The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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1 3
A rouiiTii or imr iiomancr
ii r rirruii maiituhiu
h Copyright 1000 fcy P McArthur
r MONO thn vorv
first families to
r u c Ii Ouglurn
for the summer
Benson were tliu
Uroshiuns a n d
tlu Ditvlscs It
Is doubtful It ci
ther of t h e in
coulil toll exact
ly why thpy liinl
closed thuir town
houses do early
nnil the two who
were chletly re
sponsible would
have denied us
ing their inlliience If they had been ac
cused And anyway neither would have
thought of accusing tins other The
Greshanis and Davlses lived in different
cities during the winter but it so hap
pened that they had selected Onglnrn as
the choicest spot on the great lakes for
their summer outing They had tried It
for the first time on the previous year
anil it was in that way that Jack
Gresham and Iolly Davis first met They
had met only a few times but were so
congenial that all winter they had been
thinking of each other and it was due
to their influence exerted on their re
spective families that the Hitting took
place as cany as May And when they
met they Immediately began to act as
if they had known each other for years
and had been in the habit of meeting
every day It is strange but true that
people who arc acquainted and think
about each other a great deal find their
friendship ripens just as quickly when
they are apart as if they were associat
ing dally
Jack and Polly promptly began to en
joy the beauties of Ougiara in company
They organized botnnizing parties of two
went boating and fishing and discovered
that at no time of the dny Is the air so
Invigorating or long walks so healthful
ns in the early evening
But ulthough they were inseparable
neither of them was awaro of the fact
for nothing had happened to make them
study the state of their hearts Of course
they were teased by their friends but
they were so sure of the platonlc char
acter of their friendship that they didnt
mind in the least One evening about the
middle of June however something un
expected happened
I have made up my mind said Tolly
as she swuiig in the hammock that Jack
kept In motion to celebrate the first
Fourth of July in the new century by
doing something unusual though I
havent decided yet what It shall be
Well you have plenty of time to make
up your miudv
Not so very much only about two
About a year and two weeks you
mean dont you said Jack
Certainly not Polly retorted with a
slight show of temper Now surely you
are not one of the cranks that try to
prove that the new century does not be
gin till the beginning of the year 1001
Oh I dont know that I am so particu
larly cranky in thinking so and anyway
I have the majority of the world with
Well Matthew Arnold used to say
that the majority is always wrong and it
most decidedly is in this case
I dont see how on earth you can say
so The argument is just as clear as a
Well Id like to have a look at that
pikestaff I suppose the argument you
refer to is the one about dollars and pay
ing them out one at a time until you have
paid 100
The tone in which this was said ex
asperated Jack by its condescension and
he answered in the same strain
Not by any means The argument I
use is much simpler and suited to any
grade of intelligence
Indeed said Polly Would you
mind prattling it out
Not in the least Let us suppose that
we have 100 volumes of 305 pages each
and each divided into 12 chapters The
first volume would be volume 1 and so
on to volume 100 and if I started to
read them I couldnt say that tbey were
all read until I had completed the three
hundred aud sixty fifth page of volume
100 and in the same way a century can
not be complete until the three hundred
and sixty fifth day of its hundredth year
has elapsed
Thats no argument at all said Pol
ly Books and years are entirely dif
ferent things
But each book represents n year
No it doesnt not any more than
that cow out there on the commons does
You surely have studied rhetoric even if
you havent studied metaphysics Pol
ly wu rather proud of her Wellealey ed
ucation And you should know that
you must never compare a thing that is
concrete with a thing that is abstract
Time is something abstract and the
measurement of it should be compared
with another abstraction
Im sure I dont know what on earth
you axe talking about with your concrete
and abstract
I didnt uuppose you would But I
UTt s war of explaining jr position
that Is also suited to every grade of In
Indeed said Jack recalling iln own
angry remark and her reply to it
Would you mind prattling it for my
Not in the least 1 suppose you have
noticed that on my bicycle there Is a
flung called a cyclometer It registers
the number of miles that I travel
When I travel one mile It registers 1
and when it has registered 100 my first
century is completed In the name way
when It registers 1100 miles it means
that I have completed 11 centuries nnd
I Immediately begin my twentieth Now
we have reglsteied 1100 years and for
that reason li centuries are complete It
U just the snino with the age of a person
I was IS on my last birthday and I say
that I am 18 years old aud the Christian
era wan just 11HH years old on Ita last
Oh 1 suppose If one hunted around
for it they could Hud some exception that
would prove anything but I cant Ree
for the life of me that miles are n bit
more like years than books nre
Well If you cant It is because you
dont know any better said Polly hotly
as she jumped out of the hammock
Well said Jack with nn air of lofty
decision 1 may not know much about
the kind of arguments that they teach in
ladies colleges but I know more about
some people than I did
I suppose you mean that for me Mr
Gresham Well I dont know that It is
any particular business of yours knowing
anything about me one way or the oth
I am glad you think so Miss Davis
and I hope that your celebration of the
last Fourth of July of the century will
be a notable one
The first In the new century I she
Having thus reduced their vocabularies
to Inarticulate sounds they separated In
high dudgeon fully resolved that never
again would they speak or recognize one
another on the street During the two
weeks preceding the Fourth of July they
both spent most of their time In careful
ly avoiding each other and for that very
reason mot more frequently because one
was afraid of meeting the other in their
old favorite haunts and for that reason
kept away from them
Now all my summers fun Is spoiled
Polly said to herself at least a dozen
times And all on account of that thick
headed Jack Gresham Well Im glad
I found hi m out anywny If we had
been together all the time there is no
knowing what might have happened and
just think of having to go through life
with such a stupid But oh dear I wish
we hadnt quarreled just now or that
there were some other young men in town
that were any fun But all the other
young men are silly aud at the worst
he is only stupid Dear me but I am
Jacks meeltations for the two weeks
might bo condensed into a paragraph
about as follows
There is no getting around it I was
fnlliug in love with her but it is a good
thing I found her out when I did Whew
what a spitfire she is And then think
of having to live with a woman who
thinks she knows more than you do
But oh ye lor is at ladles intellectual
Inform ua truly bavo ttiey not henpecked you allt
Guess Ill go fishing today No Ill
be hanged if I will Ill go botanizing
But darn botnnizing anyway
By the 3d of July they were both lone
ly and very miserable and Polly had not
yet decided on her unique celebration
She had thought of exasperating Jack
by buying a lot of set pieces each put-
ting the number 20 In some different
way and getting her little brother to set
them up In some conspicuous place where
Jack could not help seeing them from his
home But still that would not be so
very much fun after all Jack on the
other band discovered during the two
weeks of the quarrel that not only had
be been in d nger of falling in love with
Polly but that he was iu love with her
and be argued himself into the conviction
that if they could only get Into the new
century safely they would have a hun
dred years ahead of them before there
would be any chance of anything arising
so exasperating as this end of the cen
tury dispute After be had arrived at
this conclusion an idea came to him that
was remarkably bright even Polly after
ward admitted for such a stupid fellow
On the forenoon of the Fourth of July
Jack took an American flag in one hand
and a flag of truce in the other and
marched gravely up to the Davis cottage
Polly smiled in spite of herself and grant
ed the armistice
Have you decided yet on the unusual
celebration that you were thinking of for
the last Fourth of July of the century
For the first of the new century aald
Never mind that said Jack I dont
care when the new century begins AH
I know is that I will not be happy in it
unless you agree to begin it with me
Why not celebrate this Fourth by get
ting engaged And we can celebrate the
next by getting married and then well
be sure of celebrating the right day
Polly was so taken by surprise that
Bhe didnt even say This is so sudden
Instead she disappeared quickly Into the
grape arbor while Jack followed When
they emerged again they had agreed
thoroughly that they didnt care when
any old century began and two Fourth
of July celebrations bad been arranged
for instead of one
t r n ixr i r I-
Joseph ltiidiniiu 1 rakes ode to Tlio
American King taiils next In popularity
to The Star Spangled Banner nn a ver
sified tribute to Old Glory Drake died
at the nge of - ho that precocity has
been justified In one InMnneo nt least
lie was a poet iu his childhood In his
twenty second year he wrote The Cul
prit Fay the work upon which his repu
tatlon chletly rests The date of his spir
ited ode is not certain but he attached
little value to It When on his deathbed
a friend brought It to his side wllh other
fugitive pieces and the nuthor Haiti
Bum them they nre of no value They
wore preserved however nnd tho odo
was included among others Iu a collection
published in 1835
Whilejiot suited for musical rendering
like Keys masterpiece Tho American
Flag contains ninny lofty flights of
poetic imagery aud gems of poetic ex
pression An Englishman who was com
paring notes upon literature with nn
American cousin asked him which four
lines of poetry he considered the finest
in tlie mother tongue The answer given
offhand was a quotation of the first four
lines of Drakes ode After listening
with breathless attention the Briton said
Yes I think I quite agree with you
When Freedom from her mountain height
Unfurled her standard to the air
She tore tho azure robe of nlnlit
And sot the slara of glory there
Bhe mingled with its gorgeous dyca
The milky baldric of the aklci
And striped ita pure celestial whits
With streaking of the morning lights
Then from his mansion in the sun
She called her eagle bearer down
And gave unto his mighty hand
The symbol of her chosen land
Majestic monarch of the cloud t t
Who rcarst aloft thy regal form
To hear the tempest trumping loud
And see the lightning lances driven
When strive the warriors of the storm
And roll the thunder drum of heaven
Child of the sun I to thee tis given
To guard the banner of the free
To hover in the sulphur smoke
To ward away the battle stroke
And bid its blcndings shine afar
Likn rainbows on the cloud of war
The harbingers of victory
Flag of the brave I thy olds ahill fly
He sign o hopo and triumph high
When ipeaka the algnal trumpet tone
And the long line cornel gleaming on
Ere JH the lie btood warm and wet
Ilaa dimmed the glistening bayonet
Each aoldler eye shall brightly turn
To where thy sky born gloriea burn
And aa his springing steps advance
Catch war and vengeance from the glaica
And wken the csnnon mouthlnga loud
IIeave In wild wreaths the battle shroud
And gory sabers rise and fall
like ahoots of flame on midnights pail
Then fchall thy meteor glances glow
And cowering foes shall alnk beneath
Each gallant arm that atrlkes below
That lovely messenger of death
Hag of the seasl on ocean wavo
Thy stars ahall glitter oer the brave
Wken death careering on the gale
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail
And frighted waves rush wildly back
Before the broadsides reeling rack
Each dying wanderer of the sea
Shall look at once to heaven and the
And smile to see thy splendors fly
In triumph oer bis closing eye
rlag of the free heart a hope and hornet
By angel hands to vslor given
Thy stars hsve lit the welkin dome
And all thy hues were born la heavea
For ever float that standard sheet P
Where breathes tke foe but falU before utf
With freedoms soli beneath our feet
Ana freedMat bluer stmalsf eer sl
Tornado Leaves Trail of De
struction in Nebraska
Flvo Members of One Household and
Three of Another Hurled Into Eter
nity Wind Grinds Dwellings to Dust
Hailstones as Big as Baseballs
Naper Nob Juno 22 A lorrlfio tor
nado wont down tho Koyn Pnlui vnlluy
20 miles north of Stuart Holt county
nt HUtidown Thursday evening nnil loft
tleutli nnd dissolution In Its wnko
FlKht persons dead and several others
injured In tho roBuM of tho twlatura
trail Tho doatl
JOHN 01UCI2NINO ngod 8
MAItY lltlSliNINO ngod 8
Tho injured Mm Jacob Crooning
seriously Thoodoro Anderson ngod 8
dangerously Mrs August Anderson
In a critical condition Otto Motz ho
voro bruises Honry Motz log broken
Tho woathor had boon oxtromoly
slultry all day and about G oclock
Btonn clouds gathered In tho northwest
and soon wore soothing boiling black
masses Throo ftinuolahnpoil clouds
formed ono of which followed the val
ley on lta mission of death and ruin
It tlrst paid a visit to tho homo of
mower waa plckod up carried 100
yards and twisted out of shapo
From hero tho twister went through
big timber on tho bottoms smashing It
houses killing Clara and Ida
from homo
Nothing was loft around tho Ander
son place except wreckage and tho val
ley up antl down a long ways Is littered
with broken boards and household
furnituro In a thousand pieces
Victims Stripped of Clothes
A singular feature of this sad affair
Is that tho clothing waa torn from all
tho victims by th fury of tho wind
It was a night of terror for people
here Hailstones as largo as baseballs
and sorno sevon Inches long fell while
tho oloments seemed aa a lady ex
pressed It under tho control of a
thousand devils
Hundreds of peoplo of Boyd nnd
Holt counties went to the sceno of tho
disaster and tho funeral procession of
tho eight who woro burled yesterday
afternoon was tho largest seen In this
Houses Blown Down People Injured
and Hailstones Bombard Crops
Butte Neb Juno 22 A hurricane
struck Lynch Thursday night and
threw over several buildings South
west of Lynch three farm houses were
blown to plocea and two persons woro
badly injured Evert Rl cards houso
on the Niobrara was blown down and
a child was badly injured Farmers
along tho south aldo of the Niobrara
were hailed out of their crops
Mrs Jamos Parshall wife of tho
owner of the Badger roller mills Bad
ger Holt county died as a result of
fright from tho cyclone
8torm Follows tho Coursa of ths
8tream North of Stuart
Stuart Neb Juno 22 Thursday
night a tornado struck 20 miles north
of Stuart and followed the courso of
ths Niobrara river doing great dam-
ago to property It is reportod that
sorno children of a Gorman farmer
namod Anderson wors killed Tho
Wilson bridge on the Keym Paha river
waj itrjis by lightning and
lulled Heavy rains have nwnllnn rlv j
urn i in iMitiium wiinn iiwuy inn
bridges of the Niobrara and Kuya Paha
rlvora Telephone poloa are down
culling off communication from tho
north Ughttlng struck tho houso of
Joe Zlflltn a lormnn farmer 20 miles
south of town Tho bolt titruck throo
tliuea nnd tore up one etui of tho build
lug One of the children wns thrown
liimti KAftl Htktil iihiil IliiliktkiaMilft jh
Lightning Starts a Fire
Wnkollold Neb June 22 Lightning
struck tho Ieavey elevator here at mid
night nnd II burned to the ground
It wns n total loss us wan also two
empty frotght ears All the vitiligo
records wore lost also Woodman rec
Infected British Steamer Reaches San
Diego and Reports Six Deaths j
Washington Juno 25 Surgeon 1on
oral Wyuinn of tho murine hospital
Borvlco was Informed by Dr McKay
quarantine officer at Han Diego Gal
of tho arrival at that port of a plngtin
Infected nlilp The vessel Is the Brit
ish steamer Carlisle City from Hong
Dr McKay reports that thero woro
U deaths en route live of which woro
curtaluly caused by plague ami tho
sixth Is supposed to have boon All
tho doatha but ono woro among mom
bora of the crow tho exception being a
Chinese Hteornge passungor Dr Mc
Kay roporta that all tho others on
board nro In good health Neverthe
less tho vessel is being thoroughly
disinfected nnd kept well nway from
tho wharf so aa to prevent tho oscapo
of rats as well as persons Dr Mc
Kay says that dead rats were found on
I 1 liln nli lt I wtfi Mil I It r rtljilrmiilil illn 1 1 r
Henry Motz It was soon approaching I an UD
by Mr Motz and ho nnd his brother Tho
Otto went Into a slough lay down and
hung onto tho grass Thoy woro picked
up by the twister carried 200 yards
nnd dropped then picked up again
anil carried back then picked up a
third time nnd flung to tho place
whero thoy were first Otto la badly
Injured Honry had a leg broken
The tornado then paid a visit to tho
homo of John Berg and scattered out
buildings anil farm machinery around
but injured no one
crew of tho Carlisle City con
sisted of eight Europeans and II Chi
nese Tho vessel carried one Euro
pean cabin passongor and 12 Chluoso
Btcorago passengers
Men Supposed to Belong to Bray Gang
Captured One Seriously Wounded i
Mason City la Juno 25 An tin-
known mnn lies In the county Jail hero
perhaps fatally wounded nnd his pal
From there It wont to Jacob Borgfl who gives his namo na Smith occupies
upsetting a granary full of corn and an adjoining coll The prisoners nro J
then camo back and took another supposed to bo mumbora of tho
chance at tho corncrlb reducing it to ous Bray gang of burglars and thlovea
kindling wood I who ply their avocation along tho Mil-
Then it whirled to tho homo of John waukeo road and who Homl annually
Hauff and toro It up badly but hurt furnish a sensational Incident for tho
no one public Smith nnd the wounded man
Family Wiped Out I woro detected yosterday morning by i
It then struck tho dwelling houso of members of tho local vigilance commit 1
Jacob Greening killing Jacob Maggie I tee about 3 oclock They had on-
John Mary and Jacob Jr Tho onlyj tored tho general morchundlso storo oti
ono of tho family to escape is Oraco II D Johnson and stolen two sacks I
Greening aged 14 Not a vestlgo of full of shoes and woro about to raid I
tho house remains Four horses a lot tho Ayers hardwaro store On a com
of sheep and othor domoatlc animals mand to halt tho wounded man shot
woro killed at this place while a now at tho pursuers and tho shot was re-
turned by Lou Kostner with a rlflo
Tho ball took effect passing through
tho right hip and groin His pal who
also had a revolver threw up his
Natives Will Starve Unless They Re
ceive Government Support
Manila Juno 25 Tho schooner Es
meralda which has Just arrived hero
from Guam brings continuation of tho
stressing in circulation
place and took tho children and went reports re
Into It Tho cyclone wrecked both
gardlng tho conditions prevailing In
that Island Tho now tariff stops trade
Mra Vwlnrann nnl lnlir worn tnVon nl1 R 3 IBHOrtOll that UlO people Will
Btarve unless receive
tip In the air 30 feet and violently government
dashed to tho ground Mrs Anderson Port
nnuso of tho theft of a barrel of
while tho
Is In a critical condition
baby was not Injured In the least nor- wh Hky fr101 U01 hospital stores nnd
l t0 3 Inability to discover tho
tho Anderson aged 10 died yesterday
afternoon making eight dead alto- Cornmant or Schroder tho
Rather Theodore Anderson aged 8 fovornor of Guam Issued a proclama
ta Mmiv hrf Mr a nHnrann I tIon lamorii Ing thopro valence of hood-
lumlHm ftn1 account of the
on punitive
probably owes his iifo to being away
and disciplinary
measures adopted 75
marines Hod from tho barracks and hid
In tho Interior of the Island Seventy
two of these men were recaptured and
were awaiting trial by court martial
when tho Esmeralda Hailed
Accident at Bicycle Race
Now York Juno 25 When Floyd
McFarland had ridden 13 miles of a
scheduled 15 mile motor paced race
with John Nelson of Chicago at the
Madison Square Gardou last night he
run Into a motor machine which
slipped down tho Incline Just as It was
getting under way to pace ono of tho
contestants McFarland was thrown
from his wheel to tho banked track and
Nelson who was following him at a
terrific clip was thrown completely
over McFarland McFarland was
plckod up bruised and bleeding and
was taken to a hospital in a semi-conscious
condition Nelson was also
bleeding from a cut In tho faco but
plucklly rosuraed riding and was
awarded the race
Seeks to 8et Aside Timber Patents
Helena Mon Juno 25 United
States District Attornoy Rodgera yes
terday began an action In the federal
court against United States Senator W
A Clark In which tho government
seeks to have set aside patents for
about 10000 acres of valuable timber
now under control of tho senator Tho
government claims that the lands wero
taken up within tho last threo years
under timber and stone act by per
sons who contrary to law filed on
them for speculative purposes and
knowing that they expected to dispose
of them to Senator Clark or his agents
Tho lands Involved are located prin
cipally in Missoula county
Deserter Put In Irons
Manila Juno 25 Frank Mokin ths
deserter of tlrts Thirty seventh infan
try who had been acting as a lieuten
ant with the Insurgents under Callles
antl who surrendered yesterday was
placed in irons
wander when the brain in
tired Overwork nervous
irritation wo ry unci menu
strain exhni the brain
forces and du it i teir
thought powr -
brain str nitli i n jrv s
and build up nt v r vi
tality and miiital rower
The greatOHl oi ah tin
foods and nerve tonic ii
Dr Miles Nervine
I have uied Dr Mllei Nervine at
various times lor ycuis I Imvc lounil
lta perfect temedv In cases of nervous
lies and insomnia caused by pro
tracted inenl il Miiiln and overwork
Have also used il in my fmnlyand I
know it Is ii tine brain and nerve food
U 1 1 Max iin Charleston W Va
Dr Miles
feeds and nourishes the
brain and nerves over
comes irritation and brings
sweet refreshing sleep
Hold by iliiiiiislH on iturantee
Dr Miles Medical Co KlUhirt ImL
Al ll dnn tlorf 35 Dot 25
iizjt c yj
- cva1
jsr i
nwrwr m iri -
cJlLr 271 I3INCLU vt I9CI -
FirHt and Bout Fair of the Senium
All Attractions of High Order
Concert Musio a Hppoinl Fuatnro
A Grand Fourth of July Colouration
Pennine Mexican Bull Fights
Evorvono Invited
down like bo many reeds and strucRj hands anil tho committee completed i Reduced Rates from AH Points
tho new bridge across tho Koya Paba tho capture
Tho brldgo was totally wrecked
It then took a Jump and struck tho
house of August Anderson a quarter or
a mllo distant Mrs Anderson was
homo with hor children tho husband
at a neighbors Seeing tho storm com
ing Mrs Anderson thought tho chick
en at tho brow of the hill a safer
Dont Fail to Oomo
JULY 2 to 13
Koeiiifilcins Pharmacy
Corner PIfth and flnln 5ts
2 Combination Porn I
vwwwww atvurvJ
Billion DollBrCraaa
UmUil BULTTtl or lb sl
It tons of bar per kcro Vint
cropsix mu uur sowiug
What Is It
MJUkbMOTICs lull
- Lfc ami etulef 10 Qnla
b lu SO I r A 7
IWtcyaSlMftMlfeWt41ttcattit I
John A SMMr m U I
M --
Pan flmefiean Exposition
It wiih Hiiiil wlion tlm WonlH Kiiir clodod Hint
llim country would not mk 1U oqual in fifty
your In nil lint tliu Hpiiuu occiipiinl liowoviir
tlm Iliii Aiiinriniiti riioltlH l liulliilo thin
your will iizcul tliu KroatHhowof QlThla mouiin
tluit morn can Iin hoiiii in tlm xnuiu litnirtli of
tiiiin nt tlm iliii Aniuriciiii mid with lonii of tliu
futixuo anil uimrliiiibH tlml waa utiiivoiilnhli ut
tlm Worliln l nir
Tin DzliibltH will ho viirind intornatinK anil
liiHtriictlvn and tint imiiroviiitimit in tlioiraolnc
tioa and tlm iiiaiinur in which thoy nru ilin
iilayud iliin to tlio nxKirioiico trainod liy nr
IiilijUirrt at tho roennt uront Kxponitioiis will ho
Miry noticiialilii In tho variiity quulity uov
olty mid iiilinlmr of IU oiiiiirtniiiiiioiit fouturoi
tliu IliilTalo Kxooultioii will Hurpius nil otlmrH
Thorn am ilIITuronl niton for tickota with
diffnrmit liinitH and if you or poet to visit
Itiiiralo and will hoiiiI your ndclrosa to tlio nn
ilorsitftmd tlio ratoanow in Dlfootwlll hoquotixl
yon and you will ho Kupt udvlsud of any
An artUtic IxioMot lxinutifully illiistrntud
and itivinit n conoiboiluhcription of tills Kriiil
Kxpuditiou will ho uiuilod froo to all iiimilmru
Asnt Goal Iasa Aont
Dubwjuu Iowa
en vrnrs czirKrnoU
jsmBsisBsiBsdK dkftua i i
Tills is annif statement But Uul
leCftoMs bow it out eiry tuu
SVr Bf TXftH
lTzHHsbV issTj
kWMf Mt BI