1 1 K f I The Norfolk Weekly News Journal 00 IMS SIM 1 IK I cisco With Big Attendance 80NG3 AT INAUGURAL 8EHVICES Devotional Program and Welcoming Exercises Constitute the Major Por tion of business of First Day Last Trains Bearing Delegates Arrive San Francisco Julv 19 Tho first day of tho lirtli International Epworth Lcaguo convention opened with a cloudless sly nml perfect California weather During the forenoon tho Btrcets leading to tho Mechanics pa vilion tho headquarters of the league were thronged with thousands of delegates wearing tho badges of the order and long before the hour fixed for the preliminary proceedings tho vast structure which will accommo date 45000 persons was practically filled Tho Alliambra theater and Metropolitan teniple where simultane ous meetings were held will each hold about 2500 people and provision has been made for nny possible overflow in cnurciies oi various denominations Differences of creed hnvo not been considered and tho entire city Is tak ing nn nctlve Interest In securing the success of tho gathering which al ready seems assured The railroads Unyo virtually ful filled their promises and despite many annoying delays landed tho last of tho eastern delegates hero in time for the Introductory ceremonies The rear guard came by water from tho Pacific northwest and numbered about COO Washington and British Columbia leaguers Tho great army of Invasion With 30000 men and women In the rank and file had been provided for without the least trouble nnd in a man ner most gratifying to all The first services In connection with the convention were held In tho First Congregational the Central Methodist and tho Howard streot churches In each of which communion was cele brated Bishop Joyce president of the league conducted the services In tho auditorium of tho First Congregational church Every seat was occupied and the aisles were so crowded that It was necessary to close tho doors against the late comers When the convention proper was called to order at 230 p m the great auditorium was packed and thousands were unable to gain admission Itev Thomas FUben of Pacific Grove offici ated as chairman After a song ser vice in charge of Robert Husband de votions were led by Rev Judson S Hill of Morrlstown Tenn Henry T Gage governor of California then welcomed the delegates to the state In a brief but expressive address which was received with tho Chautau qua salute Mayor Phelan followed delivering an eloquent greeting in be half of tho city Responses were made as follows On behalf of the Methodist Episcopal church Bishop I W Joyce Minneapo lis on behalf of the Methodist Episco pal church South the Rev IT M boso Nashville on behalf of the Methodist Episcopal church of Canada the Rev James Henderson Toronto Canada The concluding address of tho afternoon was made by Rev R A Carter of Atlanta on behalf of tho colored Methodist church I Decides Against Packers Chicago July 19 Packers through out the country will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars each year If a de cision announced by Judge Kohlsaat Jn tho United States circuit court yes terday is sustained in tho United States supreme court The court ruled that borax used In preserving meats for shipment does not consti tute the manufacture of a new article For this reason lie held the packers are not entitled to a rebate on the tariff duties paid under the act of 1897 Russia Grabs Mongolia London July 19 Mongolia is now Russia says a dispatch to the Daily Express from St Petersburg Urga a Chinese frontier station on tho road to Poking has been fortified and gar risoned by Russian soldiers Survey ing parties escorted by troops have penetrated as far as the edge of tho great dosert to determine the route of a direct railway to Peking across the desert Land Seekers at El Reno El Reno O T July 19 Up to date 78796 homo seekers have registered In the El Reno and Lawton offices 59 400 of these have registered at El Reno and 1939G at Lawton Yesterdays registration El Reno 10697 Law ton 2000 Eight of the 16 days al lowed for registration have passed and till tho crowds continue to come I Indian Agent Sentenced I Guthrie O T July ID Asa C Bharp lately Indian agent at tho Otoe and Missouri agency was yesterday Bentenced In the United Stf es court at Perry to two years Imprisonment upon each of two counts His attor neys will appeal Boer Leaders Killed I London July 19 Lord Kitchener commanding the British forces In South Africa reports tothe war offlco as follows I ElauJsfontclu July 18 Captain Charles Botha eon of Plillp liotba and Field Cor nets Ilumunn auil Oliver have bea killed In ttie Oraug Hirer Colour H o Von THREE NEGROES GED All Executed From Same Scaffold In the Nashville Jail Yard Nashville Tenn July 19 Tho first Convention Opens at San Fran- trl1 oxoctlou vor hold in this XWVJ Wt FIlV IIUIU IWUU WtlVll three negro murdeiors wero executed from the same Rcaffold In the Jail yard The condemned wero Babo Battia Dusor Thompson and Abo Potway Tho trap was Bprung nt 1015 a in nnd tho men wero pronounced dead within 15 minutes Tho crltno for which Potway paid tho penalty was the murder of nn old white man named WVeno on tho night of May 31 1900 BattlB and Thompson wore hanged for tho murder of Cain Mlllor n negro spotter for tho police Thompson charged Battln with tho crime and to the last alllnned ills Inno cence Miss Bethel Uawson ono of a parly of mountnin climbers who became 111 and unconscious on Mount Hood wns saved from death by Professor McKl fresh transforming himself Into a hu mnji toboggan nnd sliding down tho glaciers to the timber line with her Innnlmnte body lashed to him- TORNADO SWEEPS OVER OHIO IHcavy Wind and Hail Does Great Dam age to Growing Grain Columbus O July 19 A severe rain untj hall storm visited tho western part of tho state last night Preblo county being the greatest sufferer Corn and oats crops were almost total ly destroyed Specials from over tho stnto tell of much damage done generally by storms At Mellvillo Butler county lightning struck William Mintona barn where threshers wore at work seriously shocking Joseph Falkenstelu and Henry Doelker At Apple Creek and Fredericksburg In Wayne county there wns a small tornado Many acre of crops wero carried away and orchards and stretches of timber leveled FOSBURG TRIAL BEGINS Plttsfield Young Man Charged With the Murder of Sister Plttsfield Mass July 19 With tho jury empaneled and having been taken to the scene of the tragedy tho testi mony of ono witness concluded and that of another well under way tho government case against Robert S Fosburg the young man charged with shooting his sister May L Fosburg on Aug 20 1898 was fairly started at the close of yesterdays session The evidence yesterday was of a pure ly technical character and was confined- exclusively to descriptions of the Fosburg house and contents and testimony by tho medical examiner of this district REVENGE WOMACKS MURDER Hotel and Other Buildings at Grand Mesa Lake Fired by Mub Denver July 19 ConllrmaVion was received yesterday of the rcort that the Radcliffe hotel cabins nd other buildings belonging to tho proprietor of the Grand Mesa lakes wure burned Wednesday A uiob of 75 men all residents of Delta county set fire to the property The incendiarism was Intended to avenge the killing of W A Womack by Game Warden Mc Haney last Monday Closing Session of Peace Congress Buffalo July 18 The closing ses sion of the Universal Peace congress was held yesterday with a good attend ance Alfred H Lowe of Philadel phia was re elected president Tho other officers are as fololws Secre tary Daniel Batchellor Philadelphia treasurer Charles P Hastings Phila delphia corresponding secretaries Belva A Lockwood Washington and Christine V Whipple Now York busi ness manager Arabella Cater Phila delphia An executive committee of 17 and 150 vice presidents wero also chosen Farm Hand Fatally Shot Falls City Neb July 19 Night Watchman Frank Camblin shot and fatally wounded George Moss hero last night Moss who has been em ployed as a farm hand drew his re volver on several persons Tho police were notified and Camblin attempted to arrest Moss when a pistol duel en sued in which 11 shots wero ex changed Moss received two bullet wounds which tho attending physi cians believe will prove fatal Professor Triggs Unique Views Chicago July 18 Professor Oscar L Triggs of Chicago university who some time ago compared John D Rockefeller to William Shakespeare yestorday Informed the class in Eng lish literature at tho university that the hymns of the Protestant church are doggerel and that dime novels aro literature when compared to Sutfday school books Ecuadorian Consul Assassinated Valparaiso July 19 The Ecuador Ian consul general in Valparaiso A Arias Senchoz was assassinated yes torday In the center of tho city Ho was shot and stabbed and his cars wero cut off It is supposed that the assassins aro enemies of the present Alfnro administration In Ecuador Several Ecuadorians have been ar rested Deaver Gets an Appointment Washington July 19 D Clem Deaver of Omaha was appointed re ceiver of public moneys at ONeill Neb yesterday NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY JULY H 44HU4H0n4MU44U444i4i444AA44AAAUAAAA h AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA M so PER GENT SLAUGHTER uJ I J SALE S H O E3 S- TO REDUCE STOCK When this sale started it was intended to continue it only until July 13 but we have decided to Extend the Time Until August lj Until then we will continue to give X 20 PER GEHT DISCOUNT on all Shoes in our store sold for CASH excepting Queen Quality and Walk Over Shoes 500 Shoe for 4oo 400 Shoe for 32o 350 Shoe for 28o 300 Shoe for 240 25o Shoe for 2oo 2oo Shoe for I60 15o Shoe for I2o loo Shoe for 80 5o Shoe for 4o This is an opportunity to save one fifth on everything in the Shoe Line by paying 1 CASH a proposition to interest everybody Come early and see that we mean what we say f uur stock consists or Tne tsest r aexory Lines cveryxning is marnea in main rigures SPENCER OVELMAN PALACE SHOE STORE P SOur Store is open till 9 oclock nights Norfolk National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIN6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital ioofooooo Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella ExohanKC Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Bualngaa Transacted DIHBOTOBS A BEAU F P HANLON F J HALE W U HUOH0LZ WA HAINBOLT 8 BCOTTON NORFOLK NEBR J W II HDCHOLZ President ALEXANDER HEAR Vico lreiidol 1 E W ZUTZ Cuslilor WM ZDT FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary MgMtMSig ylia MADETOCHEER llitfMYtt jUND5EER MEDAL PAIIS EXPOSITION - 1900 i i r J I ft u If Vil I 1 i 1 I f