The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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DilTdlltM UflV QTDH
n i h i i in
UU I vllw J iiiiii v j
Omaha Involved
hnternatlonal President
Donnelly Ing a verdict for the defendant
Drlngs the Matter to the Attention
of the Executive Committee Shee
hant Report Is Doubted
Syracuse June C Thc cxocutlvo
council ot the Amalgamated Butcher
Workmen of North America has been
Vailed together In Chic ago by Interna
tlonal President Donnelly because of
KTlovanccs ngntnst the Swift Bros
and Omn
lacking company of Chicago
ia and there 1b thought to be danger
of a strike being ordered Involving all
of tho cmploycB ot the company
throughout the United States
Some daya ago It was reported to
4ho International officials that the com
union employes
pnny waB discharging
BThlrd international Vice IrcBldcnt
wan ordered to Chicago to
tnnko an Investigation and he notified
the headquarters In this city that tho
foreman making the dlBcbargcs had
been discharged by the company nnd
that the men were being reinstated
Bubsequent events the labor peoplo
nay show that thlB wnB not bo
The International union now nnm
twrn about 26000 of whom more than
4000 are employed by Swift Co
Instructions From Washington
1 Havent Arrived In Havana
I Tlayana June C The official In
tructlouB from Washington regarding
thc Piatt amendment have not arrived
The delay is causing annoyance to
General Wood as he haB promised
that tho convention would havo tho
letter Tuesday nnd a meeting was
railed for thlB purpose to dlscuiB tho
document The conservatives are not
bonoful of holding the 15 who voted
la fnvor of the resolution adopting tho
Ilatt amendment
At several meetings there has been
dlscuBBlon tending to embitter tho del
rgatCB who Insisted that they voted In
pood faith and with the understanding
that the United Stntes would nccept
4lhe amendment aB passed
I At a meeting of the 15 last evening
It was said that General Wood told tho
committee up to the last moment that
the United States was satisfied
There seems to bo n feeling that If
the Instructions arc In the form of nn
ultimatum the convention will unnnl
moualy refuso to accept them nnd will
ill en dissolve
W C Whitneys Ambition to Win
Classic Event Is Gratified
1 London Juno C William C Whit
BcyB brown colt Volodyovskl ridden
by L Relff won the Derby In good rec
ord time 240 4 5 Twenty five horses
Foxhnll Keenes Olympian Henry
led until a quarter of a mile from home
when VolodyovsUl drew to the front
followed by William the Third nnd
won by three quarters of a length
Four lengths separated the second uiul
third horses Florlfonn was fourth
Tho betting wns 5 to 2 against Volo
dyovskl 100 to 7 against William tho
Tblrd and 40 to 1 against Veronese
Brodrlck Takes Hopeful View
London Juno C It Is understood
that Ixml Kitchener hns not asked for
reinforcements Mr Brodrlck tho war
secretary speaking In London last
night doclared that tho government
was In no way discouraged over the
present Btnto of the war which ho
Bald would soon bo finished If tho
enemy would only come to action Tho
Dumber of deaths from disease nnd
military operations nmong the British
troopB In South Afrlcn during tho
month of May was 25 officers and 709
Tillman Can Now Resign
i Columbia S C June C Decidedly
tho moRt surprising outcropping of
the senatorial row was the unexpected
letter from Governor McSweenoy to
Senator Tillman yesterday Tho gov
ernor declares to Tillman that If he
wants to resign his withdrawal from
the senate will be Immediately ac
cepted Tillman however has with
drawn his resignation
Sultan Pays the French
Constantinople June 6 Tho French
embassy Is being felicitated by the offi
cials of the other embassies for secur
ing the settlement of Its Armenian
-massacre claim The porte on June 4
jmld over 120000 tho balance of the
compensation demanded for French
Fire In Chinese Capital
I uerun June d a special aispatcn
from Peking dated June 4 Bays a
ereat conflagration has occurred in the
Forbidden City The Americans and
Japanese are barring all access to
the quarter involved and details there
fore are not obtainable
British Recover Stores
Allwalnorth June C Colonel
Whites column came in contact with
Krltzlngers commando northeast of
Jamestown June 3 drove the Boers
back captured 50 horses and munitions
and recovered the stores looted from
I Child Confesses Murder
Aurora Mo June C Mrs Stallion
and her 6tepson have been arrested
and placed in jail at Galena the coun
ty seat on the confession of the wom
ans 7-year-old son who said they killed
Alice Stallion aged 10
Ccurt So Orders It In Mrs Woodbury
Libel Suit
Boston Juno C JuiIko Charles U
Swifis Plants in Chicago andiioii last night brought to a sudden
nnd unexpected end thn fnmmiB 150-
000 libel suit brought by Mrs Josephine
Curtis Woodbury of IloBton against the
liov Mnrv linker Eddy of Concord N
ill the founder nnd present head of the
I Christian Scientists church by order-
A few minutes later tho Jury which
had been excluded while the argu
ments were being made were sum
moned Into the court room After ex
plaining briefly the course for this
action Judge Hell ordered the Jury to
find for the defendant which It did In
tho usual form Counsel for Mrs
Woodbury filed exceptions on all the
questions passed upon They expect
to carry the case to the Buprcmc court
This fnr reachlng decision of Judge
Dell wns given In response to one of
the two motions offered by Mr Elder
Benlor counsel for Mtb Eddy Thla
wns that the verdict for tho defendnnt
bo ordered on the evidence aB It stood
Tho other motion which waB not
sustained wns that the counts In the
declaration referring to the publica
tion In the two Christian Science peri
odicals be stricken out
Topic Discussed by Manufacturers Na
tional Association
Detroit Juno 6 Commercial recip
rocity wbb the theme which tho Man
ufacturers National association dis
cussed yesterday Widely diverging
views were expressed nt times but
when Belt interests were laid aside
and the good of the manufacturing in
terests of tho United States was con
sidered In tho aggregnte the delegates
were agreed that reciprocity was the
only means by which the foreign trado
of tho Amerlcnn manufacturer could
bo safeguarded During the discus
sion of tho presidents report General
W H Withlngton of Jackson Mich
Bald ho thought tho business men of
the country and not politicians should
have the most to say about tho tariff
laws Ho was In favor of tariff re
vision although ho had hitherto been
In favor of a high tariff W L Saunders
vice president of the Ingcrsoll Sergeant
Drill company of New York agreed
with Oenernl Withlngton Ho Bala
a high tariff was not only unnecessary
but a hindrance nnd a danger to our
business Our Russian Bugnr con
trovery Bald he sIiowb how we
may be legislated against by other na
About Thirty Tons of Smokeless
Powder on Mare Island Destroyed
Vallejo Cal June C A magazine
at the Mare Island navy yard contain
ing about 300 toiiB of smokeless pow
der becamo Ignited yesterday by chem
ical action Tho powder did not ex
plode but generated enough gns and
smoko to forco tho top off the maga
When the roof wns blown off the peo
plo living in tho vicinity hurriedly
left their houses some of them par
tially dressed and carrying articles of
wearing npparel in their hands They
took refuge in a ravine about a quarter
of a mile nwny knowing that If the
magazine exploded deuth nnd de
struction would bo the Inevitable con
sequence nnd that probably every
building In tho town of Vallejo would
bo wrecked Fortunately the steamer
El Capltan which wns In the vicinity
succeeded in getting a stream of water
on the mnln magazine nnd extin
guished the II union before serious dam
age wbb done The building In which
tho smokeless powder wns stored Is a
complete loss About 30 tons of pow
der were destroyed
Express Train Hits Stock Car Blown
Out on Main Track
Cedar Rapids la June C During
yesterdnys storm a stock car was
blown out on the main lino at the north
end of the Burlington Cednr Rapids
and Northern ynrds in this city and
tho Chicago nnd St Louis express
Btruck it Tho engine tender nnd
two cars were derailed Fireman Price
of Iowa City was Instantly killed Not
a passenger was hurt
Lifes Work Nearly Ended
Chicago Juno 6 Edward Kimball
noted for his long service in paying off
church debts and who is credited with
having converted Dwlght L Moody Is
dying at the home of his son Dr R II
Kimball in this city Mr Kimball Is
78 years old
The entire business portion of Wll
lets Cal was destroyed by fire Wed
nesday Loss f50000
The International congress of fire
men opened in Berlin Wednesday at
tended by 100 delegates
Tho United States Cotton Duck Cor
poration was organized at New York
Wednesday with a capital of 50000
A dispatch from Rome says the pope
1b willing to meet the desire of the
United States and accredit a represen
tative to the holy see
The secretary of the treasury has
awarded to Forster Smith of Minne
apolis the coutract for the construc
tion of the government building at
Cheyenne at 184737
A fire which for a time threatened
to assume serious proportions ocivrred
at the Pan American expcsiton grounds
Wednesday night The blaze started
in tho Orient a Midway show
The navy department has authorized
thefinal trials of the battleship Wiscon
sin now on the Pacific station and the
torpedo boat Stockton built at Rich
mond These trials will take place
bout the 17th or 18th lust
aaaaaaaa aaaaaii f i II 1
i 1 1 IIS E
a hotel window
Davenport Man Made Depart
ment Commander
Make Fierce Attack on Those Who
Had Taken Their Places
New York June 6 Taking
factory at Passaic N J had been re
duced to two men the girl strikers
Prosecutor Says Verdict of First De
gree Murder Will Be Asked
Kansas City Juno C A Jury was se
cured yesterdny in the case of Lulu
Prince Kennedy charged with mur
dering her husband Philip H Ken
nedy nnd Prosecutor Hadley made his
opening address He said that the
state would show that the prisoners
motive for killing Kennedy was to
avoid thn publicity incident to the
trial of the dead mans suit to annul I
the marriage into which he alleged her
father and brothers had forced him
iiiuu in iiiu iiiYtiM iuuh umujjpuuruiiuc
on April 3 at St Joseph of Ernest V
Harding cashier of the German-American
bank of that city is under arrest
here Bain was nrrested at Hutchin
son Knn on information filed by tho
Elmore Cooper Commission com
pany of Kansas City charged with lr
Friends of Carthage College Plead for
Allowance From General Synod
Defl Moines June C The general
synod of tho Evangelical Lutheran
church devoted yesterday to discussion
of the eighth annual report of the
bonrd of education A motion was
made to give one third of the
The retail dcalerB in butter and eggs
threaten to take severe measures to
curb the packing companies and call
in representatives of the railroads
tage of the fact that the police guards t enlarge thelr business In
nt tho Acheson Harden handkerchief Wn This week im v
menced on a big new warehouse and
plant for Swift at Shenandoah for
made a fierce attack yesterday on
the B0Uthwestern Iowa trade Similar
thoso who had taken their places In
the factory The police charged tho
rioters hut were driven off and sent for
reinforcements When these came up
three of the girls were arrested and
taken to the police station At the
station a mob attempted to rescue the
prisoners and were only driven off by
a fire company turning a stream from
an engine upon it
warehouses have been erected at sev
eral points In Iown Thus far the as
soclatlon of butter and egg dealers has
Denounce War Beer Tax and Abolish
ment of Army Canteen
Buffalo June 6 The 41st annual
convention of the United States Brew
ers association was called to order yes
terday by President Brand The re
port of the board of trustees con-
tained a denunciation of tho war beer
repeated statement that prohibition
does not prohibit
Presbyterian Synod Declines to Pray
for Eight Hour Work Day
Pittsburg June C Just before final
adjournment last night the Reformed
Presbyterian synod of America re
fused to accede to tho request of the
M m is
Black Hills Given a Touch
Freezing Weather
Dubuque In June C George
ensuing blennlum to Carthage collego
at Carthage Ills and was discussed
Tells of Loss of Membership and Tri
Dr Bannon of Rockford
Iclses Interpretation of Present Pen
sion Laws Sioux City Delegate Is
Fatally Hurt
at length nurcn uteres ana rvany tiuumngs
plended for allowance for the college
calling attention to the fact that J2
900 had been pledged at the last bl
cnnlnl but had not been paid It
itnno nftf mnttor en milf H ihnf IhpfiP
Wrecked and Other Damage Done
Severe Storms Throughout the Mid
dle Northwest
St Paul June 6 Severe rtormp
ger of Davenport wbb yeBterdny elect- i newspaper men sny that we are a body were reported vesterdny throughout the
ed department commander of the Etato ot wrappers he Bald but dont let middle northwest Lead S D and ser
Grand Army of the Republic Thero tno rcport go out that we break our ernl points In North Dakota report a
wns no opposition
In his annual report
heavy snow storm
with freezing
a wnrm dlSCUSPlon led by tcpnthrr thrpntenpd
commnnucr unviB manes suggestions prc8Ident Zlegmund of Carthage a tornado Is reported as having done
for tho betterment of the organization I jeg0t jt wn8 decided to devote one- considerable damage near Pine Isl
In discussing the subject of member- uri of tno apportionment for and Minn several building being
Bhlp the commnnders rcport presents ton jirjOO to thnt Institution the blown down and John Thompson be
nn array of factB that allows how rap- next two years the other 12000 to be ing probably fatally injured
idly the veterans nre passing away divided between Midland college and Burlington reports a heavy wind
In 1891 tho total membership was 20- WcBtern Theological seminary at At- storm which blew off several rcofs and
324 On June 30 last there were but rhlnnn Knn wronVci incv riahWnch
1 aivuwiuiauavaMtwaTa wuaaitwuaaa
- i
1 1529 loss of 8795 Of these 2C44 had
Commander Davis wnB especially
forceful In considering pensions He
quotes provisions of the pension laws
nnd cites Instances of how their con
struction Ib made to work against tho
interests of the old soldier
Delegate Is Fatally Hurt
Dubuque Juno 5 Fred Mahnke a
Threatened Movement Against Packing
Houses Not Yet Inaugurated
The synod expcctB to adjourn this wIb reports a terrible gale followed
by a rainstorm almost a cloudburst
Much minor damage was done
Tornado In Wisconsin
Prentice Wis June 5 A tornado
Btruck thls Place last night Fences
Dcs Moines June 6 Nothlng has
yet come of the proposal of the fd telegraph poles were razed and
here of the Iowa State Butter and Egg thC Sejh cmch ad aBtore Were
demolished Many dwellings were
n00nnintinn m In ft
and the loss will be
Sioux Cltydelcgatoto the Grand Army war against the packing houses which damaged property
of tho Republic encampment waB have entered the field In Iowa for hand-
tally hurt yesterday by falling from ling the poultry and egg business
Transport Sumner From Taku With
Generals Staff and Two Companies
Manila June 6 General Chaffee
and of the freight lines to help them and staff and two companies of tho
But the packing companies notably Ninth infantry arrived here
Bwlft and Armour are preparing to day on the United States transport
Sumner from Taku The general was
received with a major generals sa
lute General Chaffee will be Gen
eral MacArthurs guest at the Mala
canang palace
Another Westerner Promoted
Omaha June 6 Delos W Cooke
accomplished nothing In the way of for ten years with the Union Pacific in
Bhutting out the packer this city and who has recently been
assistant general passenger agent of
the Erie road has received notice of
his appointment to the position of gen
eral passenger agent of that system
Mr Cooke Is an Iowa boy formerly re
siding at Storm Lake and Missouri
Valley and a son of one of the promi
nent Presbyterian ministers of that
state His progress in railroad work
has been steadily upwards and al
though now but a young man has
tax a demand for closer reached
a position usually only accom
uon anu a uenuncmuon oi me niielm nftpr ionf vfnra nr harl nnl
ment of the army canteen
Reports from the vigilance commit
tee were read and adopted This com
mittee tool up the question of
bltlon and discussed the recent acts
of Mrs Nation
Carrie Nation the report says
became a law breaker of the most
i dangerous type in order as she
iiiu aiuiu MMim uhiv 101 u t uiivieuon
nej to eml a state of tnings wch
of murder in the first
degree but If nrnhnimnn m ni if inntin nn
w v conceive or no better proof or the oft
degree would be asked
Bain Under Arrest
Kansas City June C A man be
lieved to be William C Bnln who Jlg I
unrelenting work
Medical Session Resumed
St Paul June C The annual con
vention of the American Medical asso
ciation was resumed at 11 oclock Dr
Walker of Michigan presented the re
port of the joint committee which has
been referred to the committee on rep
resentation This joint committee
recommended its adoption with sev
rriirflrTt laws revent -We c amendments which apply chiefly
to representation but the general plan
of state representation according to
the membership is retained un
Governor Wells Weds Miss Katz
Salt Lake June 6 The wedding of
Miss Emily Katz formerly society
editor of the Salt Lake Herald and
Governor Heber M Wells of Utah
took place last night at the home of
Federation of Labor unions of Chicago ihu bridnes mother in the presence of
to pray for the eight hour working day
about 100 relatives and Immediate
regularities in a cattle deal Amone Tho roRnintinn minntPi nn tho Rihwt friends of the bride and bridegroom
his personnl property held by the expresses sympathy for tne laborer in The ceremony was performed by Blsh
O I- In accordance with
Hutchinson police after his arrest are
said to be several telegrams of a sensa
tlonnl nature purporting to be from
Harding to Bain
McLaurin to Tillman
Columbia S C June 6 With the
governor Inst word to Senator Till
man and the withdrawal of the sen
ators resignation all would seem to
bo over but Senator McLaurin after
Bpeaking very bitterly of the senior
senator made the declaration that if
Tillman will now tender to the gov
ernor tho unconditional surrender of
his office he McLaurin would con
sider this a direct challenge to him
and would llkewlso resign and enter
the contest for Tillmans place
Motive Is Still Unknown
Lincoln June 6 The jury In the
inquest over the remains of Mrs Mabel
Walker returned a verdict finding that
the woman came to her death by poi
soning and from the best information
obtained by the Jury administered by
her own hands and for causes unknown
to the jury Brink nnd other wit
nesses were questlonel but nothing
new of importance was brought out
This decision of the jury leaves the
motive for the suicide still a mys
Two Cadets Dismissed
WTest Point N Y June C Two
endets members of the college first
class were dismissed from the Unit
ed States military academy yesterday
They are Stephen Verner of Syracuse
and Charles S Perry of Iowa They
were court martialed for falsely ob
taining permission to leave tho post
They were subsequently detected by
an army officer drinking at a bar in
Newburg They were dismissed with
out travel pay and started for home
Crushed Between the Cars
Lenox la June C Brakeman N C
Carrlg was killed at Kent last night by
being caught between two freight cars
The accident occurred while switching
his struggle for the betterment of his
condition but condemns the secret na
ture of labor unions and says Sabbath
meetings are destructive of spiritual
life The synod voted to meet in Syra
cuse next year
County Seat to Be Movea
op Whitney
the religious ritual of the Mormon
church The ceremony was followed
by a reception
Must Serve Life Term
Austin Tex June 6 The court of
criminal appeals affirmed the
Crelghton Neb June 0 Much tence of W G Dent who forged a par
tlon Is felt here over the recent do- don on which George Isaacs a life
cislon of the supreme court holding term murderer secured his release
valid the special election relocating from the penitentiary The Texas law
the county seat of Knox county at the provides as a penalty that Dent must
center of the county The decision serve the life term In place of Isaacs
means that the county seat Is changed Dent claims to be a nephew of General
from Niobrara to the geographical Stonewall Jackson
center of the county Hundreds of i
people gathered here last night to1 Mrs- McKinley Is Gaining
celebrate i Washington June 6 Dr Rlxey
made his usual nightly visit to the
Strikes Depot and Barn white house shortly after 9 oclock
Shenandoah la June 6 About and remained about an hour and a
midnight the depot at Essex la wbb half On leaving he said Mrs Mc
struck by lightning and burned to tho KInley is resting very comfortable
ground The loss was 1000 At the now She has gained a great deal
same time lightning destroyed a large but there Is no marked change She
barn near the depot on the I C is doing very well
ton farm loss fiuuu
Reception to Minister Conger
Galesburg Ills June 6 Commence-
1 ment week exercises at Lombard
The Rock Island route will open its lege were signalized yesterday by a
new line from Liberal Kan to Dell- reception given to Minister E H Con
harte Tex on June 1C ger a graduate from the college In the
The president will not be able to be class of 1862 Upon his arrival in the
at the Pan American exposition at city a reception waB extended by the
Buffalo on June 13 which was citizens of Galesburg and friends of
ed as presidents day
Colonel J J Welsenberger com
manding the First regiment Oregon
National guard died at Portland Wed
nesday at tho age of CS
Following the example set at West
Point the superintendent of the navai
academy at Annapolis has caused a
cadet to be dismissed for hazing
the college
Bryan at Kansas City
Kansas City June 6 William J
Bryan addressed the Jackson County
Democratic club last night taking for
his subject The Outlook The Audi
torium waB not large enough to meet
the demands of the occasion Mr
1 Tlrvon wac Acroln11i cavarn In hla or
The Atchison Topeka and Santa
ralgnment of the supreme court be
Fe railway has declared the regular
cauBe of t8 decslon
dividend of 2 1 2 per cent
on Its preferred ttock ps be Aug
The Union Pacific land department
has during the last week told 50000
acres of grazing lands in Wyoming
besides considerable land both tillable
and pasturable in Kansas
Identification of Suicide
St Louis June 6 The young man
who committed suicide at the Llndell
hotel here last week was yesterday
identified by relatives as Logan Cum
mings son of a prominent resident of
Memphis Tens
Engineer Near Macon Murders Wife
and Daughter and Commits Suicide
Macon Mo Juno CJninca Stacey
an engineer aged 51 ten miles east of
here on tho Burlington road In a
fit of insanity killed his wife and
daughter aged IS and then after re
lating the fact to n neighbor shot him
self to death James nn 8-year-old
con was spared The tragedy oc
curred when the victims were asleep
Stacey who for the past 30 years had
been n trusted engineer nt the Clar
ence water tank arose at 3 a m to go
to work It Is known thnt ho loved
his family but It seems that when ho
awoke Stncey wbb seized with an un
controllable impulse to commit murder
The wife was the first to suffer With
a clock weight Stacey sent her Into
eternity by a blow on the left temple
His daughter Alma aged 18 was
asleep in a room upstairs with James
her brother There the father next
went and picking up the boy laid him
on a cot in nn adjoining room Then
with the clock weight the crazed man
ended the life of his daughter as ho
had that of the wife
Stacey was found lying on the porch
with his head nearly blown off by tho
contents of a heavily loaded shotgun
He had placed the barrel In hlB mouth
and pulled the trigger with his toes
The little boy who was unharmed
1b unable to give any account of tho
Will Arnell Shoots Six-Year-Old Child
and Begins Firing at His Family
Beaverton Mich June C Will Ar
nell yesterday Bhot and killed his
daughter fatally wounded his
wife and waB shooting at hlB sister
and Mrs Samuel Dopp who were In
the house when Mrs Dopps husband
fatally wounded him with a chargo
from a shotgun Arnell is believed to
have suddenly become demented
Masons In Annual Session
Omaha June 6 The annual Ma
sonic grand lodge of Nebraska was
called to order yesterday at 4 oclock
and the grand master A W Crltes of
Chadron made his address and re
port upon his action during the last
year The principal question for con
sideration is the matter of the grand
lodge of the state of Washington and
its recognition of the socalled negro
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League St Louis 4 New
York 3 Cincinnati 1 Brooklyn l
Pittsburg 5 Philadelphia 2 Amer
ican League Detroit 3 Philadelphia
2 Milwaukee 4 Boston 7 Western
League Des Moines 15 St Paul 4
Omaha 2 Minneapolis 1 Kansas
City 8 Colorado Springs 0 St Jo
seph 5 Denver 10
ATerted the Storm
A certain congressman went home nt
a very early hour In the morning He
bad made a night of it with Eomo
friends He knew that his conduct
would be considered reprehensible by
I his better half nnd so as he ascended
i the steps of his modest home he rack
I ed his brain for some plan to avert the
ladys wrath As he entered the hall
he saw nn umbrella Instantly It oc
curred to him that the umbrella might
be his solvation
i lie carried the umbrella up stairs
Seating himself on a chair in the cor
ner of the bedroom he raised the rain
guard over his head and then ho
coughed loudly His wife awoke and
saw In the dim gaslight her liege lord
sitting solemnly under the raised um
What nre you doing she asked In
natural surprise
It is 3 oclock my dear said he
and I am waiting for the storm
The congressmans ready wit saved
him from n Caudle lecture He is wor
rying now however to find an equally
effective net for the next time he stays
out late Washington Post
Force or Hnblt
In 1S27 Just after Dan Dougherty
the Irish pugilist fought his famous
fight with Jem Belcher the English
fighter on the currngh of Klldare near
Dublin be became Involved In a con
troversy with nn unknown The lat
ter was not a pugilist nnd not wishing
to take any ndvantage of his oppoucnt
Dougherty consented to light him with
pistols The two met by nppolntment
but their seconds unknown to them
extracted the balls from the pistols
nnd substituted blank cartridges By
the terms of the ngreement between
the principals Doughertys opponent
was to have the first shot The natu
ral Instinct prevailed even on the duel
ing ground nnd as the fighters oppo
nent raised his arm to fire Dougherty
elevated his right arm as If to ward
off a blow evidently Intending to stop
the bullet from hlttlug him in the face
After this who can say that fighters
are not dead game men Kansns City
rrincipiea r or Iudiio iite
Senator Hoar once gave five points of
advice to young men about to enter
public life which are well worth re
membering They are
First Do not trouble yourself to
court public opinion People like inde
Second In the second place bellevo
In the strength of righteousness as a
powerful political force
Thlrd Lenrn to Judge of men In
public as in privnte by their merits and
not by their defects Eight of tho
greatest villains in tho world wero
presidents so the critics snid
Fourth Never think you can gain
favor of people by departing from tho
arena that belongs to you as educated
Fifth Set yourselves strenuously
ngalnst evil but do not go out of your
way to reform Remember that faith
hope and charity are the three supremo
vlrtues PUladeiphia Bulletin j