The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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lie M11M Not Wrlln lollrrn In HI lnnnn
Vrife IIrr Fnlhnr Scurr tlin In-
Tho State Journal of yesterday gives
tho following Interesting aooount of a
caso coinlug before Judgo OortiUli of
that city
Jumps L Loo father of Mrs Fitiiuio
Gndsdon ha- brought n suit n district
court enjoining JanuM Gmlsdon from
annoying his wlfo who is in tho insane
Hospital nt Norfolk mid from Hooking to
secure her removal to tho hospital at
Jjlncoln Tlio petition on lllo narrates
tho facts concerning tho matter
Gadsden and his wifo resided at
Sihuylor whore Gadsden now lives
From there his wlfo who was suffering
from a mental ailment was mint hy tho
Insanity comml Nionprs to tho linano
hospital of Norfolk Sho Is there now
rocolvlng treatment Tho father of tho
woman alleges that whilo thoro luir
husband has boon In tho habit of send
ing hor nnuoylng letters caloulated to
disturb her peace of mind and to aggra
vate hor montal disease Not long ago
Ondsdon appeared Iwforo tho board of
public lands and buildings and repre
sented that Dr Teal ol tho Norfolk asy
lum was withholding letters ho had sont
his wifo Tho charge was mot with tho
ntatomout that tho lottors wore of a na
ture to oxclto her and cause hor Injury
nnd that sho had voluntarily glvun tho
lottors to Dr Teal simply to bo road by
him Tho board at tho time upheld tho
physician In tho petition now on file
tho fathor of the woman represents that
Gadsden is endeavoring to have her re
moved to tho Lincoln asylum again
Judge Cornish signed a restraining
ordor preventing tho defendant from
writing letters to his wlfo and from
pushing IiIb efforts to have hor removed
to tho Lincoln asylum
A copy of ono of tho letters sont to
tho wlfo In tho asylum Is attached to
tho potltlou A portion reads as fol
Of courso you were not yourself last
julymerely possessed of a dovtl but
try to be yourself In tho future when
over yon feel like prophesying think a
moment and Bay to yourself I am ad
judged a lunatio and in asylum for
thu in mo therefore 1 am foolish try
ing to impress othors with my fore
thought for if I had good kouho I
would not bo hero Therefore I will
uot advlso for my ntlud is wrong
Think now a moment and say to your
self liko this I am a lunatio and fool
liko talking to Georgo about some Idea
in my mind but I will tight that down
forjl am a lunatio and its wrong You
say all are coming to your condition
Think ono moment and thou dismiss
tho thoughts for wo can never tako
your place I really thiuk your father
will bocomo insane aud later your
mother aud very likely Lizzie but May
has a broader miud aud not that con
ceit and slyness that is marked lu
yours and Edgars face by nature If
you wont fight your natural propen
sities I cant help you You are at tho
end Tho state had got you and will
keep yon till your dying day unless
you by effort straighten up If
you write any nousouao or practice
your formula for your fertile brain I
shall consult Dr Teal by coming to
Norfolk and shall uot see you and try
to iuduco him to blister you all over
Stophonaou says ho has known luua
tics liko you to te cured by haviug fivo
or six boils ou them aud I rather think
if you had a runniug sore like your
grandmother had it would help you aud
I think that if a setou could bo put in
your aide it would tako some of tho
scrofula from your brain and system
I would liko to see it tried anyway A
sickness would do you much good Of
course lifo ia uot precious in a lunatic
asylum and uo doubt you would rathor
dio thau live I know I would but tho
animal part of life is tho strongest in
your family and a lunatic asylum is all
right to your folks they are used to it
aud as you frequently say insanity is
nothing Anyhow keep your tongue
still and your pou too aud wheu reason
prompts you write but do not warn or
advise others for your load is especially
heavy and nobody wants advice from
ono who must unload their own troubles
Now bo reasouable Did you get tho
wine and celery Did you got tho
thimblo Did you got the 25 conts eto
Suppose yon thank mo for somo of it
You know you Lees havo been ou the
Bteal so long that your minds novor go
beyond tho sended Somebody has to
make the money by thought and labor
that buys the stuff
Residence of R B Welter Kuterod and
Relieved at Valuable
While Mr and Mrs R B Wollor
were absent in Omaha last week their
house was entered aud somo mouey
and a watch taken Tho watch waa
the property of Mrs Weller aud had a
chain attached bat this tho robbers
didnt require and ao unfastened it
from the time pleoe and left it behind
The money amounting to 3 or 4 waa
the childrens savings Tho work of
the burglars waa done with the care and
energy that characterized the work in
the Mittelatadt office and it is likely
that it was done by the Bamo person or
persons about that time Every oup
board and closet in the house appeared
to havo Imou thoroughly luspootod aud
if there was anything of value not taken
It was not because tho robbers could not
find It as they seemed to havo found
overythlng in tho house whether
It was of value or not Mr and
Mrs Wollor didnt return until Wed
nesday ovening and their loss wils thoro
fore not discovered In time to leavo any
hopo of capturing tho marauders Tho
door had been unlocked and looked
again after the foray as thuro was no
Indication whatever of tho thieves
mode of entering or their exit The
follows who did tlio job wore evidently
impressed with the idea that tho lumber
men of tho city were tho only residents
worth a visit m nothing has been heard
of their bothering other business men
Itonl Kittnto Trnimrnrn
Tho following are the transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending Juno 125 1001 as re
ported by I J Koeulgstoiti olllclal ab
st actor
Goo W Looy sheriff to Elsio Des
mond sd lots I nnd 2 Osbnms sub-division
of lot 1 block 12 Humes suburban
lots to Norfolk 123
J J Clements sherllVto Gay Halver
Hteiu sd lots I and 10 block 3 Paso
walks addition to Norfolk 133
Cora K Ilarvoy to ilalvor 1 Boo wd
lot lfi block 17 It It add to Nowiuau
Grove 100
Oora 15 Ilarvoy aud husband to
Henry Jacobsou wd lot 3 block 14 It
It add to Newman drove 100
Cora 15 Ilarvoy to O W Randall wd
lots la aud 111 block 14 It It add to
Nowman Grovo 115
Oora 15 Harvey to II 0 Knudsen wd
part of outlet I 11 It addition to Now
tiiau Grovo 80
Oora 15 Ilarvoy to Gustaf Hallirrou
wd lot II block 17 It It add to Now
man Grovo
Piouoor Townslto Oo to L M Huso
netter wd lot 8 block lit It It add to
Newman Grovo 112 50
Sarah House to Nanoy 15 Amos wd
lot 1 block 1 Lowis add to Meadow
Grovo 500
Ira G Alyea and wlfo to Henry II
Houbo wd lot 2 west Meadow Grovo
Joseph L Derrick to Ira It Jenkins
wdsoi 1 2 I 2300
Julius Bohwor to wd 23-23-
2 15H
Melvin O Horuor to Israel Millor wd
sov 30 23 iiooo
Herman Olaus to Martin L Thomson
wdw22ftof lot 7 block 11 Battle
Orook 2H
Martin L Thomson to F II L Willis
wdw22ftof lot 7 block 11 Battle
Creek 1000
liouoor Townslto Co to L u liokor
wd lot 8 block 1 Battle Creek
State of Nebraska to Hattio
duett w
and wi of ueKt
A Hale
10 203
Kutnrtaluml lli Patient
Tho pattouts at tho hospital for tho
insane wore outertaiuod yesterday after
noon with roadiugs and music The
acting suporiutoudont Dr G A Young
very kindly made arrangements anil
with tho assistance of Mr James L Loo
of Chicago aud members of tho staff
who are excellent musicians an hour
was spout most oujoyably Tha pro
gram which was outirely impromptu
was as follows
Musical Soloction Orchostra
Recitations Fritzs Courtship
Gonnau Och Katys a RogueIrish
Jas L Loo
Duot Guitar aud Mandolin Miss
Charles ami H A Wigtou
Recitations BairniesOuddloDoon
Scotch Dot Fritdo Gorman Jas
L Loo
Cornot Solo Jack ODouuel assisted
by tho orchestra
Recitations Mine Childhood Ger
man Dudes Soliloquy Cockuoy
Jas L Leo
Selection Tho Orchostra
Now Dental Iarlum
Dr It A
lu his deutal parlors on tho second
floor of tho Biahop block Ho has a
cozy suito of three rooms ulcoly fur
nished and well lighted Tho reception
room is prettily furnished in oak and
has a handsome rug upon the hard
wood floor Off from this is tho operat
ing room fitted with all tho latest me
chanical improvements along the line of
deutal surgery aud abundantly lighted
from a largo east m iudow It would bo
a pleasure to havo ones tooth extracted
in such a place The third of tho suito
is used as a laboratory neatly lltted with
tables and tools in which tho doctor
prepares compounds of all sorts to
help roliovo tho pain aud suffering
causod by poor teeth
Dr Mittelatadt graduated from the
Chicago college of Dental Surgery in
03 and has practiced iu Omaha for
threo years since He ia well known
here having lived iu Norfolk several
years ago and will undoubtedly receive
a liboral share of dental patronage
Letter LUt
List of loiters remaining uncalled for
at tho poatofflco Juuo 34 1901
Miss Emlle Apploy D J Dorsey
Egyptian Remedy Oo Charles Gold
beck It A Hannaford Mrs S E Hall
Miss Luoinda Fraaer Judsou Green M
P J Murphy O O North James P
Smith G H Walker
If not called for in 15 days will be
sont to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
ploaso say advertised
P F Spukcitkr P M
What Shall We Bare for Deert
This question arises in the family
evory day Let us answer it today
TryJell O a delioioua dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking I add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 oeuts
KofitlHof lie Mnntnl Tent Itirinnl lir -
niiilnliig lluitril In Nnniiliin Here
Iitftt Wmik
Tho grading of papers in tho naval
cadetshlp examination hold hero last
week has been completed mid tho result
announced by Superintendent Orum
chairman of tho examining commit too
loss 11 Gain of Nowman Grovo takes
llrst place lu tho examination having a
general avorage of 81 1 12 to his credit
Ho was llkowlso first In tho physical ex
amination aud will probably recolvo tho
appointment Tho cauilldato forsocoud
place has not yet boon dellultely do
ubled upon Arthur K Leo of Nollgh
was Bocond lit tho mental examination
with a gouoral avorago of 75 10 12 but
ho failed to pass the physical examina
tion Ho demands anothor trial regard
ing his physical condition aud if it
proves satisfactory ho will take second
place otherwise It will go to Jerotno F
Langer of West Point who is third In
the mental examination with a gonoral
avorago of 74 1 12 Milo Dnvomol of
Kremout who stood second in tho phys
ical examination secured a gonoral avor
ago of but 05 5 12 in tho montal examin
Tho other gonoral avorago wore an
follows Ired Rhodes Stanton 04 8 12
Paul 15wiug Central City 55 0 12
JessoH Cramer Wakoflold 58 t 12
TJio papers of Lou I5dous of Petersburg
wore uot gradod Tho high record in
any ono Htudy was mado by Cain who
got 05 in spoiling Loo received 15 in
U S history and tho samo credit in
composition Langer also received 15
lu composition
County Hoard 1ayn Out a Large Amount
of Money ou IMUh
Madison Nobr Juno 17 1001 At 1
p m board of county commissioners
mot in regular sosslou Present Johu
J Hughes Christ Sohmitt aud H W
Miuutos of last mooting wore read and
ou motion npprovod
It being provon to tho satisfaction of
tho board that tho assessment of J F
Altstadt for 1877 lu Fairviow product
was a doublo assessment on motion tho
olork was lustructod to strike said assess
ment from tax list
Blocks 71 72 73 74 northwest addi
tion to Madison being assessed to P J
Barnes In 1800 as a whole whereas tho
Driving Park association owned tho N
3 ou motion tho clerk was ordered to
caucol two thirds of said assoBsment
Lot 1 of Osboruos subdivision lot 1
block 1 being assessod in 1000 as im
proved whereas it was unimproved on
motion clerk waa instructed to correct
tax list accordlugly
Ou motion board adjourned to 7 p m
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
Ou motion tho proposition of Horst
Bros to put iu heating plant iu court
house was accepted
On motion tho petition of Aug Kleutz
aud 14 others to vacate a road ncross tho
bw coruor of aw V of section 2-211-1 was
granted and said road was declared
Ou motion tho following bills wore al
J H Conley reward for capture of
Eduian Georgo 25 applied ou personal
O W Suuro deputy sheriff 28 ap
plied ou personal tax 2
M F Harrington legal sorvicos iu
caso Stato vs Gilt Wright aud Chaa
Parka 500
Lee Herd man clerk of supremo court
fees iu Spauldiug case 1550
Omaha Printing Co stationery 7 41
Amelia Woguer boarding paupers
375 applied ou persoual tax 225
Fremont Tribuuo stationery 750
A J Thatoh makiug delinquent tax
list 225
It C Miles postago express otc
J O Osborue bull for poor farm
Geo Dudley livery hire 250 applied
ou persoual tax
Fred Smith road work 050
L W Lyou operating grador 201
O A Headman nails oto 1040 ap
plied ou persoual tax
A R Frasor work ou delinquent tax
list 15
Ou motion board adjourned to 8 a m
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Ou motion tho following bills wore al
Perkius Bros Co stationery 10 70
Win Brummund bridge work 4820
Henry Suudermau bridgo work
Phil Bauch postago express oto
3 months 3465
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co
lumber 29054
A L Stewart stationery 12
Cbr Sohavland fees iu cases Wright
Parka 2305
Chicago Lumber Co lumber 10028
J F Altstadt road and bridgo work
J A Boyer 0 wolf soalpa 13 applied
on personal tax
Joe IUeff 2 wolf scalps 4 applied
on personal tax
F Whoeler 1 wolf scalp 3 appliod
on personal tax
T E Alderson 4 wolf Bcalps 8 ap
plied on personal tax
Martin Jacobson 1 wolf scalp 3
Broder Boysen 1 wolf scalp 3
J A Snthorland livory hire 550
applied o porsoual tax
H O Hoskins bailiff district court
0 applied on personal tax
Complaint having beon mado that tho
contor 50 ft of e4 of lot t blocks Paso
walks addition was assosaed a im
proved in 1000 whereas it was uultn
provod aud tho samo botng found true
on motion tho clork was instructed to
correct tax list accordingly
Tho w of uwj uwtf Hoctiou 21
24 1 having boon errouoonsly sold for
tax lu 1000 on motion tho treasurer
was allowed a warrant for 805 to re
deem said sale certificate
Ou motion tho followlug bills wore al
Horst Bro hardware 1205
S O Campbell foes lu luaauitv caso
Frooman 0
Then Oogard Co lumber 52115
H W Winter freight ou scrapers
Johu Crook assisting commlsslouors
J B Douovau stationery 3 25
Ou motion Olaus Young was allowed
a warrant ou soldiers relief fund for
Ou motlou It O Miles was allowed a
warrant for jury certificates paid
Ou motion tho following assessors
olalms wero allowed
Herman Gorooko 015
John Crook 07 OC
Itobt Dales 15000
M Oarborry jr 0040
J O Osboru 0080
L M J Vaago 10350
Theo Boltz 07
Frank White 72 20
Fred Lau 83 appliod on personal
tax 20
Wm Hayden 07 aDDliod on Darsonal
tax 0 07
O T Richardsou 11040 applied on
porsoual tax 570
Goo Couuolly 121 appliod on per
sonal tax 1540
Johu Malone 140 applied on per
roual tax 2780
Dau Mahonoy fSO00 applied ou
soaul tax 107
David Auderaon 80 applied on
soual tax 372
J L Ryuoarson 20320 applied
personal tax 70 ceuts
On niotiou tho following bills wero al
W B Reynolds statiouery 3280
J1 H Secor Co merchandise for
Mrs Carey 1012
O W Orum salary aud office ex
penses 12800
Christ Schmitt salary 11745
II W Winter salary 12075
Johu J Hughes salary 14405
Gust Kaul jauitor 35
Thos J Taylor salary as superin
tendent of poor farm 12245
Aug Litko making complaiut that
lots 3 and 4 block 1 Madison were as
sessed at full value in 1894 instead of
ono fourth as other property was as
sessed aud the same being fouud true
the clork was iustructed to reduce said
assessment to 50
Ou motion resignation of T L
Huycko as constable Burnett precinct
was accepted
Ou motion tho petition of O A Smith
aud 15 others askiug that R H Iteeves
be appointed constable for Burnett pre
cinct was granted aud Mr Reeves was
Ou motion the following bonds were
Robert Reeves constable Burnett pre
O J Anderson road overseer district
No- 3
On motion the following appointments
were mado
James Hughes road overseer district
No 0
Frauk Jenkins road overseer diatrict
No 11
The examiners appointed to view
atreot to bo vacated in Battle Creek re
porting that in their opinion the vacat
ing of the streot ruuuiug north and
south between block 0 and 10 original
town of Battle Creek would uot work
any injustice or inconvenience to any
one ou motion the same was declared
vacated and clerk waiTordered to issue
quit claim deed as provided by law
Ou motion board adjourned to 1
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Frauk Nathan makiug complaint that
the w of lot 6 block 2 Pasewalks
third addition waa aasessed as improved
iu 1000 whereas it was unimproved and
being found true the clerk was ordered
to correct tax list aud reduco assessment
to 30
On motion the clerk was instructed to
notify tho Canton Bridge Co to build
tho following bridges
One 16 feet on south side section 1-
23 3
One 16 feet on oast side section 15-21-3
One 20 feet on west side section 31-21-3
One 20 feet on north side section 3-21-3
One 20 feet on east side section 1-24-1
One 20 feet ou south side section 31-23-1
One 50 feet on east sido section
31 3
One 70 feet on weat side section
31 1
On motion the following report
Thoa J Taylor superintendent of poor
farm was audited and approved
Battle Creek Nebr June 14 1901
To the Honorable Board of County
Commissioners of Madison County
Gentlemen During my first three
mouths I have exchanged 23 bushels of
whoat at tho mill for flour Thoro are
now at tho farm tho following tierHons
Mm Otto Mather and baby Mr Oliada
Poto Sliepard Jako Bosnian aud Anton
Teyorl Gottllob Hockmau camo April
22 aud was discharged Juno 1
Wo havo tho following stock 00 bond
of cattle 4 horses 25 hogs aud 50 little
pigs 5 dozeu old chickens aud 400 little
Wo havo plauted about 40 aoros corn
10 acres wheat 10 acres oats and 2 acres
The following bills havo boon incurred
since January 1 1001
F J Halo modlcluo for calvos 1 00
B Stollo sood corn 1 10
Mrs D Reavls blaoksnilthiug 300
15 D Hammond 24 apple trees 000
Howard Millor Lumbor Co coal 4110
White Drug Co coal oil oto 1030
P F Zimmerman corn planter
and plow 52
L F Mtrz hardware
Geo Zimmerman merchaudiso
Aug Stiffen repairing ohalrs
StavHly merchandise
Wm Young halter eto
Jos Sovnra morohandho
Frank Ituzlck meat eto
Maas Hainan seeds oto
J It Martin merchandise
O A Headman hardware
M L Thomson merchandise
Hall Moiuecke merchaudiso
L B Bakor coal
Dr I J Daniel medical attend
1 00
4 05
1 75
17 45
15 22
3 1G
14 00
4 20
34 43
20 22
12 35
Total 207 30
We have exchanged 28 23 worth of
butter chickens eto for merchandise
Respectfully submitted
TiiOd J Taylok
Of tho above accounts the following
amounts wore applied ou persoual tax
Mrs D Ravis 220
P F Zimmermau 18 00
Frank Ruzick 1 40
O A Headman 420
Dr I J Daniel 12 35
Ou motlou board adjouruod to July
10 1901 Phil Bauch
County Clerk
Nebraska Cattle Queen
It is said of Anuio Pautouburg 10
years old of Sidney that sho can go out
upon tho ranges catch tho wildest horse
iu tho herd rope it throw it brand it
without assistance then return to the
house aud cook a meal that would tempt
the appotito of a pampered epicure
She is known as the horse and cattle
queen of western Nebraska
Miss Pautenburg lives upou the ranch
of her father late John Panteubarg
ulue miles east of Sidney She is a typ
ical weateru girl having been born on
the banks of Lodgepole creek within an
hours ride of Sidney Her tastes in
stincts aud training are in sympathy
with the freedom of the western prairies
aud the buoyancy of out door life
She is said to have inherited the nerve
aud dariug of her father who waa a
famous freighter between Sidney aud
the Black Hills iu the early days
Siuce the death of her father the
young girl has taken personal super
viaon of the ranch She has 3000 acres
of prairie and hundreds of head of cattle
uuder her control and concerns herself
very little with spring styles of SKirts or
modes of headgear Miss Pantenburg
keeps tab ou the markets and does all
the buying aud selling for the ranch
She determines when a consignment of
atock is to be disposed of It is with
her that tho neighboring ranchmen con
fer when the brand of a inaverio is in
She ia credited with knowing every
cattle aud horse brand in western Ne
braska and southern Wyoming Tho
Pauteuburg family consists of an in
valid mother aud two younger brothers
besides the young mistress of the ranch
Aius worth Star Journal
Northern WUconMn Hallway Farm Land
For Sale
The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
OmaUa railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin at low prices and easy
terms of payment about 350000 acrea
of choice farm lauds
Early buyers will secure the advau
tago of locations on the many beautiful
streams aud lakes which abound with
fish and furnish a nover ending and
most excellent water supply both for
family use and for stock
Land is generally well timbered the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation aud
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn
eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
other towns on Tho Northwestern
Line furnish good markets for stock
aud farm produce
For further particulars address
Geo W Bull
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H MacRae
Asat GenlPas8 AgtSt Paul Minn
Cfood Atlrlce
The most miserable beings in the world
are those suffering from Dyspepaia aud
Liver Complaint More than seventy
five per cent of the people in tho United
States are afflicted with these two dis
eases aud their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
iveneas Palpitation of the Heart Heart
burn Waterbrash Gnawing aud Burn
ing Pains at the Pit of Stomach Yellow
Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Taste in the Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits eto Go to
your Druggist and got a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize
Ahnanao Asa K Leonard
A box of oigars will be given away
every Saturday night at 10 oclock to
the person making the highest score on
tea pins Skblbb DiKotu
JrtiUF lacUlen
Trouble tlio
of Sthuyler
IntiwiH Hoftpltal
From Tlitirmtiija UnPy
James Gadsdou of Schuylor who has
boon oujoiued from writing to his wifo
who is au inmate of tho iuaano hospital
at this place an account of which was
publishod yesterday is horo with tho
evident lutontlou of makiug trouble for
tho officers of tho institution or olso
making a showing that ho is also a fit
candidate for admission Having boon
forbidden to writo by the court it is
probable that ho has also beon forbiddon
to visit his wifo by the aBylum author
ities anyway ho makes good uso of tho
telephone and announces his determina
tion to stay iu town until ho has suc
ceeded lu punlshiug the asylum author
ities or briuglug them to torma Ho aays
that he will havo two county attorneys
hero toulght to consult with him and
will speud 10000 if necessary to send
someone to jail He is especially
bitter against Superintendent Toal
and the bulk of lra threats havo bceu
directed against the doctor Dr Toal
is at present in Omaha aud Gadsden in
sists that ho be tolegraphod to appear
here at once
A luue Wedding
Dr William Kiesau aud Miss Auulo
Davis wero united in marriage yesterday
forenoon at 1 1 oclock by Rev G H
Main Tho ceremony took place at tho
homo of Mr aud Mrs H A Drebort
relatives and a few intimate fnendB
only being present After congratula
tions an elegaut wedding breakfast was
served and Mr and Mrs Kiesau do
parted ou tho noou train for Waukon
Iowa whore thoy will visit about ton
The bride and groom are popular
young people well aud favorably
known aud their Norfolk friends will
join iu wishing them au abundance of
prosperity aud joy The groom prac
tices dentistry here aud has a largo aud
increasing patronage
Melvin Horner has sold hia farm to
Israel Miller who takes possession tho
first of March
Mr and Mrs Ranous of Walled Lake
Mich were tho guests of G W Hills
and family last week
At the annual school meeting last
Monday in district No 10 H J Morris
was re elected director and a nine
months school waa voted In diatrict
No 25 John Conley was elected director
It was voted to employ a man teacher
aud to have an eight mouths school
the coming year
Married Wednesday June 20 at
the residence of the brides parents Mr
and Mrs O D Munson Roy Fuller of
Beatrice Neb and Eva Booth Rov
Maine of Norfolk performed the cere
mony The happy couple departed for
Beatrice ou the 1115 train amid a
shower of rice from their frieuds
The complete service of Tho Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possible space of time but also
in tho moat comfortable and enjoyable
manner The diuiug cars ou this train
are stocked with the beat the market
affords All moala served a la carte
For a Republic
We Must
Have Men
For a successful business
there must be buyers A well
equipped store a well assorted
stock of goods efficient clerks
all attract buyers but no mat
ter what the store no matter
what the stock no matter how
agreeable or efficient the help
buyers will not be attracted un
less they know the facts
Telling the facts in regard to your busi
ness is advertising That method which
will tell them to the largest number of
prospective bujers is the best metaed
It is obvious that the best
method of telling the facts to
the buyers of this community
is through the advertising col
umns of this paper Are you
employing this method to the
best advantage
f tf f f f f tfff ff f f f y4