The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 21, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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1 IMS 111
Prophet Smith and McLand
Hanged in Louisiana
fTwo of tho PrleonerB Accused of Com
pllclty In tho Murder of John Gray
Foster Taken From Jail at Belton
by Mob And Strung Up
Shrovcport 1a Juno 20 Frank
Bmlth better known aa Prophet
Bmlth and F D McLand held nt Bel
ton for complicity In tho murder of
John Qrny Foster wcro taken out of
Jail by a mob last night nnd ntruug
tip to a tree They were left dangling
tddo by Bldo Tho lynching occuired
on tho ArkaiiBan road about one mllo
and n half from tho Jail Moth negroes
undo n statement before death deny
lng that they had anything to do with
tho killing Smith who wan tho head
of tho Chruch of God movement In
that section and was blamed bb being ro
nponelblo for tho sentiment agnlnBt tho
whites which led to tho death of Fos
ter died praying McLand was silent
as ho was strung up As Bmlth wbb
toeing led from tho Jail prior to tho elo
cution ho wan henrd to say Lord
you promised to bo with mo now
Thcro were about 200 armed men In
tho mob and thoy overpowered the
sheriff and Jailor taking tho keys
way from thorn Tho lynchers claimed
that tho execution of these negroes
raB necessary to tho preservation of
tho Hvcb of the whlto men In this lo
Fate of New York Man Convicted of
Murder In Judges Hands
Buffalo Juno 20 Tho fate of Ro
land B Molineux convicted of murder
as tho poisoner of Mrs Knthcrlne J
Adams at Now York Vi December 1898
Is In tho keeping of tho seven Judges
of tho court of appeals who for threo
days past have been listening to the
arguments for and agnlnBt a now trial
Tho appeal was finally submitted yeB
torday afternoon and tho decision will
not bo announced until Bomo months
hence when tho court sits nt Albany
for tho fall term Tho strange crime
lth Its complicated plot and manifold
inyBtery retains a strong hold upon
popular interest Tho crowd that
nought admission to tho court room
was larger and more determined thnn
over nnd tho bnlllffa hnd to resort to
forco to roBtraln them Tho prlnclpnl
speaker was former United States Sen
ator David B Hill advocate of tlio
causo of tho people who hnd threo
hours and fifteen minutes of his al
lotted time left when court opened at
10 oclock Ho spoke until 115 and
John O Mllburn nttorney for Moll
neux wns heard for 20 minutes In con
cIbo reply
Returned Philippine Soldier Is Being
Pursued by Wyoming Posse
Cheyenne Wy Juno 20 Report
hns Just reached hero from Kotmncrer
Wy of a doublo killing near Dig
Plney In Uinta county George Eckcr
a returned Philippine soldier about a
yenr ugo was charged with having
raised a check and left the neighbor
hood Recently ho returned and was
located near Big Plney CO miles north
of Kemmercr Sunday Deputy Sheriff
G B Holden of Ulntn comity and Fred
Reardon a prominent merchant of Big
Plney attempted to arrest Ecker who
ehot and killed Holden and mortally
wounded Renrdon Ho then lied to tho
mountains and is being pursued by a
posso of citizens under command of
Sheriff James Feeling Is Intense and
If captured Ecker will bo lynched
Shoots Wife and Male Companion
Cincinnati Juno 20 William C
Mott a carriage lamp maker found
John Clancy porter of tho Great West
cm hotel In a room at tho hotel with
Mrs Mott yesterday and opened Arc
on them Both were wounded Mrs
Mott in tho hend find Clancy in tho
neck They wore taken to tho hos
pital where Clancys wound waB pro
nounced probably fatal whllo Mrs
Motts wound is not considered danger-
Double Tragedy In Wine Room
Fort Worth Tex Juno 20 Henry
Moore a foreman in the shops of tho
Fort Worth and Denver road shot ana
killed his wife and H II Russell In a
wine room here last night Mooro
traced bis wifo to a saloon and there
found her with Russell He beat them
frightfully with tho butt of his revolver
after which ho began shooting His
wife was dead when found and Russell
died In a short time He was arrested
Wichita Widow a Beneficiary
Wichita Kan June 20 Mrs Dr
Black a poor widow of this city was
notified yesterday that she Is a bene
ficiary of tho will of the late Judgo
Leavenworth of San Francisco to the
amount of nearly a million dollars
Mrs Blacks late husband waB Judge
Leavenworths nephew
Negro Preacher Lynched
La Grange N C June 20 D B
Jones the negro preacher who it is
alleged attempted to commit an as
eault on Mrs Noah Davis near La
Grange yesterday was taken from tho
guard bouse here last night and
Stole Thousand Head of Cattle
Helena Mon June 20 The United
States grand Jury yesterday found true
bills against 26 persons including R
E Lee the cattleman who is accused
of stealing 1000 head of cattle from
Crow Indian
Man Who Shot Pastor John Keller on
the Stand
New York Juno 20 The fato of
Thomnn 1 lliirkor on trial at Jersey
City for ihc shooting of Rov John
Keller mny go to the Jury today Tho
defense lind prnctlcally flulshuil when
tho court roRo InBt evening It Is not
thought Prosecutor ISrwln will take
long In rebuttal llnrker and his wife
wero upon tho stand yesterday Thoy
told their Btory so far as tho court
would allow answers to tho questions
of counsel for tho defense and al
though the record does not Bhow It
Mr Van Winkle got reference to tho
alleged aoHault before the Jury In one
wny and another The witnesses an
swered bo promptly thnt objections
enmo n shade Into In thin wny tho
outrage wnB referred to Bovcrnl times
during the dny
Bnrker told IiIb version of tho shoot
ing He snld he met Keller nnd thnt
Keller spoke to him This wnB In di
rect contradiction of Kcllcrn testimony
on tho Rtand nnd he clnlmed not to
hnvo met any one Barker said ho re
sponded to Kellers greeting by call
ing Keller n villain charging him with
outraging Mrs Barker Ho then he
snld begnn firing Mr Keller when
on tho stand swore that not a word
wab spoken nnd thnt ho saw no ono
More Arreiti In Connection With the
Chicago Arson Case
Chlcngo June 20 In tho arBon con
spiracy case for which Benjamin Et
telson an cx pollceman IiIb brother
Michael nnd an unknown man were ar
rested Tuesday warrantB for tho fol
lowing persons wcro taken out yester
day H FenBterstock cigar dealer
Leon Frank saloon keeper B J DIs
man L Lamport cigar dealer Isaac
Tuckhorn dealer In cash registers J
WelBBkopf dealer In second hand store
fixtures Jacob Wnlxel cigar dealer
and Simon Waixel cigar dealer Thero
are threo conspiracy charges agalnBt
all of them and tho Ettelson brothers
hnvo an additional charge of arson
agalnBt thorn Tho Ettelsona and DIb
mnn nre now lockod up Fensterstock
and Frank wero arrested and relensed
on 15000 bondB each Ben EttelBon
1b accciiBed of being tho leader At
least 12 Area In two years are charged
agalnBt tho band
Wind Wrecks Buildings and One Man
Is Killed
Boonovlllo Mo Juno 20 The moBt
disastrous Btorm of rain and wind that
ever fell In this section visited Boone
vlllo nt 7 oclock last night Toba
FiBher was killed In tho mnin street
by tho fnlllng walla of n largo brick
two Btory building The roof was
blown off tho Sombnrts mill the Com
mercial bnnk and many residences
A lnrgo brick foundry nenr tho river
front wns completely destroyed Hun
dreds of trees wero destroyed Mnny
smnll crnft on tho river front were
blown adrift Tho heaviest loser Is
tho Bal Telephone company whoso ex
chnnge is almost completely destroyed
Tho locnl exchange was also damaged
Ono death has been reported and nine
Tho wind was from tho northwest
nnd followed tho river Threo inches
of rnln fell in less thnn 20 minutes
W W Hubbard Wife Son and
In Court
Sioux City Juno 20 At the conclu
sion of tho preliminary exnmlnntlon
in tho Hubbard forgery case Justice
II I Brown bound tho defendants over
to tho grand Jury under bonds of
1000 each W W Hubbard former
stato deputy of tho Knights and Ladles
of Security and his son and daughter-in-law
Mr and Mrs Roy D Hubbard
will have to answer before the next
grand Jury to tho charge of forgery
preferred against them by W B Kirk
Patrick nationnl president of the order
It is claimed tho names of physicians
were forged to certificates of medical
Two Mason City Boya Attempt to Dis
pose of a Rig Not Their Own
Cedar Falls la June 20 Two
young men wero arrested hero and
taken to Pnrkeraburg to answer to tho
charge of horse stealing They hired
a double rig from the Okeo barns of
Parkersburg and drove to this city
whero they endeavored to sell the
outnt for 70 or about one half its
value They wero arrested by Sheriff
Law who happened to bo In the city
on a visit with his mother Thoy gave
the names of Howard and Shepard
and Mason City as their home
Mrs Russe Found Dead In Her Home
Under Suspicious Circumstances
Greene la Juno 20 Mrs Louise
Russe seven miles southwest of here
was found in her house dead and part
ly burned one leg being entirely
burned off It is supposed she was
murdered and the house set afire as
kerosene and feathers were scattered
all over tho floor
To Fight the Plow Trust
Chicago Juno 20 Farm Implement
manufacturers are in session at tho
Auditorium annex As to tho object
of their meeting there are several
views one hat they are organizing
an implement association in opposition
to the one formed several weeks ago
The meeting is said to have been called
by F S Kretlnger of Fort Madison
Dubuque Enameling Works Sold
Dubuque la June 20 The Du
buque Enameling works were told
yesterday to New York and Chicago
parties for 100000 Operations will
be resumed at once on a large scale
Nebraska Supreme Court Ig
nores Federal Injunction
In Spite of Attorney General Prouta
Motion State Insists on Recovering i
Penalties for Violation of Maximum
Freight Rate Law
Lincoln June 20 Tho Nebraska
iinn nnliwl lit r i1t tnwl tnnl
evening puts itself In direct opposi
tion to n ruling of tho federal court
The case is that In which tho stato
scckB to collect penalties from tho
Rock Island Railroad company for al
leged violations of tho Nebraska maxi
mum freight rate law The suit wna
instituted by former Attorney General
Smyth and was pending when Attorney
General Prout succeeded to the office
The supreme court Rome monthB ago
anctloncd the continued prosecution
of tho suit but on n demurrer of tho
railroad company tho federal court en
joined tho attorney from proceeding
further Yesterday Attorney General
Prout moved to dismiss tho caso and
the state supremo court denied tho
motion The pcnnltlea against tho
Rock Island other rouds aggregate over
Statement of Mra Castle la Read at
the Trial of Jessie Morrison
Eldorado Kan June 20 After only
two days of testimony taking the state
In the case of JcbbIo Morrison -on trial
for tho murder of Mrs Olln Castle
reBted yesterday The defense it Is
said will spring a surprise In the Intro
duction of new evidence not adduced
at the first trial When Miss Morrison
took the stand In December last to tell
In her own defense of tho fatal quarrel
with her rival she testified that Mrs
Castle had called her to tho house and
started tho trouble At that time an
affidavit of A J Morgan a peddler
who swore that ho heard Mrs Castle
rap on the door as Miss Morrison was
passing her house and call her in was
presented Morgan could not bo found
but It Is now said the defense has lo
cated him and will put him on tho
stand Other new witnesses may bo In
troduced by tho defense on tho plea of
self evidence
Tho evidence yesterday consisted of
tho deathbed statement of Mrs Castle
In which she accuses Miss Morrison
of calling upon her unbidden begin
ning a quarrel and then slashing her
with a razor and the Introduction of
witnesses who described the scene nt
tho Cnstlo house on tho morning of tho
Says Railway Magnates Will Sell Out
to Uncle Sam for 10000000000
Denver June 20 Tho Times says
A gigantic scheme Is under way to
transfer tho railroads of the United
States to tho government A western
financier who returned todny from New
York whero ho Investigated the ru
mors afloat in flnanclnl circles asserts
that the report of pending government
ownership Is general He declares
that within a few years tho Rockefel
ler Harrlman Vanderbilt Gould and
Morgnn Interests would turn over
to tho government every line of rail
road in tho country the government to
pay the total value of about 10000
000000 a string of banks to be con
trolled by tho same interests and to
finance the deal
Copper Company Doubles Its Capital
Trenton N J June 20 The Amal
gamated Copper company filed a certif
icate yesterday afternoon increasing
Its capital stock from 75000000 to
155000000 Tho certificate is signed
by Anson Fowler president and Will
iam G Rockefeller secretary of tho
company Tho purpose of the Increase
Is to purchase the Butte and Boston
and Boston and Montana companies
which is permitted by the decision of
the court of errors and appeals In re
fusing to continue the temporary in
Foster Clark Wedding
Butte Mon June 20 In the prei
enco only of the relatives and a few
friends of the younc coiinle MIrs
Mabel Durfleld Foster daughter of
mr ana airs j m Foster was last
evening married to William Andrews
Clark Jr son of Senator W A Clark
Though the wedding was strictly pri
vate tho reception which followed at
the Foster residence was the most
largely attended affair of the kind ever
seen in the northwest and also one of
tho most brilliant ever seen anywhere
Lucky Baldwin Seriously HI
San Francisco Juno 20 E H Bald
win widely known as Lucky Bald
win winner of three American derbys
1b in a private hospital a very sick
man Ho was taken ill in Seattle re
cently when about to embark for
Nome and was compelled to return to
San Francisco Instead of Improving
ho has grown worse
Cuban Election Frauds
Washington Juno 20 General
Wood In a communication to the sec
retary of war refers to alleged frauds
and irregularities in the municipal
election in Cuba but In such a manner
as to leave the impression that he does
not regard them as serious
Van Tinkel Killed by Street Car
Dallas Tex June 20 Garrett Van
Tinkel until the past week principal
owner of the street car system was
struck at 11 oclock by a car and died
at midnight He had opened and oper
ated lines Jn Illinois and Iowa having
coma to Dallas from Des Moines
Outcome of Conference of Political
Reformers at Kansas City
Knnsns City Juno 20 Tho allied
third party movement which ItB pro
moters hopo will result beforo 1904 In
n national organization strong enough
to name a presidential nomlnoo was
launched here yesterday It waB tho
outcomo of a conference of reformers
from tho ranks of the old parties and
ItB principles aro said by some to have
been adopted with a vlow to fitting tho
views of William Jennings Bryan At
the conference thcro wnB represented
Populists of nil persunnloiiB public
ownership ndvocatcs Free Silver Ro
publlcnnB Socialists Single Taxers
and IJrynn Democrats It was stated
that It was proposed to form a third
party In Missouri which should finally
be taken up by the dissatisfied In tho
old parties from other states Tho
commltteo on organization elected J
11 Cook fuBlon Popullst chairman J
H Hlllls middle-of-the-road Populist
vice president and F S Kowalskl
public ownership member secretary
The committee besides deciding on
tho new namo for tho movement de
cided to call a state convention foi
some time next fall In the mean
time the members will prcparo an ad
dress to the people of the Btate
Mr Meriwether at tho conclusion of
the conference was asked Will not
your movement only result In turning
the state over to the Republicans
I do not know but I would a little
rather the Republicans would win than
tho present organization of Democrats
Ab Mr Bryan said to me last Monday
I like an enemy under his own colors
better than one who stealB my colors
Terminals at Omaha South Omaha
Plattsmouth Blair and Fremont
Lincoln June 20 Articles of Incor
poration of the Omaha Suburban Rail
way and Traction company were filed
in the secretary of states office yester
day The company is capitalized for
1500000 and 1b incorporated by A C
Foster A C Lloyd W F HInman
J F Hansen T W Blackburn and J
B Carmichael The articles Bay the
general nature of buslneBB will be the
construction operation and main
tenance of railways with terminals at
Omaha South Omaha Plattsmouth
Blair and Fremont It is understood
however that the proposed railroad
lines will be operated In connection
with the Fremont or Omaha power
A meeting of the stockholders of
this company was held in Omaha and
the following officers were selected
A C Foster president S D Rich
ards vice president T W Blackburn
secretary and treasurer The tnree of
ficers named and J F Hansen and J
E Riley wero chosen members of the
hoard of directors
Both Republicans and Democrats De
nounce the Measure
Harrl8burg Pa June 20 The house
passed finally on special orders the
two bills supplemental to the rapid
transit acts signed by the governor re
cently These bills were Introduced
and passed in the senate last week and
they now go to the governor for his
action The one constituting the gov
ernor secretary of state and attorney
general a board to pass upon applica
tions for rapid transit franchises was
attacked by several anti administration
Republicans and Democrats who char
acterlzcd it as infamous
Sleeps Despite Lightning
Beatrice Neb June 20 During a
heavy rain and wind yesterday morn
ing at 4 oclock lightning struck a
house in the west part of town and
tore out ono end of the bed in which
John Dresp was sleeping without
awakening him
Bryan Denies Report
Atlanta Ga June 20 The Atlanta
Constitution last night in response to
a telegram of Inquiry received a dis
patch from W J Bryan denying that
ho Ib affiliated with the third party
movement I
Henry Xavier known all over the
country nmong horticulturists died
Wednesday in Mount Vernon N Y
Former Governor P C Cheney of
New Hampshire died at the home of
his son-in-law Charles H Fish at Do
ver Wednesday He wbb 73 years of
Superior Wis is agitated over the
arrest of Mayor F S Parker on a
charge of criminal libel preferred by
Alderman J W Barry a member of
the council and a saloon keeper
The Lorain Street Car company will
put a 3 cent faro In operation this
week The reduction is in the nature
of an experiment and It can be re
stored to 5 cents again if so desired
The state game department has un
earthed a plot whereby a number ol
Denver and Colorado Springs firms
have combined and employed men to
kill wild game out of season for their
C Everett Conant formerly pro
fessor of German and Spanish in
Washburn college Topeka but now a
resident of Chicago has been ap
pointed a teacher of English in the
Colonel WEHaskellpublisher of the
Minneapolis Times has been selected
by William R Hearst to fill the po
sition of business manager of the New
York Journal and will take charge of
the business affairs of that paper July
The entire working force employed
at the plant of the American Can com
pany at LaCrosse was discharged
Wednesday and the plant closed The
tin can trust recently purchased Its
business and will move it to Kansas
Thousands Surround the Hall
Two Hours Before Time
Jingoes Gather and Make Trouble
Clubs Are Freely Used Resolutions
Include Amendment for Complete
Independence of the Two Republics
London June 20 Thousands of poo
pie began collecting outside of Queens
hall two hours beforo the advertised
time of the pro Boer meeting held
there last night When tho doorB were
finally opened the pressure of the Burg
lng mob was so great that many peo
ple fainted There was considerable
disturbance and windows were broken
in during the attempts made by per
sons without tickets to gain admiB j
Eton Somo of these were expelled
In spite of tho vigilance of the pro
moters of the meeting many Jingoes
gained an entrance to the hall which
wan crammed from floor to celling
Much hooting mingled with cheers
greeted the delegates on their arrival
and during the evening the delivery
of speeches was attended by some dif
ficulty I
The usual speeches were made and
the usual resolutions were carried
amid much commotion and excitement
The resolutions included an amend
ment for the complete independence of
the Boer republics proposed by Baron
Battersea for the radicals which did
not meet with the approval of the
Laboucherc party The meeting ended
with the singing of the Marseillaise i
During the meeting fully 10000 Jin
goes gathered outside the Queens
hall blocked traffic and necessitated
relays of policemen to keep a Bern
blance of order in the crowd
Several collisions occurred between
the crowd outside the hall and the po 1
lice anu the latter nau uimcuity in
handling the assemblage
All Will Arrive From Manila Before
June 26
San Francisco June 20 It is expect
ed that all the volunteers numbering
7500 men will arrive from Manila
before June 2C The Thomas with
part of the Thirty eighth and Forty
ninth regiments and all of the Forty
seventh Ib expected next Saturday
The Ohio with the Forty second
should get In Sunday TheBuford
according to her captains calculations
should get here with the Forty first
on the 24th Inst The Indiana with part
of the Forty second the Lo ran with
part of the Thirty eighth Forty third
and Forty fourth and the Grant with I
the Forty eighth and part of the Forty
ninth are all scheduled to arrive on
the 25th inst while the Kirkpatrick
with part of the Thirty eighth and part
of the Forty fourth will probably ar
rivo the next day
Will Draw Lots for Land
Washington June 20 Ex Governo
W A Richards assistant commission
er of the general land office yesterday
conferred with Secretary Hitchcock re
garding the conditions at the Kiowa
reservation in Oklahoma Mr Rich
ards has just returned from that coun
try where he superintended the mark
ing off of county seat and townsite
lines He says everything willbe
ready for the opening on Aug 6 Mr
Richards found many people already
waiting outside the lands and Bays
the general sentiment favors opening
by means of drawing lots rather than
the old way of making a rush for the
lands He says the drawing system
probably will be adopted
Sends Another Note to Denmark
London June 20 The Copenhagen
correspondent of tho Daily Mall cables
his paper saying that tho United States
have sent another note to Denmark
in the matter of the sale of the Danish
West Indies to tho effect that If Den
mark Ib not willing to sell the islands
the United States must demand that
Denmark fortify and garrison the isl
ands of St Thomas and St John
which would command the Nlcaraguan
canal The situation is regarded seri
ously here as Denmark cannot dream
of undertaking the erecting of fortifica
tions and the maintenance of garri
sons which will cost several millions
Cailles Is Now Friendly
Manila June 20 Colonel Guivara
together with 80 men of Cailles com
mand are now at Pagsanjan Cailles
entire force will surrender next Mon
day A representative of Cailles has
telegraphed to Judge Taft conveying
his principals compliments and an
nouncing that Cailles will henceforth
be friendly to the American adminis
tration The -Third artillery will sail
for the United StaeB today on the
transport Indiana
Uproar In Italian Chamber
Rome June 20 During the budget
debate in the chamber of deputies
Baron Senno severely attacked the
cabinet on the subject of the recent
strikes In Italy and attributed the ap
palling economic conditions of today
In the country to the governments at
titude in this matter The uproar
which followed this attack forced a
temporary suspension of the sitting
Cold Weather on the Continent
London June 30 Reports received
here from the chief cities of the con
tinent chronicle the return of the semi
winter weather which has a serious
effect on crops The cold weather and
heavy rains and bhow are reported
from Switzerland and Hungary and
the snow Is a foot deep at Tepllti In
the latter country
Mayor of Waterloo Designates Tho6e
to Whom Liquor May Not Be Sold
Waterloo la June 20 The hand
ling of the liquor question hero has
brought to light a new phase of tho
state mulct law or one that seems new
because not often brought into use
Mayor Martin has circulated a blacklist
on which aro recorded the names ol
the habitual drunkards of tho city Ho
haB warned the venders In Intoxicating
drinkB not to sell these parties any re
freshments The drinkers are In
censed at the action of the mayor and
have signified their intention of tak
ing tho matter to the courts They
claim the law Is unconstitutional be
cause their personal liberties havo
been trampled down and they have
been Injured by being publicly branded
as drunkards
Both Invited to Address Celebration of
Missouris Admission to the Union
Kansas City June 20 Vice Presi
dent Theodore Roosevelt and Mark
Twain have been invited to attend and
address the celebration of the 80th
anniversary of Missouris admission to
the Union in this city Aug 10 Mr
Roosevelt 1b the author of a history
of Thomas H Benton and the vice
president will be asked to take his
theme from the life of this Missouri
statesman Mr Clemens it Is expect
ed will deal particularly In anecdotes
of his younger days in Missouri
Vessel Posted as Overdue Was Flying
the Fire Signal When Last Seen
London June 20 The ship John
McDonald of New York Captain Watte
from Baltimore Sept 18 for San
Francisco has been posted at Lloyds
aB overdue
Nothing has been heard of the John
McDonald since It was reported spef en
Jan 16 last in latitude 36 north longi
tude 134 west when It was flying a
signal Ship on fire It kept on Its
course however without stopping and
waB Eoon out of Bight
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League New York B
Pittsburg 5 Brooklyn 10 Cincinnati
6 Philadelphia 2 St Louis 6 Bos
ton 6 7 Chicago 2 6 American
League Boston 5 Chicago 3 Phila
delphia 4 Cleveland 3 Baltimore
9 Milwaukee 3 Washington 7 De
troit 2 Western League Omaha 3
Denver 2 St Paul 11 St Joseph 1
Minneapolis 5 Kansas City 10
A Chinese Solomon
Three men appeared before a Judgo
In Honan China and each laid claim
to the sume woman as his wife Not
one of them would retire In favor of
the other two but each Insisted that
Justice should be done to him Finally
the judge exclaimed Well If you
three men cannot come to some agree
ment nothing remains for me but to
order that the woman shall be killed
as there Is no other wny In which tho
matter can bo satisfactorily settled
He then called for a large cup of wine
nnd when It was brought ho poured in
to it some dark powder nnd compelled
the woman to drink It Excited as she
wns the woman speedily began to feel
the effect of the strong liquor She
stammered when she tried to speak
nnd her flushed cheeks were an indica
tion to the observers thnt the poison
was working and that her end was
near nt hand
This was the climax for which tho
Judge had waited When he saw that
the woman wns apparently dying he
called one of tho three men who claim
ed her as wife and bade him remove
her from the courtroom This man
however showed no Inclination to do
so nnd the Judgo thereupon Insisted
that he renounce all rights to her This
he willingly did nnd so did the second
man Only one clnlmnnt was now left
and he agreed to remove the woman
nnd to care for her until she died Sat
isfied thnt he was her real husband
the judge called him and said You
will not be sorry for acting In this
manner nave no fear for your wife
since she is in no dnnger of death Tho
liquor which she has drunk was ordi
nary wine and the powder which I
poured into It was nothing but brown
Shed Had Enough
There was a colored baptizing at
Sandy Bottom Blllvllle The last con
vert to go under the water wns an old
colored woman who all the while had
been seated In a rickety buggy drawn
by an ancient mule who had been
through the civil war
She came up out of the water nil
right but after proceeding a short dis
tance on her way home the mule he
came unmanageable and upset the bug
gy In the middle of a deep creek
The old woman with drenched gar
ments clung to a foot log Just as tho
parson who had recently baptized her
rode up
He heard her swearing at the refrac
tory mule In vigorous terms then tak
ing her in his own buggy and driving
to dry land he said
Sister Cnllnc you hez done los all
de salvation what come ter you by de
fust baptism so you must stop right
bean en be baptized over ergln
No sub was the reply i aint
gwlne In dat water no mo Didnt dot
ole mule baptize mo de secon time
Atlanta Constitution
Bubbling Is the inane term used
Newport for automoblling It Is bud
posed to bo the correct thing to use this
word in this sense nnd If tho absurdity
could be rendered greater In any man
ner It Is done by the explanation of a
bubbler to tho effect that it is per
fectly simple and natural deah boy
doncher know It Is simply a con
traction of the word nutotnobubbllng
Bee Further comment would appear r
f wmeceBMry 1