tr i fe 1 W i 4 I f When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician dV 7Mr rjrjm 3rOWW Nervousness headaches leeplessncis and dizziness often puzzle the best physicians Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause Nothing can effect a permanent curt that does not remove the cause That is what our scientifically fitted f lasses -do C W PHQUAflDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - NEBRASKA PARISH Fresh Celery Just Received PARISH YOURHOME will look barrou nnd cheerless no matter how much furniture you may have if yon dont have tfa8 walls nicely papered We have a pleasing selection of Damasks Ingrains Glimmers and Blanks at prices to suit the slender purse Remember we handle the Monarch Mixed Paint the best paint made KIESAU DRUG CO WE DO WOT BELIEVE in carrying goods over from one season to the other In order to close out our en tire line of SUMMER MIL LINERY wo will sell every thing at COST PRICE We have a few Street Hits left that we will close out Regardless of Price Miss E J Bender Tlie Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded ior the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 101 Minimum temperature i7 Average 8 1 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 7 Barometer 29J52 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and -Saturday Cooler west portion tonight FRIDAY FACTS A new brick walk is being put in at the residence of Otto Tappert A fine new lawn tennis court it being constructed at the corner of Tenth and Main streets Dr A E Scobee formerly of this city and Miss Wilcox were united in marriage last week at Kirkiville Mo And have gone to California on a wed ding trip They expect to locate in San Francisco There woo something of a wild west f how this morning in the pasture north f of the union depot when a number of I wild horses were captured and tamed by Norfolk liverymen Thry per- formed to a fair sized audience A special farewell meeting will bo hold in the Salvation Army hall Sun day night wjlien Cadet L C Clark will tako her farewell fiwn Norfolk and loavo for Chicago where sho goes to tho training homo Everybody is invited to attend In tho bajl game at Pierce yesterday between tho Norfolk Shoo company nine and a team of boys of that city tho icoro stood 20 to 10 in favor of Nor folk at tho end of tho seventh inning and tho Pierce boys acknowledged that they were outclassed by refusing to play longer A Boatrico dispatch to todays Beo contains the announcement of tho marriage of Frank Eble of this city and MIbb Cntheriuo ElliBof Boatrico which took place in the Beatrice Street Pres byterian church Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Rev W A Reams tho pastor officiating Fred Klentz who manages tho street sprinkler explains that tho reason ho is not able to put as much water on tho streets as some desire is because the conucllmen have limited his wator supply owing to tho demand by owners of lawns during tho hotdry weather and other reasons for its scarcity The carpenters completed the work of remodelling the home of C S Bridge yesterday and Mr Bridge expressed himself as well pleased with tho work done The house has undergone some radical changes and is now very con veniently and handsomely anangod The barn haB also been much improved Dr Fletcher M Sisson of this city assisted in dedicating the Methodist church at Stanton Wednesday after noon BiBhop O C McCabe lectured in the evening An addition to the building new pews and furniture have increased the value of the property about 1000 The church now has a seating capacity of about 400 Tho sum of 1000 toward the indebtedness in curred was raised during the dedicatory services Dressed catfish wall eyed pike lnke trout and pickerel at GliEsmanE To the IHilltHor Norfolk Miss Mary Shelley announces that during the balance of July and through August she will take her vacation and her parlors in the Cotton block will bo closed until the first of September A portion of her vacation will lie spent in Chicago where she will study tho latest styles for the benefit of her patrons For Sale Well improved farm on bottom land twomiles from Norfolk 4000 per aero G R Seiler We moke loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiokne Sen Girl wanted at 300 South Tenth street MUS D J KOENKISTKIN Dentil of It llnrrlHon B Harrison who was stricken with paralysis Fourth of July morning passed away yesterday afternoon about 4 oclock at the home of his daughter Mrs II J Cole having been sick but about a week The funeral will be held from the residence of Dr Cole tomor row morning at 8 30 the hour being set this early owing to tho hot weather and for the comfort of tho family and tho friends who wish to attend It is ex pected that the services will bo con ducted by Rev G II Main of tho M E church who has been summoned from Iowa where he went to visit and is ex pected to return today Interment will take place in Prospect Hill cemetery where Mrs Harrison is buried her death having preceded that of her husband a year last January Mr Harrison was 85 years of age the 1st of last February and was quite active and his mind verj clear for one of thnt age up to the time he received the fatal attack Be sides Mrs Cole there aro two other children to mourn his death both sons One lives at Duluth Minn nnd the other at present in Oklahoma makes his home in Missouri Neither will be able to attend tho funeral Mr Harri son has made his home with Dr and Mrs Cole for the past 12 years and was well liked by all who knew him He was very much overcome by the death of his wife and it was then believed that he would not remain long after she died but he Jiaa appeared to recover his health and spirits recently and it seemed as though he would survive many years until ho suffered the stroke of paralysis when owing to his ad vanced age but slight hope was enter tained of his recovery The deoeased was a member of the Methodist church and dways sincerely tried to live up to the teachings of that faith Mrs Cole and family have the sincere sym pathy of their acquaintances in the loss they hare sustained For Sale Ranch one and a half miles from Tilford S D 1600 acres deeded land 2000 leased land plenty living water all fenced well improved Price 120000 Would take some Nor folk property and farms to suit G It Seiler For Sale Eight a-year-old three 2-year-old and one yearling thoroughbred Jersey heifers For prices and further information call on Rome Miller at Depot Hotel Norfolk Junction Firm and city loans Tbx Dpklahd TOtT Co ASSISTANT AT WATERWORKS Kiifclncrr Wrtrrl Allowril to lllr Help During tttr tUniril Irrm Tho city council met in special session yesterday afternoon on call of President Brnnunnnd for tho purpose of provid ing a tomporary assistant for tho engi neer of tho city waterworks pumping station Thero woro present Conn oilmen Hrunuuuud Clements Degner Gow Uhlo and Westervelt Absent Mayor Koenigstein Conneilmen Spell man and Walker President Brum mund presided Mr Bruinninnd stated that Engineer Wot7l was sick and uunblo to do all tho work of pumping at tho pumping station and that ho thought thero was too much work for ono man during tho hot weather and recommended that tho engineer bo allowed an assistant during tho heated term Onmotion tho engineer was authorized to hire an assistant for as long as may bo deemed necessary by tho committee on pnblio works nnd tho council nil jour nod Dr Robert B Johnson cilllro in Mast block over Norfolk Nationol bank Spring and old chickens at Glissmans PERSONAL Mrs O II Eller is visiting friends in Stnnton Eddie Flynn is now assisting in the store of Baum Bros Mr and Mrs Sloan of Pierco were trading in the city yesterday Miss Edith Locke of Omaha arrived at noon today to visit with MIfh Irene Dexter Mrs C J Miller has gone to Wake field for a weekB visit with relatives and friends Miss Emma Tyler passed through the city this morning on her way homo to Lincoln from Wakefield Miss Nellie ONeill of Battle Creek is visiting Miss Keating and Miss Lillian Luikart at tho Norfolk hospital for tho insane Mrs Anna Bergen who has been the guest of her aunt Mrs Dr Ahlmnn in this city went to Pierce yesterday for a few day6 visit with friendB Captain Gegner of tho militia com pany and Arthur Ahlnian were over from Madison last night and were guests at the home of Win Ahlmnn Venns Nenow nnd Cbnrlio Verges re turned nt noon from their trip to Hot Springs S D where they havo thor oughly enjoyed a two weeks outing Mr and Mrs II G Mason who have lived in Chadron for several yearH past have returned to Norfolk and will oc cupy their residence in Hayes addition Rev J P Mueller will leave tomor row morning for Rige whero he will conduct services Sunday and Student Herman Spiering will hold services at Christ Lutheran church Sunday during Rev Muellers absence Mr nnd Mrs C II Sunderland of Oakland Cal whero Mr Sunderland is general manager of the New York Life Insurance company arrived on tho noon train to visit F L and II S Liv ingston brothers of Mrs Sunderland They hnve been nbsent on a trip to Cnnada the Buffalo exposition nnd other places of interest east and nro now enroute home Dr R A Mittlestndt dentist Bishop block Boiled ham nt Glissmans Houses for sale T E Odiohnk For Sale Several good farms near Norfolk on easy terms alFO a Inrge list of city property G R Seiler BATTLE CREEK W A Barnes was down to Bcomer Tuesday Fred Shereger shipped two cnrloads of cattle Monday John Ray of Valley wan transacting business here Monday Howell Avery of Tilden visited hero Sunday with relatives Howard Miller Lumber Co shipped a carload of hogs Friday Chas Rice of Norfolk was transact ing business hero Wednesday John Rodgers our new bnker sold 075 loaves of bread on the Fourth J H Gnrdels drove over to Harting ton Monday to visit hie son Arthur Herman Nenglo and eoh Herman of Norfolk were Battle Creek visitors Mon day MrsMiko Ambrose of Tilden was visiting here Sunday with tho Hnns family Owen ONeill and Frank E Martin went to Omaha Friday and returned Sunday Herman Hogrefe transacted business in the county judgeB court at Madison Tuesday Fred Brechler went up to Inman Sun day for one weeks stay on the Aberdeen cattle ranch Hugh Herbison of Madison and Wm Bustede of Fairview were Battle Creek visitors Sunday D M Brewer one of our cured small- pox victims moved with his family to ruger Tuesday t Eugene Crook and Mr Printrle of Meadow Grove were transacting ue6s nere Friday Miko Halpbj of Norfolk an old THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JULY 12 1901 Battle Creek citirenwasslinklng hands with everybody hero Monday Miss Kato Kaufmanu returned to Lnnrel Monday after a weeks visit with her sister Mrs Schneider John Praenner sr bought 110 arres five miles southeast of town from Hog refe and Warrick Price l 000 Miss Mollio Taylor went tn Hot Springs S 1 Tuesday for a visit with her brother Richard and family Mrs Otto H Maas and baby little Alvin went to Omaha Thursday to visit her sister-in-law Mrs Sohncholz A son was born to Mr and Mrp Louis Heller Friday and a daughter to Mr and Mrs Rndnlph Welch Saturday Julius Gardels of West Point was vis iting hero tho latter part of last week with his undo JR GalXlela and family Clark Miller who came from the west was visiting here Sunday With his brother Howard and went toOmnha the next day Wm Hohneke ono of our retired saloon keepers moved to Stanton county Saturday Ho mado money enough within one year George Campbell of Kansas arrived hero last week to visit his mother and sister Mrs Houge and family who are living near Emerick The grand Fourth passed along nicely in Battle Creek Besides all the enter tainments we had only just ono tight nnd it is not settled yet Mrs Wm Young nnd little grandson Walter returned Sunday from a three weeks visit with her daughter Mrs Reed at Council Bluffs Wm Lowes team ran away from Howard Millers lumber yard Monday and were tangled up on Peter NeuwerkH fence on Herman street Conrad Warner sr bought B0 acres of pasture land from tho B it M R R Co two miles northwest of this place ff0 was the consideration Mr Kurch of Deadwood S D nr rived hero Tuesday for a visit with his aged parents Mr and Mrs Henry Burch who aro on the sick list JThe German school picnic wns a suc cess from beginning to end Sunday In the forenoon Rev J Hofmnn explained to young and old how parents should bo toward children and the opposite In the afteincon nil kinds of innocent games singing etc wero introduced Prof M G Doering leading f Rev A 7 Kdiuondson of the Baptist church announces tho following pro gram for next Sunday Sunday school nt 10 nul prenching nt 1 1 oclock a in Subject The Law and Gospel Preach ing nt 6 p m Subject Heavenly Rec ognition A cordial invitation is ex tended to nil to attend these Ecrvices Today Thursday in tho afternoon is the wedding of Mr John Schereger nnd Miss Laura Mnntey nt 2 oclock in the Lutheran church Rev J Hofmnn officiating After tho church ceremony nil the guests will go ont one mile north of town to spendtherest of tho day with the bridos pnrents Mr and Mrs Albert Mnntey All tho fun will b hold in n big tent in the German ritunl style For Sale KOOOO acres in North Da kota For sale on crop payment plan G R Seiler Sturgeon iH tho pinuo innn CITY STYLES AT LESS THAN CITY PRICES We will sell nil our Hats Trimmed and Street Hats at GREATLY RtDUCED PRICES J E DllfytAND UNDER CANVAS Cor 3d and Pliilip Ave Tuesday July 1 P Night Performance Only I w BEACH I BOWERS CONSOLIDATED instrelS With the Best Company They Fver Owned 60- ALL WHITE PEOPLE -60 Everything New Since Our Last Visit New Acts New Faces New Ideas If you want to see a real minstrel show come and see us Watch for the Bie Parade at 1130 Prices Children 2Cc Adults 35c We Want to Remind You i 11 once more thai we arc fully equipped for nil kinds of Tinware and Nepairinn If you need any spoutinu guttering roofing or any work requiring a tinner we can do it and do it right CEMQORE Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALIj OH DICKS nro filled promptly unil witu euro Our goods aro KIKST OIjASK in ovory purlieu lur i We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- I crs We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South sldo Main St between d and ild Tolenhono II BABIES WHEATLING FOR CRY AND HREAI MADE PROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS C W BRAASCH DEALER IN III IS gkrajen Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rod Spring Joal the best in tho market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE ttl H A MJIKAHT Iiikhident CIIAB B HlIIlKiK Vice Pukhident W II JOIINHON JABMlKn IA 0 lAKKWALK Ahhi Cahiiieb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Hoy mill Mill oxrlimiKi on Hijh country ami nllimrlH of Ktiroim Farm Lonrm Director Caiu Ahmiih W II Ioiinhon Ciiah S Humkji O V IIuaahcii O M Hwank A LilKAiiT T K MiMNlNiin L Hkhhionh ART McCOY 11 Al I II IS Floor Feed M I toy Flower Garden and Grass Seeds Call telephono 121 and ask tho oil wagon to stop ART McCOY REYNOLDS STEWARTS MACHINE SHOP is now open and ready for businehB LATHE AND ILAINKH work and all kiudB of Repairing done It V RoynoldH lias had 22 years ex perience and was foreman of tho larg est shop in Omaha for over 7 years Give us a trial and Ikj convinced of our good work All work guaranteed Opp Water Worki NORFOLK DR IN J HOAGLAND Osteopathic Physician Olllre Room I and a lllsliop lllock Iitcate Ixitli acuto anil chronic trntnl u ltliout tho uk of drKf or Inife I will ho nttittcd in my olllco by my wife Stella Ilonclaml All calU iroinitIy ant wcrci at our riMilt nco or at my olllce Office Hours goo to i2oo a m i3o to 430 p m C E DOUGHTY Plumbing and Steam fitting Fir6t class Work and Reasonable Prices Shop in the old Laundry Building on South Fourth St MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Baths Timi iiosi No 17 Room 011 North Ninth Street James Richards M D ZnS jajWr OCULIST b And Expert rJSv tlonlst Kxmiilmitliiii of tho eves fuii to iallimtn ami patrone OMnj J lot l nrmiiii SI Onmlin opjionti Piixtoii Hotul LOVERS nc cine 1 AiiunDv - I will get fine results if they send I uiuir outlines 10 mo NORFOLK Steam Laundry Special attention given to the Laundering of Shirtwaists njr wiuiuiug Hujiciieu mono oj and our wagou will call DAN CRAVEN MMWIMMIMWMWUIIIVIMIMW CRSEILER Sale and- Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold 01 Commission Brute Avenue i ud Third St PHONE 44 k 11 i u J IM t 1 n 1 J m v il 1 il M tA r