The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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m m
Edward Forshay Shoots Edna
Stokes in Chicago Hotel
Actor and Manager Thought to Kill
Himself Too but His Nerve Falls
Him at Last Moment Had
reled With His Sweetheart
Chicago Juno 4 Edward Forshay
-of KanHaB City an actor and assistant
manager ot theatrical companies last
night shot and killed Miss Edna
Stokes an actress whoso homo Is at
Mo and with whom ho was
deeply In lovo Forshay claims to havo
met Miss Stokes In St Louis six years
ago when they were both playing an
engagement The couplo played In
different cities until last fall when
they came to Chicago and becamo
members of the stock company playing
at tho Victoria
Forshay evidently Intended to tako
his life after killing tho woman for
t upon his person when ho was arrested
were letters bidding farewell to his
mother and another to tho chief of
Tho couplo wcro engaged In a des
i porato quarrel throe days ago and
Forshay is said to havo beaten tho
i actress badly cutting her head In two
places MIbs Stokes gave orders to
tho proprietor of the Vernon hotel at
which sho was stopping that Forshay
should not be admitted to her presence
and nlthough he called twico during
tho early part of the evening ho was
compelled to leave by the attendants
Xator ho called and tho proprietor
told him ho could wait In tho parlor
where Miss Stokes would see him
Sho came down from her room and tho
couple talked for about ten minutes
when Forshay suddenly drew a re
volver and fired two shots one through
the right lung and other close to tho
heart She died almost Instantly
When taken to the police station
Forshay said ho Intended to kill
as ho could not live without Miss
Stokes love but his nerve failed him
at tho last moment
McKeesport Man Comes Near Being
Hanged by Mob for Alleged Assault
Pittsburg June 4 Denjamln Setty
alias Watson aged 28 years narrowly
escaped lynching at the hands of an
Infuriated mob of 500 citizens of Mc
Keesport Pa yesterday Setty Is al
leged to have assaulted a 4-year-old
daughter of Thomas Sullivan The po
lice wero forced to use their clubs to
Iteep back the crowd while Setty was
taken to the police station The child
is In an unconscious condition and
may not recover Great excitement
prevails In McKeesport and the prison
KSs strongly guarded
Murderous Attack on Aged Woman
Kansas City Juno 4 Whllo sitting
locking a baby In her homo at Second
street and Woodland avenue this after
noon Mrs Mary Schuler 70 years
old was struck down with a hatchet
by a negro who appeared suddenly
beforo her Mrs Schulers skull was
fractured and sho cannot live The
negro escaped and Is being searched
for by a large number of neighbors and
policemen The motive was robbery
Issue Appeal for Aid
Rutherfordton N C June 4 Tho
mayor of Bakei ville N C has issued
an appeal for aid to rebuild the city
-which tho circular says was destroyed
in tho big storm of May 20 Great suf
fering Is said to be Imminent The ap
peal says it Is not known how many
lives were lost but 500 dwelling
houses mills and storehouses were
swept away and the damage In tho en
tire county is put at 1000000
Terre Haute Carmen Strike
Terro Haute Ind Juno 4 Tha
Terre Hauto Street Railway company
-was tied up last night by a strike of
all tho men In the employ of the com
pany Tho men claim that the com
pany failed to give the firemen em
ployed at tho Brazil plant an advance
from 12 to 16 cents an hour accord
ing to an agreement reached after tho
strike of last October
Find Robbers Booty
Mineral Point Wis Juno 4 Seven
thousand dollars was found under a
sidewalk near the former boarding
place ot Stewart Jelloff held here on
a charge of robbing tho national bank
Tecently Two bottles of
and a bunch of skeleton keys wero
also found All were discovered by
citizens who were searching privately
Indians Hostile Over Lynching
Altura Cal Juno 4 Sheriff Street
lias returned from the scene of tho
lynching Tho bodies of Calvin Hall
his three sons and son-in-law wore cut
down and burled by Chinese Indians
are hostile over tho hanging of the
Indian boy but no troublo is antici
pated The grand jury will be called
vto Investigate
Portland Mine Strike Settled
Victor Colo Juno 4 Mayor Nelson
Franklin who Is at Colorado Springs
wired to this city yesterday that tho
Portland mine strike has been set
tled and that nearly 1000 men will be
at onco put to work Both sides
made concessions and the demands of
the workmen havo been substantially
agreed to
Raise the Price of Sugar
New York Juno 4 Arbucklo Bros
imve advanced all grades of refined
eugar ten points This Is Btlll five
points under tho prices of the
Jean Sugar Refining company
Hudson Maxim Sells Secret of His
Invention to the United States
Now York Juno 4 Tho Press says
Maxtmtto tho now oxploslvo Invented
by Hudson Maxim has boon adopted
by this country nftcr a series of suc
cessful tests nt tho Sandy Hook prov
ing grounds Tho sccrot of tho cxplo
slvo has been sold to tho government
by tho Inventor nnd tho cxploslvo It
Is thought may revolutionize warfare
It Is said to bo moro deadly In Its char
actor than lyd ill to yet so safely can
It bo handled that tho danger attaching
to Its uso Is loss than that Incurred In
transporting ordinary black powder
In an Interview Mr Maxim said
Should tho United States bocomo In
volved In war with nny ottior powor
wo will bo ablo to throw high explo
sive projectiles through tho thickest
armor of our cnomlos to explodo In
Bldo their warships whllo they In turn
would bo nblo only to penotrato our
armor with solid shot
Ho thought tho moral of theso now
developments Is that tho ponderous
battleship must go and bo replaced by
tho small swift torpedo boats or tor
pedo gunboats and cruiser
Annual Report of Board and of Seer
tary Read and Adopted
Des Moines Juno 4 Yestordny was
church extension day In tho general
synod of tho Evangelical Lutheran
church Tho annual report was read
by Rev H H Webor of York Pa and
was adopted Tho roport of the statis
tical secretary was read and adopted
Tho discussion of tho foreign mis
sion situation with plans to change
field of work from tho African
cuist to tho Interior Is set as special
business for this afternoon The main
business of tho synod deals with this
question factions being formed and
divided on the administration of tho
post ono faction claiming a favor
itism and partiality of tho foreign mis
sion board In tho post asserting that
unless a change Is had at onco tho
church will be shaken to Its foundation
and that serious trouble Is Imminent
Tho election of Dr Freas as president
however shows tho aid admin IJ ation
has a majority of tho synod and no
change may bo made
Suffrage Association Reported to Be
In Flourishing Condition
Minneapolis Juno 4 Tho National
American Woman Suffrage association
held an executive session yesterday to
which only delegates wero admitted
The topics of discussion wero tho plan
of work submitted by the business
committee and consideration of the
bazaar fund In the afternoon tho ad
dresses of stato presidents were re
Maud C Stockwell of Minnesota re
ported tho membership doubled In the
year and the finances flourishing
Lucretla L Blankenburg of Pennsyl
vania reported on tho futllo effort to
secure the admission of Mrs Margaret
Klinglesmith to the law actfdemy
Rev Olympia Brown reported for
Wisconsin that an active campaign of
education was being carried on
All Streams Are High and the Arkan
sas Is Especially Uncontrollable
Pueblo Colo Juno 4 All streams
from tho Rocky mountains aro high
Tho Arkansas river has been threat
ening its bridges An enormous
amount of water which tho big irriga
tion canals all of which are wide open
cannot receive is overflowing tho Ar
kansas valley
Tho 4-year-old boy of John Turklng
ton playing along Fountain creek In
the north suburbs fell in Tho body
was swept away and has not been re
The Wabash has secured control of
tho Detroit and Toledo short line
Two thousand employes of tho paper
mills at Holyoke Mass ar3 uu a
George H Phillips is to bo given a
banquet by the Allied National Farm
ers association at St Paul
Tho Ottoman government has pro
hibited tho performance of Cyrano do
Bergerac declaring It to bo revolu
Chicago police will not opposo Cap
tain Streeters second invasion ot tho
district of Lake Michigan but will let
the courts decide the dispute
Walter T Page manager ot tho
American Smelting and Refining com
panys smelter at Omaha has been ap
pointed manager of tho plant at Argen
tine Kan
Nowton Todd an Indianapolis broker
and member tof tho Chicago Stock ex
change was suspended Monday for
three years on charges ot uncommer
cial conduct
Joslah Croner aged 7G father of
Congressman Croner of Indiana died
at Munclo Monday of paralysis Tho
son arrived home from tho battleship
Ohio an hour beforo his death
James Lynch a grain scooper In tho
Niagara elevator at Buffalo was caught
In a conveyor carried 135 feet through
the plpo and then dumped into tho bin
Nearly all the bones In hlB body wero
Military Riot at Shorncliffe
London Juno 3 A military riot oc
curred last night at Shorncliffe A de
tachment of the Dublin fuslleors act
uated by somo Imaginary grievance
wrecked their barracks room The
guard was called out to arrest tho ring
leaders and shots wero fired by tho
fuslleers who met tho reinforced
guard with a volley of ball cartridges
and with bayonets Two men of tho
guard wero seriously injured by bay
onet thrusts Tho riot lasted for two
I hours
vutett i
k t n
Troops Said to Be Necessary
to Quell Uprising
Authorities Fear Outbreak Will Bo
Precipitated by Attempts to Arrest
Settlers Flee to Towns for Protec
tion Indians Aro Excited
Lander Wy Juno 4 As a result of
a Bhootlng affray between a whllo
Bhcep herdur and an Arapahoo In
dian on tho reservation Sunday and In
which tho Indian was tllllod Borlous
trouble Is feared as tho Indians aro
reported to 1m very excited over tho
affair The sheepmen am said to bo
moving their bonis closer together for
protection They havo sent to tho out
lying stores for ammunition
A shcop hordcT employed by Will
iam Madden of Lost Cabin wns shot
down by Indians yesterday 40 niilea
north of Fort Wnshnklo
It Is foared serious trouble wilt fol
low nny attempt upon tho part ot tho
authorities to arrest tho murderers of
tho herder
Settlers In tho Lander valTcy aro
arming nnd many nro moving to tho
towns for protection
It Is bolleved thnt the threatened
outbreak cannot bo avoided without
further bloodshed and tho uao of
Runyan and Steele Must Answer for
Alleged Contempt of Court
Columbus O Juno 4 Clay M Run
yan and Hurt J Steele wero arrested
Biipromo court for aliened coutomiit
Tho men nro accused of having se
cured copies of tho questions that had
been prepared for the Stnto Bar asso
ciation to be held today and having
offored to sell them to students Run
yan was formerly an employo In tho
office of tho state commissioner of rail
roads and Steele is an employe of a lo
cal printing company It is alleged
Chancellor Snow Resigns
Lawrence Kan Juno 4 Chan
cellor Francis H Snow who has been
at tho head of the University of Kan
sas for 11 years has tendered his res
ignation The resignation will bo ac
cepted and Chancellor Snow will bo
given the chair of natural history
Chancellor Snows health broke down
a year ago following tho death by
drowning in the harbor at San Fran
cisco of his son a newspaper reporter
who had gone out on a tug to receive
news from a transport bringing sol
diers from the Philippines lie has
Milwaukee to Join his wife and daugh
Mrs McKinleys Condition
Washington Juno 4 Dr Rlxey
after remaining in tho white houso for
nearly threo hours last night said
that there had been no change In tho
condition of Mrs McKinley Sho was
resting confortably
Firebugs Attempt to Burn Town
McConnelsvIHe 0 Juno 4 Fire
bugs tried to burn this town last night
by starting several fires in the busi
ness portion Several buildings were
burned and the loss Is heavy with no
Havemeyer May Resign
New York June 4 It was reported
yesterday that President Havemeyer
would resign from tho presidency of
tho American Sugar Refining company
and be succeeded by W B Thomas of
Two anarchists arrested at Madrid
gavo riso to a story of a plot to assas
sinate the queen regent of Spain
Trades unionism is blamed by Brit
ish manufacturers for Englands fail
ure to control tho worlds markets
Ambassador Choato was Instructed
to lssuo American passports to two
Filipinos In London who wish to travel
In Russia
Applicants for positions In tho navy
are reported to havo been paying cer
tain lawyers for their influence Con
gress may Investigate
Lack of details concerning recent
battles In South Africa Is exciting sus
picion in England A British defeat
near Pretoria a month ago Is rumored
The Lutheran Bynod at Des Moines
Saturday celebrated the 20th anniver
sary of Dr Bonltzs appointment as
western secretary of the board of homo
Tho machinists strike at tho Key
stone Manufacturing company at Ster
ling Ills was settled by compromise
The nine hour day was conceded and
wages wero advanced
John D Rockefeller Is to establish
in New York tho Rockofollor InBtltuto
for medical research the object of
which will bo tho Investigation of tho
causes of disease and their proven-
i tlon
No Settlement of Chicago Strike Until
After June 11
Chicago Juno 4 Tliero will ho no
settlement of tho nmelilnlHtiV tttrlka In
Chicago until after Juno 11 This wan
thu decision of tun local manufacturers
yesterday when the members of tho
Chlcngo Association of Mnchlncry
manufacturers plodgtd alloglanco to
tho National Motal Trades nsnoclntlnn
nnd ngrccil not to enter lulo negotia
tions with nny of their employes until
nrtor tho groat gntherlng of employers
In Now York oily on Juno 11 Whllo
tho manufacturers wore discussing
tholr future nctlon tho machinists
wore not Idle a number of machinists
leaving the tliruo plnntn of tho Crano
cotnpniiy to join tho ntrlkeni AsHlnt
nut Huslticsn Agent Ireland of tho ma
chlnlsts Insists thnt nearly 175 men
quit work whllo Secretary J II Mhr
phy for tho coinpouy HaUl that not
more than in or 1H men quit Ifostdcs
tho mon In tho Crano plantti 80 work
men h truck In threo other places
Charged With Killing Her Husband
at Kansas City
Kansas City Juno It Mr Lulu
i Prince Kennedy tho brldo
ot n month who last January called
her htiRbnnd Philip Kennedy con
tracting ngent of the Merchants Dis
patch Transportation company from
his office In tho henrt of tho city and
hot nnd killed liltn wns placed on
trial in the criminal court hero yester
day For the ilrst tlmo since her pre
liminary hearing five months ago tho
prisoner gave way to tears II was In
tho examination of veniromon when
Prosecutor Hnilley asked tho first man
examined Havo you conscientious
scruples ngalnat capital punishment
For n moment only tho prisoner cov
ered her eyes nnil wopt Soon sho
yesterday at tho Instigation of the at 1 became composed and watched tho
tornoy genoral and taken beforo tho proceedings with Interest The- case
will im fought niniilinrnlv by linMi
Rain Is General Over the State Somo
Damage by Hall I
Topcka Kan June 4 A drought of
four weeks in Knnsas Is broken Unlit
has been falling throughout central
t nml oiiQtnrn Iv nil una nil tililil Rmiv
induced Steele to sccuro
that Runyan
lng croW wn mW C put n oxoeUoilt
proois oi me miiuuu mm ua u v
conllou nni Ul0 fnrmI1K lii8try
sell them and divide
former was to
wn tnl0 0 nl now aH0 f 1fo A
tho It Is alleged that Runyan
thJ Pftlrury ranph oC tl0 Uouk
offered to sell proofs of tho questions
nm ther0 wnjJ cxcetloImny neavy
student at Western Reserve for
aln Tho llspUchora ofnpo ot Ul0
5500 and that they wore offered to 10
Qn acfl sntn Fo am nod s
Biuuenis at yvnn Armir wnu ckijuuluu
to tako tho examinations for a lump
sum of G00
and roads reported that tho rain was
general over all their Kansas linos
Near Manknto the rain was accompa
nied by a furious windstorm In
Marysvlllo two nnd a half Inches ot
rain fell In an hour flvo times a3 much
as fell during tho entire month of May
i Sallna reports plenty of bail aa an ac-
companiment to tho rain with somo
damage to wheat
Tells of Efforts of Dr Uuger and Miss
Defenbach to Obtain Policy
Chicago Juno 4 In tho
Insurance conspiracy caso yes
terday Clarence E Smith an Insurance
solicitor told how Miss Defenbach
spent most of the year in California paid 100 premium on a policy which
on a leave and Is now on tho way to she wished to get from tho New York
Life company This payment was
made subsequent to an application by
Dr Unger for n 10000 policy for a
person whom he did not name Miss
Defenbach witness declared wna re
fused a policy as the management was
not satisfied with her story Lator ho
told of the efforts of Unger nnd Mlsa
Defenbach to recover tho 100
Mr Smith said thnt lator Miss Def
enbach was allowed to tako out a
5000 policy
Will Hold Secret Session to Qlacuss I
Washington Document
Havana Juno 4 At an Informal
gathering of dolegato3 to tho Cuban
constitutional convention yosterday It
was decided to hold a secrot session
tomorrow to discuss tho official docu
mont which General Wood axpects to
receive from Washington by todays
mall tho contents of which ho has
promised to communicate to tho con
Indians Holding a Council
Guthrie O T Juno 4 Chiefs Del-
A daughter was born to tho king pone Wolfo nnd Quanah Parker and
and queen of Italy Saturday 1 1000 other Indians of tho Comanche
Mrs Mahalleo Smith aged 70 was and Kiowa trlhos aro holding a
convicted at Kansas City of pension ell at Anadarko for tho purpose or
fraud and flood 1000
selecting a delegation to Washington
to protest against the opening of tho
Indian reservations It is assorted
that if Colonel Randlett allows them
to go to tho national capital a great
many stato secrets of how tho allot
monts and tho selection of the pasture
lands have been made will bo divulged
Fatal Accident In Midway Show
nuffalo Juno 4 Toddy Oliver 19
years old was perhaps fatally Injured
whllo doing his act In a Midway show
at tho exposition grounds last night
Olivers turn was to ride a bicycle off
tho edge of a platform 40 foet high
and dive into a pool of water below
JuBt as ho reached tho edgo of tho
platform his wheel swerved and ha
was thrown head foremost Into tho
shallow wator on tho outer edgo ot tho
Boers Attack Willowmore
Wlllowmoro Capo Colony June 4
Commandant Snooper with 700 men
attacked Wlllowmoro yosterday but
was beaten off after nlno hours fight
ing Jamestown Is threatened by
Fouchos commando
McLaurln Not to Resign
Columbia S C Juno 4 Governor
McSweeny received a letter from Sen
a tor McLaurln in which tho senatoi
says that for tho sake of peace ho will
bold on to his offlco
sm t m
All Transmississippi Lines to
Be Consolidated
Result of Adjusting Lato Differences
Over Northern PAclftd Scheme for
i Allying tha Factions Is Given Fur
i ther Impotua
Now York Juno 4Tlto Prcnn nnyn
tlUt one trnmnuilnus consolidation of
nlf tho rnllrondimporntlng between tho
Mississippi river nnd tho Pacific count
promises to romilt from a sottlemont
ot tho differences which causud thii
Northern Pncllln corner
The Press saymthat It In nblo to an
nounco on tho highest ntithorlty that
not only havo tho differences boon
nettled hetwoon tho ITorgan IIIll
faction nnd I ho Ilnrrlmon party regard
ing tilo nurllugtnn deal and tho rela
tions of that rnllrontl and tho Northern
Pacltlo nnd tho Gh al Northern with
tho Union Pncinc hut that thu 31 Paul
Chicago and Northwestern and Chi
cago Croat Westorn will bo Inltun caro
of In tlio great harmonization Jiohomo
Tho oxact dotnlWi of tho Harmony
ngreement nro withhold until Jl Plnr
pout Morgan arrives from ISurono Ho
will sail for this country tomorrow
Troops to Maintain Order on Kiowa
Reservation In Oklahoma
Washington Juno 4r At tho request
of tho uitorlor doparttnont tho secre
tary of war has Instructed Genoral
Morrlam commanding the Depnttinenl
ot tho Colorado to employ un many
of his troops an may ho necessary to
mnlntaln order on thiv Kiowa reserva
tion In Oklahoma This nctlon is United
on a dispatch from Colonol Ilandlott
In chnrgn of tho Kiowa and Conmncho
ngonoy reporting thnb at least 1000
Intruders hud Bottled In tho Wlelilla
mountains which aro within tlin ICIowa
InndH noon to bo opened to settlement
nnd that they claimed tho right to do
bo under tho United States mineral
laws Secretary Hitchcock nald yes
tordny afternoon that they had no
rights whatever nnd thnt they would ho
promptly eject oil
J Albert Brink Has a Chance fon Life
but Mrs Walker lo Dead
Lincoln Juno 4i J Albert Brink a
young socloty man who Is city solic
itor for a wholesalo grocery houso
and a Mrs Walker of whom llttlo Is
knowm took poison at Brlnkn room
at tho Llndoll hotel in an effort to com
mit suicide Whon found at 1 oclock
thlB morning tho woman was dead
Brink tins n fighting chunco for life
Miners Favor New Labor Party
Denver Juno 4 Tho Westorn Fed
oration of Minors yestordny mianl
mouiily endorsed tho resolution adopt
ed last week by tho Western Labor
union In favor of a new lnbor party
Tho resolution committees roport
which was adopted advises tho mem
bers of tho federation to refrain from
doing voluntary military duly nnd fa
vors direct legislation Expansion is
denounced and an income tax favorciL
Sees His Brother Drown
Alnsworth Neb June 4 A
son of William Grams four miles
north of this place was drowned yes
terday in a mill pond Mr Grams and
two sons were fishing along tho banks
of the creek when nil went In bathing
Whllo tho father was on tho bank
dressing tho youngest boy called out
that hla brother was drowning hut be
foro tho father could look around tho
boy sank to riso no more
Trial of Professor G D Herron
Grlnncll la Juno 4 Tho trial of
Professor Gcorgo D Herron for con
duct unbecoming a minister and a
man cornea up hens today At tho re
cent Congregational convention held
nt Baxter a committee was applontcd
to call a council nnd Invito a trial of
tho Herron affair This council has no
tified 12 churches of the association
and la now in readiness for tho public
trial today
Newman Elected President
Now York Juno 4 At a mooting of
tho directors of tho Now York Central
yesterday William H Newman presi
dent of the Lako Shore was elected
president of tho Now York Central
and Hudson River Railroad company
to succoed Samuel R Callaway re
Blgnod Mr Newman has not yet re
signed tho presidency of tho Lako
Shore so ho is now president of both
Charged With EmbezzUng500OoT
Anna Ills Juno 4- Charles Cros
by travollng salesman elalmlng to rep-
resent tho Frlck Grocery company of
St Louis was arrested horo yester
day by the city marshal upon receipt
of a tologram from the sheriff of
Franklin county charging him with
embezzling J 50000 of tho firms money
CroBby said when arrested I guess
Its all up now
Trewlns First Victory
Cedar Rapids la Juno 4 Senator
J II Trowln of Allamakeo county won
his first decisif victory at the Linn
county convention yesterday Tho 40
delegates to tho state convention aro
solid for him Resolutions
passed endorsing his candidacy for
Daniel Spencer 2G years old was ac
cidentally shot and killed at tho boms
of his fiance Miss Mattio Archer at
Blannorhasset W Va Monday by her
sister Delia Spencer was exhibiting a
now revolver which sho took and acci
dentally discharged Spencer falling
dead at bar feet
- rwv
starting itv Che feet or ankle
comes from n wenlc or diseased
heart a heart that cannot keep
up the circulation The blood
then nettles in the lower limbs
where the watery portions ooze
out into surrounding tissues
causing bloat and swelling
The heart must be strengthened
and built up before the- dropsy
can be cured to stay and the
best of all heart medicines is
Dr Miles Heart Cure
T had pal pi ta tton shortness
of brontll puln In lioiirt Hwnlllnu
of foot nnif iinklcH Jningry spolln
nntl wnijiuviillnctl to my bed nnd
nasy chair A few ImiUIos of Dr
Miles Heart Cum tniide mo wolL
Mlts O OdtioiiNic Glydu Oi
Dr Miles
Heatt Cafe
gives new strength tor die heart
regulates the circulation stimu
lates the digestion and restores
health Soldi by druggists on
a guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
Ali all drug itorn
25 Dm 25c
prwrrgTeMUfcBjRMji mmimw m
Thiol rvilnrititf Btntmnfiit ItutHaL
tCf friw uir lb uiibnruij
jZ Onmlilnntlnrt Cnm
T UrnitortliAiuiiirHmrtli WllloUIflp
L frtttfiiiitiimtr nrairii irr itwiuir
Billion DollnrOrnns
irrstmt mtrvftl mtlu koi
1 iuvnr L Ira4
crPlK wicrt a ft i MwJtitf
What Is lti
2SifC CtAlrjrnntelU
ftfl y fO 10a STAMP
HKrV anJUtaNOTIcnC w mII
f bin ftl cul Il irtln
1 hmplvilnrli iliDialjTt nlflj
IMJIIll u tk t IBlfl
r Lo titKI nr Ak IUftt l
Q HuL ynjupcArt loHliU10CKluit 1
n i2ohn ASalsof StaduouCnu
AT flii If tL
Koenigsteins Piracy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
3Storjolk 2steb
-Vv VllVysyby y4ryi
OjOnn YEARLY to Christian
vJJuUU nuiu or woman to look
after our growing busmen in this
mid adjoining coqujih to act as
inaimgvcaiui correspondent work
can bo done at your home Knolono
sclf iuldnmHed stumped envelope
for particulars to H A Sherman
General MiuiuKer Corcoran iiuild
ing opnosito United States Treas
ury Washington D O
Illinois Gentral 8 R
TUu Illinol CiMitnil diwlros to cull nttnntlon
tltlii liiinxcttlltul MH vicu that ia olTttnvl hy its
lltiei to tin ioutti for thu kuudoii of lhyj lWJO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM Pornonnlly conduct-
ixi uuim uiroimn to
Ioo AukrIuh nnd Knit
Krnnclbco vln New
Orlunns in connection
EVERY with thoSoutliorn Id-
WEDNESDAY cilo lenvlnii lilcai
IinVj7VT on tho fnst
MORNING Nhw Orlonna Sp
ciiil comioctkm alio mmlii hy thin train with
ilaily trains out of Now Orlniniu for tho PnoiHa
Iojibt Tho Limitixl from Chlcnco ovory even
iuif connocU on Aloiicliin nnd Thureiluys nt
New Orloniib nftor Docomoor IK lhJ with tha
of tho Southern Iaclllo nlving 8oolnl through
borvlco to Sau Frnnolsco
Doublo dully BerT
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via tha
Illinois Central and
connecting linos to
Kt nnd Atlmita thra
alamitna cur to Jack
sonvillo Florida bains carried on tho
louvinn St Louis every evening Tills train as
well as tho Duy Kxpress loavintr St Louis la
tho niornlni aro both solid trains to Nashville
havlni through coachog and sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Term and tho N O Sz St
L Hy Connection via this lino for all princi
pal mints in the Southeast such ns Charleston
Wilmington Aikin and Savauuah aud for all
points in Florida
Dally from Chicago to Memphis aud New- Or
points in the South on tho Hues of tho Illinois
Central anil Y in M V railroads will be run on
tho ill 6t and third Tuesday of each mouth Uur
iugtho wiutorsoasou
Full particulars concerning all of the abova
can bo had of agents of the Illinois Central or
by ttdJroirtuB A U Hanson Q P A Culcaga