The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Blackmailers Burn a Kansas
Farmers Home
Huaband Fillo to Comply With De
mand for 5000 and House Is Fired
During Hit Absence Neighbor Dis
covers Unconscious Woman
Topokn Knn Juno 28 Uurnoil nnd
dying lu Intoimo agony wuti tho fato of
Mm W C Cnraon wlfo of n Cowley
county farmer nil beratiHo lier huiv
band refused to dopnnlt 0000 In n
placo nnmud by unknown black
Word reached thta city of tho trnR
cdy which happened Saturday nlKlit
In nn obacuro Holtloinunt away from
jiontonico and telegraph titntlonn
Thrco wcolta ngo Cnrnon who In
wealthy roculvud an anonymous nolo
requesting him to bury 5000 at tho
foot of a toluphono polo on tho road
hIiIo umlor penalty of having IiIh Iiouho
burned Tho miggontlon wan iKiiorud
Ono week lator anothor nnonynioun
noto was received Htatlng thai If G
000 was not dopoaltod within a week
bid house would bo burnod and ho
would bo klllod In addition
No attention wan paid to tho flocond
communication and on Saturday night
while Mr Carson waB on routo to Ox
ford for mall tho homo wan flrod
Mra Carson was found about ton foot
from tho rulna by Mr Dunn a neigh
bor horribly burnod and IiihoiihIIiIo
Sho was taken homo by Mr Dunn
whoro sho rallied enough boforo dying
to rolato bor knowlodgo of tho trnnmic
tlon Sho rushed outaldo when alio
discovered tho llro but romomborod
Homo valuablo papora and a treas
ured old violin and roturnod to navo
thorn Prom that moment bor mind
was a blank until alio awoko in tho
homo of Mr Dunn
Walter Evans Attempts to Rescue
Fred Fetter and Both 8lnk
Waterloo Nob Juno 28 Fred Fot
tor nnd Walter Evans woro drowned
in It II HrownB lake two and a half
mllcB wost of Waterloo yeatorday
Fred Fottor was bathing lu tho lako
and got In deep wntor and wont down
Tho cries of his younger brothor for
help brought Evans and Arch Drown
to hlB relief Evans arriving first
lungcd into tho lako which 1b 12 to
15 foot doop and In his attempt to res
cuo Fottor went down
Arch Drown mado a horolc effort to
Bavo both nnd camo noar being
drowned They pulled him under four
times Ho succoodod in drawing out
Evans but not boforo llfo waB gono
ixoung Fetters body was found lator
The boy wns about 17 years old Mr
Evans was about 28 and loavoa a wlfo
Relief Train Reaches Elkliorn
niuellold W Va Juno 28 Tho rail
road and wire situation la In good con
dition considering tho socond wash
out Tho laborers numbering 3000 re
paired all wnshouts for temporary uso
as far as Vivian Tho rollof train
reached Elkliorn and supplies are be
ing furnished tho needy Tho com
plete list of tho dead so far as havo
been found numbers 35 nnd it is bo
lloved thnt as many more bodies aro
still in tho debris and driftwood
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Philadelphia 10
4 Chicago 7 3 Brooklyn 8 Pitts
burg 7 Now Cincinnati 7 0
Boston 8 St Louis 7 American
Loaguo Washington 2 Boston 0
Chicago C Cleveland 1 Baltimore
9 Philadelphia C Dotrlot 4
3 Western League Omaha 4 St
Josoph 7 Minneapolis 3 Colorado
Springs 8 Des Moines C Kansas
City 2 St Paul 11 Denver 6
Political War at Philadelphia
Philadelphia Juno 28 What prom
ises to bo a fierce local political war
was Inaugurated at tho Acadomy of
Music last night when 5000 citizens
In town meeting nominated District At
torney P F Rothermel Jr to bo a
candidate for tho office of district at
torney against tho candidacy of John
Woaver who was nominated for that
office lust weok by tho Ropublicau or
ganization of this city
Nellgh Dam Breaks
Nellgh Neb Juno 28 Owing to
the high water for tho past two wocka
and tho sudden drop of tho Elkliorn
river In the last two days 12 foot of
the north part of tho dam at this placo
washed out yesterday Every offort
Is being made to retain what is loft
This Is a heavy loss to tho proprietor
- unman and also to Nellgh as tho
electric light plant Is run by this
Founder of Dawson Is Dead
Platt8burg N Y Juno 28 Josoph
Ladue the founder of Dawson City In
the Klondike is dead at his homo In
Schuyler Falls Mr Ladue had not
been well since his return from Alaska
and spent last winter at Colorado
Springs in a vain search for health
He Anally fell a victim to consump
tion He is survived by a widow and
one son
I Trapped by Decoy Letter
Chicago June 28 Harrison W Mar
tin a railway postal clerk was arrest
ed last night on suspicion of having
been Implicated in a series of mail
thefts which have baffled the postal
inspectors for several months Dur
ing this time the railway malls west
bound have been robbed systematical
ly of packages and letters Martin
was trapped with a decoy letter
Events at the Pan American Expo
sition During July
Duffalo Juno 28- Special days and
ovonls at Iho Pnn Amorlcan exposl
tlon during Iho month of July aro na
follows July 1 Dominion day Now
York Stnto Tcnchora association July
2 Metropolitan Annoclatlon of tho Am
atour Alhlotlc union Thota Dolta Chi
Wollonloy Collugo day dodlcatlon of
Missouri building July 3 dodlcatlon
of Illinois building July 5 Now York
Ilodorhrnntz day National Associa
tion Toachors of tho Deaf July 0 Edit
calorn day Eastern Puzzlors loaguo
Union of German Ilomnn Catholic so
cieties of Now York state July
Commercial Travelers conclave week
National Association of Colored Worn
on Ilotnll Clerka National Protectlvo
association Sons of St Goorgo grand
lodge July 10 Maryland day Asso
ciated DIM Pouters convention July
11 Commercial TravolorB day Na
llonnl Association Master Composition
Hoofors National Mirror Manufuctur
era association Association of Deaf
Mutes of Now York July 1 1 Interna
tional convention of Antl Clgnretlo
loaguo July 15 Congress of Indian
Educators Stato League of Co Opera
tlvo Dullillng associations Now York
July 10 Chautauqua day July 17
Pan Amorlcan Dlblo Study congress
Electrical Contractors day July 18
Ohio day July 21 grand chnptor of
Sigma Chi fraternity C M D A day
July 24 Knights of Columbus day
July 25 Scandinavian day Porto Itlco
day International Jowolry Workers
association Young Peoploa alllanco
general convontlon Great Lakes
Yachting association July 27 Wiscon
sin day July 30 W C T U congress
nnd Elks day
Every Bushel or Wheat Corn and Bar
ley Shipped to Chicago
St Joseph Juno 28 Hush orders
from Chicago grain men yesterday
cleanod up ovory buahol of whoat
com and barley In elevators In this
city Thoro havo been moro than G00
000 biiBhola gono out of this city dur
ing tho past week for export sold at
7G cents a bushol About 400000 bush
oIb Btored In tho St losoph and Grand
Island olovator nt Elwood Kan was
also shipped to Chicago during tha
present wook
Cellar Men on Strike
Dos Moines Juno 28 Bocauso tho
cellar men In tho brnnch establishment
of tho National Starch works In this
city struck yeatorday for a 10 por cent
Increase 200 mon aro thrown out of
Record of the Days Trading and Clos
ing Quotations
Cldcngo June J7 Higher cubic- a good
cxpott ilnmnml nuil covorltii by lUortn con
tributed Ilrnuu Hrt to tin wliout iimrkiH to
ilny mill September delivery closed 3kc
up September corn closed VMYt lower
September ontM HYKc down nnd provisions
from Je to Tic under yesterdays tlual
prices Closing prices
Wlieat Jtily fliKe Sept 17Tfl7Vic
Corn July 41K3MWic Sept 4iJc
Outs July JSThc Sept l0ic
IorU July 14 Sept US0
Itlln July 800 Sept 912
Lard July fSirjw Sept 870
CiihIi quotations No 2 red wheat utfi
07Wje No II red wheat OWjc No Apilug
wheat UGTrttle No J hard wheat 17c No
I bard wheat iOUjc No i cash white and
yellow corn 4le No l new corn IJVi
lUVjc No 2 cash oats I7i4ffl28c No 3
cash oats 27ViC
Chicago Live Stock
ChlcaKO June 27 nattlo Receipts BKOO
Including 100 Tomiiih steers hteady to slow
butchers stock nnd Tevtins steady good to
prime steers riStli poor to medium
ltiki7fiU stocKers and feeders slow
28VTI7 cows 27075 heifers 273
ii 12 1 canners 200ffl270 bulls choice
steady others wen It 2WM450 calves
about steady Hr0ItV50 Texas fed steers
l2 riTO40 Texas bulls 310rl10 IIokh
Itecelpts today 22000 tomorrow 1800
estimated left over 4000 opened stronger
closed easier average steady top rt27v
mixed ami butchers n8ffta2Uj good to
choice heavv ja00ViM27W rough heavy
light o8i15 bulk of sales
rt00115 Sheep Uecelpts t2000 sheep
slow ewes weak shorn lambs strong to
10c higher spring lambs very weak top
jn75 good to choice wethers 180t415
fair to choice mixed 1 50fi3no western
sheep 3H041ri yearlings 400TM40 na
five lambs 1003323 western lambs
Kansas City Live Stock
Kansas City June
5300 natives 2300 Toxans 1000 calves
best beef steers and heavy feeders steady
others lOftlSu lower choice dressed beef
steers 333S580 fair to good 483030
dockers aud feeders 3232475 western
1 J wi n w
i u niui m tiiiij luiuns nun luumns
420jjfi2S Texas grass steers 1152413
cows 275Sl4oO heifers HWKt515 cau
tiers 173203 bulls 300150 calves
lower top 010 bulk of sales 3D03M03
heavy 005il0 mixed packers 5004
003 light 570ari5j pigs 3503503
Sheep ltecelpts 450t sheep active aud
steady western lambs 450Cii523 western
wethers 350ft00 western yearlings
423iX475 ewes 323St73 culls 2003
300 Texas grass sheep 3232310
South Omaha Live Stock
South Omaha June
3200 best heavy steady light und medium
grades lower native boot steers 4503
575 western steers 400400 Texas
steers 330403 cows and Uelfera lower
323jJ laj canners lT53325 atockers
and feeders dull t3234t400 calvos t300
3050 bulls stags etc 2tXXt30 Uors
ltecelpts 8000 shadu lower heavy 302K
000 mixed 5lKMjO02W light 3833
500 pigs 500583 bulk of sales 3003
SUeep Uecelpts 1200 steady
western muttons 340375 ewes 300a
350 common aud stock sheep 3004i3t0
lambs 400i323
8t Joseph Live Stock
St Joseph Junu 27 Cattle Becelpti 1
033 weak to 10c lower natives 4003
003 cows and Uelfers 2003310 bulls
aud stags 2733300 stockers and feeders
2758403 veals 3752050
7032 steady to 2V4c lower light
aud light mixed 387tt002H medium
aud heavy 507VaSOl2V4 pigs 400aa00j
bulk 5033O02H SUeep Uecelpts 2720
steady strong top 500
Sioux City Live Stock
Sloui City Juno
400 steady beeves 400075 cowa and
bulls mixed 2503375 stockers and feed
era 34042G calves and yearlings 323
123 Uogs Recelpts 3700 shads lower
selllug at 3805031 bulk 38344087
UUI1I1 I Ul I t 111
Copyrlgld 1000 by Weitlierby Clirmey uwl AUck
Ball wy
Hark awty
Tlunderl Dooml
Gather ill the valuables you can
Come back
Nothing lack
Thunder I llloom
Scatter all the money like a man
Tho Bristol Merchants nnchor has
kissed Severn mud once more and Wll
llo TrehallonH favorite song Bung
roared nnd shouted In every variety of
voice und key Is rising from tho
thronts of her brown faced crew nnd
compelling attention on tho wharfs nnd
landing stages of UrlHtol city aye
and throughout the whole townVtoo
Tho years of adventure and peril
hnve come to nn end at Inst nnd now
before the iiulll Is laid aside and tho
ugly uncompromising word Finis Is
scrawled across tho bottom of the last
pnge a few more dips In tho liikhorn
will enable Captain Alexander Ire
lands brave lads to make their bow
nnd march off the stage with ensign
and pennants flying For John Topp
prides himself ou being too old a Bcn
mnn to lenve tho strands of his yarn
lying littered about tho docks but pre
fers Instead to see them snugly moused
and pointed to an end
When tho Bristol Merchant set out
from tho muddy Severn to seek adven
ture and gold In tho faraway west
101 men drunk and sober had watch
ed from her decks tho black wavy lino
which marked tho Iron bound coast of
Devon until It sank slowly beneath
tho horizon astern aud bad then turn
ed with hearts full of hope to follow
tho beckoning arms of tho flashing
sun as It dipped all molten gold into
tho waste of western waters It was
tho beacon which told us that out thoro
beyond tho Atlantic rollers lay Manoa
tho city whoso streets wero paved with
Ah but It lied That golden glory
of tho sunset was a
lyhlch led all but a few of thoso 101
brave men to their death Manoa has
never yet enriched by so much as a
piece of eight tho many bold adven
turers who havo sought It nor ever
will for to my thinking at least Its
golden wenlth exists only in the hopes
of the bold lads whom It lends to death
Aye Manoa Is but a dream city and
the story of Job Trehallons tame
pngiui was jut a CIrco song of death
There aro some men who can be hap
py only when they are doing and dar
ing To enjoy tho rewards of ndven
ture past and peril safely braved Is to
them Imposilble Only sword in hand
nnd in the sharp grasping of battle do
they breathe easily and believe that
they really live Noyr I ask no better
comrade than such a ono to stand by
my sldo when the hot breath of a foe
Is surging In my face but ashore in
a tavern or at supper in a Bristol mer
cers house a ninu may havo a more
congenial comrade Of this restless
sort was my sworn shipmate Alex
ander Irelnnd nnd before a months
mud and rust had gathered on the
Bristol Merchants nnchor flukes he
was at sea again fighting In Captain
Franky Drakes company ngalnst the
enemies of England and Queen Bess
Job Trehnllon spent his prize money
In 14 days and then shipped for tho
Guinea coast from which he has not
yet returned Ills uncle after a short
er trial of dissipation resolved to
eschew the delights of sack and alo
and started a tavern to aid him in
keeping his vow The rest of the crew
scattered all their money Uko men
nnd then went afloat once more to col
lect a further supply for the same good
purpose It Is the way of sailor men
and always will be
But there Is still one person in this
tale of whose fato I have not told and
I had meant that there should be half
a score more of chapters written to
say how I sought her and won her
But she has read all that I havo writ
ten and she refuses to form any fur
ther part In what she calls my tale of
robbery and blood If I wish to tell
how I sought her at Vigo and found
that she had gone and how I finally
tracked her to Grenada and stolo her
then says she I must write another
tale of that alone
She Is my wife I have bought a roll
of paper and a score of quills and
could write the tale with easy gllbness
If It were permitted me But as I say
luez Is my wife now and bo sho must
be obeyed
Lieutenant Downes and One Private
Killed Capture Rebels In Bohol
Manila June 28 Lieutenant Ed
ward DowneB of tho First infantry
and ono private of that regiment havo
boon klllod In the southern part of
the island of Samar
Captain Woodbury of the Nineteenth
Infantry has captured Samsona camp
in tho Island of Bohol Private Kraua
of that regiment was klllod and four
men were wounded
Lioutenant Mlna McNair has cap
tured 54 insurgents in the northwest
ern part of tho province of Tayabas
Island of Luzon
HI Pockets and Money Drawer Rob
bed and Fire Set to Building
Minden Neb June 28 Last night
while Fred Norlln the county treas
urer was at work in his office in the
court house some ono entered and
knocked him senseless and after
rifling bis pockets and the money
drawer set Are to the building The
extent of the loss Is not yet known
Norllna Injuries are said to be seri
oua -
Mr W S Whodon cashlor of tho
First National bank of Wiutorsot Iowa
in a rooont letter given some oxperionoo
with a carpenter in his omploy that
will lo of vnluo to other moohnnlcs
HflsayR I had a carpoutor working
for mo who was obliged to stop work
for sovornl days on account of being
troubled with diarrhoea I mouttonod
to him thnt I had boon similarly troubled
and that Ohatuherlnius Colic Oholern
and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured mo
He bought a bottlo of it from tho drag
gist hero and informed mo that one doso
cured him and ho is again at his work
For snlo by Kiosau Drug Oo
YouThUo NoCliiwicn Wlmn You Huy Keclnt
for tho piles Wo will rofnnd tho full
pnrchasu prico it It fails to ouro A
pile pipe freo with oach pockago
Samples froo Kionan Drug Co Solo
Uixid Advice
Tho most miserable beings in tho
world oro thoso sutlering from Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint Moro than
Hoventy llvo por cout of tho poople in
the UultodStatesaroafllictod with these
two disoasos and their effects suoh as
Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual
Costlvenoo Palpitation of the Hoart
Hoart burn Watorbrash Gnawing aud
Burning Pains nt tho Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Ooated Tongue aud DiBa
groeablo Taste in the Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eatiug Low Spirits etc
Oo to your Druggist aud got a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents Two
doses will roliovo yon Try it Got
Greeus Prize Almanao Kiesau Drug
riles or People Havo IMIes
Roctol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay cared A pllo pipe freo
with each pockago We soil it on a
positive guarantee No euro no pay
HO cents Samples freo Kiesau Drag
Co Sole Agents
Tho lack of energy you feel tho back
none and a run down condition gener
ally all mean kidney disorder Foleys
Kiduoy Onro will restore yonr strength
and vigor by making tho kidneys well
Tako no substitute A H Kiesau
A Qood Thing
Gorman Syrup is tho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger
mat Physician and is acknowledged to
be 9110 of tho most fortunate discov
eries in Medicines It quickly oures
Conghs Colds and all Lnng troubles of
the severest nature removing as it does
tho cause of tho affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine but has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction in every case which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Bosohees German Syrup was
introduced in the United States in 1808
and is now sold in every town and vil
lage in the civilized world Three doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanao
Kiesau Drug Co
Head Feels Like llurstlng
Maybe you were out late last night
If yon had taken a Krnuses Headache
Capsule before retiring your head would
be cool and clear this morning Take
one now and yon will be all right in an
half hour Prioe 25o Sold by Geo B
William Woodard of Decatur la
writes I was troubled with kidney
disease for several years and four one
dollar size bottles of Foleys Kidney
Cure cured me A H Kiesau
Edward Huss a well known business
inau of Salisbury Mo writes I
wish to say for the benefit of others
that I was a sufferer from lumbago and
kidney trouble and all the remedies I
took gave me no relief I was induced
to try Foleys Kidney Cure and after
the use of three bottles I nui cured A
H Kiesau
A O Blauchard West Bangor N Y
says I havo been troubled with kid
ney disease for the last five years Have
doctored with several physicians and I
got no relief until I used two bottles of
Foley s Kidney Care A H Kiesau
Kindles anew the fires of youth Its
the head of the works The main
spring of life Rocky Mountain Tea
mado by Madison Medicine Oo 6 be
Geo B Ghristoph
The expressions of grateful women
who havo experienced wonderful bless
ings using Rocky Mountain Tea com
pensated us for our efforts in their be
half 35o Geo B Ghristoph
A Terrible Explosion
Of n gasoline stove burned a lady
here frightfully writes N E Palmer
of Kirkman la The best doctors
couldnt heal the running sore that fol
lowed but Buokleua Arnica Salve en
tirely cured her Infallible for cuts
corns sores boils bruises skin diseases
and piles 2o at A H Kiesaus
Tho greatest skin specialist iu Amer
ica originated the formula for Banner
Salve For all skin diseases all outs or
sores and for piles its the most healing
medicine Beware of substitutes A
H Kiesau
Its Free if It Falls to Cure
Rectol the great pile cure A pile
pipe free with each package We sell it
under a positive wrttten guarantee
No cure no pay 50 cents Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents
A Good Cough Medicine
It speaks well for Chamberlains
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families in preference to any
other I have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete satisfaction to myself
and customers says Druggist J Gold
smith Van Etten N Y I have al
ways used it in my own family both for
ordinary coughs and colds and for the
cough following la grippe and find it
very efficacious For sale by Kiesau
Drug Co
lteelol Is a Hemedy With a Record
Its record is 03 per cent of permanent
oures If you have the piles try it Its
free if it fails to cure you Samples
rree mesau urug uo sole Agents
Call at Kiesaus drug store and get a
free sample of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They are an elegant
physio They also improve the appe
tite strengthen the digestion and
I late tne aver ana bowels They
easy to take and pleasant in effect
Krauses Coltl Cure
for colds iu the head chest throat or
any portion of the body breaks up a
cold in 24 hours without interruption to
work Will prevent colds if taken
when first sym proms appear Price 25o
Sold by Geo B Ourwtoph
Seven Years lu lied
Will wonders ever cease inquire
the friends of Mrs L Pease of Law
rence Kan They knew she had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years
ou account of kidney and liver trouble
nervous prostration aud general debil
ity but Three bottles of Electrio Bit
ters enabled me to walk sho writes
and in three months I felt like a new
person Women suffering from head
ache backache nervousness sleepless
uess melancholy faintiug and dizzy
spells will find it a priceless blessing
Try it Satisfaction is guarranteed A
H Kiesau Only 50c
It follows the flag Manila P I
The soldiers coming here ask us to order
Rocky Mountain Tea speaking highly
of this remedy By steamer ren gross
Mizellaux Co Geo B Christoph
Old Soldiers Experience
M M Austin a civil war veteran of
Winchester Iud writes My wife
was sick a long time in spite of good
doctors treatment but was wholly
cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills
which worked wonders for her health
They always do Try them Only 25o
at A H Kiesaus drug store
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured
At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle says Geo E Cary
editor of the Guide Washington Va
After using several well recommended
medicines without success I tried
Chamberlains Pain Balm and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon
as I began its use and a complete cure
speedily followed Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co
is caused by a derangement of the
nerves Lichtys Celery Nerve Com
pound is an extract of celery combined
with other efficacious medical ingredi
ents resulting in a medicine of rare
virtue and wonderful iu its prompt and
soothing curative effects It will make
you sleep Sold by Geo B Christoph
You may as well expect to run a
steam engine without water as to find
an active energetic man with a torpid
liver and you may know that his liver is
torpid when he does not relish his food
or feels dull aud languid after eating
often has headache and sometimes diz
ziness A few doses of Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
his liver to its normal functions renew
his vitality improve his digestion and
make him feel like a new man Prico
25 cents Samples free at Kiesaus drug
Quick Relief for Asthma
Mis9 Mud Dickons Parsons Kans
writes I suffered eight years with
asthma in its worst form I had sev
eral attacks during the last year and
was not expected to live through them
I began using Foleys Honey and Tar
and it has never failed to give immedi
ate relief A H Kiesau
A Pocket Cold Cure
Krauses Cold Cure is prepared in
capsule form and will cure cold iu the
head throat chest or any portion of the
body in 2 4 hours You dont have to
stop work either Price 25o Sold by
Geo B Christoph
Saves Two From Death
Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
brouchitis writes Mrs W K Havi
land of Armonk N Y but when all
other remedies failed we saved her life
with Dr Kings New Discovery Our
niece who had consumption in an ad
vanced stage also used this wonderful
medicine and today she is perfectly
well Desperate throat and lungtdia
eases yield to Dr Kings New Discovery
as to no other medicine on earth In
fallible for oongha and colds 50o and
flOObottlea guaranteed by A H Kie
sau Trial bottles free
ire the mott fatal of all dis
iULlI 0 luiriotud Rinidy
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the vest for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
Eczema sets the skin 00 fire The acid pobons in
the blood are forced out through the pores of the skin
causing intense redness burning and itching So terrible
is the itching at times especially when the body U over
heated that tho almost distracted sufferer fecit that he
could tear the skin to pieces and that he must scratch or
go crazy He know9 from experience that thi9 only
5 I jv Bf
1 cSjteN
tMAb OTVAMA tAllf fM dl rt il M Tlf TI LC 11 V LUC LCIIIUIU
burning and Itching he is for the time being Indifferent to after effeeU There
are several forms of Eczema the moist or weeping kind that comes in little pus
tules which discharge a watery sticky fluid which dries and peels off in bran liko
scales So profuse is tho discharge at times that large scabs or crusts form whick
are both painful and troublesome and not oasily removed Red dUfiguring bumps
and sores are symptoms of Eczema The dry form usually attacks the head
hands and feet the skin becoming hard and rough often cracking open and
bleeding and attended with much itching Eczema depends upon a poisoned con-
Mr Zi Marno EseondldoJ Ban Dleiro County
Cal wrltea My body broko out with a raih
or eruption whloh in splto of all efforts to euro
eontlnuod to rot worse Tha itchlnfr especially
at nig ht was simply torrible it would almost
disappear at tlmoa only to return worse than
ever X had tried many highly reoommended
preparations without bonefit and bearing of 8
0 8 determined to g iva It a fair trial and was
inexpressibly deltarhted when a few bottles
cured tne entirely removing every blemish and
pimple from my body X shall not fail to reoom
xaed S S 8 whenever an opportunity ooouxs
applications while soothing
and cooling and may to some
extent relieve the inflamma
tion and itching cannot
be considered cures because
external remedies do not
reach constitutional or blood
diseases Salves ointments
powders lotions and soaps do
more harm than good by
smearing over and scaling up
the cores of the skin thus
forcing the poison baok into the blood S S S antidotes and neutralizes the acid
poisons nnd drives out of the circulation all impurities and humors and the pure
rich blood that is carried to the diseased skin quickly allays the inflammation
opens the clogged up pores and the skin becomes soft smooth and ready to perform
its proper functions To be rid of Eczema you must first purify and build up tho
blood and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S S S the only guaran
teed purely vegetable blood purifier Send for our book on blood and skin diseases
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thats all No energy no
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The head aches thoughts
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Life becomes a round of
work but half accom
plished of eating that does
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Thats the beginning of
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I was very nervous and so tired
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Dr Miles
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Sold by druggists on guarantee
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Al all drug itorca 25 Don 2Se
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w CNDonscnu
ttMlux ft rAMlLlARWITU rwr
For Sale by George B Christoph
na aTMiB m
Made a
Well Man
of Me
arodncea tha abora waalU In 30 day ttaett
powerfully tad quickly Ootm wnen ail otbtn til
foung men will ref tin their lot ntaobdMdoliI
ten will recover their youthful vigor br wlttg
BBYIVO It oulckly ana turtlr ret torn
vitt bopotener Nightly CslMloaa
UttPowerJtlllng Memory Wtttlna mnmtwua
U effect et eeU tbuae or exceaetad inllacnUoa
which imnu one for udyboliMj or arrit It
not only caret by ttartlntr at the teat of aUeatw bat
uttrettnerve toslo and blood bnlldar bring
ing back tht pink slow to pale chMkaandra
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cine Co Madlaon Wis It
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