The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 14, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Outlaws Discovered in a Plot
Against the Union Pacific
1 Cheyonno Wy Juno 12 What was
tindoubtodly a bold attempt to blow
up a brldgo and wreck and rob an ox
proas train on tho Union Pacific waa
trustrated last night near Green River
and officers are now on tho troll of tho
Last Saturday a cowboy whllo riding
through a dacp ravine six miles east
Killed by Live Wire
Marietta O June 12 MIs3 Lucy
Hanna bookkeeper of the Marietta
Y Daily Register was instantlv killed
last night by a shock from a live wire
to on an incandescent lamp Heavy elec
g trie storms put the transformer out of
1 order Miss Hanna stepped on an Iron
j door sill with the heavily charged
i Wire In her hiinri nrwl tuna b lltni t
Victim of Hydrophobia
Chicago June 12 Mrs J W Nash
Siwas taken to the Pasteur institute
I tidyesterday suffering from hydrophobia
HilWiMrr hiinhnnH rilnrl Inot trii
j - uuu vuu iubl tuuuy ituui
jj Fpuc cuoLw ui u uiaa uogs one in car-
I intr for him Mrs Much Mntnfil Ik
J malady a wound in her flneer
Hing infected while wiping the froth
irom tho dying mans mouth
L Consul McElrath Dead
ti iuiuruuo springs uoio June 12
M Percy McElrath formerly United
jgjBtates consul at Turin Italy arrived In
m Colorado Springs yesterday In the
rj wv0u ui vuuouuJiJiiuu UI1U uiea
two hours later at the Glockner
Nttarium He was accompanied by his
wife and maid
Tornado In Lyon County
s Sioux City Juno 12 A small tor
nado In Lyon county north of here
demolished a number of houses The
B-year-old son of J Armstrong was
killed Armstrong and his wife were
paaiy hurt and he will likely die
j Cowboys Kill Three Indians
Phoenix A T June 12 A report
reached here tnat threo Indians were
killed In the mountains near Holbrook
In northern Arizona by cowboys who
are said to have discovered them steal
ing cattle
j Boers 8hot for Trying to Escape
Pretoria June 12 Two Boers have
teen court martialed and tftiot for try
ing to escape from Pretoria and to re
join their commandoes after having
Uken tho oath of neutrality
Brother of Lulu Prince Kennedy Qoea
on the Stand
Kansas City Juno 13 Tho dofonso
In the case ot Lulu Prlncc Konnody
on trial for killing bor husband was
bosun ycaturday and 20 wltnoasoa woro
examined Whon court adjournod tho
prisoners attorney announced tlmt
their sldo would not bo flnlshod bofora
Thursday noon Tho bulk ot tho testi
mony was brought out In an attompt
Desperadoes Who Visit Hiding Place to provo alibis for Uort and C W
Find Their Explosives Removed and rnnco oromor ana ratnor or tno pria
oner whom tato nad trod to
uo Dv
Are Chased by Mounted Officers
i uo nunuiug uiu uuiuiuuun iu vuu
ivisko vaooa i neir escape
Ridge building at tho tlmo of tho tnur
dor to prevent Konnodys escape Al
though the dofonao tried to prove that
thoy had lort tho oldor Prlncoa pool
room after tho shootlug occurrod tho
time given by tho wltnoasoa varied
from G15 to 545 Tho shootlug took
place at 540
Will Prlnco waa taken Trom his cell
to testify nnd Ills entranco Into tho
of Green Rlvor dlacoverod 800 pounds cort room caused a buzz among tho
of dynamite cached near tho railroad spectators who craned their uocka to
bridge Last night two men well ei a gnmpso or mo man wnom tno
mounted and heavily armed rodo Into stato la trying to provo waa tho chief
the ravlno and went to tho apot where nctor m tho alleged conspiracy to kill
tho dynamite waa found Whon thoy Konnedy Tho prlsonor brlghtonod
discovered that the explosive had been Porcoptlbly at tho entranco of her
removed they quickly mounted their brothor whoso tostlmony sho followed
Jiorsea and flod to tho hills closely Sho appeared perfectly woll
Tho Union Pacific has boon on tho Prlnco denied that ho had evor
cwatch for train robbers along tho Wy
oming division for some time and
guards have been riding In tho ox
press cars of all passenger trains be
tween Cheyenne and Ogdcn for sev
eral months
Hold Back a Day Before Seeking to
Commit Cuban Convention
Havano Juno 12 Tho question of
reconsidering tho former vote on tho
Platte amendment came up for a short
discussion In tho Cuban constitutional
convention yesterday In ordor not to
irouso opposition tho conservatives
took the Btand that there was no ne
cessity for reconsidering tho vote In
asmuch as tho form in which the
amendment had been passed was not
eatlafactory to tho United States and
could not be accepted by the United
States as a part of tho constitution of
Cuba Ultimately tho convention unan
imoualy agreed not to reconsider tho
Sanor Morau Delmado offered a sub
stitute motion for the committees re
port embodying the amendment with
out tho interpretations but the con
servatives who were not ready to
bring the question to an immediate de
cision asked for an adjournment They
will hold a meeting today and draw
up a program for an extra sesalon
They will hold 15 votes and it Is ex
pected that several radicals who now
favor accepting tho amendment have
compromised by agreeing not to attend
todays session
Ex Banker on Trial
Omaha June 12 Before Judge Mon
ger a Jury was empaneled yesterday
for the trial of C E Cotton the former
Syracuse banker on charges of fraud
ulently abstracting funds from the
bank with which he was connected
falsifying reports to the comptroller
of the currency concerning the finan
cial status of the bank and mutilating
the records to cover irregularities
These irregularities are said to In
volve about 40000
Body Found on Sandbar
Blair Neb June 12 The body of a
man was found yesterday morning by
Paul Shultz on the sandbar five miles
above tho railroad bridge Sheriff
Mencke and Coroner E C Pierce went
and viewed the body which was bo
badly decomposed as to be unrecog
nizable There was nothing by which
It could be identified and the officers
buried It in the cornfield near by
clsed mesmeric powora over any ono
nnd denied that ho accompanied his
slater down town on tho day of tho
Mayor of Emporia Forbids Publication
of Details In Local Papers
Emporia Kan Juno 12 An epi
demic of suicides in thla town culmi
nating yesterday In three attempts all
exactly similar to recent successful
suicides has caused the mayor and
board of health to forbid tho publica
tion of details of suicides or attempts
in local papers Tho board Is acting
on tho theory that publication spreads
the contagion of sulfide by psychic
suggestion Mayor Mofso contends
that tho liberty of tho press Is second
ary to the public health and Is pro
pared to use rorce if necessary under
the nuisance act All tho editors how
ever have agreed to suppress details
of suicides or attempts until the epi
demic abates The epidemic which
has caused in the towns and country
two dozens suicides or attempts in as
many months began with the suicide
of Charles Cross president of a
wrecked bank and in the last 30 days
there have been seven cases threo
Case of Kansas Woman Charged With
Cutting Rivals Throat Is Called
Eldorado Kan June 12 The case
of Jessie Morrison charged with killing
her rival Clara Wiley Castle in Juno
1900 by cutting her throat with a
razor after a struggle between the
two women was called hero yesterday
miss Morrison has been out on bond
since December when her first trial
ended in a hung jury Yesterday sho
was accompanied by her aged father
an ex probate Judge of the county Sho
looked well and expressed belief that
she would be acquitted
The attorneys for the defense moved
that the case be continued till Novem
ber Judge Alkman the new Judge
promptly overruled tho motion and set
the case for today Miss Morrison
cried when this decision was rendered
and otherwise gave evidence of keen
disappointment The difficult task of
securing a jury will begin at onco
Much Property Damage but Fortunate
ly No Lives Are Lost
Adraln Mich June 12 About 1 a
m a tornado struck this town and
swept a strip half a mllo wide A num
ber of houses were badly damaged
No fatalities are reported Telephone
and electric light wires are scattered
over the streets and hundreds of fine
shade trees are prostrate Tho dam
age will aggregate many thousands
Conger Off for Washington
Chicago Juno 12 E H Conger
United States minister to China
passed through Chicago last night on
his way to Washington where he will
see President McKlnley and receive
his final instructions as to what Is
tho policy of the administration and
what course he shall pursue In Peking
Mr Conger sails from San Francisco
Juno 17
Youngers 8on In Jail
Fort Scott Kan Juno 12 Georgo
Younger son of Jim Younger the con
vict who Is confined In the Minnesota
penitentiary was placed In the federal
prison here yesterday charged with de-
rraudlng an Indian at Mound Valley
I T Younger was a lieutenant In the
rough riders
Death From Lemon Extract
Ottumwa la June 12 At the pro
hibition town of Seymour near hero
Thomas and Lon Wade brothers
drank 100 bottlea of lemon extract last
night and both died within an hour In
terrible agony
Women will not be admitted to mem
bership in the Minneapolis chamber ot
commerce Mrs Passmoros application
being rejected
S S Brown owner of the 3-year-old
Garry Herrmann anonunced Tuesday
that he had decided not to Btart the
horse in the American derby to be
run In Chicago June 22
Plow manufacturers who have been
planning the details of tho 175000000
plow combine closed their convention
at Chicago Tuesday By the plow
men and New York bankers Interested
in tho combine the deal Is now re
garded as completed
on in
Imprisoned in Burning Shaft
With Black Damp Filling Pit
Twelve of tho Dead Are Men Who
Went Into the Mine as Rescuers
Another Explosion Occurs In the
Port Royal Shaft
Port Royal Pa Juno 12 As ft re
sult of Monday nights explosion In tho
Port Royal minoa of tho Pittsburg
Coal company 1G nro dead 7 injured
and thouaands ot dollars worth of
proporty has boon destroyed Sovoral
bodies have boon rocovorod
Tho dead William McCuno Taylor
Gunsaulua Sr William l Allison Den
nis Wardloy Johu Keck Mlchaot Roy
Bernard Ball Taylor GunsauluB Jr
Jorry Daly John Poeblea David Jamos
John Canto Samuol Ilndloy Peter
Marahnlndo John Stickle Fritz Krugor
Two uf tho Injured Harry Bovorldgo
and Arthur Smith cannot llvo Twolvo
of the dead woro men who wont Into
tho mlno as roscuers Tho situation
horo again reached a climax whon
Mlno Inspoctor Callahan accompanied
by seven men descended tho shnft
and started upon an Investigation
tour of tho mlno Tho mon gavo tho
signal to bo lowered down at 9 oclock
and about an hour afterward a terrific
report was heard i was another qs
plosion and grave fears woro ontof
talnod for tholr safety Tho oxporl
enco of tho mon was told by Callahan
Ho said the oscapo of tho party was a
miracle and detailed their cxporlenco
He further said
I never had boon In u mlno In tho
condition that this one Is I am near
ly exhausted mwnUowlng so much
afterdamp MyTungs aroiiko coals
of fire There Is no hope of saving
any person In tho mlno and It may
bo a year beforo tho bodies are recov
ered It will tako two days to fill tho
mlno with water and 12 months to
pump It out again
Murders Ships Mate and Holds Crew
at Bay Until Steamed to Death
Honolulu Juno 5 Via San Francis
co Juno 12 Details of tho most
shocking tragedy at sea that has been
reported here since tho famous mutiny
on the bark Hesper somo years ago
were brought by the American schoon
er J A Campbell Tho mate ot the
vessel Adam Huber was murdered by
the Chinese cook and tho latter after
terrorizing the whole crow by holding
possession of tho galley for nearly 24
hours during which It was every mo
ment feared he would set fire to tho
vessel was subjected to a Bteamlng
process to bring him out but shot
himself rather than come forth and bo
captured When tho crow finally en
tered the galley they found tho China
mans body literally cooked by the
Englishmen Getting Second Best of the
International Shoot
London June 12 Tho Anglo-American
trap shoot opened yesterday at
the Middlesex Gun Club range In a
preliminary sweepstakes 25 birds R
O Helkes of Dayton O killed 23
straight W R Crosby of OFallon
Ills and Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake
la were next highest with 22 each
T A Marshall of Kolthsburg Ills won
the next sweepstakes with 22 out of
25 Tho total scores of the trap shoot
ers for tho day were American 8GC
uruisn hui
Frank Parmalee of Omaha won the
live bird contest yesterday with- 25
Btralght kills out of a possible 25
Murdered by Mexican Bandits
Mexico City Juno 12 Robert Rem
met 51 years old an Englishman and
manager of the Coronos DIstas Mlno
company was shot by robbers at his
mlno last night There was a desper
ate encounter with tho watchman and
a servant and both were hacked to
death with hatchets Tho robbers
then encountered Remmet and shot
him through the heart Then entering
tho house they 111 treated his wife and
obliged her to disclose where her jew
elry and money were kept
Drake Awarded First Place
Des Moines Juno 12 Tho games
committee of tho Iowa Intercolledatn
Athletic association last evening by
a vote of 4 to 3 sustained tho charge
of professionalism brought by Cornell
college against Leo Wellker Grlnnells
colored bicycle rider It was shown
that he had ridden for money in races
at Newton Colfax and other points
Wellker won both bicycle events at the
state meet The decision gives Drake
first place and Grinnell second revera
ing the original result
Find Head of Murdered Woman
Lowell Mas3 June 12 The head of
tho woman whoso body was found In
Chelmsford woods on Sunday was
found yesterday by private detectives
unaer a nnuge over a brook near
where the original discovery was made
The body has not yot been Identified
8hoots the Wrona Counle
Centralla Ills Juno 12 Peter
Gooch of Omega township shot and fa
tally wounded Nathan Cox and wife
mistaking them for his own wlfo and
her alleged paramour Gooch is under
Cashier Kills Himself
Dexter Kan June 12 Cashier Wat
kins of tho bank hero shot and killed
himself last night and the bank is
closod awaiting action of Bank Com
missioner Albauglu
Delegates 8ettlo Down to Business at
St Paul
8L Paul Juno 12 Tho delegates to
tho 12th biennial head camp of tho
Modern Woodmen of America yeator
day evinced a deposition to fully dU
cuss all quoatlons of Importance and
tho morning sooston wan onllranod by
a contest over tho question of appoint
ing a commlttoo to pass upon tho re
vision of tho ritual as submitted by
Head Consul Northcott
Mr Northcott had recommendod
thnt thla mattor bo passed upon by a
commlttoo ot ton to bo ootoetntl from
mombora ot tho ordor not dologntos
A resolution embodying this rocom
inundation waB offered by Dologato
Swan of Missouri but nftor ft boated
donate It waa laid on tho tablo Iator
Dologato Howard of I ml I mm presented
a resolution for a committee of ton
delegates to act upon tho revision An
attempt to amend thla by adding two
outside mombora was lost and tho
Howard resolution carried At tho
afternoon aoaalon tho reports of offi
cers nnd of various commltlooo wore
Tho roport of tho laws commlttoo
was taken up wul discussion began
Thla report In to bo considered noctlon
by section and will consume a largo
part of tho week
The question of ndmlttlng Chicago
and flvo other largo cities that nro
now excluded from membership In tho
ordor was precipitated by an amend
ment from tho laws commlttoo report
by Delegate Aleahtro but a decision
was not arrived at
Official Ceremonies Are Introduced by
Parade Through tho Xfets
Kansas City Juno 12 Not bIiico tho
Democratic national convention havo
so many visitors from all parts ot tho
United Statoa boon In Kansas City as
are gathered horb to attend tho 27th
national pioetlng of tho uoblos of tho
Mystic Shrine and gorgeously np
paroled Arabs havo Illuminated tho
streets all day With morning and
night parades a Bosslon of tho Im
perial council and sightseeing tho
Shrlners yostordny spenou excegdlng
ly busy day TJio Imperial oniccTs
woro escorted froth tho Hotel Balti
more to tho Standard theater by all
tho uniformed Shrlners and a largo
number In carriages After tho wel
coming address at tho theater all but
delegates wore oxcluded and tho coun
cil entered upon Its business
erlng reports of officers and commit
tees Tho climax ot tho pageantry
was tho elaborate parade of tho Shrln
ers last night through tho principal
down town streets tho sidewalks of
which were crowded with people
Widows Hired Girls and Farm Hands
Clamor for Their Money
Olivia Minn Juno 12 Hans Oron
norud who has for 40 years been ono
of tho most respected citizens of Rano
vilio county and supposed to bo worth
a quarter ot a million dollars has
laueu wiui reported Habilltloa amount
ing to 125000
and seemingly no as
For many years he haB beon tho
owner of tho Bank of Beaver Falls
and a heavy stockholder in tho Morton
bank and Stato bank of Olivia nnd
has been engaged In loaning trust
funds for many people Tho Bank of
Beaver Falls has also closed its doors
and depositors aro clamoring for their
money Widows hired girls farm
hands nnd fanners aro numerous
among tho depositors Gronnerud left
hero Boveral days ago
Train Dispatchers Convention
San Francisco Juno 12 Tho 14th
annual convention of tho Train Dls
patchers association ot America met
yestorday morning with some 75 dole
gates present from different nirin nt
tho United States and Mexico Mayor
James D Phelan welcomed tho dis
patchers in a speech which was re
sponded to by Secretary Mackle Tho
annual roport of President J R Lusk
showed the association to bo in a flour
ishing condition
Knights of Honor Meet
Milwaukee Juno 12 Tho supreme
lodge Knights of Honor met yester
day in 28th annual session at tho
Planklnton house with Dictator D 8
iggs oi uoston presiding AH of tho
34 stato
Jurisdictions woro represented
Tho reports of the supremo dictator
reporter treasurer medical examiner
trustees and finance committee were
read A number of nronosed rimntma
in the laws were introduced
Editors In Session
Buffalo Juno 12 Tho National Edi
torial association began Its 10th annual
convention in tho Temple of Music
yesterday This association includes
editors from all parts of the United
States Hundreds of delegates were
present most of them accompanied
by members of their families Tho
convention without transacting any
business adjourned in honor of do-
ceasea members
Grain Growers Meet at 8t Paul
St Paul Juno 12 The second nn
nual convention of the Grain Growers
Association of America opened at the
stato capltol yesterday President M
P Moran of Oracovllle Minn presld
Ing The afternoon Besslon was do
voted to listening to addresses by Gen
eral Moses B Clapp S R Vansant
Henry Wolfer and Hugh ODonnoll
Will Accept Chinas Offer
Peking Juno 12 A meeting of the
foreign ministers yesterday showed
bettor prospects of their coming to
somo definite understanding tho ma
jority invonng tho acceptance of
Chinas offer of 450000000 taela as the
McKintcy Announces That He
Will Not Run
Declare He Would Not Accept the
Nomination If Tendered Him
Makes Statement Setting Forth Firm
Conviction on Subject
Washington Juno 12 Proaldont Mc
Klnley yesterday put nu effectual quiet
us on tho third term talk which ban
gained mime currency In tho newspa
pers through Interviews with certain
well known llopubtlmna favoring tho
rotiuniluntlou of tho president for n
third term by announcing In n signed
statement that ho wan not a ciuidldato
for a third term nnd would not nc
copt ft ronomluatton If ono was ton
dorud Tho statement la as follows
t iigrnt tlmt tho nuggiMInn of u tlilrit
arm liui hern inmlc I doubt whether I
uiii cullixl upon to rIvo It notice Hut tliero
nro new iiitoitlmm of the univeHt
ruo lieforc tliu mlmlnlatrutlon mill the
country nml their Jtiit cntintileratlou nlimilil
Dill lie iiinjuillroil In the puhllc mlml tijr
even the HUtplrtmi of tho thought of n third
term In view thrrofiiro uf Jib reiteration
of tln niicnestlon of It 1 will any now unco
fur nil eiprossluic n loiiK xetMeil conviction
tlmt I mil only am mil mid will uut bo tiu n
caiulliliitu for tulrd turiu but would not
accent u uniiilmtllou fjr it If It were tou
dMed tue JJy MiTy nnlijttgu l lo mrvo
tUtgUKtl tny second teim lo tlio nrreptmico
Of my countrymen wlmic geiieryutj cyl
iVJUJ SJLilUJPMf opprrcliitt tlieii wlili
thorn to do duty In tint riinl of prlvnto
cltlxctiNlilp WIIiMAM MKINIISV
Executive AfnnsToTiT Washington U C
Jjuno 10 1001 SHiIlSjSaEjM
President McKlnleya ofrlclaT an
nouncement disposing of tho third
term idea suggosted by somo of h lo
ad nil re ra creatod no great surprlso
among his friends who havo known
of his deep conviction on tho aubject
When Sonator Dopows suggestion ten
days ago that tho president Hliould bo
elected for a third term bejgan to bo
soriously dlactiased and when sovoral
of tho proslduntH frlonds felt called
upon j cjndorBu tho Idea tho president
docldod that tholmliTlc mind ahoultl bo
Instantly cloared of oven tho suspicion
that ho was Booking to break down
tho precedents of tho past by becoming
a candldato for another term
Ho broached tho subject to Socro
tary Long Monday Ho told him ho bo
lloved thnt an announcement at tho
very Inception of tho discussion would
bo wlso and officially Informed tho
mombora or tho cablnot who had been
Informally called together of his de
cision It met with hearty approval
There was unanimous concurrence In
tho belief that discussion of a third
term for tho president ir allowed to go
on would not only place tho presidont
In a falso light beforo tho cotintrv lint
announcement which tho president had
prepared was given out by Secretnry
Passes Away at Tuscaloosa Ala After
Long Illness
Montgomery Ala Juno 12 Will
iam J Samford governor of Alabama
died last night nt Tuscaloosa Ala
whero ho has been III for somo time
Dlseaso of tho heart waa tho causo of
Governor Samford was 50 years of
ago and was a natlvo of Alabama Ho
had served In tho stato senate and in
congress waa a member of tho consti
tutional convention of 1875 and had
held other important public ofllces Ho
was electod govonor In August of last
year and was Inaugurated Dec 1 last
Hon W D Jolks presidont of tho
state senate will succeed hlin as gov
Invitation to McKinlev
Chicago Juno 12 President McKln
ley will recolvo Saturday next an
unlquo invitation to bo present at a
celebration at Deadwood S D hnctn
ning on July 3 which will celebrate
tho opening of tho Black Hills reserva
tion by whlto people 25 years ago
Tho Invitation Is engraved on a solid
gold plate Will S Warner of Dead
wood passed through Chicago on his
way to Washington carrying tho In
vitation Vico President Roosevelt
and Senator William B Allison of
Iowa have promised to attend
Supreme Lodge A O U W
Buffalo Juno 12 Tho supremo
lodge of tho Ancient Order of United
Workmen with Jurisdiction over tho
United States and Canada convened
hero yesterday with 200 delegates
present Supremo Master Walker of
Milwaukoo prosonted his report show
ing a membership of 420000 in con
nection with tho supreme lodge
Mrs McKlnley 8uffers a Check
Washington Juno 12 Ms McKln
leya Improvement yesterday was less
marked than of lato though it was
stated that on tho whole sho had a
utile moro than held her own The
weather here waa very warm and to
this It Is thought may bo attributed
the check In her recovery
Washington Legislature Meet
Olympla Juno 12 Tho legislature
met in extra Besslon yesterday Tho
house re elected Speaker Albertson
Both house adjourned to meet in Joint
session at 3 oclock when Governor
Rogers message dealing with tho de
fective capital punishment law was
ad C2g
Crack a Postoffice Safe
Roseland Neb Juno 12 The post
office safo was blown open hero last
night and about 125 In personal funds
amount of tho indemnity to bo paid f u ampa ero 8toIen Tho Bdar
to tho powors I bloodhounds have been gout for
Plonty of Rain and Temperature F
vorablo to Growing Grain
Dos Molnoa Juno 12 Tho rainfall
and cool wnathor havo boon bonoflclal
to small grain past urea nnd moadows
Tho hay crop howovor will bo iron
orally light oxcept In meadows con
sisting mainly of clover which nan
mndo a flno stand loud progroaa ban
booji mado cultivating corn and tho
flotlB aro generally qulto clean Tho
growth ban been retarded by cold
night and tho stand Is much Impaired
In oxtonalvo arona by cut worma which
have boon unusually doatructlvo
Roportn rocolved from tho crop cor
rnapondnnta ot thla nervlco maUo tho
following estlmatort of crop conditional
Winter wheat 117 por cont sprint
wheat 93 corn 00 ryo 95 barley
91 tlax 89 montlowa 90 pasttircn
91 polatoea 05 According lo figured
tabulated by Secretary Oreono of tho
Horticultural noddy fruit rotnlltlonn
nro an follows Apples 52 per cent
plums 72 cherries H2 currants 77
peaclton 85 grapes 81 raaphorrluti
77 blackborrlna 81 ntrawbonios 7G
Tho condition of farm anlmahi In
generally rated from 05 por cent to
100 Tho spring pig crop lu 85 por
cent nnd foal a 91
Tho roportn Indlcato Hint farmorn
nro now holding about 15 por cont ol
tho corn crop of 1900
Nebraska Crop Bulletin
Lincoln Juno 12 Tho rains of tho
past week woro very beneficial to Hmall
grain and grans Winter wheat ban
Improved ducjdodly but cannot fully
rogaTn Iho comfitftlT ifrovlous to tho
dry wonthor Oatn conllntio tonromlgq
losa yiaJJpjmjnp7Tnt wTloT
gonorally In growing woll Corn Iiiin
grown slowly bocauao of tho low torn
pofaturo but cultivation has pr3
grossed woll Oonornlly corn Is n fair
to good atuuii and very clear ot woodB
Qtock Yardd For Pi
r Slo
memo uoio Juno 12 An option oh
41 ncniB In tho eastern suburbs ot Pu
eblo wan taken yostordny by n now
stock yards company which will bo
cnpltnllzod at 100000 and which In
financed by stock yarda Interests of
St Louis and Kansas City Tho Mis
souri Paclllc Railroad company la oup
poood to bo Interested
Baseball 8cores Yesterday
National League Pittsburg 4 Now
York 0 Chicago 5 Brooklyn 9 Cin
cinnati 2 Boston 3 St LouIb 1
Philadelphia 3 American League
Baltimore 5 Colovoland 8 Detroit
4 Philadelphia 1 Washington 3
Chicago 1 Boston 8 Milwaukee 4
Western Lcnguo Colorado Springs 5
Dcnvor 8
The Wretched Nuwnpiipt r Mad
In every city of tho Innd the news
paper man la nn outcast Ho known
moro people to be a stranger to than
would nrouso antagonism and would any otlur being In the world Ho has
embarrass tho administration In tho no His Christmas Is tho
grcat questions beforo It Tho brief oru or or mens Joys IHh
giving la a restaurant Even the Fourth
of July nnd Sunday Hervnnta of tho
commonest man refuse hlra their
cheer The Fourth of July Is tho day
ho must be In every place ut once be
cause everything Is happening and
Bundny is tho day ho must make things
up because nothing la happening
Ills Inborn aro our pleasures no
gets his vacation by doing another
mans work nnd earns his living by
wntching other people live The very
days and tho nights turn their natural
backs upon him Thojnmpfs his sun
by night nnd tho curtain la his night
by dny and ho cats his supper In tho
morning nig business Is the reflec
tion of life He Is tho spirit behind
tho mirror What is left to us Is right
to him nnd right Is left Sometimes
right sldo up is upsldo down -
Tho world Is all awry to the
per man It whirls across the hours
In columns now In one edition nnd
now In nnother but It heeds him never
In return He la a spectator Tho
show passes before his face a shut
out unsharlng face Ho Uvea as the
yenrs go on a notebook under tho
stnrs and whon tho notebook Is scrib
bled out he dies Gerald Stanley Lee
In Atlantic
The Gmergeacy Clerk
I ran across a clerk hero who la
worth his weight In gold or at least
lu gold bricks said a guest at one of
the hotels If I was in business In
New Orleans I would get that man If
I had to chloroform nnd abduct him
Tho way I discovered his merits was
thla I was standing In a storo down
tho street waiting for my wlf to de
cido what sho didnt want when
tailor made girl walked up and naked
to see somo golf clubs Tho young
man behind the counter showed her
several and In a few moments sho
found one that suited her and went
away with It under her arm
Aro there many players In New
Orleans V I asked after she bad gone
Oh yes quite a number replied
tho clerk affably
Have you golf links here I con
tinued getting Interested
A look of real pain crossed the
young mans face I am sorry he
said very Borry but the fact ia wa
sold our bast golf links thla morning
nowover wo havo ordered a new
stock ho added brightening up and
they will be here in a few days Which
did you wlah the plain or the or fan
cy links
A clerk like that la beyond price
sir perfectly invaluable Ten years
hence I expect to find him a merchant
prince New Orleans Times-Democrat
Ieace Lortag Woman
Did you pay the grocer and butcher
No there wasnt enough to pay both
of them To pay only ono would make
trouble so I Just took the money and
spent It down tojvn Indjanapolla
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