nud to rheumatic old men especially
lu northern countries nnd cold climates
nud lu the winter months
ninckcnlnK One Shoe
There are men In New York today
whose fortunes nre not small yet they
never pay n bootblack a cent n yenr for
shining their shoes They nro their
own bootblacks and not otic Is asham
ed of It You may depend on one thing
these men were reared In tho coun
try whoro they wore educated In the
use of tho brush I said to an acquaint
ance some time ngo when he com
plained that his 12-year-old son hail no
exercise about the house Why dont
you make him blacken the family
shoes overy morning
Ho was stunned at tho suggestion
My son blacken boots ho walled
throwing up his hands Do you think
I would disgrace my own boy I give
him 10 cents every morning to havo
his shoes shlned at tho corner where I
havo mine shlned
I reminded him thnt he wns teaching
that boy to be an upstart nnd that ho
wns giving him 3050 a year which ho
stole from his friends Blackening
shoes la splendid exorcise Many a
ragged street Arab Is too proud to do
It because of some fool father llko the
one mentioned but such n father
ought to be Iu tho business Instead of
robbing his friends Let every boy
learn to shine shoes Ho may have to
make a living at It somo day Thero
Is money In the business New York
Preparing For a Dcwel
Ouo of tho most remarkable docu
ments that have ever come under our
observation Is to be found In the case
of ox parte Scoggln 0 Tex App 540
Mr Scoggln was under Indictment for
the murder of ono William Gerrard
nnd an extract from a memorandum
book in defendnntB handwriting and
found nenr the body ran ns follows
Johnson Co Tx Jan 24 1875
Aa this may bec the last penciling that I may
ecr do on earth May heaven Ulan me and the
man that I am Rolnu to flte for wo have been
traUlng to gcathcr some time and hate fell out a
bought the sum of 25 and have agreed to tight a
dcuel this Dutiful night of our lord and as one
of us has to die May lieen bless us as this la the
last half hour on earth ultli one of us heen
lrcsene me nou and forever Written by Jesse
Seog Ilorml and rased In Tx Slned by William
Jirod Dornd in Illinois
MT Scogglns piety apparently
brought victory to him In the dewel
for his adversary when found appear
ed to havo been struck behind the car
by a 13 Inch shell Law Notes
OConnell nnd Mmisey
Laughter has been fatal to at least
ono bill In the houso of commons In
the days of OConnell Thomas Massey
who wns a sworn foo to everything
that suggested popery Introduced a
bill to ubollsh the suffix mas from all
words lu our language and to substi
tute tide thus converting Christ
mas Into Chrlsttlde and so on
When he had ended his Introductory
speech G Connell got up and said
Sluce the honorable member has such
an Insuperable objection to the word
mas why does ho not set a good ex
ample by anglicizing his own name
Iu thnt case we should be quite willing
to speak of him as Thotlde Tldey
Tho houso rolled with appreciative
laughter and Mr Massey never recov
ered sufficient courage to speak of tho
bill again
Strange Affair
It is shameful tho way Marmaduke
McCorker has treated Miss Fltzper
What did he do
Oh he stimulated her to Improve
her mind nnd then broke the engage
ment on the ground that he was afraid
to marry a woman who knew so
much Indianapolis Journal
What He Would Fear
I dont think said the observant
boarder that I should caro to propose
to a girl addicted to photography
And why uot asked the cross eyed
I should be afraid that sho would
seize the opportunity to develop a nega
tive Pittsburg Chronlcle Telcsraph
Saved Her Life
Rlggs Hear about Mrs Tltewadd
Told her husband she would kill her
Belf If he didnt buy her a now bonnet
Jlggs What did Tltewadd do
Rlggs Got estimates on funerals
found he could save 2 by buying the
bonnet and saved her life Baltimore
A self closing door spring adds to
the anger of the angry man who wants
to slam the door Chicago News
The occupants of a balloon u mile
high command a radius of 00 miles
That wo are constantly growing in tho art of
making Fino Photos and our products will al
ways be found to embrace the
Most jSLx tistio Ideas
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine lino of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing
I- 3MCj5L07ST
Fk W V jlrW
hmd DDnynuiTip
chronic ununuiimi
warm to DR a H KUCR
Sioux Faixs 8 D fob oxr IHrOIlMATlON
Dr Keller Specialist la None Throat Lunr
anil Kidney Dltenses will corrtsjpond with yoL
la regard to your ooudttlnn
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
Au oditor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kallors Sylvan Ozono
offorod by the Dr A H Keller
Ohomical Company as a euro for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fovore Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This wo know to bo a
genuine specific for those com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Close examination iuto the
practical results which have been
had from tho use of this romody
has cansod us to oudorse it as be
iug au undoubted cure for tho
abovo ailmeuts effectual iu re
moving tho exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of tho severest aud most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozouo permanently restored
health and in cases which were
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
Railroad and Business Direcforv
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Otnaliu Paasongor 605 am
Chicago Express 1210p m
liicnito Exproaa 720 p m
Omaha Iaesengor 1240pm
Mack Hills express 7l0pni
Vordigro Passenger 1210 p m
Verdigro Accommodation 900am
Black Hills Express 1220p m
Voriligro Passengor B05nm
Vordiere Accommodation 720pm
The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
and Verdigro trains arrivo and depart from city
depot H C Mateau Agont
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation S30p m
Omaha Donvor and Pacific Coast 11 00 a m
Columbaa Ace mmodatlon 1030pm
Omaha Mouver and Pacific coast 900pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with the C St P M O
for points north and oast
F W Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 630 am
Sionx CltyPassongor 100pm
Sionx City Passengor 1035am
Siocx City anil Omaht Passengor 7 3 p in
Connects at Norfolk with F E 11 Y going
west and north and witli tho U P for points
Bonth F W Juneuan Agent
Daily except Sunday
-Fine Watch
Over llaum Bros Store
Spenoer Ovelmon
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
All Woek Guaranteed
Cor Hrnasch avo and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on
arrive California sooner than if you left yesterday via any other train
Vfh i rf z f Ut V I
in regal splendor can be mode
the celebrated Union Pacific train
This train runs via the Overland
Route the established ronte across
the continent It has perhaps the
most finely equipped cars in tho
world There are Double Drawing-
Room Palace Sleepers broad vesti
buled Oars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Oars with Barber
Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars meals beiug served
a la carte and every delicacy is provided The cars are illuminated
with the famous Pintsoh Light and heated with stean A notable
feature is that safety perfect comfort and speed are all included
Onlv Two Nights
Missouri River and San Francisco
Por Time Tables and full Information call on
Daily News Job Department