The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Mifs Qnliher of Stuart was In tho oity
Jas GnilsdoH was a olty visitor from
Sohnyler yesterday
D J McDonald was a Norfolk guest
from Crawford yostorday
Mr and Mrs 0 P Paw of Madison
were Norfolk visitors yostorday
Tho Hnttlo Crook High sohool build
ingls to bo boated with hot air or
A fomnlo tramp was arrostod yontor
day for being drunk and disorderly and
was kopt In jail over night
Boyd county has a Whisky orook and
tho reason ont tiers are looking into that
county so fast is oxplainod
Samuel Iiongacro of Dodgooxpoots to
barvost about TOO bushols of poaohort
from his orchard this yoar
Jas A Covort donlos tho roport that
his son Porry has tho smallpox and
olalms that such rumor Is without
Superintendent D 0 VOoiinor of
this city uddrossod tho teachers attend
ing thn Boono couuty Instltuto at Albion
last Priday night
Partners nt Battlo Orook complain
that potatoes and othor vogotablos aro
dying on account of tho boat and wot
condition of tho soil
Mrs II E Owen wont to Omaha to
day to moot hor son Harry who has
boon attainting school at St Too Mo
Thoy will roturn this ovonlttg
Tho Nebraska railroads aro to givo a
rato of ono and ouo third faro for tho
Fourth of July tickotH to b on snlo
July 1 aud good roturulug until tho
A J Durland left for his rauoh in
Konx couuty this noon with a carload
of cattle Ho expects to romaiu for a
vreok irid look aftor his business iutor
i6tn there
Frank Twlss wont to Chicago yostor
day noon to tnko n position in tho wholo
salo bouso of Carson Parioo Scott
Co said to bo tho largost jobbing house
in tho Windy city
A couplo of follows with rovolvors
croatod somo excitotnont at tho Junction
last night nt tralntlmo by firing tboir
weapnus nud frlghtouiug pooplo No
ono w j hurt and no arrests woro mado
Tho Lndlos Aid Hooioty of tho M 15
church will meet in tho church parlors
tomorrow aftornoou at 2 M Thoro is
Important business to bo transacted and
n large attendance of members is do
O B Burrows will loavo tomorrow
for Sheridan Wyo for a visit to his
brotbor Mrs Burrows will loavo July
1 for Wheeling West Virginia and will
visit Mrs Budeuz nt Martinsville Iud
York is to caucol rofuudiug bonds to
tho amount of 1000 whioh aro not duo
for 13 years Tho city is in an oxcollont
fiunuciul condition and like the prosper
ous Nebraska farmer is going to pay
its debts
A Scribuur dog showed hydrophobia
symptoms ono day last weak and was
killed by tho town marshal along with
two other dogs it bad bitten Tho mad
animal killed tbreo small dogs boforo ho
was laid low by tho marshal
Tho Norfolk fire department has boon
invitod to participate in tho celebration
nt Meadow Grove on tho Fourth of July
and a meoting of the dopartmout will
soon bo called to decldo whothor or not
the invitation will bo accepted
The Taylor building at tho coruor of
Norfolk avenue nud Third stroot is be
ing repaired thoroughly for Herman
Naegles meat mnrket Tho plastering
has boon rowoved and tho room is boing
coiled and will bo paiutod and other
wise improved
A Bovd couuty man tried to break a
cow to milk with a couple of boxes of
matches in his pocket During tho ex
citement tho mntchos caught flro and
tho man was branded A buckot of
water put out the fire aud proved very
soothing to the cow breaker
A runaway team at Stanton Monday
which was hitched to a doublotroo ran
into a buggy containing Mr and Mrs
O H Ohace nud threo children ono
horse going on each sido of tho buggy
Tho vohlcle was overturned and demol
ished but none of the family was seri
ously injured
A fellow by the nanio of Armstrong
waa before police court yostorday
charged with disturbing the peaco and
using obscene aud boisterous language
He was given the usual flue aud not
having the necessary money waa glvou
lodging in jail over night This morn
ing be was discharged from custody
Mr and Mrs O E Green left for
Columbus Ohio this morning whoro
Mr Green as one of tho two grand rep
resentatives from Nebraska will attend
the supreme council of tho United Com
mercial Travelers From Columbus
Mr and Mrs Green will go to Buffalo
to view the wonders of tho Pan-American
Five of Mrs Conrad Bauridels family
arrived Monday from Hamburg Ger
many and are at present making their
home with Mr and Mrs Bauridel ou
South Ninth street They are the
mother aud two sisters of Mrs Bauridol
and her brother and his wife They ex
pect to make their home in Nobraaka
Minnwiw mjj imi flnr lifwiyffitfwgteff
Tho motbor who Is ovoroO years of ago
was inlt sick last night as a result of
hor long Journey but Is bottor today
It is regrottod that owing to so
many of tho young pooplo having plan
nod to spend tho Fourth away from
homo n surtlclont number cannot bo
gathered togothor to justify tho young
ladios of Trinity Social guild holding
their plcnlo as por invitations issuod
Howovor the summor Is not yot gone
aud ofl they aro n baud of ambitious and
onorgotio young wonion It can bo ox
poctod that through their efforts a good
tlmo is in store for old aud young in tho
near future
O Ij Murray a Lynch nurseryman
has loon soiling 30 to f0 worth of
strawberries n day during tho seamn
aud his crop of ohorrlos will bring 335
an acre Ho has good prospocts for
raspberries plums and Gorman prunes
He pickod ID strawborrios that mado
a tmrt and ono that tneasurod 3j
inches in dlamotor ami Ot Inches in
clrcumfereuco Nebraska is not only
getting to bo a fruit country but will
soon take some premiums frsm older
states in that lino
Floyd Hull son of Mr and Mrs II H
Hull of North Ninth stroet met with a
peculiar and painful nccidout yostorday
Ho was practicing with one of tho now
patriotic coutrlvaucos called a Filipino
spaukor This uoiso produclng affair is
composed of wood aud an arrangomout
of springs to sot off a largo dynamite
cap mado for tho purposo Floyd had
a pocketful of tho caps aud was cele
brating in the hot sun The caps be
camo warm aud as ho put his hand in
his pockot to got ono the ontiro pocket
ful explodod and his hand aud side
woro badly burned While his injuries
aro painful thoy aro uot thought to bo
sorlous Norfolk thus takos an
oarly place iu tho usnal list of Fourth of
July accidents and Floyds oxporiouco
should be a warning to other boys to
handle their Fourth of July oxplosivos
with exceptional care An nrtiolo that
will oxplodo in a boys pockot is clangor
ous and if Floyds pockot had boon
stuffed with flrocraokors torpedoes aud
othor explosives as othor boys aro In tho
habit of doing there might have been a
fatal accident
KxcomlttiKly Low Itiilo ICxrurxloiiA to the
lMmik lllllrt
Dates salo July 1st to Jlth inclusive
Hates To Hot Springs from Sioux
City aud Missouri Valloy Iowa and
Omaha Nobr 15 for round trip
From Lincoln nud Superior Nob 14
for tho round trip Porportiouate rates
from intermediate points east of Long
Minium ronud trip rato 10
To Doadwood and Load S D 1 50
higher than to Hot Springs
Transit limit Going trip flfteou
days return trip continuous passage
Final limit October list
Stop ovor Stop over will bo allowed
at any point ou tho F E M V R R
west of Stanton Neb within tho going
transit limit of fifteen days from date of
Dont miss this opportunity to visit
tho wondorful Black Hills
Proportionate rates based on the above
will bo on salo at stations cast of tho
Missouri rivor
Aslc your nearest agent for full infor
mation and be sure your tickets read via
tho Northwestern lino
An Kxtriiot from Her I otter
If you could only bo horothis winter
moruiug and see for yourself you would
no lougor doubt mo llosos aro bloom
lug iu our front yard nud nil uaturo is
as for advanoed in this lovely American
summorlaud us it will bo in your cold
eastern home by Juno
Wo made tho journey from Missouri
rivor to tho Goldou Gate ou tho Union
Pacific to avoid tho oiroultous routes
an important itom in tho winter A
trip to California is made delightful by
tho perfoot service and luxurious ac
commodation of Tho Overland Limited
which is perhnps tho most finely
equipped train iu tho world
Detailed information f uruished ou ap
plication F W Junejian Agent
PHii Aiuerlcan
Excursion tickets will bo sold by the
F E M V Northwestern lino on
May 0 1330 31 and 38 with a return
limit of 7 days at 055 via standard
aud 3901 via differential linos
Every day until September 30 with
roturn limit of 15 days at 3330 via
standard aud 3030 via differential
Evory day from May 15 to September
30 good for return until October 31 at
4775 via standard and 4535 via differ
ential lines
Full particulars will bo cheerfully fur
nished all inquirers
H C Matuau
Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Ohoate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
and oharooter of Abraham Lincoln his
early llfo his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
tho lator years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed his name so
high on tho worlds roll of honor aud
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway aud may
be had by sending six 0 conts in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Ageut Chicago 111
Jell O Tho New Dessert
pleases all the family Four flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it today
Burt Mapjs was a passongor for
Omaha this morning
GooW Talbot was in tho olty from
Pullortou over night
Dr Goo Wilkinson of Omaha was in
tho city this morning
Goo H Spoarroturnod last night from
a business visit to Omaha
Mrs A D Pratt and baby visited
with Madison friouds yostorday
Mr and Mrs W E Kunz of Wnko
field woro Norfolk visitors yostorday
W H Flold aud Follx Hales wero
Norfolk visitors yostorday from Tlldou
Mrs Fred Kollor rotnruod last night
from a wooks visit with her parouts at
Grand Island
Mrs A II Kicsau wont to Waukon
Iown yostorday noon to attend tho fu
neral of hor sister Mrs Stark
Miss Marjorlo Woills rotnruod this
uoou from Poughkospsio N Y whero
she has boon attending Vassar college
Mrs II O Matran outortaluod at an
informal aftornoou today in honor of
her daughtor Mrs O It Filer of Lin
Tracy Durland yostorday sold to
Androw Coppol for 3300 oash aquartor
soctlou of laud in Boyd couuty near
Miss Anna Klllon has returned from
Columbus aud accopted a position in
tho photograph gallory of Johnson
Miss Lulu Squires will leave this
ovoniug for tho western part of tho
stato to visit with hor brother for about
a mouth
Chief of Police J II Couley has gouo
to Pierce called thoro as a witness in a
caso iu which Bud King formerly of
this city is tho defendant
Rev H 13 Rydor pastor of tho Bap
tist church expected to sail for Euglaud
from Now York yostorday having gouo
to that metropolis some days ago
Superiutoudout O H Reynolds of tho
F 13 M V has gouo to California
Junction Iown on railroad busiuoss
and expects to bo absent until Saturday
Boyd couuty nlso oxperioucod somo
flood damage Pouca creek near Lynch
was raised 30 feet above tho low water
mark aud every bridge along its entire
length was swept away
The friends of Allen Kuhn gave him
a surprise party last oveulng at the homo
of his mother Mrs D Kuhn Nice re
freshments wero served and the time
was enjoyably spent by those attending
W O Gilmore yesterday sold the res
tauraut back to Burt Eberhart aud the
purchaser is now iu possession Mr
Gilmoros restaurant experience was
short lived he having been iu possession
but a week
Ouo of tho Junior loague ball games
which was to have been played in this
city this afternoon between Stantou
nud Norfolk bus been postponed ou ac
couut of the disability of several of the
Stantou players
Wayne Republican Will Mossmau
the youug man who has been tho ngeut
of tho Standard Oil compauy nt this
place for tho past tbreo mouths was ar
rested Saturday aftoruoou by the sheriff
on a complaiut made by a representa
tive of the company charging Mossmau
with tho embezzlement of something
over 500 of the companys funds The
defendant was taken before Judge
Hunter whero a continuance was given
uutil Tuesday June 35 aud Mossmau
placed in jail by the sheriff On Tues
day a further continuance was granted
aud no date as yot fixed for hearing
The Sesler Dauiel bowling alley
was iu possession of a party of young
people last night on iuvitntion of Corl
Jenkins aud the eveulug was pleasantly
passed at the amusement Those par
ticipating wero the Misses Minnie Nor
ton Mattie Davenport Edith McOlary
Fannie Norton Fannie Davenport
Elizabeth Sharpless and Nellie Seymour
Messrs L P Pasewalk H Hulburt B
O Gentle H A Wilmerdlng Georgo
Davenport E Eddy aud Corl Jenkins
After several hours at bowling the party
repaired to the homo of Mrs Davenport
ou North Ninth street where refresh
ments of sherbet and cake was served
Miss Fannie Norton proved an adept nt
bowling scoring 101 Messrs Sesler
Daniel auuouuce that after tonight the
ladles nights will bo Tuesdays and
The notorious Mrs Estella Wertz
berger of Dakota couuty was sen
tenced to five years iu the peniteutiary
by Judge Guy T Graves Tuesday morn
ing during a session of district court at
Dakota City The prisouer has given
Dakota couuty uo end of trouble aud
expense during the past six years by hor
actions in shooting at people aud com
mitting other maniacal deeds She was
up this time on charge of an assault
with inteut to kill upon the person of
Geo O Bille the attack being made
March 28 last Mrs Wertzbergers
defense was iusauity but the jury
after being out 10 hours brought iu a
verdict of guilty While sentence waa
being passed by the judge the prisoner
kept up a constant titter and giggle
not seemiug to appreciate the euormity
of her crime or severity of the sentence
The bioycle firm of AhlmanBros has
given to the Norfolk baud oue of their
fine biovcles and ore conducting a raffl
of the same for the benefit of the baud
tho monoy to bo usod iu purchasing now
uniforms Tho unlforuls to bo pur
chased will bo tho latest for summer
wear and will consist of whlto duck
pants blue or purplo striped shirt waists
and whlto Fodora straw hats Tho
band will niako a noat appoaranco thus
attired aud will be comfortably cool iu
tho bargain Tho pooplo of Norfolk
woll know that tho baud is composed of
good musicians and with tho practioo
thoy havo boon Jrocolvlng somo Quo
music may bo oxpoctod When the now
uniforms aro received tho organization
will glvo a froo concert and evoryono
will havo an opportunity to tioto their
appoarauco and progross iu music Tho
mombors havo decided uot to solicit do
nations from the busiuess men and citi
zens direct but will make their own
way Thoy certainly desorve ovory en
couragement to make their organization
worthy of Norfolk and thoreforo tho
equal of anything iu tho stato Thoso
few remaining raftle tickets should go
like hot cakes
Baudmastor Bellstedt had somo fun
with his Omaha audlouco Tuesday
ovoulng accordlug to the dally News
aud uo ono appreciated tho trick more
than tho audience Rumors had pre
vailed that owing to trouble iu tho
labor unions tho members of the band
woro going to strike At tho close of
the intermission but about half of tho
bandmou responded to tho call to as
semble Tho master tapped for atten
tion and raised his baton for a grand
crescendo but not an instrument re
sponded Come now boys ho ploadod
lots havo a nice soft chord Tho
brass responded with a blaro and tho
roods with a shriek nud discord prevailed
Then evory momber loft tho stage Mr
Bellstedt collapsed into a chair while
intense silence prevailed in tho audience
aud sympathy for the director was
ovory whoro apparent Mr Bellstedt
finally picked up his cornet and de
goctedly remarked Woll I will have to
play without thorn He had finished
the first strain of Annie Laurie wheu
tho next strain was suddenly tnkeu up
by tho full baud ou the outside and they
camo down tho aisle to their seats on
the stage The outhusiasm of the audi
enco know no bounds aud for five
Ed Wilkou of Pierce spout Sunday in
Henry E Ryder of Norfolk is visit
ing in Bega this week
Mr and Mrs Roberts aud Wesley vis
ited iu this vicinity Monday
Erio Stamn and William Johnson
from Wamus were iu Bega Suuday
Andrew Houdricksou and Peter Sweu
seu were in Norfolk on business Satur
Mr Wilson was doing business with
members of the school board iu Hoskius
RevWinfred of Stauton preached in
Bega Saturday evening aud Sunday
Superintendent Hancockof Stantou
was doiug business in the viciuity west
of Bega Monday
Thero was a large attendance at the
Epworth loague Sunday evening Ber
nard Asplin led the meeting
Watermelons from Dixie laud have
arrived iu town
The family of Otto Uuderberg visited
relatives near Battle Creek Sunday
Jake Wahl has the smallpoxat the
restaurant of his mother on Second
A large delegation of Woodmen and
their friends attended the picnio at
Humphrey Thursday
L J Reno formerly of Norfolk but
late of Council Bluffs had busiuess in
Madison ouo day this week
J J Adams has the residences of
Geo Banoroft and Dan Nicholson ou
the Malone block well under headway
W L Dowliug who has beenwork
iug on theassessors books for County
Clerk Bauoh is now at work on the tax
All Competition Distanced
To Denver Salt Lake Portland San
Fraucisco The Union Pacific fastest
time only ouo night to Utah only two
nights to California only two nights to
Oregon Shortest line from Missouri
river to Salt Lake City 194 miles shorter
than any other line San Fraucisco 309
miles shorter than any other line Port
laud 258 miles shorter than auy other
Best track Sherman gravel decom
posed granite tho finest ballast in the
world is used ou the main line of the
Union Pacific making a perfect road
bed No dust uo jarring smooth aud
easy riding
Detailed information cheerfully fur
nished on application
F W Junkman
The Favorite Line
To the Epworth League convention Sou
Francisco Cal July 1901 will be the
Uuiou Pacific All competition dis
tanced The fast trains of the Union
Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors If you are in
no hurry take a slow train by one of
the detour routes but if you waut to
get there without delay take the hiatorio
aud only direct route the Uuiou Pacific
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application
Norfolk Saturday July 6
Afternoon and Night
amoos Ira M inia
kinds of framiug
The Worlds Best Trained Animal Exhibition
Performing Ponies Dogs and Monkeys that do everything but
talk See the Herd of Smallest Performing Ele
phants in Captivjty
A Revelation in Animal Training
Mammoth Waterproof Tents
Corner of Second Street and Madison Avenue
Wateh for the Grand free Street Parade
That wo are constantly growing in the art of
making Fine Photos and our products will al
ways be found to embraco the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
i nva ajutA crsr
Sylvan Ozon
chronic BltUNbn
write to DR A H KELLER
Sioux Faxxs 8 D fob rorx information
Dr Keller Specialist In Note Throat Lung
anil Kidney Diseases will correspond with you
lu regard to your condition
Speclallow Hate Kxcurions to the ltlack
Dates of sale June 18th to 30th in
Hates To Hot Springs Deadwood
and Lead S D and return ono fare
plus 200 for the round trip
Final limit October 31
Transit limit Going trip fifteen
days return trip continuous passage
Stop over Stop over will be at any
point on the F E MV R R west
of Stanton Neb within the going
transit limit of fifteen days from date of
The wonderful Black Hills is becom
ing a favorite western resort The
climate Is exceptionally good the alti
tude varying from 8400 to G000 feet
Scenery varied Hot Springs has the
advantage of climate altitude scenery
and waters These waters have effected
some remarkable cures in the following
named diseases Chronic rheumatism
malaria syphilis scrofula skin diseases
female diseases aud weakness dropsy
erysipelas congestions glandular dis
eases eto
The busiuess man who may or may
not be interested iu mining or the in
dustries incident thereto will find him
self interested in the busy mining
centers of the upper hills namely Dead
wood and Lead
Ask any agent of the Northwestern
line east of Long Pine Neb for further
particulars as to attractions offered in
the Black Hills
Special low excursion rates to Hot
Springs Deadwood and Lead S D
and return one fare plus 3 dates of
sale June 18 to June 30 good for return
until Ootober 31 1901
Also special low excursion rates to
Colorado Springs Denver Pueblo and
Glenwood Springs Colorado and Salt
Lake and Ogden Utah For further in
formation call on H O Matrau agent
The Nbws keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved style
Wheu the plate is furnished The
News will supply engraved cards at 75
cents for 50 or 100 for 100
Goshen 111 Gonesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Soma days
I since a paokaga of yourGraiu 0
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozono
offered by the Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This we know to be a
genuine specifio for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Close examination into tho
practical results which have been
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted cure for tho
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest aud most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and iu cases which wero
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
ation was left at my office I took it
homo and gave it a trial and I havo to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like tho
Graiu 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
A Wife Says
We have four children With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform I used three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our last
child came which
is a strong fat and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth and suf
fered but a few hard
pains This lini
ment is the grand
est remedy ever
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect which in
turn are imparted to the child It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogethei
avoided and recovery is merely a matter oi
a few days
DrurotsU sll Mother Friend for 1 a bottle
Tbe Bradflcld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
ad or our tee Illustrated book