The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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I -
Weather Bureau Sees No Sign
of Abatement
Hew Yorks Total Death Roll It 225
Ralna In Some Portion Make Life
More Bearable Philadelphia Patsea
Previous Record
Washington July 3 IlcportB re
ceived at the weather bureau in thin
city from the entire Area affected by
the -Intense hent show n continuation
of very high temperature savo In a
few favored locnllttcn where modor
ate weather resulted In eonseuuencn
f thunder storms or other ntmoB
ptwrlo condition No relief in In
sight Tho rnlnfnll reports ehow
that tticr has been precipitation
tbrevgfcout the areas varying from
hrtun than a hundredth of an Inch to
mm than na Inrli Tho thunder
Hteroui which have come hava been
bnt Ib known on dry stormn no
the very little rnln has accompanied
The Indications for the next 24
feuro for n large portion of the heated
swa point to cloudy weather with
tihwr which however be cattse of
tbetr local character will bring only
Itarttal relief from the heat Numer
ous prostrations and deaths are report
ed from the heat and In mnuy places
tenhuttrlal plant h were forced ts bus
pend operation
PrHsfears Mill Psrced ts Cisco
FittBbuTji July 3 tflfty one deaths
from beat were reported In Pittsburg
Allegheny und suburbs yeBterday
with many prostrations The only
eut of town death woe Charles II
Ilendrle of LoutsvlUe He woe n
prominent Elk In one will at the
Homestead plnnt 52 men were pros
trated and many wills had to close
dews The workmen were an busy
carrying out and caring for their com
rades who were prostrated ae they
vrero In performing their legitimate
labors Innumerable children through
ent the city arc heat victims and the
raertuary among them Is unprecedent
ed So many horses have succumbed
to tho heat that deliveries of all kinds
are badly crippled Particularly Ib
this tho cnec with the deliveries of ice
and for a time almost an ice famlno
woe threatened
Philadelphia1 Heat Record
Philadelphia July 3 Philadelphia
passed through another period of tor
ture yesterday and 52 persons lio
Acad as a result of the days excessive
beat More than 300 were prostrated
The government thermometer at 3 p
m touched 102 S 10 degrees which
now etnmlB as the Quaker Citys rec
ord Just as the temperature at
tained theso top figures an electrical
disturbance to the south caused a
welcome change In tho temperature
New York Total 225
New York July 3 The terrible fa
tality of the hent yesterday was
nhown by tho largo percentage of
deaths among thoso prostrated Out
of 328 cases of prostration reported
225 resulted fatally Among the
more prominent victims were tho Rev
Dr Newland Mnynnrd the Episcopal
clergyman and lecturer nud Jacob
Rogers the former locomotive builder
Roof of the Penitentiary Torn Off and
Much Damage Done
New York July 3 A tornado struck
the shores of tho Hudson river near
OBBlng last night and cut a path two
miles long nnd several hundred feet
wide All along its course trees were
uprooted buildings unroofed nnd win
dows blown in The tornado covered
practically the entire village and the
Sing Sing prison was In the very cen
ter of the storms path There wub
great excitement and considerable
A roof on the witter Bide of the
prison wdb blown off The prisoners
bad JuBt been locked in their cells
for the night when the blast hit the
place They set up an awful howling
and screaming Their terror was in
tensified when a moment afterward
the windows were blown In there was
a ripping and roaring sound by the
wind tearing off the roof of the admin
istration building The roof of a
shop was also torn away Through
the village trees were torn up by the
roots Some of these were large
svod cose of these were hurled Into
nsnseg crushing In the Bides and car
rying away porches and eaves
Cyclone In Mew England
Boston July 3 A storm that was a
pretty good Imitation of a western
cyclone dropped to the earth in south
eastern New England about 6 oclock
last nlgbt threatening but scarcely
touching placeB north of Boston yet
shaking some parts of this city and
towns along the shore to Narragan
sett hay The storm here lasted
scarcely ten minutes The force of
the wind in South Boston Hoxbury
and Dorchester district was terrific
tout while casualties were numerous
George Herder 75 years old a watch
nan killed by the collapse of an unfin
ished house was the only fatality
Tornado Strikes Kentucky
Middleboro Ky July 3 A violent
storm resembling a tornado wrought
havoc across Cumberland Gap In Pow
ells valley A half dozen small farm
houses were demolished together with
a large number of barns There was
some loss of life but particulars have
not yet bees obtained Perry Smith
was killed by lightning Crops were
seriously damassd
Raoe for Six Hour In Abaence of
Water Supply Loaa 00000
Huntington W Vn July 3 A fire
raged yesterday In tho heart of this
city from 11 a m until 6 p m result
ing In a lose of 200000 Tho flames
started In tho Adelphl hotel one of
tho leading hontolrles In the stato
from an electric wlro on the fifth floor
and had gained great headway before
being discovered Tho hotel was
crowded with guests mnny of whom
were women Of theso a number
fainted when tho alarm of fire rang
out through the halls and It was with
great difficulty that they were re
moved from the building Mnny at
tempted to leap from the windows
hut wore prevented from doing bo
There was not a gallon of water In
the city reservoir when the fire broko
out and all the Arc engines In the city
were out of repair Hnpldly tho flames
nprend nnd soon half a dozen resi
dences wcro aflame Alt is a total
Ions together with a livery stable and
a numter of private offices fruit
stores barber shops and dsrvns of
smaller Structures The Are engine
that were sent here from surround
lag towns soon broke down nnd the
flames spread rapidly and unhindered
Prostrations among the firemen were
numerous hut nono will result fatally
C W Yost of Cntlettsburg wns struck
by a falling wall and his skull Is frac
tured He In In a serious condition
There is still no water to be had in
the elty and much alarm in fait for
fear another fire will break out
Tw Dead and Several Injured Amstig
Them Australian Billy Ryan
Butte Moe July 3 Two dead two
esvorvly If not fatally Injured and a
score more or lose hurt Ib the result
of a lire which broke out at the Pull
man lodging house 114 West Mercury
street at 2 a w The dead
HAM MIX waiter Mlwonln Mt
OII8 ncno carpuntOT itatte
Severely Injured
Auotratlnn Billy Syna pugllW jamped
fret thlrd rtery window KurhxnJy Injured
In bmd ami low
Ml Crystal proprietor of lodging bown
buruori u limit body
A number of men were experiment
ing with a gasoline lamp In a saloon
on tho lower floor of the lodslng house
when tho lamp exploded scattering
flames In all directions Tho building
was wood and before the fire depart
ment arrived the flames had eaten
through the lower floor and were
spreading to the upper stories
The lodging house contained about
100 guests none of whom was able
to save anything except what they
wore Most of them escaped by
jumping from the second and third
Btory windows nnd it Is miraculous
that more were not killed A num
ber were carried out unconscious by
the firemen but bo far as known all
will recovery
Mlnneseta and the Dakota Will Har
vest 200000000 Bushels of Wheat
Chicago June 28 After making a
enreful canvass of the northwest ter
ritory and preparing conservative es
timates upon the conditions found
throughout the grain belt traffic offi
cials of the St Paul tho Northwestern
tho Northern Pacific tho Great North
ern and the Burlington systems are
agreed that the wheat crop of this re
gion for 1101 will break all previous
records According to the estimates
of these officials It Is claimed that
tho two Dakotus nnd Minnesota alone
will harvest between 185000000 and
200000000 bushels of wheat as
against 100000000 last year Tho
greatest previous yield of wheat in
tho three states named was in 1898
when 175000000 bushels were har
The Record Herald In nn explana
tion of this years enormous crop
says Tho crop cannot be termed
a bumper crop as the enormous In
crease Ib duo largely to the fact that
various railroad companies have with
in the last two yearB made extreme
efforts toward colonization of the
northwest territory and aa a result
extensive additions have been made to
the total of cultivated lands and grain
Three Killed Instantly and the Other
Fatally Hurt
Waterloo la July 3 The Burling
ton Cedar Rapids and Northern
northbound passenger train struck
Ollle Huffman Joe Gollinvaux O C
Thorsen nnd Joe Hurley one mile
south of Watesioo at 715 last even
ing killing the first three outright
and fatally injuring Hurley The
men were plasterers and wers return
ing from work
Sheriff Fence Dress Dead
Marehalltown la June 28 Former
Sheriff J B Peace dropped dead in
his home hare yesterday of heart fail
ure He was one of the best known
men In this section of the stats and
was a prominent politician
Miss Flfleld Bask Hme
Janesvllle Wis June 28 Miss
Helen Flfleld who disappeared a
week ago arrived from Buffalo last
night and was restored to her parents
She refuses to be interviewed
Angus Hodgson and Frank Beatty
members of a camping party were
drowned at Grims bridge near East
Wins Varsity Eight and Four
in Intercollegiate Races
Columbia Crew Takes Second Honors
Four Leaders All Beat Old Record
In the Bio Event Pennsylvania
Wins Freshmen Race
roughkecpsle N Y July 3 Tho
Intercolleglnte boat races over tho
Hudson river course were decided yes
terday as follows
VurBlty eight Cornell first time
3863 1 0 Columbia second time
1868 Wliconslu third time 1006
4 5 Georgetown fourth time 1031
Tho best previous record for Varsity
right was 1944 3 5 No time was
taken for Syracuse and Pennsylvania
who were many lengths behksd
In the Varsity four Cornell was
first time 1139 3 5 Pennsylvania1
second time 1145 2 5 Columbia
third time 1151 3 5 I
In the freshmen race Pennsylvania
was first time 1021 2 5 Cornell sec l
ond time 1021 Columbia third1
time 1036 2 5 Syracuse fourth
time 1044
Not only was a new record for Var
sity elghtB made but it is more re
markable that the four leading crcwB
In the race each broke the old record
by many seconds
The varsity rocs was the most eli
citing of the day nlthough the other
two with much uncertainty over the
winner caused a flurry The fact that
Pennsylvania bad been picked as a
sure winner of the four oared event
but that Cornell beat her out easily
whetted the appetite of the thousands
upon the shore and observation train
for the other contests The phenom
ena feature ot the races is that had
not the Cornell freshmen boat broken
in the last hnlf mile Cornell would
have three victories to her credit
President Will Soon laaue Statement
Opening Indian Reservation
Washington July 3 Secretary
Hitchcock informed the cabinet yes
terday that the proclamation for the
opening of the Kiowa Comanche and
Apache Indian reservations in Okla I
noma was completed The secretary
will go over it with the president and i
it will be Issued tomorrow It will
fix the day of opening and will pre
Ecrlbe the methods and rules to bo
observed by prospective homestead
Big Deal In Land
Des Moines Jnly 3 William Larra
bee Jr and Victor Dolllver were In
the city yesterday with capitalists
from northern Iowa and closed the
big land deal by which ex Governor
I arrnbee disposes of a tract of land in
Grant township Kossuth county con
taining 7200 acres The land was
purchased by the ex governor many
years ago for a small sum The con
sideration was 250000 The pur
chasers were Jasper Thompson and E
H Rich nnd their brothers all of For
est City
Bank President Sued for 100000
Sioux City July 3 A suit for 100
000 has been Instituted against T J
Stone president of the old First Na
tional bank involving the legality of
hiB management of the affairs of that
Institution which was forced to the
wall In 189C It Is charged that T J
Stone as president and director of tho
First National bank diverted misap
propriated and converted to his own
use funds of the bank to the amount
of 100000 It is alleged that the
loans were made in violation of the
federal laws
License for Osteopaths
Lincoln Neb July 3 At the meet
ing of the state board of health yes
terday 17 osteopath physicians were
licensed to practice under the new
law One application was rejected
The applicants who were successful
were all admitted on diploma Twenty
physicians belonging to other schools
were also admitted This makes the
number of licensed physicians prac
ticing in me state 1700
Little Change In Strike Situation
Pittsburg July 3 There Is little
change in tho strike situation of ths
sheet and hoop mills of the United
Btates Steel corporation The o
cials of the Amalgamated association
continue to express themselves as con
fident of a successful outcome of the
strike and that the nonunion mills of
both the sheet steel and steel hoop
combine will become unionized during
ths summer
Arizona Town Burns
Williams A T July 3 A fire
Which started la Flemings general
merchandise store completely wiped
out the main portion of the town two
entire blocks and a portion of another
A conservative estimate of the loss Is
1000000 The Insurance covers
only a Bmall portion of the loss
Reading Strike Is Ended
Reading Pa July 3 The Reading
railway striking shop hands yesterday
Liverpool Friday their boat capsizing I ratified the agreement between Chair
Jack OBrien of New York was given man Boscher and President Baer and
the decision over Buddy King of Den 1 It was decided to return to work Frl
ver at the end of a ten round go be- day morning Over 1200 men were
lore me uoioraoo Atmetic association present at the meeting
The whaler Balena of San Francisco
lies on St Lawrence island in Bering
sea a total wreck Captain P F
Cotte and 60 men In the crew bad an
almost miraculous escape from death
Through the small boats all escaped
to shore
President Gompers Recovering
Washington July 3 President
Gompers of the Federation of Labor
who Buffered concussion of the brain
as a result of a fall from a street car
last week Ib progressing rapidly to
wards recovery
Fishermen Seek Shelter Under a Tree
and Find Death
BL Louln July 3 A bolt of light
ning Instantly killed three men fa
tally Injured a boy and seriously in
jured a man nnd a boy members of
a St Louis fishing party who had
sought rcfugo from the fierce storm
of yesterday beneath the shelter of a
massive sycamore tree on tho bank ot
Dead creek at Cahokla Ilia
The dead William Inghnusor 32
years old John J Dcgraff 18 Louis
Stern 26
The injured Bcnnlo Egglln 13
years old fatally Joseph Egglln 24 I
Albert Leldlngcr 14 I
The fishing party had had excellent
luck and big strings of fish were hur
riedly tied to saplings on the bank
of the creek while tho flBhermcn
nought refuge from tho storm The
point at which the men were fishing
Is some ill stance from the village of
Cnhokla and instend of seeking a farm
house the men and
nround a tall sycamore tree a hun
dred feet from where they hd been
fishing Suddenly the three were
enwrapped with a brilliant phosphor
escent light The reverberation which
followed wsb heard for miles When
the citizens of Cahokla discovered the
party they found three of them dead
and had much difficulty In resuscita
ting the others None of the bodies
were badly marked the lightning
showing its effect principally In the
feet of each member of the party
The bolt was of the proverbial freak
ish sort The point of contact was
at the waist line of each Individual
traversing the limbs in each instance
and escaping Into the earth
phis by the Frisco
They declare that the Frisco has
not purchased the line of the Mem
phis system from Kansas City to
Springfield nor has it secured the
line of the Memphis from Fort Scott
Junction to Springfield These are
the only lines which parallel the
Frisco and which would be prohibited
by the lavs of Missouri The Frisco
gets the line of the Memphis from
Springfield to Memphis The commis
sioners have taken no action on the
statements submitted by the attor
Nebraska Farmer Pushes Cork In and
the Bottle Explodes
Elk Creek Neb July 3 Otto Muel
ler a farmer 23 years of age near
this place was trying to open a bot
tle of beer yesterday and being unable
to pull the cork out he pushed it in
It caused the bottle to explode driv
ing a three cornered piece of glass
into one of his limbs and cutting an
artery He bled to death In 30 minutes
George Davenport Killed
Saginaw Mich July 3 Hon
George Davenport a former state sen
ator and one of the most prominent
men in this section of the state was
killed by lightning at his summer
Mining Town Wiped Out
Phoenix A T July 3 The mining
town of Globe 100 miles east of
Phoenix has been almost totally de
stroyed by fire The loss is very
Ftre at Chester Point Ark Thurs
day destroyed more than 20 houses
The loss will exceed 100000 with in
surance light
Thomas G Barker convicted in the
Hudson county court at Jersey City of
Invade Churches Break Win
dows and Destroy Images
Resort to 8uch Violence That Women
Worshipers are Frightened and
Many Arrests Become Necessary
Priests Flee From Their Churches
Mexico City July 3 Tho public ond crop of alfalfa will not equal tbs
mind Ib much excited and the clergy
are filled with indlgnntlon over tho
result of tho students anti clerical
demonstration yesterday The stu
dents to tho number ot 300 held a pub
lic meeting near tho statue of Colum
bus Stirring speeches were made
showing the intense foeling of the
and MemphlB railroads to appear here Ior er casa wno is accusea oi
and answer interrogatories concern- Bany misdeeds The women present
ing rumors of a proposed consolidation vere terrified and the police made
of their lines in violation of the laws wveral arrests but many of the
of Missouri General Attorney L F onars were afterward released
Parker of the Frisco and General
Attorney O P Dana of the Memphis LEMARS BANKER ARRESTED
appeared before the board and sub- Z
imoi on T P Ward Vic President of National
nk Caught at
Jersey City
In the nrnnnPi nrh nf he Mom
t New York July 3 T F Ward
vice president of the National Le
mars bank of Lemars la was ar
rested in Jersey City yesterday on a
warrant Issued by T G Henderson
United States commissioner for the
western dlRtrlor nf Trrwa Ward
Deputy SharlffB Kill Five Negroes
Friars Point Miss July 3 A report
received from thf nnnthem nt t nt
tnnTirn Tn T l IT w - f
Wheat Harvest Over In Eastern Partr
With Yield of Fine Quality
Topeka Kan July 3 Bulletins
compiled by tho United States
weather bureau show tho wheat har
vest to be over In the eastern division
of Kansas with a yield of fins quality
Hot winds have ripened wheat too fast
in tho western division
Corn needs rain in five counties of
the north tier nnd there nro a few
chinch bugs in Riley county Wheat
BhowB a good yield 1n the middle di
vision of countlcB In Lane and
Norton the corn Is drying The see-
first Range grass Ib turning browm
In Ness and Thomas counties
Horsss and Cews Die with Symfrtsms
Hard for VsUrlnarlana to Explain
Dewltt Neb July 3 A peculiar
rilcMie which the veterinary surgeoas
boys gathered youa men nBd denouncing the recent find liacxit to understand and which
Attornays for Frisco and Memphis
Appear Before Csmmissloners
Jefferson City Mo July 3 In ac
cordance with aa order sent out last
week by the board of railway and
warehouse commissioners to the presi
dents of the St Louts and Rm Fran
immoralities or tne lew priests wno ri in numlvcr of coatm
It was claimed have been shielded Jb attacking horses and qattls in this
and not puniahed The atuffcntB ac- vicinity Tje animals attaekad an-
companled by a great number of pee
pie from the lower classes marched
up San Francisco street and on the
way the police arrested three men for
insulting women while going to mass
By this time the crowd numbered ful
ly 3000 people nnd made Its way to
ward the church of Santo Domingo
where the Dominican fathers officiate
Part of the crowd entered during mass
when the church was filled with wor
shipers mostly ladles Shouts were
reined of Death to the priests
Down with the clergy and the
priests raft the altar and Bought refuge
in the sacristy with many of the wor
The disturbance went no further
Another part of the crowd entered
the Church of Santa Carija arriving
during 12 oclock mass Windows
were broken and images burled down
The priests were dispersed and the
students made speeches denouncing
cisco and the Kansas City Fort Scott th cler8y
There were heard shouts
pear In almost tbelr usual health up
to within 20 or 30 minutes of their
death when symptoms appear and
soon after the animals fall to ths
ground where they die in a short tisse
after hard struggles Examinations
have so far failed to discover any
cause for the trouble
Ghres Ne Indication of Purses Re
garding Successor to Senator Kyle
Pierre 8 D July 3 Governor Her
raid on being questioned as to the
senatorial situation refused positively
to give out any statement as to his
possible action and nothing will be
done for several days In regard
to the death of Senator Kyle the gov
ernor feels that the state has lost
a good official and excellent citisea
and orders were issued yesterday for
all Btate institutions to float flags at
half mast tomorrow while all cltlsens
of the state are requested by the gov
ernor thus to show their respect to
the dead seuator
charged with altering a draft for 3- CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS
000 against the Lemars National bank I
to 3 and applying the difference to
his own use The prisoner was ar
raigned before United States Commis
sioner Alexander He waived exam
ination and consented to return to
Iowa He was remanded to Ludlow
Btreet jail to await the arrival of of
ficers from Iowa
Struck by Bolt From Clear Sky
Louisville July 3 A bolt of light
ning from a clear sky that struck SO
inmates of the Central Kentucky asy
lum for the Insane at Lakeland 11
miles from Louisville yesterday after
noon killed James Howard aged 34
of Stevensport and knocked uncon
scious Nat Mercer an attendant and
three other patients Great excite
ment followed among the insane per
sons who had been taken into the yard
for air but rain came and drove them
back to their quarters
Talk of Congressman Martin
Deadwood S D July 3 There Ib
talk of Congressman Martin to fill the
place made vacant by the death of
Senator Kyle Mr Martin goes east
this week to speak before the Epworth
league convention at Canton and will
confer with the leading Republicans
Dubuque Daily Telegraph Scorched
Dubuque July 3 The Daily Tele
graph office was partially burned last
night Loss 25000 insured
Record of tho Days Trading and Clos
ing Quotations
Chlcaflo July 2 Dltuppolntlng cables
and excellent crop pros ppcts were the
weakening fnctor In the wheat nurkt t
dny but ndvlceH from KrHtice reporting
dnmncc to crops there entirely overtime
thu effects of tliepe henr Influences and
September closed ytnc higher September
corn clsoed fit 4c bluher nnd oats c
higher Irovlblons closed weak nnd Be to
22V4c lower the latter Iofb being on Sep
teniber pnrk CloelnK prices
Wheat July C4VjMc Sept C03CGc
Corn July 4Vic Sept 47
Onts July 27c Sept 279i7T27Tc
Pork July 1432 Sept 1452 f
Itlbi July 7t7 i Sept 807
Lard July Srr Sept 800
Cash quotntlons No 2 red wheat C5c
No 3 red wheat 04c No 3 spring whet
ClfI03 No 2 hard wheat Cic No 3 hard
wheat 04c No 2 cash corn 44ip44c
No 3 new yellow corn 43f44c No 2 cash
oats 285J29c No 3 cash oats 28c
Chicago Live Stock
Chicago July 8500
Including POO TcjtanB native and Tcias
steers weak butchers stock steady to
slow good to prime steers fi20G25 poor
to medium 410ffifilfl ttocker nnd feed
ers weak 2ri0rft4CO cows 2C0S40B
heifers 2OVSfi0O ennners 20052tlO
B Shattuck of Anoka Minn on an vnii
1 join with her Beth She wont keep
tompauy with me at all now
Young Beth Wbeatly Well it werent
lst adzactly right Obed Ill admit But
you see it were this way While yer list
as good a lookin feller aa I am you know
I Cyuthys a gal whats got a all fired
I good eddlcation an shes gosh darned
patickler tbut she gits a feller what UBea
good grammar Thats my strong pint
Ubed an nateuurly she tuck to me In
dianapolis Sun
Craft Borrows
McJiggei Borrowe in crafty He paid
back to Hoodew 1 of the 14 he owes
Thingumbob Its unusual for Borrowe
to pay anything back
McJigger True but Hoodew ia so
Borrowe knows hell never ask
LJsBssMrssssstfaPress j
Omaha passenger train had his pocket
picled of 4500 in drafts A gang of Neech Appointed Receiver
pickpockets has been traveling over Kansas City July 3 Judge Hook of
the Omaha road from Omaha to St the United States circuit court at
Paul for two or three weeks I Leavenworth Kan yesterday
George W Cane a ranchman had a pointed Robert Nesch receiver of the
disagreement with Joe fheetz another Pittsburg and St Louis Zinc and Lead
ranchman at Cleveland Mon and company The suit for the creation
opened fire with a six shooter Sheets ct the receivership was filed at Fort
returned the fire with both barrels of ScoU Kan and will be tried at that
a shotgun literally blowing bis assail- The proceeding is brought by
ant to pieces attorneys for Allen W Evarts of New
Filled the Mil
Yonng Obed Perkins It wasnt right
fer you to go to st e Cynthy while I was
sUsshstl Seorss Yesterday
National League Pittsburg 6 Phil
adelphia 3 Boston 1 Cincinnati 10
St Louis 4 Brooklyn 2 New York
0 Chicago 3 American League
Washington 10 Philadelphia Bolt
more R Boston 10 Milwaukee 4
Cleveland 6 Chicago 3 Detroit 2
Hundred Indians Arrive
Deadwood S D July 3 One bun
dred Indians arrived from Pine Ridge
I agency to take part in the exercises
today of the quadro centennlal There
will be sham battles war dances and
I Indian pony races The last exhibit
has been placed at the mineral palace
Funeral of 8enator Kyle
Aberdeen S D July 3 The fu
neral of Senator Kyle will be held to
morrow afternoon at 3 oclock
home a short distance from the city
Coahoma cnlves4
county states that Deputy JXt -
fed steers
yesterday 1 cr t u ti t i S425ftG25 Texas
wo uuiDuu ufii grass sieets x41Q Texas bullB 260
roy and Frank Mullen were fired upon 350 Iiogs Iteceipts today 18000 to
by negroes upon entering an alleged morrnw m estimated left over BOOO
blind tiger The fire was returned
and many shots were exchanged It
is stated that four negroes were killed
outright and that a fifth has since died
slow top 020 mixed nnd butchers 580
rmiii goon to rnoice heavy finffH5 0
much henvv 5FOfifM Hht rXa610
bulk of sales 5953J07
13000 sheep good native sheep
Cifintlti nrnolniiB l a
as a result of the officers deadly aim teeny to strong- others choice steady
The white men escaped uninjured
Jumps From Train and Is Killed
Pine Bluff Ark July 3 Sheriff
White of Waynesboro Tenn passed
through Pine Bluff today with the re
mains of William Nard who was
wanted at Waynesboro for murder in
the first degree He had been cap-
good to choice wethers 3fiOCf410 fair to
choice mixed 3O07375 western sheep
321ft400 yearlings 37rft41B sntlve
lambR 3236310 western Jamba 400
Kansas City Live Stock
Kansas City Jnlr
ft000 natives 1300 Texsns 400 raWes
choice beef steers steady other rttl
steady to shade lower choice draaaed
uuv U4 vC uuuu tured n Wac0 8mi near stamps Ark I ifrter fair to good 485
ler of Arlington was sentenced to five Wi 20
I BBI feeders 3ootT6
jumiei from the train while tt was
years imprisonment in ine pennen golng 40 mIles V western fed steers 4BOft550 TeiaTsad
tlarv an bour HU hfiJld JnmB MtlMWi25 TxnB rnM itf
struck the rail and he was instantly M00 cows 2Rrff425 helfera t3co
W4w cnniiers H7WT276 bulls a05
cnives fjmxtw70 Hogs Rocelpta
21000 MllOc lower top SflOO bulk of
eales 57rJTfWS heavy 5WfteOO nixed
i PVXEc Bia ft i5 705
urri nrinHH nMiu IHII
steady to 10c lower lambs 10gir lowar
lambs S42rU0 wethers S2SfiS
yearlings S37fie440 ewes S30037
rulls t200tg300 Texaa grata aheap ftX
South Omaha Live Stock
tk mka Jy
3800 active steady natWe beef stetrs
4re5TJi western steera 400B4aO
caaners lln04U25 Hookers aid
Jlat4fi0 Texas steera 3MXHM rew
and helfera 1254440 calvee fs1O076
halls stars etc 2M42
11000 MTJOr lower heavy fftMSj
SSO mixed 82Krtifi80 llht W7oSa
slga M0 7i kak of sBlettXZga
ers 34e375 ewes 1 004r3n0 cosmos
and stock ehaep 300g340 lavas fti00
St Jossph Live Stock
artlre steady to strong natives
608 cowa and heifers tlGOfiiCO bulla
era 2T6440 veals 826QSM Boge
Beeelpta 8630 6s0c lower light and
light mlied 676B5 madlam and heavy
360afr2 bolk 580505
Sioux City Live Stock
Sioux City July
BOO head weak to 10c lower beevea S4SO
CtfCO cows asd bulla mixed t2S3as29r
atockera and faedrra 36042oi calves and
ilfJ Hoga BecsljptiL