The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 05, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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OarlT Soely was
In from Madison
P Z Poll wni In tho olty today from
Judge and Mrs Powor wont to
Omaha today
O It Sollor has gone to Hot Springs
S D on business
Nopaporwlll bo lfwaoJ from Tiik
Nkws oilloo tomorrow
Miok Harding is eipooted lioro from
Omaha to spend tho Fourth
Dr K A MittolsUdt wont to Omaha
todny and will roturn Friday
0 H Vail and II H Patterson wont
to Sioux City yesterday ou business
D P Chambers of Stanton wan a
buslnww visitor in Norfolk yostorday
Mr and Mrs Honry Hollyflolrt havo
welcomed a now daughtor to tholr
Mm S P Dunn and Mm Davis
wont to Omaha today to upend tho
Mm Guy Cooloy and MIm Mabel
Cooloy went to Scribnor tcxlay fer tho
Everybody will havo a hot time to
morrow unless tho woatuer changes
pretty nmoh
Mrs O It Ellor MIhs Mamie Matron
aud Miss Knto Stafford went to Omaha
this morning
Mm Morris Mayer and ohildrett wont
to Omaha Mills morning to visit hor
parent for a mouth
Mr and Mrs V Hralnard will go to
Oakdalo this ovoulng to spoud tho
Fourth with friouds
Miss Opal Madson wont to Columbus
this morning to Ylsit Mian Plorouoo
Oramor ovor tho Fourth
Mrs J 0 Aid wont to hor old homo
in Iown yeatorday to spend tho Fourth
and visit for a fow wookH
MIsb Kruger Mr and Mrs H J
Baokos MIbs May Blllorbeok aud Clins
HorboB of Lindsay wero in tho oity to
Dr F P Teal returned from a busl
ncss trip to Lincoln Monday ovouiug
and Steward Walkor roturnod lost
A new Btouo orosslng is being put in
across Mnlu stroot botwoon tho Mast
block and the Durland Trmrt oouipany
Rov L W Souddor arrived from
Shelton yosterday to talto up tho pastor
ate of tho Presbyterian church horo and
at Winslde
Misses Helen and Ella Glhwman ro
turned this morning from Lyons whore
they havo beoli visiting their aunt
Mrs Paul Karo
Tho Western Union Tolograph oflloo
has boon reshiuglod aud tho Dudley
llvory bum is taking a doso of tho samo
sort of Improvement
Deputy P P Millor of tho A O U
W wont to West Point yostorday to
assUt at tho installation ooromouios of
tho WestPoiut lodgo His sou Louis
accompanied him
Tho Norfolk peace oftloors havo at lost
suoooeded in ridding tho town of tho
feinalo tramp who has oausod thorn so
muoh worry during tho past wook or
two Her fare was paid out of town
The Norfolk shoe company nas n
window display that attracts attoution
at loast that of the small boy It is a
rnonetor fire cracker six feet in longth
and about a foot aud a half in diameter
with a half rope to roprosont tho
Pierce Call Mr and Mrs Bort Am
arine roturnod Wednesday from Colum
bus where Bort has been at work for
several weeks post Ho bogau work at
once for Ohas McDonald who has tho
contract for puttiug up tho Upton aud
Idbolder buildings and also tho founda
tion for tho now ohurokos
Battle Creek Enterprise The shirt
waist man will be very muoh in evidence
in Battle Creek on tho Fourth Tho
baud boys will be attired in noat striped
waists and a number of others havo
signified their intentions of following
suit and discarding the boiled shirt
for more comfortable apparel
Oakland Independent Wm Selling
overseer for the Hygeia Creamery Co
of Omaha with headquarters in this
city returned Saturday from a business
trip to Norfolk He reports tho oroaui
ery business improved over last yoars
Most of the cream is now gathered by
farmers with separators of their own
instead of by stations as was tho rule
Exceedingly Low Kato Ksoursioas to th
Black HI1U
Dates sale July 1st io 9th inolusive
Rates To Hot Springs from Sioux
Oity and Missouri Valley Iowa and
Omaha Nebr 15 for round trip
From Lincoln and Superior Neb M
for the round trip Porpartlouate rates
from intermediate points east of Loug
Minium round trip rata 10
To Dead wood and Lead S D 4 CO
higher than to Hot Springs
Transit limit Going trip fifteen
days return trip continuous paaaage
Final limit October 3 1 st
Stop over Stop over will bo allowed
at any point on the F E fc M V R R
west of Stanton Neb within the going
transit limit of fifteen days from dato of
Dont miss this opportunity to visit
tho wonderful Black Hills
Proportionate rates bnaori on tho above
will bo ou Aiilo at stations oast of tho
Missouri rivor
AHk your nearest agont for full Infor
mation and ho suro your tickets road via
the Northwostorn lino
A Match Trlfik
A feat which any ono can perform
with little or no prncttcn Is Hint of
placing M nintchcs upon a table nnd
lifting hem nil up upon ono of tho
matches This In how It Is done Pick
out one match tho ono thnt ban tho
flattest Kiirfnco and then place six of
tho other matches nbout ono fourth
each across ho first one each of tho
six iHilng ptirnllil to ouch other nnd tho
thickness of a match dlHtant from each
other Next place hIx other matches
one fourth ouch iicrons tho 11th t match
hut from the other Hide alt parallel and
In the spaces loft by tho arrangement
of the first hIx mutches Now take tho
fourteenth mutch tny It ovor tho 12
matches where they Intersect and by
carefully lifting match No 1 nnd hold
ing match No M In place you will ac
complish without difficulty tho feat
Adelaide Herrmann In Womans Home
Hnslanda Itnr Ghnlra
Julian llnlph writing of The Choir
Boy of Ungland In Tho Ladles
Homo Journal Buys Small boys are
much proferrod for tho reason that
they develop Into manhood Inter than
big stalwart children for It Is nt the
coming of manhood that their voices
break nnd they arc obliged to stop
singing until their adult tones aro
reached a matter of years A boyish
trcblo la ns dellcato an tho bloom on
a peach and Its possessor must lend an
orderly nnd Innocent life which Is why
so many choirs aro mndo up of boys
taken from their homes and boarded
and taught In church Institutions
These sometimes uro ablo to sing un
til they aro 17 or 18 years of ago
though botween 14 nnd 15 Is tho usual
period whon their voices break
Gold Lined Gene
According to the United States con
sul at Chuug Klug China In tho de
partment culled Yung pol Chlh ll Ting
gold Is fouud In abundance by washing
In tho valley near tho city Tho In
habitants of the neighborhood keep
largo flocks of gooso to work tho gold
fields for them Whon tho geese uro
found to bo very heavy they aro killed
and their maws emptied of tho gold
contained therein A flock of geese Is
sometimes worth a good dcul of mon
ey but geeso dressed rendy for eatlug
aro very cheap Indeed from 15 to 20
conts each
Deserved Tribute
Chicagos chief of pollco says he
would rather havo a good well trained
nowspnper man for detcctlvo service
than the usual pollco otlicors who act
as detectives As a matter of fact the
newspaper reporter does more good do
toctlvo work every day In tho year
than tho nvorngo member of n city do
tectlvo force but tho public does not
B8 a rulo recognize tho obligation
Omaha Bee
Loon Cusbqu and Gordon Pound
woro drowned in tho Oomulgeo river
at Macon On Tuesday whllo bath
ing Pound was tho son of Joromo
B Pound proprietor of tho Chatta
nooga Nows Pound lost his life try
ing to save Cusson
Inii Auierlcau ICxponltlou Kxciirtlon
Exoursion tickets will bo sold by the
F E M V Northwostorn Hue ou
May 0 13 20 31 aud 28 with n return
limit of 7 days at 1055 via standard
and 2001 via differential linos
Evory day until September 50 with
return limit or io days at ftSisO via
standard and 3030 via differential
Every day from May 15 to September
10 good for return until October ill at
4775 via standard and 4535 via differ
ential Hues
Full particulars will be oheerf ully f nr
nlshed all inquirers
H O Matkau
The Favorite Linn
To the Epworth League couventiou Sau
Francisco Gal July 1901 will bo the
Union Pacific All competition dis
tanced The fast trains of tho Uuion
Pacific reach Sau Francisco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors If you are in
no harry take- a slow traiu by ouo of
tho detour routes but If you want to
get there without delay tako the historio
and only direct route tho Uulou Pacific
Pull information cheerfully furnished
upon application
P W Junkman Agent
Career ana Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Groat Britain ou the career
and oharaoter of Abraham Lincoln his
early lifo his early struggles with the
world his oharaoter as developed in
tho later years of his life and his ad
ministration whioh placed his name so
high on tho worlds roll of honor aud
fame has been published by tho Chicago
Milwaukee fc St Paul Railway and may
be had by Bonding six 0 cents In post
age to F A Miller Geueral Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Jell O Ilia New Dessert
pleases all the family Four flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
Tine Nbwb keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved style
When the plato is furnished Tra
Nkws will supply eugraved cards at 75
oents for 50 or 100 for 100
Photographs 1 oent each at tho
Penny gallery wost of Fair storo
The Variant War In Which It Mar
IVa Accomplished
Tho various ways In which a cold
may bo brought on aro thus describ
ed by Dr J U Kellogg A llttlo knlfo
blndo of air blowing In through a
crack In a window upon some part of
tho body will chill that part and tho
blood vessels of thnt region will bo
como contracted affecting somowhoro
In tho Interior of tho body nuarea In
reflex rotation with this portion of tho
aurfneo of tho body
For Instance the blood vessels of tho
klu of Uio top of tho shoulders and
tho chest aro associated with tho blood
vessels of tho lungs so thnt whatever
happens to tho blood vessels of tho
skin of tho shoulders nnd cheat hap
pens also to tho blood vessels of tho
lungs If thoro Is a contraction of tho
blood vessels of the back of tho neck
there will be a contraction of tho blood
vessels of tho nose and throat and If
thoro Is a contraction of tho blood ves
sels of tho top of tho shoulders and
tho shoulder blades thoro will also bo
a contraction of the blood vessels of
tho lungs When tho Influenco of the
cold Is continued tills contraction Is
followod by congestion
When ono puts his hands Into cold
water for a fow minutes they are first
pnlo and then rod This la reaction
Tho longer tho application and tho
mora Intonso tho dogrco of cold tho
greater will bo tho contraction and tho
congestion So If tho back of tho neck
Is exposed for a long time to tho Influ
enco of cold ono Is likely to have a
cold In the noso and throat If tho
shoulder blades and tho tops of tho
shoulders aro exposed ono Is likely to
tako cold In tho lungs nnd Buffer from
congestion of tho lungs If tho cold Is
long continued It may cause not only
a congestion but an Inflammation of
tho noso or tho lungs
So If tho bottoms of the feet becomo
wet or chilled a weakness of tho bind
dor may result If there has evor been a
trouble thero or a weakness of th
stomach If there has been a catarrh of
that organ Good Health
Badcldea And Oroaaroada
It has been suggested that suicides
wero burled at crossroads because It
was usual to erect a cross nt such
places Those who wero excluded from
holy rites woro burled thero as tho
placo next In sanctity to consecrated
ground It was an old superstition
that the devil danced nt crossroads
and that the erection of a cross thereat
would prevent such unseemly prac
tices From this or so mo other supor
Btltlon such ns tho fear that his ghost
might walk the earth arose the cus
tom of driving a stiiko through the sui
cides body
These plausible theories have galnod
many advocates but It Is more likely
that burial at crossroads was Intended
as u mark of Indignity Tho temples
or rather altars of the heathen Teu
tons wero mostly at tho Junction of
crossroads Tho placo of execution
was there and criminals were sacri
ficed to the gods hence suicides were
burled nt tho crossroads to give as
strong an Impression as posslblo of
heathen burial Probably too tho pub
licity of such a spot which Insured tho
fact that a great number of peoplo
would become directly awaro of the
degrading consequences of tho crime
had a good deal to do with Its selec
A curious fact In this connection Is
to be found in Platos Laws book Ix
chapter 12 Tho murderer of any of
his near kin after being put to death
was cast out of tho city naked In an
appointed place where three roads
meet and let all the magistrates In bo
half of the whole state carry each a
Btone and hurl It at the head of tho
dead body
Trapped the Trapper
In Sketches of Lifo In tho Golden
State Colonel Albert S Evans nar
rates the rush exploit of an over
sanguine bear hunter
A venturesome Yankee came to San
ta Barbara soma years ago nnd soon
became an udept at throwing the lasso
Hearing tho Mexican cowboys talk of
lassoing the grizzly bear be decided
to show them what he could do In that
line If he ever got a chunce
One day he came upon a grizzly In
a favorable locality Ho throw tho
lasso with skillful aim and reined back
his trembling horse to give tho bear
an nstoulsher when tho reata which
Is always attached to tho pommel of
tho saddle enmo up taut
Judge of the inaus astonishment
when that bear quietly assumed a sit
ting posture took hold of tho lasso
and began to draw It In baud ovor
hand I
Tho hapless descendant of tho pil
grim fathers stuck to tho borso and
saddle until ho saw tho slack all drawn
In aud the bear and tho horso coming
rapidly together Then in a panic
he descended and ran for a tree aban
doning the horso to its fate
Two skillful men operating from op
posite sides can master a bear and
choko him between them but with
only ono man ono horso and one bear
It Ut another story
Aaeleat Snadlala
It U probable that tho earliest sun
dial was simply tho spear of some no
mad chief stuck upright In the ground
before his tent Among those desert
wanderers keen to observe their sur
roundings it would not be a difficult
thing to notice that tho shadow short
ened as the sun rose higher in the sky
and that the shortened shadow always
pointed In the same direction north
The recognition would have followed
very soon that this noonday shadow
Changed in its length from day to day
a six foot spear would give a shadow
at noonday In latitude 40 degrees of 12
feet at one time of the year of less
than two feet at another
This Instrument so simple so easily
carried so easily set up may well hay
begun the scientific study of
my for It lent Itself to measurement
nnd science In measurement and prob
ably we seo It expressed In permanent
form In the obelisks of Egyptian solar
temples though thoso no doubt woro
rctnlncd merely as solar emblems nges
after their use as actual Instruments
of observation had ceased An upright
stick carefully plumbed standing on
some level surface may therefore well
make the first advanco upon tho natu
ral horizon A knob nt tho top of the
stick will be fouud to render tho shad
ow mora easily obsorvod D Walter
Maunder In Knowledge
Klffatr Bad LtmK
The colorod gontlemon who collects
paper scraps has a disabled right
Only tho thumb Is of much service
Asked how It hnppeuod he looked sod
and replied Dat nr wuz a plcco of
bud luck boss yes sab mighty bad
How was that
Ah loan like tuh tell but twin
nilKhty bad luck
Finally he consented to explain
Two folluhs Insulted me In a place
across the struct hoah an Ah stohted
In tuh frazzle dem out Do second
felluh Ah tackled wuz s tan In tween
me nn nn Iron pllluh dot suppohtod de
roof Jus as Ah wuz erbout tuh hand
him a smash on do noso dat nlggnh
stepped ono sldo an mail hand struck
do pllluh Instead Hit done broko cbry
one of mnh Singulis nn deyvo been
stiff cber since Yes sah dat wuz sub
tlnly bad luck
But what about tho first fellow
you went up against You didnt say
what became of him
Oh hit felluh Yah yah Boss
Ah kin show you dat nlggnh any time
E work Jus a block from hoah B
aint got no nose an only Ully piece one
Howd ho loso em
Ilowd e loso em Boss e didnt
loso em Dey wuz took from Mm au
Alls de man what done hit Ah done
bit em bofe off Yes Bah Ah bit em
off while wese rollln round on do flo
Detroit News
The Truthful Prince
In his book about Persia Tho Land
of the Lion and the Sun Dr Wills
says that he was once conversing with
the kings sou nnd a large circle of
courtiers and priests filled tho room
The prince narrated bis exploits In
hunting the antelope the previous day
aud gravely stated that while pursuing
a pair of aim when riding a very rest
Ive horse his headstall broke
What should you havo done doc
tor asked tho prince
I should have tried to stick on as
long as tho ground was good and ex
pecting an accident have awaited It
Ah that was because you were not
a prince he said I leaned forward
and unclasping my belt placed It In
tho horses mouth as a bridle and
thus directing him pursued my game
and killed both antelope
All the circle applauded as of course
they were bound to do Dr Wills was
You dont mean to say you dont
believe thnt said the prince Speak
out If you dont I shant bo offended
in the least
Well your highness I dont believe
Quite right darogh bood It was a
He unblushlngly replied his royal
highness and burst Into a fit of laugh
ter quite unabashed The circle of
courtiers of course were convulsed
Wri She Rla htT
A certain woman says the Wichi
ta Eagle desired the arrest of the
saloon keeper who had been selling
whisky to her drunken husband Hav
ing conducted the officer to the saloon
she was told by blm to pick out the
proprietor Seven men all looking
allko nnd dressed alike were stand
ing motionless around a whisky
barrel nnd Bhe could not tell
which was the one but she stepped
to tho barrel and turned tho spigot
and the liquor began to pour out on
the floor One of tho men sprang out
of tho circle and turned the spigot off
Arrest that man she said
But was sho right Was It more
likely to be the proprietor who wonld
thus plead guilty and go to Jail or some
Innocent man with an unquenchable
thirst who was horrified at seeing the
awful waste
A Curloua Woe Carrion-
Salem Mass Is the home of the East
India Marine hall which contains col
lections of tho Essex Institute and of
the East India Marino society The
scientific cabinets of tho Essex insti
tute are extensive and well arranged
and tho collections of the Marine soci
ety Include many curiosities from ori
ental countries and other distant na
Among the numerous curiosities is a
piece of wood carving in tho form of
two hemispheres 1 inches in diame
ter In the concavities of which aro
carved representations on the one hem
isphere of heaven and on the other of
bell Thero aro 110 full length figures
In tho carving and the whole la very
skillfully executed It 1b said to be
the work of an Indian monk of the
fourteenth century
Smart Alex
A man being About to dlo summoned
his four Sons to bis side and Bald
My sons I will leave to John one
third of my estate to Alex one fifth
to James one half and to Thomas one
fourth and thus you will aU Share
John and James and Thomas took
Paper and Pencil and began figuring
but Alex took his Ilat and started out
Where are you going tho other
Three asked Do you not Intend fig
uring out the Problem
Not much said Alex I am Going
for a Lawyer to break the W11L
Moral Sometimes the Lawyer can
Believe the Heirs of Much of the Bt
urlng Baltimore Anertcaa
That wo aro constantly growing iu tho art of
making Fino Photos and our products will al
ways be found to embrace tho
and Newest Styles in Cards aud Fiuish Wo also
carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing
r A M Her
A Pretlr Pattern For a Collar Dallr
or Other Article
Commence with the largest wheel
Bays The Ladles World In giving tho
following directions for tatting for a
collar etc
Twelve loug plcots with 1 double be
tween draw up Make 2 doubles 1
plcot 2 doubles fasten In first long
plcot 2 doubles 1 plcot 2 doubles
draw up Turn work and make 5 dou
bles 1 plcot 2 doubles 5 plcots with
1 double between each 2 doubles 1
plcot 5 doubles draw up
Continue from to until there aro
12 rounds Joined as in Illustration
Before drawing up the twelfth round
Join to first one
Second wheel 1 double 9 plcots sep
arated by 1 double draw up 3 dou
bles 1 plcot 2 doubles 5 plcots sepa
rated by 1 double between each 2 dou
bles 1 plcot 3 doubles draw up Join
thread with slip stitch In plcot of
ter round Continue until there are 9
rounds Join to larger wheel while
Third wheel T plcots separated by
2 doubles draw up Continue same as
second wheel and Join
Make desired number of wheel strips
and Join ns follows
With 1 thread make 2 doubles 1
plcot 2 doubles 1 plcot 4 doubles
draw un
With 2 threads make 4 doubles
draw up slightly Join to plcot of
Binallest wheel ns shown In Illustra
tion 4 doubles draw up slightly
With 1 thread make 4 doubles Join
to center of last round 4 doubles
draw up
With 1 thread make 4 doubles t
plcot 4 doubles draw up
With 2 threads make 4 doubles draw
up slightly Join to wheel 4 doubles
drnw slightly
With 1 thrend 4 doubles Join to
round 4 doubles draw up
Next time 5 doubles between eanh
Next time 0 doubles next time 7
next time 8
Sixteen doubles at tho bottom where
work turns to return toward top Con
tinue to decrease stitches la same or
der In which they were Increased go
ing down
Heading 2 doubles 1 plcot 2 dou
bles 1 plcot 2 doubles 1 plcot 2
doubles draw up
Turn work 4 doubles 1 plcot 4
doubles 1 plcot 4 doubles 1 plcot 4
doubles 1 plcot 4 doubles draw up
Continue and Join according to Illus
To bo made with No 10 or No 20
thread aa preferred
Oalr a
Several years ago in a well koowa
wholesale house in a big manufactur
ing town an old bachelor bookkeeper
who had been many years with the
firm suddenly announced that be was
to be married
The partners gave him a weeks hoU
day and bis fellow clerks raised a
Uttle purse and presented it to pay the
expenses otbla w odd lag trip
A couple of days after Uio wedding
one of the members of the firm went
down to a seaside resort and there
lounging about tho parade and ap
parently enjoyiug himself Immensely
he saw his recenUy married old book
keeper but alone
Wheres your wife asked the prin
Shes at home was the reply
But I thought you had monoy given
you for a wedding trip
So l had was the reply but I
didnt understand that It was Intended
to include herLH Peftrfoaa Weeklr
SD Consumption
warra to DlfA H KBLLER
Stoax Faixs 8 D fob roxii xwtoiimatios
Dr Kllr Specialist la Nom Throat Lung
aad Kldaay DliaM wilt correspond with you
In regard to y oar condition
Medical Opinion In regard to-Dr-
A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An odltor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozono
offered by tho Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a euro for
Consumption Asthma Brouohltis
Hay Fever Catarrh OougliB
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This wo know to bo a
genuine specific for these com
plaints and as suoh entitled to
our confidence aud that of onr
Close examination into tho
practical results whloh have been
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted onro for tho
abovo ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause In a
number of attacks which had boon
of the severest and most tedious
character Dr A H Rollers Syl
van Ozono permanently restored
health and In cases whioh wero
of a mUder description Its nso im
mediately afforded relief
Women are Like
and bloom Sickly they wither and
die Every woman ought to look well
and feel well lt3 her right andduty
but she might as well try to put out a
firs with oil aa to be healthy and at
tractive with disease corroding the
organs that make her a woman Upon
their health depends her health If
thero is Inflammation or weakening
drains or suffering at the monthly
period attend to It at once Dont
delay Youre one step nearer tho
grave every day you put it off
Women can stand a great deal but
they cannot live forever with disease
dragging at the most delicato and
vital organs In their body You may
hava been deceived In so called cures
Wo dont see haw you could help it
there U go much worthless stuff on
the market But you wont be dig
appointed in Bradfields Female Rett
Iator We believe it Is the one metfl
cineonearthforwomanlyills There
is a much difference between it and
other oocalled remedies as there Is
between right and wrong Bradfields
ftlfit oKulafr soothes the pain
stops the drains promotes regularity
strengthens purifies and cleanses It
n2Ma this quickly easily and
rally Itisforwonionalonetode
S oi WnthJJJ Sm D8 healthy or
hi Sjadflelds Regulator lies at
baud St pr battle at drug store
Sai tat oar tnm botku SI
k K
fr rrrttnjr toJTIlP 1
innillv I
e aiii llii
r jr
i y