The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Norfolk fleuas
The north polo seems n good wnyB off
thcMi dnys bnt perhnpB tho explorers
ravn find it
This weather may cause tho linen
dilrt front to wilt but tho crops nro ex
tending upwards na though they had
balloon attachments
Tim Globe Democrat callfi them tho
pottigrowBters Whatever kind of
roosters tliey may bo thoy aro not in as
mnoh favor aB tho spring chicken
Tho Globe Democrat huyb Tho
centrifugal feeling among tho demo
crats of Missouri iBmoroacnto than ovir
when a Btato convention thin year in
Senator Fornker tleolareB that tho nn
tioual policies of PreBident MoKinley
will bo tho Ibmio in Ohio thin campaign
On Bnch an Isbuo tho republicans wil
certainly prove winners
If Mr Bryan loves IiIb country and its
inHtltutious ub dearly an ho professes
why docBut ho Bay a Rood word for it
occasionally instead of overlnBtlngly
wailing that it iB going to tho dogbV
A business man who is inclined to
complain of his town Bhonld tako im
mediate action to remove tho caimo of
his complaint and thereby benefit hlm
nslf and hiB neighbors rather than cause
Tho Richmond Virginia TimeB a
domocratio publication believes that if
n vote were taken in Virginia today an
an independent proportion on free sil
ver nnd like doctrines advocated by Mr
Bryan in lbllll it would Ikj almost nn
AuimouB ngniuBt Brynnisrn
Peoplo of this vicinity eeem to beliovo
that thoy experience moro than thoir
Bhare of sevoro Btorma yet na far ns
known there has not been a single
death here as the direct result of a storm
tunco the town was established Other
localities would bo pleated to have a
similar record
Tho children who break on young
troos for whips should have them used
liberally on their persons Moro young
trees are destroyed in this mauner every
year than sovernl hard working arbori
cnlturistB would bo able to replace Tho
trco in this part of tho country deserves
A person wonld think that with tho
mount of money donated to educa
tional institutions collego nnd univer
sity educations would soon bo as freo uk
those of tho pnblio nnd high schools
Undoubtedly good educations nro more
accessible now than at any other timo iu
tho history of tho country or tho world
The lilipinoBinny celebrate tho Fourth
of July also and have occasion to rejoice
On that date this year they will be
nnder civil government aud tho military
will retiro from tho olllcinl control of
the island nnd its peoples Instead of
passing away tho Fourth of July is as
Buiniug n new importance to tho people
of the world
Missouri Ihib n millionniro farmer
David Rankin who has just given
fCOOOO to Tnrkio college Nebraska has
a number of embryonic millionaires
among its farming population and they
will undoubtedly 60ou be making gener
oar donntions to educntioual nnd other
like institutions A few moro years of
prosperity will do tho business
People who desire a long life should
peek admission to on English workhoubo
It iB shown by recent statistics thnt in
119 workhouses of England nnd Wales
2784 of the inmates have lived nnder
George III George IV William IV Vic
toria and the present king That mode of
life has nothing especial to recommend
it bnt it must be quite n healthy exist
The Ohio republican convention is
labeled a love feast bythe Sioux City
Tribune and it is announced thnt re
publican factions of the Buckeye state
bnry their differences The Ohio re
publicans know just how to do such
things and their opponents might just
as well save the trouble and expense of
holding conventions and conducting a
Mr Bryan say 6 be is a supporter of
Mark Hanua as the republican candi
date for president in 1004 Mr Honna
Bhonld get him to keep still about it Mr
Bryan has no record at all for getting
what he wants except a couple of nomi
nations and it is likely that if any
thing wonld ruin Mr Honnas chances
for the republican nomination it wonld
be Mr Bryans support
Hail storms are doing considerable
damage in the country surrounding Nor
folk bnt the farmers adjoining the hail
stricken districts have abundant pros
pects and if nothing happens to their
crops will have a wealth of products to
divide with their less fortunate neigh
bors This is infinitely better than they
should all suffer as they did by the
dronth of several years ago
The Nebraska supreme court has
ruled that a person who rides on a pass
may recover from railroad company
for injuries sustained in spite of an
pA JUri
agreement to tho contrary on tho buck
ofjtho pass NoVrrtlmloHB thoro nro
those who will consider it rnther nnfnir
thai n railroad should carry 11 man free
nnd then li compelled to pay him
hnndsomely if he happens to get hnrt
Mr Bryau does not wear IiIb farmer
togs made famouB daring tho livbt jirrpi
dential onmpaign in Chicago Tho
faithful World Hornld says that on a
visit to that city tlilB week ho wore a
lluht Fedora hat a bluo and whito
striped negligee shirt and two pink car
natioiiB in hiB hnttonholo All of this
in quite important to tho common peo
ple else why Bhonld Bpnco bo given to
telling of tho grcnt prophets clothes
Tho sugar trust or one of tho sugar
trustH reduced tho price of all gradeB of
refined sugars 10 points Monday and
this in the roidKt of tho canning nnd
preserving season when everybody de
mands fome of the sweetening mnterial
Tho trnkt must bo forgetting that its
duty ia to squeezo and oppress the
eoplo and now would ho tho proper
timo to do it Perhaps it is but drop
ping down to get n good Btart upward
Tho sharpers are an ingenious set nnd
can usually echeme np n way of making
money without work A new scheme
has been worked in western Nebraska
A man rides into a town on a bicycle
which he soIIb at a bargain Shortly
afterwards his confederate appearB look
ing for a stolen wheel nnd tho innocent
pnrohaser of course givea it up It
would bo a good joke to send np sharper
No 1 on the testimony of sharper No 2
and thus break into tho scheme
It is reported from Baltimore that
there ia hardly a county in Mnryland in
which tho democratic ranks nro not torn
np by n factional fight and the Globe
Domocrat says tho same condition ex
ists in Missouri With tho
scrap in South Carolina and
other factional difloreuces throughout
tno sown nomocracy IB certainly in n
very bad condition and the awakening
of tho solid sonth from its Rip Van
Winkle political unp is about assured
CitizenB of LogaiiBport Ind enn
testify thnt there is death in a barrel of
whisky A draw bar on a freight car
loaded with whisky was being repaired
thero last Friday when a Bpark from n
passing engine caused one of tho bnrrels
of corn juico to explode Two men
wero killed and two dnugerously injured
by the accident This should bo suffi
cient to conviuco the average toper that
whisky is a dangerous substance
Supposo a spark should light on one of
the said topers
Railroad managers might do a proper
thing by running homeseekers excur
sions from Oklahoma whero prospect
ive settlers of tho reservations aro con
gregated into Nebraska This ifi the
season of tho yenr when Nebraska is
lovely to behold especially to the
farmers eye and a view of her fertile
Holds is amply sufficient to provoke a
longing for a homo on her prniries A
Nebraska farm homo iu Juno is a little
paradise and should bo seen by every
prospective settler Thero is room for
If Mr Hnuua wero nominnted by the
republicans it is supposed that Mr
Bryau wonld vote for him nit He
pledged himself to vote for McKiuley
labt campaign when ho said that those
who had secured their sharo of prosper
ity should Biipport the republican nomi
nee It was shown during the enmpaign
to the satisfaction of many people that
Mr Bryan had received his sharo of
prosperity yet it is extremely doubtful
if he supported Mr McKiuley He
seems to require inconsistency in his
Senator Chauncey Depew holds his
position on the third term proposition
and twits General Grosvenor for retir
ing from the stand he assumed on the
same question Wkile Senator Depews
position may uot be a winner it cannot
be considered otherwise than compli
mentary to the president and those who
assisted in elevating him to the highest
position iu the gift of the people for
two terms The people love MoKinley
but love him too well to force upon him
another term ns president against his
Those who have suffered from the
terrible flood in West Virginia have the
sincere sympathy of all their more for
tunate countrymen Thirteen towns
swept away extent of flood six miles
loss of life estimated at 200 to 500
track destroyed 280 mile6 property loss
estimated at 12000000 are facts that
make ones blood run cold with horror
and if there is anything to be done to
alleviate the suffering and distress re
sulting from the disaster it may be
counted on that the sympathetic Ameri
can heart will respond generously
General Oailles is the latest of the
Filipino officers to surrender to the
United StateB authorities and take the
oath of allegiance He brought with
him G50 men and COO rifles The insur
rection in the Philippines is being rapidly
and effectually overcome and the islands
will soon settle down to the enloyment
of peace progrest and prosperity under
the direction of the United State
They will certainly be delighted with
this government if they bnt give it a
- - --
falrohnuco and will find thnt their
privileges and liberties will bo increased
beyond anything thoy ever boforo ex
perienced and beyond anything thoy
conld experienco as an independent
Peoplo with Good Samaritan des
positions aro likely to inovo cnntioiiBly
if thieves generally adopt tho method
pursued by a Niobrara thug He took a
position by the roadside and when IiIb
victim npproached uttered Eome groaiiB
that brought tho passer by to his side
Tho Good Samaritan was dealt a
heavy blow on tho head by tho siok
man that rendered him nuconFcious
aud was then robbed of f20 Tho Pio
neer thinks that it is now in order for a
person who henrB another groaning by
tho roadside to walk in with a club and
ilnish him Certninly a person of that
calibro Bhonld be honored with as severe
pnnishmeut as it is in tho power of a
court to administer
The yonug man who likes to stand en
tho corner and squirt tobacco juice on
tho sidewnlk and laugh liko a horso has
been given n hard jolt by boiuo unknown
philosopher in tho following says the
Hooper Sentinel Today young man
aB yon 6tood on tho corner smoking
your cigar that was paid for with money
you had other use for did yon notice
that old man passing on the other Bide
with hat battered coat torn pants
fringed and sloppy his shoes gaping
nnd down at the hcaVi Yon did I Well
forty yeara ago ho stood just where yon
are standing today ho bought cigars as
you do he stood juBt where yon do
smoked up nnd squandered his wages ns
yon aro doing withont a thought of to
morrow His habits and associates
formed hiB salary was eaten np as fast
na earned Old nge crept upon him
his eyes grew dim hiB muscles relaxed
and hiB ploce was filled by a younger
man today he haa nothing Yea tho
poor house stands open And history
repents itself
The official board of the First M E
church of Omahn which is attended by
many of tho fashiounble people of that
city has adopted a resolution that plnces
a ban npon ladies wearing hats at the
services of the church Last Sunday
was tho first since tho resolution wns
adopted and a large majority of the
ladies in tho congregation complied
Thero were a few however who seemed
to consider it none of the boards busi
ness what was on their heads and con
tinued to wear their hats even after the
pabtor had read the resolution It is ex
pected that the request will be more
generally observed next Sunday There
aro many who will consider this a move
in the right direction nnd will hope that
the churches generally will follow the
practice It has for n long time been
ouBtomnry for the ladies to remove their
hats nt theatres and other places of
public entertainment and while tho de
mand lBut ns great for their removal at
church tho services are undoubtedly
more appreciated by those who have an
unobstructed view of tho minister nnd
the choir
Tho World Herald says We gnther
from a number of esteemed g o p
organs that it is a crime for anybody
save a republican to get rich If it is
n crime the fusionists hnve made it so
For the past eight years their chief en
deavor has been to create the impression
thnt tho men of wealth are to be de
spised and hated by tho common
people They have sought to convey
tho impre6Fion that all tho wealth of the
land was allied under the republican
banner to crush the life out of the poor
people They have insisted that the
poor mnn haB no chance and that every
opportunity for wealth or advancement
is in the control of tho money owners
With these as the cardinal principles of
the fnsionists it is amnsing but no
crime to notice them becoming wealthy
and proving that their professions were
bosh nt the same time That there are
poor people in the republican party and
wealthy ones in the fusion rnnkB bnt
proves that there aro men able to form
opinions of their own who have not be
lieved in the specious arguments of fu
sion leaders and party organs
The Appeal to Reason has it figured
out that none but the rich have nn op
portunity to bet nnd escape the penalty
of the law This is a most unreasonable
appeal to reason That paper shonld be
able to reason it out that everybody bets
nnd few are punished If a farmer puts
in a crop of wheat he bets his seed time
aud the use of his land against chinoh
bugs grasshoppers dronth hail rust
and otherwise takes a hundred chances
that he can grow a crop If he buys a
horse he bets the purchase price that he
can mnke the animal repay his expendi
ture and more too If a man digs a
ditch he bets that the work he does is
worth his pay which he sometimes
loses and the mnn who employs him
bets that he can make a profit on the
job The woman who buys a hat bets
that she will make a better appearance
than her neighbor and if she doesnt
she will consider the bet lost Those
who get married bet that they can live
happier married than single The man
who invests in property bets that it is
worth the money or more And so on
through life it is all bet and the success
ful better grows wealthy while the loser
should not grumble he takes his
chancce with the rest
A week from today is when the
peoplo will show Mr Uryan thnt cole
brntiouB of tho Fonrth of July nro not
passing away to any alarming extent
This state is experiencing some wnrm
weather this week but no deaths or pros
trations from the heat are reported as in
eastern localities Stand np for Ne
Beginning with the first hnntera nnd
flshera will do well to proceed cautiously
Then tho now game law goes into effect
aud it may bo enforced It certainly
should be and all wonld benefit thereby
The Missouri river ia within 1 0 feet of
tho danger line at Kansas City If tho
overflow from Corporation gulch has not
yet reached that point tho peoplo along
the river may as well begin moving
or bnilding arks
Ohancey Depow thiukB thnt the power
to accnmulnte wealth is duo to a mi
crobe The Fremont Hernld iB of the
opinion thnt some of the money gather
ers should be quarantined for fear that
tho disease is catching
G rover Cleveland is not favorable to
tho third term idea but is not particu
larly emphatic beennso ho undoubtedly
realizes that there is no probability of
his being called on to till the presiden
tial chair for another term
An exchnnge says that McKiuley is
an imperial president iu nbont the same
souse that New York iB an imperial
Btate meaning nccording to Webster
of superior excellence nnd he presides
over nn imperial country in the same
The republicans of Ohio aro no more
in sympathy with labor combinations
formed for vicions purposes or viciously
administered than they are with com
binations of capital with the same gen
eral purpose They make no distinction
Both ore evils to be deplored
The wild eyed newspaper correspond
ent got in some of his best work on the
public regarding the West Virginia
flood disaster and his 250 or 00 deaths
have dwindled to 50 or CO That is bad
enough without killing COO or 1000 per
cent more people and bringing them
back to life
The frequency with which a mnn is
mistaken for a deer and shot might lead
a per on to believe that it iB an easy
method for a murderer to rid himself of
an enemy aud escape punishment Such
accidents have been frequent in the enst
and now one is reported to have hap
pened near Spearfish South Dakota
There have been many abandoned
farms in the eastern states for several
years but nnder republican prices for
produce they are again being cultivated
with good profit to the person who tills
them There are few lines of industry
aud fewer sections of country that are
not prospering under the republican
M W Sackett of Meadville Pa re
cently re elected to the position of su
preme recorder of the A O U W has
served iu that position for 22 terms
Tins is a long term ot service in an
office of that kind when so ninny are
ready and willing to accept the office
and is highly complimentary to the
person whose ability retains him in the
A Lincoln woman who haB been con
stantly annoyed with requests for n
meeting by a male acquaintance finally
decided to moot him up town and she
did Monday afternoon He undoubtedly
now wiBhes that he had never asked a
meeting She carried n rawhide whip
nnd when the meeting took place she
applied it with commendable dexterity
If her style of meeting wns more gen
erally adopted it is safe to say that
mashers wonld soon become lei s numer
ous and conspicuous
Politicians are picking out presidential
possibilities as though a national election
was imminent If they will but stop to
figure a little they will find that it will
be three years from this summer before
there is any need of lining up available
material for the presidency and they
certainly do not mean to be aB monoto
nous as to continue naming candidates
at intervals of every few days during
that time besides there is that prophecy
that the repnblic will be turned into an
empire nnd if it is tbeirjlabors will have
been iu vain
Politicians are speculating npon the
objects of the allied third party move
ment launched at Kansas City Mo
Wednesday afternoon Its principles
being so closely associated with those of
the fusiouiets and Mr Bryans name be
ing mentioned in connection with the
new organization leads many to believe
that it is but another party to the fusion
movement with the object of gathering
iu a few estrays or else meant for the
refuge of democrats who fear being re
tired from the lend by the reorganizes
of that party who propose to return it
to the position it once occupied in na
tional politics before it became saturated
with populism Auother object of the
new party may be to secure a balance of
power in 6ome cf the southern states
that appear to be departing from democ
racy aud hold them in line for that
party The precise object of the organi
sation will undoubtedly be disclosed
AMC f nMrttRfMWI
M Um- MlSjfcpW J t V
long before it has an opportunity to en
ter the national contest in 1004
The Unitert tftnteB department of
ngricnltnro proposes to do it a share to
ward making tho farmers of the country
millionaires The department has nn
exhaustive course of experiments under
way regarding corn production and it is
believed that the corn yield of tho
country can be doubled during the next
few years Already 10000 specimens of
hybreds have been grown but it will bo
nbont two yenrs before definite results
aro obtained In North Carolina a crop
of i00 bushels to tho acre haa been
grown Farmers who will follow tho
advice of the department mny bo able
to increase their yield to fiO or 76 bushelB
nn aero Core in selecting seed the de
partment believes will be of immediate
benefit to the farmers Tho way to
make these selections 1b to go through
the corn field during the fall aud choose
tho best stalks Of course proper
methods of cultivation must also be em
ployed It 1b said that not one farmer
in 10000 does this They generally go
to tho com c ib nnd select the largest
ear to be toiud While stalks of thiB
kind may produce large ears they do not
increase the yield or improve the quality
of the corn
Editor J W Huntsbergt r of the Pen
der Republic evident y propes to reap
some of the prosperity being gathered in
by the farmers ot Nebraska and indi
cates thnt he is a strenuous worker in
tb following His brethern of the
press enn imagine him making things
hum with a hoe in one hand nnd a pen
in the other The editor of this journal
has had hie hands full pretty much of
the time this spring with his double
duty of editing the best paper in these
diggius nnd tending to the most
promising fruit farm in Thurston county
He has been up with the birds and still
at work when darkness fell nearly every
day for the past six weeks The weeds
will grow as well as the trees etc and
it took hustling to keep ahead of the
procession but we have been staying
right there and expect to keep ahead
Oar orchard now challenges the admira
tion of every passer by nnd the straw
berry bed has been yielding its fruit the
past ten days but only after severe sieges
of backaches We have harvested the
first crop of hay in the county a crop
or fine alfalfa and our rye is soon ready
to yield to the sickles edge and if onr
farmer friends want to see n first class
piece of rye let them call and inspect
Former President of the Transvaal
Given Enthusiastic Greeting
Rotterdam June 27 Mr Kruger
former president of the South African
republic was welcomed on his arrival
here yesterday by the burgomaster
deputations from numerous societies
and many women Two bands of mu
sic on a platform played the Transvaal
anthem and hundreds of workmens
societies were drawn up along the
streets leading from the station to the
town hall to which Mr Kruger was
driven escorted by a guard of former
Transvaal officers Great enthusiasm
was manifested everywhere
In a speech of welcome at the town
V 11 41m ItiiKiriinn o j m errm rt tVirt
but I feel as if my election to congress
imposes an obligation upon me to
stay there When the proper time
comes I shall be a candidate for the
office of I
Congressman Scott lives at Iola and
Is a neighbor of Brigadier General
Frederick Funston It bad been
stated from time to time that General
Funston might be a candidate for con
gress for his home district
Sheriffs In Session
Chicago June 27 The Interstate
Sheriffs association began its ninth
annual meeting here yesterday The
Btates represented at the meeting are
Colorado Illinois Iowa Kansas Min
nesota Missouri Montana Nebraska
North Dakota South Dakota Wiscon
sin and Wyoming The association
has a membership of 850 Its purpose
Is to keep Its members in touch with
each other to facilitate the apprehen
sion of criminals
Land Locators Indicted
Helena Mon June 27 The United
States grand jury made final report
last night returning 102 Indictments
They are almost all against land locat
ors In the MiBsoula land district and
charge perjury In swearing they filed
upon lands for personal use whereas
they transferred them soon after secur
ing title The lands comprise about
1 1 B BE
Steamer Lusitania is Wrecked
on a
Passengers Fight With Knives for
Boats but Are Overcome by Crew
Vessel Expected to Be Total Loss
Had Five Hundred on Board
St Johns N F June 27 The Ori
ent Steam Navigation companys
Bteamer Lusitania Captain McNay
from Liverpool June 18 for Montreal
having COO passengers on board was
wrecked last night off Cape Ballard
The LuBltanla was bound around
Cape Race for Montreal with a largo
cargo and a Bhlpload of passengers
It mistook its course in a dense fog nnd
went ashore near Renews 20 mlleB
north of Capo Race bcfoie daybreak
Tho ship ran over a reel and hangB
against a cliff The passengers who
nro mostly emigrants were ponlc
stricken They stampeded and fought
for the boats but were overcome by
the ofllcerB nnd crew The rougher
element among the passengers used
knives The women and children wero
first landed and the men followed Tho
crew stood by tne snip a neavy sea
was running and it was thought likely
that It would prove a total wreck
The Bteamer Glencoe arrived here
bringing six first 15 second and 43G
steerage passengers and 93 of the
crew of the Lusitania Captain Mc
Nay and the chief officers of the ship
remain with the wreck The passen
gers are almost entirely Russian and
Polish Jews The steamer struck at
130 a m during a dense fog Cap
tian McNay had to force the vessel
upon the reef for if he reversed the en
gines the whole ships bottom would
have been torn out and she would have
sunk immediately The panic was in
tense The drawing of knives by tho
passengers was not general but oc
curred in isolated Instances only
Three hours elapsed between tho
time when the Lusitania struck nnd
the time the passengers started to dis
embark This delay was occasioned
by the difficulty In controlling the pas
sengers and handling the boats All
the passengers and crew agree that If
the Lusitania had struck the rocks
in rougher weather not a soul on
board would have been saved
Dead In
Wabash Wreck Are All Ital
ian Emigrants
Peru Ind June 27 Sixteen persons
were killed and about 50 were seri
ously Injured in a wreck of train No 3
the west bound Wabash limited nine
miles west of this city yesterday The
dead are all Italian emigrants en route
to Colorado Many of the injured un
doubtedly will die
The dead John F Williamson
newsboy Bowling Green O both
arms and both legs broken died on
way to hospital Mrs Mattle Cruse
wife of Joe Cruse of New York who
I was Injured Miss Fannie Muhloic
i sister to John Muhloic New York who
I was slightly injured Lulgl Benin
I New York five Italian men names
I unknown two Italian women names
I unknown three Italian babies
I David Tucker and Eernest
V b A Z m farmer boys were arrested at the
similarity between the Transvaal and
scene of the wreck charged with rob
Dutch struggles for liberty nnd said
Rotterdam wished through M Kruger
to pay homage to the little Boer na
tion which had shown such faith and
confidence in its own strength
Kansas Congressman-at-Large Says He
Will Stay With the House
Lawrence Kan June 27 In an au
thorized statement Hon Charles F
Scott congressman-at-large says I
do not deny that I should like some
time to be governor of Kansas It Is
a compliment even to receive honor
able mention in connection with it
bing the dead and Injured of money
and valuables Two policemen were
at the wreck But for their determined
attitudejthe prisoners would have been
roughly handled by an indignant
Shoots His Wifes Assailant
Lincoln June 27 Sheriff Branson
of this county returned at midnight
from the town of Raymond having in
custody Michael Kllroy a farmer
who yesterday noon shot and probably
fatally wounded Jesse Rodgers his
hired man Kilroy says Rodgers
i ing his absence criminally assaulted
his wife Kilroy is in jail and his vic
tim Ib in the hospital
Nonunion Men Again Fired Upon
Matewun W Va June 27 When
the nonunion men again attempted to
go to work at the Maritime coal mines
I this morning they were fired upon by
strikers The nonunion men deemed
it best to withdraw and did so before
any of the number feu victims to the
deadly bullets Another battle 1b Im
minent between the strikers and the
federal marshals
Ostrander Given Parole Pardon
Topeka June 27 Frank J Os
trander of Wyandotte waB given a
parole pardon yesterday by Governor
Stanley as a reward for courage and
services in the recent coal mine mutiny
at the Kansas penitentiary Ostrander
climbed half way up the shaft and
reached the carriage He waB then
pulled up and told the officers the con
dition of affairs
Torrid Wave at Lincoln
Lincoln June 27 Since Sunday
last Lincoln has experienced four of
the hottest successive daya in the nlB
tory of the weather bureau The gov
ernment instruments marked 97 de
grees On Monday 98 nnd on Tuesday
and Wednesray 99 A brUk wind haB
15000 acres and were bought by Sen IDlown nil the time and there has been
ator Clark
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Boston 2 St
Louis 3 New York 6 Cincinnati 2
Brooklyn 16 Pittsburg 3 American
League Cleveland 5 Milwaukee
8 Washington 5 Philadelphia 4
Western League Omaha 7 St Jo-
no serious prostrations
Consldlnei Statement
Seattle June 27 When Interviewed
In the county jail John W Considine
who shot and killed ex Chief of Police
W L Meredith said My attorneys
wrote to Meredith that he muBt re
tract the statements he made which
seph 10 Minneapolis 5 Colorado reflected on my character or I would
Spring 10 Des Moines 9 Kansas ue for libel It was that letter which
City 0 St Paul 3 Denver 4 I mad ftlm attack Die