The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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rW ftCTtU5 A
p iWtjjjpjifilMWPWBliP3
Norfolk Lodge No 653 Enter
tains Many Visitors
continued until oclock this morn
CnnillilMr A Initiated During llm
nnil Tlmlr Wlr From
Neighboring Town Pronfiiit -Deputy V
I Tnylor flnniliiuU llio IellcAlln
FrnmHnlurdnjd Onllri
Friday May HI will inm Into history
ns n grout day with Klks lodgo No 05
6f tills city During Iho nitoinoou u
clans of 10 candidates was Initiated nml
lwit evening tho now olub ami lodgo
rooniB lu tho Mnrqunrdt block worn
opened nnd dodlcutod Iti u manner that
will make tho vout memorable
At 1 oolook oiintllilntos began to
gather nt tho reception rooms nml In
duo thuo they woro shown tho mystorlos
nnd touohlngsof tho Uonovolont njid
Protoctlvo Onlor of Klks Tho lodgo
room was dnrkoncd nnd tho olootrlo
lights turned on giving tho olToot of an
oyouIuk Initiation Tho work was cou
forred by tho rogulur oflloors Kxaltod
llulor lloynolds presiding Following
nro tho names of thoso Initiated
T F Mommlugor of Madison H O
Holbort N Rny Hall W S Moto 11
0 Button of Plainvlow Win H
Minors Loo Mnrtyn of Uumphroy
Robt Kloko II S Summon M J
Hughes West Point John T Marriott
Wnkoflold F 11 Loomor Wlflnor H
J Ohrystnl Osmond W O Mason
Piorco K S Mayors Nowport A 0
Powoll F L Barclay Stownrt 13 A
Pollard Crawford M N Suydor Thou
L Sloan M M Nowuinn 13 L Halph
Horm FrceBO Geo F Phillips H G
Strong H 11 Strong 0 M bilgor F
II Downs Geo Brown 13 A Wiltno
Pondor Geo G Schram O S Nichol
son Willis McBrido Madison T - B
Tuok AtkltiBou 0 II Kolsoy Noligh
E O Mllliun Elgin N A Rulubolfc
1 G WoBtervolt W IJ Johnson Rus
sell G Thompson Norfolk
In tho ovoning tho now lodgo room
was dodicntod to tho purpososof ohnrity
brotherly love justlco nnd lldollty and
nt tho sumo tlmo tho club rooms woro
thrown open to tho inspection of n largo
number of invited guests Aftor as
mauy us could bo nocomodnted in tho
hall had boon flouted tho otllcors ami
members of tho lodgo marched in and
tho dodlcntlon was conductod by Doputy
W D Taylor of Omaha In tho eon tor
of tho hall an altar wns orocted cou
struotod of stones representing tho car
dinal virtues of tho ordor each of tho
lendiug oflloors contributing iu turn to
tho structure and tho hall wns publicly
proclaimed ns ready for tho uses of tho
lodgo Tho decorations of tho lodgo
room cousistod of hnudsomo American
flags draped over ouch station with a
magnificent oik hend above that of tho
oxnltod ruler At tho close of tho cor
omonies Doputy Taylor ami Past Ex
nltod Ruler Mullen of tho Omaha lodgo
mudo short addresses which woro outhu
siasticnlly rocelvod
Tho dedication fonturo of the program
being over dancing was Inaugurated iu
tho largo hall on tho third floor of tho
Morquardt block which had boon taste
docoratod for tho occasion Bunting iu
tho colors of tho ordor purplo and
whito had boon draped botwoou tho
posts whioh support tho coiling whilo
lamp shades in tho same colors woro
ovor the oloctrio lights Tho musio
stand was surrounded by potted plants
whiohwero also nttractiveiy plocod
about tho room nnd in tho hall loading
to it Although tho hall is largo it
wns crowded with merry daucors who
wero inspired by tho musio of tho Ital
ian orchestra nnd the festivities woro
ing aoouc niuiuigut tuoro was an
intermission during whioh tho Pondor
quartott guvo n popular solootion and
wns obliged to respond to nu encore
At 1 1 oclock nn hour dedicated to ab
sent brothers by tho order tho Omaha
lodge Bout hearty oougrntulatious to O
H Reynolds exalted rulor upon tho
establishment of such a prosperous lodgq
ana the dedication of tho lodft6 room
Thoso who did not dnuce spoilt the
evening in tho olub rooms In the
oeption room thero was Bluging to piano
aocompauiineur whilo tho billiard and
card tables proved an attraction Iu
one of tho rooms ou this floor punch
nd wafers were served while lemonade
was dispensed in tho ball room
The new Elks quarters are admitted
to be among the finest in tho stato A
broad haudsomo new stairway loads
from the Bidwalk to the rooms and tho
first thing one notices iu entering tho
door from the Btreet is the word Elks
in the tiled floor Tho outer door of tho
olub rooms contains a glass panel iu
wnlon are the initials B P O E
To the right of the lobby whioh pre
sents a very attractive appearance aio
cloak and toilet rooms for ladles and
gentlemen both fitted npiu a most at
tractive manner with all modern con
veniences Passing on a person is
ushered into the reception room whioh
is the most elegant apartment of tho
suite oarpeted with a haudsomo Ax
minster in dark green whilo the
walls are papered with a harmonizing
shade of red The furniture iB the finest
that money could buy upholstered
pieces iu lonthor predominating Upon
the center tablo mngnzliios ami period
icals may ho found whilo to one sldo n
piano stands Invitingly open Tho next
room is a cozy little npnrtmont deslguod
opcclnlly for confidential chats nnd
furnished lu stylo corresponding to tho
uses of tho room Tho billiard room
contains now billiard and pool tables
which lovers of these gamos say nro
first class Beyond is n room whoro a
number of card tables will furnish
amusement for those who enjoy that
pastlmo Tho bullet Is trlbntnry to
this room but ns It Is not yet in running
ordor It Is not yot known whothor what
It dispenses will bo of n hard or soft
Tho lodgo room with Us nocessary
auto room nnd preparation room nro
models for what thoy nro lutonded
The lodgo room is comfortably sontcd
nml tho altar Is n haudsomo pleco of
furniture Tho pedestals designed for
permanout use woro not received lu
tlmo for tho opoutug but thoy will bo
in n stylo to hnrmnuio with tho altar
An organ secretarys dosk nud uphol
storod otllcors chairs complete tho
equipment of this room which is well
adapted to lodgo work
Norfolk lodgo No 0511 was organized
January 20 last with 71 charter mem
bers and so rapid has been tho growth
iu tho short tlmo intervening that Its
membership now numbers about ICO
Tho members tnko n justifiable prido lu
tholr now quarters which as said before
aro olansod among tho finest iu tho stato
Thoy occupy tho wholo of tho socoud
floor of tho Marquardt block -1 1 by 100
foot which affords nmplo room aud ac
Besides tho novitiates who wero made
mombors of tho lodgo yestorday tho
following out of town mombors woro
noticed among thoso preseut last ovon
ing M W Lichty II M Stockwoll
and M 0 BroKslor of Clearwater 13
N Smart of Madison Robt Appleby
of Stanton Owou ONeill and E H
Lulkart of Battle Creek Al Boomer of
Boomer Mauy wtro accompanied by
thoir wives nud nil teemed to enjoy tho
ftMivitks jf the occasion
Norma mill Illir rty
Ill nu air In the opera of Norma
the theatrical censor went so far as to
cancel the word llberta liberty nnd
substitute for it tho word lealta
loyalty Slgnor Itouconl tho
famous baritone nnd u great public fa
vorite huvlug lu the ardor of his role
forgotten the above mentioned emenda
tion was Imprisoned for three days lu
order to refresh his memory
Not long after singing tho line In tho
Kllslr dAmoro describing how a
peasant enlisted Vendo In llberta si
fo soldtito lie sold his liberty to bo a
Boldler ho waggishly nltered It to
Vendo In lenltu si fc solduto This
variation In tho text wns received with
lively npplnuse by tho public who nl
ways warmly welcomed anything that
savored of political opposition
Tho next day the poor singer wns
summoned by the head of tho police to
receive a reprimand for having said
that loyalty could be sold to which
Itouconl replied by observing that a
few days before he had been taught in
n wny he was not likely to forget that
lealta ought always to be substitut
ed for llberta IMotro Orels Mod
ern Italy
The Kir at Knrly ISrrnliiBT Paper
The plan of this Pnper not being
generally known tho Proprietors most
respectfully take tho Liberty of sub
mitting tho following Sketch of It to
the perusal of tho Public
The Noon Gazette will be regularly
published every day at Twelve oclock
nnd will contain nil tho nctunl news of
tho Nine Morning Papers cautiously
nud faithfully selected from them Ev
ery species or misinformation anil un
truth will be guarded agalust with the
utmost enre nud the Communication
of real authenticated Intelligence only
will ever bo the grand Object of this
Besides tho Advnutngo of having nil
tho Nows of tho Nino Mornlug Papers
comprized In one the Noou Gazette
will contain a Postscript with every
Article of Important Intelligence that
may arlso ou the Morning of Its publi
cation so that as well as a universal
Morning Paper this Prlut will bo
found little If nt all Inferior to any
Evening Publication From Tho Noon
Gazette aud Dally Register 17S0
Fully Oocnpleil
ITavers who has answered tho bell
lifraaclf Hello old maul Couio in
irTWIMlal i I j
Jaubers Sorryybtit I Just come for
my wife Shes her 1 suppose 7
Havers Oh yes litft p oni Ju and
have a game or two ot chCss -
Jabbers Id like to but Its too late
Havers Nonsense It7 on1 10
Jabbers Yes but my wife particiil
larly told me not to be any Inter than
that coming for her So sho must
want to get home
Havers Oh If thafs nil sho wnnr
bo ready to go for several hours yet
Jabbers Why whats she dolug
Havers She Just started to tell my
wife what they had yesterday at tha
Bwelllngtons luncheon Harper
Consolation Indiscreet nrnni mnn
us when we are suffering under amlo
tlon only serves to Increase our pain
aud to render our grief more poignant
Wo know of no worse seusatlon than
to bo In a hurry and find our path ob
structed by some ono who is very slow
Atchison Globe
Men over 40 nro practically proof
against enteric fever Only one man
oyer that ase fell a vlotim in fh a-
campaign jfowlpr
Dr Brockcn of Minnesota on
Disinfection and Care
Clrniillnrmi In nt all limn Riulral to
Prevent tlin 8prentl of llio Dlean De
tention nt Tlntfln Who Hnva lleen Ha
prseil In Knnfiitlnl
A valunhlo trontlao on tho caro of
smallpox patients rocoutly published by
H M Brookon M D profossor of ma
teria inodlca nud thornpantics of tho
university of Mluuosota also socrotnry
nud ozccutlvo oflloor Mluuosotn state
board of health statos as follows aud
comes with considerable iutorest nt tho
prosout tlmo
Infection may tako placo from tho
socrotious of tho respiratory tract nud
possibly from other secretions also from
ooutact with tho surfaco of tho body or
exfoliations from tho simo Tho
dangor of Infection Is constant from the
first appearance of tho dlseaso until the
process ot desquamation or peeling is
oomploted This may until at
least two mouths have passod siuco the
first appenrnuco of tho dlseaso Tho
last of the desquamation is usually from
tho hands nud foot
Smallpox pntients should bo isolated
lu a special quarnntiuo hospital Such
hospital should bo of simple cheap con
struction Id sotno isolated placo romoto
from tho public highway or rosldonce
proporty Its furnishings Bhould bo
plain simplo aud cheap in order that
thoy may bo completely destroyed by
burning when tho time for their dlslai
foctlou comes
Connected with such hospital should
bo at least two well trained aud respon
sible nurses aud an oatsido uttondont
or go botwoou to look after the sup
plies etc for tho hospital It is wise to
have two outside attendants one to
servo during the day and tho other
during tho night they should act as
guards as woll us attendants aud be
glveu polioo authority There must be
no direct communication between tho
quarnntiuo hospital aud tho outside
world Tho outside attendants should
see to It thut the wnuts of tho pntiouts
nud nurses aro all supplied Tho pas
sago of anything from the hospital to
tho outsido world letters notos books
papersolothlug etc must bo absolutely
All food must bo prepared nud dishes
washed by the nurses or other qnnrnn
tiued attendants A pit should bo dug
near tho hospital aud nil refuse excreta
etc should bo thrown into it with suffi
cient lime to cover nt enoh time and this
immediately covered with earth
Should tho hospital havo connection
with a soworage system then everything
disposed of iu this wny should bo thor
oughly disiufected with enrbolio acid or
lime for the stools milk of lime is the
best disinfectant everything going from
tho sick room dishes clothing etc
should bo placed in receptacles contain
ing a disinfectant outsidetho sick room
whero an nttoudnut can securo nud re
move them without coming iu contact
with eithor tho uurso or patient
For disiufoctiug dishes a pan contain
ing a fivo per cout solution of enrbolio
ncld in water should be used the wholo
to bo boiled betoro removing the
dishes from tho pan
Tho body of the patient should bo an
notated with some non irrltntiug appli
cation aftor each bath during the eutiro
courso of the disease this as well as the
bath tends to make the patient comfort
able and reduces the danger of Infect
log others by keeping under control the
desquamated pooled off material The
pationt after having thoroughly re
covered should be given a final aud
complete bath aud dressed iu eutirely
fresh clothing throughout All oloth
ing woru by a smallpox patient should
bo burned All individuals who have
been associated with a smallpox patient
for auytimo whatsoever must be placed
in isolation uutll they have had a full
bath and complete change of clothing
Susceptible persons those not recently
vaccinated must be kept nnder obser
vation until the period of incubation
for smallpox has passed two or even
bettor three weeks they should also be
vaccinated without delay
If people who have been exposed to
the auiallpox nf fl nw in uxed residence
Or of suoh a chat aoter AS to u depended
upon in every way to aid in suppressing
the diseai3 they should be placed lu
qtiaruntino bat not with the smallpox
ptieilt They sliould be kefjf u faouBes
of tfnitlta
All pupik and teaohers who have
been exposed to smallpox or frho are
living in a rlouse jvaeron patient has
boon suffering from amallpflr should be
exemaea jroui ssnooi for ajt least threa
weeks from the date of the last possible
infection i
Physicians must beYery careful not to
convey thiB disease from patients upon I
whom they are attending tb other indi
viduals In many cases it nlbe1 nec
essary for a special physician togo into
quarantine while attending smallpox
Disinfection after smallpox should be
carried out as after other infectious
eases All doors and windows except
one for the disinfector Bhould be closed
and sealed with strips of papor pasted
over tho cracks When all Is ready for
lllwratlng tho dlslnfootlng gas tho disin
fector should withdraw olcvlng tightly
tho door or window through which ho
makes his exit Rooms boing dlslu
foctod should bo kopt scaled and closed
from fivo aud six hours Aftor tho dis
infection wall papor should be soaked
off aud all tho wood work washed ns
woll as tho walls with tho dlsinfootant
solution nud nil under tho direction of
parties thorougly couvorsnnt with tho
nature of tho dlsoaso aud with tho
proper apparatus for doing the work
PariiinliUliyilo Itccotiinieiuleil far Melting
Itld of Dlnonne Germ anil fur Other
Iu disinfecting rooms and buildings
the recently dlscovorod formaldehyde Is
said to bo a most poworful ngout aud is
largely used slnco its discovery The
following concerning the disinfectant is
taken from a pharmaceutical work and
published for tho information of those
who may bo interested
The discovery by Trlllat In 1833 of
tho germicidal powers of formaldehyde
has been abuudantly confirmed It
probably ranks In power as a little in
ferior to corrosivo sublimate although it
certainly is much stronger than carbolic
acid According to K Walker Its one
por cout nquoous solution will destroy
allqmthogeuetic spores within an hour
It is further clalmod for it that it has
the powor of destroying various diseases
It has a powerful action ou various forms
of organic matter ono part iu four
thousand completely decolorizes wine
precipitating extractive nnd coloring
Upon tho higher aumals its notion is
comparatively feeble excepting in that
it Is ono of the most irritating substances
known producing when inhaled even in
nu extremely dilute form violent irrita
tion of tho respiratory mucus mem
branes In practical modlcluo formal
dehyde is useful only as a disinfectant
and it is certninly one of the most effect
ive of known substances when It can be
used with propriety Its gaseous ua
turo especially fits It for employment in
disinfecting rooms for which purposo it
is practically tho only germicide that
should bo employed Van Ermlugen and
Sugg havo shown that books and other
small objects containing tho germs of
diphtheria tuberculosis scarlet fever
smallpox etc wero disinfected by 5o c
of formaldehydo in a litre of air Hor
tou got the same result from 1 c c of
fotmaldohydo to 1500 o o of air It does
not injure books clothes or furniture
Trillat usiug methylio alcohol found
that it was possible to completely disin
fect rooms aud the furniture therein in
six hours by tho consumption of from
four to six litres of alcohol for each 300
cubic motres of the room According
to Walter washing tho hands iu a three
per cent solution followed by nlcohol
renders them completely aseptic whilst
the use of the one per cent solution al
most instantly deodorizes faeces The
two per ceut solution rapidly renders
surgical instruments aseptic without in
jury Tho one per cent solution is
strong ouough for cloanslug vessels
For tho disinfection of apartments the
formaldohyde mayjbe made directly from
methyl alcohol by means of the Trillat
or other automatic lamps such as are for
sole Iu disinfecting a room windows
doors otc should bo tightly closed
closets drawers etc thrown widely
open and all furniture should be so pre
pared as to be reached by the vapors as
completely as possible After the
automatio apparatus is started tho at
tendant of course must leave the apart
ment The danger of fire with a proper
apparatus is theoretical and it can be
entirely obviated by placing tho lamp iu
a largo metal pot or similar uteusol
As tho cost of formaldehyde prepared in
this way amounts to little at least twico
as much methylio alcohol should be used
as would be called for by Trillats state
Northern WUcouhIu Hallway Farm Lands
Fur Sale
The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
I Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin at low prices aud easy
terms of payment about 350000 acres
of choice farm lands
Early buyers will secure tho advan
tage of locations on the many beautiful
streams aud lakes which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
moat excellent Water supply both for
family use and for stock
ni2d is generally well timbered the
aoll fertile and fiftsy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest
Ohioago Milwaukee St Paul Minn
eapolis Doluth Superior Ashland and
other town Wi Tha Northwestern
Line farnish Bod nVarkets for stock
lnd farmproaoca
Geo W Bull
Lailtf Oommlssloner Hudson Wis flf
G H MacRae
Asst QtPagXAgtSt Paul Mlun
What AhaH1 If U or ert
This questiorf arise in the family
javery day Let ns answer it today
TryJell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two mijautssr No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lenion orange raspberry and straw
berry AVyour grocers iO cents
11 111
Connections Made and
Start Tonight
System U Caput 1b of TrMinmlttlng Tower
Much Irantar Dlntntice thun thfi Old
Other Kxtcmivn Improvement Yet to
he Made
Oonucctlons hetwoon tho new Cor
liss ongino and tho boilors at the eleotrlo
light station aro being complotod today
and tonight it Is oxpectod that tho now
engine and dynamo will be run for tho
first tlmo Threo gangs of mou havo
been working today making connec
tions and changing wiros aud by even
ing it is hoped that everything will bo
in good working order If howovor
some of the patrons do not receive light
thoy will know that something has in
terfered to proveut The old engino
nud dynnnio aro disconnected nnd if
thore is trouble with tho new thero will
be no possibility of operating the lights
tonight Patrons will certainly endure
the iuconvenionco for ono evening with
out complniut knowing thnt when every
thing is in order they will be tho ones
The system of lighting has been en
tirely changed the Westinghouse alter
nating current being now used where
as the old systom wns a direct current
This makes it possible to convey power
a long distance without lost nud where
as several bio cks were tho limit of tho
old system it iB uow possible to produce
as brilliant lights several miles from tho
station as it is in the near neighbor
The material is on hand for extend
ing the system to the Junction The
Heights and other residence portions of
the city impossible to reach by the old
system and the work of extending to
thoso points will be made in a week or
ten days
The curront leaves the power house
now 2200 volts strong and tho trans
formers placed ou poles at intervals
along tho line change it to 110 volts
when it enters tho business houses in n
conditiou thnt is harmless
Rates on a meter system for residence
lighting will be very reasonable and
will be below that of eithor Lincoln
Omaha or Sioux City Many persons
will therefore use tho system for resi
dence lighting
Ileal Kutate Transfers
The following are tho transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending June 1 1901 as re
ported by D J Koenigstein official ab
Hariette G Salter to Martha L
Klesau wd part lot 4 Millers add to
Norfolk 1300
Cyrus W Young to Carl Wilde qcd
e of uwJ4 of uwM oud part of nej of
uw 15-24-1 this is a correction deed
Rainhard Faust to Mary Faust wd
of seJ4 1911 2 3000
Pioneer Town Site Co to Samuel
Congram wd y iut in part of out lot 5
R R add to Newman Grove
W A Schwertferger to Mary S
Schwertfeger wd s 80 feet of n 53 feet of
lot 2 block 2 Pasewalks add to Norfolk
Charles B Durlaud to William
Winter wd nw 1-24-1 1800
H L McCormick to 0 D Amarine
wd n of wK of lot 7 block 5 Pase
walks add to Norfolk
Chicago Burlington Quinoy R R
Co to Henry Wedekind deed ne 1-24-3
Hammond Louisiana An Ideal Health
and Winter Resort
The passenger department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a new edition of Hammond
Louisiaua as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
the winter attractions in aud about
Hammoud copies of which will be
mailed froo on application to the under
For thoso in good or moderate circum
stance no point in the south offers such
inducements The olimate is unsur
passed The artesan water excellent
Society almost entirely northern and
the hotel and hoarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
in the north and at moderate rates
J P Merky
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofllce June 31001
Bertbold Bergman Daved Campbell
Mrs Z T Davis Egyptian Remedy Co
Mrs Mario Fagan Mrs Pearl Horner
Fxeu Harder UUwq Wonselle Charles
A Mautz 5 Warn Marker W P MaT
quardt George Ommefman A Rich
ardson A Rokes R B Sutfon Ennis
Suiter James F White Hardy Wells
A J Walker Charles E Wasen James
If not called for in 15 days will be
scat to the dead letter office
Parttes calling for any of the above
please ey advertised
P F SprecizrVP M
Jell iV lie New Dessert
pleases nil the family Four flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
Try it todaj
Sprclnt Dars
Tb following special days at th
Pan American Exposition havo beea
definitely fixed
Mar 1 Opening day
liar SO Dedication day
June 0 Hotel Mens dr
June 12 Coal liens df
June IJ Presidents dr
June H FUft dir Pro ramm by Daughter
o American Revolution
June IS Weill College dir
June 19 A 0 U W dar
June W Connecticut da
June 21 Rochester dir v jh
June 21 29 flaengcrfttt dars tv
June iA Odd Fellows daf
June 27 Odd Fellows dar
June 27 Volks Fest erenlng
June 2S Clnclnnatl daf
June 29 fbllidelphla dar
Julr 2 Wellfsley College
Jul 8 Llederkrana dar
Julr 10 Mirrlind dar
tit I
i i
July 11 Commercial Trarelers dajr
Jul 1ft Chautauqua day
Julr IS Ohio day
Julr 3 C M D A dir
Julr 2t Enlghts ot Columbus dar Utah dar
Julr 20 Scandinavian dar Porto Blco dar
Aug 1 Mratlc Shrinera dar
Aug 10 Ultanuri dar
Aug 14 Virginia dar
Aug 18 Red Kens dar
Aug 21 Louisiana dar
Aug 21 Electrical dar
Aug 21 Municipal dar
Sept 8 Dtitrirt ot Columbia dar
Sept 8 National Association ol Stationary Ea
Sept 9 Spanish American Wax Veteran day
Sept 10 Rhode Island day
Sept 12 Pollsb day
Sept 10 Mcalcan day
Sept 170 A R day
Sept 19 Welah day
8ept 20 St Catharines day -
Sept 25 Oregon day
Oct 8 Brooklyn day
Oct 9 New York Federation ot Women Club
Oct 10 National Orange day
Next to the Iovreiit niddcr
Said contract to go to tho next to
tho lowest bidder Is tho way that a
local building contractor would have
tllC Closlm Bnlnvrppil I naJ vmjLlao
incuts for bids ou any particular Job
While speaking of tho matter recently
thja same conirautivr said that If the
truth were known nlno out of ten of
the lowest bids made arc made through
a mistake iu the calculations of tho
bidder - rgSEEgffgaiffiy
If tho contractor who gets tho Job
was aware that his bid is oftentlmoa
Ttii55 below that of tho oue next above
him nnd this ou a comparatively small
Job he would Immediately Institute a
search and find where he had mado
the mistake thus having an
nity of falling to qualify to complete
tho job This privilege Is often denied
tho bidder however and he gets well
along with his work before tho fact
dawns upon him that he is on a losing
venture It Is then too late to go back
on the job and tho result Is that tho
party who is doing the building and
the contractors also aro losers and this
because of the natural Inclination of
tho contractor to shirk in order not to
lose any more than he Is absolutely
obliged to In order to get out on tho
bad deal
These mistakes are not only disas
trous to the parties Immediately con
cerned but to tho trade in general ns
by the error of tho unlucky bidder an
other worthy contractor is unable to
get tho work at reasonable figures
Give tho work to tho next to the low
est bidder r believe to be a good gen
eral rule Omaha World Herald
One Fault
Miss Crochet after an attack upon
the piano Uow do you like that It
Is a song without words
Fogg It would bo absolutely perfect
but for one thing
Miss Crochet Whats that pray
Fogg If it was also without music
Boston Transcript
Clever Sngsentlon
How shall I prove tho sincerity of
my devotion asked the young man
who hnd been so long coming to tho
point that doubt had begun to accu
mulate against him
Cnll the parson In as a witness
suggested the young lady Detroit
Free Press
4 A
For a Reptcblic
We Must
Have Men
For a successful business
there must be buyers A well
equipped store a well assorted
stock of goods efficient clerks
all attract buyers but no mat
ter what the store no matter
what the stock no matter how
agreeable or efficient the help
buyers will not be attracted un
less they know the facts
Telling the facts la regard to your busl
nesJ is advertising That method which
Will tell them to the largest number of
prospecUyg buyer Js the best methed
It is obvta that the best
tiiethod of telling the facta to
the buyers of this community
is through the advertising col
umns of this paper Are you
employing this method to the
best advantage
4 1